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Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 1 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. POWER Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility By Avalaura Gaither Beharry, MSW, LGSW Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, except for brief quotations in published reviews, without the prior written permission of the author.Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 2 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Table of Contents 1.Avalaura Gaither Beharry Biography / 3 2.Foreword/ 4 3.Chapter 1:Let Go / 5

4.Chapter 2:Trust / 9

5.Chapter 3:Increase Your Inner Power/13 6.Chapter 4:Learn From It All/17 7.Chapter 5:Focus on Blessings /21 8.Conclusion/25 9.Self-Reflection Notes /26 10. Testimonials/27 11.Healing Services and Contact Info/29 Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 3 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.About Avalaura Avalaura Gaither Beharry, also known as the Spiritual Sage, is a Spiritual Counselor, Healer and Speaker who is the founder and owner of Avalauras Healing Center, a holistic wellness center in College Park, MD.She combines her formal education, intuitive wisdom and life experiences to help people in the DC area and around the world to heal and transform their lives. Her goal is to assist, inspire and empower individuals to discover their true selves and divine potential to live the lives they were born to live.Using various healing modalities including Marabout spiritual healing, Spiritual counseling, Life Coaching, Reiki, Dream Interpretation and more, she specializes in helping people overcome hidden obstacles, remove spiritual blockages and solve problems previously thought to be insurmountable. Many of her clients are women who feel lost, unbalanced, unfulfilled and in search of change, purpose and direction.They love her grounded, passionate approach, sage advice and guidance.She provides one on one, in-person and phone/Skype sessions, group sessions, workshops and speaking engagements on dream interpretation, Reiki certification, crystal and holistic healing, spirituality, living your purpose and manifesting your dreams. Avalaura is a Licensed Graduate Social Worker who holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's Degree in Social Work from Howard University in Washington, DC.Additionally, she is a trained Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Holistic Aromatherapist and Yoga Instructor. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 4 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Foreword There's no problem in the world that does not have a spiritual solution. Deepak Chopra Lets face it, stress can cripple you. Today's fast-paced lifestyle calls for relief, support and healing to navigate your problems. Personal letdowns, broken family relationships and job related tensions are disabling and cause great suffering and pain mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically. You need faith to navigate in this world today. You need a spiritual connection with your creator, yourself and others. Your spirituality and your faith provide you healing, freedom and inner peace. These things allow you to accept and overcome any problems you may experience. However, achieving inner peace, freedom and relief from suffering requires you to take action to change some things in your everyday life. This easy to- read, easy- to- follow guide offers long-lasting solutions to the challenges of daily life. It will help you to find your inner peace by strengthening your faith and spirituality. Discover what Ive helped countless people to discover....... Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 5 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Chapter 1: Let Go Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 6 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Synopsis Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.Eckhart Tolle Its time to let go of your picture of how you want it all to be or how you think things should be. Its time to give up the unhealthy thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that keep you stuck, unhappy and in pain. This means letting go of attempting to control things over which you have no control. One of the primary causes of our suffering is wishing for matters to be different than they are.Yes, we all want a peaceful existence rather than a world filled with problems, pain, and suffering. Yes, we all wish for health rather than illness and disease. Yes, we all wish for healthy, happy, loving relationships that fulfill us instead of breaking our hearts. But occasionally life doesn't hand us what we want. We dont always live the life we thought we would live. But when we rely on our faith and rely on our Higher Power, we can accept things as they are and let go of needing life to be a particular way. We can breathe a sigh of relief and open the door for a healthy, happier, more fulfilling life. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 7 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Let Go A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.John Steinbeck When you relinquish control in your life and relationships and have faith, you open a space in your life for something new and beautiful. This helps you to let go, let God and release stress! The key is to accept what is and adjust your energies and efforts towards more positive actions. Take the following steps to cut down stress and anxiety and relinquish control in your life. Exercise: There are many situations where you just hang on to a particular way of believing, acting or doing things that do not serve you.Take a deep breath and relinquish the need to be right and to be in control. If you are attempting to control yours or somebody else's behavior, realize that it isn't healthy for you or for that individual. Take a piece of paper and write down all your expectations for yourself or that individual and then rip up that sheet of paper and let it go. Quit fighting and resisting what is and alter your need to control the situation so that you are able to have some peace and recover that energy that you've been using up in an unhealthy way. Acknowledging that you're harming yourself by trying to be overly controlling can be very healing for your life. However, sometimes just the awareness that you're trying too hard to control things isn't enough. It may be necessary to examine why you are resisting change and using up unbelievable amounts of energy in the process. Take some time with yourself and try to work out precisely why. Take out your journal and write down the top 3 things that you'll let go of when you relinquish control. Do you lack faith? Do you fear that if you let go, you'll lose a relationship? Are you scared to leave your comfort zones? Do you feel that if you make changes, things may not work out the way you want? Are you nervous and stressed out at the thought of having to change? Will you be losing a part of your individuality if you relinquish control? You need to face your concerns and anxieties around control issues so that you can relinquish them entirely. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 8 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. Khalil Gibran Its time to take action, go deep within yourself to reclaim your faith so you can let go of perceived control.If this is new for you, it might cause anxiety, but it will be one of the best things you could do for yourself to heal spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Relinquishing control allows you to put your faith in action, be vulnerable and to be more of your authentic self. As you begin to take action and relinquish control, you may feel vulnerable and discover it is difficult to cope with all the changes you're making. This is normal. Remain consistent with the change, put your trust in your Higher Power and have faith. Now that youve freed yourself from your controlling behavior; you can let go of the pain, hurt, stress and anxiety that comes along with that behavior and experience true healing and freedom.

Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 9 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Chapter 2: Trust Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 10 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Synopsis "There isn't enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. You must decide which one will live there." Unknown When you truly understand that you have little control over the outside world, you then have two choices: 1) you can choose to see yourself as a "poor-me" victim at the mercy of life or 2) you can choose to develop the faith and trust that regardless of what happens in your life or in the world, you'll have the inner strength to yield something good from it all. Hopefully, you'll choose the latter!Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 11 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Trust Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. Martin Luther King, Jr. Job loss, toxic relationships, illness, financial burdens, car problems, tension... seems like there's always a long list of problems that we dont like but, we still have to address. Our first response when something fails is to worry and be afraid. We think our troubles aren't going to work out. We don't believe so we freak out. Trusting should not be hard, but somehow, it's a difficult thing to do. If we overcome our own fears and concerns and exercise our faith; in the end, everything will work out.It always does. Here are a few practical steps in learning to trust; particularly, when you don't understand whats happening or why its happening. 1.Believe. Know that this too shall pass.If you don't have faith, you can't trust life will get better. Stay centered on your faith. It will help you to stay grounded, have a healthy perspective and not worry about all the difficulties you may be experiencing. 2.Trust in your ability to change and overcome your situation.Remember a difficult time in the past that you were able to surpass. If you really believe in yourself, you will not be afraid or worried that something won't work out. Your faith and belief help you to realize that your problems can make you even stronger and more powerful.If this is difficult, this may be a sign that its time to get the help you need to believe in yourself and your abilities. 3.Accept that your Creator, your Higher Power will never fail to help you. Everything is under Gods control. If you are experiencing hardship, there is a reason or a lesson to be learned.Pray for the lesson and the assistance to navigate it successfully. Remember God works through people.Take divine-inspired action and utilize the help of those to whom you are led. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 12 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.4.Have confidence that God can and will work matters out for your highest good. Things are always the hardest when you can't see beyond your worries and fears. This truly allows your faith to be strengthened when all you can see are the hardships in front of you. Even though trusting your Higher Power can seem exceedingly difficult at times, you are being called to believe in what seems inconceivable and impossible.Ask God to help you trust. Ask God to help you have faith. Ask God to strengthen your spiritual connection. 5.Remember the great things God has done for you in the past. The great things God has previously done remind you that He can and will do more good things.If God has done something unbelievable for you at one time, he can certainly do it again and again and again. There is no end to Gods mercy and abundance. 6.If you're tempted to worry, or find yourself focusing on your fears; quickly change your thoughts. Focus on something you love, something that makes you happy. Visualize a time in your life were you were happy, healthy and feeling good. Keep doing this each time the concern returns. This is one way to stop worrying. You have to replace the distressing thoughts with a new, beneficial thought. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 13 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Chapter 3: Increase Your Inner Power Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 14 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Synopsis The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking. Separate them from the situation, which is always neutral. It is as it is.Eckhart Tolle One way to help you formulate trust in yourself is to release the negativity in yourmind. You have an average of 60,000 thoughts every day and 90% of those thoughts are negative.Begin to become aware of your negative thoughts so you can release them and let them go. Affirm "Whatever happens in my life, I'll handle it with my faith! God can and will work this out for my highest good." Affirmations alone dont always work, but combined with getting to the root of your fears and releasing them, they can be very powerful.When you truly believe that you are able to handle anything that happens in your life, what is there to fear? What is there to worry about? Absolutely nothing!When ego rears its ugly head trying to control your thoughts, when you feel fear, worry or depressed, when the "what-if's" are driving you crazy, bring them to your awareness and affirm the opposite. Repeat to yourself, "Whatever happens, I'll handle it with my faith! God can and will work this out for my highest good." You'll feel a sense of assurance and inner peace wash over you. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 15 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Increase Your Inner Power Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.Maya Angelou In order to feel empowered, you need to get reclaim your power in areas where you've let go or given up. Empowerment leads to a firmer sense of confidence in your own abilities.Apply the following steps to attain empowerment in the every area of your life. 1.If you tend to doubt yourself consistently, you have to build a sense of strength and assurance in yourself. Question your own inner critic (EGO) and make an effort to release any damaging thoughts that prevent you from moving forward. Recognize that most of your inner criticism is rooted in beliefs from your past experiences and things people told you when you were a child. 2.Feeling physically strong is a component of feeling empowered. Address any medical problems you may have. Self-care is extremely important. Make that doctor's or dentist's appointment.Make that call to the naturopath or holistic practitioner that youve been putting off. Find some kind of physical and spiritual exercise you enjoy. There are so many activities to choose from: dancing, aerobics, kickboxing, yoga, tai chi, swimming, walking, running, meditation, prayer. Choose at least one physical exercise and one spiritual exercise to do consistently on a daily basis.Consistency is key! 3.Learn healthy boundaries. Acquire power in your own situation by speaking up for yourself and other people around you.Begin with little steps. Work on asking for what you wish and clearly saying what your boundaries are in daily situations. If somebody takes you for granted or treats you badly, either choose to distance yourself from this person or learn to express your concerns in a healthy way. Responsible communication which I teach my clients is a great way to express yourself Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 16 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.effectively. Value yourself and know that you are worthy of support, love and respect. 4.Dont give up on yourself. Giving up on yourself is completely disempowering. If you've stopped setting and accomplishing goals to help you move forward in a positive way; then you need to start again. Create a vision for your life that inspires you. Set small achievable goals that will give you a sense of self-worth and pride in yourself. The more you recognize that you're capable and competent in your own life, the more empowered you'll feel. 5.Work on your ability to manage and release your anger, frustration, fear and negative emotions.Recognize that if you don't like a situation you need to take actions to change it. Acknowledge any anxieties, fears or concerns by taking little steps to challenge yourself.If you have problems getting to the root of your emotions, understanding them and releasing them, get some coaching or counseling to get through it.If you dont learn to control your feelings, they will control you and hold you back. Your feelings serve a powerful purpose, but only if you learn to master them and not let them master you. 6.If you feel alone, bored or disillusioned with life, its time to discover things that will make you passionate and excited about life again. Reconnect or strengthen your connection with friends and family. Involve yourself in new activities that allow you to expand your social circle. Travel and explore new cultures and new activities.If you have stopped reading, listening to music or working on hobbies you used to enjoy, return to them. If you love animals, volunteer at an animal shelter or acquire a new pet. Return to living a meaningful, healthier more joyful life and acquire your empowerment in the process. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 17 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Chapter 4: Learn from It All Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 18 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Synopsis The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor people perfected without trials. Confucius You are able to discover and develop inner strength and faith from anything that happens to you. If you see EVERYTHING that happens in your life as a way of learning, growing and transforming, it helps you let go of your requirement for things to be a particular way. Loss of Self............a way of discovering Peace of Mind........a way of discovering Sickness..................a way of discovering Wellness..................a way of discovering Poverty....................a way of discovering Wealth.....................a way of discovering Depression...............a way of discovering Joy..........................a way of discovering In spite of what happens in your life and in the world around you, remind yourself "This is an opportunity to learn and grow." When you are able to see the opportunities in all things, good or bad, it changes your perspective and helps you embrace your life. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 19 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Learn From It All By accepting life's limits and inevitabilities and working with them rather than fighting them, we become free." Epictetus Lifes problems may make you angry, frustrated or bitter. Learning acceptance can bring you peace! Many individuals become furious, frustrated, sad or depressed because of the aspects of their life that are out of their control.However, many religions, counselors and spiritual leaders recognize that individuals can actually be happy in almost any situation. Happiness is a choice! With a shift in perspective and a change of attitude, the seemingly impossible can become possible. The question is how can you achieve the peace, joy and contentment that you long for and admire in other people? The key to happiness might be acceptance. Think about it, if you have food, clothing and a place to live, you have a lot to be thankful for. Here are four things you can do to be more accepting. 1.Truthfully examine your life. No, you may not have your big dream house, but do you have a place to call home? You may hate your job, but think about people all over the country trying to find a job, any job to be able to provide for and take care of their families. Your car may be a lemon or an older car, but you have a car while others may have to use public transportation. Try to accept that your life may not be as bad as it seems. Yes, there is room for improvement and it may not be your dream life or the one you thought you would have, but it could be a lot worse! 2.Truthfully examine yourself.You may feel lost, stuck and not sure of who you are, but this awareness allows you to create change. You may not be married or be with your soul mate, but do you have friends? Loved ones? Do you have individuals who love and accept you? Do you have individuals whom you love and accept?The way that you are able to accept others, use that same energy to be able to accept and love yourself. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 20 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.3.Truthfully examine the choices you make and your attitude. How have your actions contributed to your problem? How do you deal with problems when they arise? Are you negative, critical or judgmental of yourself and others? Do you blame others or play the victim? Do you seek help or put the weight of the world on your shoulders and try to handle everything yourself? Are you empowered and take responsibility and necessary action to change your situation?Your attitude about your problems are just as important as the problems. How you choose to handle your problems determine whether you succeed or fail. 4.Make a decision. The final thing you can do to become more accepting of your life is merely to make a decision to change. Decide that whatever happens in your life, good or bad, is the experience you need to grow and transform into the person you want to be and have the life you want to have. Or, as I like to say; it is what it is.Whatever it is, make a decision to accept it and use it for your highest good. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 21 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry. Chapter 5: Focus on Blessings Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 22 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Synopsis I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude.Brene Brown I've learned that regardless how atrocious life might seem at times, it is so crucial to focus on the beauty of life. We tend to take for granted the wonderful things we experience on a daily basis. Take the time to observe the beauty all around you. Take time to be grateful for all the things you do have. This will be very difficult to do if you only focus on the negative. This may sound crazy, but sometimes we have to train ourselves to be more grateful. We must discipline ourselves, to focus on the blessings all around us. This allows you to have faith and be positive in the face of adversity. Avalaura tip: As you go about your day, stop for a moment and note when something fantastic happens. Then say to yourself while still in the glory of the moment, "I've had this." This is the recognition that "regardless of what happens tomorrow, I've had this amazing experience today." Noticing the small things is the key to living a fulfilling life. Enjoy the little things like that fantastic hot shower, the kiss from a loved one, the smile on your childs face, the good meal you're eating, the warmth and beauty of the sun, chocolate, your favorite TV show or movie, receiving a compliment and oh so much more.The more you pay attention, the more youll find plenty of wonderful things to celebrate! Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 23 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Focus on Blessings Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action. Gandhi It's all around you. Everybody seems to be getting what they want but you.Your friend just got married.Your sister has a job she loves, that allows her to live the life youve always dreamed about.Your coworker bought her new dream house. Everyone but you seems to be happy and has it all together. Day in, day out and week after week, it appears that people who dont need anything or dont deserve things are blessed with what you most desire.It's difficult to see everyone else doing well, while youre battling depression, disease, wondering how youre going to pay the bills or hanging on to a toxic relationship thats hurting you. You need blessings. You need your prayers answered.You need help. You need a miracle. I know your life may seem difficult and you cant see how things are going to get better, but if you follow my advice and use these tips, you can change your life for the better.Im not saying it will be easy, but you will see results and its a lot simpler than you think. Exercise: Find a quiet place where you can spend some time alone. It may be your bedroom, your office or sitting outside. Get a pen and pad and get comfortable. Take a few nice deep breaths and clear your mind. Release all the negative thoughts telling you this wont work, whats the point, or things will never change. Let them all go and focus on your goal.Write down all the areas in your life where you need help. It doesn't matter how big the list is or whats on it. Just write down everything that concerns you or youre worried about. Allow this to be a cathartic experience. After you have written everything down, put the list in an envelope. Put the envelope in your hands and breathe a sigh of relief. Pray for help, pray for healing, pray for guidance, pray that everything you have written on your list is resolved for your highest good. Label the envelope Answered Prayers.Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 24 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Afterwards, close your eyes and visualize how your life will be when all your prayers are answered.Imagine living the life you have always desired to live. Take a few minutes every day to do this exercise until you see results. This is your list. It is between you and God. No one else needs to view it, unless you want them to. Now what? Do things miraculously change overnight? Occasionally, this can happen; however, more than likely it will take time. You have to exercise your trust.You have to be willing to trust in things you cant see or even comprehend. If this is difficult for you, think about this; how much do you truly know anyway? How many times in the past did you think you knew something, only to realize you didnt know as much as you thought you knew.There are many things in life we will never understand. Thats ok. You dont need to understand how or why things work. Just have faith, believe, pray, and take inspired action to change your life for the better. Avalaura tip: Trust and look for signs! Pay attention to coincidences or those ah ha moments. Know that things dont always happen the way you want or expect them to happen. Continue to pray, but know that prayer alone is not enough. You must have faith and take inspired action. Remember that God works through people. When you are guided to someone or something, be open to how this person or situation can help you. See everything in your life as an answered prayer. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 25 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Conclusion "Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong." Mary Hale Positive action has an astonishing effect on your psyche, faith and inner peace. As you take action to transform your life, you will start to feel good about yourself and your future. Remember that your life has meaning and everything you experience serves a purpose. You can live the life you have always desired to live, but only if you make a decision to accept, have faith and make the necessary changes. Use the information in this book and the tools given to create a joyous and fulfilling life, filled with faith, love and inner peace. It wont always be easy, but I know you can do it. Take baby steps and start today. I wish you peace, love and bountiful blessings on your journey. Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 26 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Self-Reflection (What did you learn? How can this information help you? What steps can you take to change now?) Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 27 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.TestimonialsMy work with Avalaura has revitalized me!I chose a combination of Reiki and Spiritual Counseling.Situations that used to overwhelm me in the past I can now approach with greater confidence and acceptance. Through my work under her guidance, I have a greater awareness of myself and my feelings.This awareness now gracefully leads me through the joys and challenges in my life. -M.M., Takoma Park, MD Hi Avalaura, I just want to thank you again for the Reiki and Spiritual Counseling services. They have literally...changed my life! I truly believe..better yet I KNOW you are doing exactly what the Most High called upon you to do. I hope it doesn't sound weird but you are sometimes in my dreams and you are always performing and teaching your healing works!! Anyone who I think can benefit from your services will be given your website! Many thanks and Blessings to you!M.A., Wilmington, Delaware I contacted Avalaura Beharry out of desperation.My life felt so out of balance and I needed a change.Avalaura suggested spiritual counseling. I had some skepticism about bearing my flaws to a stranger, but after several weeks, not only am I feeling a positive change, but also friends, family, and coworkers have commented on the positive changes they have seen in me.In just a short period of time I can truly say that I have the power to create a life worth living. I am mastering my feelings and I am loving life...again. K.H., Bowie, MD It has been almost a month since my cord-cutting session with you, and I have to admit I feel GREAT! I can definitely tell that it is permanent and that the issue is resolved forever. I cannot thank you enough! Before I was so connected to this person in unhealthy ways, but now I feel free and liberated to make decisions without considering his input at all. You are beautiful both inside and out, and I love your healing center! I felt so comfortable and at peace there, and would definitely come back to you for additional services in the future. THANK YOU!"-Mary, Washington, DC Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 28 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.I reached out to Avalaura after viewing her website. I was in desperate need of relief from anxiety, panic, and depression. My anxiety had robbed me of living a fulfilled life. My problem had gotten so bad that I had to withdraw from school, and I stayed in the house for weeks at a time because of my fear of panic attacks. This fear also caused me to stop driving. Day by day, I started to become more discouraged, and started to forget about my future dreams and goals. I thought I would always live a life indoors and I would never amount to anything. Then one day I realized I wanted a change because I deserved happiness and a future free from past hurts and disappointments. By working with Avalaura, I was able to realize I was carrying dead weight with me all of these years, and my energy was so low because of it. I realized that I needed to stop putting others before myself; thus, I started creating and enforcing my own boundaries. For once I was protecting myself. I realized that I had an inner strength within me that was waiting to be released. With each session with Avalaura, I was growing spiritually as well as mentally. I realized that my feelings were all fear-based. I was continuing my familys tradition of poverty, depression, negativity, and anxiety. I learned that my thinking was so powerful that ultimately it influenced how I viewed others and myself. My thoughts created my reality. Avalaura has helped me in ways that I cannot put into words. It was like I was living in a confined space all of my life dreaming of one day being able to do normal things again like grocery shopping or returning back to school without anxiety. Now, I am enrolled back into school and living a life that I know I deserve. I demand respect and do not let others dictate my thoughts or feelings. I know that things are not perfect and never will be, but I am comfortable to know that when things go wrong, I will be okay. I learned so much that I will hold onto it for the rest of life. Avalaura is confident in what she teaches and truly believes in it. She is compassionate and truly understands and wants to help. She was my only support system during that difficult time. I now know that God used Avalaura to teach me to never give up and that all humans deserve a life filled with their innermost desires. Sincerely,A. Grant, Upper Marlboro, MD Power! Escaping the Fear from Within: Live by Faith and Achieve More Inner Peace and Tranquility 29 Copyright 2014 by Avalaura Gaither Beharry.Healing Services Spiritual Counseling (Individual, Couples, Families and Group) Life Coaching (Individual, Group and Mentoring) Dream Interpretation (Individual, Workshops and Home study course coming soon!) Marabout Spiritual Healing Reiki Energy Healing & Certification Training Energetic Cord Cutting Chakra Balancing And more! Contact Information Avalaura Gaither Beharry, MSW, LGSW [email protected] Facebook at Twitter at Contact Avalaura now for a Free Consultation!