Download - Pothole Reporter For Nova Scotia-Presentation


Pothole application for Nova scotia


OverviewBackground and PurposeGoalsNova ScotiaPothole Web AppWeb MapsWeb ApplicationsApplicationCollectorWhat is Collector ProcedureNative App Using AppStudio for ArcGISWhat is AppStudio for ArcGISProcedureLanding PageTransportation and Infrastructure RenewalWeb App Builder AnalysisConclusionImprovementsNext Step Thanks!SourcesQuestions

I will be discussing the background and purpose, the pothole web application created using ArcGIS online, how to incorporate collector for field efficiency for the end-user, a native application using AppStudio for ArcGIS for the public. If the end-user was transportation and Infrastructure for renewal they would have web application created using web app builder to edit, analyze, and make decisions for the data obtained from the field/pothole application. Lastly a conclusion discussing Improvements and the next step for this application.2

Background and Purpose: GoalsCreate a Web Application using ArcGIS Online that contains:Educational AspectForm Symbolize Change for Not Fixed and FixedPublic Information AppRestrict Reporting of the Same Pothole Multiple Times Collector Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal App created using AppStudio for ArcGIS Everyone

The initial goals assigned for this capstone project included creating a pothole application that containedIncorporate collector application for the end-user to efficiently report in the fieldLastly, I created a native application where anyone with a public account can report a pothole3

Background and Purpose: Nova ScotiaWhen It BeginsDuring the Cold MonthsCold mix repairs (temporary)During SpringHot mix asphalt (permanent) Isolated pothole patching Previous Years2015 About 1050 potholes271 are considered to be high priority2014More than 574 complaints about potholes in Halifax since December

Usually potholes start to form in the cold months and continue during the spring. Some of the processes include:.Some facts from previous years in Nova Scotia include: Durng 2015And during 2014.Here are some of the other pothole reporters from past years. As you can see they are very basic 4

Pothole Web App: WebmapsPrepare your Data in ArcGIS DesktopCreate a Geodatabase Assign domains and coded values, no subgroups were created Create a feature class with fields using domains when necessary Go to properties and then manage to add attachments Publish the service onlinePothole Reporter Saved and SharedFixed and Not FixedPothole Reporter Heat MapIncorporated into introduction

Pothole Web App: Web ApplicationsMap JournalEducational aspect IntroductionPotholesTIR

Contained instructions, information on potholes, and information on TIR and how they deal with potholes 6

Pothole Web App: Web ApplicationsGeoFormCreated from Pothole Reporter for Nova Scotia WebmapExcluded to of the fields View Submissions

Excluded the fields because they were meant to be filled out by the end-user, the person who filled the pothole. The fields included the comments on the fixed pothole and the date it was fixed 7

Pothole Web App: Web ApplicationsPublic Information MapCreated from Pothole Reporter for Nova Scotia Web Map

Sign into twitter and there is a slider included in the application in order to see the potholes layer. Other media incorporated besides twitter are Flickr, and Youtube8

Pothole Web App: Application

Collector: What is Collector Native Application for End-UserArcGIS in the FieldCollect and Update Data in the FieldOnline or OfflineOrganizational AccountWorks on iOS, Android, Windows

Collector: Procedure Prepare your Data in ArcGIS DesktopCreated and Shared Map for Data CollectionCollect DataInstall Collector and start app Sign in and select map Collect Pothole LocationProvide Pothole InformationAdd a photoSave, share, and review the report

ArcGiS for App Studio: What is appstudio for arcgisNative Application for UserTool to Convert Maps into Mobile Apps for iOS, Android, WindowsBuild Apps with using TemplatesPublic AccountDownload AppStudio for ArcGIS (Desktop Edition) ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt (SDK that lets you build across all platforms)

ArcGiS for App Studio: ProcedureCreate a New AppSelect Template Relating to TopicMap TourMap ViewerReporterEdit AppApp InfoSetting for templateCustomize AppBuild AppClient ID for Licensing AppChoose PlatformLanding Page

ArcGIS for App Studio: ProcedureDownload AppStudio for ArcGIS and Start AppSign into ArcGIS Online or Scan CodeOpen App Once Installed Follow Instructions

ArcGIS for App Studio: Procedure

ArcGiS for App Studio: Landing Page

Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal: Web app builder


Conclusion: ImprovementsMake Better Feature Class for Collector for the End-UserGet Precise and Accurate Values for AnalysisImprove Layout and Look

Conclusion: Next StepSee Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal View on Project Possibly Promote the AppStudio ApplicationMake Sure Every Web Application and Map are Complete

Sources & Software

ArcGIS OnlineArcGIS for DesktopArcGIS for DevelopersAppStudio for ArcGIS

Thanks!Instructors: Dave MacLean & Kathleen StewartOther Help: Ed Light from Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal


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