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    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited is a multinational organization. Unilever PLC London is its

    parent company. Unilever is a European based company with headquarters in London, and their

    shares are quoted at the stock exchange of several European countries. They deal in all kinds of

    products from animal foodstuff to foods and detergents plus other personal and consumer

    products. Unilever has its subsidiaries in over 80 countries of the world, to which it spreads its

    vast knowledge and resources.

    William Lever (its originator) commences business in England as a grocer. He established Lever

    Brothers in 1827 in England Sunlight was the first product of Lever Brothers, which makes the

    beginning of the marketing of branded products at the same time Margarine Uni was established

    in Nether Land by Simon Van Berg and Anton Jurgens. These two companies in term of:

    Buying raw material

    selling finished goods

    Consequently both the companies loosing out money in term of profit. These problems led to

    think of the mergers in 1930. These two companies merged together and renamed the business as

    Unilever PLC / the word UNI is taken from margarine Uni and Lever is taken from Lever

    Brothers. Its head quarter was established in England and Rotter Dam.

    Unilever has 500 operating companies in 80 countries. It has 0.3 million employees and turnover

    of sales in 23000 million pounds. The global business proportion is 60% in Europe 20% in North

    America and 20% in rest of the world. An identified board of directors control the activities of

    subsidiary companies throughout the world. Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited started its

    operations in 1948. A merger of Sadiq Vegetable Oils and Allied Industries existed in Rahim Yar

    Khan was taken place with Lever Brothers and HVM company based at Karachi. As a result of

    merger Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited was incorporated as an independent Unilever operating

    company in 1955. The company is quoted on the Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad Stock

    Exchanges. Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited has around 1900 employees in Pakistan.

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    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited played a dynamic role in boosting consumer products market. It

    stand at a unique position due to its honesty and integrity. Lever Brothers Pakistan Limiteds

    main divisions of business are:





    Brooke Bond Pakistan Limited was incorporated in 1948. Companys 40% shares are held by

    Unilever, 21% by financial institutions, 24% by individuals, and 10% by insurance companies.

    The company is quoted on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchange market. The company is

    manually engaged in the blending, packaging and marketing of tea. It also has a small business in

    the sale of packing apices. The company employs around 850 persons. And has three

    manufacturing locations situated in Karachi and Khanewal. It also have three regional sales

    offices. The head office of the company is located in Karachi.

    After the amalgamation of Lever and Brooke Bond, Unilever will have a majority shareholding

    in the combined company and it will provide a comparable level of technical, management and

    financial resources. The proposed merger will benefit the consumer in term of price and quality.


    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited acquires the shares of Pakistan Industrial Promoters Limited,

    Mehran International Limited and Ambrosia International Limited, which is known as Polka

    Group of Ice Cream Companies.


    The vision of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited is driven by is the commitment to exceland we

    are here to sell aspiration not brand. So, the core vision is integrating and that is to excel in

    every field whatever Lever Brothers do to provide customer delight and value. The Lever

    Brothers have been able to follow the track set by their vision and to achieve the standards set by

    their customers.

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    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited will be the foremost consumer company in Pakistan with the

    dominant position in laundry, personal wash, skin, ice creams and spreads: a leading position in

    tea, hair, dental and household care and a sustainably profitable position in cooking oil and fats.

    1. We will aim at delivering a 15% UVG rate, hence doubling the size of our business over 5

    years and thereby delivering superior value creation.

    2. We will achieve this by adopting a broad view of our market by seeking the new

    opportunities in the core categories of Unilever and by staying closer to all consumers

    than competitors, understanding their evolving needs and focusing on constant delivery

    of superior value for our brands through innovation.

    3. Competitive advantage will also be developed by driving down relentlessly on relative cost

    positions and outpacing competition in operational efficiency improvement.

    4. We shall build on our strong network of distributors to maximize penetrations and

    visibility in existing channels and to develop all new channels relevant to our consumers.

    5. We shall establish Unilevers core brands in Afghanistan, building brand loyalty and

    strong distribution in the market.

    6. To achieve these standards of performance, Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited will develop

    a strategically focussed organization and will motivate its personnel to use its full

    potential of creativity and commitment. It will also leverage Unilevers best practices and

    maintain the highest standards of operational control.

    7. Through its commitment to high levels of care and safety for its employees, its consumers

    and the environment, Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited will be exemplary and will

    participate in the dissemination of such practices in Pakistan.

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    Peoples are key to strengths of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited. The development of their

    potential is core to Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited business.

    So they provide extensive attention to developing human resources.


    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited is the customers focus organization. They do delight customers

    with their products and service. Their brands always deliver the high quality as they premise.

    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited pays extra attention to the complaints of consumers.

    e.g. if the consumer complaints that detergent harmed any cloth or skin they send the sample for

    lab test a team analyzes that customer complaint is right or not and then they send the detailed

    response to customer along with gift of their products. With a questionnaire for suggestion for

    further improvement on the top of which is written WE CARE ABOUT YOU.


