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    Posterior laryngitis: a study of persisting symptoms and health-related quality of life.

    Pendleton, Hillevi; Ahlner-Elmqvist, Marianne; Jannert, Magnus; Ohlsson, Bodil

    Published in:European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology



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    Citation for published version (APA):Pendleton, H., Ahlner-Elmqvist, M., Jannert, M., & Ohlsson, B. (2013). Posterior laryngitis: a study of persistingsymptoms and health-related quality of life. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 270(1), 187-195.

    Total number of authors:4

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  • Running head: Symptoms of posterior laryngitis

    Posterior laryngitis: A Study of Persisting Symptoms and Health-Related

    Quality of Life

    Hillevi Pendleton, MD1, Marianne Ahlner-Elmqvist, RN, PhD

    2, Magnus Jannert, MD, PhD

    1 and Bodil Ohlsson,

    MD, PhD3

    1Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö,

    Lund University, Lund, Sweden

    2Department of Health Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

    3Department of Clinical Science, Division of Gastroenterology, Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Lund

    University, Lund, Sweden

    Correspondence to:

    Hillevi Pendleton

    Division of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

    Entrance 75

    Skåne University Hospital

    SE-205 02 Malmö

    Phone +46 +40 33 10 00

    Fax: +46 +40 33 62 70

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Word count: 5192

    3 tables and 4 figures

  • Abstract

    Objectives. Posterior laryngitis is a common cause of chronic cough, hoarseness, voice fatigue and throat pain.

    The aim of the present study was to examine how patients with posterior laryngitis have been examined, treated

    and followed up, and to assess their present health-related quality of life (HRQOL).

    Methods. Patients treated for posterior laryngitis at consultation at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat (ENT) clinic

    during 2000-2008 were contacted by mail. The letter contained questionnaires addressing the current symptoms

    and medication, and the HRQOL 36-item short-form questionnaire (SF-36). Medical records were scrutinized.

    One hundred and twenty-two patients with verified signs and symptoms of posterior laryngitis were included.

    Results. Forty percent of the patients had been treated for acid-related symptoms prior to consultation. The most

    common symptoms at the time of consultation were the sensation of hoarseness (women 40%, men 37%), globus

    (women 35%, men 33%) and cough (women 33%, men 26%). The most frequent diagnosis was gastro

    oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Ninety percent of the women and 92% of the men were treated with proton

    pump inhibitors (PPIs). At the time of study, 63% of the patients still had symptoms. The results of the SF-36

    questionnaire showed significantly lower HRQOL for women.

    Conclusions. Patients with posterior laryngitis present varying symptoms, and are often not adequately treated

    or followed up. When PPI treatment fails, other aetiologies of their complaints, such as visceral hypersensivity,

    weakly gaseous acid reflux or non-acid reflux are not considered. Symptoms from posterior laryngitis have a

    negative impact on the HRQOL for women.

    Key words: posterior laryngitis, health-related quality of life

    Introduction Posterior laryngitis is an inflammation involving the interarytenoid area in the larynx [1, 2]. There are several

    factors that can cause inflammation in this region, e.g. virus- or bacterial infections, smoking, alcohol abuse,

    allergy, postnasal dripping, chronic sinusitis and voice abuse. Posterior laryngitis causes symptoms such as

    chronic coughing, hoarseness, a sensation of having a lump in the throat (globus), excessive throat clearing,

    voice fatigue and throat pain [2]. The results of previous studies indicate that 4-10% of the patients who visit an

    Ear-, Nose- and Throat (ENT) specialist have reflux-related complaints in the pharynx and larynx [2]. Other

    studies suggest that as many as 50-55% of patients who suffer from hoarseness have reflux of gastric content to

    the hypopharynx, laryngo-pharyngeal reflux (LPR)[2, 1].

    The diagnosis of LPR is controversial. Patients with non-specific symptoms, and findings of posterior laryngitis

    are believed to be over-diagnosed as having acid reflux, and consequently an inappropriate use of PPIs are

    prescribed to patients with findings and symptoms unrelated to reflux [3]. A critical analysis of the literature in

    the field concerning gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) and its extra-oesophageal manifestations shows,

    lack of an ideal method of registering LPR [4]. Many signs in the larynx attributed to LPR are non-specific and

    are found in normal subjects without symptoms of posterior laryngitis [4, 5].

