Download - Premier Natural Resources Practice - Sullivan & Cromwell...our Global PraCtiCe areas our industries. 4 5 Oil and Gas ... ExxonMobil, KazMunayGas, the Kazakh state oil company, and

  • Premier Natural Resources Practice

  • “They go to great lengths to understand your industry, business and specific objectives . . . so the advice you get it is fit for purpose. It’s not cookie cutter, and as a client that is extremely valuable.”

    C l i e n t q u o t e d i n

    C h a m b e r s u K 2 0 1 4

    n at u r a l r e s o u r C e s

    “Sullivan is our firm of choice – they are terrific, time after time. The work is of a very high quality, and they understand our commercial intentions as well as the legal issues.”

    C l i e n t q u o t e d i n

    C h a m b e r s u s a 2 0 1 3

    “Sullivan & Cromwell has ‘very thorough knowledge of the industry’.”

    C l i e n t q u o t e d i n

    l e G a l 5 0 0 u K , 2 0 1 4

    P r o j e c t s , e n e r g y a n d n a t u r a l

    r e s o u r c e s : o i l & G a s

  • 32

    Premier Natural Resources Practice

    S&C has served the needs of extractive industry clients for over a century. Lawyers in our Natural Resources Group have advised on many of the most transformative

    and complex transactions in both the oil and gas and

    mining and minerals industries. Our experience extends

    across the natural resources sector and is global in scope,

    from Argentina to Zimbabwe.

    Our multi-disciplinary approach ensures that clients benefit from our industry experience in each of our practice areas, from advising junior resource companies, private equity and commodities traders to some of the world’s largest energy and mining companies and their financiers. Our core practice areas and the natural resources industries we serve include:

    Mergers & Acquisitions and Joint Ventures

    Project Development & Finance

    Capital Markets, Leveraged Finance & Lending

    Private Equity


    Commodities, Futures & Derivatives


    Sanctions and Trade

    Disputes and Investigations

    Oil and Gas

    — Upstream

    — Pipelines

    — LNG

    — Downstream

    Mining and Metals

    o u r G lo b a l

    P r aC t i C e a r e as

    o u r i n d u st r i e s

  • 54

    Oil and Gas

    S&C’s standing in the industry is reflected in the number of major companies it has represented, both directly and in consortia, including:

    AEC (Alberta Energy)

    American Energy Partners

    BG Group

    BGP Inc.

    BHP Billiton Petroleum


    Cheniere Energy




    Devon Energy




    ENN Energy



    Hunt Oil


    Nigeria LNG

    Nippon Oil

    Oleoducto Central (OCENSA)

    Oil Search




    Royal Dutch Shell


    Sempra Energy




    Transportadora de Gas del Sur

    Woodside Petroleum

    “Oil & Gas Legal Adviser of the Year” i n f r a s t r u C t u r e J o u r n a l , 2 0 11

    S&C has significant and varied experience advising clients in the oil and gas sector. Our depth of understanding of the oil and gas industry means our lawyers’ advice is always oriented

    towards achieving the commercial objectives of our clients.

    We provide tailored solutions informed by market knowledge.

    Our multi-disciplinary approach ensures that clients benefit

    from our industry experience in each of our core practice areas.

  • 76

    Oil and Gasu P s t r e a m

    S&C’s deep industry experience includes significant upstream projects globally. This work, often in challenging emerging markets, extends from the structuring

    and negotiation of host country and commercial arrangements

    to the eventual financing.

    s e l e C t e d P r o J e C t s ACG/Azerbaijan “Mega-Structure” (2004) The ACG Phase 1 Project was the first stage of full-field development of the Azeri, Chirag and Deepwater Gunashli “mega-structure” offshore Azerbaijan and involves developing the Central Azeri portion of the Azeri field, including the construction of a new production platform, a gas compression and water-injection platform and subsea oil and gas pipelines. The ACG Phase 1 Project followed the successful initial “Early Oil” component of the development of the Azeri, Chirag and Deepwater Gunashli “mega-structure”, which was financed in 1998.

    Dolphin Energy — Qatar/UAE (2009, 2012, 2015) S&C worked as designated lenders/underwriters counsel in the $4.14 billion Dolphin Energy refinancing, a project heralded as much for its complexity as its size. The project, the Middle East’s largest cross-border gas project, produces gas from the North Field in Qatar, the world’s largest non-associated gas field, and then transports and sells the gas to customers in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Oman. The financing included a $1.25 billion project bond, a $1.142 billion commercial bank debt tranche (involving the participation of 22 banks), a $218 million SACE-backed export credit tranche and senior co-lending by the project sponsors, Mubadala Development Company, Total and Occidental. The bank financing was refinanced in the bond market in 2012. In 2015, S&C advised the lenders/underwriters on a new $863 million term loan facility.

    Sincor Heavy Oil Project (1998) S&C represented the sponsor consortium which consisted of affiliates of TotalFinaElf, PDVSA and Statoil in this $4.6 billion project to develop, produce, update and export extra heavy crude oil from the Orinoco River belt in Venezuela, in the largest project financing at the time to successfully close in Latin America. The project, structured as an unincorporated joint venture, was named by IFLR as “Oil and Gas Deal of the Year”.

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) Project (2004, 2016) S&C advised Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO) in its 2016 $16 billion project financing to fund the $42.5 billion expansion and modification of its upstream operations at the Tengiz super giant oilfield in Kazakhstan. The transaction, which closed in July 2016, is the largest upstream oil industry project financing to date and the second-largest project financing ever. TCO is a Kazakh partnership comprising affiliates of Chevron, ExxonMobil, KazMunayGas, the Kazakh state oil company, and Lukoil. S&C has advised TCO on numerous other financing and commercial matters since 2004. Named by PFI as “European Oil & Gas Deal of the Year” in 2016.

    The following LNG projects were combined upstream development and liquefaction facilities. For more information please see “Oil and Gas – LNG” beginning on page 10.

    Australia Pacific LNG (2012)

    PNG LNG (2010)

    Yemen LNG (2008, ongoing)

  • 8

    faC t s a n d f i G u r e s *

    Oil and GasP i P e l i n e s

    S&C has market-leading cross-border pipeline expertise, having advised on several of the most complex cross-border pipeline projects in the world. Our lawyers are adept

    at addressing the complete range of issues that any pipeline

    project will need to consider, including key issues arising in

    connection with host-government and inter-governmental

    agreements and related structuring issues for cross-border

    pipelines, such as maritime boundary issues.

    25,036 km of signed or pending pipeline projects S&C has worked on traversing over 20 different countries.

    $41 billion approximate amount of debt raised by pipeline projects involving S&C in finance plans including MLAs and ECAs and other agencies such as BNDES, Coface, KEXIM, EBRD, Hermes, IFC, JBIC, MIGA, NEXI, OPIC, SACE, USEXIM, among others.

    92 total number of sponsors S&C has advised, individually or as members of consortia, on pipeline projects including IOCs, NOCs from Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America, and independents.

    4.45 average number of sponsors S&C has advised on each pipeline project.

    68% of S&C pipeline projects involved developments in two or more countries.

    80% of S&C’s pipeline projects have taken place in emerging markets.

    *as of December 2016

    RepResentative pipeline pRojects jURisDictions

    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project Azerbaijan/Georgia/Turkey

    Dolphin Energy Gas Pipeline U.A.E./Qatar/Oman

    CPC Pipeline Consortium Financing Russia/Kazakhstan

    South Stream Pipeline Project (pending) Russia/Bulgaria/Serbia/Southern and Central Europe

    South Caucasus Gas Pipeline (Shah Deniz) Azerbaijan/Georgia/Turkey

    Al-Khaleej Gas Pipeline (proposed) Qatar/Kuwait

    Alliance Gas Pipeline Canada/U.S.

    Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline (proposed) U.S./Canada

    AIOC Western and Northern Routes Azerbaijan/Georgia/Russia

    Tengizchevroil (TCO) Kazakhstan/Russia

    GasAndes Pipeline Argentina/Chile

    Camisea Gas Pipeline Peru

    OCP Pipeline Ecuador

    Oleoducto Central Pipeline Project (Ocensa) Colombia

  • 10

    Oil and Gasl n G

    S&C has been involved in the structuring and financing of some of the largest and most complex LNG projects ever undertaken. Our experience in LNG and gas projects

    extends from drafting and negotiating shareholder

    arrangements, SPAs, shipping contracts, and construction and

    operating arrangements to negotiating and drafting limited

    recourse financings.

    “Earns plaudits for its LNG practice.” C h a m b e r s G l o b a l , 2 0 1 5

    awa r d s a n d r e C o G n i t i o n s

    Band 1 Projects: LNG – Nationwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chambers USA, 2016

    Cheniere Corpus Christi LNG The largest single project financing in the United States

    Americas Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International

    North America LNG Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ Global

    Cameron LNG One of the largest single project financings in the United States

    Project Finance Deal of the Year 2014: Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . IFLR U.S.

