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Prepared for

Los Alamos National LaboratoryContract No. 0476200199-3U

Report No. 9901572-003Revision O

May 3,2000

Prepared by

ARES CORPORATION555 Oppenheimer Drive, Suite 102Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544

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This repoti was prepared as an account of work sponsoredby an agency of the United States Government. Neitherthe United States Government nor any agency thereof, norany of their employees, make any warranty, express orimplied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility forthe accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of anyinformation, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, orrepresents that its use would not infringe privately ownedrights. Reference herein to any specific commercialproduct, process, or service by trade name, trademark,manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constituteor imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring bythe United States Government or any agency thereof. Theviews and opinions of authors expressed herein do notnecessarily state or reflect those of the United StatesGovernment or any agency thereof.

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FLIGHT PATHS ha, llb, 12, & 13

Prepared for

Los Alamos National LaboratoryContract No. 0476200199-3U

Report No. 9901572-003Revision O

Prepared by: J??5%ziiUDarrelk . Bultman, PE

/f)aniel J. Weinacht, Ph.D.

Date: ~-,=+ (-)(-j


May 3,2000

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1.0 EXECUTIVE SWARY ..................................................................................................l2.0 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT INTEGRATION OF FLIGHT PATHS 11, 12, AND

13 IN ER-1 ........................................................................................................................... 22.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 22.2 ER-1 General Description ................................................................................................. 22.3 Integrated Neutron Shutter/Guide ..................................................................................... 32.4 Shielding ............................................................................................................................ 52.5 Sewices .............................................................................................................................. 62.6 In-PileNeutro nGuideTrmspoti ....................................................................................... 62.7 Facility Modi~cations ........................................................................................................ 73.0 WOK B~~O~STRUCT~ ............................................................................... 84.0 PROJECT SCHED~E ...................................................................................................... 105.0 PROJECT COST ESTMATE ............................................................................................ 14

TABLE OF FIGURESFigure 1. Work Breakdown Sticture .......................................................................................... 9Figure2. Option 1 Schedule ...................................................................................................... 12Figure 3. 0ption2 Schedule ...................................................................................................... 13


Study Estimate LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


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This Preliminary Project Plan Summarizes the Technical, Cost, and Schedule baselines for anintegrated approach to developing several flight paths at the Manual Luj an Jr. Neutron ScatteringCenter at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. It should be noted that these “baselines” haveresulted from preconceptual/conceptual efforts and will be fi.u-therrefined in subsequent designphases. For example, the cost “estimate” is intended to serve only as a rough order of magnitudeassessment of the cost that might be incurred as the flight paths are developed. Further refinement ofthe requirements and interfaces for each beamline will permit additional refinement and confidencein the accuracy of all three baselines (Technical, Cost, Schedule).


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2.1 Introduction

This report describes a concept for the integration of several flight paths in Equipment Room 1 (ER-1) of the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center (LANSCE). In the early planning stages of theShort Pulse Spallation Source (SPSS) program it was determined that, because of the spaceconstraints in ER- 1, an integrated approach would be advantageous in the development of theseflight paths. Initially, the study included flight paths (FP) 11a, 1lb, 12, and 13, but because offunding difficulties and project schedule the first two could not be defined in sufficient detail toinclude in this report. Hence, the report focuses onFP-12 and FP- 13, but does include a shieldingconcept that encompasses FP-1 la and FP-1 lb.

2.2 ER-1 General Description

In ER- 1 the configurations of FP- 12 and FP- 13 are similar in that both employ an in-pile neutronguide followed by an integrated shutter/guide, framing chopper, and fi-eestanding guide that extendsinto ER-2. Both in-pile guides, each approximately 4-m long, are a unique cantilever design thatallows the guide entrance to be in close proximity to the moderator. The guide itself is constructed ofa precision steel shell with thin plates of float glass attached to its inner surfaces. This assembly ismounted in a stepped cylindrical steel plug, which serves as a structural strong back for the guide, aswell as a radiation shield. Each guide/shield assembly is contained in a stepped cylindrical thimbleinserted in the biological shield liner. A dual axis mount located at the outboard end of the thimbleallows the guide/shield to be pointed, or aligned parallel with the neutron beam axis. The thimblemay be evacuated or back-filled with gaseous helium, depending upon the need to remove heat fi-omthe forward end of the guide.

Though the in-pile guides for these flight paths are similar in design and construction, they differ insize and shape. The FP- 12 guide, for example, is straight with a 9.5-cm x 9.5-cm clear aperture,while the FP- 13 guide has a 9.O-cm x 9.O-cm clear aperture at the entrance and a vertical divergenceof 0.375-cm/m that terminates at a location 13-m from the moderator.

In the current concept, with the exception of the chopper, components along FP-12 are isolated fromone another by pairs of thin aluminum windows; that is, one window on each interfacing component.For structural integrity these windows, which are approximately 16-cm in diameter, must be about 3-mm thick. Over the length of the flight path the total aluminum thickness is about 21-mm. Thisthickness includes that of a thin window at the end of the guide system upstream of the samplestation. If such a combined thickness results in an unacceptable neutron flux loss, most of thecomponents may be connected with bellows to provide better optical interfacing between guidesegments, as well as a vacuum environment over much of the flight path. Currently, the framingchopper on this flight path is expected to operate at 20 Hz in the ordinary atmosphere. If it is laterdetermined that a gaseous helium backfill or evacuation is necessary, the chopper housing and motormounting will need to be modified.


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Connecting components with metal bellows couplings significantly reduces the number of thinwindows on FP- 13, For example, a metal bellows connects the thimble for the in-pile guide and theshutter/guide chamber, so the components share the same vacuum or helium environment. Similarly,the exit of the chopper is connected to the upstream end of the freestanding guide, so both may beevacuated. Thin windows are required only at the shutter/guide and chopper interface, and at the endof the freestanding guide upstream of the sample station. The resulting equivalent thickness ofaluminum is about 9-mm.

On both flight paths the neutron guides external to the biological shielding are expected to be ofconventional fused silica construction and housed in steel vacuum vessels to provide damageprotection. These vessels, in turn, are mounted on long, wide flange structural members, which aresupported at various locations on isolation pylons. The pylons are steel reinforced concrete blocksthat extend through the ER- 1 floor slab and compacted tuff substrate, to a 4-ft thick concrete pad.This provides a very stable, isolated support structure for the neutron optics. The neutron choppersand the down stream end of each shutter/guide will be supported in a similar manner. The upstreamend of each shutter/guide rests on a thick concrete apron that surrounds the biological shieldpedestal.

A monolithic shield cave constructed of layers of low carbon steel and polyethylene plate enclosescomponents of the four flight paths in ER- 1. Roof panels may be removed to provide overhead craneaccess to components on each of the flight paths. While the existing overhead bridge crane hassufficient radial and azimuthal travel to cover the cave structure and its contents, hook height and liftcapacity limitations have an impact on the shielding and shutter designs.

Both flight paths will have dedicated electrical power and signal services for chopper motors,chopper rotor feedback, and motor temperature sensors. Other devices requiring these servicesinclude valve position sensors and pressure transducers associated with flight path vacuum systemsand thimble helium fill systems. Facility air or dry gaseous nitrogen will be required for operatingthe shutter/guide rotors, as well as isolation valves for the sets of evacuated flight path components.Pumps and controllers for the vacuum systems will be located in ER-2.

2.3 Integrated Neutron Shutter/Guide

Several concepts for integrating a neutron shutter and guide in a fail-safe configuration werereviewed during the preconceptual design phase of the project. Locating the shutter in the outerportion of the biological shield liner takes advantage of the surrounding shield, but the smalldiameters of the liners on FP-12 and FP-13 preclude such a design. Rather a fi-eestandingshutter/guide positioned immediately downstream of the in-pile guide thimble is proposed forFP-12and FP- 13. Rectangular guillotine, disk, and rotary type shutters were considered.

