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The Altair 8800 was introduced by Ed Roberts in 1975.

It was the first computer to use the Intel 8080 CPU.

In 1975 the Altair was the first minicomputer.

The Altair was manufactured by MITS(Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems)

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In April 1976 Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs formed the Apple Computer Company.

First personal computer to use a keyboard.

The Apple I was designed and hand built by Steve Wozniak.

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The Apple II was built in 1977.

It introduced game paddles, sound and color monitor.

It was priced at 1300 and included 4 kilobytes of RAM.

Also had additional floppy disk drive to run other programs

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•The Commodore PET(Personal Electronic Transactor) personal computer produced by Commodore.•The PET 2001 was introduced in January 1977.•First full featured computer.•PET 2001 was changed to 3000 series Commodore Business Machines.•Final version was PET 4000 series.

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Adam Osborne invented The Osborne I.

Introduced in April 1981 was the Osborne the first portable personal computer.

It weighed twenty four and a half pounds with a five inch screen.

It included sixty four KB of memory, two floppy disks drives, and preinstalled software programs.

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