    Deal of the Year 2014: Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trade Finance

    Highly commended: “Innovation in Finance Law” 2014 . . . . . . . FT Innovative Lawyers North America

    Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) The first major coal-seam gas project financing ever undertaken

    Asia-Pacific Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International

    Asia-Pacific Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance

    Standout Energy Deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FT US Innovative Lawyers

    Best Project Finance Deal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finance Asia

    PNG LNG The world’s then largest-ever energy markets project financing

    Global Deal of the Year 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infrastructure Journal

    Asia Pacific Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International

    Asia-Pacific Oil and Gas Deal of the Year 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance

    Energy Projects: Oil & Gas Team of the Year 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . Chambers USA Award for Excellence

    Yemen LNG The first large-scale project financing in Yemen

    Global Deal of the Year 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infrastructure Journal

    Oil & Gas Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infrastructure Journal

    Middle East Oil & Gas Deal of the Year 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance

    Middle East Oil & Gas Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International

  • 1312

    No firm has more relevant, current experience advising sponsors and borrowers in the complexities associated with world-class projects in the LNG sector. In addition to our significant work in emerging markets, S&C is playing a major role in the wave of LNG matters within the United States.

    s e l e C t e d G lo b a l l n G P r o J e C t s

    Oil and Gasl n G continued

    Yemen lnG project (2008, ongoing)Yemen LNG in the $4.8 billion upstream, 320 km pipeline and two-train LNG liquefaction project in Balhaf.

    Shareholders are direct or indirect subsidiaries of Total, Hunt Oil, SK Corp., Hyundai Corp., Kogas, Yemen Gas Co. and Yemen’s pension fund, GASSP.

    $2.8 billion financing including direct loans from JBIC (buyer’s credit) and KEXIM, uncovered commercial bank loans, bank loans covered by COFACE, NEXI and KEXIM, and a sponsor senior loan facility.

    pnG lnG (2010)The project company and consortium in the $18 billion fully integrated LNG project involving the exploration, development and production of natural gas in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, transport of the natural gas over a distance of nearly 450 miles from the gas fields to a liquefaction facility near the capital city of Port Moresby, processing of the natural gas into LNG and transport of the LNG to customers in Asia.

    PNG LNG was the largest-ever project financing until 2013.

    Financed with a combination of commercial bank debt and export credit agency debt. The financing was structured to accommodate project bonds.

    australia pacific lnG (aplnG) (2012)APLNG in the $8.5 billion project finance facility for the development of its groundbreaking $20 billion coal seam gas to liquefied natural gas project on Curtis Island, Queensland.

    Advice on commercial contract structuring, pipeline and LNG shipping matters.

    APLNG is owned by Conoco Phillips, Origin and China Petrochemical Corp. (Sinopec).

    First unconventional gas to LNG project in the world.

    Freeport lnG (2013) A potential bidder for a significant equity stake in Train 2 of the Freeport LNG project in Freeport, Texas.

    cheniere corpus christi lnG (2015) Cheniere Energy in the project financing of its $11.5 billion LNG liquefaction project in Corpus Christi, Texas.

    cameron lnG (2014)Sempra Energy in connection with the financing of its $10.5 billion Cameron LNG export terminal in Hackberry, Louisiana.

    Commercial development agreements with GDF Suez, Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsui & Co., Ltd.

    DOE approval to export up to 12 Mtpa of domestically produced LNG from the Cameron LNG terminal to all current and future FTA countries.

    Financed by JBIC, NEXI and commercial banks.

    nigeria lnG projectIssuer’s counsel in connection with a significant proposed financing for LNG.

  • 1514

    We have considerable experience with large-scale refinery and petrochemical projects and their financings. The majority of these projects involve complex

    structuring and incorporate multiple sources of finance,

    including project bonds and commercial bank loans.

    Oil and Gasd o w n s t r e a m

    Bayóvar Phosphorus Ore Project S&C advised Mitsui & Co., Ltd. in its acquisition from Vale S.A. of a non-controlling stake in a phosphorus ore project being developed by Vale in the Bayóvar area of Peru’s Piura Province and the entry into a joint venture with Vale and The Mosaic Company. The transaction valued the Bayóvar project at $1.1 billion, with a wholly owned subsidiary of Mitsui purchasing 25% of the project for $275 million. The transaction represents the first time that a Japanese company has acquired an economic interest in phosphorus deposits.

    Deer Park Refining Deer Park Refining Limited Partnership was formed by Shell Oil Company and a subsidiary of Petróleos Mexicanos to own, operate and upgrade the fuels refinery portion of a fully integrated refinery and petrochemical facility located in Deer Park, Texas. S&C represented the underwriters for the initial $1 billion capital markets financings and lenders for the subsequent expansion financing.

    Port Arthur Refinery S&C represented the underwriters, bank lenders and insurance providers in the $860 million refinery upgrade project in Port Arthur, Texas. The upgrade project included the construction of additional coking and hydrocracking capability and a sulphur unit.

    Sweeny Coker Refinery S&C represented both the capital markets underwriters’ financing of and the bank lenders in the $525 million development and construction of a coker and related facilities at Phillips Petroleum Company’s refinery complex in Sweeny, Texas. The project was designed to enable Phillips to process lower-cost, heavy sour crude oil and to improve the profitability of the refinery.

    Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited S&C acted as counsel to Phoenix Park Gas Processors Limited (the project), owned by the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Conoco, Inc. and a third party, on a $110 million senior debt financing to expand the Phoenix Park’s cryogenic natural gas processing plant in Trinidad.

    Cantarell S&C represented Citibank, EDC and the other bank lenders in the $1 billion Cantarell nitrogen gas BOOT project in Mexico. The project involved the construction of facilities for the extraction and eventual delivery of nitrogen gas to Petróleos Mexicanos, the Mexican state-owned petroleum company.

    Egypt Petrochemical Project S&C represented the sponsor in the structuring of a confidential petrochemical project in Egypt.

    KPI Project S&C is representing TCO as feedstock supplier to this proposed petrochemical project in Kazakhstan.

    HOVENSA Refinery S&C represented HOVENSA in the creation, initial financing and subsequent financing of HOVENSA LLC, a 50/50 joint venture between Amerada Hess and Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA), to acquire, own and operate the Hess 500,000 bpd refinery in the U.S. Virgin Islands. In 2002, Hovensa LLC issued new senior secured tax-exempt revenue bonds to pay down borrowings and to fund an extended debt service reserves account.

    Qatar Petrochemical Project S&C represented a sponsor in the structuring of a petrochemical project in Qatar.

    Cape Horn Methanol Cape Horn Methanol, formerly a joint venture between the Henley Group and two Chilean shareholders, Compañía Manufacturera de Papeles y Cartones S.A. (CMPC) and a company in the Menendez Group, constructed a facility in Chilean Patagonia to convert natural gas to methanol. S&C represented the Chilean partners and subsequently acted as U.S. counsel to Fletcher Challenge limited of New Zealand, which purchased a controlling interest in the project from the Henley Group.

    s e l e C t e d P r o J e C t s

  • 1716

    S&C has an extensive record advising acquirers, target companies and their financial advisers in mergers and acquisitions in the oil and gas sector. We have had the

    privilege of working on landmark transactions that have

    helped shape the industry, and our expertise in this field will

    be invaluable on any oil and gas industry transaction.

    Oil and Gasm e r G e r s & aC q u i s i t i o n s

    Enbridge Inc. (Canada) in its $43 billion pending acquisition of Spectra Energy Corp. (U.S.). (2016)

    Columbia Pipeline Group, Inc. (U.S.) in its $13 billion acquisition by TransCanada Corporation. (2016)

    CIC Capital (China) as a member of a consortium led by Brookfield in a pending $5.2 billion acquisition of a 90% stake in the natural gas pipeline unit of Petrobras (Brazil). (2016)

    UIL Holdings Corporation (U.S.) in its $4.6 billion acquisition by Iberdrola USA, and simultaneous renaming to AVANGRID and listing on NYSE. (2015)

    Reservoir Capital (U.S.) in the establishment of a $100 million joint venture to acquire oil and gas mineral interests in Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota. (2015)

    Castleton Commodities International LLC (U.S.) in its definitive agreement to acquire Morgan Stanley’s Global Oil Merchanting business. (2015)

    Suncor Energy Inc. (Canada) in its $4.6 billion acquisition of Canadian Oil Sands. (2015)

    American Energy – Utica, LLC and American Energy – Marcellus, LLC, affiliates of

    American Energy Partners, LP, in their agreement to acquire 75,000 net acres and 175 mmcfe per day of net production in the southern Utica and southern Marcellus Shale plays from East Resources, Inc. (U.S.) and an unnamed private company for $1.75 billion. (2014)

    American Energy – Permian Basin, LLC, an affiliate of American Energy Partners, LP (U.S.), in its agreement to acquire approximately 63,000 net acres of leasehold in the southern Permian Basin, Texas from affiliates of Enduring Resources, LLC (U.S.) for $2.5 billion. (2014)

    Repsol (Spain) as U.S. counsel in its agreement with Talisman Energy (Canada) to acquire 100% of the shares of Talisman for US$8.3 billion. (2014)

    Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (Canada) in a series of transactions pursuant to which it acquired a substantial minority stake in Transportadora de Gas del Perú S. A. (TgP) (Peru), including its approximately $200 million acquisition of a 10.4% stake from Graña y Montero S.A.A. (Peru) and in its additional acquisition of a 23.6% stake from Tecpetrol International S.A. (Argentina)

    and 100% of TgP’s operator company for approximately $607 million. (2014)

    Consortium comprising Italian operator SNAM (45%), GIC, the Singaporean sovereign fund (35%) and EDF (France) (20% through its dedicated assets fund), in the $3.3 billion (€2.4 billion) acquisition of Transport et Infrastructures Gaz France (France) from Total S.A. (France). (2013)

    Borealis Infrastructure (Canada) and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board (Canada) in the sale of Express Pipeline System to Spectra Energy as part of a $1.49 billion transaction. (2013)

    Deutsche Bank AG (Germany) and Goldman Sachs & Co. (U.S.) as financial advisers to CVR Energy, Inc. (U.S.) in the $2.7 billion unsolicited tender offer by Icahn Enterprises L.P. (U.S.). (2012)

