Download - PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Report to the PORTLAND ... · TO: Audit Implementation Steering Committee and Task Force Members FROM: Benjamin O. Canada, Ph.D. RE: January 2000 Performance

Page 1: PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Report to the PORTLAND ... · TO: Audit Implementation Steering Committee and Task Force Members FROM: Benjamin O. Canada, Ph.D. RE: January 2000 Performance


Report to the



On the Current Status of Audit Implementation

January 2000

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- Executive Summary 1

- Inventory 9

- Facilities 11

- Strategic Plan 19

- Human Resources 22

- Communications 28

- Information Technology 33

- Bond 37

- Finance 42

- Admin/Safety 46

- Achievement 54

- Cross-Index with KPMG and AISC Reports 69

Page 3: PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT Report to the PORTLAND ... · TO: Audit Implementation Steering Committee and Task Force Members FROM: Benjamin O. Canada, Ph.D. RE: January 2000 Performance

February 4, 2000


TO: Audit Implementation Steering Committee andTask Force Members

FROM: Benjamin O. Canada, Ph.D.

RE: January 2000 Performance Audit Status Report

Enclosed is the District’s January 2000 Status Report on our implementation of theKPMG/AISC Performance Audit.

Thank you again for the time and the detailed attention you gave to each of the auditrecommendations. As we mention in the Executive Summary, your work has led us in newand productive directions in managing the affairs of the District. Most importantly, what youhave done will benefit children in this District for years to come.

The next status report will be in November 2000.



cc: School Board

PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS501 N. Dixon Street / Portland, Oregon 97227Telephone: (503) 916-3200 • FAX: (503) 916-3110Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3107 / 97208-3107E-mail Address: [email protected]


Benjamin O. Canada, Ph.D.Superintendent

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January 31, 2000

This document constitutes the January 2000 implementation update of the KPMGPerformance Audit. Prior to full-scale implementation of the 233 recommendations inthe audit, a twenty-six member citizen/staff Audit Implementation Steering Committee(AISC) was formed to review each recommendation and approve, reject or proposemodifications to the KPMG recommendations. This Committee completed its work inMay 1999.

This report is a single compilation of the approved and unmodified recommendations ofKPMG and the approved alternative recommendations of the AISC as well as therecommendations rejected by the AISC. The total number of recommendations coveredin this report is 240 instead of the original 233 because the AISC added 11 facilitiesrecommendations and five of the information technology recommendations wereconsolidated into one response for a net addition of seven recommendations.

The report shows that the District has made significant progress over the past sevenmonths in implementing the audit recommendations:

� In May 1999, 51% of the recommendations had not begun to be implemented; now,in January, over 95% have begun to be implemented.

� In May 1999, less than 5% of the recommendations were complete or partiallycomplete; in January 2000 that percentage has grown to 50%.

A one-page compilation of the completed status of the recommendations in May andJanuary is attached to this summary.

The following are highlights of the District’s accomplishments under the audit since itwas issued:


1. The Purchasing/Inventory Business Process Re-engineering is underway. Thiswill lead to more cost-effective warehouse and inventory operations. (R.87, 92 –Inventory.)

2. Purchasing has shortened lead times and now schedules more frequent multipledeliveries thereby increasing turnover and not tying up as much cash in inventory.(R.88 – Inventory.)

3. New storage space will not be constructed as planned in 1998 because of moreefficient use of warehouse space. (R.89 – Inventory.)

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4. The District has marketed excess warehouse space to third parties and is pursuingopportunities to profitably share warehouse space with other government entitiesand other organizations. (R.87, 89 – Inventory.)

5. The warehouse now delivers requested goods to schools and offices the next day.(R.88 – Inventory.)


1. The Superintendent has set a goal of reducing ongoing facilities costs orincreasing facility revenue by $10 million over four years. The District iscurrently ahead of this objective. (R.19 – Facilities.)

2. The District has reorganized maintenance services, reducing its budget by $2million over the last two years. To provide this cost savings, the District hasnarrowed its facility services to provide only priority and safety related repairsand critical preventive maintenance. The maintenance services workforce wasreduced by nearly 40% and management and support staff by 50%. The Districthas negotiated a contract with the District Council of Unions resulting in greateruse of apprentices, cross-crafting of work, and a new classification of generalworkers at $12 per hour (vs. $20-25 per hour for journeymen craft). (R.175, 176,177 – Facilities.)

3. The District will have reduced its maintenance fleet by 35%, from 171 vehicles to110, by the close of 1999-00 (39 vehicles have been sold as of January 2000) andthe District and Multnomah County are negotiating an agreement to outsourceDistrict fleet maintenance operations to the County. (R.177 – Facilities.)

4. The District will select and install a modern up-to-date computer FacilitiesManagement Information System (FMIS) this year. The system is targeted to beoperational in 2000-01 and will provide improvements in cost accounting andperformance standards, work response times, scheduling, and inventory trackingand reduction. (R.175, 180 – Facilities.)

5. The District and Multnomah County have signed a Memorandum ofUnderstanding outlining a joint use agreement for the District’s centraladministrative and maintenance building, the Blanchard Education Service Center(BESC). The District will provide the County with approximately 48,000 squarefeet of office and maintenance shops for a $3.5 million one-time payment. TheCounty plans to relocate its facility maintenance operations to the BESC.(R. 19.4, 19.7, 19.9, 19.10 – Facilities.)

6. The District has sold all but one of its vacant property sites for approximately $6million. All sites except one were purchased by the City of Portland to hold aspark land. The other was purchased by Metro as part of its Green Spaces

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Program. The District anticipates additional sales of property worthapproximately $1 million in 2000-0l. (R.19.4 – Facilities.)

7. The District’s resource conservation efforts have reduced operating costs inschool buildings by $1.3 million over the last three years. Energy engineeringand resource conservation staff have been reorganized into a consolidated team tomanage these activities and seek savings or service improvements in energymanagement and environment, health and safety measures. (Not specificallyrecommended.)

Strategic Plan:

1. In September 1999, a Strategic Planning Core Team consisting of 32 Portlandarea business, community and religious leaders, parents, students, policy-makers,educators, and governmental officials met over several weeks and created a draftStrategic Plan. (R.1 – Strategic Plan.)

2. In November 1999, seven 20 – 40 member Action Teams were formed and arecurrently developing quality plans that will include desired results, specificmeans, and cost/benefit analyses in seven strategic action areas. (R.3, 5 –Strategic Plan.)

3. In all, over 300 community stakeholders and committee members haveparticipated in “speak out” sessions, information presentations, committeeinvolvement and activities, focus groups, surveys, website information andfeedback, and individual and group meetings. This is truly a grass roots process.(R.3 – Strategic Plan.)

4. The Strategic Planning process will be completed in June 2000.

Human Resources and Staffing:

1. The District has reduced the Assistant Superintendent positions from threepositions to two positions. (R.38 – Human Resources.)

2. The District has eliminated three Director positions and outsourced one Directorposition (Police Chief). (R.41 – Human Resources.)

3. The District has eliminated five supervisory positions in Bond management andcut maintenance workforce and management and support staff by nearly 40% and50% respectively. (See Facilities, Item No. 2 above.) (R.41 – HumanResources.)

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1. Based on the KPMG and AISC recommendations, the District has hired anExecutive Director of Communications and Community Involvement who worksclosely with top management on strategic communications efforts in order tomake communications to the public and staff a top District priority. (R.28 –Communications.)

2. A comprehensive communications and community involvement planning processwill be completed in February 2000. The final plan will be developed inconjunction with the District’s Strategic Plan in June 2000 and immediatelyimplemented. (R.7, 29, 30, 31 – Communications.)

3. The District has developed new communication vehicles, including SchoolProgress Reports, the internal newsletter “ConnectED,” and several newbrochures in order to develop an understanding across all District stakeholders onDistrict issues and developments. Much of this effort is funded by a $200,000contribution from PGE. (R.8 – Communications.)

4. The District is taking greater advantage of electronic media: The website iscontinually updated and is being more aggressively promoted; a growing numberof staff are receiving communication updates via e-mail; Channel 53 is moreheavily utilized as a communications vehicle, again, so the District can beaccountable and communicate with all its constituencies. (R.8 –Communications.)

5. Two-way communication opportunities have increased, including the continuingweekly 1 _ hour student/Superintendent meeting called “SuperSAC,” the NikeYouth Summit, staff breakfasts with the Superintendent and community feedbackforums in connection with the Strategic Plan. (R.8 – Communications.)

Information Technology:

1. The project to replace the current Financial and Human Resources/PayrollSystems was initiated in September 1999. The project “go-live” dates are July2000 for the Financial System and January 2001 for the HR/Payroll System.(R.53 – Information Technology; R.58 – Finance.)

2. The District has reached 89% of its goals to place four computers in allclassrooms across the District. Bond fund expenditures for the classrooms as ofDecember 31, 1999 totaled $15.92 million resulting in the purchase of 9,559computers and related equipment. This is 89% of 10,772 computers needed tomeet the District’s four computers per classroom goal. (R.181 and Bond MeasureCommitment.)

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3. Sixty school building information networks were added to the PPS networkduring the period of January 1999 through September 1999. This completed theeffort to install networks at all 98 PPS schools. A follow-up project is underwayto connect individual classrooms missed in the original project. (R.181 and BondMeasure Commitment.)

4. Cable TV connections for distance learning were installed in 12 schools in 1999.This effort was partially funded through a grant from the Mt. Hood CableRegulatory Commission. A project is underway to install Cable TV connectionsin all second grade classrooms by September 2000. (R.181 and Bond MeasureCommitment.)

Bond Oversight:

1. Bond construction oversight has been taken in-house. Bond oversight andmanagement costs have been reduced by 75% from $1.5 million per year toapproximately $300,000 per year. (R.181, 183, 184, 185 – Bond.)

2. Internal and external Bond Oversight Committees have been established withstrong Board and Senior Executive involvement. (R.193, 194, 195 – Bond.)

3. A new capital improvement plan has been developed to prudently spendremaining bond funds on computers for the classrooms and priority buildingrepairs. (R.187, 196, 201, 203, 205 – Bond.)


1. The District has changed carrier and coverage for unemployment insurance,reducing costs by $200,000 annually. (R.97 – Finance.)

2. The District has provided each school with a new computer and printer for thesecretary/bookkeeper and trained them on Windows and a new accountingsoftware package for student body funds. (R.49 – Information Technology.)

3. The District has established monthly Principals’ Financial Workshops to addressnot only financial matters, but also all business-related matters to assist andsupport school administrators. (R.49, 72 – Information Technology.)

4. The District has hired Jim Scherzinger as Chief Financial Officer. His analyticalability and thorough knowledge of the State School Funding Formula have proveninvaluable in making the District’s financial and business process moreaccountable. (R.15 – Finance.)

5. The District will begin publishing a condensed, easily readable budget documentfor the layperson for the 2000-01 school year budget. (R.71 – Finance.)

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6. The District has improved its financial stability by reducing reliance on one-timelocal revenue sources, such as donations from the City of Portland andMultnomah County, by a 30% reduction in the current year and a projected 85%reduction next year. (R.16, 148 – Communications; R.65, 66, 67, 68 – Finance.)


1. Enrollment forecasting has been improved. The latest forecast was within 1.02%of actual enrollment. (R.14 – Administration/Safety.)

2. Print Shop productivity (number of impressions) has increased 25% and its staffhas been reduced 20%. (R.100, 102 – Administration/Safety.)

3. The District has implemented higher cleaning standards, closer inspections ofschool buses and increased supervision of bus driver performance. (R.211, 212,213 – Administration/Safety.)

4. The District has contracted out the Chief of Police function to the City of Portlandfor an annual savings of more than $100,000. (R.216 – Administration/Safety.)


1. The District has reorganized instructional support to schools to Grades K through5, 6 through 8, and 9 through 12 to take better advantage of staff expertise, createmore commonality of programs, and has realigned Special Instructionsupervision/support to complement the new structure. (R.106, 108 –Achievement.)

2. The District has combined the school supervision and the instructional support(curriculum) function for improved communication and efficiency. (R.106, 108 –Achievement.)

3. The District has reorganized all school improvement efforts around SchoolImprovement Plans with measurable goals for student achievement and developedand implemented a quarterly reporting system for school improvement progress.(R.6, 111 – Achievement.)

4. The District is implementing common program elements in all middle schools:

a. High school equivalent algebra offered in all middle schools.b. Common mathematics adoptions (materials and professional

development).c. All language arts teachers trained in the use of CORE reading strategies.

(R.114, 115, 119, 121, 122 – Achievement.)

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5. The District has designed and implemented a professional development academyfor administrators. (R.230 – Human Resources.)

6. The District has designed and implemented a pay-for-performance system forschool based and special instruction administrators. (R.73 – Human Resources.)

7. The District has implemented a Kindergarten through Grade 5 literacy adoptionand a Kindergarten through Grade 12 math adoption. (R.118, 120 –Achievement.)

8. The District has identified 25 lower achieving schools for intensive interventionunder supervision of the Directors of Student Achievement. (Not required byAudit.)

As summarized above, significant progress has been made over the past seven months,but much more remains to be done. In some cases, such as in outsourcing custodialmanagement and training, we have not begun to move forward because costs exceededexpectations. In other cases, such as making more efficient use of our facilities, we havebegun to move forward, but we recognize that it is a large, sensitive and important task,so we want to take time to gather the appropriate data and do it right.

One additional bonus of this process has been that some of the KPMG and AISCrecommendations have led us in entirely new and productive directions in managing theDistrict’s affairs. Particularly in areas such as facilities, inventory and bond managementwe are moving beyond the specific recommendations in the performance audit into newareas of reform and reorganization consistent with the tenor and spirit of the performanceaudit. The District is grateful to KPMG, to AISC Steering Committee and Task Forcemembers and, particularly, to the City of Portland for helping fund this effort in 1998.

The next status report on the audit is scheduled for November 2000.

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May 1999 January 2000 Status Status

Not Begun 113 9

In Progress 93 100

Partially Completed 1 29

Completed 12 76

Strategic Plan Dependent 2 7 ________________________

Total ViableRecommendations 221 221

Rejected 19 19 _________________________

Total RecommendationsIncluding Those Rejected 240 240

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Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


InventoryFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200087. (VI-13.1) PPS shouldallocate all warehousing costs(e.g. receiving, carrying, andshipping) to the end user. Oncethis is done, PPS shoulddetermine the optimal amount ofinventory needed to enable amore effective and efficientoperation of the materialmanagement function.