    Suppliers are considered the partners of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited and Lever Brothers

    Pakistan Limited maintain mutually beneficial relationship with them.


    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited never compromise on integrity management adhere to high

    standards in all they do.


    Management adheres to all national and Unilever standards to ensure health, safety and

    protection of the environment in which they live and work.

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    It is considered to be the ultimate measure of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limiteds performance

    and it is required to maintain and grow their business.


    This factor indicates where they are going to compete. Lever Brothers Pakistan Limiteds field of

    operations is the consumer products and business and this is very clearly stated in their mission



    It defines that what they want. They people of organization to be good at or how do they want

    them to behave and this very clearly stated in mission statement as always stay responsive to

    change, go for innovation, employee commitment to organizational objectives and mission and

    creating value for customers. So, if we check the mission statement through this aspect then we

    can easily state that they have clearly stated what should be the organizational key values and

    how to reinforce them.


    The central issue of this factor is that what do they have to be good at to succeed in this market

    or industry. The mission statement outlines this as adopting a broad view of our market, byseeking the new opportunities in the core categories and by staying closer to all consumers than

    competitors and understanding their evolving needs and focusing on constant delivery of

    superior value for our brands through innovation.

    So far them critical success factor is consumer connectivity and commitment to excel and to

    provide superior value to customers and products of superior quality and value.


    Mission statement describes that what are the obligations to different stakeholders i.e.

    stockholders, employees, suppliers, customers and community at large. Lever Brothers Pakistan

    Limiteds mission statement contains concerns about all stakeholders. First be foremost

    consumers and then other stakeholders and describes it as: Through its commitment to high

    level of core and safety for its employees, its consumers and environment. Lever Brothers

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    Pakistan Limited will be exemplary and will participate in the dissemination of such practices in



    Mission statement of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited completely describes the form and sources

    of competitive advantage as:

    Competitive advantage will be developed by driving down relentlessly on relative cost positions

    and outpacing competitors in operational efficiency improvements and through building strong

    network of distributors and by developing a strategically focused organization and by motivating

    its personnel to use its full potential of creativity and commitment and by maintaining the higher

    standards of operational control.

    They are going for unique combination of cost reduction and superior value to customers so they

    entirely provide the form and source of competitive advantage that what they wanted to achieve

    and how they will achieve it.


    The mission of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited covers both the external dimension (product

    market domain, critical success factors) and internal dimensions (philosophy, organization key

    values, form and sources of competitive advantage, and concern for different stakeholders) so

    therefore, we can say that the mission statement of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited is a global

    mission as according to the following exhibit.

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    1. Their main objective is to have a double-digit growth and resultant cash flows will be

    utilized in improving the product quality and contents to enhance the value to customer

    and final users.

    2. Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited has an objective to have a responsive supply chain and

    technological based processes.

    3. They want to have consumer connectivity, i.e. they want to know what they eat, drink,

    how they spend their lives, what are their preferences. So in this way they wan to be very

    close to customer, to know their real insight and desires so they can develop new strategy

    for product design and can implement their strategy in better manner i.e. avoidance of hit

    and trial approach and hitting the right target with right strategy at right time in right and

    accurate manner.

    4. They want to be cost efficient i.e. they want to reduce in their cost of production, cost of

    transportation, distribution and packaging cost and finally reducing all the human cost to

    offer a competitive price to customer maintain the high standards of quality.

    5. To have a partnership with their suppliers to enable them to provide high quality low cost


    6. Have entered and will be aggressively developing new markets.

    7. be exciting to their customers with stream of innovative products.

    8. To be no in all their existing markets.

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    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited restructures the organization after the merger with Brooke BondPakistan Limited. The chairman is the executive officer of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited. He

    leads the seven members management committee, which is the top of decision making. The

    management is responsible for corporate strategy of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited and for

    initiating policies and overall planning as well as their general management duties. Management

    committee members are each responsible for specific function. Reporting to the management

    committee members are departmental heads who are responsible for advising the management

    committee for planning and implementation of policies for ensuring that targets are reached. The

    committee includes:

    Mr. Lain Strachan Sangster (Chairman & Chief Executive)

    Mr. Mashkoor Alam (Vice Chairman)

    Mr. Mujib-ur-Rehman (Technical & Logistics Director)

    Mr. Perwaiz Hassan Khan (Director Personnel)

    Mr. J. A. Lee (Director Sales)

    Mr. A. D. Bandaranayake (Director Commercial)

    Mr. N. I. Khockhar (Business Unit manager ODF)

    Mr. Clive David Welland (Director Food Business)


    The board of directors controls the whole operation of the organization it includes the following


    Mr. Lain Strachan Sangster

    Mr. Syed Babar Ali

    Mr. Fateh Ali W. Vellani

    Mr. Mujib-ur-Rehman

    Mr. Perwaiz Hassan Khan

    Mr. J. A. Lee

    Mr. Clive David Welland

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    Mr. Dr. A. D. Bandaranayake

    Mr. S. N. Patel

    Mr. M. Asadullah Sheikh

    Mr. Abdul GhaniBachani

    Mr. Azim Azmat Osman

    As we can notice that the management of the company is composed of a mix of international and

    Pakistanis business professionalists. The management of the company includes Syed Babar Ali

    as director, who is also involved in many other organizations i.e. Packages and other industries.