    BHP Billiton (Australia) in its $15.1 billion acquisition of Petrohawk Energy Corporation (U.S.). (2011) Energy and Services Deal of the Year – Atlas Awards 2012

    Consortium comprising ENN Energy Holdings Limited (China) and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) (China) in the pending $2.2 billion voluntary

    s e l e C t e d o i l a n d G as m & a t r a n s aC t i o n s

    “Sullivan & Cromwell is a

    dominant force in the energy

    world at large.” C h a m b e r s u s a , 2 0 11

  • 18

    general offer for China Gas Holdings Limited (Hong Kong). S&C also represented ENN Energy as borrower of a bridge facility from Citigroup (withdrawn). (2012)

    Trafigura Beheer B.V. (Netherlands) in antitrust and competition law matters relating to its $389 million acquisition of the remaining 51.7% interest of Iberian Minerals Corp. (Canada) that it did not already own. (2011–2012)

    Electricité de Strasbourg (France) in its acquisition of Enerest (France) from Réseau GDS (France) for an undisclosed amount. (2011)

    Sempra Energy (U.S.) in its agreement with Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp. (U.S.) to sell the Sempra Energy Solutions LLC unit of its Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc (U.K.)–Sempra global commodities joint venture for approximately $582 million. (2010)

    BP (U.K.) in the sale of its upstream assets in the United States, Canada and Egypt to Apache Corporation (U.S.), worth a total of $7 billion. (2010)

    China Investment Corporation (China) in a $150 million investment in Triana Energy Investments, LLC (U.S.) by a subsidiary of China Investment Corporation and an affiliate of Morgan Stanley (U.S.). (2010)

    Sempra Energy (U.S.) in its agreement with J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation (U.S.) to sell the global metals and oil and European power and gas businesses of its global commodities joint venture with RBS. (2010)

    Vallourec SA (France) in its $201 million acquisition of Serimax SAS (France). (2010)

    Constellation Energy (U.S.) in the sale of its international commodities business to an affiliate of Goldman Sachs (U.S.) and in the sale of the downstream natural gas trading business of Constellation Energy Commodities Group to Macquarie Cook Energy, LLC (Australia). (2009)

    Canetic Resources Trust (Canada) in its $5.5 billion acquisition by Penn West Energy Trust (Canada). (2008)

    Goldman Sachs Principal Investment Area (U.S.), as a member of the consortium which also includes Candover Partners Limited, in the $3.2 billion acquisition of Expro International Group plc (U.K.). (2008)

    Tenaris (Argentina/Luxembourg) in its $1.115 billion sale of Hydril (U.S.) to General Electric (U.S.). (2008)

    Total S.A. (France), as parent of Total E&P Canada, in the acquisition of Synenco Energy, Inc. (Canada). (2008)

    Tenaris (Argentina/Luxembourg) in its $2.2 billion acquisition of Hydril (U.S.). (2007)

    Statoil ASA (Norway) in U.S. issues relating to its $29 billion acquisition of Norsk Hydro’s (Norway) oil and gas business and its $1.97 billion acquisition of North American Oil Sands Corporation (Canada). (2007)

    Inpex Corporation (Japan) in its $3.074 billion acquisition of Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd. (Japan) (2006)

    Occidental Petroleum Corp. (U.S.) in its $3.8 billion acquisition of Vintage Petroleum Inc. (U.S.). (2006)

    Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados (Ecuador) in the acquisition of a 30% interest by China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec). (2006)

    Smedvig ASA (Norway) in its $2.3 billion acquisition by SeaDrill Ltd. (Norway). (2006)

    BP Amoco in its $1.5 billion acquisition of Vastar Resources, Inc. (2000)

    BP Amoco (U.K.) in its $27 billion acquisition of ARCO (U.S.) and subsequent $6.5 billion sale of ARCO’s Alaskan assets (U.S.) to Phillips Petroleum Company (U.S.). (2000)

    BP in its $55 billion merger with Amoco. (1999)

    Oil and Gasm e r G e r s & aC q u i s i t i o n s continued

  • 20

    Oil and GasP r o J e C t d e v e l o P m e n t & f i n a n C e

    S&C has advised in the development of oil and gas projects and their limited recourse financings throughout the world. We have established an enviable level of expertise for

    this type of work, which ensures our continued involvement

    in many of the most challenging projects in the sector. While

    the majority of our work tends to be for sponsors/borrowers,

    our industry insight also makes us an ideal choice to represent

    underwriters and lenders.

    a w a r d s a n d r e C o G n i t i o n s

    Project Finance Group of the Year Law360, 2015

    Cheniere Corpus Christi LNG Americas Deal of the Year Project Finance International, 2015

    Short-list: “Projects and Energy Firm of the Year” Chambers Global, 2016

    Oil & Gas Legal Adviser of the Year Infrastructure Journal, 2011

    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline Deal of the Decade Infrastructure Journal, 2011

    Australia Pacific LNG (APLNG) Oil & Gas Deal of the Year Project Finance International, 2012

    Dolphin Energy gas pipeline project Oil & Gas Deal of the Year Infrastructure Journal, 2012 Project Finance International, Middle East, 2012

    PNG LNG Global Deal of the Year Infrastructure Journal, 2011

    FiRM% oF FiRM’s pRojects WoRK

    FoR sponsoR / BoRRoWeR % oF FiRM’s pRojects WoRK

    in oil anD Gas

    Sullivan & Cromwell 76.19% 36.19%

    2nd ranking firm 43.51% 4.87%

    3rd ranking firm 40.23% 14.38%

    4th ranking firm 39.30% 20.64%

    5th ranking firm 36.99% 10.78%

    6th ranking firm 35.82% 12.28%

    7th ranking firm 33.76% 16.97%

    8th ranking firm 32.83% 11.87%

    9th ranking firm 31.59% 13.45%

    10th ranking firm 30.57% 12.53%

    Source: Dealogic ProjectWare, March 2016

  • 2322

    C a r i b b e a n / l at i n a m e r i C a

    BrazilCabiúnas Gas ProjectEVM Gas ProjectMalhas Oil Project

    chileCape Horn Methanol GasAndes Pipeline

    colombiaOleoducto Central Crude Oil Pipeline (Ocensa)

    ecuadorHeavy Crude Pipeline (OCP)

    MexicoCantarell Nitrogen Reinjection Project

    peruCamisea Gas Project

    trinidad and tobagoPhoenix Park Gas Processors Plant

    U.s. virgin islandsHOVENSA (USVI) Project and Refinancing

    venezuelaJosé Terminal Mariscal Sucre LNGPetrozuata Extra Heavy Oil Project Pigap II Sincor Extra Heavy Oil Project and Subsequent Restructuring

    n o rt h a m e r i C a

    canadaAlliance PipelineNorthern Border Pipeline Company

    United statesAlaska Natural Gas Pipeline ProjectCameron LNGCheniere Corpus Christi LNGFreeport LNGDeer Park Refining L.P.Frontier Pipeline CompanyPort Arthur Refinery ProjectSweeny, Texas Refinery

    Oil and GasP r o J e C t d e v e l o P m e n t & f i n a n C e continued

    au st r a l as i a

    australiaAustralia Pacific LNG ProjectMoomba to Sydney Pipeline North West Shelf LNG Project

    new ZealandMaui Gas Field

    papua new GuineaKutubu Petroleum Project and PipelinePNG LNG Project

    C e n t r a l e u r as i a

    azerbaijan/Georgia/RussiaACG/Azeri “Early Oil” phase of Full Field DevelopmentAzerbaijan Caspian Sea, Azeri, Chirag and Deepwater Guneshli “Mega-Structure”

    azerbaijan/Georgia/turkeyBaku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline (BTC)Shah Deniz and SCP Pipeline Project

    KazakhstanCaspian Pipeline ConsortiumTengizchevroil (TCO) Project

    RussiaCaspian Pipeline ConsortiumTyumen Offtake Matters

    Russia/Bulgaria/southern and central europeSouth Stream Pipeline

    turkmenistanTurkmenistan Upstream

    m i d d l e e ast / a f r i C a

    arabian GulfAl-Khaleej Gas ProjectDolphin Energy Project

    egyptConfidential Project

    MozambiquePande Gas Pipeline Project (early stages)

    nigeriaNigeria LNGNigerian Petroleum Legislative ReformsNigeria Oil Forward Sale Transactions

    QatarConfidential Petrochemical Project

    saudi arabiaSaudi Gas Initiative

    south africaCoega Project

    YemenYemen LNG Project

  • 2524

    Oil and GasC a P i ta l m a r K e t s , l e v e r aG e d f i n a n C e & l e n d i n G

    S&C has acted in public and private debt and equity capital markets offerings and bank-lending transactions for a large number of natural resources companies around

    the world, giving us critical insight into the commercial,

    environmental, regulatory and legal issues facing the industry.

