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  • 7/31/2019 Prelimenart Compendium of Coastal & Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan


  • 7/31/2019 Prelimenart Compendium of Coastal & Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan


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    Preliminary Compendium of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan 1

    July- 2005Sindh Programme Office

    IUCN-The World Conservation UnionParin Lodge

    2-Bath Island RoadKarachi-75530,

    PakistanPhone: (92-21) 5374072-75

    FAX: (92-21) 5838106

  • 7/31/2019 Prelimenart Compendium of Coastal & Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan


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    Preliminary Compendium of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan 2

    Preliminary Compendium of Coastaland Marine Protected Areas in Pakistan

    Table of contentsAbout this..iSummary...ii1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................72. Objectives of the compendium .......................................................................................................103. Overview of the coastal and marine environment ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ....... 10

    3.1 Climate and Oceanography of the Arabian Sea.........................................................................103.2 Sindh Coast............................................................................................................................11

    3.2.1 Karachi Coast................................................................................................................113.2.2 The Indus Deltaic Coast ................................................................................................11

    3.3 Balochistan Coast ...................................................................................................................123.3.1 Lasbela Coast ................................................................................................................133.3.2 Mekran Coast ................................................................................................................13

    4. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and Biodiversity............................................................................134.1 Xerophytic vegetation and terrestrial fauna ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ .. 144.2 Mangroves..............................................................................................................................144.3 Mudflats and sub-tidal soft-bottom communities ........ ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... .... 154.4 Seagrass beds and algal communities ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... 164.5 Turtle nesting and other sandy beaches ...................................................................................164.6 Rocky shores and subtidal rocky reefs ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... 164.7 Corals and associated communities .........................................................................................164.8 Shore and seabirds .................................................................................................................174.9 Marine mammals ....................................................................................................................17

    5. Resource Use and Development .................................................................................................... 175.1 The Indus River and Delta System ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ...... 185.2 Coastal areas of Sindh ............................................................................................................195.3 The Balochistan coast .............................................................................................................19

    6. Policy and institutional framework ..................................................................................................197. Coastal and marine protected areas (CMPAs) needs and benefits.................................................22

    7.1 National and local benefits.......................................................................................................227.1.1 Fisheries replenishment, food security and economics.................................................227.1.2 Protection from natural disasters and climate change...................................................23

    7.2 International obligations ...........................................................................................................258. Strategic, integrated, participatory system planning ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ......... .... 25

    8.1 Linking the CMPA system with Integrated Coastal Management (ICM)......... ........ ......... ......... .... 26

    8.1.1 Integrated Coastal Management....................................................................................268.1.2 Sustainable Fisheries Development ..............................................................................268.1.3 Linking CMPAs with sustainable livelihoods ..............................................................278.1.4 Building strong Scientific basis....26

    9. A comprehensive and representative network of CMPAs ........ ........ ......... ......... ........ ......... ........ ...... 299.1 Representativeness, comprehensiveness and balance..............................................................299.2 Adequacy ...............................................................................................................................299.3 Coherence and complementarity..............................................................................................309.4 Consistency............................................................................................................................309.5 Cost effectiveness, efficiency, equity and community support ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ .. 309.6 Refuge to climate change ........................................................................................................30

    10. Existing coastal PAs and potential sites for incorporation into the CMPA network ........ ........ ......... ... 3110.1 Cape Monze Churna Island Sandspit Hawks Bay ...........................................................3810.2 Miani Hor .............................................................................................................................3810.3 Hingol National Park (and Dhrun Wildlife Sanctuary) ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ........ ......... ... 39

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    10.4 Ormara turtle beaches ...........................................................................................................4110.5 Astola Island Kalmat Khor .................................................................................................... 4210.6 Jiwani Gwatar Bay ..............................................................................................................44

    11. The way forward..44 12 References ..................................................................................................................................45

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    About this:

    This report details on coastal and marine areas in Pakistan and their potential to be identified asecologically sensitive.

    This document is intended to be a supportive tool for policy makers, conservationist, anddevelopmental sector to identify the need for managing the coastal and marine area by adoptingsustainable practices. It is an effort to identify and propose national representative of protected areasin the pretext of coastal and marine issues. The information gathered in this document is qualitativeand would defiantly help all the stakeholders to recognize the importance for hot spots of ecologicallyvulnerable habitats in context of coastal and marine areas and their need to be designated asProtected.

    This write up is a result of gathering information from the secondary source, field visits and number ofconsultative meetings with the stake holders. The recommendation of this report is the clear reflectionof serious approach of the majority of stakeholders / participants towards recognition of the wise useof resources for their future.

    This document is produced in a manner so that it also serves as qualitative update of inventory in thecoastal and marine habitats. However, it also identifies certain gaps and suggests some area specificactions for establishing CMPAs in an efficient and effective manner.

    Organizing a workshop inviting all the interest group would be the next step in formulating the modusoperandi for declaring national representative of Coastal Marine Protected areas identified in thisdocument.

    It would also help in strengthening the initiative by scrutinizing more potential CMPAs. Therecommendation/s would be forwarded to the concerned Ministry for appropriate action. Thisdocument also gives us a way forward for short and long term actions.

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    Background :

    The concept of marine reserves or coastal marine protected areas (CMPAs) has been one of the

    major issues of discussion in academic and environmental forums. Initially, the concept had beenloosely defined, and different interests have sought to apply it to various goals. Recently, a coastalmarine protected area (CMPA) is identified as an area of sea and its coast especially dedicated to theprotection and maintenance of biodiversity, and of natural and associated cultural resources, andmanaged through legal or other effective means.

    The IUCN :

    In 1988, The World Conservation Union (IUCN) General Assembly called upon national governments,international agencies and the non-governmental community to:

    Provide for the protection, restoration, wise use, understanding and enjoyment of the marine heritage of the world through the creation of a global, representative system of marine protected areas and through management in accordance with the principles of the World Conservation Strategy of human activities that use or affect the marine environment.

    In 2003, 8th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical, and Technological Advice(SBSTTA) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Montreal, Canada 10-14 March 2003). The roleof Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in conserving marine biodiversity (Agenda item 5.2) hasrecommended :

    that MCPAs and MCPA networks are a powerful tool both for meeting all these biodiversity objectives and for ensuring sustainable and equitable marine resource /marine management. It will contribute to fulfilling the commitments and new political imperatives created by the WSSD .

    The rationale:

    In case of Pakistan, unawareness, ignorance and poverty coupled with the erratic exposure to moderntechnology has increased the range of uses of, and unchecked access to, coastal marineenvironments, supporting industries such as fishing, tourism, aquaculture and the development of newproducts at the cost of coastal and marine biodiversity, emerging out as key factors for coastal andmarine ecosystems to threaten, change and destroy the very processes and resources that peopledepend on.

    Absence of a specific management system for CMPAs is failing to maintain the productivity, biologicaldiversity of coastal and marine ecosystems. The consequences of this failure are serious and far-reaching. Coastal and marine biodiversity, ecosystems and resources are also threatened by impactsreaching the sea from the land, through pollution by nutrients, chemicals and silt, and through manmade and natural changes as habitat loss and changed river flows.

    Establishment of coastal marine protected areas help protect important habitats and representative ofcoastal and marine life and can assist in restoring the productivity of the oceans and avoid furtherdegradation besides addressing number of social and sociological issues like migration, dependenceon natural resource and improvement in living standards by improving economic indicators. They canalso be the potential sites for scientific study and can generate income through tourism andsustainable fishing.

    The Benefit :

    This document will serve as guideline for policy makers, conservationist, and developmental bodiesand all concerned with CMPA related issues, this recommends way forward towards effectiveplanning and management of the national system of CMPAs, also provides secondary information on

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    the existing and potential coastal and marine protected areas in Pakistan, and identifies informationgaps.

    The methods :

    The methodology adopted in compiling this document is based on preliminary information gatheredfrom different sources and their possible verification from the available secondary data, field visits andas a result of consultative meetings with the potential stake holders. Six potential sites were identifiedwhich fulfill the criteria given by Davey, (1998),

    The way forward: The coastal and marine wealth in terms of natural resources is of vital importance in both ecologicaland economic context. It is needed to demarcate a national representative of coastal marine protectedarea; this document identifies the need. An effective planning system is basic requirement fordeclaring CMPA.

    This report recommends priority areas and actions for the establishment of national representativesystem of CMPA. It is intended to provide strategic guidance to the donors and other organizations forinvestment in coastal and marine biodiversity conservation. The next phase would focus on thedevelopment and implementation of specific proposals for the establishment of new CMPAs . Thesites of highest priorities are preliminary identified in this report; however the need of additionalinvestigation is also identified to set specific priorities in CMPAs.

