Download - Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills



    SKILLSEnglish 101

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    Learning to study and studying tolearn are such an interrelatedactivities. When one learns, heacquire knowledge, skills, attitudeand values. While studying is the

    detailed investigating and analysis ofa subject.Individuals have different styles in

    learning. he for!ation of a goodstudy habits deter!ines the "ace oflearning.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    Worth doingstudy skillse!brace school

    behaviors, carefulti!e !anage!ent,note#taking,

    careful use of thelibrary and doingth $%&'rs.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    1.%chool behaviorthe behavior inside

    the classroo! andwith in the school"re!ises reflect theattitude of the

    student towardhi!self...

    (. $unctuality andregularity inattendance)ny "art of thelesson !issed is alesson lost.

    *atching u" thelesson needs e+traeffort.

    '. *hoice of %eatIt is always "ossible

    to obtain seat ofyour choice if andonly if you co!eearly in class...

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    . -aving co!"lete setof needed !aterials$re"aration for school

    does not only involvestudying your lessonsbut also being readyfor the needed


    . $ro"er and correct"osture$ro"er sitting"osition!akes the!ind alert and enablesthe individual toconcentrate better.

    /. es"ect for %chool)uthorities and

    $ersonnel) good student knowhow to follow rules andregulation in school.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    IE )2)3EE2Effective and efficient ways of studying de"end!uch on syste!atic "lan. anaging ti!e is "retty!uch the sa!e as budgeting one4s finances.aking a ti!e table can be a effectively hel".%et aside "robable study hours. ) long continous"eriod of study is not advisable.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    25E#)6I23 E*-2I&7E% esearch has shown that the we

    better re!e!ber the things weactively do than those that we"assively e+"erience.

    Listening and reading are collegeskills that we !ust su"le!entedwith notes.

    2ote#taking is not just a !ere!echanic of jotting down the lecture.It is "rocess of stating it in a fewwords.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills



    Adams Appl

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    Belly Banana

    Teddy the Transformer


    of the !ind

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    357$ 8I%*7%%I523rou" study offers

    o""ortunities for e+changingideas.

    &uestion and answer that can

    be short cut to review, howevershould be taken that the grou"study beco!e a social activity.

    %o!e students learn !ore in"eer studying.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    he $%&'4s ethod of studying.he discussions in this to"ic had described the

    circu!stances under which learning best take "lace and

    how studying would be !ore effective.

    Principles of Survey, Question,Reading, Reciting and Reviewing.

    This method of studying offers awide use of systematic approachthat can help anyone. Applicable

    to any kind of indiviuals learningstyle.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    The need to "no! the p#rposeor prin$iples%

    Before one start to read& hesho#ld determine his intention'What is his p#rpose in readin(this "ind of materials)

    What learnin( s"ills sho#ld heapply)


    #nderstandin()Analy+in(),a"in( predi$tion)

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    2eed for the "review or survey9

    :ou as areader should have a quickscan of a whole !aterial, taking whatare the s"ecific to"ics)nd sub#to"ics.

    Individuals show !arked differences inthe a!ount of subject !atter that can

    be assi!ilated)t any one ti!e, generally, if the to"icis fa!iliar, the easier to assi!ilate andunderstand.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills




  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    Reasoning SkillsThis enable students to give reasons for

    opinions and actions, to make inferences andmake deduction to use precise judgment anddecision formed by reasons and evidences.

    Inquiry SkillsThese enable student to ask relevantquestions to pose and dene problems.

    reative Thinking Skills

    This enable the students to generate ande!tend ideas, to suggest, to apply imaginationand to look for an innovative outcomes.

  • 7/24/2019 Ppt for Study and Thinking Skills


    "valuation SkillsThis enables pupils to evaluate information, to

    judge the value of #hat they read, hear and do, to

    develop criteria for judging and be condent aboutit.