    Our experience has been a mix of advising issuers, borrowers,

    underwriters, lenders, selling shareholders and sponsors in

    initial public offerings, investment grade, project bond, high-

    yield bonds, revolving and term loan bank financings and

    structured financings and landmark privatizations around

    the world.

    i P o s, s e C u r i t i e s o f f e r i n G s a n d b a n K l e n d i n G ( s e l e C t e d )

    ArgentinaAstra Compañía Argentina de Petróleo 3 (debt)Perez Companc 3 (debt)Transportadora de Gas del Sur 1 (debt & equity)YPF 1 (equity & IPO)

    AustraliaAurora Oil & Gas Limited 1 (debt)Alinta Energy Holdings 1 (debt)Ampol Exploration 1 (equity)Australia Pacific LNG 1 (debt)APA Group 1 (debt)BHP Billiton 1 (debt)Oil Search 1 (equity)Origin Energy Limited 1 (debt)Santos 1, 3 (debt & equity)Woodside Petroleum 1 (debt & equity)

    CanadaAmoco Canada 2 (debt)Enbridge 1 (debt)Gulf Canada 1 (debt & IPO)Imperial Oil 1 (debt)Interprovincial Pipe Line 1 (equity)Norcen Energy Resources 3 (debt)

    ChinaCNOOC Limited 3 (equity)CNPC (Hong Kong) Ltd. 3 (IPO)China Gas Holding Limited (equity)ENN Energy 1 (debt)Kunlun Energy Co. Ltd. (equity)PetroChina Company 3 (equity & IPO)

    ColombiaEcopetrol 3 (debt)

    FranceElf Aquitaine 1 (debt & equity)Total Capital (Guaranteed by Total S.A.) 1 (debt)Total Capital Canada 1 (debt)Total S.A. 1 (debt)

    ItalyEni 1, 3 (debt & equity)Saipem 1 (equity)Snam Rete Gas 1 (equity & IPO)

    JapanIdemitsu Kosan 1 (equity)Inpex Corporation 1 (equity & IPO)

    KazakhstanTengizchevroil 1 (debt)

    KuwaitSanta Fe International 3 (equity)

    MexicoPemex 3 (debt)

    NorwayAbility Group 1 (equity)Norsk Hydro 1, 3 (debt & equity)STATOIL 1 (debt, equity & IPO)Statoil Fuel & Retail 1 (equity & IPO)

    SpainEnagas 3 (equity & IPO)Repsol 3 (debt & equity)

    ThailandPTT Exploration and Production 3, 4 (debt & equity)

    United Arab EmiratesDolphin Energy 2 (debt)

    United KingdomBG Group 1 (debt)BP 1 (debt & equity)LASMO 1 (debt & equity)

    United StatesAmerada Hess 3 (equity)American Energy – Marcellus 1 (debt)American Energy – Permian 1 (debt)American Energy – Utica 1 (debt)American Energy – Woodford1 (debt) Amoco 2 (equity)Ascent Resources 1 (debt exchange offer) Aurora USA Oil & Gas 1 (debt)Cabot Oil and Gas 3 (debt & equity)Cal Dive International 1 (equity)Cheniere Energy 1 (debt)Clark Oil & Refining 3 (debt)Deer Park Refining 3 (debt)Duke Energy Field Services, LLC 3 (debt & IPO)Hovensa 1 (debt)MAPCO 2 (debt)Merey Sweeny 2 (debt)NiSource 3 (equity)Noble Affiliates 3 (debt & equity)Parker & Parsley Petroleum 3 (equity)Quaker State 1 (debt)R&B Falcon Corporation 3 (equity)Santa Fe Energy Resources 3 (equity)Santa Fe International Corp. 3 (IPO)Shell Oil 3 (debt)Southern Union Company 3 (debt)Transocean Inc. 3 (debt)

    VenezuelaPetrozuata 1 (debt)

    1 Counsel to the issuer, borrower or selling/controlling shareholder 2 Designated underwriters’ counsel

    3 Counsel to underwriters/agents or arrangers 4 Sole U.S. Counsel

  • 2726

    Our work in the oil and gas industry includes extensive experience with state-owned or national oil companies, including work for consortia that include state-owned oil


    Oil and Gass tat e - o w n e d o i l C o m Pa n i e s

    Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)Counsel to Emirates Aluminium (50% owned by Mubadala) in negotiations of direct agreement with ADNOC

    China National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC)

    Counsel to Goldman Sachs as financial adviser to CNOOC (China) in the $2.9 billion acquisition of certain oil & gas exploration assets from Tullow Oil

    Counsel to the underwriters in equity offerings by CNOOC Limited

    China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec)

    Counsel to the project company in $8.5 billion financing for the APLNG project, owned by Conoco Phillips, Origin and Sinopec

    Counsel to the consortium comprising ENN Energy Holdings Limited and Sinopec in the $2.2 billion voluntary general offer for China Gas Holdings Limited (withdrawn) (Hong Kong)

    Counsel to Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados in the acquisition of a 30% interest by Sinopec


    Counsel to Ecopetrol with respect to its Annual Report on Form 20-F

    Counsel to the consortium, which includes Ecopetrol, in the $2.4 billion OCENSA Pipeline Project

    Counsel to the underwriters in Rule 144A/Reg S debt offering by Ecopetrol


    Counsel to the consortium, which includes KazMunayGas and the Russian Federation, in the financing of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium Project (Kazakhstan/Russia)

    Counsel to the consortium, which includes KazMunayGas, in the $4.5 billion financing for the Tengizchevroil (TCO) Expansion Project in Kazakhstan

    National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago Counsel to the project company in financing for the Phoenix Park natural gas processing project. The consortium included the state-owned gas company of Trinidad and Tobago.

    Oman Oil Company (OOC)

    Counsel to Alcan as sponsor in the Sohar smelter project, partners of which included state-owned Oman Oil Company S.A.O.C. and the Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA)

    Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras)

    Counsel to the lenders in $850 million financing for the Cabiúnas Gas Project in Brazil

    Counsel to the lenders in $1.6 billion financing for the EVM Oilfields Project in Brazil

    PetroChina (listed arm of China National Petroleum Corporation) Counsel to the underwriters to PetroChina in its SEC-registered $3,900 million IPO and Reg S equity offering

    Petróleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA)

    Counsel to the consortium, comprised of sponsors Total, PDVSA and Statoil, in the $4.6 billion Sincor Extra Heavy Oil Project in Venezuela

    Counsel to the the project company in the Petrozuata Extra Heavy Oil Export Project sponsored by PDVSA Petróleo y Gas S.A. and a Conoco Inc. affiliate

    Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)

    Counsel to the underwriters on multiple debt offerings by Petróleos Mexicanos

    Counsel to the consortium for $1.0 billion financing of Deer Park Refinery in the United States. The consortium included a Pemex subsidiary.

    State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) Counsel to the consortium, which includes the Azerbaijani state-owned oil company SOCAR, in the financing of South Caucusus Pipeline and the BTC Pipeline

    Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO) Counsel to the consortium, which includes the Turkish state-owned oil company Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı, or TPAO, in the financing of the South Caucusus Pipeline, the BTC Pipeline, the ACG/Azerbaijan “Mega-Structure” Full Field and the Shah Deniz gas field

    Qatar Petroleum (QP)

    Counsel to ExxonMobil as co-sponsor/developer of the Al-Khaleej (AKG-1) gas pipeline designed to transport significant quantities of gas from Qatar’s North Field to Kuwait

    Counsel to the lenders and underwriters to Dolphin Energy in discussions with Qatar Petroleum

    Yemen Gas Company Counsel to Yemen LNG in the $4.8 billion limited recourse project financing of its upstream, pipeline and two train LNG liquefaction project, shareholders of which are direct or indirect subsidiaries of Total, Hunt Oil, SK Corp., Hyundai Corp, Kogas, Yemen Gas Co. and Yemen’s pension fund, GASSP

  • 2928

    A perennial leader in global M&A, S&C consistently ranks among the top law firms for M&A in the mining and metals sector. The Firm has advised on many of the

    most industry-altering transactions, for both large mining

    conglomerates and smaller-cap companies. We are regularly

    called upon by many of the premier names in the sector to

    handle their most challenging and complex ventures. We have

    particular expertise in competition law and its application

    to the industry.

    Mining and Metalsm e r G e r s & aC q u i s i t i o n s

    Sullivan & Cromwell — $234.72nd ranking — $183.5

    3rd ranking — $162.4

    4th ranking — $140.5

    5th ranking — $136.7

    6th ranking — $134.4

    Source: Thomson Reuters, March 31, 2016Data include representations of principals and financial advisers

    “Recognized for the strength of

    its mining group, which acts

    domestically and internationally in

    relation to M&A and the acquisition

    and disposition of interests in mines

    and mining companies.”

    C h a m b e r s u s a 2 0 1 4

    m i n i n G a n d m e ta l s m & a r a n K i n G s : u. s . l aw f i r m s, 2 0 0 6 – 2 01 6Ranked by value ($ billions)

    m i n i n G a n d m e ta l s m & a r a n K i n G s : G lo b a l f i r m s, 2 0 0 6 – 2 01 6Ranked by value ($ billions)

    1st ranking — $246.3

    Sullivan & Cromwell — $234.73rd ranking — $214.1

    4th ranking — $209.1

    5th ranking — $191.5

    6th ranking — $183.5

  • 3130

    Mining and Metalsm e r G e r s & aC q u i s i t i o n s continued

    Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan), the largest shareholder of Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. (Usiminas) (Brazil), in the $2.37 billion acquisition by an investor group comprising Ternium SA (Argentina), Siderar (Argentina) and Confab Industrial S.A. (Brazil) of an approximately 28% stake in Usiminas (2012)

    China Aluminum International Trading Co., Ltd. (China), through its wholly owned subsidiary, Chalco Trading Hong Kong, in its long-term coal supply and purchase agreement with Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi JSC (Mongolia) and Erdenes MGL LLC (Mongolia) (2011)

    Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (Japan) and Sumitomo Corporation (Japan) in its acquisition of a 45% stake in the Sierra Gorda project in Chile from Quadra FNX Mining Ltd. (Canada) (2011)

    Bucyrus International, Inc. (U.S.) in its $1.3 billion acquisition of the mining equipment business of Terex Corporation (U.S.) (2010)

    Lihir Gold Ltd. (Papua New Guinea) in its $8.9 billion acquisition by Newcrest Mining Ltd. (Australia) (2010)

    Kinross Gold Corporation (Canada) in its C$7.4 billion ($7.2 billion) acquisition of Red Back Mining Inc. (Canada) (2010)

    Kinross Gold Corporation (Canada) in relation to the $220 million sale of its 19% interest in the Diavik diamond mine (Canada) to Harry Winston Diamond Corporation (Canada) (2010)

    Kinross Gold Corporation (Canada) in its $3.1 billion acquisition of Bema Gold Corporation (Canada) (2007)

    Nippon Steel Trading Co. Ltd. (Japan) in its $1.3 billion merger with Sumikin Bussan Corp. (Japan), to form a new company (2013)

    Inco (Canada) in connection with the $17.8 billion unsolicited bid by Vale (Brazil) (2006) – the largest Latin American M&A deal of 2006. The transaction made Vale, already the global leader in iron ore production, the second-largest mining company in the world.