    It can be expected that Government will take initiatives and provide funding for developing theirnational CMPA system.

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    Compared to our knowledge of life on land, we know little of marine ecosystems or the effects of ourimpacts upon them.(Jackson et al. 2001)

    Coastal Marine Protected Areas are critically important if we are to meet the needs of the increasingworld population and demands for a reasonable quality of life. It is vital that we reverse the decline inmarine ecosystems. This is essential to maintain, and ideally to increase, the sustainable supply of

    high quality protein from the sea and to realize the potential of other uses and values; However thenational scenario of marine catch (Fig. 3) also tell us the same story as in Fig.1.

    Fig. 3. Estimated national fish landing pattern for the period 1985 to 1997, study based on two mostcommon traits fishes. ( Source: Sindh Fisheries department)

    The coast of Pakistan constitutes the northern boundary of the Arabian Sea, with oceanic influencesdominating over those of the continent, which is essentially a subtropical dessert. River flows aremonsoonal, with the only major freshwater input coming from the Indus, at the eastern extremity thatdischarges some 150 MAF of water and 450 million tons of suspended sediment annually and formsthe Indus cone, a subaqueous delta 1,5002,000 kilometers long (Pernetta 1993).

    Currents in the Arabian Sea result from the removal of surface water during the summer monsoonand its replacement by cooler upwelling water (Sheppard, Price, and Roberts 1992). The Pakistanicoast has tides of up to a 3.5-meter range (Pernetta 1993).

    Pakistan lies in the northwestern part of the Indian ocean that form the Arabian sea. Indo-Pacific (IP1)region according to Chiffings (1992). To its west rests Iran, its east India, and southwest Oman. Thecoastline stretches for about 1,000 km, along two coastal provinces, Sindh (320 km) and Balochistan(670 km). The total area of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is about 240,000km. The continentalshelf is the broadest off the Sindh coast and the narrowest point (16-24km) is of the Balochistan coastwhere the shelf has a sharp drop in the coastal slope. (Fig. 4)

    Fig. 4. The coastline of Pakistan

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    The coastal and near shore waters of Pakistan are not uniform, but maybe spatially divided intoreflecting the distinct geology, climate, vegetation, oceanographic conditions and the levels of presentuse and consequent rates of change in terms of resource depletion and habitat degradation. Thebiological, physical, chemical and socio-economic conditions of Balochistan differ considerably fromthose of Sindh, and within Sindh, the present rate and future prospect for the coastline of Karachi

    differ from those of the Indus delta.

    Coastal zone is one of the most important national assets of a country where socio-economicactivities are highly concentrated.(Table 1) According to 2001 census, the population of the coastalareas of Pakistan is near 1.5 million and 90.5 percent of the population lives in the rural areas. Thegrowth in the coastal areas is much high er (3.33 percent per year) as compared to non coastal areas(2.7 percent per year). Marine fisheries in general, are an important economic activity in coastalareas of Pakistan, particularly on Balochistan coast. Despite low contribution of fisheries in GDP (0.5percent) and employment (1 percent), the export earnings from this sector are substantial. Export offish and fishing product has yielded a sum of Rs. 8.8 billion in 2002. These exports are criticallydependent on environmental sustainability. Coastal and offshore areas of Pakistan support largefisheries. Although major part of the fishing fleet of Pakistan is mechanized, vessels are poorlyequipped and as such fisheries is still considered as small scale. Fisheries activities in Pakistan are

    concentrated in shallow coastal waters, the estuarine system of Indus and creeks and lesser extent, inthe deeper part of the Arabian sea. Coastal and marine areas, with their fisheries, minerals , oil andgas resources, have an immense potential in contributing towards national growth and development.However these areas are fragile and the resources they harbour are not infinite. Therefore, anyattempt to deplete them for alternative uses may result in irreparable losses both in ecological andsocio-economic terms. Already the population explosion and rampant industrial development inKarachi has degraded several waterways and some of the mangrove resources of the Indus Delta. Inthe meantime, ambitious development plans are being drawn for the Balochistan coast, notably theGwader Master Plan which incorporates large scaled industrial, port (for oil and gas, cargos andfisheries), residential and tourism development. The importance of sustainable development ofcoastal and marine resources and its contribution to national economy and local livelihoods have notbeen fully appreciated.Table. 1 A comparative of coastal marine specific database of south-east Asia

    Source: (R.Rajagopalan and A. Lakshmi 2003)

    The need to protect and wisely utilize the coastal ecosystems is urgent. Coastal and marine protectedareas (CMPAs), identified based on scientific evidence and socio-economic considerations, formingnetworks consisting of small marine sanctuaries and larger multiple use complexes, provide theopportunities for biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management. When effectivelymanaged within a sound framework of integrated coastal management and sustainable fisheriesmanagement, the network of CMPAs should contribute positively, and over the long-term, tangibleassets to local people, provinces and the central government. On the other hand, CMPAs may beseen as indispensable tools as well as integral parts of ICM and sustainable fisheries management.

    # Vital parameters Pakistan India Bangladesh

    1 Land area (000 ha) 77088 297319 13017

    2 Coastline (km) * Countrydata: UNEP GEO 3 data:






    33063 Shelf area upto 200m

    depth (sq km) 43701 372424 59638

    4 Claimed EEZ (sq km) 201520 2103415 39868

    5 Territorial sea (sq km) 31388 193834 40257

    6 Population within 100 kmof coast (% of total)

    9.1 26.3 54.8

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    2. Objectives of the compendium

    Provide the rationale and guidelines for selection of a national system of coastal and marineprotected areas (CMPAs);

    Recommend way forward towards effective planning and management of the national system

    of CMPAs; Provide secondary information on the existing and potential coastal and marine protectedareas in Pakistan, and identify information gaps.

    3. Overview of the coastal and marine environment

    3.1 Climate and Oceanography of the Arabian Sea

    The Arabian sea is characterized by very unique oceanographic features, resulting from a distinctmonsoonal climate. Past climatic record of the Arabian sea shows variability of monsoon climate overa decadal to centennial time scale (von Rad et al, 1999). Changes in the monsoon intensity have

    been found correlated with past global climate. Seasonal changes in monsoon climate effects about athird of Asia-Pacific region. Socio-economic activity of this region is largely associated with themonsoon climate. Inter annual variability has been observed in monsoons that are connected withclimatic changes. The continental shelf of Pakistan is a wind-forced shelf, influenced by summermonsoonal winds that are in excess of 30 knots that blow in the southwest direction. High energywaves in the southwest monsoon greatly intensify the process of erosion.

    The northern and central regions of the Arabian sea are known for their high salinity (34.8-36.6 ppt).The thermal structure of the Arabian Sea is influenced by the southwest monsoon. Satellite imageriesand high resolution infrared radiometers have revealed complex eddies of warm and cold waters inthe Arabian Sea, and a seasonal reversal of currents and disappearance and shifting of eddies. Thelatter are generally rich in both nutrients and dissolved oxygen, essential for high local biologicalproductivity. Indeed the annual upwelling during the southwest monsoon brings up the cold, nutrient

    rich water from deep under, inducing high primary productivity and fisheries production.

    Pakistan has vast sea area in the northern Arabian sea. The major physiographic features of theArabian sea are the Indus fan in the east and Oman basin in the west, separated by the MarrayRidge. The latter extends southwest from the continental slope near Karachi for over 750 km. Theridge is considered as a probable continuation of the Khirther range in the north. The ridge consists ofa linear series of sea mounts and small basins. The Pakistan coast to the west of the ridge is orientedin east-west direction and has a narrow continental shelf of about 15-20 nautical miles wide while thecoast to the east is oriented in NW-SE direction and has a continental slope with a gentle gradient of0.022. The orientation of the coast west of the ridge is especially favorable to the development toupwelling during the south west monsoon.

    The coastal and off-shore geology of Pakistan tectonically exhibits both active and passive margin

    features. The Balochistan coast is active while the Sindh coast, including the Indus deltaic area andoffshore Indus basin are geologically passive. The Sindh and Balochistan coasts have differingclimate conditions, geographical locations and socioeconomic factors. The Sindh coast can be furtherdivided into parts, namely the Indus Deltaic coast and the Karachi coast. The coast in the vicinity ofKarachi, which is approximately a 70 km stretch, is heavily developed compared to the rest of thePakistan coast.