    It includes in its board meetings one member from each province i.e. Punjab, Sindh, NWFP and

    Baluchistan. The top management of the company is fully professional specially marketing

    department which is headed by Mr. Jeff Lee who has world wide experience in this field.

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    All over Pakistan 6 branches of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited are working. Its head office is

    located in Karachi at Avari Towers. The chairman and management committee as well as the

    most of the department heads have their offices there.


    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited has a functional structure i.e. its based on the primary tasks that

    have to be carried out such as production, accounting, finance, marketing, etc. and then there is

    separate department for each function and these functions are carried out by directors and they

    are assisted by managers of that very particular function like marketing manager and those

    managers have divided each product category into home and fabric care category, spread and

    cooking category, etc. And these categories are headed by one product manager and assistant


    We cannot say that the structure of Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited is an ideal or exact

    functional structure as in functional structure CEO is in direct supervision of each primary

    activity but Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited have also included layers of vice chairman and very

    important management committee as described earlier. This structure maximizes the basic

    advantage of functional structure that the CEO is in charge and well informed about each

    primary activity and minimizes the basic disadvantage of functional structure that anorganization become larger or more diverse, then CEO, senior management can be over

    burdened with everyday operational issues, which is true in the case of Lever Brothers Pakistan

    Limited and to offset this disadvantage they have created additional layer of management

    committee which is responsible of coordination between CEO and chairman, vice chairman, and

    the functional directors to take a strategic perspective on problems. So, Lever Brothers Pakistan

    Limited has an ideal structure to oversee the whole organization and to control the operations of

    the organization which in turn create problems as of very slow decision making process and very

    centralized too.

    To continue with structure analysis discussion, now lets turn our discussion to five basic forces,

    which determines an organizations structure i.e.

    1. Threat of new entrants

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    2. Threat of substitutes

    3. Buyer power

    4. Supplier power

    5. Competitive rivalry.


    These potential threats always exist in every organization. But an organization like Lever

    Brothers Pakistan Limited this threat is very minimum because you need a giant to compete with

    another giant like Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited and in a relatively small market like Pakistan,

    they are enjoying the highest market shares in most of their product categories like ghee, oil,

    soaps, spread, fabric care, etc. so, they face no threat of any new entrant.


    Same as in the case of new entrant no as such threat they are facing.


    To determine buyer power one condition is always necessary i.e. the buyers are few so they exert

    power over an organization. But this condition is not present in case of Lever Brothers Pakistan

    Limited, they have very diversified product categories and within each category they have brands

    targeted at almost each and every segment of the market so they dont face the buyers power as

    such but still customer is king and they do have to pay a lot of attention to buyers being a

    consumer product company.


    Suppliers dont exert any power over Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited rather Lever Brothers

    Pakistan Limited provides buyers power in this case, no body would like to loose a buyer like

    Lever Brothers Pakistan Limited so, they dont face any significant supplier power.


    Competition is intense but not cut throat competition and all of them avoid frontal assault or

    direct attack. So, situation of healthy competition exist. Competitive rivalry would be discussed

    more in detail in the section competitor analysis.


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    The growth in the size and importance of multinational business warrants some special mention,

    since the structural implications can be significant. In deciding the structure of multinational

    critical aspect or factor or issue is the extent to which local independence and responsiveness

    take precedence over global coordination. On the basis of these factors there are generally four

    types of multinational structures, such as:

    In all the four structures, Unilever has assumed the structure of transnational corporations in

    which they have developed structure, which attempts to combine the local responsiveness of the

    international subsidiary with the advantages available from coordination found in global product

    companies. The key is that they wanted to create an integrated network of interdependent

    resources and competencies, in which:

    1. Each national unit operates independently, but is a source of ideas and capabilities for the

    whole corporation.

    2. The corporate center manages a global network by first establishing the role of each

    subsidiary, then sustaining the culture and system to make the network operates

    efficiently or in a way we can say that they have combined global and multi-domestic

    strategy, staying independent and responsive towards local or national market and yet not

    loosing touch or coordination with the worldwide network and parent company.

