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Page 1: Practical Bio

PRACTICAL : Basic needs of plants

Objectives : To determine the basic needs of plants : sunlight, air and water

Problem : Do Plants need Sunshine?

Aim : To investigate the basic need of plants : sunlight

Tools/Apparatus :

Growing plant with large leaves, 2 pots of plants, Black construction paper, paper


Procedure A.

1. Gave each group of students a healthy plant.

2. Four squares pieces of the black construction paper were cut out.

3. Covered up two leaves on the healthy green plant with the black construction

pieces, one on top of the leaf and one below the leaf.

4. Secured the papers on the leaves with paper clips.

5. Ensured that the entire leaf area, on the top and on the bottom was covered and

wouldn’t be able to get sunlight.

6. After several days, removed the construction paper and observed the results.


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Procedure B.

1. Placed pot A under the sun.

2. Placed pot B in a dark place such as cupboard.

3. Watered plants daily.

4. After several days, observed both the plants.

Results :

Observation Inferences

13.12.2010 19.12.2010 13.12.2010 19.12.2010

Procedure A Leaves green in colour and look fresh

Pattern on the leaf is yellow and droop

Still get enough food to live

Cannot produce food because no sunlight

Procedure B

Pot A

Leaves green in colour and look fresh

Pot B

Leaves green in colour and look fresh

Pot A

Leaves green in colour and look fresh

Pot B

Yellow in colour and looks droop

Pot A

Get enough sunlight to grow.

Pot B

Not get sunlight to grow.

Pot A

Still get enough sunlight to produce food.

Pot B

Cannot produce food because no sunlight.


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Conclusion: Plants needs sunlight to produce its own food by process of



1. What do the leaves look like?

The leaves which are covered with black construction paper and the

plant which placed in the cupboard have changed in colour.

2. What colour are they?

They are turned into yellowish and looked drop.


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Pictures of beginning of the experiment. Observation on 13.12.2010.

Picture 1: The leaves before covered with black construction paper.

Picture 2: Leaf covered with black construction paper on the top of it.


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Picture 3: Leaf has covered with black construction paper below it.

Pictures of observation on 19.12.2010

Picture 4: Condition of leaves after several days.


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Picture 5: Condition of the leaf after several days

Picture 6 : Condition of the leaf after several days


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Discussion :

1. The result not showing any changes on the leaf which placed under the sun

but a few changes can be seen to the leaves covered with black construction

paper on top and below of the leaf.

2. It is because:

A) Need long duration to get the best result.

B) The species covered with special layer of cuticles

C) The weather during the experiment is not same, sometimes raining and


3. The pattern of the leaf that covered topside were droop or die but nothing

change if half leaf covered at bottom of the leaf.


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PRACTICAL : Basic needs of plants

Objectives : To determine the basic needs of plants : sunlight, air and water

Problem : Can Plants Live Without Water?

Aim : To investigate the basic need of plants : water

Tools/Apparatus :

Two beakers, water, soil, humus, bean seeds

Procedure A.

1. Planted some bean seeds in each of the plastic cup.

2. Placed both plants in the sunshine.

3. Watered plant “A” lightly each day.

4. Did not watered the plant “B”.

Results :

Observation Inferences

Plant “A” Grow well Plants need water to live

Plant “B” Not growPlants without water will not live or grow


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Conclusion: Plants needs water to stay alive because plants cannot live without

water or they will dehydrate.


Picture 6: day 1 ( with water )

Picture 7: day 1 ( without water )


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Picture 8: After several days (with water)

Picture 9: After several days (without water)


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Ouestions :

1. Would the same results be possible with different kind of seeds?

Yes because plants need water. Water is essential to all life on earth. No

known organism can exist without water. Plants use water to carry

moisture and nutrients from the roots to he leaves and food from the

leaves back down to the roots.

2. How can farmer tell if a plant is receiving enough water? Not enough water?

Too much water?

The plants grow very well and stay healthy if they received enough

water. If plants are given no water, or not enough water they will start go

Brown and go limp. This is known as shrivelling or wilting. Too much

water is bad for plants. The leaves of an over-watered plant generally

turn yellowish.


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PRACTICAL : Basic needs of plants

Objectives : To determine the basic needs of plants : sunlight, air and water

Problem : Can Plants Live Without Air?

Aim : To investigate the basic need of plants : air

Tools/Apparatus :

Two plastic cups, water, oil, cotton, bean seeds


1. Two cups are filled with water.

2. On one place a cotton pad on top and some beans on the cotton. This will keep

the seeds moist.

3.The seeds are dropped in to the water of second cup thus eliminating the air and

some oil was putted on the top of the water.