    Pakistans coastal areas are amongst the most biologically productive areas (50-200g C/m 2 per year).The coastal zone supports highly diversified ecosystems and provides a range of critical habitats formany organisms that are vulnerable to severe change or loss. Changing condition in coastal andterrestrial environments associated with degradation of environmental quality and the health of coastalecosystems threatens the survival of many species and communities. The coastal domain isdramatically affected by changes in sea level, ground water level, salinity, wave pattern, current

    regimes, sediment budgets, storm events and erosion patterns. Physical changes themselves result in

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    a wide variety of biological changes at the population, community and ecosystem level, which in turnaffect the suitability of the coastal zone and its resource for use by human population.

    3.2 Sindh CoastThe Sindh coastal region is located between the Indian border along the Sir Creek on the east to theHab River on the west (370 km). The Indus River drains into the entire lower plain of Sindh. The IndusDelta is the most prominent feature of the Sindh coast. The sediments are subjected to coastaldynamic processes, such as tides, winds, waves and currents, leading to accretion and erosion of theIndus deltaic coast. The coastal morphology is characterized by a network of tidal creeks and anumber of small islands with sparse mangrove vegetation, mud banks, swamps and lagoons formedas a result of changes in river courses. The present delta covers an area of about 600,000 hectaresand is characterized by 17 major creeks and innumerable minor creeks, mud flats and fringingmangroves. The delta supports wetlands rich in nature and culture, and also nurtures the largest areaof arid climate mangroves. This area is very arid, receiving an average annual rainfall of about200mm. 27% of this land is under water in the form of creeks and water courses. Islands aboundamongst the calm and protected water courses, though flushed daily by semi- diurnal tides ranging upto 3m.

    3.2.1 Karachi CoastThe coast of Karachi is situated between the Cape Monze a high cliff project ing into the ArabianSea and the Korangi creek (Indus Deltaic area). The coastline of Karachi metropolitan is about 70 kmlong. It is generally oriented NW-SE. On the western side it is bounded by the Hab River and on theeast by the mangrove swamps and creeks of the Port Qasim area. The Lyari and Malir rivers are theseasonal streams which flows during SW monsoon. The rainwater from Karachi and its adjoiningareas drains in the Arabian Sea. The prominent features of Karachi coast are shallow lagoons, raisedbeaches, marine terraces and dune fields. Four major inlets, Manora Channel (Karachi harbor),Korangi creek, Phitti creek, and Khuddi creek invigilates the coastline. A small crescent shaped sandbar exists at the mouth of the Korangi creek. The shore terraces and sea cliffs are due west of HawksBay area. The Cape Monze beach is an example of raised beaches along the coast of Karachi. Theeastern coast has tidal creeks with mangrove and mud flats.

    The coast west of Manora breakwater to Bulleji consists of sand beac hes, (Manora, Sandspit andHawks Bay ) rocky protruding points separate these beaches from each other. From Bulleji to CapeMonze the coast consists of hard conglomerate and shale cliffs. Beyond Hawks Bay towards west upto the Cape Monze, the unconsolidated sandy clays are exposed to coastal erosion and weathering.Small rivers are the predominant sources of sediment to the sandy beaches. The Lyari delta is wellprotected from the direct influence of the ocean surf by the belt of sand, but the mouth of the river ismore or less blocked and there is very little supply of water.

    The Clifton beach is largely composed of dark, grey silty materials with minute flakes of mica. The finemicaceous sand drifted from the mouth of the river Indus by the strong littoral currents. The sand,after it compiles on the beach by the waves is blown inland in large quantity by wind action. Furthereast of Clifton there is agglomeration of Ghizri hills. The coastal areas of Karachi are denselypopulated. The beaches of Karachi also attract large number of people; these beaches are a source

    of recreation for the local habitants.

    3.2.2 The Indus Deltaic CoastThe present Indus Delta is located at the head of the Arabian Sea, between Korangi Creek and theGulf of Kutch. (Fig 5). The Indus River is the worlds sixth largest river. It drains into the northeasternArabian Sea forming a large delta. The river discharges nutrient rich sediment load that has a greatinfluence on the marine life of the Indus Estuary and the near shore areas. During the historic timesi.e. 5000-6000 years B.C. the delta has prograded 150 km at the rate of 30 m/year to the presentposition. Fan shaped deltaic complex spread over an area of about 30,000 the deltaic complexis comprised of abandoned, active and sub aqueous parts of the delta and river flood plains. With thechanges in the river discharge, the present active delta has consequently shrunk to a small triangulararea of about 100 sq. miles in extent in the vicinity of Keti Bandar. Some early estimates indicate that

    the Indus River apparently discharges more than 600 million tons of suspended sediments annually,of which about 60 million tons of silt load is coming at present, annually. With drying and silting up ofthe major distributaries the alluvial processes have ceased in the tidal delta, it has taken the form of

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    tidal mudflat. Currently a network of creeks is spread over the entire coast southeast of Karachi fornearly 170 km. These creeks meander about 50 to 60 km inland. Seawater flows in the creeks withvelocities as high as 2.3 m/sec during the flood and ebb tides. The whole area presents a peculiargeomorphology of mud banks, swamps, lagoons and sand dunes. The soil cover in the deltaic area isof drift type made up of altered material transported by rivers.

    The Indus delta has been found changing it fluvial characteristics due to damming upstream, whichhas reduced river borne sediments. This has resulted in drying up of the estuaries and has inducedsea encroachment further inland. The most likely scenario for the next 25-30 years projected by Wells and Coleman (1984) will be (i) cessation of seaward progradation of subaques and sub aerial deltafront, (ii) transgression of delta front (iii) increase in windblown sands due to loss of vegetation. Thephysiographic changes will cause economic degradation of the delta.

    Fig. 5. The creek system of Indus delta.( SUPARCO Satellite images 2003)

    3.3 Balochistan CoastThe Balochistan coast extends form the mouth of the Hab River in the coast to the middle of GwaterBay in the west and stretches on a distance of about 700km. There are a few indentions in thecoastline, which can be classified as follows:

    A) Embayed Coast:

    Khalifa Bay, `Gadani Bay, Bayal Ras Malan, Ormara East and West Bays, Pasni Bay, GwaderEast and West Bays, Bay at Ras Gunz and Gwatar Bay.

    B) Tide Lagoons:Miani Hor at Sonmiani Bay and Kalmat Khor.

    C) Mouths of Small Rivers:Hab River, Porali River, Basol River, Hingol River. Shadikaur and Dasht River.

    The indentions in the coastlines are potential site for harbor developments and they provide someshelters to small fishing crafts from high waves. Almost all the villages along the coast are located inthose havens.

    The coastal region consists of cliffs, occasionally with rocky head-lands and a number of sandybeaches with shifting sand dunes, as well as mangrove and associated marshes along creeks and

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    coastal lagoons. There are several seasonal rivers draining to the sea only during rains. Flash floodsare quite c ommon and even during scanty rains heavily erode the uncovered hillsides and muddybanks. The eroded material is deposited along the coast at the mouth of the rivers. The coastline issubjected to wave attack (3.5m high waves ) during south-west monsoon when the wave energy islargely expanded in eroding sea cliffs and to movement of beaches material along the coast throughwave generated currents all along the coast the process of erosion and accretion is taking place


    3.3.1 Lasbela CoastThe Lasbela Coast belt stretches from the Hab River in the east to the Hingol River in the west,forming the large Sonmaini Bay. The coast between the Hab River and Cape Monze has two islands:Churna and Kiou. Both hard and soft corals have been reported from Ch urna Island (Personalcommunication). There are many beautiful sandy beaches and small bays such as Monze Bay,Khalifa Bay and Gadani Bay. Further south of these bays is a large oyster bed and corals nearChurna Island. West of the Lasbela coast, the Hingol River emerges from the Haro Range and drainsinto the Arabian sea. At present there is a small fishing village west of the Hingol River known asSorapi Bunder. Hingol river has a historical and religious site known as hinglaj where a Hindu templeis located.

    The Sonmiani Bay is characterized by upwelling and sea fronts creating ideal conditions for high fishcatch. The lagoon is traditional shrimp fishing ground with high quality shrimp. Rivers Winder andPorali drain into the lagoon in the east and west respectively. Large barren mudflats are formed at themouth of the Winder river which has totally cut off the Sonmiani village form the lagoon. Most of theSonmiani fishermen operate now from Damb village in the north.

    In close proximity to the Karachi metropolitan sea, this coast is under tremendous developmentpressure. Basic infra structure for industry is being established and/or extended from Karachi. Thegovernment of Balochistan has plans to build a power station, water supply units, communicationsand industrial estates. The industrial state of H ub and Uthal has been established near the Hub andWindar rivers.

