Download - Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

Page 1: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13



Richard Zal'dn. came to Vani:!uuvet last ~nd with hLB slides a.nd IBM oompatible tucked under his arm. H~ came w.lth more than tbat~ llowe\i'er. Hts honesty about himself and hlS work. a general unpre.tenti.O'llsness, and a droD wtt In· formed and entert~rncd us -tO OT so foT 2 days at Emily C-arr. Rlehard Uvea and Jn Oswego :1n upstate New York. anrl for lD.8ny of us wbo 11 -relkd on his Electd.c Kfln Ce:ram.les tJcxt. tt wa.s an c:xpenencc to meet tbrc pen:10n behtnd lt.

RJgh.l •off Uu bat", be got down to th~ business of (erra stgUatta, tlle technr.que so highly developed by the Creeks and othe.l"S. He tested se\fe.ral d.Uierent colour clay5. includtng SIX:ttle and Ba_nda, defloocu,­lall.rlg Utcm. with sodt1.1m sill.cate. and tbe.n decant~ big unill '"Umre ... 3~ 10 times, untO ~ bit brushed onlo a dr!r• gl'eeDwi:IIR tile= would not :rub olf on one's 11nger. A clay body low in talc were best tor this purpose. The tJles. we.f\e eventually fh-ed b~fore lhc wcck£ru1 was over, and the .results, thcrugh rela­Uvcly pale .in caloul", lndicated to us U.e potentlal. Hbi C'()lkction of 5lides s_bowmg tbe bll.Storical developmeru or th:.ts decoranve foiiD was inSpJ.rtng, from .several G:rock styles, to Etru..scan ware, to meso-Amerieao oi varltru~ ~ras.

Rlcluml then d.elved 1ntn W(lrld or glaze anaJysls, demonstrating the computer program co-deve1oped by btm for tlds purpos~- It gave us an appeUte for furtber expJo:rauon at the ~n<l of tbe 'W'Orkshop or on our own. The Guild baa acquired a eopy or t hJs program. and It lS 9Vallablr! for$ J 8.00 through 1 he omoc. The analysiS iS poSSi.ble for Conr:s 03, 3 . 6 and 9 gla2es. lie reViewed Ut~ fl'l.llfr:s h~ would rccmmncnd at thes.e t.emperalurt:ti-. ! gtvln,IC us a lecture on the of barium and Uthlium in QnY foTIIl for the potter (a& wd1 as of c1gsn:ttcs) .

Sunday~ Rtchard dld a bit of .hand building. his '"walk for a walk's sake"(ht='s a Paul Kfe~ fan), BJnd generally encouragr:d all of ua at our vatytng levels of e!:.J>erience and cxpc=rtl5-c. He lo~ d~. pets ll. l:IIcats it Wilh p;real all"ect£on. and Jn a very honest !E1.5.hion. is quite prepared to say where he doesn"l


llkt something tn hl113o work and why. Thtrj was lWFU more evident Ulan in \-1.ewilng s)ldf::S of bJs work over ilic pasl 20 years.

Returning to discussion of g1az:.m,g and fl.rlng 1n the e!ectd.C kdn. he restated our obllgation to -"he smart ... T1le t:lectrte kll'n is es.-sent1al1y Mdumb"', 1n {lan:.l.raSt wtth a g£18 ldl.n. and It tberdorc l.s neces­sary for llle potter to know whal cmc IS doing at a11 stages. rm nllt sure he was mf~ tha.t a gas kiln user didn't need to be srn.att. but.. ...... J wouJdn"t ~ for sureJ RJchal"d suggested that quality and beauty in lh~ finished 11roducr :1S often acbteved by blending and m.ix:1nl( glazes on the aurla.c~ or tb e piece and Lhen sp.rayin.J{ mrcr the d~ suriao ~­In fl.nng. he 1lCghJy ~ummend.s snsldn~t. or .firing down, al 1/3 lo l/2 po-wer fm; o:nt= hcnu after temperature .Ls reached.

Ric bard fhl.a lly showed us a series of slides of class~{: poTOelatn ware and of the development of Amcncan art potlery at this -centuty. lhe e1ements of ""hlch we too o:ften forget In attempting to under­stand contcnporary clay work..

A big thank you to all of you atteru:Ung the work­shop who C"~nl.rlbuted so. gc:~rously to make it a suooess. We ale roy-iilly, and 1.he Emily Carr peoplr:. Gall and Lea pa.rU.cuJarly. should be Uumked for helping Oul and also U!i! f~el SO welcome. BIDy Wittmann. too. should. be thanked !oc host:ing ruebard at her home fOJ' the (our days.

J .an KidnJe

Arrangements are En pr-ogress for our neJd work· shop u1th Walter Ostrom, to he held at Emily Carr on Gram•ille Island In January ·s9. Watch for further details in Decemberl

Page 2: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

The Potters Chdld of B.C. NEWSLETTER :t.s published 10 times a year. Submlssiaas a11e welcome. and sbo-uldibe In the Gutldo.tnce by tlle last of the wcmtb. Materia] may be edited for p-ublication.

Managing Ed.lter: Jan Kl.dn!e tJorgenso:n). Edltorlal Committee: Bob KmgSIIltll Launl McGrtgor. .H:lrO U:rakamll, Nathan Raila. Anne Flcc::tham. Mailing: ~all)'¥ .1\n:wn~ .Jobst F'rohberg. Jackie White.

Advertt.lnlf nt-o; $75.00 ful1 pa_ge: $40.00, llalf page; $25.00 quarla- pagt~ bu~ ean:i $ r 5.00: cl.aa9lt"k:d $5.00 [ot S line$; additiOnal line~ $2.00 each All ads must lbe prepaid.

The Patten Gulld of B.C. meets lhe fourth Wednes­day of C!Ptty nro:nth. Member.shlp lD Ole Guild IS $20.00.indfvLdlllals, $aO.OO~gro-ups, January to J atuJJa:ry. See appltcatlcm fonn elsewhere 1n thiS tssue.

Boud af Dlleotor.: Sam Kwao. Ples., Da_nie1 Materna, lsl V.P, ; Marla Za:nm. 2nd V.P.: Anne Tol.mJe. Sc::cmtm:y: Teny Ryals. "l"reas.: Bob rungsmm. D'Arcy Mar~. Cherie MiiDkicwicz. Elsa SchmnlS. Ron "''rfu~. Billy WiLLman .& K.atbym Youngs..

The regular Nove:mbeT r:neenng oft-.he Gu!Jd h as been caJliC!c~Jed. We would like bowe.ver. to lm1t-c you an to our annual CbrJatln.a81 pot1ac:k at the GuHcl office on Wcrtnr::5d;a.y. Novc:mber 30. 7:00 pm, Do tty to ~c(m1e~ wc="ll havf't cntertaflll11ent of oome ~rt!


The foDOWing .IS the Statement of ln.oome and Expenses for the penod Jan. l to Sept. 30. 1986 fo:r the Potters" GWld of 16. C.