N IP - With the procurement andimplementation of PeopleSoftsoftware, the District is in theprocess of developing BusinessProcess Re-engineering. Withnew inventory managementsoftware, we will be able todetermine the optimal amount ofinventory needed and be able toprovide a more effective andefficient material managementfunction. Additionally, thePeopleSoft software should allowus to get a handle on allallocatable costs. The decision toallocate costs has not been made.

88. (VI-13.2) Implement ashortened lead-time for orderingand delivery wherever practical.PPS must balance the benefits ofreduced time in storage with theincrease in purchase and staffhandling costs.

N IP - The recommendation is beingimplemented. Procurementpersonnel have shortened leadtime for warehouse items andhave implemented more multipledeliveries.

89. (VI-13.3) Reconsider theneed for constructing additionalstorage space across from theBESC.

N C - Completed - none will beconstructed.

90. (VI-14.1) While PPScurrently has a written return(credit) policy, it should berewritten to include all currentreturn practice sand be moreclearly presented. PPS shouldalso consider recovering the costof returns through one of twomethods:1. Charge a restocking fee (e.g.,10% of the item value forrestocking), which is on par withthe private sector for costrecovery and a penalty todiscourage over-buying; or2. Build return costs into thefront-end price, like a retail store.

N P & IP - The District hasreviewed and clarified its writtenreturn for credit policy. We havelooked at means and methods ofrecovery and the cost of returnsfor credit. Without a BusinessProcess Re-Engineeringrecommendation, the District hasnot yet implemented a process torecover this cost. The value ofthe returns for credit continues todecline. Therefore, monetaryreturn may not justify the effortparticularly as we go through theprocess of implementing a newinventory management system.

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

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91. (VI-15.1) The District shouldconsolidate off site storage andmake it available for use by theschool sties.

N IP - This responsibility has beenassumed by Facilities & AssetManagement and will be part oftheir plan outlined in response in19 above.

92. (VI-16.1) A. PPS shouldbenchmark the materialsmanagement staff for efficiency,and establish a method for doingso that accurately gaugesperformance.B. PPS should evaluatepurchasing procedures district-wide to determine whatprocedures can be changed now toincrease efficiency and preparestaff for the business proceduresrequired by the new system.

N IP - With the implementation ofthe PeopleSoft software, theDistrict has received a businessprocess review of the materialmanagement function. TheDistrict is reviewing the BusinessProcess Re-engineering for theefficiency changes inherent inPeopleSoft software and isconsidering the bench markingmethod recommended.

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Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


FacilitiesFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200019. (II-12.1) PPS should addressthe costs of operating excessfacility capacity and exploreoptions for either funding theseoperations or cutting costs,potentially through the closure ofschools or multiple useconsolidation of facilities.

N IP - The District has begun theprocess of examining facility useand program needs and optionsfor consolidation, multiple use, orclosure of selected facilities. Adraft “Proposed Process forDetermining the Best Use ofFacilities was distributed to theBoard January 24th.

The Task Force recommendsalternatives numbered 19.1though 19.10 be viewed as a totalpackage that, implemented inconcert, will bring positiveresults.

N IP -The District has begun theprocess of examining facility useand program needs and optionsfor consolidation, multiple use, orclosure of selected facilities. Adraft “Proposed Process forDetermining the Best Use ofFacilities” was distributed to theBoard January 24th.

19.1 (II-12.1) Net cost savingsby school building consolidationshould only be pursued in concertwith other recommendations to:1) change the use of non-schoolbuildings; and 2) promoteongoing communityschools/multi-use programs.

N IP - In addition to the “Best UseProcess”, the district has taken anumber of related actionsincluding:1. SUN School Initiative: Thedistrict will have eight to tenSUN schools in operation by nextyear. The SUN school conceptexpands the scope of thecommunity school program. It ismodeled on the Lane middleschool program. The SUNprogram is a partnership betweenstate and local governments,community groups, businessesand the District.2. The District will be evaluatingthe use of the non-schoolbuildings as part of its “Best UseProcess” in light of the programand support program needs ofDistrict students.

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


19.2 (II-12.1) Portland PublicSchools formulate and implementa Building Utilization Plan with agoal of operating its currentprograms at a system-wide goalof 90% utilization.

N IP - The District is examiningbuilding use through the “BestUse Process”. Several factorsunder evaluation that will impactthe current and future utilizationlevels for our schools include:1. Class Size Reduction Initiative(CSRI): adds teaching staff andincreases the need for classroomspace.2. Target average number ofstudents per classroom (currentlyan average of 25).3. Civil Rights Agreement:requires additional classroomspace for ESL staff.4. Need for additional standardclassrooms to house special needsprogram.5. Local Option: if successful,additional classroom space for upto 200 new instructors will berequired.6. Projected Enrollment andrelated trends (The District hascommissioned new five-yearindividual school projections).

19.3 (II-12.1) PPS shoulddevelop plans to more fully usemiddle and high schools whichare below 75% program capacity.

N IP - The “Best Use Process” willlook at high school and middleschool use in terms of programneeds and alternative usepossibilities.

19.4 (II-12.1) The Districtshould initiate negotiations withlocal government officials todraft a partnership agreementleading to an annual lump-sumpayment to the District from eachjurisdiction using Districtproperties in recognition of thevalue provided thesegovernments by the use of itsfacilities.

N IP - The District has initiatedexploratory discussions with theCity and County. Neither haveindicated interest in the lump-sumpayment option at this time. Bothare working with the District onfunding options including:1. The City has purchasedapproximately $5.3 million ofvacant District property.The District is discussing the saleof approximately $1.7 million ofadditional properties.2. The City has funded a numberof programs including summerschool and part of the new FMIS

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


system ($2 to 3 million).The District and the County areworking to co-locate the County’sFacilities Management Divisionat BESC. This intergovernmentalagreement will include a $3.5million dollar lump-sum paymentto the District for the use of partof BESC.

19.5 (II-12.1) The Districtshould (re)affirm the importanceof community schools (with co-located social and recreationalservices) to the mission ofPortland Public Schools. Thiscommitment should becommunicated internally as apolicy directive to Districtpersonnel at all levels toencourage receptivity andcreativity in partnering with localgovernment to expand/improvejoint initiatives.

N IP - The District is supporting amajor community schoolpartnership, the SUN SchoolInitiative. The District will haveeight to ten SUN schools inoperation by next year. The SUNschool concept expands the scopeof the community schoolprogram. It is modeled on theLane middle school program.The SUN program is apartnership between state andlocal governments, communitygroups, businesses and theDistrict.

19.6 (II-12.1) Portland PublicSchools (PPS) should reworktheir facility utilization data tomore accurately reflect “usableprogram space” for prospectivetenants, including local and stategovernment and non-profitsdeemed eligible based on formalselection criteria. The Districtshould encourage and recognizemanagers who take an innovativeapproach to creating usablespace, whether or not listed asavailable, thereby promotingmixed-use models and schedulingstrategies. Analysis of usablespace should be a reflex actionwhenever a school has beenidentified as “under-enrolled”and at risk of closure so thatalternative uses of the space, suchas a new community school,might be considered. Thesefunctions are targeted to makingoperational a culture ofcooperative planning/co-location

N IP - The District will analyze itsutilization of its school buildingsas part of its “Best Use Process”in light of the program andsupport program needs of Districtstudents.To support this effort, the Districtwill conduct a classroom usesurvey this spring. The surveywill identity both classroom useand non-education program useof District facilities as well asvacant classrooms. The Districthas also commissioned five-yearprojections for its schools as partof this analysis.Part of the purpose of the surveywill be to identify for the “BestUse Process” the extent and typeof non-educational program orcommunity uses in our facilitiesand allow an analysis of thecurrent extent of community andpartnership programs operating inour facilities.In addition, the impact of several

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

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consistent with the partnershipbetween the District and localgovernment.

factors that may affect buildinguse in the near future will also beaddressed:1. Class Size Reduction Initiative(CSRI): adds teaching staff andincreases the need for classroomspace.2. Target average number ofstudents per classroom (currentlyan average of 25).3. Civil Right Agreement:requires additional classroomspace for ESL staff.4. Need for additional standardclassrooms to house special needsprograms.5. Local Option: if successful,additional classroom space for upto 200 new instructors will berequired.

19.7 (II-12.1) PPS shouldactively market this spaceinventory to local government atleast as often as the first of eachcalendar year so that prospectivetenants may consider thepossibilities as part of theirbudget cycle planning. Thiswould facilitate join planning forcreation/expansion and couldopen negotiation of partnershipagreements. creation/expansionand could open negotiation ofpartnership agreements.

N IP - The classroom survey and theresults of the “Best Use Process”will allow the District to identifyand market any space availablefor other uses that is not nowused for educational programsupport, or community activities.The District will seekopportunities to identify potentiallarger contiguous space in ourfacilities that are suitable forlease or use by other groups.Community access has increasedat 20 school sites due to extendedhours (6-8:30 p.m.) for which noextra custodial time is necessary.The additional time provides anopportunity to generate revenue -primarily from gym rental. Gymrental sessions have beendeveloped at these sites for theentire school year to replicate thespring session at all elementaryand middle schools. The fees forthe 10-week sessions haveincreased significantly whilebeing competitive and based on arating system for the type of gymfacility.

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

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19.8 (II-12.1) Because BESC isdesigned for the unique needs ofthe school district, it shouldcontinue to house PPS offices,warehouses and other supportservices.

C C - BESC will continue to housePPS support services. However,the District is working to co-locate Multnomah County’sFacilities Management Divisionat BESC in space made availableby the District’s consolidationand reorganization of its facilitiesoperation.

19.9 (II-12.1) Create revenueopportunities to transferring PPSsupport staff to BESC and divestor lease space made available bythis transfer action.

N P - The District has pursued arelated opportunity by offeringspace at BESC to MultnomahCounty as an alternative torelocating District staff back toBESC from other locations. TheDistrict has taken a number ofother steps to identify revenueopportunities including:1. Transfer of selectedadministrative programs to BESCand the subsequent lease ofvacated space (TerwilligerSchool).2. Exploratory discussions withthe Portland DevelopmentCommission on theredevelopment of part of theChild Service Center.3. Negotiations for the sale orlease of Fulton Park, Foster, partof Whitaker Holding, MasonicTemple, part of Whitaker MiddleSchool, and part of GreenThumb.

19.10 (II-12.1) Create revenueopportunities by divesting orleasing unused facilities, whichinclude at least seven propertiesthat the committee believes, areunder utilized.

N IP - The District has identifiedand is pursuing opportunities fornon-school property useincluding:Sale or lease of Fulton Park,Foster, part of Whitaker Holding,Masonic Temple, part ofWhitaker Middle School, part ofGreen Thumb, and redevelopedor alternative use of part of ChildServices Center.

170. (VIII-7.1) Update Boardpolicy to definitively state theprocess for renting facilities,establish charging policies and

IP IP - The Board policy is in thefinal stages of revision to reflectcurrent use of buildings practices.A draft of “The Proposed

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


rates that are equitable andconsistent. PPS should producepolicies with citizen involvementto increase the use of buildingsand revenue generation. Thecommittee supports therecommendations subject to theacknowledgement of thepartnership and joint-useagreements to be negotiated withthe City of Portland andMultnomah County.

Process for Determining Best Useof Facilities” was distributed tothe Board January 24th. Furtherchanges to “Civic Use ofBuildings” procedures will besubmitted to and approved by theBoard.

173. (VIII-11.1) PPS shouldestablish a leasing policy to meetthe goals of the Task Forcerecommendations contained in theJanuary 14th report. The goals arenet cost savings by schoolbuilding consolidation shouldonly be pursued in concert withother recommendations to: 1)charge the use of non-schoolbuildings; and 2) promoteongoing communityschools/multi-use programs.

IP IP - Underway as part of responseto recommendation 170 above.

175. (VIII-12.1) As part of thenew Facility ManagementInformation System, implementpolicies and practices to increasethe use of performance measures.

IP IP - The Facilities and AssetManagement Division isinstituting performance measuresfor Maintenance Services andCustodial Services. The cost ofcontracting out management forCustodial Services wasprohibitive in the last budgetcycle because of a $6 milliondeficit.

Pending the new FMIS system,the Facilities and assetManagement Division has madesignificant changes.

176. (VIII-13.1) PPS needs toreconsider its allocation ofresources to ensure that the safetyand cleanliness of its facilities arenot compromised.

IP IP - Maintenance Services hasreduced its budget by $6 millionover the last five years. This hasresulted in a major change in theway that we do business. We nolonger do construction projects ormajor bond repairs. Next yearthe District has another $6million deficit which will affectMaintenance Services. However,

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safety will always have toppriority.

The focus of the MaintenanceDepartment is to provide the typeof service that it was originallyintended to provide, maintenanceof District assets. Our main focusis on Preventive Maintenance,Emergency (Priority Repairs),and Requested Repairs throughimproved customer service.

In order to accomplish theseitems we are also re-engineeringthe process by which we dobusiness. We are in the processof union negotiations, which willallow us the opportunity toinstitute additional cost savingmeasures such as, the use ofapprentices, the creation of a newclassification called rover, andthe use of the team concept,which allow the crossing of craftjurisdiction items. MaintenanceServices is in the process ofsetting productivity standards andcreating a means by which tocheck productivity, which willinclude an FMIS system, whichwill allow us to track theinformation better. We are alsoengaged in an outsourcing studythat will help us to use the mostcost effective means toaccomplish the work of theDistrict.

177. (VIII-14.1) Until the issueof inadequate financial resourcesis solved, Physical Plant shouldprioritize the types of serves to beprovided by in-house maintenancestaff.

IP IP - The District’s MaintenanceDepartment has prioritized itstasks to focus on PreventiveMaintenance, Emergency orPriority repairs, and requestedrepairs. An outsourcing study hasbeen commissioned to determinethe most cost effective means toprovide selected services, it willbe completed in April 2000.

178. (VIII-15.1) PPS needs toreview its delivery of and funding

IP IP - The District is working onCustodial Training, improved

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for custodial and janitorialservices so cleanliness can beimproved.

performance standards, laborcontract changes, increased use ofpart-time custodians, andstaggered custodial schedules toimprove service delivery atreduced cost. Funding forincreased custodial services isunclear given the Districtfinancial position.

