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Presentasi case Polyneuropathy

Presentasi caseNeuropathy

Neuropathies associated with diabetesType DistributionPolyneuropathyMixed sensory, motor, and autonomicPrimarily sensorySymmetric, distal, lower > upper limbsMononeuropathy multiplexVariablePolyradiculopathy/plexopathy(diabetic amyotrophy)Asymmetric, proximal (pelvic girdle and tigh)Thoracoabdominal radiculopathyChest, abdomenMononeuropathy simplexPeripheral

CranialUlnar, median, radial, lateral femoral cutaneous, sciatic, peroneal, other nervesOculomotor (III) , abducens (VI), Trochlear (IV). Facial nervePemeriksaan penunjangKadar Gula darahElektromiografi

Treatment Optimal glucose control Gabapentin 300mg 3, 3 x 1 tablet