    The primary aim of the present study was to investigate how a group of patients diagnosed as suffering from

    posterior laryngitis were examined, treated and followed up. Secondary aims were to determine whether follow-

    up is needed, whether the patients still had symptoms arising from their posterior laryngitis after treatment with

    proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), and to register their current health-related quality of life (HRQOL).

    Subjects and methods

    This study was performed according to the Helsinki declaration, and was approved by the Regional Ethics

    Review Board at Lund University. Informed written consent was obtained from the participants.

    Study design

    Two hundred and forty-five patients, 143 women and 102 men, treated at the ENT clinic, Skåne University

    Hospital, over the period 2000-2008 were retrospectively identified, and were contacted by mail in September 2009. As the ICD-10 classification does not have a specific code for posterior laryngitis, all the patients treated

  • during this period with the following diagnoses were contacted: GORD with/without oesophagitis (K210, K219),

    chronic laryngitis (J370), laryngeal spasm (J385), other diseases of the vocal cords (J383), pain in the throat

    (R070), dysphagia (R139) and dysphonia (R490). The letter gave information on the reasons for the study, a

    questionnaire addressing the patients’ current symptoms of posterior laryngitis and anti-reflux medication (the

    gastro oesophageal reflux disease impact scale (GIS)), modified for the diagnosis of posterior laryngitis, the 36-

    item short-form HRQOL questionnaire (SF-36) and a consent form.

    A second letter was sent to those who had not responded. The overall response rate was 69% (169 patients), 94

    women and 75 men. Forty-three of the responding patients (25%) chose not to participate in the study. The

    medical records for the patients agreeing to participate were scrutinized for findings and symptoms typical of

    posterior laryngitis. The inclusion criteria were a thickening and/or oedema of the posterior part of the glottic

    region by fibre laryngoscopy in combination with one or several of the following symptoms: hoarseness, voice

    fatigue, throat pain, globus, coughing, excessive throat clearing and heartburn/regurgitation [1]. Four patients

    were excluded, as they did not have the signs and symptoms of posterior laryngitis. In total, 76 women and 46

    men were included (Figure 1).

    Information such as age at the first time of the first visit to the ENT-clinic, previous treatment for acid-related

    symptoms, symptoms, medication and tobacco- and alcohol habits was collected from the medical records.

    Examination procedures and results, final diagnosis and choice of treatment (kind of drug, dosage and duration

    of treatment) were noted when available. The extent of relief of symptoms and mode of follow-up were also



    mGIS questionnaire

    The questionnaire consisted of a part of a modified questionnaire concerning the scale of impact of

    gastroesophageal reflux disease (gastro oesophageal reflux disease impact scale (denoted mGIS)). GIS is a

    validated instrument used to aid patient–physician communication concerning the symptoms of GORD and the

    treatment in a primary care setting [6]. The mGIS form contained modified questions more suited for symptoms

    experienced by patients with posterior laryngitis than GORD. Background data (age, gender, tobacco- and

    alcohol habits, voice-demanding profession), current symptoms and anti-reflux medication were noted. It was

    also ascertained whether any of the patients had had reflux-associated symptoms during the previous two weeks

    despite taking medication, whether any of the patients considered it possible to manage without medication, and

    how often patients increased their medication. The last nine questions are designed to determine how often

    during the previous two weeks patients had experienced specific symptoms of posterior laryngitis, and how these

    symptoms had affected their daily life. The possible responses to the questions are: “always”, giving a score of 1;

    “sometimes”, a score of 2; “seldom” a score of 3; and “never”, a score of 4. Thus, a high score indicates that the

    patient has few symptoms and a low score indicates more symptoms.

    The 36-item short-form questionnaire

    SF-36 is an extensively used HRQOL instrument, which provides reproducible, reliable data on large

    populations, and has been shown to be useful as a global health monitor in clinical practice [7]. It is available in

    Swedish, and Swedish reference data are available for many different conditions [8, 9]. The SF-36 questionnaire

    is divided into eight subscales of general health, ordered according to the degree to which they measure physical

    versus mental health. These subscales are physical functioning (PF), role functioning-physical (RP), bodily pain

    (BP), general health (GH), vitality (VT), social functioning (SF), role functioning-emotional (RE), and mental

    health (MH). Two additional dimensions can be calculated, physical (PCS) and emotional health (MCS), by on

    weighting the importance of the other eight subscales. The raw data were recorded after analysis; the maximum

    score is 100, the higher the score, the better the HRQOL.

