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POSTER SALT- This poster for the film Salt is a male gaze shot of Angelina Jolie

and it uses this famous actor to sell the film and is selling the ideology and look of this actor

Within this poster the key focus and key symbol is the protagonist

And the importance of the actor is shown by the information hierarchy as her name appears at the top of the poster in white sharp lettering very clear contrasting the black back ground

Angelina Jolie plays Evelyn Salt in which her character is a femme fatale like role as she is manipulative, clever and conniving.

This poster uses direct address with the tagline who is Salt?

An audience can guess here that the female character on the poster is Salt so this presents hints at the narrative that this character may be tracked down or found

The female character is presented in a beautiful and modern way; she presents a very attractive female stereotype in which the male audience would be drawn to see this film due to her looks and how the genre is an action spy thriller typically a male preferred film genre.

This poster is quite dark and mysterious, her hair has been used to create a black border in which frames the poster and highlights her pale face and engaging and eye catching green eyes which look seductive and suggestive.

The poster follows key conventions as has a billing box giving all key information and the release date in bold white writing.

At the bottom of the poster it also gives a web address encouraging the audience to engage with the poster and go online to find out more. In giving audiences this address they will be able to connect and interest with more of the film and be involved with the entire marketing campaign of the film. This technique gets the films target market involved and will help boost ticket sales.

The film name is used effectively and is written twice across the poster is a sharp, modern design. Overall this poster is very attractive, stylish and would appeal to the male audience due to the shot type and eye direction but also women as they aspire to be like Angelina Jolie, they will want to find out more about her character, her look and want to feel a personal

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relationship or link with this character also diversion providing escapism from everyday daily life.


This poster for alter egos is an interesting visual design and it links into my theme of our film identity which the ideas of concealing identity, dressing up and having an alter ego which our protagonist has.

I like the way this poster has been designed The main focus is the images and they way they have been aligned

and contrasted with the colours of yellow, blue & grey. The 3 photographs on the top part of the poster are images of 3

men each with a portraying unusual characters which are hiding their identities through masks, glasses and hair. These images cold be linked with Propps character theory which link to fairytale characters as the man on the left looks like a hero, the central character a donor and the right character a villain

In the images on the bottom the image initially looks like it is being reflected and has been flipped however when you take a closer look or turn the poster upside down you realise it is images of the same 3 men but l0oking completely different. In these photographs they look very smart, respectable and characters of society and seriousness.

This design of poster is very interesting and doesn’t give much away about the narrative or the films genre. However from the masks and glasses and colour there are hints of the comedy genre

The film title is central gaining focus and in a bright 3d font stands out from the background.

The tagline ‘super heroes, super problems’ presents themes of super heroes which is a fun and interesting theme which audiences may be drawn to.

Despite well known actors featuring in this film no text of actors has been shown leaving the impact on the tagline and effect of images


o This double indemnity poster shows a traditional film noir poster created in 1944

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o The layout of this poster is a good example for showing the conventions of film noir posters as it features many of the conventions. Such as the central focus being the characters and shown central on the poster and also the convention of elaborate and decorative fonts.

o Like all of the traditional film noir posters the main focus is a drawn illustration showing the stars or characters of the films

o The illustration shows to the audience a romance or relationship will feature in the narrative and suggests it will be filled with love, passion and intense emotion however the gun that Ned is holding presents a shocking, confusing theme

o A convention of film noir posters is for the characters shown to be pulling very serious and mysterious facial expressions which builds tension to the audience and this has been done here. Aspels facial expression presents his cenacle, and detective character whilst the couples facial expression shows their troubled love for each other

o An audience is unsure why he is holding a gun and creates the question of if it is to kill the woman Phyllis or to protect her

o The isolated illustration of Aspel and its positioning on the poster above the two lovers mirrors the way he is looking down on them, watching them and won’t be fooled by their mischievous behaviour

o The colours of the poster present happy and romantic connotations such as the pink connotes love and romance, the yellow dress happiness and the dark pink film title connotes lust.

o The costumes illustrated in film noir posters denote the fashion at the time and are the costumes which created the convention of a trench coat, suits, and dresses of that era.

o This is then so strongly contrasted through the binary opposition of the gun. This binary opposition portrays to audiences how the narrative will feature a disequilibrium where the narrative is interrupted by dangerous events

o This poster shows in a diagonal font the film institution which is Paramount pictures

o At the top of the film posters the names of the actors are very prominent and stand out in navy blue against the light pink background.

o This uses the famous actors as a Usp and attraction to see the film

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o The poster has a white border around the poster which is a convention of posters of this era and film noir genre


The main colour used in this Kill Bill poster is yellow, it’s very eye catching bright and remember able to an audience. In a magazine, on a bill board, at a bus stop would be really interesting. The colour yellow is used powerfully in this poster as it is the backdrop, the main actor and protagonist’s costume, her shoes.

