Download - Positive Teaching Strategies - Missouri Association … · Positive Teaching Strategies Dr. Bryan Thomsen –North Callaway R-1 Superintendent ... attend a Positive Coaching Workshop


Positive Teaching Strategies

Dr. Bryan Thomsen – North Callaway R-1 Superintendent

Jason Smith – HS Social Studies Teacher/Head Golf Coach & After School Site Director

Mike Emmons – North Callaway Activities Director/Retired Football Coach (20+yrs)

Kevin O’Neal – HS Math Teacher/Head Football & Head Baseball Coach

Reid Randolph – HS Business Teacher/Head Track Coach & Asst. Football Coach

Strategies for Teachers to Employ Positive Coaching in the Classroom Setting


Positive Coaching & North Callaway R-1

Two members of the North Callaway School Board

attend a Positive Coaching Workshop by Dr. Rick

McGuire from the University of Missouri.

Fall 2014

Positive Coaching & North Callaway R-1

How did your coaches & teachers impact you?

Former Coaches

Dwight Spangler

Kurt Kreiter

Lloyd Sisco

Eddie Williamson

Richard Bisaccha

• HS Asst. Wrestling Coach

• HS Asst. Football Coach

“It takes a million compliments to build a child up and only one insult to bring them down”

Professional Development for Coaches

Coaching the SPORT

Coaching ClinicsPlaying Experience

Coaching BooksOnline Resources

Instructional Videos

Coaching the KID


Coaching is Teaching, Teaching is Coaching…

Mrs. Doom

Mr. Hanson

3rd Grade Teacher

“To Teach is to Touch a Life Forever”

Professional Development for Teachers


CurriculumInstructional Strategies

Teaching ExperienceOnline Resources

Lesson Plans

Developing the Student


Thunderbird Proud

Positive Coaching & North Callaway R-1

What do you value?

You can’t change the past…..truly look in the mirror and start right now….

January 2015Positive Coaching Workshop at

North Callaway R-1 School District



• Hierarchy of Needs


• Social Learning Theory

• Modeling Effect

Deci & Ryan

• Self-Determination Theory

• Intrinsic Motivation


• Flourishing



• Ethic of Care


• Growth Mindset

Csikszentmihalyi& Jackson

• Flow in Sport

Buckingham & Coffman

• Transformational Leadership Theory


Establish a high level of care…(L.O.C.)

Have a positive & enthusiastic attitude…

Base all decisions on what is best for kids…

Will do whatever it takes to get the job done…

True Self-Reflection

What am I thankful for?

Why do I teach / why am I in education?

What is my attitude?

How am I going to serve & share?

In what ways can I improve?

“If what you did yesterday seems big, then you haven’t done much today” C.Swindell

Thunderbird Proud

Positive Coaching in the Classroom Setting

Teaching is coaching students academically

Coaching is teaching athletes a sport

The common theme is KIDS. They are the priority.

We want to win the kids that we teach.

Jason Smith – HS Social Studies Teacher/Head Golf Coach & After School Site Director

Winning the Kids

The classroom has objectives to teach.

The coach has fundamentals to teach.

The common theme is teaching!

The best coaches build great relationships and trust with their players.

Our goal is to bring the same to the classroom.

Making connections with kids

Using time between classes

Before and after school

These are times you can talk one on one with a student

Mike Emmons – North Callaway Activities Director/Retired Football Coach (20+yrs)

Asking what they like to do

Find positives in their interests

Learn about their interests

Follow up with them

See teaching through the eyes of the students

In order to do this you need to know your students on a personal level

Kevin O’Neal – HS Math Teacher/Head Football & Head Baseball Coach

Fear destroys intelligence and makes smart kids act stupid. Students are “subjected to 15,000 negative statements during twelve years of schooling” (Reasoner, 1989). According to the Quest Foundation, students report a lowering of self-esteem from a high of 80% who feel good about themselves in kindergarten to only 12% who feel good about themselves six years later.

How does the student view themselves?

Does this have an effect on their learning?

What can we do as educators to improve their view of self worth?

Model failure & how to handle it

Calling on underachievers

Celebrate their achievements, even those away from school

What is working best?

Why is it working best?

Who is it not working for?

It starts with you!!!

Entire Organization

It is not enough to simply offer changes to the current way, but introduce a new attractive culture that everyone will buy into…..

Reid Randolph – HS Business Teacher/Head Track Coach & Asst. Football Coach

“…but, I’m already positive…”

“Being positive means “being easy” and will let discipline & accountability go.”

In the classroom, a positive culture starts with teachers developing positive relationships with the students.

The kids don’t care what you know, until they know that you care.

Five Positive Hallway Conversations

Address a student by name during each passing period

Hold a door open for a student

Wish students good luck on game day

Thank a student

Look for a student that seems down

Take Time to Talk to the Kids

Establish relationships

Plan time to get to know each kids

Make connections

Establish communication

Connect lessons to student interests

Positive Classroom

Being positive doesn’t mean that you don’t have high standards. It means that you provide the positive energy to help your students meet those standards.

Nothing of any real value is ever achieved without hard work and dedication.


Greet the kids at the door by name

Ask them how they are doing, wait and listen for a response

Celebrate successes

I Can’t…YET

Take class time to develop connections with the kids

Encourage the kids to participate in multiple extracurricular activities

“You respect me, I respect you” – Red

Attend extracurricular activities

Catch a kid doing it right

How do you show your students that you care about them?

Mizzou Sports Nutrition @Zoutrition

Jon Gordon @JonGordon11

Growth Mindset @growthmindset1

Mizzou Positive Coaching @MUPositiveCoach

Dr. Bryan Thomsen @ThomsenBryan

Dr. Scotta Morton @Scotta_Lyn

Tim Rulo @GDFMFB

BU Sports Nutrition @FeedtheBEAST

Psalms and Proverbs @Psalms_Proverbs

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy; think of such things. -Phil 4:8

That is the way to learn the most, that when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes.–Al Einstein

What Makes a Teacher Memorable?



Energetic / Enthusiastic

Takes an interest in students both in and out of the classroom

Has high expectations

Nurtures intrinsic motivation

Students will be telling stories about you…

What role do you want to play in that story?

Play the role of a hero!

Teach them to be hero’s…

Be a transformer of lives that changes the future!

Positive Coaching & North Callaway R-1

2015-2016 School YearContinue to Learn, Implement, Model, and Teach

Professional Development

Online Digital Workshop

Coaches Meetings

Parent Meetings

Impact of Positive Coaching at North Callaway R-1

Increase in student attendance

Higher participation in extra-curricular activities

Increase in school spirit

Higher work ethic from students & athletes

Increase in parental support

Higher staff morale

Increased motivation from staff

Choose one individual….student/player/co-worker….

Do 3-5 things to establish a high level of care over a two week period……

Send me an email telling me what you did to “L.O.C. It Down” and the impact it’s had…..

[email protected]

To: [email protected]: L.O.C. It Down

Bryan,I did the following to “L.O.C. It Down” for Billy:1.2.3.

The impact I have seen is:

Your NameYour Address

Positive Coaching & North Callaway R-1

Thunderbird Proud

“Thank You”