    There are interesting differences between countries in the way that global strategy tend to

    develop. Companies, which originated in many European countries such as Unilever or Nestle

    needed to internationalize their activities at an early stage, owing to the small size of their home

    markets. This took the firm of international subsidiaries but now their challenge is to reduce

    the local autonomy and increase global coordination. But in contrast US companies with a large

    domestic market tended to favor international divisions and now they face two challenges:

    1. The issue of local autonomy.

    2. Barriers between their separate strategic views of the domestic and international business.

    3. Unilever has well coped with these challenges by adopting the transnational corporation


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    It is vital we have people with the right talent, skills and creativity. To ensure our long-term

    prosperity, we want everyone to be healthy, motivated and committed. As part of our Unilever

    Sustainable Living Plan (launched in November 2010), we have set ourselves bold new targetsfor creating a better workplace: Reduce workplace injuries and accidents; improve employeehealth and nutrition; reduce employee travel; reduce energy consumption in our offices; reduce

    office waste; and, increase sustainable sourcing of office materials.

    Our approach

    We are developing the people and building the structures to help us advance towards our new



    We believe in providing an environment where individuals can achieve their goals, bothprofessionally and personally. In order to attract and retain the best people, we recognise the

    need to offer those ways to take advantage of opportunities, room to succeed and grow, and more

    directions in which to pursue their careers.

    Our approach is founded in our values as set out in our Code of Business Principles. This

    describes the way in which we seek to treat our people and also the high standards of behaviour

    and integrity we expect of them.

    A place to succeed

    We are building a performance culture that rewards people who deliver. Inspiring our people and

    motivating them to succeed will help us deliver our growth ambition.

    People, integrity and values have always been central to Unilever and will continue to be so. But

    within that context, we are determined to become faster, more focused and more competitive. In

    2009 we updated some of our performance management tools, for example introducing a global

    performance and talent management system. See 'Developing and engaging our people' for more.

    Sustainability is now even more closely tied to our business strategy. Delivering this requires a

    workforce that is aware of the wider impacts the business has on society and the environment.

    We can do this most effectively if we harness peoples own passion for making a difference tohelp the company achieve its sustainability goals.

    Our transformation process

    Started in 2005, our One Unilever transformation process was nearing completion at the end of

    2009. Our aim was to simplify our business structure, speed up decision-making and improve

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    We focused on three major areas: restructuring and simplifying our organization; developing

    employee skills and capabilities; and embedding a performance-driven culture.

    After creating One Unilever operating companies in each country around the world, we movedswiftly to establish multi-country organizations (MCOs) in all our geographies, with a single

    management team leading a cluster of countries. We now have a total of 24 MCOs. Our

    operating companies are now much leaner and better equipped to focus on serving local

    consumers and customers at competitive costs.

    We have also been streamlining our business, and in 2010 we have created a new global business

    unit integrating the services of IT, Human Resources, Finance, Information Management and

    Workplace & Travel Services as a step towards creating an agile and cost-competitive

    organization for the future. The new unit will continue to use a combination of in-house and

    outsourced services to meet Unilevers evolving needs.

    Our Targets

    y Reduce workplace injuries and accidentsy We aim for zero workplace injuries.y By 2020 we will reduce the total recordable accident frequency rate in our factories and

    offices by 50% versus 2008.

    Improve employee health and nutrition.

    y Our Lamplighter employee program aims to improve the nutrition, fitness and mentalresilience of employees. It has already been implemented in 30 countries, reaching

    35,000 people.

    y In 2011 we aim to extend the reach to a further eight countries. Our longer-term goal is toextend the reach to all countries where we operate.

    y Reduce employee travel. We are investing in advanced video conferencingy Facilities to make communication easier while reducing travel for our employees. By

    2011 this network will cover more than 30 countries.

    y Reduce energy consumption in our offices. By 2020 we will halve the energy (kWh)purchased per occupant for the offices in our top 21 countries versus 2010.Reduce office


    y At least 90% of our office waste in our top 21 countries will be reused, recycled orrecovered by 2015. We will send zero waste to landfill by 2017.

    y By 2015 we will reduce paper consumption by 30% per head in our top 21 countries. Wewill eliminate paper in our invoicing, goods receipt, purchase order processes, financial

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    reporting and employee expense processing by 2015, where legally allowable and

    technically possible.

    y Increase sustainable sourcing of office material. By 2013 we will source all paper-basedoffice materials from either certified sustainable forests or recycled sources.

    Remuneration Policies

    Principles of Work Levels

    My Salary

    My Variable Pay

    Cash Award

    Values in Practice

    Share Options

    Variable Pay in Shares

    Workplace Benefit


    Dress Code




    On Transfer

    On Joining

    Products on Discount

    Meal Allowance

    Shift Allowance

    Mobile Phones/Landlines


    Group Insurance


    House Lease


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    Long Service


    Medical Policy

    Travel and Transport

    Domestic Travel

    Travel by Road

    International Travel

    Travel & Insurance


    Pick and Drop

    Safety and Security

    Emergency Evacuation

    Travel by Road

    Fire Drill

    Bomb Threat

    Off-site Events


    Beach Huts


    Self Development

    Education Assistance


    On Separation or Retirement

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    DECISION MAKINGThe fast-moving consumer goods giant is undergoing a cultural change in the way the

    company approaches strategic decision making. Unilever has implemented theprocess called Decision Making under Uncertainty. Unilever has applied Decision

    Making under Uncertainty to hard-to-resolve questions in product development,

    regulation, safety, and corporate acquisitions.

