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Volume 77, Number3, July 1988

decision on treatment to the physician. It would be an interesting exercise to select the various hom0eopathic remedies for these hand symp- toms and signs with the aid of the Repertory.

The Horn Heritage 1987; 12:738-9


of a potency of noise. As Hamlet said, 'There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.'

Am Horn; 4:pp.12-13

Comprehensive index The last issue of The Homoeopathic Heritage ends with a comprehensive index of the twelve issues of 1987 in four sections: articles, authors, diagnoses and remedies. There are 96 diagnoses, 73 remedies and 135 cases which have been recorded during the year and this detailed index- ing encourages quick and easy reference.

The Horn Heritage 1987; 12: 756-75.

Potentized noise TREVOR SMITH The fourth issue of volume four of American Homeopathy, the journal of the Society of Ultra- molecular Medicine, Las Vegas, Nevada, con- tains four main articles, of which the most challenging is 'Noises that make you sick', by Dr ~IYevor Smith. In this case 'sick' is not vomiting, but general ill health. After quite a long discus- sion of the nature of machine noises and their effects, he relates the case of a woman aged 60 complaining of headaches attributed to the noises from a nearby cold storage plant. It appears that Dr Smith did not treat her with any of the homeeopathic remedies which appear in bold type in the rubric 'worse for noise' nor any of the lesser drugs, but proceeded to potentize the noise by exposing a 50-50 mixture of ethanol and water to the noises for 48 hours and then potentizing to the 6c, and told her to take a dose three times a day. The result was 'rapid and startling'; two weeks later she reported general improvement--less headache, better sleep, more relaxation and contentment. After another two weeks she was free from symptoms, and forgetting to take all the doses. Unfor- tunately there is no mention of how long she had been suffering from the noises, and no mention of a longer follow-up, but one may assume that she had no relapse. Dr Smith states that most placebo responses wear Off in ten to fourteen days, so this does seem to have been a genuine response to the potency. It is hard to explain how noise can affect a sample of ethanol in water, but it is wise to keep an open mind to the possibility

Official statement B. POITEVIN Official statement by Christian Boiron (Boiron Laboratories) and Philippe Brul6 (President of OHF) who have decided to pool their resources in the area of hom~eopathy. The objective (aim) of these two companies is to create a group of sufficient size to intensify the development of homeeopathy in the perspective of the unified European market in 1992. This opens up new avenues in the national and international development of homeeopathy including teaching and research.

L'Homeopathiefrancaise 1987; 75: editorial

Prevention of seasickness by Cocculine | R M. DEXPERT Seasickness is always unpleasant to the sufferer and his fellow travellers. Numerous medications are currently available, their effectiveness increasing with their side-effects.

M. Despert reports a clinical trial with Coc- culine (Cor Nux vomica, Petroleum, Tab- acum, all in 4CH). The double blind trial assessed the activation of the vestibular and visual systems for fifty-five patients and monitored the resulting effects (vertigo, nausea, sweat and blood pressure) after taking Coc- culine or placebo the evening before and ten minutes before the test.

The results show a better resistance to the stimulation with Cocculine in 70% of the cases compared to a 40% placebo effect (usual aver- age for this type of pathology), as well as the lack of side effects (in particular, reduction of vigilance).

L'Homeopathiefrancaise 1987; 75: 353-55.

Compound remedies in hom~eopathy ROBERT SEROR The purpose of this article is to show how it is possible to deduce one or several compound remedies from a single remedy given by the repertory and materia medica.