Download - Pre Test Cholesterol Needs Assessment

Page 1: Pre Test Cholesterol Needs Assessment

1. Which cholesterol is good for us?



C. Neither cholesterol is good

2. Where can you find cholesterol in the body?

A. cells

B. bloodstream

C. Bones

D. A&B

E. all of the above

3. What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

A. rapid heart beat

B. obesity

C. There are no symptoms

D. A&B

4. Are foods that say “No cholesterol” healthy choices?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I am not sure

5. Which of the following is a healthier kind of fat when dealing with cholesterol?

A. Saturated

B. Unsaturated

C. Trans Fat

D. I am not sure

6 Does being overweight mean you have cholesterol?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I am not sure

7. Does lifestyle play a role in high levels of LDL in blood?

A. yes

B. No

8. Who is more at risk for getting heart disease because of total levels of cholesterol?

A. Hispanic American

B. African American

C. Caucasian American

9.Which ethnic group is more at risk for high cholesterol?

A.Hispanic American

B. African American

C. Caucasian American

On a scale from 1 to 10 please rate how much you feel that you know about cholesterol.

1=not much 10=complete comprehension of cholesterol