179. (VIII-16.1) PPS shouldcontinue to contract for themanagement of the custodial staff.The contract should includeperformance measures.

IP IP - Improved training isproceeding on several fronts;work has begun with productvendors to obtain trainingmaterials for use in-house,Change Management classes forhead custodians are beingscheduled and will be completedby mid February 2000.New full-time employees aregiven a one-week orientation atCleveland High School. A focusgroup meeting is being planned toassist in developing district widedefinitions of “clean” this will bethe core component as wedevelop performance goals andobjectives and standardizecleaning times. These initiativesare being begun without addingto the current three supervisors inthe Custodial ServiceDepartment. Additionalsupervisors will be needed tocarry these programs forward.

180. (VIII-17.1) The contractwritten for the management ofcustodial services should haveestablished performancestandards.

IP IP - The Facilities and AssetManagement division isfinalizing the selection offacilities ManagementInformation Software, which willallow benchmarking of cleaningtimes and tasks. Thisinformation, together withimproved training, more efficientstaffing, can result in improvedcleaning and safety.

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Strategic PlanFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 20001. (II-1.1) Implement a strategicplanning hierarchy thatestablishes a Board level strategicframework, develops operationallevel tactical plans, and providesfor specialized planning needs ofPPS.

N C - A Core Team consisting ofPortland area business,community and religious leaders,parents, students, policy makers,educators and governmentofficials serving as Core Teammembers established a draftStrategic Plan. From this plan,seven Action Teams have beenestablished. Each team istargeting one of seven specificstrategies. Each Action Teamwill develop quality plans thatwill include results, specificmeans, and cost/benefit analyses.

2. (II-1.2) Conduct annualmeetings between the Board, theSuperintendent, and AssistantSuperintendents to review anddiscuss major issues and updatestrategies and tactical planactivities.

N IP - Regular meetings with theBoard, Superintendent, Chief ofStaff, and AssistantSuperintendents will review anddiscuss major issues and progresswith implementation. In themeantime, the Board is receivingroutine updates at their regularlyscheduled Board meetings andBoard committee meetings alongwith Action Team minutes andmaterials, and other pertinentinformation.

3. (II-1.3) Ensure appropriatestakeholder participation in thestrategic planning process.

N C - Stakeholders haveparticipated in speak out (input)sessions, strategic planinformation presentations,committee involvement andactivities, focus groups, surveys,website information andfeedback, and individual andgroup meetings with internalcoordinators, staff and CoreTeam and Action Team members.Implementation of thisrecommendation is complete.

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4. (II-1.4) Report on planachievements.

N IP - Timeline and activities forthe completion of the planningprocess have been developed andare on schedule. At each Boardmeeting, reports to Boardmembers and Superintendent areprovided. In addition, minutes ofeach Action Team meeting areprovided to the Board and generalpublic.

5. (II-2.2) Develop a newtactical level strategic plan forPPS operations that is consistentwith the recommended planningprocess.

N IP - A Strategic Plan frameworkhas been developed. At thepresent time, Action Teams aredesigning plans that willdetermine the District’s futuredirection. The plans will bereviewed by Core Team membersto be certain they comply withtheir original intent. The CoreTeam will present their planrecommendation to the Board ofEducation for adoption andimplementation. Current timelinefor adoption is late May or earlyJune, 2000.

20. (III-1.1) Roles andresponsibilities should beclarified to emphasize the policymaking role of the Board ofEducation, the executive role ofthe Superintendent, and theadministrative role ofmanagement.

N C - The Board has discussed andclarified its policy role internallyamong Board members and withthe Superintendent. The Boardengaged a facilitator to assist inthese discussions about theappropriate role of Boardmembers among other matters.These discussions will beongoing.

21. (III-1.2) Clarify policies andprocedures to establish protocolsfor Board and Superintendentinteractions, and governance andoversight responsibilities.

NIP - All Board policies are underreview including policies relatingto governance oversight andinteractions.

22. (III-1.3) The Board shoulddevelop performance measuresfor its adopted goals andcommunicate its achievement ofthese goals.

NC - The Board had developedperformance measures for theSuperintendent and, in theprocess of the Strategic Plan, theBoard will develop other long-term goals.

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23. (III-2.1) PPS shouldformalize the Board of Educationorientation process.

NP - Each Board member hasundergone an orientation process,but this has not been formalizedin writing.

24. (III-2.2) Institute a programto have incumbent Boardmembers provide newly electedmembers an overview of majorissues from prior years.

NC - This process occurs but alsoneeds to be formalized in writing.

25. (III-3.1) Establish the policyadvisory role of Boardcommittees.

NC - Board committees recognizetheir purpose is to advise the fullBoard and not “manage” theseassigned areas.

26. (III-3.2) Adopt a limitednumber of standing committees tothe Board, such as Curriculumand Instruction, Personnel andCommunication, Finance,Operations, Audit, andLegislative Relations.

NC - The Board has created thefollowing standing committees: - Instructional Improvement - Budget & Finance - Legal

27. (III-4.1) Add an analystposition to Board staff to assistBoard in making, tracking, andanalyzing information requests ata cost of approximately $42,000plus benefits.

NC - Staff has been given theanalyst responsibility andprovided with full time secretary.

104. (VII-1.1) Develop anaccountability system that clearlydefines Board, executive, andmanagement and DOSAresponsibilities throughout PPSfor attaining student achievementgoals.

N C - Completed. The Board holdsthe Superintendent responsiblefor student achievement as part ofhis incentive compensation.Individual school principals setachievement goals as part theSchool Improvement Planprocess and their annualevaluations consider achievementprogress.

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Human ResourcesFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200037. (IV-1.1) Eliminate theAssistant to the Superintendentposition, but not the person

N N - This recommendation has notbeen implemented because of theincumbents’ value to the District,most recently in managing charterschools applications processing.

38. (IV-1.2) Distinguish theroles and responsibilities of theAcademic AssistantSuperintendents.

C C - The two Academic AssistantSuperintendents are responsiblefor the supervision of the schoolsin the District. The AssistantSuperintendent for elementarysupervises the 63 elementaryschools and is responsible forimplementation of elementarycurricular initiatives, such asmath adoption. She also managermajor committees such as areexamination the teacherevaluations systems.. The otherAssistant Superintendent isresponsible for 18 middle schoolsand ten high schools, alternativeprograms, vocational andtechnical education, alternativeeducation, 6-12 curriculum, andis also involved in othernumerous activities.

40. (IV-1.4) Organize functionsunder a new divisionalconfiguration by adding a HumanResources AssistantSuperintendent to theorganization.

IP IP - The position of ExecutiveDirector of Human Resourceswas established and a nationwidesearch was conducted. To date, anew director has not been named.

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41. (IV-2.1) Re-examine narrowreporting relationships for theopportunity to consolidatefunctions and programs.

N C - This examination has beencompleted. In examining the 40non school related narrowreporting relationships tabulatedin the KPMG Audit on p. VI-7,more than half of those narrowrelationships are caused by threefactors (1) necessarily smalldiscrete operating units suchSuperintendent’s Office, BudgetOffice, Athletics, Civic Use ofBuildings, ESL/Bilingual etc. (2)a misunderstanding by KPMG ofthe organizational structure inHuman Resources. In thePhysical Plant (Facilities) unit,management layoff inArchitecture, planning andengineering and custodial havesignificantly improved span ofcontrol and broadened reportingrelationships.

42. IV-2.2) Implementprocedures to regularly analyzespan of control and narrowreporting relationships toleverage management resources.

N IP - The District is continuing toanalyze span of control andreporting relationships. A studyis underway in Human Resourcesand is ongoing in the Facilitiesorganization.

43. (IV-2.3) Continue to explorethe number of and use of leadworker positions to ensure theappropriate management span ofcontrol over the Physical Plantoperations.

IP C - Maintenance work forceshave been substantially reducedto a level not seen in the Districtin many years. Agreements withthe unions have resulted inforemen who had previouslyspent most of their time onadministrative and oversightresponsibilities to now also“working with tools.”

73. (VI-4.2) PPS shouldconsider linking financialaccountability to performanceevaluations for administrators andcentral service operations andprovide for regular briefing to theBoard on budget status.

N IP - This recommendation hasbeen implemented for all buildingprincipals. For 1999/2000,assistants and vice principals andcentral office administrators wereplaced on a graded schedule.Plans are under review at thistime to base future salaryincreases on job performance.

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83. (VI-9.1) Ensure proper hiringpolicies and procedures arefollowed.

N IP - Human ResourcesDepartment being reorganized tofully take advantage of newsystem capabilities. BusinessProcess Re-engineering efforts inthe Human Resources and PayrollDepartments are currentlyunderway.

84. (VI-10.1) Implementemployment disclosurerequirements for substitute andpart-time employees.

N IP - While the District incooperation with the appropriateunions does provide orientationworkshops for substitutes andpart-time employees underPortland Federation of Teachersand Classified Employees(PFTCE) contract, the fullimplications of thisrecommendation have yet to beimplemented.

85. (VI-11.1) PPS should explorestrategies to reduce its overallbenefits burden through theintroduction of cafeteria benefitplans or other flexible benefitsapproaches.Recommendation should not betaken as directive in collectivebargaining.

N IP - During the last round ofnegotiations with PortlandAssociations of Teachers (PAT),the District placed proposals onthe table to fill the intent of thisrecommendation. The finaltentative agreement includedcurrent language on maintenanceof benefits.

98. (VI-21.1) It is suggested thatPPS evaluate the possibility ofreorganization of theEnvironmental Health & SafetyDepartment and considercombining current staffresponsibilities to determine theproper number of additional staffrequired. The Task Force makesthe recommendation to review thejob descriptions of the 2 FTE inEnvironment Health & SafetyDepartment to determine if theirtime can be further allocated intoother worker safety functions.

IP C - Done. The Districtdetermined that no additionalstaff will be hired at this time.

151. (VII-23.1) The Districtneeds to take steps to makeforecasts for Spanish-speakingESL/Bilingual staff positionsearly in the year and offeremployment to those who are

IP P & IP - Substantial progress hasbeen made in this area. TheDistrict is a partner in thePathways project at PortlandState University, working withprospective teachers, of which 18

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recruited in a more timely fashion.Any steps the District could taketo negotiate contract language thatcould retain staff with thoseunique linguistic capabilities formlayoff in staff reductions for anyreason would be extremelyhelpful. Recommendation shouldnot be taken as directive incollective bargaining.

will be placed in our schools thisyear. The Portland TeachersProgram has approximately 15students this year, of which themajority is Hispanic.Furthermore, the Districtsuccessfully negotiated languagein the PAT contract, which wouldprovide additional protection forlay off in bilingual programs

Last year the Superintendentauthorized the Human ResourcesDepartment to hire 15ESL/Bilingual teachers inJanuary/February on Letters ofIntent. This was accomplished.

228. (VIII-41.1) Explorestrategies to recruit, develop, andretain minorities to key academicand administrative positions.

N P & IP - The AspiringAdministrators Program wasinitiated in September 1999 andwill continue through April 2000.Although minority applicantswere recruited, only two of theprogram’s 16 participants areminorities. Activities include atwo unit seminar offered by KateDickson of Lewis and ClarkCollege, coaching, mentoring ifappropriate, school visitationsand all participants are expectedto attend specially designedAcademy sessions on“supervision and evaluation ofstaff” and “getting started in theadministrative role.” Next year,recruitment of minoritycandidates will begin earlier withbetter results anticipated.

229. (VIII-42.1) Explore usingteachers during summer sessionto support recruitment, selection,and staff planning processes.


230. (VIII-43.1) Examinemethods to make the teacherevaluation process moremeaningful and address key areasof teacher performance andaccomplishment.Recommendation should not be

IP IP - PAT and the Districtsuccessfully bargained aprovision in the 1998-2002contract, which shall provide fora joint labor managementcommittee to review the entireteacher evaluation process and to

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taken as directive in collectivebargaining.

utilize best practices in the area ofteacher evaluation. Thisevaluation process is also beingshared at the Principals Academy.

231. (VIII-44.1) Exploremethods to create structuredselection processes that providefor objective and equitableassessment of applicantqualifications.

N IP - Budget cuts over the last twoyears have resulted in only oneremaining administrative positionresponsible for classifiedemployment in the District.Historically some departments,such as, custodial, maintenance,and to a certain extent, studenttransportation, have done muchof their own personnel work,including hiring and maintenanceof personnel files. Recently, theSuperintendent has asked SteveGoldschmidt, Professor atUniversity of Oregon, to reviewthe Human Resources functionsand to make recommendationsregarding structuring resourcelevels, etc. Concurrently, thebusiness process reengineeringeffort under the implementationwith the new PeopleSoft softwarefor Human Resources, Payroll,Finance and Warehouse, will alsoresult in recommendationsregarding the restructuring ofHuman Resource functionswithin the District. Therecommendation by KPMG willbe addressed in these two efforts.

232. (VIII-44.2) Update theclassification and compensationschedule.

IP C - This recommendation hasbeen implemented. Aclassification/compensationschedule was developed by aHuman Resources advisory groupwith assistance from WatsonWyatt in Spring 1998 and wasimplemented for 1999 and thenfully in the year 1999/2000.

233. (VIII-45.1) Explore thebenefit of expanding training toinclude courses for aspiringprincipals.

N IP - The Principals’ Academy hasoffered an average of seventraining sessions on a variety oftopics each month since August1999. Topics have includedgrievance handling, evaluation ofstaff, collective bargaining

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agreements, the aspiringadministrators have been invitedto attend and working with themedia.

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CommunicationsFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 20007. (II-4.1) PPS must becommitted to the involvement ofall stakeholders, both in andoutside of PPS in thedevelopment and implementationof policies and practices thatpromote the educationalexcellence of our city’s children.To facilitate this objective, acomprehensive research basedcommunityinvolvement/communicationsplan must be developed andimplemented based on theDistrict’s Strategic Plan. Thisshould be updated annually andapproved by the Board annually.The communication must beadequately staffed and funded.Two-way involvement andoutreach strategies should use allappropriate technology.

N IP - The planning process for apreliminary communications planis underway and will becompleted in February. The planwill revised for 2000-01 when a)additional research is completedthis spring and b) the StrategicPlan is adopted.