    3.3.2 Mekran CoastConstituting the western part of Balochistan province from the Hingol River westward to theinternational border at Jiwani is the 600 km long Mekran (or Gwadar) coast. Owing to scanty rainfall(150 mm/yr) and high saline soils, this coast is almost entirely desert. The coast is drained by thesmall rivers of Hingol, Basol, Shadi Kaur and Dasht. Despite having large catchments areas, theserivers flow only during rainy reason. The mountains are composed of bare rocky limestone orconglomerate and except in some upper highlands, have no vegetation. Four small urban centers Jiwani, Gwadar, Pasni and Ormara account for more than half of the coastal population, estimatedat 400,000 (Government of Balochistan and IUCN Pakistan, 2002). The coastline is subjected to waveattack during south west monsoons, when near seashore wave height is over 3.5 meters. Thecoastline faces considerable erosion. Owing to the shortage of promontories and sheltered areas,most of the littoral material is lost to the sea. The Mekran coast is also a subduction zone. Here theIndian Ocean plate moves northward under the continental crest. Spectacular mud volcanoes have

    been built in several areas along the makran coast where gas charged water escapes to the surface.The Mekran coast is one of the most seismically active regions in Pakistan (Sheikh, 1992) . In 1945,an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3 on Richter scale and associated tsunamis destroyed buildingsat Pasni. Some 25 km south of Pasni is the Astola Island with an area of 5,000 ha which has beendesignated as Ramsar Site in 2001. Hard and soft coral communities have been reported in the area.

    4. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems and BiodiversityMost of Pakistan coast falls within arid zone. With the exception of mangroves there is little vegetationon the coastal belt. Similarly, with the exception of marine forms, the wildlife is also limited to a fewspecies of mammals, birds and terrestrial invertebrates. A diverse range of habitats exists, such asrocky headlands, pocket bays, lagoons and wide alluvial plains which extend in places to some 130km inland.

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    4.1 Xerophytic vegetation and terrestrial faunaPart of the coastal belt beyond tidal influence is dry and desert like, characterized by xerophytes.Through this part, land vertebrates constitute the major part of the community. These includeherbivores l ike rodents, hens, squirrels and wild boars, and predators such as snakes, lizards, cats,

    jackals, and foxes as carnivores. Many species of water birds and terrestrial birds are found heresuch as grebes, egrets, cormorants, pelicans, ibises, spoonbills, flamingos, ducks particularly marbledteal (Anas angustirostris ), white-eyed pochard ( Aythya nyroca ), coots ( Fulica atra ), stone curlew(Burhinus ocdenemis ), plovers, sand pipers, gulls and terns. Among other birds the following are themore or less common species: ring dove ( Streptopelia decaocto ), little brown dove ( Streptopelia senegalensis ), spotted owlet ( Athene brama ), grey shrike ( Lanius excubitor ), black drongo ( Dicrurus adsimilis ), Indian myna ( Acridotheres tristis) , common babbler ( Turdoides caudatus ), stone chat(Saxicola torquata ), pied bush chat ( Saxicola caprata ), desert buzzard ( Buteo vulpinus ), tawny eagle(Aquila rapax ), gray partridge ( Francolinus pondicerianus ), ashy-crowned finch lark ( Eremopterix grisea ), crested lark ( Galerida cristata ), desert wheatear (Oenanthe deserti ), desert warbler ( Sylvia nana), and yellow-throated sparrow ( Petronia xanthocollis ), (Fig. 6)

    Except for mangroves and a few scatteredclumps of date palm, the vegetation is similarthroughout the coastal plains. Immediatelybehind the beaches and mud flats, salt tolerantvine is lopmea pescaprae . Often found on thecoastal dune, but generally growing over ahundred meters behind the soft spray, aredesert plants of sandy plain, such as Suaeda fruticosa, Aerva javanica, Heliotroprium curassavium, Sericostum panniflorm , Atiplex stocksii, and several Tamarix species.

    Fig.6. The Xerophytic vegetation

    4.2 Mangroves

    Mangroves (i.e forest of woody halophytes occurring in inter-tidal areas of the tropics and sub-tropics)are very important features of sheltered shores, estuaries, tidal creeks and salt marshes. These areincreasingly understood as playing crucial ecological, chemical and bio-physical roles in the tropicalmarine ecosystem, as nursery grounds, filtering systems and in shoreline stabilization. They alsocontain a highly specialized community of plants and associated fauna.The mangrove ecosystems of Pakistanprovide habitats for wildlife of both terrestrialand marine origins. They provide food andshelter to fish and water fowls as well as many

    mammals. Forest birds live in the mangroveforest while marine animals migrate inshore,as far as salinity permits. The

    mammals. Forest birds live in the mangroveforest while marine animals migrate inshore,as far as salinity permits. The mangrove swampsare important nurseries and supply nutrients for

    economically important fish species. The wildlifeof terrestrial origin which still survives in the deltaconsists of a variety of birds, and several speciesof mammals. (Fig. 7)

    Fig.7. Submerged Mangroves at intertidal areaAmong the birds, the commonly occurring important species are: white pelican ( Pelecanus onocrotalus ), dalmatian pelican ( Pelecanus crispus ), grey heron ( Ardea cinerea ), painted stork(Mycteria leucocephala ), spoon bill ( Platalea leucorodia ), greater flamingo ( Phoenicopterus roseus ),osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ), Brahminy kite ( Haliastur indus ), oystercatcher ( Haematotus ostralegus ),whimbrel ( Numenius phaeopus ), curlew ( Numenius arquata ), avocet ( Recurvirostra avosetta ),plovers, sand pipers, gulls and terns. The mammals include the jackal ( Canis aureus ), jungle cat(Felis chaus ), small Indian mongoose ( Herpestes javanicus ), house rat ( Rattus rattus ), five-striped

    palm squirrel ( Funambulus pennanti ), plumbeous dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ) and little Indian porpoise(Neophocaena phocaenoides ).and reptiles.

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    Mangroves are widely distributed along the Pakistan coastline. The Sindh coast is studded with densegrowth of mangroves extending from Karachi to beyond the Indo-Pakistan border. The distribution ofmangroves along the Balochistan coast is restricted to three geographical locations, namely MianiHor, Kalm at Hor and G water bay. (Fig. 8) The over all coverage of mangroves in Pakistan is 86,153ha (SUPARCO-IUCN,2003). At present the dominant species in most areas is Avicennia marina .

    Amongst the dense growth of Avicennia are localized patches of Ceriops tagal, Aegiceras corniculatum and Rhizophora mucronata.

    Fig. 8 The coastline of Pakistan as seen through satellite images

    The mangrove ecosystem flourished in the past when flushing of the Indus River was natural andnormal. Due to repeated damming of the river and some of its tributaries, waterflow of the Indus has been reduced drastically from 150 MAF to 10 MAF. Consequently salinity in theIndus delta region has risen due to sea intrusion. Moreover, the overexploitations of mangroves forfuel wood and fodder, and impacts of pollution, are the major causes of mangrove degradation inPakistan.

    4.3 Mudflats and sub-tidal soft-bottom communities

    Fig. 9. Mangroves and the mudflat

    Mudflats, often associated with mangroveforests, are commonly found on low energyshores and sheltered lagoons, and are mostextensive in the Indus Delta. At low tides, themudflats under mangrove forest are feedinggrounds for herons and shorebirds and even

    jackals and wild boar come here to hunt crabs.At high tide on the other hand fish and shrimpscome from the channel or from the sea andthey do hunt the crabs that have not returnedto their holes in time or have not hiddenthemselves deep enough in the mud. Seasnakes even pursue the crab and mudskippersinto their holes in the mudflats

    Near to the water edge, microbes decompose the plant litter into organic detritus which is in turnpicked up by the detrital feeders on the bottom, such as crabs, shrimps, shellfish and fishes, notablymudskippers. Wave and tidal actions often carry these down the tidal regime where they becomewelcomed feed for waders and other predators. Grey mullets, gizzard shads, flat fishes, skates andrays are some of the fishes which prefer to live on the soft bottom and feed on detritus feeders. At lowtides, when a large part of the muddy bottom is exposed, crabs, mudskippers and waders occur inlarge numbers, picking up their food which includes worms and other animals that have emerged fromthe receding tide.

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    4.4 Seagrass beds and algal communitiesPatches of sea grass have been observed from the air along coast of Balochistan, but need furtherinvestigation. Penhale (1986) gives information on seagrass ecology. More than 45 species of greenand 79 species of red seaweed have been recorded but abundance does not appear to be sufficientfor sustained yields (UNEP, 1986) . Seasonal changes in the standing crops of inter tidal sea weedsfrom the Karachi cost are described by Qari Qasim (1986).