    PERFORMANCE APPRAISALSPerformance appraisals are done and accordingly rewards are designed for motivation

    of workers such as cash awards value in practice, share options and variable pay in


    HLL wanted a Performance Appraisal and Competency Enhancement system for its

    officers, based on the Performance Management Model followed at HLL. The

    problem was that there were no records of the details of officers in a consolidated

    form. We were also given a ridiculously short deadline of 3 months to develop the

    whole software and absorb data into it.

    We managed to develop & deploy the system in 2.5 months, and also setup India-

    wide multi-location helpdesks to handle the high quanta of data. Helpdesks were

    setup in the four main metros and Bangalore to handle regional data and provide

    regional support, functionally as well as technically.

    About 4000-5000 officers' data was absorbed for the previous 3 yrs; 2000, 2001 &

    2002. And officers entered their data for 2003.This whole process was supported

    without any hitches and the whole exercise completed in under a month.

    RECRUTIMENTWe believe that individuals should drive their own careers and that life at work

    should be a continuous learning journey. Seizing the opportunity to make a difference

    is more important than simply progressing up the ladder. People with this attitude andapproach will find Unilever challenging, inspiring and highly rewarding

    Unilever has this strategy of recruiting people at a rigorous path. But they hire highly

    skilled and trained people so these people perform accordingly.

    Recruitment is the process of gathering a pool of candidates for an organizationalvacancy. Selection is the process of short listing only the qualified candidates who are

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    fit for the job. In terms of recruitment and selection it is important to considercarrying out a thorough job analysis to determine the level of skills/technical abilities,

    competencies, flexibility of the employee required etc. And HR at Unilever followsthese criteria. Unilever policy of recruitment is very simple, if at any time there is a

    vacancy, due to retirement, resignation, if employees opted for the golden hand shake

    or the death of an employee, the management of the branch will inform the headoffice about the vacancy. The head office will place an advertisement in all majornews paper with the all necessary information required to be furnished by

    the applicant



    Training & Development involves improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of the

    individuals. A continuous training is conducted inside the organization to improve theperformance of the employee. There are two types of trainings conducted at Unilever:

    In-house Training External Training In-house training is customized training which isonly for Unilever employees. External training is carried out through trainers in training

    institutes. Employees at Unilever are usually trained through Rameez Allahwalla (inKarachi), Possibilities and Intec (two well-known training institutes). Before training

    Training Need Analysis (TNA) is conducted by the manager of the department. Andafter the training feedback from the employee is taken.

    A lot of emphasis is placed on professional skills development which are technical skillsrequired for your job. This usually happens through classroom; trainer led learning,

    operational visits to other countries and sites along with professional certification


    General skills will also be developed with the aid of e-learning courses, virtual instructor

    led programs and the traditional classroom style instructor led programs.


    A very effective way to retain an employee is to give him compensation and benefits. At

    Unilever following benefits are given: Medical Facility to employee and his/her parents

    Paid Vacations Accommodation Facility to energetic employees

    Executive Directors enjoy similar benefits to many other employees of the Unilever

    Group. These include subsidized medical insurance, the use of company cars (or cash in

    lieu) and assistance with relocation costs when moving from one country to another.

    They also receive an allowance to cover small out-of-pocket expenses not covered by the

    reimbursement of their business entertaining expenses.

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    HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNINGPlanning provides a guideline to accomplish an activity. At Unilever the HR team

    plans everything so that the outcomes and results can be perceived before the plan isactually implemented. This makes the planning more accurate and efficient; it also

    saves time and money.

    At Unilever profiles of all the employees containing data relating their payroll, leaves,

    benefits etc is saved in a database known as HRIS. Unilever uses a locally procured

    HRIS which is to be upgraded using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

    ORGANIZATION STRUCTUREIn Unilever the hierarchy is very lean, in general the whole setup is centralized, all the

    matters are to be reported to the head office and all the policies and targets areapproved at the higher level. But at the branch level the structure is decentralized.

    Unilever had a decentralized IT infrastructure with multiple environments, including

    enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications from companies such as SAP, MFG

    Pro, BPCS, and Fourth Shift, as well as legacy systems. To reach its Path to Growth

    goals, employees at Unilever needed fast, easy access to actionable information on

    both a regional and global basis. To get to this point, the IT department launched the

    Unilever Information Program (UIP) to develop an infrastructure to support the Path

    to Growth strategy. One of the greatest priorities on the UIP agenda was to find a

    quick data integration solution to allow user access to any number of data sources forin-depth analysis.

