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Precipitating hydrophobic injectable liquid(PHIL) embolic for the treatment of auterine arteriovenous malformation: atechnical reportDylan Kurda1* , Geetha Guduguntla1, Julian Maingard2,3, Hong Kuan Kok4,3 and Shivendra Lalloo1


Objective: Uterine arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are unusual causes of vaginal bleeding. Althoughhysterectomy is the definitive treatment; uterine artery embolization (UAE) provides an alternative therapeuticoption. This case presents a technical report of a uterine AVM treated successfully with transcatheter UAE usingprecipitating hydrophobic injectable liquid (PHIL) embolic agent.

Case report: A 41-year-old female, gravida 6, para 4, miscarriage 2, including a molar pregnancy 15 years prior,presented with massive per vaginal bleeding. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrated an acquired AVM as the underlyingaetiology for her presentation. The patient underwent bilateral uterine arterial embolization. Four weeks later, therewas nearly complete resolution of the AVM and the patient’s menstrual cycle was restored 8 weeks after theprocedure.

Conclusion: Uterine AVM can be treated safely and effectively with UAE using PHIL.

Keywords: Embolization, PHIL, Uterine artery, AVM

IntroductionUterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rarecause of menorrhagia that may cause life threateningbleeding. The diagnosis is most commonly establishedby pelvic ultrasound although other cross-sectional im-aging modalities including CT and MRI are also helpful.Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is one of the thera-peutic options, for which several embolic agents havebeen mentioned in literature. The first successful trans-arterial embolization for uncontrolled uterine bleedingfrom fibroids was performed in 1974 by Jean-JaquesMerland (Yoon et al., 2016; Sellers et al., 2013) and UAEis now an established first-line treatment option forsymptomatic fibroids.Although there is more limited experience with UAE

for treatment of uterine AVM, the choice of techniqueand embolic agent can impact on the success of

endovascular embolization with varying rates of primaryocclusion and recurrence reported in the literature1. Wereport our preliminary experience using a novel liquidembolic agent, precipitating hydrophobic injectable li-quid (PHIL; MicroVention, Tustin, CA) demonstratingsafety and efficacy for the treatment of a largepost-partum uterine AVM.

Materials and methodsA 41-year-old gravida 6, para 4 (G6P4) was referred toour institution following large volume per vaginal (PV)bleeding with an estimated 900 ml blood loss. Her pasthistory was significant for two miscarriages, one result-ant from a molar pregnancy 15 years prior. She last gavebirth to a normal term baby 4 months prior to this pres-entation; which was a normal vaginal delivery. Her im-mediate postpartum course was uneventful, withoutcomplications such as sepsis and retained product ofconception. She was on a regular dose of the combinedoral contraceptive pill.

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

* Correspondence: [email protected] Radiology, The Canberra Hospital, Canberra, AustraliaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Upon this presentation, she was initially treated with2 units of packed red cells, tranexamic acid, norethister-one and naproxen but her symptoms failed to respondto medical therapy. Duplex pelvic ultrasound demon-strated an anteverted uterus with changes of adenomyo-sis and a left cornual AVM measuring 4x3x3 cm in theanterior myometrium (Fig. 1a and b). She was referredfor transcatheter UAE to treat the underlying AVM.

Procedure detailsFollowing informed consent and under conscious sed-ation, retrograde right common femoral artery accesswas obtained followed by placement of a 6-French intro-ducer sheath (Cook, Bloomington, IN). The left andright internal iliac arteries were selectively catheterisedusing a 5-French C2 catheter (Glidecath, Terumo) andhydrophilic guidewire combination (Glidewire, Terumo).Selective angiography of the internal iliac artery demon-strated an anterior left paramedian uterine AVM nidussupplied by both uterine arteries and an associatedpost-nidal varix. We used 5000 units of intraarterialunfractionated heparin (we normally do use heparin insuch situations due to potential lengthy procedures andthe use of long sheaths / guide catheters). Distalcatheterization of the markedly tortuous uterine arterieswas performed using a dual lumen Scepter XC balloonmicrocatheter and Traxcess wire combination (Micro-vention) delivered through a 6 Fr guide sheath (Destina-tion,Terumo) for proximal support. Pulsed injection of7 ml of 25% and 2ml of 30% PHIL liquid embolic (to bi-lateral uterine arteries) achieved satisfactory nidal pene-tration, with post embolization aorto-iliac angiography

suggesting no further early venous filling. Despite thelack of post-nidal venous penetration which may allowrecurrent shunting, adequate devascularization wasachieved (Fig. 2 a-e). Access site hemostasis wasachieved with a vascular closure device (AngioSeal,Terumo).