    4.5 Turtle nesting and other sandy beachesSouthwest of Karachi, a 20km beach (Hawksbay and Sandspit beaches) stretches out west fromManora Point at the Karachi Harbor, the countrys most important harbour. The beach is backed bycreeks and shallow tidal lagoons with mudflats and mangroves. The green turtle ( Chelonia mydas) and Olive Ridley turtle ( Lepidochelys olivacea) nest on this coast in Hawksbay and Sandspit. Bothturtle species are globally endangered.

    Fig. 10. Olive Ridlay and their eggs found on the sandy beaches.

    Although most of the Balochistan coast is lined with sandy beaches, the total length that is well -suited

    to turtle nesting is limited. Nevertheless, five species of marine turtles have been reported from theBalochistan coast. Large numbers of green turtles are known to visit its beaches for nesting. OliveRidley turtles are also common visitors, although their numbers are low in comparison with greenturtles. Few sandy beaches are visited by marine turtles regularly. The most important turtle nestingbeaches are at Ormara, Astola island and Jiwani. Nestling takes place throughout the year with peakactivity in the months of October to December for green turtles and July to August for Olive Ridleys.Most of the turtle beaches are located in inaccessible and remote areas and are therefore not easilydisturbed.

    4.6 Rocky shores and subtidal rocky reefs offshore islandRocky shores are patchily distributed along the Balochistan coast, around the headlands and offshoreislands, while subtidal rocky reefs also occur further offshore, notably where older volcanic activity hasformed hard substrata. Rocky shores occur at Ras Kachari, Ras Malan, Ormara, Ras Jaddi, RasShahid to Ras Kappar, Ras Nuh, and Ras Jiwani. Offshore. Astola Island is important for bird-nesting, a Ramsar Site of international importance. Astola Island is about 6 km in length. Theendangered green turtle and the hawksbill turtle nest on the beach at the foot of the cliffs and it is avery important area for the endemic viper, ( Echis carinatus astoli) . There are remains of an ancienttemple of goddess Kali Devi and the prayer yard of the Muslim saint, Khwaja khizar. Astola Island andSail Rock and the submerged webb bank and Rodrigues Shoal, and many unnamed shallow (< 20 mdepth) patches, provide potential habitats for colonization by tropical marine communities, includingsoft and hard corals, sponges and a diverse array of associated fauna and flora .

    4.7 Corals and associated communitiesCoral reefs are not present in Pakistan (UNEP, 1986). However Qurashee (1984) describes the seabeds on the Makran coast as being muddy but with patches of corals and rocks in some areas. It ispossible that this coast would be more suitable for coral growth than the Sindh area as it has hardersubstances and less turbid water. Future research may reveal more extensive coral communities,

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    particularly around Churna Island on the west coast of Karachi (Dr. Rupert Ormond, pers. comm . ),Astola Island, near Pasni and Ormara (UNEP, 1986). According to Snead (1989) submerged coralreefs may occur to the south west of Cape Monze.

    4.8 Shore and seabirdsShorebirds or waders are small to medium sized wading birds belonging to the order Charadriiformes and they often occur in large numbers at specific sites, such as coastal wetlands and freshwatermarshes.There are 57 species of shorebirds recordedfrom Pakistan, of which 2 species arevulnerable. These are sociable plover ( Vanellus gregarious ) and wood snipe ( Capella nemoricola ) .36 species of waders have beenrecorded from the coastal waters. The notablespecies are: painted snipe ( Rostratula benghalensis ), oystercatcher ( Haematopus ostralegus ), avocet ( Recurvirostra avosetta ),crab plover ( Dromas ardeola ), stone curlew(Burhinus ocdenemus ), great stone plover(Esacus magnirostris ), little ringed plover(Charadrius dubius ), ringed plover ( Charadrius hiaticula ), kentish plover ( Charadrius alexandrinus ), Fig. 11 . The Avifauna of the Pakistani coastlesser sandplover ( Charadrius mongolus ), lessergolden plover Pluvialis dominica ), gray plover ( Pluvialis squatarola ), sociable lapwing ( Vanellus gregarious great knot ( Calidris tenuirostris ), sanderling ( Calidris alba ), little stint ( Calidris minuta ),curlew sandpiper ( Calidris ferruginea ), dunlin ( Calidris alpina ), broadbilled sandpiper ( Limicola falcinellus ), common or fantail snipe ( Capella gallinago ), bartailed godwit ( Limosa lapponica ),whimbrel ( Numenius phaeopus ), curlew ( Numenius arquata ), common redshank ( Tringa totanus ),marsh sandpiper ( Tringa stagnatilis ), greenshank ( Tringa nebularia ), wood sandpiper ( Tringa glareola ), terek sandpiper ( Tringa terek ), common sandpiper ( Actitis hypoleucos ), turnstone ( Arenaria interpres ) and red-necked phalarope ( Phalaropus lobatus ).The sea birds are the birds of the off-shore or the ocean. These include the storm petrels (2 spp.),shearwaters (2 spp.), tropic birds (3 spp.), boobies (1 sp.), skuas (2 spp.), gulls (7 spp.), and terns (10spp.)

    4.9 Marine mammalsMarine mammals belong to order Cetacea and include dolphins, porpoises and whales. Thecetaceans are the major conservation flagship group of the marine environment. 12 species of marinecetaceans have been recorded from Pakistani waters. Of these, 2 species are threatened. The bluewhale is an endangered species while humpbacked whale is vulnerable.10 species of marine cetacea have been recorded from Sindh. These are the blue whale(Balaenoptera musculus ), Brydes whale ( Balaenoptera edeni ), humpbacked whale ( Megaptera novaeangliae ), dwarf sperm whale ( Kogia simus ), black finless porpoise ( Neophoceana phocaenoides ), long beaked dolphin ( Delphinus tropicalis ), plumbeous dolphin ( Sousa plumbea ),

    bottle-nosed dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ), melon headed whale ( Peponocephela electra ) and falsekiller whale ( Pseudorca crassidens ).There are 11 species recorded from the Balochistan coast. They are: fin whale ( Balaenoptera physalis ), blue whale , Brydes whale, humpbacked whale, dwarf sperm whale, black finless porpoise,long-beaked dolphin, plumbeous dolphin, bottle-nosed dolphin, melon-headed dolphin, and Cuviersbeaked whale ( Ziphius cavirostris ).

    5. Resource Use and DevelopmentOnce the sea and its margins were viewed as infinitely large and endlessly productive (Jackson et al.2001). Coastal areas the world over provide critical spawning, feeding and nursery areas that supportfisheries of great nutritional importance and economic worth to humankind. Coastal and estuarineareas are vital habitats for sea birds, migratory water fowls, coastal and marine fishes, mammals and

    reptiles, including endangered sea turtles. Coastal vegetation also filters pollutants and plays a centralrole in maintaining ecological linkages between terrestrial and marine systems, as well as buffering

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    the shoreline from storm damage and gradual erosion. Tourism and recreation use of coastal areas isa primary source of revenue for many coastal nations, while shipping, mariculture, and other sea-based industries contribute significantly to national economies. At the same time, coastal waters andthe open sea alike, are treated as dump sites for domestic wastes, chemical pollutants and toxins.Shipping lanes in the Arabian Sea are considered to be among the busiest in the world (Governmentof Balochistan and IUCN Pakistan, 2002). All vessels visiting the oil rich Persian Gulf pass through the

    area. It is estimated that approximately 11,000 ships, totaling 12,000 million dead-weight tonnage,cross the Arabian Sea annually, amongst which are some 2,500 oil tankers carrying 33 million tonesof oil. The patterns of surface winds and currents expose the Arabian coast, especially theBalochistan coast of Pakistan, to the threat of oil pollution.

    Approximately one tenth of Pakistans estimated 40 million people live in the coastal areas. Thecoastal zone is one of the most important material assets of a country where micro-economicactivities are highly concentrated. Damage to the fragile coastal zone and its resources (fisheries,minerals, oil and gas) could have long term ecological and socio-economic impacts. The sustainabledevelopment and conservation of marine resources in the coastal zone of Pakistan requires a detailedunderstanding of the ecological processes and bio-physical features, as these have a direct bearingon the distribution and abundance of the living and non-living marine resources (Jackson et al. 2001).