8. (II4.2) As part of thecommunityinvolvement/communicationsplan, develop materials tocommunicate the mission,capabilities, andaccomplishments of PPS.

N P - Some new materials havebeen produced, including theDistrict Progress Report,individual school progressreports, several new brochures(including “Options in PortlandPublic Schools) and a staffnewsletter, ConnectED. We alsohave redesigned the web pageand keep it regularly updated, andwe are utilizing the District’scable TV channel, Channel 53,for more communications efforts.Additional materials and a keycommunicators newsletter are inprocess. Further materials will beidentified as part of thecommunications planningprocess.

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9. (II-4.3) As part of communityinvolvement/communicationsplan develop a systematic planand technology for internalcommunication, includingmethods for transmittinginformation.

N P - Partially complete. Will becompleted as decided in item 7above. Internal communicationsnow include staff newsletter andall but three schools areconnected to e-mail.

16. (II-9.1) 16A. PPS shouldwork with the State Departmentof Education and the Legislatureto adopt a funding formula toprovide equitable levels ofservice to all students statewideto reach state standards. It isparamount the PPS provide thelegislature with accurateinformation and a thoroughunderstanding of the servicedifferentials around the state. 16B. PPS should work with theLegislature to fund all schools atthe level required to meet orexceed standards required underORS 2191. PPS should definewhat resources are required toachieve or exceed that standardsfor all its students.

IP IP - Several cabinet members areserving on various Task Forcesfor the Governor’s Commissionon the Quality Education Model.This commission’srecommendations will influencethe Governor’s school fundingrecommendations for the nextbiennium. Staff also will developPPS-specific cost estimates whereneeded.

28. (III-5.1) Add communicationstaff positions to raise the staffingof the communication departmentup to the peer level referred to inExhibit III-2 in the KPMG reportASAP.

N P - We have hired a newExecutive Director ofCommunications and CommunityInvolvement and will hire apublications manager byFebruary. This will bring thetotal of professional staff to 3.

29. (III-6.1) In conjunction withthe Superintendent, clearlydocument the roles andresponsibilities and evaluate theperformance of the Director ofPublic Information.

N C - The newly appointedExecutive Director ofCommunications and CommunityInvolvement reported on her roleand responsibilities to the Boardon January 10, 2000.

30. (III-7.1) Protocol/proceduresfor Board information to thepublic should be incorporated inthe community involvement plan.

N IP - This will part of the planningprocess outlined in #7.

31. (III-7.2)Created detailedprocedures making informationrequests of managers and schoolstaff as part of the communityinvolvement plan.

N IP - To be included in planningprocess outlined in #7.

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32. (III-8.1) Continue withefforts to centralize all legalservice, including RiskManagement legal activities, tothe Legal Unit.

N P - Risk Management continuesto report to Mike Hutchens with amatrix relationship with GeneralCounsel on litigationmanagement. This shift shouldbe considered when GeneralCounsel is relieved of HumanResources responsibilities.

33. (III-9.1) Hire a full-timegeneral counsel for PPS.

C C - Hired General CounselAugust 1998.

34. (III-9.2) Give GeneralCounsel the discretion to hire thetype of support staff he needs.

C C - General Counsel staffaugmented to included both aparalegal and a secretary.

35. (III-10.1) The Legal Unit,Budget Unit and PIO shouldwork together to establish andcommunicate electronic versionsof PPS Policies and Regulations.

N IP - Underway in connection withthe review of all District policies.

36. (III10.2) PPS shouldestablish methods forcommunicating regulations andpolicy changes via electronic mailand other appropriate methods

.N IP - See response 35 above.

69. (VI-2.4) PPS must createongoing dialogue with thelegislature and other publicofficials on the funding needs ofPPS.

IP IP - On-going - update tolegislators,- participation in LeadersRoundtable-one-on-one meetings with publicofficials.- participation in StrategicPlanning process and other TaskForces and committees- public officials will be includedin development of keycommunication programs.

70. (VI-3.1) Consider alternativemeans to increase communityparticipation in the budgetprocess.

N IP - CBRC is meeting withBoard’s Finance Committee tostructure input for 2000-01.Subsequently years will beaddressed in Strategic Plan.

145. (VII-19.1) Budgeting andexpenditure control for specialeducation functions should bemaintained and consistentlyupdated in the special educationdepartment.

IP IP - Our budget office and studentdata services have created a databased system that increases ourcapacity to: share data amongpeople and offices; integrate ourstaff and student data; keepaccurate, up-to-date information;

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and coordinate our system withthe budget office at BESC.

146. (VII-20.1) Restructureprograms and staff responsibilitiesalong elementary, middle andhigh school levels.

IP C - This realignment has beenaccomplished as suggested.

147. (VII-21.1) PPS shouldconsider reviewing its eligibilitycriteria and evaluation proceduresin the disability categories ofmental retardation, emotionaldisturbance, and speech andlanguage disabilities.

IP IP - Criteria and evaluationprocedures are set by Federal andState law and we have no powerto change these; however ourDistrict procedures to implementthe assessment process in thesecategories has been reviewed indepth by school psychologists,speech pathologists andadministrators. Revisions arebeing made in light of theReauthorization of IDEA and thein-process revision of the OARs.We have a first draft of ourprocedures manual to reflectpolicy and practice changes.

148. (vii-21.2) PPS should lobbythe State Legislature to:1. Raise the cap on specialeducation students from 11% to12%.2. Provide full reimbursement fortransportation required in thestudents Individual EducationProgram.3. Allow the possibility of a localoption to all programs, includingSpecial Education.4. Consider the development of astate fund to offset the costs ofstudents with complex needs thatcan only be met in district withcertain resources.

IP IP - The legislature was lobbiedon points 1, 3 and 4 with successon point 3, the local option.

149. (VII-22.1) Review currentStudent Learning Centers’program delivery model to ensurethat self-contained classrooms areas close to where students resideas possible, even if the student isin a categorical classroom. PPSshould also have a cost/benefitsanalysis on special educationtransportation costs.

IP C - The District has reassignedsome special education studentsto schools closer to their homes;however we have not, at this,point conducted a cost/benefitanalysis of transportation savingsfrom these assignments.

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150. (VII-22.2) PPS must achieveefficient use of resources underthe new system and must ensure asmooth transition for specialeducation students and theirIndividualized Education Planstracking as they articulatebetween elementary, middle andhigh school levels.

IP P - Special Education staff ismeeting with General Educationstaff to provide all children withsmooth transitions. It can beespecially difficult for childrenwith disabilities so we are havingon-going dialogue with parentsthrough our advisory group. Weare also having discussions withassistant supervisory staff who doplacement, and training for staffwho are helping students to makethese transitions.

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Information TechnologyFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200012. (II-6.1) PPS should pursuean information technologystrategic planning process thatinvolves key users and managers.

SD SD - Information Technology hasdeveloped interim IT planspending completion of StrategicPlan.

13. (II-6.2) The informationtechnology strategic plan shouldbe based on the overall directionand priorities of PPS as stated inits own district-wide strategicplan.

SD SD - The InformationTechnology Strategic Plan will bedeveloped in line with theDistrict-wide strategic planningprocess.

39. (IV-1.3) Consolidatetechnology responsibilities undera Chief Technology Officer. Thistitle better reflects the breadthand complexity of the positionand its responsibilities.

C C - The Superintendent hasappointed Manny Ovena as ChiefTechnology Officer.

44. (V-1.1) Continue with plansto replace aging systems.

IP C - Information Technology, bymeans of the Odyssey Project, isimplementing PeopleSoftapplications that will result in afully integrated Financial/HumanResources/Payroll system. Otherlegacy systems will be replacedover the next 3-5 years.

45. (V-1.2) In implementingnew systems PPS should designits practices and processes aroundthe capabilities of the system,rather than excessivelycustomizing of-the-shelfsoftware.

IP IP - The District will implementPeopleSoft with minimalmodifications.

46. (V-1.3) The District shouldavoid as much information loss aspossible when converting the newsystem. Little of the District’sinformation is in a convertibleformat or extends back more thana year.

IP IP - This strategy is beingdeveloped as the system is beingimplemented. Information will beentered both manually andthrough a data conversionprocess.

47. (V-2.1) PPS should continueits plan to utilize projectmanagement systems andmethodologies to support itsmajor System ReplacementProject effort.

IP C - Information Technology hascontracted with CarreraConsulting Group for systemimplementation. The CCGProject Manager works with theProject Managers for bothFinancial and Human

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Resources/Payroll Systems usingproject management systems andmethodologies.

48. (V-2.2) Information Servicesstaff should adopt its systemsdevelopment, operations, andproject managementmethodologies and standards, andtrain its managers and key staffmembers on the application andutilization of thesemethodologies.

N IP - The adoption of systemsdevelopment, operations, andproject managementmethodologies and standards isunderway.

49. (V-2.3) Information Servicesshould re-examine itsorganizational structure andallocate resources to criticaloversight and support functions.

IP C - Information Technology hasundergone some comprehensiverestructuring that includes thefollowing: Combining networkservices and telecommunicationsservices under one manager (yetto be hired) of Network Services:Voice, Data and DistanceLearning; hiring a User ServicesManager to oversee a divisionthat includes 20+ Help Desk staff,an expanded desktop softwaretraining program, and enhancedweb development services.

50. (V-3.1) Considerestablishing technologycoordinators to provide thenecessary assistance to schools.

IP C - While technologycoordinators are funded at thelocal school level, InformationTechnology has instituted a fullystaffed Help Desk that includes13 technology support specialistswhose job is to provide telephoneand on-site technical support tothe schools.

51. (V-4.1) PPS should continueits efforts to team with industry intechnology developmentinitiatives.

N IP - Information Technology hasdeveloped partnerships withAT&T and the Mt. HoodRegulatory Commission toprovide I-net WAN infrastructurein local schools. IT has partneredwith Oregon Department ofEducation (ODE) and US West toprovide V-Tel hookup atJefferson for video conferencing.IT is also working with otherorganizations to implement CyberSchool options within PPS.

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52. (V-4.2) PPS should continueits current relationships andexplore options with othergovernmental agencies to share orpartner in technologyinvestments, training or technicalsupport.

IP IP - Information Technology isinitiating a telecommunicationsplan for distance learning thatwill utilize resources fromvarious public agencies in thePortland area. IT has partneredwith ODE and US West toprovide V-Tel hookup atJefferson for video conferencing.

53. (V-5.1) Implement anupdated Student InformationSystem and integrated HumanResources, Payroll and Finance.This alternative recommendationalso replaced KPMGrecommendations 54, 55, 56 and57.

IP IP - Information Technology, bymeans of the Odyssey Project, isimplementing PeopleSoftapplications that will result in afully integrated Financial/HumanResources/Payroll system. TheStudent Information Systemeffort has just been undertakenand, when implemented, willinterface with the PeopleSoftFinancial/HumanResources/Payroll applications.

60. (V-12.1) Implement anintegrated Risk ManagementSystem.

IP C - Risk Management haspurchased its new system and iscurrently engaged in dataconversion prior to installation ofthe new system.Facilities and Asset Managementis currently evaluating FacilitiesManagement Information Systemproposals as a result of a recentRFP process.

61. (V-13.1) Implement anintegrated Risk ManagementSystem.Nutrition Services shouldcontinue to consider a nutritionmanagement system, such asSchool Nutrition AccountabilityProgram (SNAP) or an alternativesystem.Install point-of-sales systems atall food services locations inschools.Physical Plant should continuethe procurement process andselect a new facility managementinformation system.Transportation Services should

IP IP - Even before the KPMGAudit, the Nutrition ServicesDepartment had been planning toinclude new management systemsas part of the District systemconversion project. The OdysseyProject includes funding for thisproject. The Department hashired a project manager tooversee this effort and to date, aschedule has been developed thatwill bring this on lineimmediately following thecompletion of the PeoplesoftFinancial and HR components.The Nutrition Services IS systemwill include modules for point-of-

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continue the implementation ofupdates systems to improveefficiency and allow forcompatibility with the newfinancial system.Inventory and warehouseoperations must be managedmore efficiently and reduceexcessive inventory.

sale accountability, nutrientanalysis, food productionsmanagement, and fee & reducedprice meal application processing.

62. (V-14.1) Install point-of-salesystems at all food serviceslocations in the schools.

IP IP- See response to 61 above.

63. (V-15.1) Physical Plantshould continue the procurementprocess and select a new facilitymanagement information systemto be integrated with the soon-to-be-implemented financial system.

IP IP - Facilities and AssetManagement is currentlyevaluating Facilities ManagementSystems and intends to installsuch a system in the near future.

64. (V-16.1) TransportationServices should continue theimplementation of updatedsystems to improve efficiencyand allow for compatibility withthe new financial system.

IP IP - Transportation is in processof implementing a new Edulogsystem.

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BondFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000181. (VIII-18.1) Establish aproject management system thatwill provide for better control andoversight of the Bond Program.

IP C - A Program ManagementOffice (PMO) has beenestablished to centrally plan andmonitor all projects and theirrespective budgets. The PMOhas a full-time ContractsCoordinator and a DocumentControl Specialist to assurecontract compliance and changeorder administration for Districtconsultants and contractors.

182. (VIII-18.2) Establishtraining to introduce best practicesinto PPS’ management.

N C - Training has beenimplemented for PMO staff andPPS project managementpersonnel. “Best practices”Policies and Procedures Manualsare being developed andimplemented through weeklymeetings. Additionally aconsultant team was retained tofacilitate “Lessons Learned”meetings to review pastmanagement work and contrast itwith proven industry practices.

183. (VIII-18.3) EstablishProgram Management team toprovide oversight for all bondprograms and projects withinPPS.

IP C - The Project Management(PMO) provides oversight to allprojects. The PMO includes theDirector of the CapitalImprovement Program, who mustreview/approve all projectbudgets, schedules and scopes ofwork. It also includes a programOperations Manager and aContracts Coordinator whomonitor individual projects, theirbudgets, contract administration,and communication with theother PPS Departments.

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184. (VIII-19.1) A PPS levelProgram Management Plan shouldoptimize the management of allaspects of the program.

IP C - A new program managementplan has been written whichprioritizes the future projects forthe Capital ImprovementProgram (CIP). The planspecifically uses the approvedBond criteria for which projectcomponents will be completed.The Program Management Planwas developed by the BondInternal Oversight Committeewhich is made up of the PPS CIPDirector, Chief Financial Officer,Facilities Director, IT Director,District General Counsel andDistrict Controller.