A vertical guillotine shutter offers the advantages of a narrow cross section, which can be readilyintegrated with surrounding stationary shielding, and easy implementation of fail-safe closure. Itsmajor disadvantage is that, because its travel trajectory is linear, a void in the surrounding stationaryshielding is inevitable. It also requires more headroom than is available in ER- 1.


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A disk shutter, with its axis of rotation in a horizontal attitude and normal to the flight path axis, wasconsidered for FP- 11a and FP- 11b because of their very close proximity. Although this configurationcan be readily integrated with surrounding shielding, the design is not practical for FP- 12 or FP-I 3because of the flight path elevation and the large diameter (1 ,5-m) of the disk. With the shutter in theclosed position, i.e., with the guide oriented vertically, the overhead shield thickness in the vicinityof the upper end of the guide is limited to about 0.6-m.

The rotary shutter is most practical for ER- 1 because it is readily integrated with surroundingstationary shielding, it allows for maximum overhead shielding, and it requires no shielding voidsfor shutter motion. It also offers the advantage of locating its axis of rotation, relative to the flightpath axis, in several positions. This offset capability allows for simpler integration of shutters withcomponents on adj scent flight paths.

Greatly limited access to the shutter/guide requires that it be robust and highly reliable. To meet thisrequirement, construction materials, particularly those used in the rotor motion control (e.g., primemover, position sensors), must be limited to inorganic or be somewhat insensitive to neutron andgamma radiation. The proposed concept incorporates an all-metal pneumatic cylinder assembly,which requires no elastomer seals, with a positively sealed linear metal bellows feedthrough toprovide the necessary linear-to-rotary motion conversion. This design not only locates the primemover outside the shutter vacuum vessel, but also eliminates the need for a rotary feedthroughpenetration in the vessel wall. Direct rotary feedthroughs are generally limited to low torqueapplications if they are positively sealed with metal bellows, or they require elastomer seals orcombinations of elastomer and graphite seals if they have high torque capacity. The control valvesystem for the pneumatic cylinder may be located in ER- 1 outside the shield cave or in ER-2.

Sensors for indicating the open and closed positions of the rotor maybe of two types, both of whichare commercially available in radiation hardened models. Electromechanical limit switches offer asimple method for indicating position, but because they are strictly on-off devices they are proximitysensors at best. A linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), by contrast, produces a specificoutput voltage for each position of its core, which is typically activated by an external force. In thiscase the rotor applies the force as it moves into its stroke end position. Thus, when the rotor isaligned and hard stops are set to limit its rotation, the LVDT may be adjusted to output a finitevoltage, or zero voltage at its core null position. If the rotor should drift away fi-om a hard stop it willbe indicated by a change in the LVDT output. Because they have a finite amount of pretravel andovertravel (typically on the order of 0.5-mm) electromechanical switches can allow drift to goundetected. Lateral offset or misalignment of a neutron guide must be less than O.10-mm, which iswithin the range of the LVDT. Also, the LVDT is physically simpler and more robust than theelectromechanical switch. A third sensor in the control system indicates the midstroke position of therotor and is used to trigger a deceleration circuit in the pneumatic control system. This sensor maybea vanable reluctance proximity transducer or a similar type device of radiation hardened design.

The rotor is a rigid monolithic structure with an assemblage of tungsten, steel, and polyethyleneblocks mounted in a wide slot that parallels the rotor axis. A neutron guide, mounted in a separatetubular housing, is located in a second slot diametrically opposite the shielding. This assembly is


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PRELIMINARYPRO.TECTPLANFOR Report No. 9901572-003, Rev. OLANSCE INTEGRATEDFLIGHT May 3,2000PATHS ha, llb, 12, & 13

supported by a set of spherical roller bearings mounted in a h-union with bearing retainer caps. Rigidplates forming the trunion are integral parts of the lower half of the cylindrical vacuum vessel and arigid base unit. This geometry has substantial torsional and bending stiffness and may be readilyintegrated with surrounding stationary shielding. Horizontal and vertical translations, as well as roll,pitch, and yaw adjustments are provided in the base unit for coarsely positioning the rotor during theinitial installation. Removing the top half of the vacuum vessel exposes the rotor, its position sensorsand bearings, and the neutron guide. Rotor bearings are lubricated with a low vapor pressurelubricant such as molybdenum disulfide or tungsten disulfide.

To facilitate in situ replacement of the neutron guide without realignment the guide is mounted in aseparate tube equipped with three kinematic mounts. The guide is initially aligned in its housing withspring pads and screws similar to those commonly used in other guide applications, This assembly isthen mounted in the shutter rotor and aligned with the three kinematic mounts during the initialinstallation. Key relationships between the guide and its tube and between the tube and kinematicmounts may then be reproduced on a cold guide assembly being prepared for in situ replacement ofone that has failed.

2.4 Shielding

In the preconceptual design phase of this project shielding of individual flight paths was consideredbut was judged to be cost prohibitive because of geometric complexities. Limited space between theflight paths would require that each component of a flight path be closely enveloped by theshielding. Further complexities became apparent when the layered composite nature of the shieldingwas considered. Enclosing the four flight paths in a monolithic shield cave may require morematerial, but does not pose the complex geometry problems that ultimately result in significantlygreater fabrication and installation costs. It also provides the flexibility of adding localized shieldingwhere it is needed.

The proposed shield concept is a large, wedge shaped structure composed of steel and polyethyleneplates assembled in thick modular panels that can be handled with the existing overhead bridgecrane. Its approximate outside dimensions are 5.5-m long x 7-m wide x 2.8-m high, and its totalweight is approximately 350 tons, of which 750/0 (by volume) is steel and 25°/0 is polyethylene. Theroof and downstream wall (i.e., the wall facing the interior of the wall separating ER- 1 and ER-2) areapproximately 40-in. (1-m) thick, As recommended, the roof and wall are assembled in thefollowing composition (from inside to outside): 2“ – CHZ(5% B), 6“ – Fe, 2“ – CHj(std), 24”- Fe,1“ – CHZ(5% B), 4“ – CHz(std), and 1“ – CH2(5Y0 B). For the purpose of this project the wallsinterfacing FP- 10 and FP- 14 are shown as approximately 0.5-m thick in the same materialproportions. It is understood that this shielding must eventually be integrated with that of FP-1 O andFP-14. Additional shielding of lesser thickness surrounds the freestanding guides extending betweenthe downstream shield wall and the ER-1 wall. Throughout the shield structure the panels areoverlapped to eliminate direct shine paths for radiation.

Modular panels comprising the roof structure are supported by a system of columns, wide flangebeams, and T-beams. The design was developed with overhead crane access and maintenance in

ARES Page 5:0 RP0R4T10N

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mind. T-beams, rather than wide flange beams, are used to span the shutter/guides because of thelimited overhead space between the latter’s vacuum vessel and the cave roof. These beams may beremoved for full overhead access to the shutter/guides. Although it is not shown on the drawings, alarge door in the downstream shield wall near the ER-1 overhead door is anticipated. Because of thebridge crane’s low hook height such a door is necessary for ingress and egress of fully assembledcomponents. For the same reason the door opening must extend to the top of the downstream shieldwall.