    The coastal areas of Pakistan are threatenedby over-exploitation of natural resources,population growth, unchecked developmentand lack of education and awareness of thecrucial importance of sustainability, both onthe part of the coastal communities who usethe resources, and the government. Marineturtles and cetaceans, including globallythreatened species, continue to be threatenedby incidental by-catch in fish nets. Nets witheffective Turtle Exclusion Devices (TEDs),although available, are not used by thePakistani fishing fleet due to monetary

    concerns and lack of enforcement of existinglaws.

    Fig.12. Fisherman busy with their job .

    5.1 The Indus River and Delta SystemThe international workshop on the Indus delta Biosphere reserve, organized by IUCN-Pakistan incollaboration with the Sindh Forest and Wildlife department and WWF-Pakistan in 1994, identifiedseveral serious problems and issues in coastal and marine areas that remain of concern today, andstill need to be addressed urgently. Highlights of some of these are as follows:-

    Rapid increase in coastal population and expansion in socio-economic activities, particularlyalong the coast near Karachi and the remaining productive south east coast of Sindh;

    Indiscriminate and uncontrolled discharge of effluents from domestic, agricultural andindustrial resources, exceeding the assimilation capacity of the natural systems, resulting indecline of fisheries;

    Negative impact of economic activities in the hinterland, in particular diversification of waterresources of the Indus River for various uses, resulting in reduction in flow and in sediment.The consequences of these impacts are the shrinking of the estuary and deltaic region,threatening the very existence of the vast mangrove belt and its valued resources;

    Encroachment of the sea inland, resulting in salt intrusion and consequent destruction ofagricultural land. There is numerous evidence from recent studies of contamination of tube-wells, indicating the increasing concentration of salt above the aquifers, presumably resultingfrom water logging; and below the aquifers from salt intrusion from the sea, affecting the

    agricultural potential of vast areas of Sindh near the coast;

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    Coastal erosion resulting from increasing action of high energy waves resulting from negativemass balance stemming from the reduced flow.

    The Indus River is part of a major flyway for birds between Siberia and warmer lands to the south.Human interventions in the flow of the Indus River have dramatically altered the riverine and coastalecology, with for example, a major recent decrease in flow rates and annual discharge of sediment

    (60 million tons compared to historical values of 450 million tons).

    5.2 Coastal areas of SindhIndustrial effluents from 70% of Pakistans industry may be traced back to Karachi. These effluentscarry contaminants that ultimate find their way in coastal and marine life, posing health hazards to thecoastal communities, especially around the Karachi area and the northwestern end of the Indus Delta.Add to this are unmanaged shrimp and fisheries harvest, uncontrolled cutting and grazing of themangrove forests, and the domestic waste and sewage from Karachis estimated 11 million people,together causing unprecedented degradation of the coastal ecosystems of Sindh. The economiclosses for future generations will be immense, reflected in loss of agricultural land close to the coast,loss of biodiversity, loss of livelihood accompanied by dislocation of coastal communities, pollution ofbeaches and degradation of recreational facilities, leading to decline in tourism.

    5.3 The Balochistan coastThe coast of Balochistan, though under considerably less human pressure than the Sindh coast,faces its own set of threats. It is unclear to what extent the development and implementation of theMekran Master Plan follows an integrated approach to resource management (Government ofBalochistan and IUCN Pakistan, 2002). Already there have been many development projects on thecoast, including the port and fish harbors at Pasni and Gwadar, mechanization of fishing boats,improvements in the fishing industry, desalination plants, agriculture and livestock demonstrations,water supply schemes and residential land development. The Gwadar port is near to completion andwill be followed by large scale industrial, residential and tourism development. It is likely that the paceof commercial activities along the Balochistan coast will pick up fast. Without an integrated planningand management approach, involving close cooperation among departments, institutions and otherstakeholders involved, the limited resources of the Balochistan coast could easily become

    overexploited. Some of the changes and impacts on the coastal environments and ecosystems couldbe irreversible. Oil pollution from fishing boats and the large number of merchant vessels and oiltankers that pass through the EEZ of Pakistan, already appears to be of some concern along thePasni coast.

    6. Policy and institutional frameworkMarine resources have an immense potential in contributing towards national economic growth anddevelopment. The coastal zone is one of the most important national assets of a country whensocioeconomic activities are highly concentrated. They are fragile and therefore any attempt todeplete them for alternative uses may result in irreparable loss of natural systems with seriousconsequences to the productive potential and economic uses of associated natural systems. Becausecoastal systems are sensitive to changes in the environment, there are uncertainties and risk

    involved, once a coastal ecosystem is damaged, it will have far reaching impacts as many uses ofcoastal amenities.The importance of developing marine resources in the coastal zone of Pakistan has not successfullyperceived. The economic losses to the future generations from depletion of coastal environment andnatural system will be immeasurable. This will be reflected in loss of agricultural land close to coast,loss of biodiversity, dislocation of coastal amenities, loss of livelihood, loss of fisheries, pollution ofbeaches and recreational facilities and decline in tourism.

    The ultimate goal of coastal and marine policy and legislation is to promote national developmentthrough rational use of the coastal resources and environments of Pakistan in a manner whichbalances economic, social and environmental goals. The coastal and near shore waters of Pakistanare not uniform, but may be spatially divided into units reflecting the distinct geology, climate,vegetation, oceanographic conditions and the levels of present uses and consequent rates of change

    in terms of resource depletion and habitat degradation. It is clear that biological, physico-chemical andsocio-economic conditions of Balochistan differ considerably from those of Sindh and that within

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    Sindh the present rate and future prospects for the coastline of Karachi differ from those of Indusdelta. In the case of Balochistan the opportunities for proactive planning and management of majordevelopment on the coastline are considerable, while for the Karachi areas most short termmanagement will be reactive, addressing existing problems of resource depletion and environmentaldegradation.

    Table 2. National legislation related to Environment with particular references to coastal marine areas.# Laws National Nomenclature Regulatory Body1 Umbrella Environment

    Act Pakistan Environmentprotection Act 1997

    Ministry of Environment LocalGovt. and Rural Development

    2 EIA Pakistan Environmentprotection Act 1997

    Federal and Provincial EPAs

    3 Coastal Legislation Coastal developmentalAuthority Acts Sindh 1994and Balochistan 1998.

    Provincial Coastal DevelopmentAuthority

    4 Marine Pollution Pakistan Environmentprotection Act 1997

    Federal and Provincial EPAsand Port Authorities.

    5 Coastal Forest,


    Forest Act 1927 Sindh and Balochistan Forest

    and Wildlife Departments.

    6 Flora, Fauna & wildlife(incl. Corals)

    State Wildlife Protectionordinances of 1972 inSindh and Balochistan.

    Provincial Forest and WildlifeDepartments

    7 Mining Law West Pakistan Mines andMineral Development Act,1958: Balochistan Miningconcession rules 1970.

    Mineral Development Authority.

    8 Ports Ports Act, 1908 KarachiFisheries HarbourOrdinance, 1984;Karachi Port Authority

    Karachi Port Trust, Fish HarborAuthorities and Port QasimAuthority.

    9 Land Use Land Acquisition Act 1894 Ministry of Environment LocalGovt. and Rural Development.Land Revenue Departmentsunder Provincial Governments

    10 Fisheries Provincial sea fisheriesOrdinance

    Sindh Fisheries department andMarine Fisheries department.

    11 EEZ Territorial Waters andMaritime Zones Act 1979

    Pakistan Maritime SecurityAgency, Pakistan CoastGuards, Port and HarborAuthorities.

    Source:(R.Rajagopalan and A. Lakshmi 2003) and (Pernetta, 1993)

    There is a well established legislative framework for environmental management in Pakistan. TheEnvironment and Urban Affairs Division (E&UAD) within Ministry of Housing, Works, Environmentaland Urban Affairs, is the main Government organization responsible for the protection of environmentand resource conservation. The E&UAD works closely with the Pakistan Environmental ProtectionCouncil (PEPC) and the Federal and Provincial Environmental Agencies formed under PEPA, 1997.

    A number of other institutions exist in the governmental structure which are concerned primarily withresource augmentation and conservation and which carry out resource surveys, and monitoring ofrelevance to environmental protection. These include the following federal Ministries:

    Planning and Development Finance and Revenue Economic Affairs and Statistics. Food, Agriculture and Cooperatives Local Government and Rural Development Health, Social Welfare

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    Water and Power Education Science and Technology

    There are some governmental and non governmental organizations and research organizations thatare mainly involved in protection and conservation of marine environment include the National

    Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Marine Fisheries Department, Sindh and Balochistan Forest andWildlife Departments, Maritime Security Agency, IUCN, WWF and Centre of Excellence for MarineBiology, Karachi University.