MembexsbJp Fees New-sletter Adv.ertlsJ:ng MlsceDanwusCWorkshops) Interest Rental [S'b•dlo 51 TOTAL INQQME.


Rent Ne:wslene.r omce llncl. WagesJ Account:Lng and flanking Misoellaneous tlncl. Worlcs'hops.

LL'bnuy and Awards] TOTAL EXPENSES

3,840.00 794.00

1.098J)Q :Z47.90 900,00


2.412..00 2.825~30 2 • .333.49




The foUDWing Is the Statement of Jru::ume and E;q)eMes for the pertod JanJ to Sept. 30. l9B8. for the Gallery of l3C Ce:ra:mtcs.


Du-ect ~to the Potters) Administ:raucm

Wages and Beneflts Rent Stlow Expenses


75.1 U .76

17.1'2 ) .01 6,345.00 2,580.31

__ .Other Expen.s .......... ____ ~loL&.iOLo..C...iiiL. 37 266 ll

TQI'AL N£1' PROF1T 10,497.88


'I1:J.1.:s ~5 a TtD'll nr:;ler t.D any oi you in~cn:sh:d l.:n b ccmntng more f.m'rok'td wi1 h your Gulld. Our Ann"\1 al Gener-al Mectln,g wUl be held In January . .R4 whiC".h time tb ree of l he present Exccu Uve: WiD step down and three wtll b~ c!~ctcd to tS~kc th~ place. Boty Wlttmann. Daniel Materna and OlgF.I Kop~lko are the Norntn..~Hons C.ornn:llttcc·. antlll' you have any urges to ofTe:r fO'l.lT a:s~•~ta nc;:e. o r know Df someone wbo does. please call Bmy at 22·4-2177. Daniel at 682-0220 during the. dsy. or Olga at 228-0628. Thetr report wl11 be publlsbcd 1'f'l thr. News­letter in December.

Page 3: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

~alB£. Cenmla 13$ Cmvn11hl SL. c.-.ur~ nd Vo1 au..w BC, Canadil (rot I (ifi9. 564 5 'V 611 lR 7

Gift certlf1cates an~ now S.\o'"811able at the Gallery for the comJng sca~n. A good sclcctinn of Christmas stock is ln. wttb m.u:re comlnft. and I'd like io re­ml.nd o! you sellblg: with us to U."l your work as .soon as you can.

A rurtheT reminder: the last minute ju.I}'ing before: Chris.tma~ has N()'lf. 261h as Its deadline We requesl siX pieces Cor shdcs from out-oftowne~. d~arly marked with technique. measurements ancl nrune,. tf accepted. one must be a member of tbe Cuilcl.


·content and Contert" Jr."' ry McBride, BtU. Rennte. and Ron Sawatsfq;. Th ot•gntful sculpluni.L ph:e:es made of clay. o~g. November 7, 7:30 pm. until f\'ovcmber 27.

,r:rom the SubU e to the •.•••.•..••... ~Mug Show}": Open lnvHa1tonallo ~ubmit 4l.\'D or 1hree mugs or cups to lbL~ unjurted cililbiUon. Wrttc. 11Atlention: ~tug Slu!';v· on box. Tag each piecr: \\rtlh your

2 Lutnc. Lnvcntory nterul.Jeni and price. DcR.d1 lne· Swlday, January 29, 5~00 pm. Op~g~ ,January 30, 198CJ. 7:30pm to 9:30pm. until Fcbru:ny 12th.


This month's .show entitled "Contemporary Raku· hrtd some Jli.Ce :swpnses. Mary Fox brouF(ld lin her latest graceful. frague forms that wen= either rn ku­fjred or aggar-fin:d. Some were cwupound pots, -that ls, two U•rown pieces JOUl.t::u Lop;ciher. Their S\JbUe. dry rou~ surface coutr-dSLcd bandsomr-ly w lth Gordan Ret'ittfs bulb om; fonns with the:tr t1ch. draruatkally r{.Lazed s1nfaces. Some pfeces hl!!¥T. b~en altered by b aung U1e pol when ll:athcr-httrd. whil~ slill o1hc~ have wax-rczbit dccomtlon , g1vL11g th~~t: pols an Ln1eresung ?igour.

l<obln U(ghlan brougl•t 10 excclknl. softly SWr!lling forms. thm1y gL.-ucti. prodl.IClrlg a rtch. coppery or blue opalescent linl.$h. He, Uke GeOff Searte. sur .. prtsro me by bringing in nJW. bunwmcd unglazed pots that bad been "'raku-flrcd-. cn:atlng a soft· shc:enw surface wn.n bruBhcs or wark:s of gray. black.. browns. m:l!s or yellow. c.txHJSearfe in­cluded his latest, ~ordinary wfllb:: cmckle­glazed llu'own vases and basket forms. some or which had handles or addtUons, a r~ of wntch were handsomely accented wtth gotd thread.

Ovcrall. an tntcres~Jt shew af raku work.

cru:ne Markiewtc,..


We would like to 3noounce the aequiS!U.on of three new books..

"Electrle IWn Ceramlc1'", bv Richard Zaldn, was replaced.

"GlOry ln Porc-elala''. Edited by Peg ThLs IS a lov~Jy book on the llfe and work oi Adelaide :Robl.neuu. 1865- 1929. Amencan art potler. n hB.5 beautiful illusl.:rB.tlOJ15 anrl tnterestLng text and e.1so fflcludes so1ue uf her sQa2c and body fonnulae.

•eontempoi'U)I' Pottery Decoration·. by Joh.n C~bson An excellent book that cxploTe:s tbe differ· cnt techn1q1,es of s~·eral well-kno•Nn poottern. Very tnformall\ ... e and a must on your n:adlng list.

Shclla Sfmlclt


he Thompson ~Ia 1 1ey Pott@~ and , eaver5 Gui Ids are hoi eft :19 their


Saturdo.Y , ovember 19, 10- 3pm C ry~la 1 ~a II room Stoc mens' lnn. Kamloops

Page 4: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988


The Oulld E.~ullire has. for some tJme nc~w. gfl,·en its support l!l the prlnc.fpl~ of making an blsuraDce pac:ka~e ll'ra!lablc to the Guild Illl!mbcr&b!p. It ha,s takH• ume to And a prograrn that haJs been shmwm. ic work (or pouers. or o1h~r erdfispropk. but wtth th~: ass:ls1.a:ttcr= and continued tni.Hl=st of Nathan Rafla and OUlc:J"S_ it appeam cme: has b~:r::n found.

The Alberta Potters AssoolaUGn has made- a vol.un­ti:ll)· package 8Villlable to, thea membership, and our Executlve bas agreed to do the same he~ in 6.C. for ot.u membersb Lp. The gt'Qup plan IS to be adm;n[ste:red by M1ltlllal. of Omaha Insurance Co. thrl)ugh their VIUJcouveT claE'ms omce., and any Cklfid member may piCk and choose whlcll, If any~ of the optJons tlley are illterested ln. The partiCular advantage of this prog-a_rn Js that 1t has been designed with Ute pm:tLclliar needs of t:be potter In mind.

