Download - PowerPoint · 2020. 8. 11. · USD/Kg RMB/Kg Number of Slaughtered Hogs in China and U.S. Hog Prices in China and U.S.

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    2020 Interim Results

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    • This presentation and the accompanying slides (the “Presentation”) have been prepared by WH Group Limited ("WH Group " or the "Company") solely for

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    1H 2020 Financial Summary

    1H 2020 Business Review

    Strategies and Outlook


    Table of Contents

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    1H 2020 Financial Summary

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    1H2020 (1) 1H2019(1) Y-o-Y Change

    Hogs produced(000 heads) 10,400 10,582 -1.7%

    Hogs processed(000 heads) 22,407 28,233 -20.6%

    Packaged meats sold(000 metric tons) 1,575 1,610 -2.2%

    US$ Million 1H2020 (1) 1H2019(1) Y-o-Y Change

    Revenue 12,481 11,127 12.2%

    EBITDA (1) 1,236 1,032 19.8%

    Operating profit 925 765 20.9%

    Profit before Tax(1) 848 685 23.8%

    Profit for the period(1) 675 565 19.6%

    Profit attributable to owners of the Company (1) 550 463 18.8%

    Basic earnings per share(US$ cents)(1) 3.73 3.15 18.4%

    Interim dividend per share (HK$ ) 0.05 0.05 -

    Consolidated Financials Overview

    Key Operating Data

    Key Financial Data

    Note:1. Before biological asset fair value adjustments

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    Europe 9.2%

    Packaged Meats46.8%Fresh Pork


    Hog Production 5.1%

    Others and Corporate 4.1%



    Europe 10.7%


    Presh Pork HogProduction

    Others TotalOperating



    % %




    Segment Revenue and Operating Profit

    1H 2020 Revenue by Business Segments (1)

    1H 2020 Revenue by Region(1) 1H 2020 Operating Profit by Region (2)

    1H 2020 Operating Profit by Business Segments(2)

    US$ million US$ million

    US$ million US$ million



    Note:1. External sales2. Before biological fair value adjustments




    23.8%5.0% 100%


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    1H2019 1H20208.1%

    42 59

    178 144


    1H2019 1H2020

    China U.S. Europe

    94 94 94 94 94





    2015FY 2016FY 2017FY 2018FY 2019FY 1H2020


    Cash Flows and Capital Structure

    Interest-bearing Liabilities / Total Equity

    Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditures

    US$ million US$ million

    Dividend payout US$ million

    Total:234Total: 272

    47% of earnings

    during the year (1) 40% of earnings

    during the year (1)

    30% of earnings

    during the year (1)

    41% of earnings

    during the year (1)

    Note :1,total dividend payout / profit attributable to owners of the company after biological fair value adjustments

    US$ million45% of earningsduring the year (1)


    40.9% 38.9% 37.1%32.7% 31.8%

    31/12/2015 31/12/2016 31/12/2017 31/12/2018 31/12/2019 30/6/2020


    2,8783,198 3,119 3,092 3,114

  • 1H 2020 Business Review

  • 8

    Business Environment

    • In the first half of 2020, hog prices in China remained high. The

    average hog price was RMB33.95 per kilogram (“kg”), an increase of

    137.0% year-on-year.

    • In the U.S., the average hog price during the first half of 2020 was

    US$0.95 per kg, a decrease of 17.4% year-on-year.

    • The number of slaughtered hogs in China fell 19.9% to 251

    million heads in the first half of 2020.

    • The number of slaughtered hogs in the U.S. increased by 0.5%

    to 63.18 million heads in the first half of 2020 and decreased by

    5.9% to 28.96 million heads in the second quarter.

    USD/Kg RMB/Kg

    Hog Prices in China and U.S.Number of Slaughtered Hogs in China and U.S.

    Million heads

    Source: Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of ChinaSource: National Bureau of Statistics of China and USDA







    13,441 13,12911,974

    3,0892,966 3,020

    3,256 3,2093,077 3,140



















    25,000China U.S.

















    2018/1 2018/7 2019/1 2019/7 2020/1

    U.S. China

    In the first half of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted the global economy. In China, as the epidemic was brought under

    control in the second quarter, our business operations quickly resumed and continued to improve with results improving substantially

    year-on-year. In the U.S., the virus spread rapidly in the second quarter, leading to labor shortages, production restrictions,

    increased costs and drops in sales, which put pressure on our operations and caused a significant decline in our performance.

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    Proactively responded to COVID-19 by adopting

    effective measures to protect the safety of our

    employees and maintain stable operations

    Eying opportunities in the breeding sector to enhance

    the competitiveness of our core packaged meats

    business segment

    Reduced frozen pork inventories to improve profits,

    increased imports to fill the supply gap in the

    domestic market

    Profitability of packaged meats increased significantly

    thanks to price adjustments, remarkable results seen from

    product mix optimization and new product launches

    Resumed Operations and Production in a Timely Manner,

    Revenue and Profit Hit Record Highs

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    Operating Profit and

    Margin (1) Packaged Meats(2) Fresh Pork (2) Hog Production (2)

    US$ million US$ million US$ million US$ million

    Note:1. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / external sales2. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / internal and external sales