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    Question from Manager

    Q1) Is the HR strategy of Unilever aligned with its vision?

    Q2) Is the HR of Unilever just being nice to staff and considered as a back room function in


    Q3) Are the HR processes in Unilever is effectively managed? It is Adding value in the

    performance employees? How the company is promoting it?

    Q4) Do you think employees in Unilever know what is expected out of them?

    Q5) Are the HR management design the job descriptions in such away that its focused on

    responsibilities rather than deliverables resulting in the following questions:

    y Objectives not achieved?y

    Duplication of responsibilities?y Delays in execution?y Blame games?y Confrontation between different functions?y Over staffing?

    Q6) Is your current appraisal system:

    y Needs have well accepted in the organization?y Reducing the communication gaps?y

    Measuring the performance of each employee against targets?y Assessing the training & development your employees?y Distinguishing high post from stock bowlers?

    Q7 Have you ever conducted a climate / opinion survey in your organization?

    Q8 Is Unilever going through any change? Now or in future?

    Q9 Are you aware of Impact of the change on organizations? and people?

    Q10 Are you ready to manage people behaviors during transition?

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    Questions from employees

    Q1 Do you able to answer the following of your questions?

    y Where do you standing today in your organization?y

    Where do you expect your self to be in the Unilever in future ?y When will you thing you able reach there?y What do you thing the HR policies of Unilever provide enough resources available to you

    to be there?

    y What Do you thing are the barrier in your path?y Who are your competitors?y Do you thing if you stay in this organization you will be happy and healthy?y What do you think about the organization?

    Q2 How they want to see the organization?

    Q3 What is your commitment level towards the organization?

    Q4 What do you thing HR policies and procedures exists in your organization?

    Q5 What is your opinion about the HR-policies

    y It followed in true spirit?y Is it enhancing communication within the organization?y Are these policies and procedures employee friendly?

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    The Executive Committee is responsible for agreeing priorities and allocating resources, setting

    overall corporate targets, agreeing and monitoring business group strategies and plans,identifying and exploiting opportunities created by Unilever's scale and scope, managingexternal relations at the corporate level and developing future leaders.

    Leading the team are the chairmen of Unilever PLC and Unilever N.V., the parent companies.Other members are the global division directors for Unilever Best foods and Home and Personal

    Care; the Corporate Development Director; the Finance director and the Personnel director.


    The regional presidents are responsible for delivering business results in their respective regions.Regional presidents report to either the director of the Foods division or the director of the Homeand Personal Care division.

    As members of either the Unilever Best foods or Home and Personal Care divisions, they play animportant role in shaping divisional strategy and ensuring that regional strategies and plans are

    consistent with overall objectives.


    The advisory directors are the principal external presence in Unilever's government. One of their

    key roles is to assure that government provisions are adequate and reflect best practice. Theadvisory directors comprise a majority of the members of certain key committees of the Boards.They attend the key quarterly meetings, committee meetings, conferences of the directors and the

    Executive Committee, as well as meetings with the Chairmen.


    Unilever's senior corporate officers are responsible for ensuring that board meetings and boardcommittee meetings are supplied with the information they need. So, for example, the chief

    auditor ensures that the audit committee has the necessary information, while the head of the

    corporate relations department keeps the external affairs and corporate relations committeeinformed.

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    The Working Environment & Accountability at unilever

    With the world fast becoming a Global Village and the Internet Information Technology

    Revolution, the issues of HUMAN RIGHTS and Working Condition are becoming significantimportant with each passing day.

    Unilever can pride itself in having one of the most congenial and professional working

    environments of any company operating in Pakistan. Unilever is an equal opportunity employerand there is no discrimination on the basis of sex, caste or creed. All hiring and promotion

    decisions are taken on merit. All local laws are adhered to regarding different matters. Extremeemphasis is placed on worker safety and health

    Selection & Career ladder

    Personnel Department makes arrangements for the recruitments of the employees. For thispurpose it collects information about the desired employees functions and then defines the job

    requirements and job profile. The Personnel Department makes all the arrangements for thereport meant of new employee, It sees better such employee is available in the organization or

    not. In case of no, it gives the advertisement in the newspapers. It also collects all theapplications of the applicants. It also makes arrangements for test. The Personnel Department

    uses different tests for different applicants. After that it arranges the interviews for the succeededapplicants. Usually the interviews are bland of different types of interviews. These interviews

    include panel interview, structured questions etc. The background information about the

    succeeded applicants is also gathered by the Personnel Department

    Promotion Of Persons At UNILEVER

    On the basis of experience and performance, they are promoted to higher managerial level; at

    higher level I have seen variousMBA, CA, ICMA and also people who have spend years atUnilever. In order to provide incentives to employees at Unilever, cash rewards are also granted.

