Download - Possibilities of being addicted to antidepressants


As Published on the Zoloft Birth Defects Website

The tendency to be dependent on a drugs and substances, causing users to form a habit of abuse, is present in some medications that used for long periods of time. Legally approved medications may also cause a physical or psychological attachment from a person.

Medications like narcotics, sedative and tranquilizers are the ones that are often thought to be addictive, but now even cough medicines are included.

That is why some people who are taking antidepressants are also wondering if the medications that they are taking may also create dependency. Scientists are also trying to develop psychedelic mushrooms as source of new formulations of antidepressants.

Most researchers believe that more studies should be undertaken for knowing how antidepressants work. Irritability and aggression were also seen in some individuals, on top of their melancholia and anger. A detached personality with desires to be alone is what most people say depression sufferers are. Antidepressants were designed to alleviate these symptoms so that a person can get his or her life back after feeling lost.

Quitting antidepressants have proven to be a difficult task or challenge to overcome for most people. Withdrawal symptoms were felt by those who have resolved to quit intake and ceased taking their antidepressants abruptly.

The reason why most people go through withdrawal when they quit using antidepressants has boggled the mind of most psychiatrists. Addiction to mood disorder medications were not seen during clinical trials but tolerance may be a possibility.

The desired effects are reached through careful regulation of each dose so as not to have any counteractive effects. Doctors encouraged their patients to taper down the dose of their medications slowly, so as to prevent any withdrawal symptoms. Getting through the withdrawal symptoms may be easier for any person with a good support group.

Most patients claim that the withdrawal symptoms were similar to some of the side effects they have encountered. Having their own set of side effects, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are more recent formulations.

Mental statistics have indicated that most antidepressant users have used their medications for well over two years. Long-term use of medications were also seen to be the culprit of worsening symptoms of withdrawal. Zoloft birth defects were also a cause for concern for pregnant women using Zoloft.