    The main motivation for C & M protected area system planning arises from nation level consensusabout integrating protected areas with other aspects of sustainable developments. Protected areasare an integral part of a strategy for managed conservation of biodiversity and natural and culturalheritage as well. Protected area system plans are called for under article 8 of the Convention onBiological Diversity, where protected area are seen as having an important role in conservation ofbiodiversity, alongside conservation in a range of other contexts. The Caracas Action Plan alsoidentified national protected area system plan as desirable priority.

    A protected area is identified as an area of land and/ or sea especially dedicated to the protectionand maintenance of biological diversity, and of natural and associated wetland resources, andmanaged through legal or other effective means. The definition does not require that the areanecessarily be land or any particular tenure, or that management be carried out by any particularlevel of Government,.( or even by Government rather than non government parties).

    Many places serve important nature conservation functions, yet fall outside the definition ofprotected area because the primary objective in managing those particular lands is sometimesother than biodiversity conservation (e.g. timber production) to re designate some such areas so thatnature conservation is recognized as the primary objective. But even under the most conservation-oriented scenario it is not likely that protected area will ever take in all or even a major part of mostcountries. For this and many other practical reasons, protected areas must be a part of an integratedsystem and should be complemented by conservation activities on coastal and marine areas in widerange of different land uses.Pakistan has made progress towards establishment of system of terrestrial protected area whichrepresents its biodiversity and environment types, but substantial obstacles remain to achievesystem balance and sustainability.

    Sustainability is identified as a key issue. If it is to be achieved, considerable efforts will need to gointo development of institutional capacities, and into a wide range of appropriate mechanisms tosupport local level involvement. A wider range of flexible model is called for.

    Under current provincial and territorial legislation, only three categories of PAs have beenestablished: Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parks and Game Reserves. Private game reserves,however, may be established in Punjab, NWFP and Federal territory. Any area of land that isgovernment property, or over which the government has proprietary right, may be declared as one ofthe above categories, including game reserves, the latter also including privately owned lands. Inadditional to these legally-based categories, a number of other types of PA have been created overthe years and appear on national lists of protected areas. These include a crane refuge, a wildliferefuge, wildlife parks, as well as wilderness and native parks.

    Regarding wilderness and Native Park. legislative reforms, which may be a necessary and / desirable part of this review, are always complex and difficult (sometimes uncertain or impossible). Itwill be desirable to adopt strategies which enable the objectives to be pursued as much as possiblewithin existing structure.

    Coastal Environment Management Plan for Pakistan (CEMP 1996)

    The Coastal Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for Pakistan was prepared in 1996 byEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP) in collaboration with Governmentof Pakistan. The CEMP was never implemented, however covers a large variety of subject relating tocoastal zone development and management. The physical setting, ecology and status of living and

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    nonliving resources, development potential, associated problems of sanitation and pollution- allrelevant aspects have been described which has a pervasive bearing on the entire ambit of coastalzone development, protection and management planning.

    Balochistan Conservation Strategy (2002)

    In 2000 Balochistan Conservation Strategy highlighted the serious threats which confronts thecoastal and marine areas of Balochistan, Conservation efforts for the marine environment have beenlagged far behind for the terrestrial environment , and an integrated approach to the management ofthe marine ecosystem is yet to be implemented.Recognizing these problems, a number of areas have been proposed for protected - area status.Astola Island (Haft Talar) is important for nesting green turtles on a sandy beach and rich marinefauna in the surrounding waters. It used to have diverse wildlife populations with large numbers ofover- wintering and nesting birds. Introduced rodents and cats have greatly reduced the birdpopulations. The island may contain a number of endemic species in addition to sub-species of thesand scaled viper Echis carinatus astolae .Ormara turtle beaches, Jiwani turtle beaches, Astola Islandand Miani Hor have already been declared as Ramsar sites and further worth for investigation forCMPAs

    Related and complementary initiatives, e.g. UNDP/GEF Wetland project implemented by WWF

    Acknowledging the vital importance of the area, The WWF- Pakistan identified Makran CoastWetlands Complex project stretching westwards from Basol River to Jiwani on the border of Iran asan effort towards recognition as protected area.

    The project has many phases of implementation, mainly to enhance the capacity of conservationagencies to protect the area in context of wetlands through an enhanced policy framework providedby an upgraded National Wetlands Conservation Strategy (NWCS) and through the establishment ofeffective management mechanisms, an awareness campaign is envisaged to create conditionsconducive to the replication of proven conservation techniques.The project will focus its site-based interventions in wetland complexes, which supports a spectrum ofendemic, threatened and vulnerable flora and fauna. The project will reduce threats to biodiversity.

    The goal of conservation initiatives within this project is closely tied to community involvement. Areduction in anthropogenic threats has been foreseen through community agreements on limitingresource-use and investment in livelihood diversification(

    7. Coastal and marine protected areas (CMPAs) needs and benefits

    7.1 National and local benefits

    7.1.1 Fisheries replenishment, food security and economicsThe establishment and effective management of a comprehensive and ecologicallyrepresentative network of CMPAs will enable the conservation and sustainabledevelopment of biodiversity and natural resources on which the majority of the coastalpopulations depend, and contribute to local and national economic development.Mangroves are especially important as nurserygrounds for shrimp and fishes. The shrimp fisheryin Pakistan bears a strong relationship to theextent and status of the mangrove forests.Government of Pakistan is earning an average ofRs. 8.8 billion from the export of shrimp and fishesannually The destruction or degradation ofmangroves (Fig. 13) and associated ecosystemswill seriously hamper fisheries production which inturn could jeopardize food security for localcommunities and reduce the economic contributionof the fisheries sector to the provincial and national Fig. 13. Catch from mangrove area

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    economy. Though often neglected and difficult to measure in monetary terms, mangroveand associate vegetation also supply fire wood, timber, fodder and other products (e.g.honey) essential to the subsistence and livelihoods of local communities. With rapidpopulation growth, these resources are becoming over-exploited in many areas, especiallywhere destructive fishing methods whereby fine meshed nets (locally known as Katra andGujjo) are used (ADB and IUCN Pakistan, 2002). Protection and rehabilitation of selected

    mangrove areas is essential to ensure future sustainability of these resources.Moreover, effective management of MPAs has demonstrated significant benefits to nearbyreef associated fisheries in a number of case studies, notably in the Philippines. Elsewheresuch as in the Pacific islands and the Indian Ocean, the concept and managementapproach of fisheries refugia has been taken to protect fish spawning aggregations and/ortrans-boundary, migratory fish stocks (e.g. in the Bay of Bengal). Much more informationand data analyses (both site and species specific) are required to consider and apply thisfisheries management tool in Pakistan, as an integral part of the CMPA planning andmanagement process.

    7.1.2 Protection from natural disasters and climate changeThe ecological functions and protective role of coastal ecosystems, notably mangroves andcoral reefs, to coastal communities are often overlooked. The loss of healthy mangrovesor coral reefs is often accompanied by increased vulnerability to coastal erosion and heavystorms, the loss of tourism income, reduced fisheries, and other undesirable impacts onthe local people and economy. The December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disasterdemonstrated that coastal areas with dense mangroves, mature coastal shelter beltplantations or other vegetation cover suffered comparatively less damage in builtproperties and loss of lives than areas where the natural vegetation had been degraded orconverted to other land use (IUCN, 2005-a). In addition to the immediate material andenvironmental damage, such a disaster also carries longer term implications on localfisheries and food security (IUCN, 2005-b). The Mekran coast is situated in a seismicallyactive region and the Pasni area has previously suffered from an earthquake andassociated tsunamis back in 1945. (Fig. 14) Such old and recent lessons provide strongargument for the protection and maintenance of healthy coastal vegetation andecosystems, and a precautionary approach to coastal land use planning, integrating bothsocio-economic and environmental considerations.

    Fig. 14. A view of Tsunami devastation and its severity .

    Indeed global climate change continues to cause, and is expected to escalate, wide-ranging impacts on the coastal and marine ecosystems and resource base on which localcommunities livelihoods and economy depend. Since the first contemporary broad scalecoral bleaching and die offs brought about by the ENSO (El Nino / Southern Oscillations)event in the early 1980s, the occurrence of such events has increased at unprecedentedrates and scales, as noted during the 1997-98 ENSO event which killed one tenth of theworlds coral reefs (Hodgson and Liebeler, 2002), and the subsequent one in 2002. Whilenatural ecosystems have evolved with resistance and the ability to recover (resilience) from

    disturbances, the unprecedented rates and severity of such disturbances, adding on top ofother non-climate related human-induced stresses, notably over fishing, pollution andhabitat loss through coastal development, have severely reduced ecosystems resistance

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    and resilience. A comprehensive network of CMPAs, effectively planned and managed inthe context of integrated coastal and marine areas management, will help to build andmaintain the resistance and resilience of the coastal and marine ecosystems, which in turnwill protect coastal populations from often unpredictable natural disasters, though tovarying degrees.