You will shortly re~tve a letter Wltll further infor-­mauon OT.l the ms~rlmnce package available to you.

lbe S unm1er 'BS Issue of CoDtaet bas a comp:re· henSi'l.'e article on the Alberta Potters' Asoociat.Ic.n's plan.


Finally made Lt do\1ill to the Wbateom C:ouDty Museu.m, 12 1 PTos~t St •• Ln Belll_ngham recen~. rd heard gtJiOd l.hl11gS. but wa.13n'i prepared fo:r the aweS~ Om!! &ea e or R'oberl SperTJ.J 's w~ The ~e~lbl­tiDn ts en 'Ul Novr:mba- 20th, e.ndl tfs a wonderful shDw.

The grcrup show, ·shattered Self: ne-w FiguratiVe Ceramics-. fe:attu1llg the scu,ptun~ of Ann OaJ>dner, Hotoord Koffler • .Anne Perrt9o. Debnl Shent.'OOd. and Patt..t Warashtrn ""'rills aL<ID a very lmprcR-SLve. 1f cramped. cxhiblUon oJ the west eoa$4 art1st5" W<lrk. and su rprtstngly. • h~: only west coast venue fQr the; ~!b1t~on. and has now gon~.

The Mu!=fcum Is. W(]rlfu kt=e~ an r=y;e: on. and a NW" Int'l Art Competition, t:hda }tear featuring Fine Arts. -drawing apecificaJ!y. wm open November 1 0. unU1 Jan. 6. 1989. The Museum (2()6,-675-6981 ~ wl]l have. rnformatJon on next yc::a.T"a craft oompct1-Uon, and B.C. anl'3t~ arc tnvrt:cr:t a1ong wltb t:he'Jr Oregon" Washlngtc.m. ami Jdabo counte:rpart~ to 1.ak.e p illl.


ln 1977. U1e gener-ill idea or a scllolatslHp fund was aJ)[t!(Wed by lhe executive of the Guild, and over the next two years a programme was E'Ostitu Ued lha provtc:tcn for two award!\ of $50 tg be gt,.·en at oollc:gr:;s chosen by tho Gu1lq 'to st.udr:;nt~ nomtm_;~ t(!(l b>T their teachers, One av.""Rrrl, lbT ,a ~cond ')"4!:'1T

studcr.Jt, \\189 Il8mc.d m hOIU)Uir of Qf;eo. Davis, the foumtlng pre9~dent of UJ(; Pottellj. CuUd: and the other, for a flmt !f"'C:SiT student. was nm!lf"..d In honour of Dt.l!vid Lambert. ~in n=co~mn Jhr hJs long. committed and o.fl~::n B.ruJnymous assistance ~ivcn LO school i:lnd college cernmic pr~ramtnes· . Thr:n:: was also w be an Olea Davis Sp.eda' Award of $100, to be ghr,en a t U1e Guild's Arurual Exhibition '"to a member o! the GuO d ....•. eomh.L.n.i:ng the pre~ drucUou of quality ceramics with the ene~el i.e pro1noUon of lhe Otrllcl's mteres~~ both Uuuu.!:[h education. aud tom.Jnutdty supfJ:or-l",

In 1979. sLI<teen awards were presented at eight colleges~ and the Specta1 Award given to .Jeanne Sanch. Tlle number of awards was. matntrunedl!ot a few years, bm. In later years decllned. tn 19851 lhe Olea Da1Jis Award was preseuled to Geo:rglna liuglles.

nH~ recenl rtdpi~ltS of Lhe o•~-ii Davfs anu David Lanmen lnce-ntllle A wants were. irl 1987. Sandi Bojn.1 and Sandra Crotty at Lml@ta~ Margaret Glavtna and :r1tJIDp RobbinS at Emily Carr: Sbe1la Serack and Jack Ploesser at capJJano~ and Hanne AndeTsen aruJ Elleen TGrnaJty at ltwanHen.

In t 988. Stephen 'Hanson and Debrn l.Jell.nsky were wtrme;rs at Langara, and Nancy L,on and arga· retta Wa:nne at CapUano.

ln 1987. another vehicle for encouragement In lbe c art..s wss LiJlStitut~rl wtth tbc ArU~t-m­~sid~:ncc progr.umn~:_ Nathan Rs!Ja. as a po1.b:.r b~glmlltlg to estabb~.ih bi.s work in the markt:t plac~:. has been the fttst restde.nt. In the latest iSsue tJf CABC NewBietter. NatJ1an written an arocle dcsenbtng hiS <CXJlCr.Lences and thought~ oo the of arts dt:Vclopm-c:nt In this prov1noc a-s a who~!=. We'll attempt lo n =:prlnt all or some al' Ulc article in Dt=eemb~r·a ~ssue.

Aline To~.


Page 5: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988


f,.r--,m hf" pen of Anne Gurney, P.-esident of the Sun!ihlne f'otters Guild tn Gtbsurl!i. D.C .. rome~ the follow:lng:

.. W r h ;we a very dtvers!noo and enlhu~tasuc mem· bttr~hip flftwenty. s~ral mt=mbtrs have ll lelt own A-tudlo!=l, but Ukc 1o work allhe Guild to swap Edea~ and learn. Ex:p~r1.rnenfJ:ng with local clayA- L~ our latr::sl venlure.

One member has .a. large wood-fln~rl kiln whic.h she fires twice a vear. olhe:rs have gas ldlTL'l but the Guild sludlo~s ts dectfie and Ores to CQne 9.

Day ·workshop~ occur monthly and h~ve ancludcd s tv.•o-day workshop willi Jack Sures.

Tbe G 'IJ ild i s acUv·e in the CQmmunJty and Is prcs­~ntly holdIng two ad,•lt even rng cla!=k~ and one ch lldre ns Saturday afternoon cl.~5.~ . Thls surmn~. pottery li"SROn~ were gJven at Camp C oodUme. and also to a gro JP of thlrty-flve chiJdrcn aJtc:.d 3 lo 5 yeaJ r

The Guild wnuld lo.,, to hear from anyone wtth k.JlO\\.']e.dge of what to do with mlne findin~s?·

Anne Gurney

And fro• r1 another old frie-nd (If he Ou Ud.