2.5 Services

Each flight path has dedicated vacuum, pneumatic, gas, and electrical services. Since the designoperating pressure for both FP- 12 and FP- 13 is in the range of 1.0 torr to 1.0 millitorr, a manifoldsystem served by a single one-stage rotary vane pump is sufficient for each flight path. Ahermetically sealed pump exhausted through a HEPA filter system is recommended. A typical legfrom the manifold serving one or two flight path components includes a pressure transducer,pneumatically operated isolation valve, and in-line bellows for vibration isolation and alignment.The manifold is isolated from the pump, which is located in ER-1, by another pneumaticallyoperated valve. An additional pressure transducer is located upstream of this valve. Pneumaticservice to each valve may be provided by the facility compressed air system or a dry nitrogen gassupply. Each leg of this system includes a pressure transducer and shut-off valve. Electrical servicesto each valve include low voltage (typically 5VDC - 28VDC) for solenoid-operated air valves andvalve position limit switches.

If helium is required for the removal of heat from the front end of the in-pile guides on FP-12 andFP-13, a simple distribution manifold is required. Both legs of this manifold will have electrically orpneumatically operated shut-off valves and pressure transducers located in ER-1 outside the shieldcave.

Pneumatic service for the shutter/guide actuating cylinder may also be provided by the facilitycompressed air system or a dry nitrogen gas supply. This system may be arranged as the heliumdistribution system with each leg equipped with an electrically or pneumatically operated shut-offvalve and pressure transducer located in ER- 1 outside the shield cave, Electrical service to eachshutter/guide is low voltage (typically 5VDC - 28VDC) for the position sensors.

Neutron choppers on FP-12 and FP-13 require only electrical service for motor power and signaltransmission from the motor’s temperature sensors and rotor position detection system. Ready-madecables with motor and controller interface connectors are available from the motor manufacturer inlengths to 30-m.

2.6 In-Pile Neutron Guide Transport

Before construction of the shield cave or installation of components on either FP-12 or FP-13commences, the in-pile guides for these flight paths must be installed in their respective thimbles.The guide transporter is designed for transferring the guide in its shield plug to the biological shield,


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aligning it with the thimble, and inserting it. Vertical and horizontal translations as well as rotationsare integrated in the transporter design to provide the needed precision for insertion of the guide.Proper alignment is important because the forward 1.2 meters of the cantilevered guide are exposedand the clearance for this portion of the guide in the thimble’s forward end is small.

Ingress and egress of the transporter must be through the overhead door connecting ER-1 and ER-2.Segments of the shielding and vacuum pipe on FP- 14 must be removed for this purpose.

2.7 Facility Modifications

Components along each flight path may include shutter/guides, neutron choppers, and free-standingguides. To achieve maximum performance from each flight path, mitigate the effects of vibrationand facility floor deformation, and facilitate component alignment, it is recommended that thebeamline components be isolated via engineering design and vibration isolation. These aspects ofthe design logically fall within the detailed design phase.

The conceptual shielding support structure (columns and beams) has been depicted in the conceptualdrawing package and discussed in Section 2.4. Although preliminary scoping calculations have beenused to size the structural members, detailed structural engineering analyses need to be performed(e.g., a seismic analysis probably needs to be performed) in subsequent design phases. It isrecommended that these structural analyses and the resulting construction drawings be reviewed andstamped by a licensed Professional Engineer.

Each of the beamlines will require various utilities (e.g., electrical, vacuum, etc.). Specification anddesign of these ancillary services will be performed during the detailed design phase.


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The Integrated Beam Lines Project Level-3 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is shown in Fig. 1.This WBS provides a compilation of all project deliverables, which form the basis of the technicalscope, cost and schedule, as described in other sections of this preliminary project plan. The mainelements of the WBS (Level 2) include: 1.1 Project Management; 1.2 Design Activities; 1.3Procurement; 1.4 Construction, Installation & Testing; and 1.5 Safety/ Regulatory Activities.


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Fqyre 1 Work Breakdown Structure


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PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN FOR Report No. 9901572-003, Rev. OLANSCE INTEGRATEDFLIGHT May 3,2000PATHS ha, llb, 12, & 13


A preliminary project schedule has been developed based on an understanding of the project scopethat was gained while developing the Conceptual Design and from discussions with LANSCE-12personnel. The schedule includes those tasks that are necessary to accomplish or deliver theelements delineated in the project WBS.

Two schedule options have been considered. They are based on two possible run-time/shutdownoperating cycles of the LANSCE Neutron Scattering Center, which were identified by LANSCE- 12personnel. Other operating cycles might also be considered but were not evaluated in thisscheduling effort. Both schedules include the tentatively planned shutdown period from October 1,2000 to February 28,2001 (5 months). Thereafter, the Option 1 Schedule shown in Figure 2includes a repeating 8-month run-time and 4-month shutdown cycle, and the Option 2 Scheduleshown in Figure 3 is based on a repeating 4-month run-time and 2-month shutdown cycle.

Both schedules include tasks for the design, procurement (including fabrication), and installation ofbeam line hardware and radiation shielding in ER-1 for Flight Paths (FP) 11a, 1lb, 12 and 13.Specific tasks for LANL Project Management and for Safety/Regulatory work are not included, asthey are expected to be hammock-type tasks that span the overall duration of the schedule. It is alsoexpected that most of the Safety/Regulatory work will occur during the modification of ER- 1 and theinstallation of hardware.

The scope of the work required for FPs 11a and 1lb were not fully defined at the time of theschedule preparation. In general it was known that FP 11a would remain essentially unchanged, andFP 1lb might be retrofitted with new sections of freestanding neutron guides and either one or twonew choppers. To capture these requirements, two 8-month duration tasks for hardware design andprocurement were included as “placeholders” in the schedules.

Both schedules show that preliminary designs of the shutter/guides and the integrated shieldingpackage must lag the radiation shielding calculations, which will provide essential input to thosedesigns. Durations of the design and procurement tasks (except neutron guides) were estimated byARES Corporation engineers, based on experience from similar work. Durations for the neutronguide procurements are taken from the cost and schedule quotations provided to LANL by guidevendors. Procurements of FP 13 in-pile guides and the framing chopper are delayed until Novemberof FY2001 to coincide with the anticipated availability of finding. Also, in general, procurementtasks that follow final design tasks are delayed 6-weeks to account for the time required to initiaterequests for proposals and issue procurement contracts.

Tasks in ScheduIes 1 and 2 are identical except for the beam-operating cycles described above andthe specific hardware-installation tasks. The approach used in Schedule 1 is to install hardware assoon as it has been procured, during the earliest possible shutdown period. In this case, the 4-monthshutdown in FY2002 will not be long enough to accomplish all installation tasks, with some needingto be delayed until the following shutdown, or the shutdown period extended. Schedule 2 follows a I

similar approach, but includes the installation of beam stops against the biological shield on FPs 12I


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PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN FOR Report No. 9901572-003, Rev. OLANSCE INTEGRATEDFLIGHT May 3,2000PATHSha, llb, 12, & 13

and 13 after the in-pile shields and guides are installed, to allow continuation of work in ER-1 duringthe LANSCE run time. The potential benefits of this approach are minimized because the deliveryof shieIding and neutron guide hardware will lag the installation of the beam stops by severalmonths, thus delaying the installation of shielding and guides. In this case also, the shutdown inFY2002 will not be long enough to accommodate all installation tasks, but with the shutter/guides inplace on FPs 12 and 13, construction and installation work in ER-1 might be able to continue duringthe LANSCE run time.

In the preliminary schedules, the least well defined and highest risk tasks are the hardwareinstallation tasks. To some extent, the final design configurations and the risks of damaging delicatehardware (e.g., neutron guides) or compromising alignment during installation will influence thesequence in which hardware can be installed in ER- 1. As the hardware designs and their integrationinto ER- 1 are fiu-ther developed, the required installation tasks will become better defined.