    7.1.3. Protecting endangered or threatened species and habitats .

    While a number of endangered or threaten species in Pakistan have direct protection (i. e.they are not allowed to be harvested or collected), it is also important to protect theirhabitats.. While Pakistan has no endemic aquatic / avi fauna, Pakistans coastal wetlandsare important staging area ( i.e. critical feeding and resting grounds) within Central AsianIndian Flyway for many migratory water birds species. Some wintering water bird speciessuch as the Dalmation pelican ( Pelecanus crispus) and the Marbled Teal ( Marmaronetta angustirostis ) are on IUCNs threatened species list.

    Along the coast of Pakistan are globally important nesting habitats for at least two speciesof marine turtles namely green turtle (Chelonia mydas ) and olive ridlley turtle (Lepidochelis olivea) . Most nesting beaches are found along the coastline of Balochistan and Sindh,nesting is restricted to sandy beaches located between Karachi and Cape Monze about 40Km to the west. Astola Island with its unique marine hard bottom benthic fauna, most likelysupports a small offshore population of Hawksbill ( Eretmochelys imbricate ).

    7.1.4. . Improving local economies

    As well as helping to ensure that stocks of commercial fish and invertebrate species aremaintained on a sustainable basis, CMPAs have additional economic values. The naturalfeatures found in many CMPAs around the world were the popular areas of recreation andtourism activities such as snorkeling, SCUBA diving and recreational fishing. (Lloyd, 1997).

    7.1.5. Providing opportunities for research.

    By providing natural areas that are protected from most human impacts, many CMPAs havean important role in scientific research. For example the Keti bunder North and SouthWildlife Sanctuary was established in 1974 to protect the wildlife, seabirds and mangroveecosystem. A mangrove conservation project has been underway since 1987, focusing onlong term ecological and population studies on the recovery of the species. CMPAs canalso be used to study the effects of human activities on the marine environment, bycomparing an area that has little impact from humans(CMPAs) with a nearby unprotectedarea.

    7.1.6. Providing opportunities for education.

    Educating students and the general public about marine biology and marine conservation isan important role of CMPAs, local students frequently visit the Hawksbay/ Sandspit andobtain information on conservation issues .

    7.1.7 . Preserving Cultural and historical heritage

    Many CMPAs also protect important historical or cultural features, for example, Ratto kot inPhitti Creek area is an important archeological site from a civilization that flourished in thearea some 500-600 years ago.

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    7.2 International obligations

    At the 7 th Conference of Parties (COP 7) of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) held InFebruary 2004, the notable under-representation of protected areas in marine ecosystems washighlighted and the need to increase coverage of these ecosystems was emphasized. The COP 7thereby adopted the Programme of Work on Protected Areas, with an overall purpose to support the

    establishment and maintenance of comprehensive, ecologically representative and effectivelymanaged national and regional systems of protected areas, for terrestrial areas by 2010, and formarine areas by 2012 (UNEP/CBD/COP/7/L.32, 2004). The COP 7 urged Parties to achieve fully thegoals and targets of the work programme while recognizing that Parties should implement theactivities of the programme in the context of their nationally determined priorities, capacities andneeds. As a Party to the CBD, Pakistan has a commitment to fulfil its responsibilities by efficientlyimplementing the Convention and supporting its global programme of work. The latter requires anintegration of protected area objectives into countries development strategies, and hence contributesto sustainable development. (Table 3)

    Table. 3. International obligations related to CMPA.

    # Treaties Establishedat

    Year Signed byPakistan

    Known as

    1 Convention on the Conservationof Migratory Species of WildAnimals

    Bonn 1979 1987 BonnConvention

    2 Convention on International Tradein Endangered Species of WildFauna and Flora (CITES)

    Washington 1973 1976 CITES

    3 Convention on Wetlands ofInternational importanceespecially as Waterfowl Habitat

    Iran 1971 1978 Ramsar

    4 Convention concerning theProtection of the World Culturaland Natural Heritage

    Paris 1972 1972 World HeritageConvention

    5 United Nations Convention on theLaw of the Sea


    1982 1982 UNCLOS

    6 UNESCO Man and Bioshpere(MAB) programme

    Paris 1968 Supports MAB

    7 International Convention for thePrevention of Pollution from Ships

    1973/ 78


    8 UN Convention to CombatDesertification

    1996 UNCCD

    9 Convention of Biological Diversity 1979 CBD

    Source:(R.Rajagopalan and A. Lakshmi 2003) and (Pernetta, 1993)

    8. Strategic, integrated, participatory system planningThe development of an effective CMPA network requires system planning which takes a morestrategic and rational approach to PA planning and development than the case by case, ad hoc approach. CMPA system planning enhances the recognition of CMPAs into national priorities,facilitates their integration into other sectoral planning processes (e.g. biodiversity action plan,tourism, coastal development, fisheries), defines roles of key players, identifies gaps in present PAcoverage, clarifies management objectives for different categories of PA, and prioritizes resourcespending (Davey, 1998). System planning also addresses the linkages and inter-relationshipsbetween PAs, and between PAs and the wider context; and should consider the social and economicimplications of PAs and issues such as equity and benefit sharing. It should be a participatory processinvolving national, provincial and local governments, technical institutions, local communities and

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    NGOs. The system plan should identify funding priorities and potential funding sources includinginnovative, pro-poor and sustainable financing mechanisms.

    8.1 Linking the CMPA system with Integrated Coastal Management (ICM)Called for by the CBD, the integration of MPAs into a broader ICM (including marine areas) frameworkcan be based on the combination of the following approaches and tools (Cicin-Sain and Belfiore,2003):

    Integrating MPA management into a broader strategy for the coastal area; Integrating MPA management into existing planning processes; Expanding land- and sea-use planning as a system of managing human activities; Integrating MPA management into existing institutional arrangements for coastal and marine

    management; Mainstreaming coastal and marine biodiversity conservation and use into other sectors; Promoting the coordination of sectoral policies affecting MPAs; Implementing MPA management activities through existing administrative, institutional,

    research and other frameworks; Establishing monitoring and evaluation and management effectiveness assessment

    procedures; Ensuring coordination at the regional level; Ensuring coordination of donor efforts.

    8.1.1 Integrated Coastal Management

    In Pakistan, the need for ICM is urgent. Already, the environmental and social impacts (i.e.pollution, loss of species, human health and loss of food security) of sectoral planning anddevelopment of the Karachi coast without environmental concerns are evident. Some of theseimpacts were generated beyond the coast, notably damming of rivers and diversion of flow foragriculture and other uses which have led to unprecedented shrinkage of the Indus Delta.Although Balochistan has not experienced rapid population growth and rampant economicand industrial development like that of the Sindh coast, several localized areas have or areexpected to suffer from similar activities (e.g. Gadani beach, Hab area, Gwadar Headland).

    The Government of Balochistan recognizes the urgent need for ICM and has listed it as oneof the top priority interventions highlighted in the Balochistan Conservation Strategy(Government of Balochistan and IUCN, 2002). The BCS has identified 14 core programmesincluding the sustainable development of coastal and marine resources which incorporatessix priority interventions:

    Improve coordination and consultation in fisheries and coastal development; Undertake ICM and Planning; Undertake sustainable development of the coastal zone (including sustainable

    management of coastal fisheries, biodiversity and PAs, etc.)

    Conserve, develop and sustainably use mangroves, coastal fisheries and renewableresources by establishing and managing PAs; Control land-based pollution of coastal waters; Promote and support local, national and international coastal tourism as an economic

    incentive for local community involvement.

    The BCS therefore recognizes explicitly the role of PAs in sustainable development, andplaces equal importance to the integration of coastal and fisheries development in the contextof sustainable development. Indeed the designation of CMPAs will not be of use if it is donewithout considerations of their surrounding development pressures and socio-politicalenvironments, all of which could impact severely on the viability of the CMPAs.

    8.1.2 Sustainable Fisheries DevelopmentUnsustainable fishing practices are already widespread in parts of the Indus Delta,especially near to Karachi (Section 7.1.1). Their impacts on the mangrove associated

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    fisheries are likely to escalate with population growth of the fishing communities, anddegradation of water quality from industrial and domestic pollution of the expanding city.These causes are in tur