ResultsThe patient recovered well; her PV bleeding tapered offover a 10-day period and subsequently ceased.Follow-up pelvic ultrasound demonstrated obliterationof the nidus with no residual vascularity within theregion of the original AVM (Fig. 3). She restarted heroral contraceptive pill post-embolisation. Herpost-embolisation course was uneventful apart frommild pelvic pain in the first few days post procedurewhich was adequately managed with oral analgesics.There was no clinical evidence of post embolization syn-drome. The patient remained well at 5 month follow-upand was asymptomatic.

DiscussionUterine AVMs are rare, and their true incidence is notclear. They are believed to be underestimated as they areoften clinically silent prior to late presentation with se-vere PV haemorrhage (Sellers et al., 2013). Approxi-mately 50% of uterine AVMs are congenital and thoughtto be the result of failure of embryonic capillary plexusdifferentiation (Kasznica & Nisar, 1995). The remainderof AVMs are acquired after miscarriage, uterine instru-mentation, Caesarean section or other uterine surgery,or related to neoplastic disorders like gestational

Fig. 1 a Sagittal transvaginal pelvic ultrasound image demonstrating a serpinginous hypoechoic area in the anterior myometrium compatiblewith an anterior cornual AVM. b Colour Doppler overlay demonstrating markedly increased high-flow vascularity of the AVM

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trophoblastic disease and endometrial adenocarcinoma.Maternal diethylstilboestrol (DES) use has also beenimplicated.In the puerperium, there is a recognized continuum

from self-limiting subinvolution of retained placentalvasculature to persistent pathologic shunts whichpresent as symptomatic acquired AVMs (Sellers et al.,2013). First-line imaging includes assessment with pelvicduplex ultrasound; although, cross sectional imaging canhelp to characterise the exact nature and relationship tosurrounding structures including the number and

location arterial in-feeders, location and size of the nidusas well as the presence of venous varices and flow re-lated aneurysms (Timor-Tritsch et al., 2016; Kwon &Kim, 2002). Cross sectional imaging has the added bene-fit of allowing accurate characterisation of residual nidusfollowing treatment.Management of uterine AVMs is dictated by the clin-

ical status and age of the patient, site and size of theAVM, and the desire for gestation in the future (Molviet al., 2011). Percutaneous transarterial embolization hasbecome established as an effective treatment for uterine

Fig. 2 a-e. 41-year-old female with symptomatic acquired uterine AVM. a Right uterine artery demonstrates hypertrophied right uterine arteryand AV shunting, with draining venous varix; b Left uterine artery with evidence of AV shunting and a well demonstrated nidus; c Aortogrampost bilateral UAE, showing obliteration of the AV shunting and no further feeder from internal and / or external iliac arteries; d Post right uterineartery embolisation with PHIL, showing no evidence of AV shunting. Adequate nidus penetration with the embolic cast also seen; e Post bilateralUAE demonstrating PHIL cast and the Scepter XC catheter. It also nicely demonstrates the marked tortuosity of the hypertrophied right UA

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AVMs with lower morbidity and mortality, over the sur-gical alternatives of vessel ligation or hysterectomy (Ghaiet al., 2003; Peitsidis et al., 2011; Touhami et al., 2014).Advantages of embolization include prompt and accur-ate identification of bleeding site, preservation of uterusand subsequent fertility as well as reduced recurrence ofbleeding from collaterals due to ability to perform moredistal occlusion of the nidus. However despite its wide-spread use, a recent systematic review concluded thatonly low-level evidence supported the role ofembolization and in light of the heterogeneity ofpathology, embolic agents and approaches, it empha-sized the importance of refining the procedural proto-col (Yoon et al., 2016).Regardless of its location, the goal of AVM

embolization is complete obliteration of the nidus, whileavoiding unwanted non-target reflux into the feeding ar-teries or premature embolization of its draining veins. Insituations where tissue or end-organ death is a desiredend point, permanent embolic agents and smaller parti-cles are the preferred choice (Koçer et al., 2016a). Vascu-lar abnormalities, including AVMs, can be successfullytreated by permanent occlusion as the host organ canremain well supplied by collaterals (Lubarsky et al.,2010).PHIL, a novel liquid embolic agent, is a ready-to-use

non-adhesive copolymer. It is dissolved in dimethyl sulf-oxide (DMSO), and does not require any preparationand is covalently bound to its iodine component, whichprovides its inherent radiopacity (Vollherbst et al., 2017).PHIL liquid embolic system consists of a sterile, prefilled1.0 mL syringe of the liquid embolic agent, a sterile, pre-filled 1.0 mL syringe of DMSO, and microcatheter hubadaptors. A DMSO-compatible delivery microcatheterthat is indicated for use in the neurovascular or periph-eral vasculature is used to access the target forembolization. PHIL is delivered by slow, controlled in-jection under fluoroscopic control. The DMSO solventdissipates into the blood, causing the copolymer to pre-cipitate forming an embolus. PHIL polymerizes from the