"Dr;Jwr EdJ1oT, Jnsl ~ 11 nc: fmm Squl.-es to !'lay H.L to my mudsling­lng rrtcnds Rnd announce a momentous ~~nL•n my llfc. On Stj>t. 7th 1 became enJ(a~cd to Tom ElJ(Le, a writer, s.ln~~r and oornposer! CurrenUy conu:nlrdUug on .his music. Tom Ls recordlug an alvun of h folk couutry songs whfe111 am prod.liC· illg. \\re wOlJfd like t.o Irwite yo 1 to our eng~ernent panv on Sunday. NovvembeT 2. 7l h at r h~ Vanf'ouver Me:rlin Cluh. 695 C::JmbLe St .. at Ccorgta An lnfor­mal ,a"1hcr1n~. ~o drop by :;~nytLme bciwc~ 4 and

0 pm BrtnF£ a dL~ Jf you'd Ukc 1 o Joln u 9 for a pflt-luck ~upper around 1 pm.. Il"!i a prhrat~ dub so push the white h112:ZCT on t.hc lhinf:(y :at left of cn1mncc to enle~ R.S.V.P. to 684-2851. See }'OU


ConRr.LtuEalions, anti all Lhe bc=sl, Al~t:la and Tom!

Flnally. Mcllssa Searcy of Canp;es on Saltsp.rtnP, lsfFJ nd wrote quite a while a~o. and 1 hope her news Isn't 1oo le le. The Saltspdn( Island Potten• Gwld ~ounds qulle actnre, and bas ret:~ntly joJned our orga nl.7..a4 fon. A.q, s pastUve env\ronm~f a.t

a~lion. t.trl GuUd n1en1bers voluptee::red to rna e a doz~u lll,~ each and donate thonlo lhc Saltsprmg Sierra Club. They will~ made av::1Uable to other organt.z.'111m-.s and AroupS as ail alterna tJ\oce to tbe tyrnfoam cups usually used aL

ThJs Newsletter ~and LL.s edl.tor] nud aU the h elv tbey can get. and a.ny findings or ideas arc more than wdcome. Per naps ~ can $.tal1 an u'iformmron exduu19e on hdpful rUnts. wondc::rfi Jl glazes. and fuin~ exp!! No food n=c!p~s aUowed, ~1-though 1 h~natel

Oul of lhe Zakin workshop canu:: one hint for aJd~ tn lhc: dryir1g proc"ess of pteces. :rut hard s JJra~ bolh his clay piece and the -pla,st.ic coverton tllr undr:r slde): M~.lissa Searcy not~d she use~ damp n~spaper under Lhe plastic for the san e ~a.!=lon.

The 2ilmple ti):)Itl.)'ir~J:t dC\ :lila:: a bealt :metal siraw. is avi:illaule ou order from Gr~am or from Opus Frdmc:n;, acro~s from Emily Carr.


The f'otte~ Guild tnvfte appllcatfo ~for the use or lle WQrkshop spa ex 't>ehlnd the Gallery of B .C .

Cc::ramics .f'ar lhe 1989 Artl5t.-tn-Re51 dt=nce progrnm.

The space :t.s 385 square fee~. plus COJ'lll'!llon areas, and •s suiiJ~Jd.Jz.e.d i:Uld e(tt~ipped by lhe PotLc=n;. Guild. wiUl ~belvbig, wo.rk table. atld an clectnc kiln.. 11le studio iS available January 1. 19a9. lo December 31. 1989. WILh rent of$160.00 a 1nDnU1 111clud1ng uttlltle.!;j and

Appllcants wUI be j urted and must fit tnt o the coop­~:ralli·e :sptrll of lhe olher four stud!o mcmbcrs.

Applicants rllust. to be elJgt.ble. ~ dlher: (al a polter ,.,.ho is bt:glruuug to esLabllsh hi~ or her

work Ill the nlru'ketplac:e for the fir~t Um~. or (til i:lfl establlsh~d poUer "'ho Is looking. for u f1 ~h

settl.llg ~0 explore new ~rnues or work.

lnterested potters please send tlle followmg lnfor rn.atloil to the Potters Guild of B.C. by November 5. 1988:

L six. to tweh.-e slidts of your work. indkaL1n~ c.lll.neu ~io.n.s

2. a llrit:f bl()graphy 3. a lelter explainu~g the work you int~nd lo do.

For IUOl'~t: illfonuuUon. calilhe CaUery of B. C. ceramics at 008-!5645.

Page 6: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

Phyill.S Argyle wrtte5. P[f you tb1nk travclllng ttililitilrel of Gld was an undemanding oo.d .hiend1y fellow, h.a~e BJ lOOk at the following copy ol one muslc.ian~s SDng. The threats ~.rol.lld .all be retracte_d If t.he poner gave a s::;em;rnus band out to the- min­su-er·.


If you will pay me for ruy song. 0 potters, then come. Athena, and hold thy hand above the kdn~ May lhe otyJal and all the kanastra tum. a goo-d blaclt. :rn..'ly tbey be well Bred and fetch thr: i(l'rtce ~slced ,

any belrlg sold In the mark.etplac~ ancl many on tlte roads, a_nd br.tng In Dtuch money. and may my song be pleaslng.

But Jfyou (potters) sha.melts.s and deceitful, tben do I s nrunon the ravagers ,of kllru;, both Synmps (Smasher) rmd Sm~o~ ~Crasher] and

A.sbest(IS [lfnquen.chabl~ too, and Sabaktes (Shalce~ta..Piooes) and Omodamos (Conqueror of tilt Untalced), who makes mucll trouble for 'l.hls craft:. Stamp on slDk.lng tunnel and ehaniliers. and may the whole ldln be thr<rwn Into confus:lon. whfle the potLCTS loudly wail. A.q grmds. a horse·s jaw su. may tile ldln grind tD po'lwvd~T all the pots wllh:in iL

I Come. l()(]. da ugb eT of rhe Sun. Ci:rcc of many spells. east cruel sptells. do r; to them and th~lr handi­work. Here too It=l Cbeirun lead many Ceiltaurs, botll those that e-scaped lhe hands of Ji erakles and th~e that pe:rtslled. May they hit t.bese pots hard, and ma¥ the kiln collapse. And m~y the potters wall as they see· the m!Schtef. But I shall IT~Q1oe at the sight of tlleir luckless craft. I

And :li anyone bends: nvcr to look ituo the spy·-hQle, may his whole (ace:

be scorched. so lhal all m~ learn to dealjllBlly,

lTanslated by Ma.rjorte J_ MHnc from a text attributed to HC)mcr.


CAPILANO COLLEGE: Ctay Pd TeiWe Ar'bl Dep tme t Cbrtstmas Sale of Students• and Faculty Work Thursday. De~tber B. 1989. 9;00 am 1.b 9:00pm South Campus, 2055 Plli'ttii Way, Nortll Vancouver

VANC01J'\'Ea S1Nm POTTERS~ 12t1J Annual Chrlstma.s Sale, reworks" . wdl be held Nm.~mber 24. and 2(j at the Ramada lnQ. Bfansha:rd anct Finla}"!j()n, across Cram Mayfatt Mall, Vlclooia. B.C. or more Information, caD Dlanne Searle, 598-061'2.

'11le Grsa.tet Vocounr We.aven' aod Splnners• Onllilrs iho! 1.J1 elr annual sale and exhibition on Nmrcmber 18, 1 to 9 pm • and November 19. 10 to 5 pm., !\t West Point C.rey Cmnmuntty Centre, 4397 WieSt 2nd Avenue, V.a.tlC:Ouvtr.