    Xstrata Copper in its acquisition of the Las Bambas copper concession in Peru from the Peruvian government

    Xstrata Copper in its acquisition of Tintaya’s copper mines in Peru from BHP Billiton

    Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Japan) in its $1.1 billion acquisition from Vale S.A. (Brazil) of a non-controlling stake in the Bayóvar phosphorus ore project (Peru) and the entry into a joint venture with Vale and The Mosaic Company (2010)

    Mitsui & Co. (USA), Inc. (U.S.) in the sale of its interest in TAMCO Steel (U.S.) to Gerdau Ameristeel Corporation (U.S.) in conjunction with shareholders Ameron (U.S.) and Tokyo Steel (Japan) (2010)

    Mitsui & Co. (USA), Inc. (U.S.) in relation to a 50/50 joint venture with Nucor Corporation (U.S.) intended to serve as a platform to establish steel-related projects in North America and globally (2010)

    Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan) in relation to its purchase of a 23.3% interest in Minas de Revuboe, Limitada (Mozambique) from Nippon Steel Trading Co. Ltd. (Japan) for an undisclosed amount (2010)

    Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan) in its $350 million joint venture in Mexico with Ternium S.A. (Mexico) for the manufacture and sale of hot-dip galvanized and galvannealed steel sheets primarily to serve the Mexican automobile manufacturing market (2010)

    Antofagasta plc (U.K.) as seller in Marubeni Corporation’s (Japan) $1.3 billion acquisition of 30% interests in each of Minera Esperanza and Minera El Tesoro (Chile) (2008)

    China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Co. Ltd. (China) in its 50/50 joint venture with Codelco (Chile) establishing Copper Partners Investment Company Ltd. (Bermuda) (2006)

    s e l e C t e d m i n i n G a n d m e ta l s m & a

    Coronado IV LLC (U.S.) in its pending $420 million acquisition of Buchanan Mine in southwestern Virginia and certain other metallurgical coal reserves from CONSOL Energy Inc. (U.S.) (2016)

    Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (Japan) in its $1 billion acquisition of an additional 13 percent interest in the Morenci copper mine operated by Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (U.S.) (2016)

    Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (Japan) in connection with its subsidiary Osaka Steel Co., Ltd.’s (Japan) pending acquisition of Tokyo Kohtetsu Co., Ltd. (Japan) (2015)

    G-Resources Group Limited (Hong Kong) in its sale and purchase agreement with a consortium led by EMR Capital (Australia) and Farallon Capital (U.S.) pursuant to which G-Resources has agreed to dispose of its interest in the Martabe gold and silver mine in Indonesia and certain of its subsidiaries for $775 million. (2015)

    Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (Japan) and Sumitomo Corporation (Japan) in connection with Lundin Mining Corporation’s (Canada) $1.8 billion acquisition of 80% of the Candelaria project in Chile (2014)

    Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation (Japan) in its $1.78 billion acquisition with ArcelorMittal SA (Luxembourg) of ThyssenKrupp Steel USA, LLC (U.S.) (2013)

    Anglo American plc (U.K.) in its $5.5 billion acquisition of certain assets of MMX Mineração e Metálicos (Brazil) from Mr. Eike Batista (2008)

    Anglo American plc (U.K.) in the sale of its 70% interest in the Amapá iron ore operation in Brazil to Zamin Ferrous Limited, a private international mining group founded by Pramod Agarwal (2013)

    The Energy & Mineral Group (U.S.) in the joint venture between its affiliate, Nunavut Iron Ore, and ArcelorMittal through an increase in interest in Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, making a capital contribution and an increase in its share of the equity funding commitments for Baffinland’s Mary River Project (2012)

    Bluestone Coal Corporation (U.S.) in its $436 million acquisition by OAO Mechel (Russia) (2009)

    Anglo American plc (U.K.) in the $1.28 billion sale of its remaining 11.4% interest in AngloGold Ashanti Limited (South Africa) to investment funds associated with Paulson & Co. (U.S.) (2009)

    China Vanadium Titano-Magnetite Mining Company Limited (Hong Kong) in relation to its proposal for privatization of the company by way of a scheme of arrangement to be made by the company’s controlling shareholder, Keen Talent Holdings Ltd. (Hong Kong), a wholly owned unit of Trisonic International Ltd. (Hong Kong) (2012)

    CST Mining Group Limited (Hong Kong) in the $505 million sale of its 70% stake in Marcobre, the project company which operates the Mina Justa copper mine in Peru, to Cumbres Andinas S.A. (Peru), a subsidiary of Minsur S.A. (Peru) (2012)

    Alcan Inc. (Canada) in its $43 billion acquisition by Rio Tinto plc (U.K.) (2007)

    Nippon Steel Corporation (Japan) in its $22.5 billion merger with Sumitomo Metal Industries Ltd. (Japan) (2012)

    Antofagasta plc (U.K.) in the $350 million acquisition by Marubeni Corporation (Japan) of a 30% interest in Minera Antucoya (Chile), a greenfield copper project with an estimated capital cost of $1.6 billion (2012)

    Barrick Gold Corporation (Canada) in its $7.7 billion acquisition of Equinox Minerals Limited (Australia) (2011)

  • 3332

    Mining and MetalsP r o J e C t d e v e l o P m e n t & f i n a n C e

    S&C has a unique position among international legal advisers in the mining and metals sector. We are the leading law firm advising sponsors and borrowers worldwide.

    As the following tables demonstrate, no other law firm comes

    close to matching our presence and depth.

    FiRM % oF FiRM’s pRojects WoRK

    FoR sponsoR / BoRRoWeR % oF FiRM’s pRojects WoRK

    in MininG anD Metals

    Sullivan & Cromwell 76.19% 38.10%

    2nd ranking firm 54.33% 16.27%

    3rd ranking firm 50.00% 7.69%

    4th ranking firm 36.99% 2.91%

    5th ranking firm 32.83% 4.55%

    6th ranking firm 39.30% 14.22%

    7th ranking firm 31.59% 5.74%

    8th ranking firm 30.57% 3.97%

    9th ranking firm 24.85% 15.61%

    10th ranking firm 21.41% 7.45%

    Source: Dealogic ProjectWare, January 1994 – March 2016

    wo r l dw i d e m i n i n G a n d m e ta l s P r o J e C t f i n a n C e a n d d e v e lo P m e n t

    l aw y e r s r e P r e s e n t i n G s P o n s o r s / b o r r ow e r s

    19 9 4 — 2 01 5

    Ranked by value ($ billions) and market share*

    2nd ranking — $16.7 (13.3%)

    3rd ranking — $14.1 (11.2%)

    4th ranking — $13.9 (11.0%)

    5th ranking — $11.5 (9.1%)

    6th ranking — $10 (7.9%)

    7th ranking — $8.3 (6.6%)

    8th ranking — $7.8 (6.2%)

    9th ranking — $6.7 (5.3%)

    10th ranking — $5.3 (4.2%)

    Sullivan & Cromwell $31.6 (25.0%)

    6 o f t h e 10 l a r G e st- e v e r m i n i n G P r o J e C t s i n vo lv e d s & C

    pRoject naMe coUntRYDealoGic

    RepoRteD siZe (Us$ Billions)


    Roy Hill Iron Ore Project Australia $10.5 2014

    Fortescue Iron Ore Project Australia $5.0 2012

    Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Project Mongolia $4.4 2015

    Koniambo Nickel Project New Caledonia $3.8 2008

    Ambatovy Nickel/Cobalt Project Madagascar $3.7* 2007

    Ma’aden Alcoa Bauxite Mine and Alumina Refinery Saudi Arabia $3.6 2011

    Pueblo Viejo Gold Project Dominican Republic $3.1 2010

    Antamina Copper and Zinc Mine Peru $2.3 1999

    Minera Esperanza Copper-Gold Mine Chile $2.2 2009

    Antucoya Copper Mine Project Chile $1.9 2013

    Source: Dealogic ProjectWare – *Project value now stands at US$7 billion

    Source: Dealogic ProjectWare *Percentage of top 10 law firms.