    Statistical analyses

    Statistical calculations were performed on the information collected from the medical records, the mGIS

    questionnaire and the data from the SF-36 questionnaire. Results are given as means and standard deviation

    (SD). Fisher’s exact test was used to compare different groups concerning the data from the medical records and

    the mGIS questionnaire. The one-sample t-test was used to compare the data from the SF-36 questionnaire with

    the Swedish reference values. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the SF-36 values of patients who

    had answered questions on the frequency of specific symptoms of posterior laryngitis and their impact on daily

    life. The level of statistical significance was set to p≤0.050. The data were analysed using the statistical software

    package SPSS for Windows (Release 19.0, IBM).


  • Patient characteristics

    Two hundred and forty-five patients with posterior laryngitis were identified. Seventy-six women (76/143, 53%)

    and 46 men (46/102, 45%) were finally included in the study with a diagnosis, as verified by their medical

    journal, of posterior laryngitis by fibre laryngoscopy (Figure 1). The mean age of the 122 participants was 58

    and 59 years for women and men, respectively, at the time of examination and diagnosis by an ENT specialist,

    and 62 years for women and 63 years for women and men, respectively, at the time of completing the

    questionnaires. Information about smoking- and drinking habits was lacking, as most patients did not answer

    these questions when completing the questionnaire. The information about smoking- and drinking habits was

    also missing in their medical journals. Twenty-five patients had voice-demanding professions (Table 1). No

    statistical difference between women and men was found.


    The results from the medical records showed that the most common symptoms reported at the consultation at the

    ENT clinic were hoarseness (women 40%, men 37%), followed by globus (women 35%, men 33%) and cough

    (women 33%, men 26%) (Table 1). These symptoms dominated over heartburn and regurgitation at that time,

    but 41% of the women and 39% of the men had been treated for acid-related symptoms prior to the consultation

    at the ENT clinic. The diagnosis of hiatal hernia (women 9%, men 7%), dyspepsia (women 8%, men 2%) and

    gastric ulcer (women 4%, men 4%) were less common.

    At the time of consultation most of the patients complained of more than one symptom related to posterior

    laryngitis. The most common combination of symptoms was hoarseness and coughing (8 women, 5 men). The

    second most common combination was hoarseness and reflux (3 women, 8 men), and in third place, equally

    frequent were hoarseness and heartburn (4 women, 6 men), globus and excess phlegm (8 women, 2 men), or

    globus and breathing problems (5 women, 5 men).

    Examinations and diagnosis

    Fibre laryngoscopy had been performed on all of the patients. Thirteen patients (11%) were referred to

    oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) in combination with a barium swallowing study. Twelve patients (10%)

    were examined by OGD and an equal number of patients underwent a barium swallowing study. Six (5%) and

    five (4%) patients were investigated by 24-h pH monitoring and by 24-h pH monitoring in combination with

    OGD, respectively. Thirty-one women (41%) and 17 men (37%) were not investigated at all for the presence of


    The examination(s) performed depended on the patient’s symptoms. Breathing problems in addition to other

    symptoms led to the largest number of different examinations, independent of gender. When checking for

    associations between a specific examination procedure and specific patient-reported symptoms, OGD was

    associated with hoarseness (p=0.036), breathing problems (p=0.032) and heartburn (p=0.016). The barium

    swallowing study was associated with breathing problems (p=0.032) and globus (p=0.027), while oesophageal

    manometry was associated with breathing problems (p=0.040) and heartburn (p=0.010).

    The most common diagnosis set at the ENT clinic was GORD without oesophagitis (55%,) and the second most

    common was chronic laryngitis (18%). Only 64% (49/76 women, 29/46 men) of the patients perceived that the

    specialist had given them a diagnosis after their examination.

    Treatment and treatment results recorded in medical journals

    The most common treatment prescribed was PPIs at a dose of 20 mg once daily for up to 4 weeks. About two

    thirds of the patients were treated for 12 weeks or less. Seven percent of the patients were treated for more than

    12 weeks. Of the patients who had undergone investigational procedures, 90% of the women and 92 % of the

    men were treated with PPIs. Of the 48 patients not investigated, 85% (28 of 31 women, 13 of 17 men) received

    treatment with PPIs.

    Alternative treatment, concerning either the choice of drug or the dosage, was considered in only a minority of

    the patients in spite of the fact that in most cases the effect of PPIs was inadequate (Table 2).

    Information on the effects of treatment was lacking for 32 women and 14 men. In the remaining patients, 16% of

    the women and 34% of the men were free from symptoms after treatment. The effect, when noted, was most

    commonly seen during the first two weeks of treatment. However, 84% of the women and 66% of the men

    reported persisting symptoms, despite treatment.