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\Mt4SCEJBL._Opfion? LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated

ID Task Name Duration I start F&h

1 ScheduledL@m Center Sinddovm#1 (Tentative) 22w’ks Mon iO/OfZOO Fri03i02/01

~2 ScheduledLujanCenter Run Time #1 (Tentative)

3 ScheduledLujanCenter Sh@own #2 (Tentative)


5 .%alr

6 ConceptualDesire of htewded FPs-I 1, 12, 13 Comptete


8 FP41 Speciffc Desfgn / Procurement

9 DesigJrof FP.lla & 1lb HardwareAs Needed

10 PTOcu’eFP-tla & Ilb Hardware As Needed


12 FP.12 Specfftc Design I Pmwremeti

’33 CompleteDe6ign%aiysis of FP-I 2 FramingChopper

i4 ProcureFP-12 Fr8mingCtmQper

15 Perform Rad. ShieldingCalcs.for FP-I 2,13 ShWer/Guides

16 PfeJminatyDes@nof FP-12 Shutter/Guide

fl Find Designsof FP-I 2 & 13 Shtier/Guides

18 Procure FP-12 & 13 Shutters(w/o Guides)

*9 ProcureFP-12 & 13 Adj. Mnts. & Trans., FP-12 IwPile Insert

20 ProcureFP-12 Ir+lie Guide &Assemble Intoshield In$erf


22 FP-13 Specilfc Deslryr/ procurement

23 FinalDe@ of FP-I 3 IwPile ShieldInseti

24 ProcureFP-13 lk-PileShieldIn$ett

25 !%ocwe FP-13 lo-pik Guide & Assembleinto Mleld insert

26 ProcureFP.I 3 FramingChopper


28 htegrawt Beam Lines Design/ Procure/Install

29 Imbd FP-12 & 13 VacuumThimbles& ShieldPIWJS

30 lnstalt/AliwFP-12 & 13 Impile Guide/Shields

31 Perform Rad. StdeldingCalcs.for IntegratedShielding

32 Prelim.Designof IotegmtedFPS & Shielding

3$ FinalDesignof Shielding& Suppportstructure

?4 ProcureSUppoitStructurefor Shielding

35 Procme Sh4efdng

36 Modify Faciity - Pytons,Prep. For PrantSevices, etc.

37 FinalDesignhltegationofFPs-11, 12& 13

36 ProcureFP-I 2 & 13 Free-standing& lr&emOt-ShutferGuides

39 InstallShlelGSupportColumns

40 Ins$allBeam Line Ha@we

4~ Io+an & Connectutilities

42 Perform HardwareTesting

43 Instal SMektWalls

44 installToP Shielding

45 Instal PersonnelAccess ControlSystem (PACS)

46 Finish

35$@S Mon 03m5mf F~ 11/02/01

17 V,% Mon i tm5ml w 03mlm2

o w Sun 04f30mo Sun04i30100

o *S Sun 04i30mo SUII 04aomo

76W31s Mon 05/01/00 Frl 10/WO!

35 Wks Mon 05/01/00 Fti 12c29mo

35*S Mm 02/12/01 Fri 10/i2/01

74 Wks Mon 05m6100 Fif 10JO5JO1

12w’as Mon 06/1200 Fri 06mi/oo

12’WS Mon 09m4mo Fii 1v24mo

Izwks Mon 051z2/00 Fri 06/11/00

6 vA% Mon 07m3/oO Fri 08/lliOO

24 M(s Mon 08114h30 Fti Oi/XtOi

30 Wks Mon 03/1201 Ftt lomsmt

20 w% Mon 05/08/00 Ftt 0912210C

35 W% fdon 06m5mo Fti omzoi

56.2 WkS Mon 06m5mo Mon 07/02/01

8 Vk Mon 00105100 Fri 07r28mc

20* Mon 09/11/00 Fti ottzrni

35 tis Tue IOOIMO Mon 07m2ml

20 Vd!s Tue 10/31/00 Mon 03f19ml

104WS Mon 07/31mo Frl 07i20/Oi

4W%.S Mon lom2mo Fri 10/27/0(

4 wks Mon 1im5m4 Fri 1l/30W

16vdw Mon 07C31100 Fri 11/17m[

8 VA(5 Mon 08L28/00 Fri 10I2CMX

26 WIG Mcm ! 0/23/00 Fii 04~om1

16wk5 Mon 06m4ml Fd 09/21/0

35 *S Mon 06m4ml Fti 02r01/U

8* Mon 1lm5mi Fri 1226/0

20 vks Mon 1oa3mo Fri 03m9w

52 ‘h Mon 10i23/00 Fri1W19JLT

2 V&$ Mon i2m3ml Fri 12/14/0

12*S Ma) tmmi Fri 03E2KK

2wks Mm 03r25m2 Fri 04mw

12 WkS Mon 01/28/02 Fii 04/19/W

6wks Mm 04i22i02 Fri 05t31m:

6 VAN Mon 06/03/02 Fd 07/12iU

2w!i Mon 07if5m2 Fri 07/26/Ll

o ‘,4+S Ftt 07LW02 Fti 07/26/U1


Apr I May [ Juo I Jul I AW \ Sep \ &t I Nov


.:. :.:.:.: ,::::::.:: ::.: .:.:.:-,.- ....:~..


art :

$Iat f3es@_rof Integrated FPs.I 1,1 ,19 Complete

Lp::......“...:.’. -.:-; ::~::.’-~-::~:.:::.:.:.:.::: PerfOm. . . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Projec&LujanCenter Integratedseam Li Task.. . . .. . . . . ..:-: . : .:. :. :..,.:.:. :. :.,

Date Tlw 06mfmo;.:-: .:.:.:.: ............ Progress ~ Summaw ~+ RolledUp CriticalTask ~

ARES CwPoratico CriticalTask .: .3.,.:.:: ,:::::::>;:: : :-: .:-:-. .. . . . . . . Mtlestone ● RolledUp Task

.. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . ,., .:::::..::::.:::::.::: .,. : Rolled Up Mk6tone



Page 18: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared

nes - Flisht Paths Ila, Ilb, 12& 13 (Option 1)

zaaf I 2002 Isap Od I NW

+.;edledta:c:rs!l:mi ;:..:!”; ‘ \

I Dec I Jan I Feb I Mar I AW ] MaY I Jun I Jul Iw I SOP I ott ] NW 1 Dec I Jan

... . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .

cheduled L@n Center Ruri Tim@#l (Ten4atIve)

MF -11 Sp@lfc Design/ Procurement

amhg chopper


I}tIe Into Shield In

rdwam As Needed


r (W/O Guides)

t——. . . . . . . . ... .i::;:,:::::::::::::::2 :.::::.~—---n--i ~


II● Integrated Beam Lines Destgn / Procure / Install

~---—-— ——. :

IgnFP-12 &13 In-Pllo Qulde/Shields

Shlddlng Calcs. for Integrated Shielding111

fied FPs & Shleldlng


;;; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::.*&~.

Modify Pacliiiy- Pylons, Prep. For >Iant Sevlces, etc.

~ a4,-4a4 ea.Standing & Intomab.?huttw G1Ides

II Shleld*uppo!t Columns

stafl Bmm LIIW Hardwart

& Connacl Utll!41es

orform Hardware Tasting


;:;:y::y::~.. nstall Shield Walls

WY: nstall Top Shielding ~

.. .:::: sta.tlPersonnel Access Control System (PACS)

+ Flnlsh ~

- RollodUpProo+e$s ~ Memal Tasks

spnt PrOjecfSwrmmry

Option 1 SChsdule



. ..

Page 19: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared

LANecE_lBL.0@cm2 LANSCE Lujsn Center Integrated Bea, ! ! 1 h“ 1



Task Name Buratkon St@ Fhlsh w I May I Juh I I I I I I I If

Jul AJg Sep Ocl No.