    The head of the department, on job basis gives bonuses. The function of promotion of theworkers is also performed by ERD after consulting with the top management and analyzing the

    past record of the workers

    Job Assessment

    At Unilever Pakistan Limited Performance Appraisal is prepared to check the performance of

    workers. It is like ACR (annual confidential report) in the government sector.

    The basic Objectives of job assessment are

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    Check the overall performance of employees

    Whether the job assigned is fully done or not

    Integrity, honesty


    Devotion and commitment of the part of employee to achieve organizational


    Measures To Check Overall Performance

    Higher manager to check the performance of employees adopts following measures,

    Standards are established first

    Measure the individual as well as collectively performance

    Compare actual performance with planned

    Taking corrective action

    Reviews of job are made.

    Superior management assesses accuracy of work.

    On the basis of performance appraisal awards and rewards or punishments are given.


    Employees have to face inquiries or suspensions, if they are involved in activities which are notaccording to the goal of Unilever Pakistan Limited. They are often terminated from their jobs, if

    they are not performing well. They can be demoted from their ranks. In Unilever, promotion isgranted on performance basis so they are also accountable if they are performing poorly.

    If the employees are not obedient to their superior or involved in unethical activities, they have

    to face the circumstances. Severe punishment like demotion, firing and suspensions are given to

    non-performing or low-performing employees.

    Satisfaction OfEmployee

    Employees have a high morale. Top management is maintaining very cordial relationships withunion leaders. Actually employees feel a part in the organization and its achievements.

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    The Unilever Pakistan Limited conducts the wages survey in the market and of the majorcompetitors after every two years and compares the results with its own package and there is any

    difference then adjustment is made. The desire of Unilever R.F. is that its employees must be

    satisfied in every aspect because it has the opinion that satisfied employees are more productiveas compared to dissatisfied. The Unilever gives 30 different types of allowances to itsemployees. Some of these are annual, some are semi-annual, and some are monthly while some

    are once in the whole employment period.


    Unilever R.F. is much conscious about the health and safety. Proper equipments are available in

    all areas of the production where sensitive machinery is in operation. Furthermore, the

    organization has a well equipped Medical Center where MBBS doctors are available in order tomeet with emergency cases.

    The Personnel Department provides all possible instruments to all workers and it has the desirethat every worker should use those instruments in order to avoid losses.

    Following are the Instruments which are provided to the workers:

    Long shoes



    Fire Instruments


    Unilever R.F. also provides certain benefits and services to all its employees. A list of somebenefits and services is given below:

    Attendance Allowance

    Good attendance award

    Death Compensation

    Canteen allowance

    Tea Expenses

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    Conveyance Allowance

    Family medical allowance

    Family medical care

    House rent Allowance

    Utilities allowance

    Meal Allowance

    Rehabilitation Allowance




    Tonga Allowance

    Traveling Announce


    Marriage Assistance To minorities

    The organization has a club for the employees of the organization. Indoor and outdoor facilitiesare also available. The company also celebrates Annual Sports Day on which different games are

    played and prizes are given to the succeeded players by the company.

    Personal Development And Training

    Junior-level courses are frequently held in-house for personal training. Various courses

    organized in the past include the following,

    1. Executive Development Course

    This course was specially designed for middle management to enhance their principle-centered

    leadership qualities so that they could meet the emerging challenges of the global world. Neuro-linguistic programming was part of the course to help the employee in day-to-day activities to

    improve proficiency and effectiveness in their attitude and work style.

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    2. Basic English Language Course

    This course was for those staff that is not proficient in written and verbal English language. An

    external instructor whose services were especially hired for this purpose conducted the course.

    3. Basic Labor laws of Pakistan

    Professionals from Labor Department organized this course. The main purpose was to giveacquaintances to the staff of their rights. Wage rates, vacations, working hours, child & bonded

    labor etc, were the main topics covered.

    4. In-Housing Training School

    Unilever has also established an in-house Training School for unskilled labor so that they may be

    trained. Unskilled manpower is hired from the market for training. And during this period theyare paid as per the prevailing wage rules.


    The most important function performed by the ERD is the Human Resource Planning. For asmooth production there must be an effective Human Resource Planning. For This purpose it

    makes long term and short term plans to make the labor available for production. Short termPlans are made for those places where workers have gone on holidays or absent.

    Under these plans it has two types of recruitment:



    For long term plans workers are recruited from the temporary workers who have become skilledone.


    The organization has the opinion that motivated workers are more productive than unmotivatedworkers. To motivate its employees the organization uses both intrinsic and extrinsic approaches

    for motivation its employees.

    o Intrinsic Approach

    o Extrinsic Approach

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    Job rotation



    Appreciation letters


    Cash awards




    Put the name of the workers on the notice board who perform an excellent performance. To

    motivate the employees the organization has introduced a program name OFI (Opportunity forImprovement).