  • 3534

    ecuadorFruta del Norte Deposit

    GuyanaFirst Bauxite Refractory Grade Bauxite Project

    MexicoBoleo Copper, Gold, Zinc and Manganese Project

    panamaCobre Panama Copper Project (Pending)

    peruAntamina Copper and Zinc ProjectCerro Verde I and Sulfide ProjectsConstancia Copper ProjectMarcona Mina Justa Copper ProjectMiski Mayo Phosphate ProjectQuellaveco Copper Project

    United statesCapco/Quarto Coal Supply ProjectColowyo Mine ProjectRed Dog ProjectRidgeway Gold Project

    venezuelaLoma de Niquel Project

    argentinaAlumbrera Copper and Gold ProjectCerro Vanguardia Gold and Silver ProjectVeladero Gold Project

    BrazilFerteco Iron Ore Project

    canadaRenard Diamond ProjectYukon Gold Project

    chileAntucoya Copper ProjectCerro Colorado ProjectCollahuasi Copper Project and RefinancingEl Abra Project and RefinancingEl Tesoro Copper Cathode ProjectEscondida Copper Project and ExpansionEsperanza Copper, Gold and Silver ProjectLa Candelaria Copper ProjectLomas Bayas Copper Acquisition and RefinancingLos Pelambres Copper Project and RefinancingMinera Yolanda Nitrates ProjectSierra Gorda Copper, Gold and Molybdenum ProjectRefimet Copper Smelter ProjectZaldivar Copper Project

    australiaArgyle Diamond Mines ProjectBemax Mineral Sands ProjectBoyne Aluminum Smelter ProjectFortescue Iron Ore ProjectIluka Resources Mineral Sands FinancingsInata Gold Mine RestructuringMoly Mines Molybdenum ProjectQueensland Alumina Limited ProjectWindimurra Vanadium Mine Project

    BotswanaTbae Selebi-Phikwe Nickel Project and Restructurings

    Burkina FasoInata Gold Mine Restructuring

    chinaChina Minmetals Joint VentureHavens Group Steel Project Joint VentureKlemp / Pudong Steel Project Alumax / Yunnan Xin Mei Lu Aluminum Foil Joint Venture

    Democratic Republic of the congoKolwezi ProjectTenke-Fungurumé Copper Project

    GuineaBoké Bauxite Project

    indonesiaBatu Hijau Copper and Gold ProjectPT Inco and Expansion Nickel Project

    irelandLisheen Zinc Project Restructuring

    Kyrgyz RepublicKumtor Gold Project and Restructurings

    MadagascarAmbatovy Nickel and Cobalt Project and RestructuringTitanium Dioxide Project

    MauritaniaTasiast Gold Project (pending)

    MongoliaOyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Project

    MozambiqueMoma Titanium Project and Restructurings

    new caledoniaGoro Nickel Project

    omanSohar Aluminum Smelter

    papua new GuineaLihir Gold Project, Refinancing and Equity Add-on Financing

    south africaPalabora Copper Project Restructuring

    spainAtlantic Copper Smelter Project and Restructuring

    tanzaniaBulyanhulu Gold Project

    United arab emiratesEmirates Aluminium Smelter Project and Phase II Expansion Financing

    ZambiaKonkola Deep Copper Project (Phase 1)

    ZimbabweGokwe North Coal/Power Project Hartley Platinum Project

    Mining and MetalsP r o J e C t d e v e l o P m e n t & f i n a n C e continued

    Sources say: “They are the

    best lawyers in mining project

    finance in the world” i f l r 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 3

  • 37

    Mining and MetalsC a P i ta l m a r K e t s , l e v e r aG e d f i n a n C e & l e n d i n G

    The Firm’s extensive experience in bank lending and securities offerings (both SEC-registered and non-registered) by international mining and metals companies in

    initial public offerings, investment grade, project bond, high-

    yield and structured financings around the world reinforces

    our current knowledge of the sector and of the markets in

    which the companies seek finance.

    C r e d i t a n d l e v e r aG e d f i n a n C e

    Atlas Iron Ltd. $325 million term loan B transaction to finance development expenditures

    Barrick Gold Corporation $6.5 billion bridge loan and revolving credit facility commitments towards the acquisition of Equinox Minerals Limited for C$7.3 billion

    BHP Billiton $7.5 billion credit facility in connection with its acquisition of Petrohawk Energy Corporation for $15.1 billion and $5.2 billion SEC-registered guaranteed senior notes offering

    Fortescue Metals Group over $7.0 billion of multiple high yield notes offerings to refinance outstanding project bonds and fund expansion initiatives; $5 billion secured term loan B transaction to refinance commercial bank debt, ECA financing and a royalty note; and initial $2 billion high yield project bond financing to build its iron ore project

    HudBay Minerals debut $500 million Rule 144A offering of high yield notes with registration rights to finance its Constancia copper/zinc project in Peru

    Lihir Gold Ltd. $9.5 billion acquisition by Newcrest Mining Ltd. and related financing of $820 million gold project

    Minera Escondida Limitada $600 million and $500 million loan facilities in connection with financing for the expansion of the Escondida copper project

    Minsur S.A. $200 million unsecured term loan to finance its mining operation

    Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group Pty Ltd $325 million senior secured notes in the traditional U.S. private placement market and a simultaneous offering of $133 million of substantially identical notes to one of its equity holders

    Sierra Gorda SCM $1 billion financing for the Sierra Gorda copper-molybdenum project

    awa r d s a n d r e C o G n i t i o n s

    Oyu Tolgoi Copper and Gold Project

    Asia-Pacific Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International, 2015

    Fortescue Metals Group

    Debt Market Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALB Australasian Law, 2013

    Corporate Bond Issue of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Australian Financial Review, 2013

    Antucoya Copper Project

    Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Infrastructure Journal, 2013

    Emirates Aluminum Smelter Project

    Middle East Mining and Metals Deal of the Year . . . . . Project Finance, 2013

    Middle East Industrial Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International, 2013

    EMEA Industry Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International, 2007

    Boleo Mining Project

    Latin America Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance Magazine, 2010

    Minera Esperanza

    Latin America Mining & Metals Deal of the Year . . . . . Project Finance International, 2009

    Ambatovy Nickel and Cobalt Project

    EMEA Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance International, 2007

    African Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance, 2007

    Fortescue Iron Ore Project

    Asia-Pacific Mining Deal of the Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Project Finance, 2006

  • 3938

    NetherlandsTyco International Finance NV 2 (debt)

    NorwayNorsk Hydro ASA 2 (debt)

    Papua New GuineaLihir Gold Limited 1 (equity)

    PeruSociedad Cerro Verde 1 (debt)

    PhilippinesAtlas Consolidated Mining & Development 1 (equity)

    RussiaUnited Company RUSAL Limited 4 (equity)

    South AfricaAngloGold Ashanti Limited 1 (equity)

    South Korea Pohang Iron & Steel Co Ltd 2 (debt)

    TaiwanChina Steel Corp(Taiwan) 2 (equity)

    United KingdomAnglo American plc 1 (debt)BHP Billiton plc 1 (debt)Rio Tinto plc 1 (debt & equity)

    United StatesAllegheny Ludlum Corp 2 (debt)Aluminum Co of America 2 (debt)Alumax Inc (AMAX Inc) 1,2 (debt, equity) AmeriSteel Corp (Kyoei Steel) 1 (equity)Commonwealth Aluminum Corp 1 (equity)Commonwealth Industries Inc 1 (equity)Compass Minerals Intl Inc 2 (equity)Cyprus Minerals Co 2 (debt)English China Clays Delaware 1 (debt)Essex International Inc 2 (equity)Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold 2 (debt)GS Technologies Operating Co 2 (debt)Harris Chemical North America 2 (debt)Inland Steel Industries Inc 2 (equity)Inspiration Resources Corp 2 (debt)Lukens Inc 1 (debt)Magma Copper Co 2 (equity, debt) MA Hanna Co 2 (debt)National Intergroup Inc 2 (debt)Newmont Mining Corp 2 (debt)Novelis Inc 1 (debt)Owens Corning 2 (debt)Precision Castparts Corp 2 (debt)

    Reynolds Metals Co 2 (debt)Rio Tinto Finance (USA) Ltd 2 (debt)Ryerson Tull Inc 2 (debt)Santa Fe Pacific Gold Corp 2 (equity)Spartech Corp 2 (equity, debt) Sunclipse Inc 1 (debt)Union Mines Inc 2 (equity)Vulcan Materials Co. 1 (debt)

    VenezuelaVenprecar/Sivensa 1 (equity)

    1 Counsel to the issuer or selling/controlling shareholder2 Counsel to underwriters/agents

    3 Counsel to guarantor 4 Counsel to non-executive director

    Mining and MetalsC a P i ta l m a r K e t s , l e v e r aG e d f i n a n C e & l e n d i n G continued

    s e C u r i t i e s o f f e r i n G s by m i n i n G a n d m e ta l s C o m Pa n i e s

    AustraliaAlcoa of Australia 2 (debt & equity)Ashton Mining 1 (equity)Alumina Ltd. 1 (equity)Apex Minerals NL 2 (equity)Arrium Ltd. 1 (equity)Bemax Resources Limited 2 (debt)Bendigo Mining Limited 1 (equity)BHP 1 (equity)BHP Billiton (formerly BHP) 1 (debt)BHP Steel 1 (equity)Boral Limited 2 (equity)BlueScope Steel (formerly BHP Steel) 1 (debt)CRA 1 (debt)CSR Ltd. 1, 3 (debt & equity)FMG Finance Pty Ltd/Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. 2 (debt)Iluka Resources Ltd. 1 (equity)Karoon Gas Australia Ltd 2 (equity)Lihir Gold Limited 1 (equity)Midwest Vanadium Pty Ltd 1 (debt)M.I.M. Holdings 1 (debt & equity)Minara Resources Ltd. 2 (equity)Moly Mines 1 (debt)Newcrest Mining 1 (debt)Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group 1 (debt)Newmont Gold Company 2 (equity)Normandy Mining Limited 1 (debt)North Broken Hill Peko 1 (equity)North Limited 1 (debt)OceanaGold Corp 1 (debt)Pancontinental Mining 1 (debt)Pasminco 1 (debt)

