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Nurul Athirah ArbiNurul Athirah Arbi

111 4040 168111 4040 168

ICP A 2011ICP A 2011

Biology DepartmentBiology Department

English Subject Matter : Microteaching

*ULCERS – erosion of the surface of the alimentary canal generally associated with some kind of irritant

*CONSTIPATIONCONSTIPATION – a condition in which the large intestine is emptied with difficulty.

*Too much water is reabsorbed

* and the solid waste hardens

*DIARRHEA – a gastrointestinal disturbance characterized by decreased water absorption and increased peristaltic activity of the large intestine.

*This results in increased, multiple, watery feces.

*This condition may result in severe dehydration, especially in infants

*APPENDICITIS – an inflammation of the appendix due to infection

*Common treatment is removal of the appendix via surgery

*GALLSTONES – an accumulation of hardened cholesterol and/or calcium deposits in the gallbladder

*Can either be “passed” (OUCH!!) or surgically removed

* ANOREXIA NERVOSA - a psychological condition where an individual thinks they appear overweight and refuses to eat.

* Weighs 85% or less than what is developmentally expected for age and height

* Young girls do not begin to menstruate at the appropriate age.

*HEART BURN – ACID from the stomach backs up into the esophagus.

*Inflammation & ulceration of the colon, beginning in rectum or sigmoid and extending proximally

*Only mucosa is involved

*Uniform involvement of the area, no segments or patches of healthy tissue

*Etiology, diagnostic test, treatment: like Crohn’s Disease

*Acute viral etiology is most common*Hepatitis A: infectious hepatitis

*Hepatitis B: via human secretions or feces

*Hepatitis C: less common, often becomes chronic, quiescent for decades

*Hepatitis D: delta hepatitis

*Hepatitis E: rare in US, feces-contaminated water

*Hepatitis G: blood-borne illness

*Paroxysmal abdominal pain or cramping

*First 3 months of life

*Etiology:*Excessive fermentation & gas production, overeating, air

swallowing, rapid feeding, inadequate burping

*S/S: crying, drawing up legs

*Diagnostics: Rule of Three’s (1st 3 months of life, crying 3 hrs/day, 3 days/week, at least 3 weeks.)

*Treatment: calming child, feeding techniques, etc.

*Specialized digestive system capable of digesting cellulose.

*Has a stomach with 4 distinct compartments

*Cattle, sheep, goats, deer & elk.

*Reticulum 5% of capacity

*Rumen 80% of capacity

*Omasum 7% of capacity

*Abomasum 8% of capacity

*Hardware stomach

*Holds foreign materials like nails

Muscular section that squeezes out excess water from food products before passing along in the digestive process.

* Omasum

*Largest compartment

*Storage area

*Millions of bacteria and protozoa live here and break down cellulose into digestible protein and carbohydrates

*True stomach

*Site of chemical digestion

*Digestive juices containing enzymes break down food products to be absorbed by the small intestine