4. The temperature and light for both cups are keep the same.


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Results :

Observation Inferences

Cup “1” Seed grow wellPlants need air to grow


Cup “2” Seed not growingPlants need air to grow


Conclusion : Plants needs air for respiration


Picture 10 : Day 3 (covered with oil) Picture 11 : Day 3 ( not covered with oil)


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Picture 12 : Day 7 (covered with oil) Picture 13 : Day 7 ( not covered with oil)

Questions :

1. What other ways might air be eliminated from the cup?

Adding sodium chloride hydroxide.

2. Plants make their food but they do not need supply minerals. Choose three

minerals and describe what happens to plant growing without them.

Plants need minerals such as; nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium &

magnesium for a healthy growth.

3. Plants make their food but they do not supply of minerals. Choose three

minerals and describe what happen to plant growing without them.14

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Their growth is stunted, the plants are weak, plant death could occur.

Potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus are neccesary for groth repair and

photosynthesis. Without these minerals the plant will not be able to

photosynthesize and eventually DIE!

4. Animals and plants need food. Give two reasons why animals and plants

need food.

Plants and animals need food in order to survive. The nutrients the food

gives off into the animal and plant keep its energy level up, and

maintains the animal or plant. Humans as well need food, for the same

reasons. That also goes for oxygen, water, and sunlight.

PRACTICAL 2: Observation of animals cell: Check cell and plant cell: Leaf

epidermis cell


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Objectives: To prepare slides of animals cell and plant cell using the correct staining


Aim: To investigate animals and plant cell


Microscope, microscope slides, cover slip, dropper, forceps, blade, toothpick,

methylene blue, Iodine solution, Onion

Procedure A. Observation of check cell

1. Mouth is rinsed.

2. A thin layer of cell from the inside of check is gently scraped off using a


3. The scrapings are mounting in a drop of methylene blue solution on a slide.

4. The cover slip gently lowers over it.

5. The specimen is examined under low power objective lenses followed by high

power objective lenses.

6. The check cell is draw and the following parts is labelled: nucleus, chromatin

material, cell membrane and cytoplasm.

Result :


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Picture 14 : Picture of cheek cell under the microscope

(Magnification: 10 x 4mm)

Picture 15: Picture of cheek cell under the microscope

(Magnification: 10 X 40mm)

Procedure B.


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1. The epidermis layer of onion scale leaf is peel off using a forceps.

2. The epidermis layer was cut off a small piece and mount in a drop of iodine

solution on a slide.

3. Cover slip was gently lower over it.

4. The specimen was examined under low power objective lenses followed by

high power objective lenses.

5. The onion leaf epidermis cell was draw and the following parts were labelled:

nucleus, chromatin material, cell membrane, cytoplasm and vacuole.

Results :

Picture 16: Structure of onion leaf cell

(Magnification : 10x4mm)


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Picture 17: Structure of onion cell

(Magnification: 10 X 40mm)

Conclusion: The plant cells of the onion are a regular shape and held together

by the cell wall. The animal cells are not bound to each other and independent.

Onion cells are living and the cheek cells are sloughed off remnants of the

epidermal lining of your mouth lining.


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1. Name the types of cell which lines inner cheek.

Epithelial cells

1. State the similarities and differences between animal cells and plat cells.

- Plant cells have a cell wall surrounding the cell membrane, and animal cells

only have a membrane.

- Plant cells contain chloroplasts which are used for photosynthesis.

- Plant cells have a large vacuole (it's like a fluid sack), compared to an

animal cell which has multiple vacuoles.

- Animal cells are 'blobby', but cells in plants are more structured due to the

cell wall, and form a lattice like structure which helps with rigidness.

2. Why the nucleus is called the ‘control centre’ of the cell?

The nucleus is like the brain of the cell.The other reason why nucleus is

called the control center is that- It has genetic material called DNA which

undergo different functions such as replication, transcription,

translation i.e. formation of different enzymes and proteins necessary

for the development of whole cell Another reason is that-the cell which

lac nucleus during abnormal cell division known to be dead cell.

3. What is tissue? What word means collections of tissue doing one particular


Tissue is a collection of cells then, collections of tissue call muscles


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References :

Charlie Lok, Jacqueline R.S., Ching L. S., Leong L. S., Nalini B. Ace Ahead

STPM text Biology volume 1. Oxford Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd. (2010).

Shah Alam, Selangor.

Noi L. A. Reference Lengkap SPM Biology. Marshall Cavendish Sdn. Bhd. (2011).

Shah Alam, Selangor.

Wai M. C., Tina Kim L. S. Ulangkaji Total Terkini Biologi SPM Tingkat 4 & 5.

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd. (2006) Petaling Jaya, Selangor