    An appointment with their physician was the most common mode of follow-up (women 40%, men 48%),

    followed by a consultation by telephone (both women and men 33%, respectively). Twenty-five percent of the

    women and 20% of the men had no follow-up at all recorded in their medical journal.

  • Current symptoms and medication as stated in the mGIS questionnaire

    The majority of patients, 63% (51 women, 26 men), still had symptoms at the time of completing the

    questionnaires, which was an average of four years after their first consultation with an ENT specialist. About

    one third of them always or sometimes experienced sore throat/hoarseness, excessive throat clearing and globus,

    all of which are symptoms related to posterior laryngitis. Further, many of the patients sometimes also

    experienced acid reflux and a sour taste in their mouth, as well as a burning sensation/chest pain (Figure 2).

    When asked about current anti-reflux medication and how it was taken, the responses showed that 71% (56

    women, 31 men) of the participants were still taking PPIs. Thus, although the ENT specialist prescribed PPIs for

    only a short period, and no follow-up was reported in many cases, patients were still taking PPIs at the time of

    completing the study questionnaires. Medication was either prescribed by their physician or bought over the

    counter. Regardless of treatment, 41% (30 women, 14 men) took medication daily, some only when they had

    symptoms, while others took their medication several times a day (Table 3). Almost 30% of the patients always

    or sometimes increased the dose of anti-reflux medication or used medication for their symptoms other than that

    prescribed by their physician (Figure 3).

    The symptoms experienced by the patients often prevented them from eating and drinking, and 34% reported

    that the symptoms of their posterior laryngitis affected their daily activities, thus having a negative impact on

    their lives. Almost half of the participants (45%) reported that their symptoms always or sometimes affected

    their sleep (Figure 3). The only statistically significant difference between genders was that women experienced

    more sleeping problems than men due to symptoms from posterior laryngitis (p=0.007).

    More women than men had completed the mGIS score. The analysis of the scores showed that 29% (20/70) of

    the women had low scores (i.e. scores below 18). None of the men had scores below 18, which indicates more

    symptoms from posterior laryngitis in the women (highest attainable score is 36).

    The 36-item short-form questionnaire

    The values for each of the eight subscales were analysed for women and men separately (76 women and 46

    men), and for the whole group (n=122). Gender- and age (49 to 75 years) corrections were performed. Values for

    women and men with posterior laryngitis were compared with the norm values of the general and the female and

    male Swedish population [9]. The women had significantly lower scores (p=0.000) for all subscales compared to

    the general and female Swedish population, except for the subscale PF that did not differ compared to the female

    Swedish population (p=0.148). The women also had significantly lower scores on all subscales compared to the

    men participating in the study (Figure 4). In men, the only subscales to differ from those of the general Swedish

    population were PF (p=0.015), which was higher and GH (p=0.010), which was lower (Figure 4). No difference

    was noted compared to the general male Swedish population (data not shown). This indicates that the HRQOL of

    men is not affected to the same extent by posterior laryngitis as that of women. Patients who frequently felt they

    had a lump in their throat had lower scores in the PF subscale than those who reported seldom having this

    problem (p=0.043).


    We found that patients with posterior laryngitis are not treated and followed up adequately. Sixty-three percent

    of the patients still had symptoms at the time of completing the questionnaire, and 71% still used PPIs,

    approximately four years after their first visit to the ENT clinic. The women, but not the men, except for the

    subscales GH, had significantly lower subscale scores than the general Swedish population and accordingly

    registered a lower HRQOL.

    The symptom of breathing problems was found to be the most alarming symptom, and these patients underwent

    more investigational procedures than those not reporting this symptom. Physicians appeared to take this

    symptom more seriously than symptoms such as hoarseness and excess phlegm. Men were diagnosed as having

    GORD with oesophagitis more often than women (22% versus 4%). On the other hand, women were diagnosed

    as having GORD without oesophagitis more frequently than men (59% versus 48%). The predominance of

    women in this study, as has also been reported previously [10], does not necessarily mean that more women

    suffer from posterior laryngitis. It may reflect the propensity of women to complain about their symptoms, which

    may explain the more benign diagnostic findings in women, their lower reflux scores and lower HRQOL [11-

    13]. Their lower HRQOL could not be explained by inferior examination or treatment compared to men.

    According to Sataloff et al. [14] epidemiological studies to determine the prevalence of posterior laryngitis are

    still lacking.