    Pioneer International 1 (equity)St. Barbara Ltd. 1 (debt)QCT Resources 1 (debt)Western Mining Corp. Holding 1 (debt)WMC Finance (USA) Limited 1 (debt)WMC Limited 1 (debt)Zinifex Limited 1 (equity)

    ArgentinaSiderca 1 (equity)Siderar SAIC 2 (equity) Ternium 1 (equity)

    CanadaAlcan 1 (debt)Ashton Mining of Canada 1 (equity)Barrick Gold Corp 1 (debt)Brascan Limited 2 (debt)Cameco Corporation 1 (equity)Canadian Reynolds Metals Co 2 (debt)Centerra Gold Inc. 1 (equity)Dynatec Corporation 1 (equity)Getchell Resources 1 (debt, equity) Goldcorp 1 (equity)HudBay 1 (debt)Inco Limited 1 (debt & equity)Kinross Gold 1 (debt & equity)Noranda Inc. 2 (debt)Pegasus Gold Inc. 2 (debt)Sifto Canada Inc (Namsco Inc) 2 (debt)Twinpak Inc 1 (debt)

    ChileMadeco SA 1 (equity)

    China/Hong KongChina Shenhua Energy Company Limited 1 (equity)China Oriental Group (Co) Ltd. 1 (debt)Chong Hing Iron and Steel 1 (equity) Feishang Anthracite Resources Limited 1 (equity)G-Resources Group Ltd. 1 (equity)

    FranceUgine SA 2 (equity)

    GhanaAshanti Goldfields Company Limited 2 (debt & equity)

    GermanyKloeckner & Co Aktiengesellschaft 2 (equity)

    IndonesiaFreeport-McMoRan Indonesia 2 (debt & equity)

    IrelandKenmare Resources plc 1 (equity)

    JapanKobe Steel Ltd. 2 (equity)

    MexicoAltos Hornos de Mexico 2 (debt)Grupo Imsa SA de CV 1 (debt, equity)Tubos de Acero de Mexico SA 1 (equity)

  • 41

    S&C lawyers engaged in natural resources transactions have the benefit of the full support of members of our Natural Resources Group who specialize in private equity,

    restructuring, commodities, futures and derivatives, tax,

    sanctions and trade, and disputes and investigations matters,

    each of whose advice is grounded on a deep understanding of

    the industry. In particular, we proactively seek to anticipate

    issues by providing pragmatic advice informed not only by

    the specific context, be it negotiations with a commercial

    counterparty, a potential lender or a host government, but

    also the experience of advising other industry players on

    similar issues.

    “A dedicated practice

    offering entirely holistic

    thinking and excellent

    commercial understanding.”

    C h a m b e r s u K 2 0 1 0

  • 4342

    Private Equity Restructuring

    S&C has an unrivaled restructuring practice and has been the firm of choice for many natural resource companies seeking non-traditional investments, sales and

    restructuring arrangements in connection with the global

    credit crisis. In the wake of the global financial crisis, the

    practice, comprising corporate, litigation and tax lawyers,

    has had significant involvement advising clients as they seek

    to refinance or reorganize their businesses to meet current

    challenges, both on the debt and equity side.

    S&C advises many private equity sponsors as well as public and private companies considering transactions with sponsors. Within the private equity practice, our Natural

    Resources Group is focused on transactions with sponsors that

    primarily invest in the oil and gas, mining and infrastructure

    sectors. Our deep understanding of the sectors has allowed

    us to help our clients create innovative structures, designed to

    allow rapid accumulation and deployment of capital.

    Recent matters include advising American Energy Partners in a variety of transactions, including advising American Energy – Permian Basin, LLC on the acquisition of 63,000 net acres of Southern Permian Basin Leasehold and 16,000 BOE per day of net production from Enduring Resources for $2.5 billion; American Energy – Utica, LLC

    and American Energy – Marcellus, LLC of 75,000 net acres and 175 MMCFE of net production in the Southern Utica and Southern Marcellus shale plays from East Resources and another private company for $1.75 billion, as well as a variety of capital raisings, including bank financings, convertible debt and high yield transactions for American Energy – Permian Basin, LLC, American Energy – Woodford, LLC, American Energy – Marcellus, LLC and American Energy – Utica, LLC. We have also advised the Energy and Minerals Group with respect to its iron ore joint venture with Arcelor-Mittal in Baffinland and the acquisition by its portfolio company Coronado Coal II LLC of coal assets in Logan County, West Virginia from Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.

    r e C e n t

    m att e r sr e C e n t h i G h l i G h t s i n C l u d e a dv i s i n G

    Kenmare Resources its 2016 ground-breaking equity raise, capital restructuring and debt restructuring of its project finance facilities; and in the 2014 restructuring of its senior and junior facilities

    RBS and Barclays in the restructuring of the Palaboro Mining company and its international banking and commodity hedging facilities

    BHP Billiton in the restructuring of its CP Programme

    international lenders in the £1.4 billion restructuring of the international oil refiner Petroplus AG and the subsequent insolvencies in six countries

    the independent directors of United Company RUSAL Limited in connection with the restructuring of the RUSAL Group’s $15 billion of indebtedness and other obligations

    the international and MENA lenders in the restructuring of the oil services company Lamprell plc

    the steering committee of lenders in the restructuring of AEA Technology plc the UK nuclear decommissioning business

    Total and StatoilHydro — as sponsors of the Sincor/PetroCedeño project, in the restructuring of $1.9 billion of senior debt

    lenders in the restructuring of Ennstone Quarries and the subsequent disposal and refinancing by its controlling lenders

    a consortium of major oil companies in the restructuring of Bateman NV as the key contractor in the Caspian Oil Fields

    the lending syndicate in the restructuring of the quarrying business of Alfred McAlpine plc

    Ad hoc committee of Key Energy’s unsecured notes, led by Platinum Equity, in connection with Key’s prepackaged Chapter 11

  • 4544

    Commodities, Futures and Derivatives Tax

    S&C has earned a global reputation for innovative tax planning and the successful resolution of important tax controversies. Practicing in three jurisdictions (the United

    States, the United Kingdom and France), the Group prides

    itself on developing solutions to tax problems that are both

    tax-efficient and practical, meeting the real constraints under

    which our natural resources clients operate.

    With respect to transactional matters, colleagues in other practice areas work seamlessly with members of our tax group to advise on tax issues related to all manner of transactions, and, in tax disputes, tax group lawyers work closely with S&C’s litigation group, so that clients receive the benefit of experienced tax lawyers and innovative litigators.

    The S&C tax group has advised many of the leading global natural resource companies on matters of US, UK and French tax law, in connection with important M&A and capital markets transactions, disputes with various tax authorities and domestic and cross-border tax planning. Clients have included oil and gas majors, such as BP plc, ExxonMobil, Occidental Petroleum and TOTAL, as well as others in the commodities and energy trading space, including AIG Trading, Barclays, Goldman Sachs and Sempra Energy. In mining and metals, we have advised Pechiney S.A./Alcan Inc./Rio Tinto Alcan, BHP Billiton, Bucyrus International and Inco. We have advised investors and investment funds in natural resource and infrastructure projects, including transactions involving tax-favored alternative energy and synthetic fuel investments.

    S&C’s Commodities, Futures and Derivatives Group provides a full range of transactional, advisory and litigation services in connection with the structuring,

    offering and trading of natural resource-based commodity

    and derivative products of all types.


    Department of

    Justice and exchange

    investigations of

    trading activities of

    energy companies

    Regulatory and

    compliance advice

    on government

    regulations and

    exchange rules

    applicable to hedging

    and trading of energy

    products including


    rules, bilateral

    record keeping

    and reporting

    obligations, swap

    dealer evaluations

    and other current


    C r o s s -

    P r aC t i C e

    n e two r K

    G lo b a l

    e X P e r i e n C e

    r e P r e s e n tat i v e m att e r s

    Castleton Commodities International LLC (U.S.) in its definitive agreement to acquire Morgan Stanley’s Global Oil Merchanting business (2015)

    Sempra Energy Trading Corp. its sale of:

    the natural gas, power, energy and commodity trading platform of its RBS-Sempra global commodities joint venture to Société Générale and Société Générale Energy Corp (2011)

    the North American natural gas and power trading agreements and related commodity inventories, and the global metals and oil, as well as the European power and gas, businesses of its RBS-Sempra global commodities joint venture to J.P. Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation, the commodities trading subsidiary of J.P. Morgan Chase (2010)

    the Sempra Energy Solutions LLC unit of its RBS-Sempra joint venture to Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Noble Group Limited (2010)

    Hess Corporation (U.S.) in its agreement with an affiliate of funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management L.P. (U.S.) pursuant to which Hess will sell to Oaktree its interest in Hess Energy Trading Company LLC (U.K.) (2014)

    Occidental Petroleum in its acquisition of Phibro Energy from Citibank (2009)

    BP in the settlement of DOJ and CFTC investigations of commodities manipulation, including entering into a deferred prosecution agreement with the DOJ and a consent order with the CFTC

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in the formation of Intercontinental Exchange, an electronic trading facility for the trading of physical commodities and over-the-counter derivatives on physical commodities, and subsequently, Intercontinental Exchange, LLC (ICE) in connection with its strategic and other regulatory matters including its acquisition of International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) and its joint venture with NGX

  • 4746

    Sanctions and Trade

    The scope and enforcement of anti-bribery, anti-corruption and trade sanctions laws in the United States and Europe has significantly increased in recent years. Transactions involving natural resource companies often present significant risk under these laws, in light of the particular characteristics of the sector: its global nature, which presents challenges in implementing uniform business policies and procedures; the need to operate in emerging markets, where there may be a lack of infrastructure and controls necessary to combat corruption, unstable political situations that are targeted by trade sanctions and other challenges; and, in light of state ownership of resources and permitting and other development requirements, there is a high degree of likelihood that interaction with government officials will be necessary.