ScheddedLujancenterShWmvn#i @naOw)

Dec Jen Feb22* Mm 10M2$J0 Fri03m2rW .. . . . .. . . . , .:.:.,::, , :::,:,:,, ,:::,,,:,:,:::::,::, :::,::

:.:.:.:-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 ScheduledLuj8nCemterRun Time ?M(Tetoabvn) f7Mm Mon 03m51ul Fti osiwmj

3 .%+mdtied LujanCenterShuidcmS2 (7enlaOve) 9wks Mm 07$32KM Fe08nim1

4 S&sdulwdLI$MCmterRun Tme #z (Tenbdlw) t7uks Mon OSVDW$ Fti j3f28m1

5 scheduledLuti Cemer Shtiovm S3 (TemaWe) 9* Mon 12f41ml F!i 03M1M2


7 stat oh Sun 04EJiU0 Sun IWSOiUO

8 Conesplual Design sf Itigtmed FPs-1j, 12,13 Cwqdeie O* Suno.morno Sun04momo


10 FP.t 1 Speciik Design 1Prwurement 76 V#w Mon 05!01100 Frl 10112101

11 Design of FP.I la & lib HwckwmA3Needed 35wks Mm 05m1mo Fri12r29m0

12 ProcureFP.lia K i ib H~A, Needed 35 w Mm 02112$21 Ftij O/t2?X


14 FP.12SpeciilcDesign1Procurement 74 Wm Mm 05memo Fti jom5mt

15 Cmnplm8Deslg-s of F!At2 FramingChopper 12’.+$S MonOWWOO Feosmimo

18 ProcureFP-I2 FmmhgChopper 12* M.. 09$J4PJ0 Fri11/2030

97 Perfenn Riid. Shiekhi Cti$. for FP.I 2, f 3 Shdteffiuides 12wk* Man Lw22m4 Fti3Stft,00

18 PreliminaryDetign of FP-i 2 Shidterffiuide $Wks Mon 07m3mo Fti Ow jmo

49 Find Des@ of FP-j2 & f3 Shutkrffiuides 24 wks Mon cSf14U10 Fti Oj fiemi

20 Prowe FP-I 2 & t 3 Shut2em(w/a Guides) sows M-m 03/!2)21 Fti <DM5)M

29 Procure FWj2 & 13 Adj, Ms. & Trans., FP-12 in-PNaInsmt 20 W4is Mm 0510S100 Fri 09/22/00

22 Pnwrn FP.t2 IwPile Guide & Asss.mb4elr&cShield lnwt 35* fhn osmsmo Frl 02M2AM


24 FF..13 Speciilc Deklgn I Pfocuremwd 56.2 wits Mon O61O6IOO Mon o71OZM

23 Fin! Dedgn of FP-i9 in.Pile Sld!!d !nswl 8* Mm OSPNSO Fti 07f2SAX

26 Procure FP.i3 I+Pita .Sdebdlrsett 20* Mon 09fl W20 Fti owemj

27 Procure FP.19 h+d. Qtide &Assemble id Si?JeldInsert 35* Tue vwmo M.n 07m2$2t

28 PmcurB FP-13 FramingChopper 20* Tim jOIS+KO Mm 03 ft9m1


30 lnt6grated Beam L!nes Design t procure I Install 94* Man 07mUo0 Fti odkwrnz

31 lnshdlFP42 & j3 vacuum Thimbles &Sti61d Piugs 4 wks Mm j 0P22M0 Fti 4or27m0

32 lns@JAN~ FP-i2 & 13 in-Pde Qtids/ 4wk$ Tue 07m3mt Mon OTBOml

33 InstallBeam Stops A@& %!qlcd Shield on FP.t2 & IS I* Tue 07L3W31 MOnosmsmj

34 Pethmn Rad. SHe!dng Cab, for Irdegm+edSMelWg jsws 540307t3tmo Fe tin7/UO

35 Prdhn. Dasiw of IrdegratadFPs & Shidd4ng e *S Mon 0W23100 Fti jonomo

24 Final Design of SMddi”g & Suppp@ Sbwbna 29 wks Mont &?l~O Fti D4/20t3j

37 Procura Suppwl Sbwbun for Shisldng j6v& Mon cSJQ4MI Fti cmr2im1

23 Prow’s Shie.w,g 39 wks M.. 0&04mi Frl 02Mim2

39 Moc#fyFaciri - Pylons, P,ep, For Plti Swices, e+c. 8 *S Mon 07mz2t Ftl ow24mf

40 Final Design lntagm!ionof FPs-j 1,12 & 13 20 Wks Mon 10 f23/00 Fti 03m9mj

41 Rowe FP.12 & j 3 Free-standing& htwnd-shutterGuides 52* Mm 10i2w00 Ftii O/j9/01

42 InsIanShiews”ppoftCd”nlns (Perdar) jwk Mon 09r24P21 Fti 0972emq

43 Mall .%o.n LimaHafdwre (Except .%uttem) 9* Mull fnzzvj Fii 1221,01

44 Instal & Ccmneti Ubiid*a 2* Mm 12124M1 Fri 0W2422

.45 Remwe Beam Stops Against Bldcgkal Shield on FP.12 & 19 j* Mm 0jm7m2 Ffi Ojn jm2

46 Ins!all FP12 & 13 ShWe,~,dsa 3wtm Mm 0tf14R!2 Fn 02JWmz

47 Perform Hardwas TesUng f2 *S M0njlL20JO! Fri 02/t E4U2

48 Mall Remtiniw Shtdd.Suppo!l Columns iwk Mcm02/fsM2 Fti 02123.K32

49 lnslcJShield Walls 6* Mon 021251U2 Fri 04m5m2

50 InstallTopShiMiW WBPPC.*Omms 9wks MonG4M9M2 Fti05n7m2

51 Mail PersonnelAccess C.x&ul System (PACS) 2*9 Mm 05120m2 Fri omtmz

52 FirAsh Oti Fri 05mtm2 Fti 05mm2



, Design FPs.ll,12,13c




! DeslgNAnaiy$16 of PP-12 Frandhg Chopper

. . . .. . . . . . .

,OeldingCalcs, for FP.42,t3 Shottermuldes

~’=@---:::::; :+:;:::,:>::,:::;:>::::::;::,-: PWT01mR9d.ShleldlllgC

-.....:.:.:-:.,.::::.,.:.,.,.,,,.:..,:,,. . . . ... .:.:.:..-......... . . .


I, [


Project: Lulm Cenw Integrated Beam Task :;:<:.-:::::: ::!:;:: Pmgrass \ 4- Th” c8mtm4~ Summary Rdbad Up CdWTn,k .;:;::::,..:.: ...:- - .--. .::.--:..,::.: Rolled Up Progn

ARES Cmpomlion ~cd Task;:::::32 ::::: ,3::

Wlwlorie + Rokd UP Task. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ro16d Up Milsstcme o Spls


Page 20: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared


ines - Flight Peths Ila, 11b, 12& 13 (Option2)2001 I

2002 II

Mu I.%lr 1 May I Jun I All I NE I 68P Od I w I D-c I Jan 1 Fsbl Mwl A#rl Mw I Jun 1 Jul 1 A4 1 cmp Ott I N.x I D*c I Jan F.b

cheduled Lqan Center shutdown #l (rentatlve)

chsduled LUJan Canter Run T(Me W (Tentstive)

chedulcd LuJsn Canter Shutdown/k? (Tentative)

- - . - -.-----.-.-.-.-.------~:.:-:-:.::-:-:,:!:,.: <.; .,. -.-. -.1-:.: -.-.. . . . . . -.-,

#?-kPk-Pils~ASS=%b In$sft I~-ukl#bmbuMwt—

recurs FP43 In.Pile Qulde & Assem II* Into Shield Inseti

-“-~ - - “


%:-1:::::::::: nstaWNlgn PP.<2 s.~3 [n.p e Culdemhlelds

:. * tBlologtcti Sh!e!d I

rdegrated Shleldlng Ii I:i&&i2s: .2

* on% FrsP. For Plan

htetd.s.pport colt

:heduhd Lujan Center Run Ttme #2 (Tentative)

%::>>HX:+ scheduled LuIan Center shutdown #s (TentaUve)


me As Needed






Ices, etc.

