Download - Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Page 1: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Portfolios: Self/peer-Assessment

• Portfolios– Composition Entry Sheet– Needs Analysis– Marking Code– Participation self-assessment– Composition Self/Peer-assessment– Record Sheets– Portfolio Criteria– Portfolio Conferences

– Class Journal –Assessment schedule

Page 2: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Portfolio Entry Sheet•When you make an entry in your portfolio, make a record on this page.• Write the title and the entry date. • When you or your partner reviews an entry, write the review date under “Reviewed”.

Portfolio Entry (title)Date Reviewed

1. Self-introduction 03/12

3. Description: My Room 03/26

5. Narration: A Folk Tale 04/02

4. Marking Code 03/26



2. My Writing Needs Analysis 03/19

6. Participation Self-assessment 04/02

8. Composition Self/peer assessment 04/09

7. Comparison: Korean & Chinese cultures 04/09

9. Preferences: Sports 04/16

11. Advantages/disadvantages 04/23

10. Report Sheet 04/16

13. Portfolio Criteria 04/30

14. Review for Portfolio Conference 04/30

12. Composition Self/peer assessment 04/23




Page 3: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Needs Analysis


Add all the subtotals to make the final total:

5 4 3 2 1

1. Can I write in English using printed letters?

2. Can I write in English using joined-up letters?

3. Can I write my personal introduction in English?

4. Can I write a letter to my friend in English?

5. Can I write about Korea in English?

6. Can I write an email in English?

7. Can I write using paragraphs (intro, body, conclusion)?

8. Can I write about location (prepositions)?

9. Can I write a descriptive composition?

10. Can I write a narrative composition?

11. Can I write a comparative composition?

12. Can I write about advantages and disadvantages?

13. Can I write about processes? (water cycle. Life cycle, etc.)?

14. Can I write about classifications?

15. Can I write reports?

16. Can I write summaries?

17. Can I use a marking code?

18. Can I write a composition with other students ?

19. Can I assess my compositions?

20. Can I assess the compositions of my classmates?

5 = Yes, absolutely. (100%) . 4 = Yes, mostly. (75%). 3 = So-so. (50%) .

2 = Not really. (25%) 1 = No, not at all. (0%)

5 12 15 12 5


Page 4: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Marking Code

WF wrong form The movie was the most goodWF she had seen.

WW wrong word She smiled happily, quietly and sweet WW.

T wrong tense He woke and had jumpedT out of bed.

Something is missing.

She arrived school on Monday.

Sp wrong spelling The chair was not confortableSp

WO wrong word orderWhen I got to the restaurant, she had ordered a meal already WO.

Pwrong punctuation

Be careful,P The train is coming.

V wrong verb form She drunk V the wine elegantly.

//new paragraph needed

They had dinner and went to bed.//Next day when they woke, the sun was shining.

Word not necessary He came in and he sat down.

Join the ideas in one sentence

She sat down. She drank the coffee. It tasted good.

? What does this mean? ? They waking up brushed daily teeth. ?

words This isn’t quite right.

She chose the apple that seemed wonderfulest.

[words]This part needs to be re-arranged or reworded.

This reworded part to be needs re-arranged or. [words]

Continue writing on this line.

She chose the apple quickly. Then she put it in her bag and got on her bicycle, whistling a happy tune as she went back home.

~ change order She had brown~dark hair.

• With your partner, look at your composition “My Room”.

• Use this Marking Code on your composition and on your partner’s composition.

Page 5: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Participation Self-Assessment You will assess your participation THREE times this semester.

Mark your participation as 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5.

Mark your project participation as 0.0, 0.5, or 1.0.

Enter your mark in the Class Journal pages 9 & 10.

Participation Criteria (Mark each question from 0 to 1.5 marks)

Assessment 1st 2nd 3rd


1. I came to class on time and prepared.

2. I brought my workbook to class and used it fully.

3. I tried my best in the classroom sessions.

4. I made contributions to my group.

5. I helped others in class when needed.

6. I asked other students for help when needed.

7. I asked the teacher for help when needed.

8. I made sincere efforts to improve my skills.

9. I did extra work by myself

10. I entered information into the Class Journal.

Total /15

Project Participation Criteria(Mark each question from 0 to 1.0 marks)

11. I completed the project report sheet (page 263).

12. I learned to organize my time and meet deadlines.

13. I prepared and learned my script for the presentation.

14. I learned new information while preparing the presentation.

15. I attended and contributed to my outside class group meetings.

Total /20













Page 6: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Composition Self/peer-assessment

Your Name: Date:

Partner’s Name:

Writing Sample Title:

Review your writing sample. What does this sample show that you can do?