    We also help our clients to develop, assess and improve their compliance programs and procedures, including reviewing education, training and internal audit programs. Where necessary, we will assist our clients with implementation of remedial actions, including voluntary disclosure to and settlement with applicable regulators. We have a long history of advising on disputes arising out of investments in, and transactions relating to, the development of natural resources, often in conjunction with the members of our disputes and investigations practice, litigation or arbitration with adverse parties, including host governments.

    S&C’s advice in this area is given by lawyers with transactional experience who have a background in litigation. We help our clients conduct risk-based compliance-

    related due diligence and risk assessment, and provide our

    clients with solutions to compliance challenges in light of

    the findings of due diligence. In the acquisition context, we

    assist our clients with transition planning and integration of

    compliance programs and controls. Much of our experience

    lies in the natural resource industry.

    Disputes and Investigations

    S&C has a long history of advising on disputes and investigations arising out of investments in, and transactions relating to, the development of natural resources,

    both in court and in arbitral settings.

    s C o P e

    o f wo r K

    s e l e C t e d

    h i G h l i G h t sIn recent years, we have undertaken numerous assignments in both commercial and investor-state settings and in a variety of industries, including gold, silver, copper and nickel mining and oil and gas exploitation, transportation and sales.

    Successfully obtained a dismissal for a mining company in a securities class action alleging that certain directors and officers concealed and then downplayed the fact that its primary mining facility in Nevada was experiencing significant operational difficulties

    Secured a dismissal with prejudice for a major financial institution in a class action alleging that various firms conspired to manipulate zinc pricing through their ownership of metal warehouses.

    representing the owners of an oil pipeline in Latin America in disputes with the host government over tax claims

    preparing for arbitration proceedings (eventually settled) on behalf of a European oil major arising out of expropriation of an oil concession in Latin America

    arbitration proceedings in Sweden and extensive parallel negotiations for a Canadian mining company against a central Asian sovereign arising out of claimed breaches of a mining concession agreement

    preparing for arbitration proceedings (eventually settled) on behalf of the sponsors and project company in a dispute with the host country arising out of the development of a nickel mine in sub-Saharan Africa

    arbitration and court proceedings for the sponsors and project company in a dispute with the contractor in the construction of a copper and gold mine in Latin America

    advising the sellers of LNG in contentious repricing negotiations with buyers in Asia, including preparation for possible arbitration

  • 4948

    Lawyer Contacts

    a m e r i C as

    Werner F. AhlersPartner since 2014 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 1623 Fax: +1 212 291 9201 [email protected] *M&A, PROJECT FINANCE

    Robert E. Buckholz Partner since 1987 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 3876 Fax: +1 212 291 9018 [email protected] *CAPITAL MARKETS

    Robert G. DeLaMater Partner since 1992 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4788 Fax: +1 212 291 9037 [email protected] *M&A, CAPITAL MARKETS

    John E. EstesPartner since 2002 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4349 Fax: +1 212 291 9049 [email protected] *LEVERAGE FINANCE, PROJECT FINANCE

    Sergio J. GalvisPartner since 1991 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4740 Fax: +1 212 291 9062 [email protected] *M&A, PROJECT FINANCE, CAPITAL MARKETS

    David J. GilbergPartner since 1996 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4680 Fax: +1 212 291 9063 [email protected] *COMMODITIES, FUTURES AND DERIVATIVES

    Daryl A. LibowPartner since 1994 Washington, D.C. Office Phone: +1 202 956 7650 Fax: +1 202 956 6973 [email protected] *LITIGATION, ANTITRUST

    Christopher L. MannPartner since 1998 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4625 Fax: +1 212 291 9092 [email protected] *PROJECT FINANCE, CAPITAL MARKETS, M&A

    Inosi M. NyattaPartner since 2011 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 7822 Fax: +1 212 291 9781 [email protected] *LEVERAGE FINANCE, PROJECT FINANCE, CAPITAL MARKETS

    Joseph E. NeuhausPartner since 1992 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4240 Fax: +1 212 291 9105 [email protected] *ARBITRATION, DISPUTES

    Kenneth M. RaislerPartner since 1994 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4675 Fax: +1 212 291 9118 [email protected] *COMMODITIES, FUTURES AND DERIVATIVES

    George J. SampasPartner since 2000 New York Office Phone: +1 212 558 4945 Fax: +1 212 291 9131 [email protected] *M&A, PRIVATE EQUITY

    e m e a

    Nikolaos G. AndronikosPartner since 2002 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8470 Fax: +44 20 3350 2007 [email protected] *CAPITAL MARKETS, PROJECT FINANCE, JOINT VENTURES

    Chris BeattyPartner since 2015 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8505 Fax: +44 20 3350 2047 [email protected] *LEVERAGED FINANCE, CAPITAL MARKETS

    Kathryn A. CampbellPartner since 1997 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8580 Fax: +44 20 3350 2080 [email protected] *CAPITAL MARKETS

    Krystian CzernieckiPartner since 2004 Frankfurt Office Phone: +49 69 4272 5525 Fax: +49 69 4272 5210 [email protected] *CAPITAL MARKETS

    Craig JonesPartner since 2005 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8488 Fax: +44 20 3350 2088 [email protected] *PROJECT FINANCE, JOINT VENTURES, LEVERAGED FINANCE

    Tim EmmersonPartner since 2007 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8595 Fax: +44 20 3350 2095 [email protected] *M&A, JOINT VENTURES

    Stewart M. RobertsonPartner since 1996 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8555 Fax: +44 20 3350 2055 [email protected] *PROJECT FINANCE, CAPITAL MARKETS, JOINT VENTURES

    Vanessa K. Blackmore Partner since 2006 London Office Phone: +44 20 7959 8480 Fax: +44 20 3350 2008 [email protected] *CAPITAL MARKETS

    as i a a n d au st r a l i a

    Garth W. BrayPartner since 2001 Hong Kong Office Phone: +852 2826 8691 Fax: +852 2826 1766 [email protected] *M&A, CAPITAL MARKETS

    Jamieson J. LogiePartner since 2001 Hong Kong Office Phone: +852 2826 8616 Fax: +852 2522 2280 [email protected] *PROJECT FINANCE, JOINT VENTURES

    Chun WeiPartner since 1997 Hong Kong Office Phone: +852 2826 8666 Fax: +852 2522 2295 [email protected] *M&A, CAPITAL MARKETS

  • 5150


  • 52

    S&C Offices Worldwide

    Copyright ©2016 Sullivan & Cromwell LLP | LG5509 Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

    w w w. s u l l C r o m . C o m new YorkTelephone: +1 212 558 4000 Facsimile: +1 212 558 3588 125 Broad Street New York, NY 10004-2498 U.S.A.

    Washington, D.c.Telephone: +1 202 956 7500 Facsimile: +1 202 293 6330 1700 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20006-5215 U.S.A.

    los angelesTelephone: +1 310 712 6600 Facsimile: +1 310 712 8800 1888 Century Park East Los Angeles, CA 90067-1725 U.S.A.

    palo altoTelephone: +1 650 461 5600 Facsimile: +1 650 461 5700 1870 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, CA 94303-3308 U.S.A.

    BeijingTelephone: +86 10 5923 5900 Facsimile: +86 10 5923 5950 Suite 501, China World Office 1 One Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Beijing 100004 China

    Hong KongTelephone: +852 2826 8688 Facsimile: +852 2522 2280 28th Floor Nine Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong

    tokyoTelephone: +81 3 3213 6140 Facsimile: +81 3 3213 6470 Otemachi First Square East Tower 16F 5-1, Otemachi 1-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan

    londonTelephone: +44 20 7959 8900 Facsimile: +44 20 7959 8950 1 New Fetter Lane London EC4A 1AN England

    parisTelephone: +33 1 73 04 10 00 Facsimile: +33 1 73 04 10 10 24, rue Jean-Goujon 75008 Paris France

    FrankfurtTelephone: +49 69 4272 5200 Facsimile: +49 69 4272 5210 Neue Mainzer Strasse 52 60311 Frankfurt am Main Germany

    MelbourneTelephone: +61 3 9635 1500 Facsimile: +61 3 9654 2422 101 Collins Street Melbourne 3000 Victoria Australia

    sydneyTelephone: +61 2 8227 6700 Facsimile: +61 2 8227 6750 The Chifley Tower 2 Chifley Square Sydney, New South Wales 2000 Australia


    new york . washington, d.c. . los angeles . palo alto

    london . paris . frankfurt

    tokyo . hong kong . beijing . melbourne . sydney

    Premier Natural Resources PracticeMining and MetalsMergers & AcquisitionsProject Development and FinanceCapital Markets, Leveraged Finance and Lending

    Private EquityRestructuringCommodities, Futures and DerivativesTaxSanctions and TradeDisputes and InvestigationsLawyer ContactsS&C Offices Worldwide