185. (VIII-20.1) Establish aProgram Management Office, thecharter of which would be toensure all project managementtools and techniques are useduniformly across the Program.

R R.

186. (VIII-21.1) The ProgramManager should have the properDelegation of Authority from theBoard and Superintendent withappropriate monetary instructionsand legal oversight.

IP C - The CIP Director has beengiven a letter from thesuperintendent delegatingauthority to administer theprogram.

187. (VIII-21.2) If it is notwithin the Director, PhysicalPlant’s responsibility to signchange orders on behalf of PPS,then a committee should beestablished to review all changeorders signed to date.


188. (VIII-21.3) Freeze anyfurther change orders unless therehas been written agreement andthe work has been done by thecontractor or designer in goodfaith.

C C - The Program ManagementOffice has assumed control of alldesigner and contractor changeorders, and has verified that extrawork has been performed in goodfaith and that the District hasreceived adequate value for theextra charges.

189. (VIII-22.1) All changeorders and recommendations mustbe in compliance of state laws andPPS policies.

IP C - The Program ManagementOffice has been working closelywith District legal counsel andpurchasing department to assurethat all change orderrecommendations comply with

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state laws and District policies.190. (VIII-22.2) Review thecontracts that exceed theestablished limits.


191. (VIII-22.3) Board shouldview contracting policies andprocedures vis-à-vis current statelaws (OAR and ORS) todetermine if changes areappropriate.

IP IP - A subcommittee of the PPSBusiness Council is currentlyreviewing OAR and ORS statuesand reviewing Districtcontracting procedures.

192. (VIII-23.1) Establish aChange Control Board charteredto provide the oversight needed tomonitor and prevent inappropriatechange-order “splitting”.


193. (VIII-24.1) #183establishes a ProgramManagement team and analternative structure will beprovided by the Task Force

IP C - Overall Program Managementis accomplished through thefollowing components of theProgram Team. - Program Management Office -Supervised by the Director of theCapital Improvement Program. - Internal Oversight Committee -A subcommittee of the DistrictBusiness Council, includes theCIP Director, the District GeneralCounsel, Chief Financial Officerand Department Directors. - CIP Advisory Committee -Includes representatives from thecommunity, industry, a schoolboard member, CFO, GeneralCounsel and CIP Director.

194. (VIII-24.2) - The SchoolBoard should assign a designee toserve on the ExecutiveCommittee.

N C - A School Board member, Ms.Karla Wenzel serves on the CIPAdvisory Committee.

195. (VIII-24.3) Establish anExecutive Committee composedof a School Board Designee, CROor CFO designee and tow citizenrepresentatives. The committeeshall replace the Citizen BondAdvisory Committee.

IP C - See no. 193 above. The newCIP Advisory Committee hasreplaced the former committee.

196. (VIII-25.1) Re-evaluate theCM/GL goals in seven years.

N C - CM/GC contracts are beingrevised to improve cost, scheduleand changer order management.The re-evaluation of the CM/GCgoals will be ongoing throughoutthe remainder of the program.

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197. (VIII-25.2) Establish anExecutive Steering Committee,created as a component of theschool Board.

IP C - The CIP Advisory Committeedescribed in 193 above, whichincludes Board membership,serves in this function.

198. (VIII-26.1) Transfer theCommunity Budget AdvisoryCommittee (CBAC)responsibilities to the ExecutiveCommittee and eliminate theCBAC. Ifpromotional/educationalresponsibilities become needed onBond issues, a new CBAC shouldbe reconstituted.

IP C - CBAC has been discontinued.The CIP Advisory Committeenow performs those functions.

199. (VIII-27.1) On largecomplex projects establish a WorkBreakdow Structure (WBS) andinstitute a formal authorizationprocess.

N C - The Program ManagementOffice has established a workbreakdown structure andcontinues to refine roles andresponsibilities of theparticipants.

200. (VIII-27.2) Proceed withthe FMIS system purchase andinstallation.

IP C - The District has proceededwith the purchase of a new FMISsystem.

201. VIII-28.1) Program shouldbe reorganized as illustrated inExhibit VIII-14.

IP P - The Program has beenreorganized as shown in ExhibitVIII-14 with the exception of theimplementation of the InternalOversight Committee. The CIPAdvisory Committee is reviewingthe proposed roles andresponsibilities of the InternalOversight Committee.

202. (VIII-29.1) Project Manageris responsible for quality control.

IP IP - The CIP Director and PMOare developing and implementingnew projects policies andprocedures, which include qualitymanagement guidelines andprocesses.

203. (VIII-30.1) A method toprovide sound cost managementmust be developed.

IP C - The PMO has designed andimplemented a new projectbudgeting/tracking system whereeach project cost authorization(also revised budgets and changeorders) is initiated/approved bythe CIP Director and updatedmonthly. All projects have amonthly progress report writtenby the assigned project manager,which includes detailed cost

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information.204. (VIII-30.2) Map budgetexpenditures to actualexpenditures.

N C - Budget to Actualexpenditures are monitored for allbudgets on a monthly basis. Thistask will be fully automated whenthe new FMIS system is installed.

205. (VIII-30.3) Establishsystems to ensure accountabilityof contingency funds.

IP C - The CIP Director mustapprove use of individual projectcontingency funds in writing.Use of CIP program contingencyfunds must be recommended bythe CIP Director and outlined tothe CIP Advisory Committee.

206. (VIII-31.1) Reportingexpectations for the new P.M.should be developed by theExecutive Committee

IP C - Currently the CIP Directorprovides an update to the CIPAdvisory Committee at regularmeetings and provides a formalquarterly report of programactivities and status.

207. (VIII-31.2) ProgramManager should provide a finalreport as directed by theExecutive Committee.

N IP - CIP Advisory Committee hasnot yet met on the issues of afinal report.

208. (VIII-31.3) It isrecommended that the statement,in the sixth paragraph, statingthat” …the work was successfullyachieved” be considered based onthe final agreed upon scope andbudget and not in relation to theinitial scope of the FacilityImprovement Program describedprojects.


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FinanceFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200010. (II-5.1) PPS should develop afinancial plan that is consistentwith its new Strategic Plan.

IP SD - When Strategic Plan iscompleted consistent financialplan will follow.

11. (II-5.2) The Strategic Plan,which should result in annualmeasurable goals and objectivesshould drive budget decisions.

N SD - This principal will drivebudget decisions after StrategicPlan is completed.

15. (II-8.1) Conduct additionaltraining to ensure that PPSmanagers and key staff,specifically budget personnel,develop a better understanding ofthe State’s funding formula.

IP C - The key staff members in theBudget Office understand thestate funding formula.

58. (V-10.1) Implement a newaccounts payable system andmodify the process flows.Specifically PPS should: 1)prepare a current accountspayable listing as soon aspossible; 2) reconcile payableswith the general ledger monthly;3) strengthen internal controls; 4)begin design of accounts payableprocess system by March 1999.

IP IP - The Finance modules of thePeopleSoft system are on targetfor go-live on July 5, 2000. Inthe meantime, an Access databasehas been built to track the non-financial aspects of the grantportfolio.

59. (V-11.1) PPS needs toimplement an automated grantsaccounting and managementsystem.

IP IP - This will be completed asdescribed in 58 above.

65. (VI-1.1) PPS should phase ina build up of the reserve accountover time ie: build reserves to 1%of the general operating budget in1999, 2% in 2000, and 3% in allsubsequent years. A 66 - 2/3 voteof the School Board would berequired to access the reserves.

IP C - General Fund balance at6/30/99 was $6.6 million, whichis 1.95% of revenues. The Boardwill decide in the budget processfor 2000-2001 if they want tobuild reserves to the 3% level.Currently the Superintendentmust approve access to reserves.

66. (VI-2.1) The PPS Boardshould ensure its budgetedexpenditures do not exceedavailable revenues.

IP C - See 65 above.

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67. (VI-2.2) The PPS Boardshould establish a 3 to 5 yearbudget planning horizon that isdriven by the Strategic Plan. Itshould examine the impacts ofthe changing financial,operational and fundingconditions on district-wide andindividual program budgets.

IP P & SD - This recommendationhas been partially implemented inthat the District current planninghorizon is at least two years out.These Strategic Plan and the newinformation system shouldfacilitate a longer planninghorizon.

68. (VI-2.3) As part of theStrategic Plan the Board shoulddevelop short and long-termstrategies for addressingdeclining revenues.

IP SD - The Strategic Plan shouldaddress District spendingpriorities which should be used totrim programs in the event ofdeclining revenues.

71. (VI-3.2) Improve the budgetdocument as a communicationdevice. The budget is a reflectionof financial resources needed toachieve the goals and objectivesset forth in the Strategic Plan.The budget is the culmination ofthe budget process.

N IP - The budget document will bemodified so as to be easier tounderstand and consistent withthe Strategic Plan.

72. (VI-4.1) Improve the levelof oversight and accountabilityover PPS’ established budget.

N IP - Some improvements made,primarily through JimScherzinger’s efforts. Additionaloversight planned once newsystem is fully implemented.

74. (VI-5.1) Considerreassigning certain duties withinthe Finance Department toimprove financial managementand oversight capacity.

IP P/IP - As much as could beaccomplished before the newsystem comes on-line has beendone. Further reassignments willoccur after the system goes live.Current job classifications withinbargaining units pose somelimitations.

75. (VI-5.2) Perform timely bankreconciliation on a monthly basis.

C C - Done at May 1999.

76. (VI-5.3) Implement a processthat requires the Controller orother qualified employee toinitiate the investmenttransactions utilizing aconfidential code system.

IP P - Partially done. Controllernow initiates wire process.Confidential code system is stillin process.

77. (VI-5.4) Implement a systemto monitor bank fees and interestearned on its various cash andinvestment accounts.

C C - Done at May 1999.

78. (VI-5.5) Conduct training onaccounting basics for accounting

N P - Partially done. More needed.Lack of adequately trained and

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staff. qualified staff noted in themanagement letter presented toBoard on January 24, 2000 byPauly, Rogers and Co., P.C.

79. (VI-6.1) Implement a policywhereby all fixed assets must betagged and recorded on the fixedassets system prior to being putinto use in the schools and PPSoffices.

N IP - Low priority given currentfiscal constraints. Planning toimprove system to coincide withGASB’s new reportingrequirements within next twoyears.

80. (VI-6.2) Perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine themost economical and efficientmethod for properly tracking andaccounting for fixed assets,including, but not limited to,consideration of outsourcing,doing it in-house, or acombination of both.

N IP - See 79 above.

81. (VI-7.1) Establish internalaudit function and related long-term audit plans to test variousaspects of PPS administrationcompliance and operations.

N N/ID - Need acknowledged, butlow priority in light of fiscalconstraints. Hopeful that newaccounting system will allowcurrent staff to assume more ofthese responsibilities.

82. (VI-8.1) The Task forcerecommends that the PayrollDepartment focus its effort on thedesign of anew system rather thanchanging the current process.Grant administrators should beprovided with copies of timesheets of time charged to variousgrants.

IP IP - Payroll and HumanResources modules of newsystem on target for go-live onJanuary 2, 2001.

86. (VI-12.1) Reduce the numberof purchase orders processed bythe Purchasing Department inaddition to reducing supplyinventory. Expand the use ofprocurement cards to travel andentertainment if feasible.Continue to require all vendors togive PPS established discounts toall users.

IP IP - Business Process Re-engineering efforts in thePurchasing Department arecurrently underway.

93. (VI-17.1) PPS should rebuildand maintain segregated insurancereserves for expected outstandingliabilities including know claimliabilities and IBNR (Incurred ButNot Reported) estimates as

IP C - In the management letterissued by Pauly, Rogers and Co.,P.C., the District’s independentauditors, and presented to theBoard on January 24, 2000, it wassuggested that the fund balance of

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opposed to KPMG valuationbased on 1-2 years of claimsliability. These reserves shouldbe rebuilt over time (4-5 years andreviewed annually by the PPSBoard).

approximately $2 million couldbe transferred to the GeneralFund. The actuarially determinedliabilities are fully funded, soadditional reserves are notrequired.

94. (VI-17.2) Assess theadequacy of current excesscoverage limits.

N IP - Still plan to implement

95. (VI-18.1) Develop a systemfor recording an estimatedliability for all claims throughoutthe year.

R Rejected in May 1999 by theAISC

96. (VI-19.1) PPS should conductan analysis of the quality ofclaims administration of both thepublic liability and workers’compensation self-administrationprograms. Work with a qualifiedindependent third party, to assessquality of current administrationprogram, including acomprehensive analysis ofwhether the current programresults in effective management ofclaims costs.

N IP - Still further District reviewpending

97. (VI-20.1) Develop a systemfor recording an estimatedliability for all claims throughoutthe year.

N C - Done. New claimsadministrator selected for asavings of $200,000 per year.

99. (VI-21.2) Increaseresponsibility of Working SchoolSafety Committees.

N N - Still pending further Districtreview.

103. (VI-25:1) PPS shouldperform an analysis to determinethe possibilities of eitheroutsourcing records managementarchiving activities or acquiring afacility to store and manage PPS’records.

N N - Still pending further Districtreview.

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Admin/SafetyFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 200014. (II-7) PPS should improveits enrollment forecastingapproach.

IP C - The District forecasting isaccomplished through anindependent contractor with thefinal forecast, for budgetingpurposes, adjusted by the CFO.The most recent enrollmentforecast was accurate within1.02%.The District is also conducting ademographic analysis of theentire District to better determineenrollment changes on a school-by-school basis.

17. (II-10.1) PPS should transferthe tracking of ResidentialContingency Students to theschool level where interactionwith the students occurs on a day-to-day basis.

IP C - Introduced ResidentialContingency form for parent tocomplete and sign at the school ifparent has no proof of address.School staff contact parent ifproof is not provided within the10 day period.

18. (II-11.1) District shouldcontinue to work closely withProject Return and otherprograms to re-enroll students.PPS should focus on programs toretain these students once re-enrolled. PPS should exploreproviding services to homeschool students, includingencouraging participation atunderenrolled schools and inafterschool programs. PPSshould explore offering anInternet school to support homeschool students or other specialneeds students.

N IP - PPS cannot recruitnonresident students, but providesinformation about programs andinterdistrict transfers to those whoinquire. According to Districtpolicy, interdistrict transfers forPPS students to nonresidentdistricts are not granted.Enrollment Services assistsfamilies to find a program withinthe District.