MINGEJ: Japmi• :End.lilrlDI[ Foil: l\rtl, Carlwngh1 Gallery. 140 Cartwrtghl, CraJnvtlle Island, until November 27.

Mellss.a Searoy~ "Out of ~:J. Box". ~i Terra Cotta. 3610 West 4 tJ Ave . • ln NCPt~mbcr _


The Intematloual Ceramlea. Petti. val • 89. Mlmo, J p " . 15 an JntcmaHo 1al cerdmlcs co:m,t"·t11.lon, wnb Ute proposed them s of 'COUlltlunlcaUon..«ii wtth 1tght' in ceramlc design. and -v.rtnd'. in cemmk: art. wtth an applicat.ion de:adlL:ne Aprll 30, 1989. FoT fun her Jn!ormatJnn. see prncr-duTes documerlt on the Guild office bulleUn board.

The Llcen..qc Department of the BAY is liiJITang&ng fl. Craft Fair al varlons lor-...atums ln Vldoi1a and the Lewd" Malnlan<l. TheTe Will b~ approx1mstdy 20 1ocaucms open roT up to 6 weeks plio.- to Chrlstm:a.s.. FoT furt.he.- det.a:ils, see ad ill the Gu:lld Dffice, or phunl! Joan Hutchin­son. Lfl.dller Gallt=rles.. N .Vane., al 980-5 156.


For Sale: Large, 27 cu.fL IY1acLr.nnan EJecu.-~ Kilu~ hardly used. fires lo ocme 10, $1000, Pbo:ne . Danny al 1·896·:2467.

f.lust seD: '27 cu.n. Gas Klln, Eloctlte \Vnffi arul aU ac.."Cessorles. SlOOO the lol. OBO, Wdson; 594 4200 evr;ntngs.

Page 7: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

Pacific Western Caramit Inc •2- l2lll 86 &YE. .. SUU£LBt VIW3HB

seattle Pot terg Clmgs- Nouember 1 price per 50 ID..., bolt sp.aclars .. Confi! 04-tJ

Vashion Bu f I t rvwarm brown, 1 of SPS's mos popu ~ar ciays $10.65 c :trW! I)

iECrys tal wn1te Perecla'"· ivory. supe D anoll gJ h ~ gt"l -1 p ast1c I j 94 •Awaj 1 Porcelain, white, g eat reel &. lac1ty 15 05 Care 6-10 Canprr.-Jt: m~teJ ifK~K~tan 1 Porce la i A. \'tt"l •ie /cream I e eel lent (r,rowing porcelain

L y c 1n·d lar tog olleg but rn a(J ••\!'1 th (J.Om~st ic clays I 5.26 *Grolleg Porcela j n~ wh; e I c e~m . .. ery transluc~nt whe thin I 9 9'5 ._ l bo ... p lCG a p 11&:; "t.; ~ awva c la.,.-.!, 1 or t~ovam oer 1 9SS and 1'5 lim 1 teo to s\w~ Ci• "'m - :Nf: also have ~ r1 s~oc good .:..e•ec ior of oth~r SPS lays inc l din Kertzan. Raku~ Oove & rr,ore ·lO~k ~;.g _Q b·J~' k llns. siab u. lers (l .- Jfly1 erJ iprr.en~ ~ l t;' L:S artd , o .. :',ay q~: i t for i ~ss ! 'r\\: !Jr 1ng 1rt an}' f:t1U"pme-nt s~ p' ied by ~eatt e ,.. , '" ""..-. ·· ~ ,.. - •· · r t"! o r - ·;..-1· r-1'" •,) ~o - r,;. r .. ..:21 : • ... ,_ • ... ..., .:; ;,

Ui iJ41 594-g955 ·- Mon-Frj R:Jo ... 4:30; Sat 0 - 1

The .ro1l o~i ng people, long-tim~ volun.teer-s an d enthus i a~ts of the Guild, tt nd na,... 1 i fe members, have Inadver tent !I been not i nc.1 uded in the aco:lm­pany1 ng 11st. They should b~ there and I dPOlogize for our oversight.

A 11 ce Br: dbury S t aft Cl(lrke .,_ e~111. Fa 1 rni ~ eorgf n t-lughcs A . & J . P a 1 berg

5090 Bien eim St . Ya~cou~er. V5N lNS 2982- f64t St .• Surf'ey ~ B. C. 1J4B 4Z5 4686 West 2nd Ave.\ Yanc. V6R l ll 200 Keith Rd. , N. Vancou~er t7P1YB

352 West 27th St . , N.Vancou~er V7N 2H4

( ] M ... nLber'ship Application Mall to: ( 1 Mt!Inbership Renewal f ] Change of Address

Nan1e: Address: City & PtO\tir1C'e~

The Potters Guild of B.C. 1359 Cart.vn1ght St Vanoouver, B.C. VSH 3R7

Postal Coc- c; Tel~ 1 enclos. · LY eh lf LLe/money order in the arnnunt of ~

( f c ~ :. Individual: $20/ Grou p: S30/yearl

Page 8: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

An afternoon lor all the ar1s.

Sun. Dec.4 1·6PM

Western Front 303 E. it Avenue.


GREENBARN POTTERS SUPPLY LTD Box 1235, Station "A··~ Surrey) B.C. V3S 2B3. 88B - 341 11 868 - &247

HOURS roe HO'iit16ER AND DfCfMBER- KEEP FOR REF RENCf.! M~-fRI 9 to S; SATIJJ;DAYS 9 la • EXCEPT liS li5led elow:­CtOS£0 - Nov 1 J ttl~md 12 ct.OSfD - Doc 24th, 25th ,26th .2 ?th ent1 Doc 3l • . Jan 1 ~t .,2nd.


NEW ITfttS- Nrn li:slsd 1n r ceta1o;JUe - Vol1Ye Lamp ll11mneys, Tea Cendle:s, ~ca:En Butter Knives, w r<enga of LARBf hiqh quaHly steel BANDH~ WHEElS I

Buy your CANE HANDLfSJ SOAP 01 SPENSERSJ CORKS, OIL LAMP BURNERS and CHIMNEYS fo Christmas Sal@s We alf"e getting LOW on some sizes o andles and corks already, but hopP. o geL 1:1 rew more sh1pped in soon.

301 OF ell in-slocl DUNCAN Proouctljll "11 BELL B ~ 8rtd Cones ere SALf! 20 or~ many 600KSI! C eerenreAmfal Dry 01~1 Ccm~ d ~ w t we've got!

WIN ' HCf~ FRJ 9 to 5, 'iA TURD .I\ YS 9 lo 1. Close-d S lurdtyl or long w nd! STR(ET ADDA!SS - OS4Q - 197nd Strsel, SU~EV

Page 9: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

POTI 'RS GUi lD OF 13. C. Address L ts t rlov~mber 1 ~ 1988 ----------------~-----

""" UKlDSCli

~."' Hi~LE !IP"~i!l

~~f UOIERS POT1 ~ s .. ~on-IICr"~"i l.IIKEI

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:iltl.iD.lltt. f!:NIU i01,

~igp IRE BiEIIEi-ll~lli E lr.l'l-,.,n r:,tr.l£1 ltlltll rr.t&EI WRIT B"JUfS e:R~IIitS.