    1H2019 1H2020





    1H2019 1H2020





    1H2019 1H2020




    1H2019 1H2020

    Operating Profit

    Operating Profit Margin

    Resumed Operations and Production in a Timely Manner,

    Revenue and Profit Hit Record Highs

  • 11

    U.S. Operations Step Up Efforts to Prevent COVID-19

    European Operations Showing Strong Momentum

    As the health and safety of our employees remains our

    top priority, we stepped up efforts to prevent COVID-19,

    recording approximately US$400 million in costs and

    charges related to COVID-19

    Adopted effective hedging strategies to ease the impact

    of low hog prices on profitability

    Proactively realigned product mix and business strategy

    to improve the profitability of fresh pork business

    European operations benefited from favorable market

    conditions and improved management, profits of hog

    production business increased significantly, fresh pork

    business continued to improve, profits of packaged meats

    business continued to grow

  • 12

    Proactively Realigned Product Mix and Business Strategy to

    Improve the Profitability of Fresh Pork Business

    Operating Profit and

    Margin (1) Packaged Meats(2) Fresh Pork (2) Hog Production (2)

    US$ million US$ million US$ million US$ million

    Note:1. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / external sales2. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / internal and external sales


    4.6% 4.5%

    1H2019 1H2020

    Operating Profit

    Operating Profit Margin





    1H2019 1H2020 -15




    1H2019 1H2020




    1H2019 1H2020

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    Hog Production (2)

    Profits of Hog Production Business Increased Significantly, Fresh Pork

    Business Continued to Improve, Profits of Packaged Meats Business

    Continued to Grow

    Operating Profit and

    Margin (1) Packaged Meats(2) Fresh Pork (2)

    US$ million US$ million US$ million US$ million

    Note:1. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / external sales2. Percentage marked in white on the bars represent Operating Profit Margin = operating profit / internal and external sales





    1H2019 1H2020

    Operating Profit

    Operating Profit Margin



    6.2% 7.0%

    1H2019 1H2020-7


    -1.2% 0.3%

    1H2019 1H2020





    1H2019 1H2020

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    Strategies and Outlook

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    • Committed to our strategy of launching new products,optimizing our product portfolio, increasing sales andimproving sales management to consolidate our marketposition;

    • Viewing the integration of the meat industry as anopportunity to increase market share of the fresh porkbusiness;

    • Further expand meat imports to enhance marketcompetitiveness;

    • Further enhance our integrated business model, move towards the upstream of the value chain by developing the hog production business and expanding the poultry business.

    In China

    Strategies and Outlook

    In U.S. and Europe

    • Adapt to changes in the business environment, andproactively adjust strategies

    • Leverage the advantages of the integrated business model;

    • Realign the product mix in the packaged meats businessaccording to changes in sales channels to improveprofitability;

    • Promote technical transformation of the fresh pork businessto improve operational efficiency;

    • Stabilize the profitability of the hog production business andimprove the ability to mitigate the impact of market volatilitythrough hedging;

    • Enhance the scale and profitability of the Europeanbusiness through integration and utilization of theproduction capacity of the newly acquired businesses.

    ▪ Looking ahead, the situation surrounding COVID-19 remains grim, and there are still many uncertainties ahead in

    terms of the global economic trends, geopolitical conflicts, trade tensions, and ASF, which will heavily impact global

    economy and the industry.

    ▪ WH Group will take effective measures to protect the health and safety of our employees and maintain stable

    operations. The Group is committed to giving full play to its global competitive advantages, seizing opportunities that

    result from global changes and industry integration, which will enable us to prevent risk, consolidate our leading

    position in the industry, and maintain the Group’s sustainable development.

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    Low temperature products

    American style products / Hunter Sausage

    Smithfield-branded products

    Shuanghui thick cut bacon

    Marco Polo low temperature series

    Product Innovation

    High temperature products

    Shuanghui Spicy Sausage

    Shuanghui cooking sausage

    Coobi cod sausage

    Shuanghui new starch-free ham Sausage: King of the King

    Leisure Products:Snack sausage / Hot spicy sausage

    Chinese Style Products:

    Deli/ Preserved meat / Braised vegetarian series

    Plant-based protein products

    “SoyFit” plant-based meat

    Plant-based sausage

    Plant-based burger steak

  • 18

    Innovative Marketing Approach

    Accelerating video livestream marketing activities to

    promote new products and enhance brand influence

    • Our video livestreaming activities generated over one

    hundred million views in total. Sales volume reached 160

    metric tons, and sales revenue exceeded RMB 7 million;

    • During the live streaming of the “T-mall 517 Food Festival”,

    with the recommendation of top KOL Viya, Shuanghui Spicy

    Sausages were sold out in 3 seconds after they went online.

    The online flagship store traffic surged by 398,000, with sales

    volume exceeding 100 metric tons and sales revenue

    exceeding RMB 3 million.

    Rejuvenate the brand by a

    marketing campaign on TikTok

    • Initiated the #CallMeHuoxuanfeng

    Challenge on TikTok and became

    a tile sponsor of an offline event

    organized by TikTok – the closing

    ceremony of the “in City” happy life


    • The challenge generated 880

    million views on TikTok, which

    resulted in close engagement with

    young consumers.

  • 19

    Product Innovation

    Wholesome Portable Meals

    Premium Deli Franks

    All Natural

    Breakfast Patties

    Pulled Pork

    Snack Trays

    Smoked Ham

    Deli Pre-Slice Meats and Cheeses

    Breakfast Sausage

  • 20

    Product Innovation

    Hot Dog

    Dried Sausage Chicken Products

    Mini Burgers

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