1’!Ntandlng & Intsm shutter Gulde$

stall Beam Lm Hw ● @xcept Shutters)

L{‘:nstsll&COnne Utilities

emove Be stops A@nst Slologlcal Shield on FP.12 & 13

:::::: Pf2 & 13 Shulter/Guides

~ ‘=v~h ~

: nsttdl Remalnlng Shield* upport columns

::::::::::::::: nstsll Top Shleldmg wmupport Seams

::: mtsll Pwsonnd Access Control system ~ACSl



Page 21: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared

PRELIMINARY PROIECT PLAN FOR Report No. 9901572-003, Rev. OLANSCE INTEGRATEDFLIGHT May 3,2000PATHS ha, llb, 12, & 13


The preliminary cost estimate for the Integrated Beam Lines Project consists of individual costs andcontingencies for each Level 3 WBS element, which are rolled up to summary level WBS elements.LANL overheads, escalation, and New Mexico gross receipts tax are included in the estimates. Thesummary costs for the project are given in Table 1. Detailed cost estimates for lower level WBSelements are included in Appendix A. These estimates can be refined and the contingency adjustedas the hardware designs and their integration into ER- 1 are further developed.


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.0 LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines - Flight Paths Ila, llb, 12 & 13

Estimate Gross Receipts Subtotal Escalation Subtotal ContingencySubtotal

LANL TotalTax wIGRT WIESC Burdens

WBS Activity ‘?/0 Total 0/0 Total 0?0 Total

~,1 LANL Project ~214 665 ~oo% soManagement ‘ $214,665 3.61% $7,741 $222,406 30.00%$66,722 $40,478 $329,606

~,2 DesignActivities

$898,188 3.93 $35,313 $933,500 1.88% $17,568 $951,068 26.26% $249,707 $212,597 $1,413,372

1.3 Procurement $2,924,150 6.06% $177,277 $3,101,427 4.06% $125,995 $3,227,422 23.45% $756,719 $705,392 $4,689,534

Construction,1.4 Installation & $386,783 6,06% $23,449 $410,232 4.06% $16,655 $426,887 35.00% $149,411 $102,034 $678,331


~,5 SafetylRegulatory Activities

$84,182 6.06% $5,104 $89,286 4.06% $3,625 $92,911 35.00% $32,519 $17,560 $142,990

TOTALS $4,507,9685.35%$241,142$4,749,1103.61~0$171,584$4,920,69426% $1,255,078$1,078,061$7,253,833

The detailed cost estimate in Appendix A includes specific notes that describe the basis andassumptions for the cost elements. As noted, the cost for Project Management is assumed to be 5°/0of the combined design, procurement, construction and safetyh-egulatory cost, following standardguidelines for DOE projects. The Safety/Regulatory activities are assumed to require fundingestimated at 20/0of design, procurement and construction costs. Manpower efforts for other tasksthat will be performed primarily by LANL personnel (e.g., LANL Principal Investigators’ Support,and Radiation Shielding Calculations) were estimated by LANSCE- 12 staff. ARES Corporationdeveloped estimates for the design, procurement and installation tasks based on experience fromdeveloping the Conceptual Design and from completing similar projects, with additional input fromLANSCE- 12 personnel. Procurement costs for the various neutron guides were taken from costquotations provided to LANL by guide vendors, except the FP 1lb freestanding guide for which anestimate was provided by LANSCE- 12.


Page 22: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared

PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN FOR Report No. 9901572-003, Rev. OLANSCE INTEGRATEDFLIGHT May 3,2000PATHS ha, llb, 12, & 13


Preliminary Cost EstimateLANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines



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ARES Corporation Task 9901572


LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines

Estimate Basis


Escalation was calculated based on the weighted mid-point of major activities. A s.zs~. escalation figure for all years was utilized.

Estimated costs were based on RS means (adjusted to reflect LANL 1999 Davis Bacon labor rates), estimators judgement, and vendoK

budgetary quotes, and costs for various previously completed activities.

It was assumed for purposes of this estimate that design would begininFY2001 with constructionltesting completed in FY2002.


The cost for Project Management was based on an assumption that Project Management should cost approximately 5% of the combined design,

procurement, construction, installation & testing, and safety/regulatory costs.


The cost for Design Activities was based on detailed spreadsheets for type of personnel and manhours for each major activity.

The Title III Design effort was estimated using an allocation of ZS’%0 of final design costs.

Gross Recepts tax was not included on those tasks that are expected to be performed by LANL personnel.


Budgetary quotes where obtained from equipment vendors when available.

Procurement estimates for neutron guides for flight paths 12 and 13 (WBS 1,3.3, 1.3,4, 1.3,11 and 1.3.12) are from quotations provided to

LANL by neutron guide vendors,

Procurement estimates for all choppers, FP1 lb neutron guides, beam stops, and the PACS (WBS 1.3.5, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.10, 1.3.14 and 1.3.15)

were provided by LANSCE- 12 personnel.


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A fully burdened labor rate was utilized for each craft.

Costs for each unique activity were estimated using National rates for similar activities and adjusted per engineering judgement.

Contingency was applied at the work item level. A detailed take off of all materials was performed. Allocations for non-task specific work

(construction support, testing, etc.) were based on estimators judgement and material and labor estimates.

Catalog/Vendor data was utilized for all major components.

No allowance for overtime was included.

Quantities for materials were taken from drawings and engineering judgement.

The cost for major equipment was based on vendor budgetary quotes.

Allocations for equipment rental were made based on the estimator’s judgement of construction practices,

Manufacturers’ overhead and profit was not charged on major GFE equipment. A procurement fee of 10% was charged on all material unless

vendor quotes included these costs.

Crew composition was based on estimator’s understanding of construction practices.

Foreman and General Foreman wage differences ( 10’XOForeman and 119’. General Foreman) were calculated in the installation unit cost of each

item, and assumed each was a working craftsman.

A 10’%o“Construction Support Allowance” was applied to all construction activities. This allowance provides for contractor safety support,

field engineering support, field QA support, area cleanup, dust control, etc.


It is assumed this will require funding estimated at 2% of design,procurementand construction,installation& testingcosts.

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ARES Corporation Task 9901572


LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines

Contingency Analysis


A contingency of 30’%.was applied to this activity due to the following reasons: 1) construction is more complicated than typical, 2) multiple

procurements and construction activities must be co-ordinated, and 3) the project involves many different LANL organizations.


A QS~o contingency was applied to the design tasks for the following reasons: Base costs for designs considered the types of drawings

required, and were prepared by engineers familiar with these types of activities, using a bottoms-up approach to estimate the required manhour

efforts (except Title III D“esign). For four activities with higher uncertainties, a 35% contingency was used.


A moderate contingency of 30% was applied to this WBS due to the level of detail available on costs of Procurement, with the following

exceptions: 1) a fixed-price procurement of FP 12, 13 Adj. Mnts. & Transporter, & FP 12 In-Pile Shield (WBS 1.3.1) is already underway, thus

a 0°/0 contingency is used; and 2) vendor quotes for the various neutron guides have been obtained but the dates through which they were valid

have passed so a contingency of 15% is used.