Huh .t !LD -Cuer !l-1llts!LE~

Cl'-iPI { nfS

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t il! •f1:' c•.,u• •er to l l~E! ol • L CI.J"DR t~rr.ti Jh rru-r~ Ley f\4MI1t t~.~J~m. t~l\ IAR [let.Dit~

.-eot, ~!nnr s. c.e• 't:JI t'fdE'T t'llilt ~ DlSAIIt! t4lDD [l;.hpr t·, '!D"JlUJ! bllll!.t,. rr s. P.::lH lr';


E¥iwn if,IIYJIU F'ITl •EtU\!

fltt -~" F'Di: [Eli' Fell

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ffl~llli· S4:P ELi;ro~ tth• L~nd.a

P~t• wH .. Ed RJ B.

IUr liMe "!Tie J.E. Bn~n

Eln Shd ftllg Cirol C4rDL lu Lth


p .0. Eldl: 2~1

4445 Callbri lSI• Si J2 - ~IJ u.-tt .-... 1!.

2930 bl:hEJs l¥1!. &~ Ub Z iSlO lr i d • St. m~HOl St. 1~29- l~t St e~t

ri!t llloz~hnd r • Bar :121! lt15-12L7 5hool Rfl. RPt 39§4 Cu~ntl Dt j vt 9103 E~l S• it Pd. 19i0 Ov n ~L ll~lt 171 Av~. L~~~ i ar r1ll CJ !:!!:ICfl'l t tr 3 Cr~rton ~~~~rl 515(1 Chr ~'Sit ie t.d. JH ll ~TL 'tent Strut 211$ fut I lit &n. 507~tL2 ~! ••• lit 8a1 114/lullor H•r Oa D. P.,n~er RUL ltsiO - ~tth ~trett ,, 2fM

Unda lo1 IU ~b11r ~ :Mr~ ~llJ

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r r GJ] er-..1 ~RI=~t Illt!n tl-4JLB II.J'J l ~nut.;(! R lynd~ 10J - l047 E\in; I -ay St ~,.,. iti t3 l an; "a""bWt ~ on~ 63ll Bytl~r s~ .

1-e.l'ln j mOS· t-."£0 SPil 11!,.-.,d hl &J I r r t39; 1Ghfr§\r» St. l.u:U ~ ~~• - 11it10 "lbl!r L 5t ~yndil ~Ill Oil h;usil! t .... u•11rUJ 52110 "1;[1~ tan ,l. rft11ot.a S. 21M Jl.Jl l •1 t.;:n 'J · !I '1 lHl II. :JRLh .1¥111. ler nttd s. 11 lloL r.~ ILU ••• llud -.ih 01.0. Bo1 :fi holi11.1/ lltl L"J'Jili 11 ~ lei ~~ ~~~ S•te t2D

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'jr~ 13 G1e~t1r ~. ~ billf I -.a f :¥..£ h1 U! lid. J iJl •oBT ~I! Cr Mt M1 ~1J l~~ t iQJ - 60~ E. 9t~d.

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ttTT Pr~nutcn

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116~ ~ .. au~ IIJJOCSP oi~ Rir; nil

;tl l«~ Wp;~ •MeuvPl bi!H~ ~lnw~d

"i 'i'io~an Yilllt a,,11r Sldaty 'IH_t t12:w! r V-ii'I(Of.l'l~r

eBa 6iUJV s L•f:ru• th II i,1 Pod 'lmomr Ctlg•r~ '1.111'1 j l't1 I~ .

R~l L/1:15o~~'i L! llllil

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9 Mil~ ''.anc:cum VmrihlvPr frj <I! gr9e Rit'htun.

r th ... ntoo'l'ar


1klr&by fd ii!d rfO•t F' r~ur


liHillll l<!l :d AIII'IJ(In't lll'ld:J ng ~'Ldtl'li (e]~lli

P(lf~ "'jl Sil111!r ~nd

LitigLi!y 150 ·11 VUJ{Oilrt r 11'11 tll!hM~l! lbnnn

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llr • b~ IIJ!'St ·~· tDIUlllr



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t. C. 'ifiR LPL B.C. VPI 'm i. C. 'QR :2R6 B, c. 1.\ii.Y :151 f., C. 114~ 4H9

B.C. tnV Jlt EI.C. ~l ~I II.C. ~Ci!. •1.0 ·~. C, lr.!.V 5112 ~ . c. VE.t 2a2 9.C. \a ~ 8.t, Y&J liU II.C , Ylil NJ S.C. 1J lVI B.C. ~ 1((1 D.C . YO 1£0 B.C. YU 'S1 a.e-, "'·~ l B7 ~~loll T;2i [1:7

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I.C. ~T 1H3 8.t. 'lfiE .-Hl I.C. ~S IE:~ B. -, 'l5S '!!~F..

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II. C, !JS[' lJfl: B.c . VTIJ 1RI D.C, It'S~ 2ti, 0.~. lt!SV. UL

PkDIIf 1~s-ant ~~~071~ n2-m1 gn-lgn; ~.11,..74&8 2J'0-11il 533-IUS 92h~~ 94-.l· ~(i:M

229•5431 82L-9,H 1:lD·3~17




~51-4ll1JI ~~7~Y BLt-S!BB dl-1~~

973"1i.S"92 ~2-527~ &B~-~1!12 m-JSqL ~~L-115~1

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•\lo-0292 294-2_371 Et7-2345 697-~21 IJ~·14;BO

21H39L 91'l""~S~3 2£J-B04:l :m-c4'3o St7-~06l NA-ftL7 335-·z2g~

935-6505 >471-1UI 1F..Ni~Ll

Uii ·~'!JS.'ll ~~~-11~47

eu-225-A 1l.U.-36Ui ~ 1 .-1t.l:ie 6u....cgn 7~6-iSfl.L 1~6-1{192


2:1•-1058 9!2--51!20 976-18~6 ~l'-1L8'4

Page 10: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

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Br "' t:llnu Rath tt.L 1 nd& Al 'J

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Ea.u 14flee BL 1el a ~.J.