Enrollment Services worksclosely with Project Return andother District programs to ensureimmediate enrollment forstudents who live in the District.Several district departmentsincluding Enrollment Serviceswith Alternative Education andInformation Technology areworking to develop DistanceLearning options that may beused by home schooler amongothers.

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100. (VI-22.1) Maximize thevolume of impressions producedin-house.

IP C - Completed. The most recenttabulation of the number ofimpressions showed an increaseof 25% year-over-year.

101. (VI-23.1) Dispose ofobsolete equipment as soon aspossible to maximize the amountof proceeds that may be obtained.

N IP - Responsibility for disposal ofall surplus/obsolete equipmenthas been turned over to Facilitiesand Asset Management. Inaddition, schools have been givenclear instruction on how todispose of broken materials andto give to students computers nolonger needed for instruction.

102. (VI-24.1) Consider furtherstaff reductions in the formerWord Processing Department.

C C - Completed. Word Processingreduced one staff position andincreased staff productivity byapproximately 20%.

161. ((VII-31.2) The Task Forcerecommends increased support tooversee early childhood initiatives(Head Start, Title I pre-kindergarten, Early ChildhoodEducation Centers) and thereforecentral District resources, such asgrant writing, need to be fullyutilized. The Task Force believeseffort needs to be made to supporta central District Early ChildhoodEducation Specialist to overseeHead Start, Title I pre-kindergarten and Early ChildhoodEducation Centers. This personmust have substantial experiencein early child development andprograms.

N N - Due to budget cuts, it was notpossible to fund a position for anEarly Childhood EducationSpecialist. Jeanne Pace has beenselected to assist the ElementarySuperintendent’s office with earlychildhood initiatives andcommunity outreach.

163. (VIII-1.1) Improvemerchandising of NutritionServices at the middle schools andhigh schools.


164. (VIII-2.1) Disallow orstrictly limit competitive foodsales on school grounds. Do notimpose any limitations on theconduct of food sales or theoperation and use of externalvending machines, untilcomprehensive in-depth analysisis completed which definitivelyand factually establishes: 1) whatthe fiscal impact would be on

N IP - Competitive food sales onschool grounds have not beenlimited at this time because an in-depth analysis of the fiscal impactand the impact on existing foodservice infrastructure andcapacity has not completed.These studies will be conductedover the next six months as part astudy of vending machineoperators and profits

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those groups and organizationsthat now profit from competitivefood sales, and 2) if the existingfood service infrastructure andstaffing compliment can serve anysignificant increase in patrons.Seek to improve vendingprograms through highercommissions or more effectivecontract administration.

implemented by theSuperintendent to maximizeprofits to the District fromexisting vending machineoperations.

165. (VIII-3.1) PPS shouldinvestigate the feasibility ofclosing campuses at lunch.

N C - PPS staff have examined thefeasibility and desirability ofclosing campuses at lunch andconcluded that at this time it isneither feasible or desirablebecause most school have verylimited cafeteria seating (forexample, Franklin High Schoolhas 1500 students and cafeteriaseating for 350); therefore,closing the campus at lunchwould require major scheduledisruptions and have adversebudget impacts. In addition, thiswould constitute a change inphilosophy at most of our schoolsconcerning students’ role in thelocal community.High school students are valuableand valued community members.They develop in these roles asthey mature and gain experiencein the community. The vastmajority honor theirresponsibilities as communitymembers and deserve to betreated as responsible citizens.

166. (VIII-4.1) Conduct athorough assessment of the extentto which there are potentialdangers of poor equipment usage.

N C - The poor equipment hasbeen identified and is beingphased out over this year and nextyear at a cost to the District ofapproximately $40,000.

167. (VIII-5.1) Continuepractices to leverage staffproductivity.

IP IP - On-going: Staff productivityis a continuing managementpriority.

168. (VIII-6.1) Consider hiringan industrial psychologist todetermine the best use of thecentral kitchen.


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169. (VIII-6.2) Identify potentialoutside customers to expand theutilization of central kitchenresources.


171. (VIII-8.1) The issue ofmarketing school facilities shouldbe part of overall facilities usereview by District. Additionaladvertising should not be doneuntil rental policies andprocedures, and renal rates are setby District.

IP IP - Additional marketing ofschool facilities is contingent onBoard resolution of rental policyissues, the identification ofavailable space by Spring 2000Classroom Survey, the results ofthe “Best Use Process”, as well asthe results of several potentialsale or lease negotiations.Currently, the District’s CivicUse of Buildings Departmentissues an average of 15,000permits annually for the use ofDistrict facilities.

172. (VIII-9.1) Policies related tocustodial charges should beincluded in the updated Boardpolicy referred to in alternativeRecommendation 170 regardingfacility rental.

IP IP - The District fee for spacerental includes custodial chargesfor community use of buildings.Facilities will recommend to theBoard that custodial overtimecharges be paid by those rentingthe space.

Facilities has worked to providecustodial coverage for as wide atime period as possible at theleast cost by using more part-timecustodians.

209. (VIII-32.1) StudentTransportation should continue tocompare overall maintenancecosts to internal PPS costs.


210. (VIII-33.1) PPS maycontinue to consider the use ofmoveable vehicle lifts in theTransportation Garage.


211. (VIII-34.1) PPS shouldimplement higher cleaningstandards for its buses.

C C - The District has implementedhigher cleaning standards for itsbuses.

212. (VIII-35.1) Increase the useof field supervisors to monitor theactions of bus drivers andincrease supervision of theoperations.

C C - The District has hired a full-time Field Supervisor to monitorbus drivers performance and toinspect Laidlaw facilities.

213. (VIII-36.1) PPS should hirea _ full-time equivalent staff and

IP C - Included in the activities ofthe Field Supervisor described in

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establish formal procedures forroutine inspections of Laidlawfacilities and audits of their timereporting and billings.

21 above.

214. (VIII-37.1) Conduct a costbenefit analysis in conjunctionwith the current costing analysisthat PPS produces to determinethe savings associated withtransferring transportationresponsibilities to an alternativecontractor.

R R.

215. (VIII-37.2) Explorerestructuring the provision oftransportation service andconsider the potential to maintaintitle to the Laidlaw buses.


216. (VIII-38.1) The Task Forcerecommends that the twodepartments continue toaggressively pursue the“leveraging of services” that willdirectly benefit the SchoolDistrict and reduce the cost ofpolice service to the Districtwhenever possible. The TaskForce believes the PortlandSchool Police and the PortlandPolice Bureau are activelyexploring every opportunity to“leverage services” which wouldresult in cost savings to theDistrict. There seems to be no“turf issues” between the twodepartments. Instead it appearsthat the two agencies, whilehaving distinctly differentmissions, have found a way tomaximize each other’s strengths.This results in the enhancedsafety of both the school districtand the community as a whole.

IP C - The District entered into anagreement with the City ofPortland to provide a Chief ofPolice for the District. ChiefCliff Madison is a veteran of theCity of Portland PoliceDepartment. Because of hisknowledge and experience, hehas been able to improvecoordination with the city and“leverage” services.

217. (VIII-38.2) Develop anagreement with City of Portlandto provide school policefunctions, specifying level ofservice required and ensuringdedicated school police patrolsupport.

IP C - See response toRecommendation 216 above.

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218. (VIII-39.1) PPS shouldallow sponsorship of capitalprojects, such as scoreboards.District should recognize that thiswould benefit individual schoolsand not general Athleticsoperations at the District level.PPS should examine their policyagainst advertising and determineif there is adequate costs/benefitsfor hiring staff to pursueadvertising revenues.

N P - The District staff reviewed itsadvertising policy and concludedthat the advertising prohibition inthe policy applies only to“advertising of merchandise inschool buildings or on schoolgrounds”; therefore, instructionaladvertising that simply displaysthe name of a business on astadium banner or scoreboard isnot prohibited. The study ofpossible advertising revenuecalled for will be a part of thevending machine study inresponse no. 164 above.

219. (VIII-39.2) The AthleticsDepartment should work with thePPS Foundation to develop a planand specific goals for fundraising.

N IP - Incomplete. The District hashad preliminary contact with thePortland Public SchoolFoundation about funding athleticneeds. The response of theExecutive Director was that theirFoundation would be open tosuch requests; however athleticsis not one of the Foundationeducational priorities. Furtherexploration of this possibility willbe pursued by the District in thenext year.

220. (VIII-39.3) Develop anaggressive plan to seek fundingsources.

N C - Proposed, written andsubmitted grant requests forparticipation fees for students,facility improvement (Nike, etc.)for several different projects andoperating expenses. Fall 1999.Awaiting decision on proposal.Individual schools havedeveloped fundraising plans forathletics.

221. (VIII-39.4) Establish astrategy to form ongoingcoalitions with local soccer,baseball, and basketballorganizations.

N P - Contacts have been made withlocal professional baseball teamwith some success. Contacts withprofessional basketball team havenot resulted in any financialsupport. There are no localprofessional soccer teams in thePortland area.

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222. (VIII-40.1) Conductpreliminary research into thecost-benefits of beginning adistrict-run middle school athleticprogram.

N C - Preliminary research showsstart up costs for a middle schoolathletic program approximately$2.0 million. Annual operatingcosts approximately $2.2 million.Income from participation isapproximately $400,000.

223. (VIII-40.2) Initiate anaggressive campaign to recruitmore freshmen and sophomoresto athletic program.

N IP- Goals for 1999/00 includedincreasing the number offreshman involved in athletics ateach high school. High schoolshave worked with middle schoolsto encourage participation in highschool athletics. High schoolcoaches have worked with youthathletic programs to develop acloser relationship to the highschool and encourageparticipation at the high schoollevel.

224. (VIII-40.3) Evaluate theeffectiveness of the newacademic recruitment policy onan ongoing basis.

N C - Quarterly report compiled bythe District Athletic Departmentprovides data for all schoolsincluding number of students onacademic probation, number ofineligible students,and thenumber who successfullycomplete probation.

225. (VIII-40.4) The Districtshould provide clear guidelinesand resources for tutoringprograms at the high school leveldistrict-wide. Ensure successfulcompliance with the revisedacademic requirement policy byincreasing the oversight ofteachers, coaches, andprobationary and/or ineligiblestudents by central District staff.

N C - The district has providedtutors for students on probation.Support has been provided totrack students on probation. Eachschool has a well-definedacademic support program to helpstudents on probation. Thisprogram is reviewed, evaluatedand adjusted if necessaryannually.

226. (VIII-40.5) Carefullymonitor student attendance attutoring sessions.

N C - Every student on probation istracked for attendance on aweekly basis. Students who failto attend tutoring are not allowedto participate in athleticcompetition for the next week.

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227. (VIII-40.6) Explore thepossibility of a “no pass, no play”provision which renders anystudent who fails a classautomatically ineligible toparticipate.

C C - The present 2.0 and no Frequirement is very similar to a“no pass, no play” rule. Currentrequirement seems to be working.

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AchievementFinal Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 20006. (II-3.1) Develop SchoolImprovement Plans that areconsistent with PPS’ strategicdirection.

SD SD - School Improvement Planswill be aligned with the StrategicPlan when the Strategic Plan iscompleted. Current plans allstress academic achievement.

105. (VII-1.2) Clearly definemanagement level accountabilityto track program accomplishmentsand student performance.

IP C - We have completelyrestructured since the audit.Curriculum is under twoAssistant Superintendents.DOSAs who are responsible tothe Assistant Superintendents.Principals are on pay forperformance stressingimplementation of their SchoolImprovement Plan.

106. (VII-2.1) Explore options todevelop a matrix organizationstructure that meets both the gradelevel and feeder system needs.

N IP - We currently have Cabinet,Extended Cabinet, and DOSAmeetings with the supervisingAssistant Superintendent and ajoint DOSA meeting with allDOSAs and the two AssistantSuperintendents. SpecialEducation Director and/orSupervisor attend these meetings.

107. (VII-2.2) Consider settingup regular meetings for feederschools and grade levels toaddress common communityconcerns and to facilitate Pre K-12 curriculum awareness.

N P - Beginning December 1999 theDistrict added articulationmeetings to monthly PrincipalConference meetings in an effortto have the needs of high school,middle and elementary feederschools meet frequently to havetheir needs addressed.

108. (VII-2.3) PPS should alsoconsider expanding the use ofmatrix organization andmanagement techniques to othermajor school activities.

N P - Not fully accomplished, butprograms such as specialeducation and ESL rely heavilyon matrix management..

109. (VII-3.1) Considerestablishing a Hearing andAppeals Group to deal exclusivelywith disciplinary issues.

R R - Rejected by AISC.

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110. (VII-3.2) Reevaluate/defineDOSAs roles more clearly.

IP IP - The DOSA job descriptionhas been revised and was usedduring the last DOSA interviewprocess.

111. (VII-4.1) Formulate aninstructional strategic plan that isconsistent with PPS’ Strategicdirection and plan and provides aframework for schoolimprovement planning process.

SD SD - The instructional strategicplan will be aligned with theStrategic Plan when the StrategicPlan is completed.

112. (VII-4.2) The Task Forcesupports the need for closerlinkages of Educational Mediaand Instructional Technologydepartments with staffdevelopment, classroominstruction, and communityoutreach activities.While KPMG recommendsworking groups, we are notcertain that the development ofworking groups is the mostappropriate strategy for ensuringthat incorporation occurs.

P C - Two staff members have beenhired to provide instructionaltechnology support to schools.This staff works withInstructional Specialists and theEducational Media staff insupporting schools’ staffdevelopment activities andclassroom instruction. TheEducational Media Specialist willprovide a presentation to theExtended Cabinet next month.

113. (VII-4.3) Develop an“academic” loop communicationnetwork that keeps administratorsinformed of the various projectsunderway in other departments.

N P - The Instructional Council,which is comprised of allDirectors of StudentAchievement, Educational MediaDirector, Director of Researchand Evaluation and the twoAssistant Superintendents, is heldeach month to discuss and makedecisions regarding district-widecurriculum issues. Minutes ofthese meetings are sent to otherDirectors. In addition, Directorsare invited to these meetingswhen appropriate.

The District newsletter,ConnectEd, is also another toolthat is useful in sharinginformation about academicprojects.

