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Postsecondary Education: Opportunities for Students with Disabilities

Sean Roy – PACERMissouri APSE Employment Summit

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AgendaQuestions we hope to answer:• Why is postsecondary education an important

option?• How do expectations in college differ from those in

high school?• How can students use academic accommodations

to be successful in college?• What are the postsecondary education

opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities?

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The Benefits of Postsecondary Education

• Increased employment and lifetime earnings

• Many new jobs require postsecondary education

• Status• Increased social circles and networks• Seen by many as what youth of that age

do• Other benefits?

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Types of Postsecondary Opportunities

• Four-year Colleges and Universities

• Liberal Arts College• Community College or Junior

College• Engineering or Tech College• Technical School or Vocational

School• Military School• Business School• Online schools

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Benefits of a Two-year College

Many students find great benefit in starting at a two-year college

•Affordability•Stepping stone to four-year program•Class sizes often capped at 25/30•Better chance of individual attention•Before you commit, always tour the school and meet with DSS staff to ensure a good fit

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Academics: Postsecondary Differs from High School

• Higher instructor-to-student ratio• Less contact with instructors• Expectations to achieve independently• High level of academic competence

expected• Fewer tests cover broader base of

information• No resource rooms

Adapted from “Going to College: Expanding Opportunities for People with Disabilities” (2005)

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Questions for Students to Consider

Can you read up to 200 pages in a week?Do you have a system for taking notes?Do you know which academic tasks give you difficulty?Do you have a strategy for completing tasks you find boring?Do you have an academic subject you find interesting?

Source: Landmark College’s Guide to Assessing College Readiness

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Schedule Differences

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IEPs Do Not Go To College

• Students who have IEPs in high school should not expect the same level of services in college

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act become applicable laws

• IEPs can be used (in some cases) for disability documentation and to help identify academic accommodations

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Disability Student Services

• Most postsecondary schools have a point person for students with disabilities

• A school does not need to have a “program,” just a point person

• DSS staff can help identify and negotiate academic accommodations

• Quality and depth of services can vary greatly from school to school, so meet with DSS person before you commit

• DSS offices not a “single point of contact”.

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Appropriate Disability Documentation

•Each college establishes its own criteria•May need HS records, letters from professionals, etc.•Some colleges may require additional information•Talk early in the process with the Disability Student Services provider to learn the requirements

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Academic Accommodations in College

• Colleges need only provide “equal access to education”

• Accommodations ensure access not success• Accommodations should be at no-cost to

student • “Personal services” are the responsibility of

the individual, not the college• Colleges have the final say on what

accommodations can be used

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Accommodation ExamplesCommon

Accommodations• Extra time for tests• Quiet space for test taking• Use of assistive technology• Tape-recording classes• Oral tests instead of

written• Test reader• Assistance with note taking• Sign language interpreters

Not Accommodations• Tutoring • Modified curriculum• Personal Care Assistants• Extra time to complete

homework • Transportation• Equipment such as

laptops, software, scooter, hearing aids, etc.

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Think College

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What are the options in the US?

• Over 200 Programs listed on the Think College website (

• 34 Comprehensive Transition Programs (CTPs)

• 27 Transition Postsecondary Program for Students with Intellectual Disabilties (TPSIDs)

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Programs Can Differ• Length• Level of Inclusion• Residential Options• Focus of Program• Size• Student Age

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Pathways to College

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Types of Postsecondary Education Experiences

K-12/Special Education Options Dual enrollment program for students with

ID or ASD, age18-21, who are still in high school but receive transition services in college

Postschool-Higher Education Options Postsecondary education program designed

to support adults with ID or ASD in college Individualized access to existing college


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Levels of College Course Access

Full access to course catalogue

Partial or limited access

No access – all specially designed courses only for students with disabilities

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Paid Employment Youth who participated in PSE

were 26% more likely to leave Vocational Rehabilitation with paid employment

Earned a 73% higher weekly income

Individuals need greater access to PSE supported by Vocational Rehabilitation

Data Set: RSA 911Migliore, A., Butterworth, J., & Hart, D. 2009. Postsecondary

Education and Employment Outcomes for Youth with Intellectual Disabilities. Fast Facts Series, No. 1. Boston, MA: Institute for Community Inclusion

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Predictors of Employment Students with ID

The only post-high school transition goal that was a predictor of employment for students with ID was having the goal of attending college

-Grigal, Hart, & Migliore, 2011

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How Does it Get Paid For?

• Students with ID pay tuition like everyone else

• No federal student loans for non-degree programs

• CTP students can get financial aid• Unclear if 529 savings programs can

be used for non-degree programs

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Tips for Parents:• Collaborate with high school team and

youth to develop action plan• Connect with adult services partners• Practice self-advocacy• Learn about differences between high

school and college• Talk about boundaries• Plan how you will communicate

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Talk About Money $$

• Develop a financial plan for college: for tuition, spending money, housing costs

• Practice budgeting at home early and often• Talk about the difference between musts and

wants • Find someone to help with budgeting at

college to help bridge the gap from home to independence

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Advocating for New Programs

It is often from the energy of parents that new programs get created.

• Find your champions• Raise awareness• Speak to legislators and higher

education• You might have to start small

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Contact info

Sean [email protected]