What do you think you did well?

What do you think you could improve?

Your Name: Date:

Partner’s Name:

Writing Sample Title:

Review your partner’s writing sample.What does this sample show that your partner can do?

What do you think your partner did well?

What do you think you partner could improve?

Kim, Mi-ho March 19th 2003

Cho, Ju-min

Cho, Ju-min Kim, Mi-ho

March 19th 2003

My Introduction

My Introduction

I can write about myself, my family, my hobbies and friends. I can use simple sentences.

I think I described my family well. I think the grammar was good. I used prepositions well.

I need to learn more vocabulary. I want to write longer sentences.

She writes about her family very well.Her grammar is very good.

She can describe herself and her daily life. She can make a beginning, body and conclusion.

She could improve her handwriting and her ordering of ideas.

Page 7: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Record Sheets

Use this Project Report Sheet each week, to monitor your progress.

Fill in the details as your group works on the compositions.

Group Members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Composition Titles:

Skills I used: Reading Writing Listening Speaking Analysis

Problem-solving Creative Thinking Cooperation

Resources we used: Textbook Dictionary Library Internet TV

Teacher Newspaper Magazine Other students

New language I learned:




My contribution to the group:

Something I want to improve

How can the teacher help me?

Other comments

Kim, Mi-ho Kim, Jin Cho, Ju-min Lee, Min-ju

My IntroductionMy Room

Chest of drawers, dressing table

Back to back issues (magazine)

Stick up (poster). Take down.

Hang up (picture).

I helped group members to brainstorm about their rooms.

I want to describe exactly where things are in my room (prepositions).

Please correct my grammar.

I hope to learn many things about composition.

Page 8: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

Portfolio Criteria

What makes a good portfolio? Organisation? Neatness? Title page? Contents page? Sections? Time-sequence? Category sequence? Headings? Tabs? Quality of content? Quantity of content?Discussion: In pairs or groups, make criteria for your portfolios.

= This needs working on! = This could be improved

= So-so (not good, not bad) = OK = This is great!

Portfolio Peer-Assessment. Organisation





1. Title page

2. Contents pages

3. Sections

4. Clear section dividers (e.g. tabs)

5. Page headings

6. Length of compositions

7. Quality of compositions (structure)

9. Accuracy of grammar

10. Assessments

11. Weekly reports

8. Quality of compositions (content)

12. General appearance (overall)

13. Appearance of compositions

14. Tidyness

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You will soon have a conference about your portfolios. Review your portfolio and prepare for the conference by answering the following questions:

1. What do you like to write about?

2. How can you make your writing better?

3. What does your portfolio show about you as a writer?

4. How has your writing improved since the last portfolio conference?

5. What can you do now that you could not do before?

6. What are you doing to become a better writer?

7. Other comments

Review for Portfolio Conference

Page 10: Portfolios: Self/peer- Assessment Portfolios – Composition Entry Sheet Composition Entry Sheet – Needs AnalysisNeeds Analysis – Marking CodeMarking Code.

week 1

week 2

week 3

week 4

week 5

week 6

week 7

week 8

week 9

week 10

week 11

week 12

week 13

week 14

week 15

week 16

Assessment Schedule

Pre/post Course Self-assess

Pre/post Course Self-assess

Portfolio Entry Sheet

Writing Sample Self-assessWriting Sample Partner-assess

Writing Sample Self-assessWriting Sample Partner-assess

Writing Sample Self-assessWriting Sample Partner-assess

Writing Sample Self-assessWriting Sample Partner-assess

Writing Sample Self-assessWriting Sample Partner-assess

Ongoing Self-assess Review for the Portfolio Conference

Ongoing Self-assess

Ongoing Self-assess Review for the Portfolio Conference

Ongoing Self-assess Review for the Portfolio Conference

Report Sheet

Report Sheet

Report Sheet

Report Sheet