114. (VII-5.1). The District hasdeveloped CurriculumFrameworks. We recommend thatthe Content Standards DesignTeams continue their work on the

IP IP - During the 1999/2000 schoolyear, five Design Teamscompleted drafts of contentstandards in second language,health, physical education, fine &

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remaining content standardswhich were developed from theseFrameworks; and that thosestandards already developed beutilized by District staff withappropriate Staff Developmentactivities. The District shouldexplore developing Frameworksand Content Standards outsidebenchmark grades.

performing arts, and socialstudies. A master schedule hasbeen prepared and is included inthe Professional DevelopmentHandbook, Appendix A18 andA19.

115. (VII-5.2) Every schoolsshould create a way tosystematically implementcurriculum. The District shouldexplore ways to promote a moregrassroots, but coordinatedapproach to curriculumimplementation. The Districtshould re-explore the role ofDepartment Chairs to supportcurriculum coordination. Anystaff Development activitiesdeveloped by the Central Districtstaff should interface with eachschool’s individual curriculumimplementation efforts.

IP IP - In implementing both themath and literacy adoptions, keystaff has been identified tobecome experts and buildcapacity in each school building.This grassroots effort is beingaccomplished through eachschool’s School ImprovementPlan. Department chairs wereasked for in the 1999/2000budget, but was not funded,accomplished through SchoolImprovement Plan and the CIMdays which are well coordinated.

116. (VII-5.3) Continue theCurriculum Design Team effortsat the district level.

IP IP - The Curriculum DesignTeam will work through the1999/2000 school year. Workbeyond this school year willrequire funding from a sourceother than the PEW CharitableTrust, which has funded theDesign Teams’ work for the pastthree years.

117. (VII-5.4) To serve theoverall goal of studentachievement across the District,PPS should continue to worktowards consistency between thealignment of course offerings(curriculum mapping) and thecourse offerings provided atindividual schools. Students mustreach benchmark knowledgelevels at the correct time and thatknowledge must be presented inthe correct sequence. Studentsshould have equal access to

IP IP - The curriculum mappingprocess has continued during the1999/2000 school year, withemphasis placed in social studies,arts, health, physical educationand second languages.

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course offerings throughout theDistrict. The District mustsupport curriculum alignmentbetween schools and withinschools.118. (VII-5.5) Develop astrategy to implement theseinitiatives with existing resourceswhere reasonable (by crossutilizing teachers), and seekadditional funding for bothgrassroot and district design teamcurriculum development.

IP P - As a result of previouslycompleted curriculum efforts, anew mathematics adoption withteaching materials is beingimplemented during the1999/2000 school year. As aresult of this work, all PPS highschools will be using the sametextbooks for the algebra andgeometry sequence, withcommon instructional materialsalso being used at the middleschool and elementary schoollevels.

119. (VII-6.1) Train allappropriate language arts teachersin the research based earlyreading strategies to ensure thatall students have the benefit ofthis teacher expertise.

N P - The Pre-Kindergarten through2nd grade Initiative has beenrevised and will be presented atstaff meetings. Facilitators willbe trained for each building.Coaching will be provided andkey teachers will facilitate gradelevel meetings.

120. (VII-6.2) PPS shouldexpand the literacy project as aPre K-12 initiative (Pre K-3, 4-8,9-12) and develop acomprehensive implementationand training plan to ensure thatquality and continuity in literacyprograms is maintained across alllevels.

IP P - During the 1999/2000 schoolyear, additional literacy supportwas provided to grades 4 and 5.During the summer of 1999,thirty-seven high school languagearts teachers met for a weekduring the summer to teach eachother successful readingstrategies. They also developedcurriculum units for ten novelsthat embedded reading, writing,and speaking work samples. Thiswork was supported throughdistrict funds as well as a grantfrom PPS Foundation. Each ofthe high schools received 200copies of new books to helpimplement the curriculum

In addition, a number of the highschool language arts teachers whodeveloped the curriculum duringthe summer have led workshops

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sharing reading, writing, andspeaking strategies to theircolleagues during the 1999/2000CIM Planning days.

Teachers from the summerliteracy project will meet duringthe 1999/2000 year to discusssuccesses, and problems with theimplementation of the curriculumunits. They will revise the units,adding new materials developedby teachers from around thedistrict, and deleting sections thatproved unsuccessful.

Three High School languagearts/content area teachers willmeet again this summer foranother week of sharing readingstrategies and writing newcurriculum units with colleaguesfrom around the district. Inaddition to district funds, a Goals2000 grant and a PPS Foundationgrant is being sought.

121. (VII-7.1) Continue toconduct the High School andMiddle School Studies.

N IP - Even though the StrategicPlan may give us new guidelinesand directions, we still havegraduation standards and StateCIM requirements which driveour middle school and highschool programs. Examples ofcurrent initiatives to meet theequity goals are:� Each high school requires

4 years of language arts;the common mathematicstextbook adoption (see#118) is combined with adistrict-wide movement tothe expectation that allhigh school studentssuccessfully participate inhigh school levelmathematics (algebra orabove; and instruction inthe arts is receivingextensive emphasis.

� A common middle school

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math program includingthe implementation of newBoard policy on highschool equivalent courses(e.g. Algebra, SecondLanguage).

� All middle schools areteaching CORE readingstrategies to addressachievement needs ofstudents below grade levelbenchmarks.

� The district is creating anew 6-10 social studiessequence to align withCIM standards.

Middle School and High Schoolstudies are in progress.

122. (VII-7.2) Develop andadopt specific recommendationsto ensure continuity and equitableaccess for all students.

IP IP - The activities describedabove (#117, 118 and 121) aredesigned to provide access toquality programs in all PPSmiddle and high schools. Inaddition, CIM days have beenused to provide teachersinservice, which is commonthroughout the district. Theexcellent work of our CurriculumSpecialists has made thispossible.

Two upcoming district initiativeswill further program continuityand equitable access for allstudents. A new science adoptionand Goals 2000 grants provideconsistent rigorous scienceprograms in all schools. TheStrategic Plan will guide thefurther development andimplementation of a StandardProgram to ensure that allstudents will achieve “rigoroussystem-wide academicexpectations.

123. (VII-8.1) Explore thepossibility of shifting to a falltesting cycle in order to betterintegrate students achievement

R R - Preliminary review of theproposal led staff to conclude itwould be cost prohibitive.Voluntary fall testing has been

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data into School ImprovementPlans and to provide a midyearcheckpoint for studentassessment.

offered by Research &Evaluation.

124. (VII-9.1) PPS shouldexplore the possibility of eitherphasing out PALT administrationaltogether, or at least reducing itsusage to 4th, 6th, and 7th gradelevels to alternate with state tests(at 3,5,8).

IP C - The District uses PALT for4th, 6th, 7th and occasionally 9th


125. (VII-10.1) Depending uponPALT testing frequency, PPSshould examine utility ofadministering a standardizedachievement test at 4th, 6th, and 9th

grade levels.

R R - There has been no expressionof interest from parents andothers constituents to do this.The PALT/State tests areadequate.

126. (VII-10.2) PPS shouldcontinue to explore and usemethods to link its testinginstruments with norm referencedtests in order to provide abenchmark comparison of studentperformance relative to otherdistricts.

R R - Norm reference tests areunnecessary; state scores provideus with data that comparesschools’ achievement with otherdistricts.

127. (VI-11.1) PPS needs toexplore reliable methods todevelop a process to set a baselineand then track the progress ofstudents entering PPS Head Startand pre-kindergarten programs.

N N - Not accomplished. This hasnot been done because ofbudgetary priorities.

128. (VII-11.2) Develop acomprehensive system integratingstate benchmarks and curriculumgoals.

IP C - This District has integratedstate benchmarks into thecurriculum goals.

129. (VII-11.3) PPS shouldleverage its PALT and otherassessment data and expand it toexamine performance at othergrade levels to develop acomprehensive longitudinalanalysis capability.

R R - We are waiting on the state toset requirements for CAM. TheDistrict will not make separateplans.

130. (VII-11.4) Explore methodsto use existing testing instrumentsto examine the effectiveness ofspecific curriculum initiatives andinstructional approaches.

N IP - Plans are underway. We arereinstituting program evaluationcapabilities.

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131. (VII-11.5) Explorestrategies for testing and trackingPPS graduates and students whoprematurely exit from the system.

N N - Not accomplished - funds notavailable.

132. (VII-11.6) Developstrategies to ensure the utility andinput to the post-secondarydatabase to track studentachievements in higher educationand high school graduate successin college/university endeavors.

N N - Not accomplished – funds notavailable.

133. (VII-11.7) In concert withK-3 literacy initiative, identify adevelopmentally appropriatereading test for all second gradestudents in the spring.

IP IP - The PreK-2 LiteracyAssessment Committee hasdesigned an assessment package.The package will be piloted in thespring and implemented in2000/2001.

134. (VII-12.1) Continue andexpand relationship withCurriculum & InstructionalSupport personnel, as well asEducational Media for moreadvanced collaboration.

N IP - Administrator of EducationalMedia meets monthly with theDistrict Instructional Council.

135. (VII-13.1) Reevaluate site-based decision-making withregard to library funding.

N IP - The KMPG Library AuditCommittee studied school libraryoperations and recommended areturn to centralized funding forschool library materials andsupport. The recommendationsare being considered.

136. (VII-14.1) Ensure theInstructional Technology courseofferings directly support schoolimprovement plans and respond toneeds of teachers and schooladministrators.

IP IP - This proposal relates to stafftraining and is in process.

137. (VII-14.2) Continue toaggressively pursue outsidesources of funding for technologyprojects and staffing if necessary.

N IP - Educational Media haspursued six different grants for atotal of $594,000

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138. (VII-15.1) Work with theCity of Portland Library or localuniversities to develop acooperative arrangement. PPS’staff would benefit from theseadditional professionaldevelopment opportunities.

N IP - Multnomah County Librarylibrarians attend elementary,middle, and high school librarymonthly meetings. MultnomahCounty School Corp librarianscooperate and develop curriculumsupport for PPS teachers.Multnomah County Libraryadministration collaborated onthe Oregon State Library LSTAGrant.

Professional Library staff aremeeting with PSU EducationLibrary staff targetingcooperative ventures.

139. (VII-16.1) Make TelevisionServices an integral component ofprofessional development plan,curriculum efforts,internal/external communicationstrategy network, any informationtechnology blueprint, and PPSstrategic direction.

N P - The planning forinternal/external communicationis in progress. TelevisionServices provides resources forstaff development and curriculumresources. All School Boardmeetings are televised live.Television Services is workingwith a consortium of videodelivery institutions in highereducation to address the issue ofPPS staff developmentopportunities. A pilot highschool distance learning projectusing Channel 53 is beingexplored.

140. (VII-16.2) PPS shouldexplore possibilities for variousmodes of internal communicationthat take full advantage ofTelevision Services infrastructure.

N P - Not fully accomplished.Cable Channel 53 broadcastsDistrict Information andprograms. Classrooms andadministrative offices need to bewired for cable to receive Districttelevision information. Cost is aprohibited factor in developing avideo delivery infrastructure.

The Director of InformationTechnology has designed a BESCtelecommunication studio toprovide one-way and two-wayvideo interaction, which wouldinclude production capacity.

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141. (VII-17.1) Develop a planto aggressively identify, track, andenroll minority students in TAG.

N IP - TAG office regularlyconducts a series of meetingswith teachers, TAG Coordinators,and principals throughout theyear to address topics such asnomination, identification, andprograms and services.

Bi-monthly parent meetings areheld to discuss issues ofnomination, parent advocacy,inspiring achievement, social andemotional needs of giftedstudents, acceleration options,academic competitions, etc.Meetings are open to the public.

Parent and public meetings havebeen held by feeder school at PPSneighborhood high schools todiscuss issues of gifted education.Meetings were held at every highschool in 1998/99, and in fiverepresentative areas of the citythis school year, 1999/2000.Where requested, TAG staff haveattended school advisorymeetings discuss the status ofgifted education in PPS.

The TAG office staff has madepre-arranged monthly visits thisschool year to every PPS schoolto work with parents and schoolstaff on issues of giftededucation; test students; aid staffin programs and services.

The TAG nomination form wasplaced on the PPS TAG webpage, to make it more easilyavailable to the general public.

142. (VII-17.2) Expand outreachefforts to increase enrollment inTAG by under-represented groupsusing a variety of strategies

N P & IP - The TAG staff met withESL/Bilingual aides in a specialworkshop to discuss nominationand identification of under-represented groups.

The TAG staff used Rigler

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Elementary, one of the PPSschools with the highest numberof ESL/Bilingual students, as atesting ground to nominate andidentify more gifted students.Teachers were asked to select 2-3of their highest achievingstudents. The TAG staff using avariety of testing measurements,some of which were offered inthe student’s native language,tested those students.

Testing conducted in thestudent’s native language.

There is an on-going search tofind appropriate tests in student’snative language.

A national research study wasconducted by the PPS TAGschool psychologist to find outbest practices of other districts inidentifying under-representedminorities. This research resultedin additional identification testsused in nomination.

143. (VII-18.1) Institute acentralized approach to the TAGprogram, with the Administratorhaving primary responsibility formanaging the program.

N C - Beginning with the 1998/99school year, the TAG officeassumed responsibility forindividual school TAG budgetsthus coordinating TAG Plans andBudgets as well as centralizingidentification procedures andparent notification.

144. (VII-18.2) The TAGAdministrator, Directors ofStudent Achievement, teachersand parents should form acommittee to develop a long-termstrategic plan for the program,including specific role andresponsibilities of variousstakeholders.

N P & IP - A group of parents,administrators, board members,Directors, teachers, and TAGstaff created a basic frameworkfor gifted education beliefs,policies and procedures for thedistrict. This framework wasadopted by the Board and is madeavailable to the public through avariety of avenues including thePPS TAG web page and inwritten form.

It is anticipated that a similar

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group will reconvene next year tore-evaluate the framework.

152. (VI-24.1) ESL/Bilingualprogram administrators shouldwork with TAG programadministrators to develop a planthat aggressively identifiesstudents within the ESL/BilingualEducation program who couldpotentially be eligible to enroll inthe TAG program.

N IP - The TAG staff met withESL/Bilingual aides in a specialworkshop to discuss nominationand identification of under-represented groups.