Olga. .Jtl , Gtl'r ~rd

~ .. H111• r ShP•li

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~L~' 5<6rboro ~e

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ttl L~ ~~~d i ,t , \1anr •qr £t.C,

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BJ!-79 S7&-tl i'1 29&· ~&D! : 11- ;or,g HB •1u ~10-DHB

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a~Z-43 1 :

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•3...:%0 "'4-Lns ..10•UBJ 1~-~ .. :~ • 33- LSI 2~4-3?-;9

i'&ii·~ 4~S 8~1,. BS:'3

-·s --(111~ ·~~-3.11 Zl~-31 4 2U-3t;J~



413;-ITR 2 -0Li1 LL. fiDJ 4

25~ ·0179 3l!-24,CJ'" ~~-534,

Page 11: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988



"'·~ N:"l\ Mlcf'tll!r-son Met Mo~<UY

"-"' fml€ M.ii{S~I'I



!'.lR £ifS S IJj


ilr g::er ~ tt JLIJtEDA

~r t ur ~cctELL

•n lfO N r$U C:ll

rt y Qhr-r.ll~ .s1 PEiii:(CK Fear~

FEA~ ~DEc:stM

PE"EERT mlT~ PO~ EP. fi1HlnY Pal t1r)' <lnd J.r L PUDDiCDMIE R#tPI:.H IIEt\tr~ ~~ Rl! It!

RH e-JortE'S RHt- RD=t R[Dia.Y

A L rffl"JlM RI MPF

RDll TS[Ij R~;!"''2

P.OYB'JTH~" R1"-S SAJ 0 S~lfHlir


~t -!II~

~CH £DEr. SCtH fE: su~:y

Al:dliPd ElwLn DDJLt


l:t~tl'i1 ~ftLP'

""'rllliil' 'I p ..


Jill! ~il lei t'~r:q

CheorLe i1M i'2

a Lri I Jull~ t ~r :;• e, .IIUrPl I!!~ I!'

HH E<tlnru. &iJh l~flr !tir'th111

·~ 1>:-'!ll!f': ~.IH LU;i

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YL ~j fiLl

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tu~ h BE I

E'.-lr ~ ~ r r !' DN1s . 3ureL ~LI BlH

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R• t~ Trtf'r r hTry

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tJnd.ll .IUn


f,(r;,~ ~ ,,.. Rt!

2~£5 E. ~3rd YP. 3~1 Wl ti lith 1¥!. 40'ill' Ml.f I lt•e sn e-ll &L 3~i5 H~IJ&Jd lvr. l93E ll!'it 21 s.t ve. 702·~25 St ~~~~

I D1 Br i •rwood cres. 3~35 W. 29th Y!.

I ~1 1 ~li((ld 8!1 Lo;th ,.,II. L ~N 11-M, Mtli ""' ~35 CoL LJ w~d S1. 1222 V!iw Str: ~~\ iti II S~te 175 ~13~ Y..-1 ~~th lt'n • ~~2 W. Jrd ~fl. ~~~ · U-4 Y. l111U Rd. le6-~'f1 C01n~ St . ~LL E'. 1.1'1 St l2H ~. 6!1.,~' st. 3ll11 6Hr~ St. 1o42 ~nhoyil l]v.,

rn "yrr•n;;• td ! :wl~ Pr axhr J.u. 'i2• 5pr::ltll lt'if'o

~12 Garten 6r ¥e Jr. -4~2'~ l on Rd. 1•1t3' P~dTP31 St. 10~ • S~h A~~~

1~0 iit~ Prltw R~. ~. ~1.

~ 13 Y1 L9t 3~0 14rrld~ £ ,. IL11·257 E. 12th A,e, ~~ l«< l25 "d•r Str P:.L 3537 ~. nne Afli • 1 71~ Hor ly :1rtt~

LBll ~kn Rd. ~115 L•~ P~.

£12~ tf tn~r y 5l M? J .. J 14th S~Teet fl'l Yes~ ~rlm~ Cr'!'i. , I 0 ~Dlil ~t Ar? • P.C . Ia,. 6~0

'l, 1335 B~72 - I Jth ~'~'! ~200 Gl&nbrcok Dr~T4 I~L~ \t Krt·~ Rd. ~ -8l~ E:t-s~ L 1 t ~~

831 RiJ p" St. E-ll !~ l t~n n 297 I st:sy R:.ill ~ I ! S• t1 :s'3 13~S th•rtw~ll r ,~ ~i1J:i' M.-r 1 "' tlr. Sllltl E4r 11i ('k St r•111t :i51U K i ~ ~~ I

1 tn oo btl ~.

216 l.J5t ll' HIL Rf, S11h 110 ~J.3 • 1116 ~t spr 1 .qos l a1 Wto1 b '1 b. IRR3

Dr·t.trl [\l .uu:l 1~. C. int4uv~r a,c.

~a oo_.-H 1. I:. blUP'fiL B.L liM tehtiT'il! n. fitt~h B. C.

~rarf: 0111'4 • C. w ntllnstt B.C.

C~;~t.' I~ 111 'B. c I ic..lltOI.I't'fr 9. C, '-o~c 'B.C. ~ ·nfCUY~r B.C .;u~·rr 9.t, VantOUY~r B.C . •n~~¥rr B.t.

&. 01 B.t . ~.aMOOir'E'l' B.C, ~in( NY"I!f B •• I

rth VVKOih'l! D.C, ~in( I)Q'fl!f B . ~ I

b't V co~~VH B.C. Pt~n oo B.C. i'i {haaqd B.C. N~r'l:h 'loint:lll.!¥1'1r 9. t . Vtd"' i4 B.C . Yttt '-lflt(ll~'tl!f B.C' I r.tqul tJ •• a.r.: I

urn ) B.t. Diflllill l'L<il'ld B. c I "''-"{ lll!r B.C. lh l i:a B.C. Hurl'lb, r~ltnd B.t . !lil:l'lgl!t B.C.

Rolert i> Cr B.t. Y ~'g " B.C. W!!s.L ~Jilt a 1tr B .. C, Mflr~li 1111'1[ !YE!r B.C . TE!L ~i B.t. MeT W~t•• ~tl!r B.C . ~oir.(Q"Ul1!1' B.t. lhllJU't. ild1 B.C. ari.h rotlh B •••

MtaA~~ a.c. Po~l l R1 ¥er B.C.. 5 r!l B.C. ~orth ianctnnr B.C.


B.C. ~LI'ICW11er !. C. urna~r ~ . c.

lh..:hl!:lld '!l. [. ur Lh Vlllt ~r ... u~r 9. C.

Yil"'(~!r.!ter ~- . C. ~lttarLi S.C. ~L :tari• ~.c .. Ka•l oo~ -s 9. C. 5•L t~IJIT i . C. Uu.~ !JolliCDIJUI 8, C. Yl!!-.~ hnt n:~ur J, C.

lur .ll!br Ill. c. Surr•r ~.c.

~r~ lii!s.tiJ n!!!!r B.C. IIJor th ~inc ~m t . C, ~niHn l'i In~ B. C. H1r 1 1 s.otiHot$pr l 15. , C.;l!s Ji. C.

!Jr# L 1 ~~ ~1

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Page 12: Potters Guild of Britis Columbia · 2019. 12. 4. · Potters Guild of Britis Columbia IJ59 Cartw.ritbt St., Granville l&bmd Vancou.,'Cr. B.C. V6H .lR7 (604) 683-%13 NOVEMBER 1988

Srnlt SHJ£iiiU Bllth &111 SPri&Hr ST£1' Slt1Kl6 STMIISlnl Sli Rf --S'ItTH :sftl 8lE'f mn ( ,lQ

tAl limns.