A high level of contingency was applied to these activities (35’%.), due to the following reasons: 1) conspuction is complex and dependent on

conditions found during actual design and construction, 2) there are multiple contracts and LANL organizations to coordinate, 3) laboratory

requirements for beam operation are uncertain at this time, and 4) the type of construction involved is different than typically encountered.


A high level of contingency was applied to these activities (3 S’%0), due to the following reasons: 1) interaction with regulatory agencies will be

confusing, 2) tie-ins to existing permitted systems are required, 3) no regulatoW/safety plan has been written, and 4) overall cost is not very

great, therefore minor issues ‘utilize a large percentage of contingency.

Page 26: PRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED …/67531/metadc723431/m2/1/high_res_d/764193.pdfPRELIMINARY PROJECT PLAN for LANSCE INTEGRATED FLIGHT PATHS Ila, llb, 12, & 13 Prepared


LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.0 LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines - Flight Paths ha, 11 b, 12 & 13

Estimate Gross Receipts Tax Subtotal Escalation Subtotal Contingency LANL Total

Subtotal w/GRT WIESC. Burdens

WBS Activity % Total 0/0 Total %0 Total

1.1 LANL Project Management $214,665 O.00’XO $0 $214,665 3.61% $7,741 $222,406 30.00% $66,722 $40,478 $329,6061.2 Design Activities $898,188 3.93% $35,313 $933,500 1.88% $17,568 $951,068 26.26% $249,707 $212,597 $1,413,3721.3 Procurement $2,924,150 6.06% $177,277 $3,101,427 4.06% $125,995 $3,227,422 23.45% $756,719 $705,392 $4>689>534

14 Constriction, Installation &

Testing$386,783 6.06% $23,449 $410,232 4.06% $16,655 $426,887 35.00% $149,411 $102,034 $678,331

1.5 Safety/Regulatory Activities $84,182 6.06% $5,104 $89,286 4.06% $3,625 $92,911 35.00% $32,519 $17,560 $142,990

TOTALS $4.507.968 5.35% $241.142 S4.749.11O 3.61 “A $171.584 !34.920.694 260/o !$1.255.078 !$1.078.061 $7.253.833

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LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.1 LANL Project Management

Estimate Gross Receipts Tax Subtotal Escalation Subtotal Contingency Total

Subtotal wIGRT w/Esc.

WBS Activity % Total % Total % Total

1.1.1 Project Management for Design $44,909 0.00% $0 $44,909 1.88% $845 $45,755 30~o $13,726 $59,481

~12 Project Management for$146,208 0.00% ‘0


Procurement$5,940 $152,147 30~o $45,644 $197,791

~13 Project Management for$19,339 0.00!40 $0 $19,339 4.06!40. .

Construction & Installation$785 $20,124 30~o $6,037 $26,162

~14 Project Management for$4,209 0.00% $0 $4,209 4.06’%0. .

Safetv/Reswlatorv$171 $4,380 30’%. $1,314 $5,694

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LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.2 Design Activities

Estimate Gross Receipts Tax Subtotal Escalation Subtotal Contingency Total

Subtotal wIGRT WIESC.

WBS Activity ‘?/0 Total ‘Y. Total 0/0 Total

LANL Principal Investigator’s1.2.1

support$203,570 0.00% $0 $203,570 1.63% $3,308 $206,878 25~o $51,720 $258,598

Rad. Calcs. - Sources, Shutters&1.2.2

Shielding$67,860 0.00% $0 $67,860 1.63?40 $1,103 $68,963 25% $17,241 $86,203

~-23 FP1 lb Guide & Choppers -

Conceptual Design$33,930 0.00’?/0 $0 $33,930 1.63% $551 $34,481 35% $12,068 $46,550

1.2.4 FP12 Chopper - Analysis $36,440 6.06’ZO . $2,209 $38,649 1.639’0 $628 $39,277 25% $9,819 $49,097

1.2.5 FP12 Chopper - Final Design $10,350 0.00% $0 $10,350 1.63’?40 $168 $10,518 35~o $3,681 $14,200

1.2.6FP 12, 13 Shutter/Guide -

Preliminary Design$45,970 6.06% $2,787 $48,757 1.63% $792 $49,549 25% $12,387 $61,937

1.2.7 FP 12 ShutterlGuide - Final Design $107,900 6.06% $6,541 $114,441 1.63% $1,860 $116,301 25% $29,075 $145,376

1.2.8 FP13 Shutter fGuide - Final Design $36,570 6.06’XO $2,217 $38,787 1.63’%0 $630 $39,417 25% $9,854 $49,272

FP13 In-Pile Shield Insert - Final1.2.9

Design$25,000 6.06% $1,516 $26,516 1,63!40 $431 $26,947 25% $6,737 $33,683

1.2.10Integrated FPs and Shielding -

Preliminary Design$46>130 6.06’% $2,797 $48,927 1.63% $795 $49,722 25% $12,430 $62,152

1.2.11 Integrated FPs - Final Design $44,370 6.06% $2,690 $47,060 1.63’% $765 $47,825 2596 $11,956 $59,781

~ 2,12 S~lding & Support Structure -$78,210 6.06’%

Final Design$4,741 $82,951 1.63940 $1,348 $84>299 25~o $21,075 $105,374

1.2.13ER- 1 Floor Modifications (Pylons) -

Design$10,500 6.06% $637 $11,137 1.63?40 $181 $11,318 35% $3,961 $15,279

~214 Utilities (Vat, He, Air, Elec.) -. .

Designs$58,530 6.06’X. $3,548 $62,078 1.6370 $1,009 $63,087 35~o $22,081 $85,168

1.2.15 Title 111Design Engineering $92,858 6.06% $5,629 $98,487 4.06’%0 $3,999 $102,486 255K0 $25,621 $128,107

TOTALS $898,188 3.93% $35,313 $933,500 1.88’% $17,568 $951,068 26% $249,707 $1>200,775

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LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.3 Procurement

Estimate Gross Receipts Tax Subtotal Escalation Subtotal Contingency Total

Subtotal w/GRT WIESC.

WBS Activity ‘?/0 Total %0 Total % Total

~31 FP12, 13 Adj. Mnts. & Trans.,. .

FP12 In-Pile Shield - Procure$175,900 6.06% $10,664 $186,564 4.06’70 $7,579 $194,143 0’%0 $0 $194,143

1.3.2 FP13 In-Pile Shield - Procure $70,000 6.06’% $4,244 $74,244 4.06’?40 $3,016 $77,260 15°4 $11,589 $88,849

1.3.3 FP 12 In-Pile Guide - Procure $109,100 6.06% $6,614 $115,714 4.06% $4,701 $120,415 15% $18,062 $138,477

1.3.4 FP13 In-Pile Guide - Procure $122,100 6.06% $7,402 $129,502 4.06% $5,261 $134,763 15’%. $20,215 $154,978

1.3.5 FP 1lb Choppers (2 ea.) - Procure $250,000 6.06% $15,156 $265> 156 4.06% $10,772 $275,928 30’%0 $82,778 $358,707

1.3.6 FP12 Chopper - Procure $125,000 6.06% $7,578 $132,578 4.06% $5,386 $137,964 30% $41,389 $179>353

1.3.7 FP13 Chopper - Procure $150,000 6.06% $9,094 $159,094 4.06% $6,463 $165,557 30% $49,667 $215,224

1.3.8 FP 12 ShutterlGuide - Procure $147,950 6.06% $8,969 $156,919 4.06% $6,375 $163,294 30% $48,988 $212,283

1.3.9 FP 13 ShutterlGuide - Procure $147,950 6.06% $8,969 $156,919 4.06% $6,375 $163,294 30% $48,988 $212,283

FP1 lb Free-Stud. Guide -1.3.10

Procure$200,000 6.06% $12,125 $212,125 4.06% $8,618 $220,743 30~o $66,223 $286,965

~311 FP12 Free-Stud. & Internal. .

