Download - Power point y6 exhibition _2013 to students


Y6 EXHIBITION 2013Y6 EXHIBITION 2013¡Es tiempo de mostrar cuánto han ¡Es tiempo de mostrar cuánto han

aprendido a lo largo de estos años en aprendido a lo largo de estos años en Northlands trabajando en el PEP!Northlands trabajando en el PEP!

The Exhibition is …The Exhibition is …

� The end of a cycleThe end of a cycle� The moment to show all the skills you The moment to show all the skills you

have developedhave developed� The way to show ACTION about what The way to show ACTION about what

you have learntyou have learnt

� The opportunity to explore knowledge The opportunity to explore knowledge that is significant to you.that is significant to you.

� The opportunity to show independence The opportunity to show independence and responsibility for your learningand responsibility for your learning

El PEP es una forma de aprender… Buscaque ustedes sean agentes de cambio: de su entorno,de sus ciudades, de sus países y del mundo.

¿Qué podemos hacer ¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros frente a lo nosotros frente a lo que estamos viviendo?que estamos viviendo?

Pienso en un problema al cual yo le podría dar alguna solución.

Tema Transdisciplinario:Cómo nos expresamos

Una indagación sobre los modos en que descubrimos y expresamos nuestra naturaleza, nuestras ideas, sentimientos, cultura, convicciones y valores; los modos en que reflexionamos sobre nuestra creatividad, la ampliamos y la disfrutamos; la forma en que apreciamos el valor estético de las cosas.

Transdisciplinary ThemeTransdisciplinary Theme::How we How we express express ourselvesourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.


1. To put (thought) into words; utter or state: to express an idea clearly. 2. To show, manifest, or reveal: to express one's anger. 3. To forth the opinions, feelings, etc., of (oneself), as in speaking, writing, or painting: He can express himself eloquently. 4. To represent by a symbol, character, figure, or formula: to express water as H 2 O; to express unknown quantities algebraically.

Aesthetics:Aesthetics:1. The branch of philosophy dealing with

such notions as the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the comic, etc., as applicable to the fine arts, with a view to establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgments concerning works of art, and the principles underlying or justifying such judgments.

2. The study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.

Reflect on what you are Reflect on what you are concerned about and concerned about and how to take to take action.

� Take 10 minutes to think alone.Take 10 minutes to think alone.


Helen – Teresa – Mariela - Rodrigo – Helen – Teresa – Mariela - Rodrigo – Susana – Alejandro – Liliana- Anna –– Susana – Alejandro – Liliana- Anna –– Maru – Flor Catella - Emiliano.Maru – Flor Catella - Emiliano.

Trabajo individualTrabajo individual

Trabajo grupal:Trabajo grupal:Presentación a la comunidad:Presentación a la comunidad: 22 y 24 de octubre22 y 24 de octubre