_ur !.t¥fl

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litlCdhrMU 'tDIDRliT 1ft ·arR tO l~llg y~

lUDII 191

GROUPS lll•br Potters Euild

1 C in P'oU y tLrcl! Ct••t Co•op DD.nS~itta fntl.,, f lSE Ci£(1( NJrrEU ctnB

g,~ tospr i "9 ~I#H PHi &.li ld THIJI!PBDJ IJU_El roTlil!S SUl U~ Pott1r1 CJ ~ WE~ PDIKT IYIEV PDT Eti Cb

Si il• ~in1 [ i Dnaryl [ri s 1. I or ht~r ine Lor!l PIJt "rr.r~i rill ~r,

a. ' H.

~ ' Eil M. C!JI' 11l ifl ~ lliro IUtr J. BtiiCII

ftd I Jill - ~ , .. t ;tpre L A •rL11

s ih Jtm Cl ol "•r jor Lf

lkdl!' Lne Ott a J~l!

Bi I J ~ loin! ·dr


lioll• -1 -lllgeol.a 6l I• jlf

htllrf "•rill ~M

~4 fdi ljrta Hur 29YJ sb~ ntt .;n 1tVf

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••s ""' t7lh lTe. 5MJ Mrd :n r. l2bl iUpl ~ S, , em w. m ~M.

i62t for .. l Padg1 Pr. l" II 1 LOth ha 460 EJit D!born• R4. ~7 otgr Nrt t rr Sitt~ L041 II J 1Gl 353

lrn "' 'N53 Cur ri! R~. t ~~5 ishol1 r 1111 tl M.-., 1 hto lru 2 L 516:5 C:d::fli hy rfd. 2Sl Ll2 Put~tl L St .. 7f&ll &Lbs"' H . 21 - 1•0 lv~/lR4 Z!:i2 !"lut4urgr P!1ill Dr 61HB lml!im llr e+l

&b.• IS'!fi t5F S. Lll c. 52

li11 • L11lh Str•• • a2 t .at1tvo:.ct r 1 "''

~!50 . II. ft it Dr . lo:t 112 Z:033- L04 •• -.. iU~ki.n 650 ' t!lth _l,J,

S 1g1 C31J illtl L~U Mt. 1'1

I lS - IN E. Sth St. lr.-4-1'-J I han St. 255]· E. l AT~

11 107• £ZS5 ~idv•ll U:tol - 1(•~1 An. 11M&- 251 Sh rroL

6 5C Gl Lp In Sh'IIP~

ill f 142 lfl!h OSI

1-166~ Johnstr~ 5~ . 2~14 w. 35th ltd.

11r .aby Ad. 'lid i'

v. Qtllit"'


131 ~ rntur' ~, t St' Yt• (;(IU~'IT

(/10 Ep' Box l'SI6-I fl:!r 11

I-~3F.:l WeJ I ~ng• n Ad. II aJ •o 8 ~rpD~. t~ Dk~~y· ~0-16liJ SttJYI 5trept ~~ d or t,a Jo7 1 I ftOr bl.p lhc:h• i 'lo Llbr, .-,~Ot. Bo' 36L &dng!. ~'I; 5-43 .at] Dtlj1'i

0~ 3& 5 Dr It c~ C 1loiOt WYer

MDT.. V~t~(lmllf AJ<h•:nd YUI(.OJVN

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~UlC(lFi 'il~t '\'.ant !li.IYI!r


fnLI ;~.rkh intOUY-1!1'

• t:.D.'I!IT

VUta ,.r 1~illttwJ'I'rr


Wlw;t Ler

er st .IMdtJ!(I!T

5 '"'l illd C3~ntcn Lidystl th Vi,t i i Dmcilll Subtlf f:ohnd Ylc tar L•

~ilncou-n U!J~

LLJ laotl 0.~1! M!l tl!! Qt. ~U(O ~er


Ch!t.nnus. ple &Hl;e

kri ~ Olfi

6iho o;

K"l~' Marth V • ou~· Vine :\lnr ~ !l(f!IJ'Iu

~141\( UU•

S r~t Kiplt iidg!

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-, r. lf1Y 7"\2 a.r. Yl£ Lr:cJ B. C. \JOG 1IO a .. c. YIJT ?Jl S. C.. t.,t2£ LEa B.C . ''J!ii 1Ct B.C. VSP ~R3 B.C. YLii •LJ 8. . Y1 1C5 B.C. .. llT e.c. ~·Ll JH5 e.c. ~" 3Y~ B.C. \~ IRY B,C. " lBC B.C. ~ lRB s.c. m l lf~

B.C. m 2T8 t.c. raH l2: B.C. "' no t. C. 'i\lA ZEt a. c. 'c. .C. H'D

B.C. 1f8V ~? :r.c. B. C. t.,tSII LF~

;, C. '12'!: Bl! 8.{. ~flfj '5.J: • C. ~tP

B. .. . YOt tEO !.~- VO~ L 8.( . YOE 1"0 . c.. vu l6

8.('. ltlS\ ~"~ B.r;. V&R LJ1! B.(.. ft!Oi I KO 8. C. Y21 ~'rfi B.C.. ¥ Ul& a.t. ~o-. •'~o B.C. Y2E ltll B. • Yn 4loll J.C, \'6.6 1M3 B.C. ~ LC7 .c. (j :zr_

B.C. ~2i H'B .C. 'il BE~

& .. r. VSG 2JJ ~ I -6B~~

B.t. ~c ;1 ~1~-1s1t

9. C. Y6tl i52 &.c. ~~~ lJb e. c. Y~tt jRr B.C . ~B LitO E1,C. Y9T 1HJ D'!t. r.J ~ etto~~ .. c. ,, .... 3r3

t. C. 'J~' I RB 8.£. \~S 1r~

, C. ~;;{ Sl2 8.t. wr ' , .t. ~~~ 1[4


21i L IJOSB 'BB-9~ iij2J-GOBE. 758-81$1

m -311 4 21}. 12f'S T)7-011Q ~b.~-3( ' '2~ B·117G1 ~1-1~, 3Hw.;-J'3~

m n4, JOIJ •I)JB~ ~~-4 -~50 121-SS:JE. jJ7-~3J

~87- 228 an sn .. 22t <4G~& fif- IHA 128-8101 91 2[1~

BJ't•O 1:.7 9iJT J91E 92b BITE ·~-1!15

•59-?tss MSo-11L6 sg~ om J~3-lnL~


4.£.1-g 6 536-739~ ~..J-(~B

118- 13~

m-rMs 679-1lOB2 ~l-0770

755-stn 114-1177 2~~-lQS~

~61- L6B i041·C279 I!Sfi• NOl :JH· L51J3 gar~~•1 6£9-62£,; 25~-392~ Wt-11'4 SB4-2f.:E U7•514.6