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Target audience profile

Age: 15/16 – 23Gender: UnisexGenre: IndieFavourite outings: Gigs, hmv, the park on hot days, skate park, band practise. Summer holiday trips: The beach in the evening by a fire, reading festival, download festival, trips around the country in a friends Volkswagen. Favourite bands: Bombay bicycle club, lana del ray, Kings of leon, the kooks, the cure, the smiths.

Advertising brands who will want to advertise to this demographic: Top shop, obey, supreme, hmv, itunes, ticket master, atticus.

Some say indie types are modern day hippies…

Explore new things and like taking notes and taking pictures.

Exploring individuality.

Happiness & fun is everything, money is not a priority.

Chilled, cool, calm, care free.

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My music magazine will be for the individuals of the music world, the ones who like alternative dress senses, behaviour, looks and music itself. This means my genre will of course be ‘indie’. I have decided to not go into further more specific detail with the genre therefore creating sub genres (for example indie-rock) as I like the idea of each magazine issue to have a different alternative feel to it. My potential target audience will be in the age range of 15/16 probably up to the age of 23. It will defiantly be unisex I like the idea of boys and girls able to read the same magazine. The magazine itself will need to be alternative therefore I will need to make as many features of it alternative. The unique selling points will be the - exclusive interviews - Free posters - eye catching front cover - Time line or other feature on the DPS - Easy to understand contents page - Minimalistic front cover to link with genre

Publishing House

I have decided to use Bauer as my form of publisher. My reason for this is that yes they do publish other music magazines such as smash hits, kerrang and 4music. But the closest thing they publish to an indie magazine is ‘q’ even then that is not the style I am going for. My magazine in comparison with Q will be for a younger demographic, it will be brighter, it will focus on new music as opposed to people already signed, it will give away free posters and have a layout which resembles q in no way.

Page 3: Portflios and companys

Artist Portfolio- Option one.

Name: JessAge: 18Where is she from: HertfordshireHow did she begin music: She started going to Camden lock with friends from a young age and always found peoples originality fascinating and the music inspiring. She would sing while friends played guitar up there and it all eventually became a passion of theirs.About her voice: She has a light voice with a distinguishable twang to it which is hard not to find intriguing. She can hold a note perfectly and with power. Distinguishable features/iconic traits: Two lower lip piercings, long legs, tattoos and constant hair colour and length changes.

Name: SpencerAge: 19Where is he from: HertfordshireHow did he begin music: He learnt to play guitar from a young age and has been writing music for a very long time. Jess is a child hood friend and they would go up to Camden lock together and play music most of the time, then deciding they want to form a band. About his playing: He has a unique finger picking guitar style and will be seen playing acoustic and electric instruments. He comes up with interesting rhythms and will experiment with new ideas having no fear of failure. Distinguishable features/iconic traits: His prominent cheek bones and bright blue eyes give him an attractive model like look. His legs are very skinny and he wears the tightest of jeans to show them off.

Name: ClaudiaAge: 17Where is she from: Camden lockHow did she begin music: The band discovered Claudia playing bass guitar in a small gig venue in Camden.About her playing: She can move her fingers on that instrument like nothing you have ever seen before, she plays effortlessly but brilliantly. Distinguishable features/iconic traits: She has a cut throat, kick ass attitude. She will be seen most of the time with a cigarette in mouth and shades on.

Name: PlesterAge: 16Where is he from: EssexHow did he begin music: He uploaded drum solos he created onto YouTube which jess and Spencer found and they loved the originality and flare. About his playing: His bmp when he gets going is out of this world, the same with his passion.Distinguishable features/ iconic traits: He is the baby, his boy like charm made him the indie justin bieber type character. It is impossible not to love the way he looks and the way he is. He also has a lip ring.

About their music: It has a very indie style to it along with beautiful guitar riffs and occasionally heavy material on the odd song.Genre: Indie Gigs: Supporting bombay bicycle club on their tour along with playing small venues solely. What is special about them: They are extremely original and the sounds they make are like never before. Why are they on your magazine: They are the definition of alternative and cool, they are interesting characters who create great music.Added info: There is one more girl member named Georgia who plays guitar along with Spencer creating great sounds together but her portfolio is not on here as she did not attend the photo shoot that day.

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Name: Maisie Berry/ Maisie BAge: 18 Gigs: Supporting bombay bicycle club on their tour. Also enjoys festivals. What is special about her: She fits in perfectly with my genre of magazine as a main feature is expressing individuality. The reason she fits in is because she doesn’t fit in with generic pop icons such as being super skinny, stylish and sexy, she has her own look and individual style. Where is she from: HertfordshireHow did she begin music: Always being an outstanding singer has given Maisie the love for music, from there on she learnt many instruments to compliment her beautiful voice. About her music: She creates a beautiful girly sound and stunning melodies on any instrument.

Artist portfolio option 2