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Customer Service

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Homework of Phone calls action Tips

Problem 1: The receptionist answer the phone and then a man star talking so it was confused, and finally the sales person star to talk. Problem 2: There was a long pause while Garth waited on hold.

Problem 3: The sales person doesn’t give the information that Garths needs.

Problem 4: Wen Garth began to say “Thanks for the information “he was cut off in mind-sentence by the click of the phone.

Action Tip 5 (Answer properly and be Prepared to handled calls)

The person how answer and resolve the problems of costumers have to be prepared to handled calls not only the receptionist or secretary.

Action tip 6 (Thank people for calling)

Always the person that answer the phone have to thanks the costumers because this can help them feel better calling after.

Action Tip 4 (Answer with professionalism)

State your name and department, use “How can I help you”? had have business etiquette .

Action Tip 7 (Smile)

Bing positive and smiling can make the customer feel such as well like if they were face to face.Action Tip 16 (Take massages Cheerfully and accurately )

Take notes of a message is the best that the answering person can do more if they have a bad memory, and avoid possible communication problems.Action Tip 14 (Keep callers on track)If a caller is in disagree with the conversation use a bridging technique to bring back on track and calm the situation.

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Action Tips for efficient use of the Phone

Action Tip 15

When calling other ask: “¿This is a convenient time to talk?”

Pearson sometimes responds the call but they are busy so they don’t pay attention so before of talking the first question you have to ma is, “you are busy?”. If asked that they tell you is not a good time, then arrange another time to talk that may be more convenient.

Action Tip 16:

Take Messages Cheerfully and accurately

Get the full name of the person and correct spelling, ask the name of the organization it appropriate, also write key words can help.Also ask to the person if they want to like a message , and at the end don’t forget to say “thanks”

Action Tip 17

Make your greeting message efficient

Living a machine voice mail when you are not availed try not to do it longer.You have to give some important dates that are the following:

The date, name, a brief explanation of why are you calling and the phone number.

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Listening and Haring ComprehensionThree action tips that is more important for me.

Action Tip 2: Prepare to listen

You decide to pay attention to speaker and the message they is giving, this implicate to disconnect from other matters that are in your mind, and look for a location with no noise or interruptions.

Action Tip 4: Be patient , defer disagreement

This is to be patient with the costumer because sometimes they don’t know the terminology or they can’t express their ideas or the problem.

Action Tip 6: Bite your tongue before interrupting

When people get impatient used to interrupt but this don’t have to happened because can damage information. So we have to wait to the appropriate moment to ask for our doubts.

Define the following words:

faking attention: is when the listener make that they are haring and putting attention but is not true, they are thinking

Listening capacity: is the ability of not only hear , pay attention of the information of the speaker.

Noise: Irrelevant sounds that are not clear for understand or insignificant to pay attention.Gatekeepers: Are the persons or persons who helps the manager.

wide asleep listener: service intimacy going out of your way to make a customer happy, showing the customer that you care, being trustworthy, and generous. getting to know each other and strive to meet their needsHabit: A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. Also is a thing that you always make.

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What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Listening involves the mental process of attaching meanings, and hearing is only a sound received by the ear but the person not pays attention.

Mention the three types of factors that complicate the listening process and pose potential barriers.

Internal Elements

Environmental Elements

Interactional ElementsWhat two things can generate communication problems?

1. Internal Noise2. External Noise

What does CCA stand for and what does it mea


Accounted Attitudinal Advocacy

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What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Listening involves the mental process of attaching meanings, and hearing is only a sound received by the ear but the person not pays attention.

Mention the three types of factors that complicate the listening process and pose potential barriers.

Internal Elements

Environmental Elements

Interactional ElementsWhat two things can generate communication problems?

1. Internal Noise2. External Noise

What does CCA stand for and what does it mea


Accounted Attitudinal Advocacy

Investment supportE&E Polish

I choose this product because I think that is very useful and have a lot of market opportunities, is the unique nail polish that change the color of the paint in the nails depending of the color of cloth that the women is wearing, this product will help to save money and time because instead of buying a lot of nails polish colors we only bought one that can be useful for the rest of the year, also we can spend less money in polish remover or in the beauty lounge. And for famous persons such as singers will be perfect because they change his appearance constantly so this polish can make it easier.


In my opinion this is the best invention of make up in the world , because the target marking of the women’s and teenagers like me, used make up most part of the time and we don’t have time to take it out this can produce that the skin get sick and look old, but with this cream is like a protector of the skin like a mask so the makeup don’t have contact with your skin so all that bad chemicals don’t affect also another benefit is that is more easy to take out with water because is based in natural products that make our life happy and comfortable.

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There are a lot of advantages of web-based service because make the life easy of customers, the web sites when they can post commentaries respect of a product can help to have reference an opinions to other customers. Also the live chats can solve doubts easily instead of going to the company, the customers can answer they own question or only making some clicks can have more information about the service of a product. An also the cost is very chipper or free.

Sometimes the opinions of customers can affect and influence in bad way other probably customers and if the company don’t attend this can decrease the sell. Other disadvantage can be that the poorly manage e-service can negatively the business image. Also in the questions that costumers send to the email of a company can be confused because they don’t now some my opinion e- service , websites, and all of the technology sources using in a good and specific way can be magic because they can save a lot of money an time for the costumer and for the company , also the costumer can express his comments and if is something bad the company immediately can

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Telephone communication essayIt is important to the companies have a well telephone communication because is the face of all the companies most part of customers have haves the first contact with the business by telephone, also the person in how is in charge has to be very kind and responsible.For me the telephone communication is essential in a business and the contact with people has to be a priority.

Use Friendly Web sites and electronic communication

Now the world is inverse in technology, that’s why all companies need to have a web presence because internet is cheaper is easier and post-sale costumer support also the knowledge bases give the opportunities to costumers to answer immediately their questions, they can be by hyperlinks also.if the customer want to comment or giving a public question they can do it in a blog or live chat , also networks and chat rooms are very useful.

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Web Pages an Electronic Communication Essay

Internet Change the form of we see the world also has provide a new avenue for delivering costumer assistance , the blog and online knowledge bases has provide to costumers a easy way to have contact with the company is more cheaper and fast that a phone call or going personal to the company.

All companies now had to have a blog, social networks and emails so they have to be constantly changing.

Use Friendly web sites and Electronic Communication

• The internet has become the place for searching and shopping.

• The cost of creating and maintaining a website continues to come down

Elements: Search engines: google, yahoo, bing

Email: Videos marketing, social media, Facebook

A perfect sales channel

An excellent channel for pre-sale

Costumer support .

Knowledge’s bases, structure in questions and answers.

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Customer service Is more than giving more opportunities to a company, is being the soul of them.