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Page 1: Poster analysis



Page 2: Poster analysis

The main feature of the poster is the background collage of all the different images of the character 'Summer', with some being made to look like a sunshine. This emphasises her name being ‘Summer’ and that she brings light to his life. It also gives the impression of something quite arty and original, which relates to the film as it is not a typical romance. The majority of the pictures are of Summer reinforcing the fact that he perhaps has a slight obsession with her.

The body language of Tom here suggests that he is an introvert person and likes to keep himself to himself, the way he is sitting isn’t very open and almost looks childlike. This is used to represent his naivety and the fact that he has a childish perception of what love really is (in comparison to Summer).

The tagline for the film is 'This is not a love story. This is a story about love.‘ which runs across the bottom of the poster. They have used a font which makes it look like its been handwritten, giving the poster a more personal and casual touch.

The images of summer to make the collage show a wide range of facial expressions, which reinforces the wide range of emotions that are portrayed throughout the film. It portrays what Summer and Tom are going through and the ups and downs in their relationship and that having a relationship isn't always an easy ride.

The colour scheme is fairly neutral, except for the sunshine in the middle which is yellow. Yellow connotes light and warmth, which could represent Tom and Summer's relationship, also the light that summer brings to Tom and to inform the audience that this is a romance film. Yellow is also the most difficult colour for the eye to take in, and is thought to enhance feeling of emotional distress. This could represent love.

Page 3: Poster analysis

The mast head is in a typewriter font which links to the film because the protagonist uses a type writer in the film. It portrays the fact that the film was set in the 90s.

The main image is of the three main characters but doesn’t reveal much about them, which attracts the audience because it comes across as quite mysterious, making them want to reveal more. The girl leaning her head on the boy’s shoulder connotes that they may have a close relationship.

The poster is fairly spaced out and has a large gap in the middle which draws the attention to the mast head and the main image.

The tag line is a quote from the book which links the two together. It is also written in a more plain font compared to the mast head which helps to draw attention to it and the fact that it is in the middle of the blank space makes it stand out. The tagline is also a famous quote from the film which is used to prepare the audience to watch the film.

The colour scheme is very simple with the theme of black and green dominating the poster. The lime green is the original colour of the book which attracts the readers and fans of the book. Also the fact that the background is a wall links to the title ‘Wallflower’ portraying the fact that the actors at the bottoms are the ‘Wallflowers’.