outside to the inside, while penetrating distally in thevascular lesion. Final solidification of the injected agentoccurs within 5 min according to the manufacturer(Leyon et al., 2016).The non-adhesive nature of this agent affords potential

for longer injection times as well as the capacity to per-form control angiography mid-procedure. Its preferenceas an embolic agent in the management of cerebralAVMs and dural arteriovenous fistulae is increasing(Koçer et al., 2016a; Samaniego et al., 2016; Laminet al., 2017).The use of other liquid embolics, for example N-butyl

cyanoacrylate (NBCA) and ethylene vinyl alcohol co-polymer (Onyx), in the management of uterine AVMshas been reported previously with favourable clinical re-sults. Compared to Onyx, shorter intervals (30–60 s) arerequired during injection of PHIL (2 min in the case ofOnyx), which allows a greater margin for reflux (2 cm).There is less streak artefact with PHIL compared toOnyx on follow-up CT imaging. The PHIL agent doesnot contain micronized tantalum unlike Onyx; therefore,PHIL is more homogenous and does not require prioragitation prior to use (Hemingway, 1984). The radiationdose is perhaps smaller for the patient and the operatorin case of PHIL due to a quicker injection time and theability to change the radiation factors for visualizationduring the procedure (Hemingway, 1984), which is ofadded value for pelvic angiographic procedures in youngfemales. However, PHIL has limited visibility during pas-sage through the microcatheter (especially PHIL 25%).After passage through the tip of microcatheter, the visi-bility of PHIL is lower than Onyx (Koçer et al., 2016a).Gel foam is a biological substance prepared from puri-

fied skin gelatin. Related studies mostly support preser-vation of menstrual function and fertility followinguterine embolization with gel foam, with one studyreporting resumption of menses in all of their patients.Another study reported 98% preservation of menses and82% successful future pregnancies (Touhami et al., 2014;Farouk et al., 2016; Cheng et al., 2017).

Fig. 3 a Sagittal transvaginal pelvic ultrasound image 2 weeks post UAE demonstrating echogenic PHIL embolic material in the anteriormyometrium at the site of the treated AVM b Colour Doppler overlay demonstrating markedly reduced vascularity

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Despite literature supporting preservation of fertility,gel foam poses some inherent disadvantages as an em-bolic agent for uterine AVM embolization compared tonewer agents. As a temporary embolic agent, recanaliza-tion can occur in the weeks following embolisation(Lubarsky et al., 2009). The smaller size of the particlesin gel foam powder preparation, also results in increasedrisk of potential and unwanted ischemia from non-targetreflux (Siskin et al., 2000).Our patient did not experience any post-embolisation

complication, including major pain, infection andpost-embolisation syndrome (PES). PES is the mostcommon complication following UAE for uterine AVMs(Hughes & Reidy, 2003). One study looking at a largevariation in indication for embolisation, both in locationand pathology, demonstrated a lower incidence in PESwhen treatment was for acute bleeding (Hemingway,1984). It was inferred that this was in relation to de-creased volume in of necrotic tissue or thrombosed vas-culature, as point of occlusion is as directed as possible(Hemingway, 1984). A case series demonstrated that,unlike its counterpart liquid embolic agent Onyx, PHILcauses moderate vascular inflammatory effect but noangionecrosis (Koçer et al., 2016b). This might be relatedto possible reduced PES rate after PHIL.

ConclusionIn conclusion, we report a case of successful endovascu-lar treatment of a uterine AVM with the novel liquidembolic agent PHIL. Further studies are needed to es-tablish possible superiority and fertility preservation overother embolic agents such as Onyx.

AbbreviationsAVM: Arterio venous malformation; PHIL: Precipitating hydrophobic injectableliquid; UAE: Uterine artery embolization

AcknowledgementsNo acknowledgment to make.

FundingNo funding has been obtained for this project.

Availability of data and materialsAvailable.

Authors’ contributionsDK, writing up the manuscript and overseeing the project. GG: writing upthe manuscript. JM and HKK: reviewing the manuscript and making changes.SL: reviewing the manuscript and overseeing the whole project. All authorsread and approved the final manuscript.

Ethics approval and consent to participateInstitutional ethics approval obtained.

Consent for publicationConsent is available.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1Interventional Radiology, The Canberra Hospital, Canberra, Australia.2Interventional Radiology, Austin Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 3School ofMedicine, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Geelong, Australia. 4InterventionalRadiology, Northern Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Received: 18 February 2019 Accepted: 29 April 2019

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