The TAG staff used RiglerElementary, one of the PPSschools with the highest numberof ESL/Bilingual students, as atesting ground to nominate andidentify more gifted students.Teachers were asked to select 2-3of their highest achievingstudents. The TAG staff using avariety of testing measurements,some of which were offered inthe student’s native language,tested those students.

Testing conducted in thestudent’s native language.

There is an on-going search tofind appropriate tests in student’snative language.

A national research study wasconducted by the PPS TAGschool psychologist to find outbest practices of other districts inidentifying under-representedminorities. This research resultedin additional identification testsused in nomination.

153. (VII-25.1) Create astandardized tracking tool thatrequires all 25 in-District AEPs toreport enrollment, staffing, andattendance data.

N C - District is using PPS StudentDatabase to report studentenrollment and attendance data inDistrict-operated alternativeprograms supported centrally byAlternative Education Services.Staff tracking is anon-going responsibility ofAlternative Education Services.

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


154. (VII-26.1) Develop adocumented District-widemethodology to evaluate AEPs.

N IP - Alternative EducationServices is working incollaboration with the District'sResearch and EvaluationDepartment to fully developevaluation methodology forDistrict-operated alternativeprograms, using data gathered per153. Alternative EducationServices is also working with theNorthwest Regional EducationLab to evaluate effectiveness ofcommunity based alternativeprograms, see 155.

155. (VII-27.1) PPS shouldanalyze community basedalternative education programdata to determine theeffectiveness of 23 programs.

N IP - Alternative EducationServices and the NorthwestRegional Education Lab havedeveloped methodology tocollect, analyze and reportstudent attendance, retention,conduct, and academicachievement data from, currently,18 community based alternativeprograms. Reports on the firsthalf of 1999-2000 FY should beavailable in March.

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Final Recommendations May 1999 Status Current Status - January 2000

Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


156. (VII-28.1) Develop a plan,in coordination with communitygroups such as the HispanicParent Association, toaggressively keep Latino studentsenrolled in school.

IP P & IP - The ESL/BilingualProgram has hired a secondHispanic Resource Specialist.Both Hispanic ResourceSpecialists and the DropoutPrevention Coordinator areengaged in monitoring andtracking the attendance ofHispanic students.

Hispanic Resource Specialists areresponsible for hosting parentmeetings at individual schoolsites to promote parentinvolvement and as well asstudent attendance/achievementand graduation.

The Dropout PreventionCoordinator meets regularly withthe Leadership Roundtable’sCaring Community Groups.Resource Specialists meet withthe Hispanic Parents for PortlandSchools.

157. (VII-28.2) UtilizeESL/Bilingual Educationresources to provide bilingualservices to parents and increasecommunity involvement.

N P & IP - Steps have been taken toestablish the ESL/BilingualParent Advisory Committee in aformat that involvesrepresentation from variouslanguage groups. The Rules ofOperation have been reviewed byGeneral Counsel. Recruitment ofparents representing differentlanguage groups is currently inprocess.

Equipment necessary to broadcastsimultaneous translations ofmeetings (in students’ homelanguages) using translators hasbeen purchased and is currentlyavailable for check out.

Training on equipment isprovided by Educational Media.The department is keepingrecords of the equipment use.

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Legend of Status:N = Not BegunIP = In ProcessP = Partially CompletedC = CompletedSD = Completion is Strategic Plan DependentR = Rejected


Parent involvement is beingtracked as one of the measures ofsuccess when evaluating theESL/Bilingual Program.

158. (VII-29.1) Exploreexpanded opportunities to providescholarships to students whocannot afford to attend summerschool, such as students in the freeor reduced lunch programs.

IP P - With assistance of the City ofPortland, 400 students eligible forfree or reduced price lunch weregiven scholarships in the form oftuition waivers to attend summerhigh school. All middle schoolstudents were able to attend aCIM Academy for free.

159. (VII-30.1) PPS shoulddevelop a comprehensive plan toexpand its summer schoolenrollment.

IP P - With assistance of the City ofPortland, a middle school CIMAcademy has been implemented,nearly doubling the number ofstudents able to attend summerschool programs. Support wasalso provided to 10 elementarysummer school programs andscholarships provided to 400 highschool students.

160. (VII-31.1) Conduct alongitudinal study to compare thequality and cost of Head Startprogram delivery capabilities.

IP IP - Staff member has beenassigned to conduct a longitudinalstudy of Head Start beginningwith the class of 1994/95 who arenow third graders.

162. (VII-32.1) Form anindependent committee ofadministrators, teachers, parents,and community agents to developa five year plan for the Head Startprogram that is consistent with theoverall strategic direction of PPS.

N IP - Jeanne Pace, Director ofPortland Head Start is in theprocess of forming a committeeto draft a five-year plan. Thisplan will also considerrecommendations made by theDistrict’s Strategic Plan.

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Cross-Index of Recommendations

Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 1. (II-1.1) Strategic Plan- 2. (II-1.2) Strategic Plan- 3. (II-1.3) Strategic Plan- 4. (II-1.4) Strategic Plan- 5. (II-2.1) Strategic Plan- 6. (II-3.1) Achievement- 7. (II-4.1) Communications- 8. (II-4.2) Communications- 9. (II-4.2) Communications- 10. (II-5.1) Finance- 11. (II-5.2) Finance- 12. (II-6.1) Information Technology- 13. (II-6.2) Information Technology- 14. (II-7) Admin/Safety- 15. (II-8.1) Finance- 16. (II-9.1) Communications- 17. (II-10.1) Admin/Safety- 18. (II-11.1) Admin/Safety- 19. (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.0 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.1 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.2 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.3 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.4 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.5 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.6 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.7 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.8 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.9 (II-12.1) Facilities- 19.10 (II-12.1) Facilities- 20. (III-1.1) Strategic Plan- 21. (III-1.2) Strategic Plan

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 22. (III-1.3) Strategic Plan- 23. (III-2.1) Strategic Plan- 24. (III-2.2) Strategic Plan- 25. (III-3.1) Strategic Plan- 26. (III-3.2) Strategic Plan- 27. (III-4.1) Strategic Plan- 28. (III-5.1) Communications- 29. (III-6.1) Communications- 30. (III-7.1) Communications- 31. (III-7.2) Communications- 32. (III-8.1) Communications- 33. (III-9.1) Communications- 34. (III-9.2) Communications- 35. (III-10.1) Communications- 36. (III-10.2) Communications- 37. (IV-1.1) Human Resources- 38. (IV-1.2) Human Resources- 39. ((IV-1.3) Information Technology- 40. (IV-1.4) Human Resources- 41. (IV-2.1) Human Resources- 42. (IV-2.2) Human Resources- 43. (IV2.3) Human Resources- 44. (V-1.1) Information Technology- 45. (V-1.2) Information Technology- 46. (V-1.3) Information Technology- 47. (V-2.1) Information Technology- 48. (V-2.2) Information Technology- 49. (V-2.3) Information Technology- 50. (V-3.1) Information Technology- 51. (V-4.1) Information Technology- 52. (V-4.2) Information Technology- 53. (V-5.1) Information Technology- 54. (V-6.1) Information Technology- 55. (V-7.1) Information Technology- 56. (V-8.1) Information Technology- 57. (V-9.1) Information Technology

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 58. (V-10.1) Finance- 59. (V-11.1) Finance- 60. (V-12.1) Information Technology- 61. (V-13.1) Information Technology- 62. (V-14.1) Information Technology- 63. (V-15.1) Information Technology- 64. (V-16.1) Information Technology- 65. (VI-1.1) Finance- 66. (VI-2.1) Finance- 67. (VI-2.2) Finance- 68. (VI-2.3) Finance- 69. (VI-2.4) Communications- 70. (VI-3.1) Communications- 71. (VI-3.2) Finance- 72. (VI-4.1) Finance- 73. (VI-4.2) Finance- 74. (VI-5.1) Finance- 75. (VI-5.2) Finance- 76. (VI-5.3) Finance- 77. (VI-5.4) Finance- 78. (VI-5.5) Finance- 79. (VI-6.1) Finance- 80. (VI-6.2) Finance- 81. (VI-7.1) Finance- 82. (VI-8.1) Finance- 83. (VI-9.1) Human Resources- 84. (VI-10.1) Human Resources- 85. (VI-11.1) Human Resources- 86. (VI-12.1) Finance- 87. (VI-13.1) Inventory- 88. (VI-13.2) Inventory- 89. (VI-13.3) Inventory- 90. (VI-14.1) Inventory- 91. (VI-15.1) Inventory- 92. (VI-16.1) Inventory- 93. (VI-17.1) Finance

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 94. (VI-17.2) Finance- 95. (VI-18.1) Finance- 96. (VI-19.1) Finance- 97. (VI-20.1) Finance- 98. (VI-21.1) Human Resources- 99. (VI-21.2) Finance- 100. (VI-22.1) Admin/Safety- 101. (VI-23.1) Admin/Safety- 102. (VI-24.1) Admin/Safety- 103. (VI-25.1) Finance- 104. (VII-1.1) Strategic Plan- 105. (VII-1.2) Achievement- 106. (VII-2.1) Achievement- 107. (VII-2.2) Achievement- 108. (VII-2.3) Achievement- 109. (VII-3.1) Achievement- 110. (VII-3.2) Achievement- 111. (VII-4.1) Achievement- 112. (VII-4.2) Achievement- 113. (VII-4.3) Achievement- 114. (VII-5.1) Achievement- 115. (VII5.2) Achievement- 116. (VII-5.3) Achievement- 117. (VII-5.4) Achievement- 118. (VII-5.5) Achievement- 119. (VII-6.1) Achievement- 120. (VII-6.2) Achievement- 121. (VII-7.1) Achievement- 122. (VII-7.2) Achievement- 123. (VII-8.1) Achievement- 124. (VII-9.1) Achievement- 125. (VII-10.1) Achievement- 126. (VII-10.2) Achievement- 127. (VII-11.1) Achievement- 128. (VII-11.2) Achievement- 129. (VII-11.3) Achievement

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 130. (VII-11.4) Achievement- 131. (VII-11.5) Achievement- 132. (VII-11.6) Achievement- 133. (VII-11.7) Achievement- 134. (VII-12.1) Achievement- 135. (VII-13.1) Achievement- 136. (VII-14.1) Achievement- 137. (VII-14.2) Achievement- 138. (VII-15.1) Achievement- 139. (VII-16.1) Achievement- 140. (VII-16.2) Achievement- 141. (VII-17.1) Achievement- 142. (VII17.2) Achievement- 143. (VII-18.1) Achievement- 144. (VII18.2) Achievement- 145. (VII-19.1) Communications- 146. (VII-20.1) Communications- 147. (VII-21.1) Communications- 148. (VII-22.1) Communications- 149. (VII-22.1) Communications- 150. (VII-22.2) Communications- 151. (VII-23.1) Human Resources- 152. (VII-24.1) Achievement- 153. (VII-25.1) Achievement- 154. (VII-26.1) Achievement- 155. (VII-27.1) Achievement- 156. (VII-28.1) Achievement- 157. (VII-28.2) Achievement- 158. (VII-29.1) Achievement- 159. (VII-30.1) Achievement- 160. (VII-31.1) Achievement- 161. (VII-31.2) Admin/Safety- 162. (VII-32.1) Achievement- 163. (VIII-1.1) Admin/Safety- 164. (VIII-2.1) Admin/Safety- 165. (VIII-3.1) Admin/Safety

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 166. (VIII-4.1) Admin/Safety- 167. (VIII-5.1) Admin/Safety- 168. (VIII-6.1) Admin/Safety- 169. (VIII-6.2) Admin/Safety- 170. (VIII-7.1) Facilities- 171. (VIII-8.1) Admin/Safety- 172. (VIII-9.1) Admin/Safety- 173. (VIII-10.1) Facilities- 174. (VIII-11.1) Facilities- 175. (VIII-12.1) Facilities- 176. (VIII-13.1) Facilities- 177. (VIII-14.1) Facilities- 178. (VIII-15.1) Facilities- 179. (VIII-16.1) Facilities- 180. (VIII-17.1) Facilities- 181. (VIII-18.1) Bond- 182. (VIII-18.2) Bond- 183. (VIII-18.3) Bond- 184. (VIII-19.1) Bond- 185. (VIII-20.1) Bond- 186. (VIII-21.1) Bond- 187. (VIII-21.2) Bond- 188. (VIII-21.3) Bond- 189. (VIII-22.1) Bond- 190. (VIII-22.2) Bond- 191. (VIII-22.3) Bond- 192. (VIII-23.1) Bond- 193. (VIII-24.1) Bond- 194. (VIII-24.2) Bond- 195. (VIII-24.3) Bond- 196. (VIII-25.1) Bond- 197. (VIII-25.2) Bond- 198. (VIII-26.1) Bond- 199. (VIII-27.1) Bond- 200. (VIII-27.2) Bond- 201. (VIII-28.1) Bond

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Recommendation KPMG Task Force AssignmentNumbers Numbers

- 202. (VIII-29.1) Bond- 203. (VIII-30.1) Bond- 204. (VIII-30.2) Bond- 205. (VIII-30.3) Bond- 206. (VIII-31.1) Bond- 207. (VIII31.2) Bond- 208. (VIII-31.3) Bond- 209. (VIII-32.1) Admin/Safety- 210. (VIII-33.1) Admin/Safety- 211. (VIII-34.1) Admin/Safety- 212. (VIII-35.1) Admin/Safety- 213. (VIII-36.1) Admin/Safety- 214. (VIII-37.1) Admin/Safety- 215. (VIII-37.2) Admin/Safety- 216. (VIII-38.1) Admin/Safety- 217. (VIII-38.2) Admin/Safety- 218. (VIII-39.1) Admin/Safety- 219. (VIII-39.2) Admin/Safety- 220. (VIII-39.3) Admin/Safety- 221. (VIII-39.4) Admin/Safety- 222. (VIII-40.1) Admin/Safety- 223. (VIII-40.2) Admin/Safety- 224. (VIII-40.3) Admin/Safety- 225. (VIII-40.4) Admin/Safety- 226. (VIII-40.5) Admin/Safety- 227. (VIII-40.6) Admin/Safety- 228. (VIII-41.1) Human Resources- 229. (VIII-42.1) Human Resources- 230. (VIII-43.1) Human Resources- 231. (VIII-44.1) Human Resources- 232. (VIII-44.2) Human Resources- 233. (VIII-45.1) Human Resources