  • Thirty-nine percent of the patients did not undergo to any investigation but nevertheless the physician chose to

    treat their symptoms of posterior laryngitis as if it were an acid-related illness, prescribing PPIs to more than 85

    % of them. No investigational algorithm was used to methodically investigate the patients, and thus exclude or

    confirm the specific aetiology of their posterior laryngitis they were suffering from. Twenty-five percent of the

    women and 20% of the men appeared not to have been followed up, even though they had a prolonged history of

    symptoms, and were being treated with PPIs. This goes against the recommendations for the use of this kind of

    expensive and widely prescribed medication [15, 16].

    None of the patients in our study reported that their symptoms became worse when treated with PPIs, but 63%

    (51 women, 26 men) still had symptoms of posterior laryngitis in spite of the fact that the majority were on acid-

    reducing therapy. This may have been due to an incorrect initial diagnosis.

    Laryngo-pharyngeal inflammation can be caused by mechanisms other than acidic reflux, e.g. virus infections,

    allergy, voice disorders, alcohol and smoking [17]. Data concerning smoking- and alcohol habits were missing

    from the medical records, indicating that the ENT-specialist had not thought about smoking and alcohol abuse as

    the aetiology of posterior laryngitis, but had focused solely on acidity being the cause of the patients´

    complaints. The patients´ use of alcohol and tobacco was also missing on the mGIS questionnaire. It is likely the

    patients wanted to avoid disclosing this kind of sensitive information.

    Patients suffering from functional oesophageal disease are known to display typical reflux symptoms

    (heartburn/regurgitations) in spite of having a normal acid exposure time and a normal oesophageal mucosa as

    seen by endoscopy. This is thought to be due to visceral hypersensitivity, i.e. an enhanced perception of normal

    physiological signals arising from the oesophagus. These patients also have a poorer response to acid

    suppressive therapy [17, 18]. This line of thought is applicable to the results in our study, and the same

    mechanism of visceral hypersensitivity in the hypopharynx could explain why our group of patients still had symptoms in spite of being on PPI therapy. PPIs reduces the acidity of the gastric juice, but it does not affect the

    number or the duration of the reflux episodes, leaving a possibility for weakly acid, gaseous or non-acid reflux as

    being other possible mechanisms behind posterior laryngitis, thus explaining our current results [19, 20].

    Disturbances in motilin concentrations and antibodies against the hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone

    (GnRH) are other factors discussed in the pathogenesis of oesophageal dysfunction that can lead to reflux [21,


    Our study revealed that only 11% of the patients were diagnosed as having GORD with oesophagitis. This is

    comparable to the previously reported prevalence of GORD with oesophagitis in 11% [23] and 12% [24] of

    patients with posterior laryngitis, which is lower than the prevalence of oesophagitis in patients with GORD but without posterior laryngitis [25].

    The majority of the patients in our study were treated for their symptoms of posterior laryngitis as if it were an

    acid-related illness, but only 40 % of the patients in the study underwent an OGD. In order to confirm or exclude

    the diagnosis GORD and to assist in the investigation of the diagnosis visceral hypersensitivity as a cause of PL,

    we recommend, as a routine, that this group of patients undergo OGD. This is especially important when the

    treatment with PPIs fail to improve the patients´ symptoms.

    The women participating in this study had lower HRQOL scores than the general population. The scores in our

    study were in the same range as found in previous studies describing patients suffering from posterior laryngitis,

    and confirm that these patients have a reduced HRQOL [26-28]. The new finding in the present study is that the

    reduced scores apply to the female population and not to the male population. The participants in our study were

    also found to have lower scores in all domains than Swedish patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease,

    except for the domain of vitality, in which patients with Crohn’s disease scored lower [8]. This is in agreement

    with the results of the mGIS questionnaire, indicating that symptoms from posterior laryngitis affected their

    daily lives.

    One limitation of this study is that only half of the identified patients participated, and it may indicate that

    patients with more severe symptoms were more inclined to participate. An additional limitation is that the

    information from the medical journals was collected in a retrospective manner.