    Unilever's update Code of Business Policies because we believe that their reputation for high

    corporate standards is a key asset which they needs to be fresh and living throughout in theirbusiness. The Code is published in full below.

    Unilever has earned a reputation for conducting its business with integrity and with respect forthe interests of those our activities can affect. This reputation is an asset, just as real as their

    people and brands.

    Their first priority is to be a successful business and that means investing for growth andbalancing short-term and long-term interests. It also means caring about their employees

    To succeed requires the highest standards of behavior from all employees. The general principles

    contained in this Code set out their standards in Hr policies. More detailed guidance tailored tothe needs of different countries and companies will build on these principles as appropriate, butwill not include any standards less rigorous than those contained in this Code.

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    Organizational Chart Of

    Fundamentals of OrganizationWe often begin to describe a firms Structure by looking at its Organization Chart.

    Organizational Chart:-

    The reporting structure and division of labor in an organization is called Organizational


    The above chart provides a picture of reporting structure (who reports to whom) and the various

    activities that are carried out by different individuals.

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    Note that organizational chart give various kinds of information that are conveyed in a very

    simple way:

    1The boxes represent different work.

    2 The titles in the boxes show the work perform by each unit.

    3 Reporting and authority relation ship are indicated by solid lines showing super subordinate


    4. Levels of management are indicated by horizontal layers in the chart. All the persons or unitsThat are of the same ranks and report to same person are on one level.

    5. The solid lines are called functional lines and they report to works manager and the doted lines

    Are called operational lines and they report to their own head. This would be someone in anorganization.

    There are two fundamental concepts around which organization is structured is differentiationand Integration.


    Differentiation is created through division of labor and job specialization. Division of labor

    means that the work of the organization is subdivided into smaller task. Various individuals andunits through out the organization perform different tasks. e.g. Repair and maintenance

    department further divided into sub department which are engineering store, area engineerpersonal wash, area engineer personal product, engineering. Planning, projects. They all have

    assigned different task under the repair and maintenance department. Specialization is a process

    in which different individuals and units perform different tasks. E.g. The Buying department ofunilever has a specific task which purchasing inventory or raw material.


    As Unilever differentiate their structures, managers must simultaneously consider the issues of

    integration. All the specialized in Unilever cannot be performed completely independently.Because the Unilever is a larger organization and it has different units, some degree of

    communication and cooperation must exist among them. Integration and its relatedconcept,coordination, refer to the procedure that link the various part of Unilever to achieve the

    Unilever overall mission. E.g. the finance department, buying department and marketingdepartment link together to achieve overall mission.

    First we will discuss vertical differentiation within Unilever organizational structure. This

    include issues pertaining to authority within an organization, the board of directors, the chiefexecutive officer and hierarchical levels, as well as issues pertaining to delegation and


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    Vertical Structure:-Vertical structure is also called Reporting structure which tells about the hierarchy of an

    Organization an chain of command

    Top level

    Middle Level

    Lower Level

    Unilever Span of ControlA span of control is the number of people who report to one manager in a hierarchy. The more

    people under the control of one manager - the wider the span of control. Less means a narrowerspan of control.

    Unilever has the Narrow span of control but now they are moving to wide span of control by

    reducing their layers. It is tall organization that has many reporting level. In this thecommunication is difficult for employees.

    Centralize Decision Making

    Unilever is a centralized organization because most of its decision makes by top level executives

    but lower level can also gives their views.Secondly we will discuss the horizontal Structure including issues of decartelization that create

    functional, divisional, and matrix organization

    Horizontal Structure

    It is also called division of labor. As the task of Unilever become increasingly complex, theorganization in inevitably must be sub divided that is, departmentalized-into smaller units

    organization departments. One of the first places this can be scene is in the distinction betweenline and staff departments. Line departments are those units that deal directly with the

    organization primary good organization services, they make things, sell things, organizationprovide customers service. In Unilever buying department, Quality assurance, Packaging & Raw

    material, Business service department, Admin & security, Factory medical center, Estate Firstaid center, Human resource department, Unilever estate, Area Eng. Personal product (Shampoo,

    Lotions), Area Eng. Personal wash(Soap), PW finishing, PP finishing, PW soap finishing, and

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    service and Utilities department are the line department. Staff department means units thatsupport line department. e.g. Services engineer support the service & utilities department.

    TheMatrixOrganizationA matrix organization is a hybrid form of organization in which functional and divisional form

    Overlap. Unilever is matrix organization and composed of dual reporting relationship in whichsome managers report to two superiors-a functional manager and a divisional manager.

    A Matrix Organization is an organization structure that is matrix-shaped. It has 2 axes, rather

    than a pyramid-shape. The vertical hierarchy is overlaid by some form of lateral authority,

    influence, or communication and there are dual lines of authority, responsibility, and

    accountability that violate the traditional "one-boss" or "Unity of Command" (Fayol) principle of


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