Shutter Guides - Procure$295,250 6.06% $17,900 $313,150 4.06% $12,722 $325,871 15’%. $48,881 $374,752

,312 FP 13 Free-Stnd. & Internal. .

Shutter Guides - Procure$329,300 6.06% $19,964 $349,264 4.06% $14,189 $363,453 15~o $54,518 $417,971

1.3.13 Shielding - Procure $651,600 6.06% $39,503 $691,103 4.06% $28>076 $719,179 30~o $215,754 $934,933

1.3.14 FP12, 13 Beam Stops - Procure $140,000 6.06% $8,488 $148,488 4.06% $6,032 $154,520 30~o $46,356 $200,876

~315 Personnel Access Control System

““ (PACS) - Procure$10,000 6.06% $606 $10,606 4.06% $431 $11,037 30~o $3,311 $14,348

TOTALS $2,924,150 6.06% $177,277 $3,101,427 4.06% $125,995 $3,227,422 23~o $756,719 $3,984,141

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LANSCELujaa Ccrster[ntegrated BeamLiaes9901572

Preliminary Cost EstimateWBS 1.4 Construction, Installation & Testing

IDescription Material Unit

Otv Unit cost Procurement Fee1 -. I 1 r

General Cleanup I 1 I Is I $2,000.00I $200Equipment Mobilization I 1 Is $0.00 $0, , , 1

I I I 1s I $0.00 $01 1s $700.00 I $70

Waste Disposal 1 1s $10,000.00 $1,000

Survey Support 1 Is $0.00 $0

FP12, 13 Thimhles & 2 ea $0.00 $0

IShield Plugs - Install I I I IFP12, 13 Adj: Mnts. & 2 ea $0.00 $0In-Pile Guide/Slcields -Install

ER-1 Floor Mods. - $0Construct Pylons:

Cut Slots (assume 1.5 ft 60 If $6.93 $42thick)

! 1

Excavate Holes 8 CY $60.00 $48

Construct Pylon Columns 8 Cy $315.00 $252(includes forms, max.

reinforcing steel, and


Grout column sides 360 Sf $5.05 $182

Pour Slabs (includes 72 Sf $6.62 $48forms, reinforcing steel,

and concrete)

Shielding Support $0Structnre - Fabricate:

Cut Columns(6x28.5x5) 168 If $21.00 $353


















Installation I Equipment I Equipment

Unit Cost I Unit Cost I cost

$20,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000$10,000.00 $0.00 $0$20,000.00 $0.00 $0$5,000.00 $0.00 $0$30,000.00 $0.00 $0$3>000.00 $0.00 $0$3,200.00 $1,000.00 $2,000

T1 1

$8.74 $3.16 $190

$267.75 $0.00 $0

$661.50 $39.00 $312


$0.00 $0.00 $0I I

.abor Co!












cost Contingency % Contingency $ Total Cost

$27,200 35% $9,520 $36>720

$10,000 35% $3,500 $.13,500

$20,000 35% $7,000 $27,000

$5,770 35% $2,020 $7,790

$19,600 35% $6,860 $26,460

,$1,171 35!4 $410 $1,581

$2,670 35% $935 $3,605

$8,376 35% $2,932 $11,308

$5,474 35% $1$]6 $7,390

$708 35% $248 $956

f I I

$3,881 35% $1,358 $5,239

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Cut Beams(7x68wtx5)

FFP 1lb Choppers -Install

FP12 Chopper - Install

t--FP12 Shutter/Guide -


Utilities - Install:

Hardware Tests



























Total TotalIaterial Unit Material Installation Equipment Equipment Installation

cost Procurement Fee cost Unit Cost Unit Cost cost Labor Cost cost Contingency ’70 Contingency $ Total Cost

$14.75 $236 $2,596 $0.00 $0.00 $0 $0 $2,596 35% $909 $3,505

$16.75 $797 $8,770 $0.00 $0.00 $0 $0 $8,770 35% $3,070 $11,840

$0.00 $0 $0 $12,800.00 $500.00 $1,000 $25,600 $26,600 35% $9,310 $35,910

$0.00 $0 $0 $3,200.00 $500.00 $1,000 $6,400 $7,400 35% $2,590 $9,990

$0.00 $0 $0 $3,200.00 $500.00 $500 $3,200 $3,700 35% $1,295 $4,995

$0.00 $0 $0 $3,200.00 $500.00 $500 $3,200 $3>700 35% $1,295 $4;995

$0.00 $0 $0 $11,200.00 $500.00 $500 $11,200 $11,700 35yo $4,095 $15,795

$0.00 $0 $0 $11,200.00 $500.00 $500 $11,200 $ i 1,700 35% $4,095 $15,795


$2,000.00 $.200 $2,200 $20,000.00 $500.00 $500 $20,000 $22,700 35% $7,945 $30>645

$2,000.00 $200 $2,200 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0 $15,000 $17,200 35% $6,020 $23,220

$0.00 $0 $0 $35,770.00 $500.00 $0 $35,770 $35,770 35% $12,520 $48,290


$0.00 $0 $0 $455.00 $216.00 $1,728 $.3,640 $5,368 35% $1,879 .$7,247

$0.00 $0 $0 $35,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000 $35,000 $39,000 35% $13,650 $52,650

$0.00 $0 $0 $0.00 $0.00 $0 $0 $33,329 35% $1 I ,665 $44,994

$39,898 $20,162 $293,394 $386,783 35%


Gross Receipts Tax @ 6.065V0 $23,449

Subtotal with GRT $410,232

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Total Total

Description Material Unit Material Installation Equipment Equipment Installation

\ Qty Unit cost Procurement Fee cost Unit Cost Unit Cost cost Labor Cost cost Contingency O/. Contingency $ Total Cost


Escalation @4.06% $16,655.41

Subtotal with Escalation $426,887 35V0 $149,411 $576,298


cy=Cubic yard



lf=Linear foot

is=Lump sumsf=Square foot


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LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


Preliminary Cost Estimate

WBS 1.5 Safety/Regulatory Activities

Safety/Regulatory Support Estimate Gross Receipts Tax Subtotal Escalation Subtotal Contingency Total

Subtotal w/GRT w/Esc .

WBS Activity % Total %0 Total % Total

1.5 SafetylRegulatory Activities$84,182 6.06% $5,104 $89,286 4.06’% $3,625 $92,911 35’%. $32>519 $125,430

TOTALS $84,182 6.06% $5,104 $89,286 4.06!40 $3,625 $92,911 35% $32,519 $125,430

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LANSCE Lujan Center Integrated Beam Lines


WBS Contract Description Amount

1.1 Project Management $289,128

1.2 lDesizn Activities I $1.200.775

1.3 lProcurement ! $3.984.141

Construction, Installation

1.4 & Testing $576,29$


1.5 Activities $125.43(


Preliminary Cost Estimate


Procurement LANSCE Div. &

Funds Type Rate* (3.25%) Grp. Support* G&A** Total Burden

71.3% Exp. 42% Exp.

O“ACap. ld~o cap.


Cap $0 $0 $40,478 $40,47

Total $40,47

Cap $39,025 $0 $173,572 $212,59

Total $212,59

Cap $129,485 $0 $575,908 $705,39

Total $705,39

Cap $18,730 $0 $83,304 $102,02

Total $102.03

Cap $0 $0 $17,560 $17,5f

Total $17,56

I I GRAND TOTAL ! $1.078.06

* Based on guidelines from the Financial Management Handbook, and input from LANL personnel.** G&A only aPPlied on the first $100,000” of each con~act value, For this estimate, all contracts assumed to be less than $ 100k so G&A is applied to total


Note: LANL burdens were applied to contingency funds.