    This study indicates that patients suffering from posterior laryngitis still suffer from symptoms several years

    after diagnosis. The HRQOL of women is affected and the patients record lower scores than Swedish patients

    with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Patients with posterior laryngitis are treated with PPIs even though

  • no improvement of their symptoms is noted after using acid suppressing agents and when there is little evidence

    of acid reflux into the laryngo-pharynx. Other aetiologies for their complaints are not considered. We believe

    that patients not responding to PPI medication should be evaluated with regard to other causes of their

    symptoms, e.g. visceral hypersensitivity, non-acid reflux or weakly gaseous acid reflux. Furthermore, in order to

    confirm or reject GORD and assist in investigating the diagnosis visceral hypersensitivity, all patients with PL

    should undergo OGD. It is also of great importance to insistently ask about and record the patients´ use of

    alcohol and tobacco, as these two factors are important for the development of PL. Further research is required to

    investigate the pathophysiology underlying their symptoms. Improvement is also called for concerning in the

    frequency of follow-up to ameliorate the quality of medical care given to this group.

    Acknowledgements: This study was performed with grants from the Swedish ACTA Foundation and Skane

    County Council’s Research and Development Foundation.

    Conflict of interest:

    The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Conflict of financial interest:

    The authors declare that they do not have a financial relationship with the organizations that sponsored this


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  • Table 1. Age at first visit and acid-related

    complaints leading to treatment. Information from medical records

    Women n=76



    Mean age at first visit,

    years a

    58±12 59±13


    profession, n (%)

    17 8

    Symptoms from medical

    records, n (%) b

    Hoarseness 30 (40) 17 (37)

    Globus 27 (35) 15 (33)

    Cough 25 (33) 12 (26)

    Reflux 16 (21) 11 (24)

    Excessive phlegm 15 (20) 7 (15)

    Heartburn 11 (15) 11 (24)

    Excessive throat clearing 7 (9) 6 (13)

    Voice fatigue 4 (5) 4 (9)

    Breathing difficulties 9 (12) 10 (22)

    Feeling of cramp in the


    3 (4) 5 (11)

    aAge values are given as mean±standard deviation (SD).

    bMore than one symptom for each patient was

    registered. There was no statistical difference between women and men.

  • Table 2. Medical treatment and results of treatment.

    Information from medical records



    n (%)



    n (%)

    Medical treatmentab

    Proton pump inhibitor

    61 (90) 37 (92)

    Alginic acid 5 (7) 1 (2)

    Histamine receptor blocker

    1 (1) 1 (2)

    Aluminumdihydroxide 0 (0) 1 (2)

    Relief of symptomsc

    Complete lack of


    7 (16) 11 (34)

    Improved 31 (70) 17 (53)

    No change 6 (14) 4 (13)

    Worse 0 (0) 0 (0)

    a Some patients were treated with more than one drug.

    bNo information from 8 women and 6 men.


    information from 32 women and 14 men. There was no statistical difference between women and men.

    Table 3. Current anti-reflux medication and the patients’ use of it.

    Information from the mGIS questionnaire

    a Age values are given as mean±standard deviation (SD).

    b Some patients were treated with two different drugs

    concurrently. cNo information from 9 women and 6 men. There was no statistical difference between women

    and men.





    Mean age, years a 62±13 63±14

    Medication, n (%) b

    Proton pump inhibitor

    56 (74) 31 (67)



    18 (24) 9 (20)

    Bicarbonate 5 (7) 4 (9)

    Histamine receptor blocker 6 (8) 0 (0)

    Use of medication, n (%) c

    Every day 30 (45) 14 (35)

    When symptoms arise 21 (31) 20 (50)

    Several times a day 7 (10) 5 (13)

    Defined period (e.g. 4


    5 (8) 0 (0)

    Not used 4 (6) 1 (2)

  • Figure legends

    Figure 1. Flow-chart illustrating the selection process for the patients included in the study

    Figure 2. The symptoms experienced by the patients during the 2 weeks prior to completing the mGIS

    questionnaire. Values are shown as percentage of participants answering the questionnaire

    Figure 3. How often daily activities are affected by posterior laryngitis and how prescribed medication is taken.

    Values are shown as percentages of the participants answering the mGIS questionnaire

    Figure 4. Analysis of SF-36 in the population of women and men with posterior laryngitis and the general

    Swedish population. Gender- and age- matched values are presented as mean values

  • Fig. 1







    43 patients


    4 patients






    46 men76 women

  • Fig. 2












    Sore throat/hoarseness Acid reflux/sour taste Burning sensation/chest pain Phlegm/excessive throat







  • Fig. 3












    How often do your symptoms

    prevent you from eating/drinking

    what you like?

    How often do your symptoms limit

    your ability to work/daily activities?

    How often do you use more/other

    medication for your symptoms than

    your doctor has prescribed for you?

    How often do your symptoms affect

    your sleep?





  • Fig. 4