Download - Precious Stones


Precious Stones

DiamondPrecious Stones

RubyPrecious Stones

PearlPrecious Stones

EmeraldPrecious Stones

Yellow SapphirePrecious Stones

Blue SapphirePrecious Stones

HessonitePrecious Stones

AmberPrecious Stones

AmethystPrecious Stones

ZirconPrecious Stones

TopazPrecious Stones

TanzanitePrecious Stones

GarnetPrecious Stones

TurquoisePrecious Stones

OpalPrecious Stones

AquamarinePrecious Stones

Lapis LazuliPrecious Stones

Cat’s EyePrecious Stones

QuartzPrecious Stones

This presentation is a result of my experiences while I was helping out my son with his school assignments and project work. I am happy to share this with other students and their

parents. Hope you find this informative and useful. Thank you.

- Prashant Mahajan -

All pictures belong to their original authors, photographers.