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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Founder of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, who introduced the Transcendental Meditation program to the world 50 years ago for systematically developing higher states of consciousness. Maharishi is now offering every school Consciousness-Based education so that all students everywhere can enliven total brain functioning, unfold their full creative potential, and enjoy healthy, happy, successful lives.

Maharishi Schoolof the Age of Enlightenment offers Total Knowledge and

enlightenment for every student

Consciousness-Based education provides TotalKnowledge by adding to the traditional academic curriculum one period a day of the Transcendental Meditation program, its advanced techniques, and the group practice of the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying.

These programs enliven the student’s total brain physiology thereby generating waves of positivity, harmony, and coherence in the collective consciousness of the nation.

In this way Maharishi school unfolds the inner creative genius of every student, culturing the growth of enlightenment for the student and invincibility for the nation.

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Theme: Education for EnlightenmentAs students grow in personal enlightenment and invincibility they enjoy 200% of life: 100% inner

fulfillment and 100% outer success.In the past decade, students at Maharishi School have won more

than 100 state, national and international championships.

• Grades 10–12 score in the top 1% nationally, and in Iowa, on standardized tests (ITED)• 95% of graduates accepted at four-year colleges• Over ten times the nation’s average for National Merit Scholar Finalists

State Record: 41 state championships in creative problem-solving competitions Destination ImagiNation and Odyssey of the Mind

World Record: Winners of the Global Finals of Destination ImagiNation, and more top-ten finishes than any other school in the world

State Record: Most Critic’s Choice State Banner Awards for speech in the past decade

National Champion: Bravo Cable Channel High School Theater Competition

First Place: Ten first-place finishes in the senior division of the Eastern Iowa or Hawkeye state science fairs

Grand Champions: Eight grand champion awards in the past decade in the junior division of the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair

Highlights of Achievements

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Theme: Education for Enlightenment

First Place: American High School Math Exam, Iowa Division, four years in a rowFirst Place: Five first-place finishes, Iowa State History Fair, Senior DivisionFirst place: Twice winner of the state spelling beeState Record: Congressional Art Competition grand prize three years in a rowFirst Place: Iowa Poetry Association’s high school contestFirst Place: Iowa “Young Writer of the Year” awardState Champion: Iowa Junior Chess ChampionshipFirst Place: Iowa Educational Media Association (Photography)Grand Prize: International Photo Imaging Education Association competition State Champions: 16 boys’ state tennis championships, tying for the most in Iowa historyState Champion: Girls’ state singles tennisState Record: Tennis Triple Crown winner two years in a rowState Record: Boys’ track 800 metersState Champions: Golf team and individual

“Maharishi School is routinely recognized as outstanding in Iowa, since its students frequently take top prizes in statewide academic competitions. It is a world-renowned independent school of the highest caliber academically.” —Patrick Bassett, president, National Association of Independent Schools

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Theme: Education for EnlightenmentMaharishi School offers academic excellence without subjecting students to stress, strain, and fatigue. Over 600 scientific studies performed at over 200 universities and research institutes world-wide verify that Consciousness-Based education enlivens the total brain physiology of the student, resulting in greater alertness, increased creativity and intelligence, better memory, and improved academic performance.

National Merit Scholar Devi Mays finds that the Transcendental Meditation program not only helps her academically but also adds to her enjoyment of life. “Maharishi School has contributed to my success in so many areas, but Transcendental Meditation has helped especially. When I meditate I feel so much bliss. It allows me to focus so much more. That has helped me in my academics and throughout my life. I come out of meditation knowing that everything is going to be fine.”

Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs, Collected Papers, Volumes 1–6 (over 5000 pages)

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Theme: Invincibility for the Student

Research shows that the prevention-oriented health education programs, such as Transcendental Meditation and self-pulse assessment, offered at Maharishi School not only prevent many diseases but also offer the only viable solution to the problem of spiraling health care costs.

These programs, together with a nutritious diet and moderate exercise program, promote a healthy mind in a healthy body. The result, for both students and faculty, is not merely prevention of disease but a vibrant wholesomeness that radiates into the environment, leaving the atmosphere in the school uniquely blissful.

“Teens who practiced 15 minutes of the Transcendental Meditation program twice daily lowered their daytime blood pressures over four months, and their pressures tended to stay lower” —Dr. Vernon Barnes, Medical College of Georgia’s Prevention Institute

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Theme: Invincibility for the StudentA nourishing, harmonious, safe, peaceful school climate

Maharishi School junior Rama Hall presented Consciousness-Based education as the solution to school violence at a conference at the United Nations, organized by the Gandhi-King Foundation.

“Your school was truly an inspiration. The inner peace, the concern for one another, the respect and thirst for wisdom, and a holistic approach to children are awesome,”— Iowa Teacher of the Year Jill Olsen-Virlee

“I was overwhelmed by the peacefulness on one hand, the level of creativity on the other hand. The peaceful creativity at Maharishi School is awesome. You never see both together.” —Dr. Ichak Adizes, international management consultant

Maharishi School student Nelina Loiselle, a founding member of the Students Creating Peace Network, says: “When Consciousness-Based education is offered in every school, the world will be so much better. There won’t be all this violence and negativity. To create peace, we have to start with our Self. It takes peaceful individuals to make a peaceful world. Consciousness-Based education allows us to have that time to settle down, to go within to experience our own Self—the field of perfect peace—and create the effect of peace from there.”

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Theme: Invincibility for the Nation

Maharishi School senior Geoff Boothby says, “Yogic Flying is one of the highlights of my day. I always look forward to it. When I lift off, my body feels as light as air. I feel deeply blissful and happy inside. It’s so easy, too—like Transcendental Meditation, the whole thing is automatic.”

Scientific research has found that Yogic Flying increases brain wave coherence, raises intelligence and creativity, and develops higher states of consciousness. Group practice of

Yogic Flying creates waves of peace and harmony in the environment and has been shown to reduce crime, violence, and other negativity in society.

With all the fun and waves of bubbling bliss students experience during Yogic Flying, it is easy to offer in schools everywhere, either as part of the curriculum or by creating extracurricular Yogic Flying Clubs. Every school can now become a center of peace for its state, the nation, and the world. This is the vital need of our time.

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Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment is a special place in the world. A member of the National Association of Independent Schools, it is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States, the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, and the Iowa Department of Education (K–6).

Consciousness-Based education is not just book learning. It gives students the experience of their own Self—Transcendental Consciousness—which is the Unified Field of Natural Law, whose infinite creative potential administers the ever-expanding galactic universe without a problem.

Consciousness-Based education at Maharishi School offers higher states of consciousness and enlightenment to every student—total brain development. This results in: • increased alertness • full blossoming of creative intelligence • extraordinary academic achievements

And now students even have the opportunity to create invincibility and sustain peace in their community, nation, and world. All of these benefits have been confirmed by hundreds of scientific research studies.

“You should understand that by developing your own personality to the maximum extent through Transcendental Meditation, you will spontaneously make a major contribution to make your nation invincible and to bring Invincibility to Every Nation in the world.”


• more energy and better health • growth of inner peace and happiness • harmony with fellow students and teachers • enlightened social behavior

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