This poster strongly portrays its action thriller film genre through the image and text. In the central image of a woman she is seen holding a large silver sword which connotes danger and embeds fear.

This photograph would be quite shocking to an audience as it is a non conventional and subverted representation of women. Often in the media and on film posters the public are used to ‘male gaze’ shots of women in which women are a symbol of sexuality and are ideology of the perfect stereotypical female. However this image subverts that ideology greatly and portrays women as being strong, dangerous, and powerful and just by the audience looking at this image of her we are interested and engaged at who she is, what she can do, and why she has a large sword.

Saussure’s representation theory presents the idea that representations are constructed when signs signify a meaning. This sword signifies aggression, strength, power and courage representing her in a powerful way.

With the film title ‘Kill Bill’ this rhyming catching film title develops the narrative with the image and presents themes of danger and perhaps murder

This poster greatly presents an enigma code to the audience Alliteration is used in the tagline ‘A roaring rampage of revenge’

this text is in a bold red font and stands out on the page. This red font has semiotics of blood and danger and could represent the blood that will be evoked from the Sword the female protagonist is holding

Unlike many film posters there is not a lot of text on the page such as actor names or direct names and this is effective in leaving more focus on the colours and central image

At the bottom of the page the conventional release date information is given allowing audiences to be notified at when they will be able to view this exciting film

Overall I think this poster evokes shock in the audience and will engage it’s the market to go see this film. Its subversive and the

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strong female character is a presents an interesting narrative contrasting to the many love and romantic comedy archetype representations of females.

POSTER GAMER- The poster for gamer is really eye catching due to the main photo

and the use clever use of perspective and focus. By the use of two images being layered, the audience are given

hints to the narrative as it gives the look one man is controlling or living inside another which is the storyline of the film.

Semiotics- Main colour is red which has a powerful effect connotes ideas of blood, danger or could be symbolism for romance?

Gerard Butler in this image is represented in a photographic way and is portrayed as angry, serious and focused. The two images are made to contrast by the image of Gerard being in black and white and the second man in colour. These two men create interest as a viewer is not sure who is good and who is bad. We cannot place these characters into Props character theory as is he the hero or villain.

Creates an enigma code to the audience as you wonder why and how they are different, and who are they?

The message in this poster is primarily visual apart from the conventional tagline used stating ‘Who’s playing you?’ This introduces the theme of gaming which is a key theme in the film

The tagline is also effective when thought of with the uses and gratifications theory as this question makes the audience question themselves am I being played? This makes the audience want surveillance as they want to find out about the world around them and with the link of gaming and being controlled is a new modern, interesting issue.

Gerard Butler is used as a USP and key attraction on the poster encouraging the public to go see the film. If an individual has previously enjoyed a film with Gerard Butler in and then see this poster with his face clearly shown they may be more likely to want to see and engage with this film

At the bottom of the poster following conventions the institution is given which is Lions gate and this small word is in the lions gate font to isolate the name and highlight on the page it is an institution and draw subtle intention to the name

This poster is interesting to look at the information hierarchies. The first top piece of info is the name Gerard Butler and is the largest text on the page. Next is the film title in bold, red, sliced computer game like font

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And finally the tagline, billing information and the date of release also in bold red to work as an anchor.


o City of fear poster is from 1959 and is a traditional film noir poster.

o I chose this poster to analyse over other film noir posters due to the clever use of illustration and the symbolism used.

o The most interesting part of the poster is the extreme close up of a pair of female eyes in which look very afraid and scared. This creates an enigma code as to why she looks like this and gives hints that the narrative will be shocking and frightening with serious themes

o Eyes could be used to symbolise a passage to the soul in which this female character will be very deeply troubled by something and they also represent life and beauty from the clear green eyes and long black eyelashes

o Like many film noirs this film is set in the USA specifically in Los Angeles and the illustration of the city skyline portrays the setting of the film

o The tagline in this poster gives a lot away about the narrative ‘The city in terror chills for millions’ although this tagline has lots of information and detail its meaning is unclear which is intriguing for people viewing this poster

o Following the conventions of film noir posters the main image is central in the image and elaborate bold and colourful fonts have been used to draw attention too.