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Introduction to Environmental

LiteratureUnderstanding the various definitions of environment

and the role of nature in contemporary society.

Learning Objectives

SWBAT identify environmental themes in literature as well as mass media by examining and critiquing various representations of nature in media.

SWBAT articulate differences between environment and nature by building definitions in small groups as well as class discussion.

SWBAT respond to depictions of nature in literature and mass media by writing short reflective statements discussing whether they feel media influences society’s attitude towards nature, and if so, for good or for bad.

Part One: So what is the environment? Why are

we talking about it in an English class?

How would you define the word

“environment”? Break up into groups to brainstorm for 5

minutes. Be ready to share at least two

ideas. defines the environment as:

The aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings.

Ecology, the air, water, minerals, organisms, and external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.

The social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.

What is nature? Is there a difference between

nature and environment?-Discuss-

What do you think about the two

examples? With the video from Utah Wilderness, what

was missing?

Who was the target audience for this video?

According to the video, what is the value of nature?

According to the video, for whom is Utah Wilderness preserved?

Did either of these advertisements influence how you feel about nature? Why or why not?

Time to Write!In your journals, please respond to whether you feel media influences society’s attitude towards nature,

and if so, for good or for bad.Take the next 2 minutes to think about it and then

start writing. You will only have 5 minutes total.


Split up into pairs with someone who disagrees with what you wrote. In other words, if you feel that media does not impact attitudes towards nature, find someone who does. Likewise, if you feel that it impacts for the positive, then find someone who feels that it does for the negative.


Don’t worry about sharing journals, just ideas. Be prepared to report back to the class.

Now let’s take a look at

environmental themes in literature.

Your assignment

Due next time:

Using a magazine or book of your choice (probably one you have already read and are familiar with. I don’t want you to think you need to read a new book start to finish by next class period), analyze pictures, illustrations, and text for references to nature and the environment. These references may be unintentional, but they are there nevertheless.

Also, in the case of magazines, pay special attention to advertisement.

If you would prefer, keep a written log of commercials or news reports you see on TV. For this you will need at between 5-10 examples.

You may also use the internet to search for advertisements or news articles that have environmental themes.

What I want to see…

If you decide to use magazines, please cut out pictures and words you feel match the assignment. If you would like to create a collage, I think that would be awesome.

If you are using literature (my personal favorite) please come with the book and page numbers and be prepared to explain to the class why you chose what you did.

For those using TV, please have a typed log of what commercials/ news reports you saw and what was particularly interesting about them.

Finally, internet folks, if you are able to print out articles or reports great, if you would rather put pictures you find into a PowerPoint, or other digital presenter, then that works too.

Most important, HAVE FUN!! I do not

want this to be a stressful activity. If none of the activities

interest you see me and we can talk about it. If you would rather take pictures, write short stories or poetry then I can work with you to develop an appropriate grading requirement.
