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Thursday, March 3, 2005© 2005 by Downtown Fun Zone, Inc.

Downtown Fun Zone, Inc.Evan & Valerie Kramer, Owners832 Highway 101, P.O. Box 49

Port Orford, OR 97465(541) 332-6565 (Voice or FAX)

Please send advertising-related email toValerie at [email protected]

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Port Orford Today!Port Orford’s Most Popular News Weekly!

Vol. 16 Number 09

Concluded on Page 2

Police Chief InterviewsBy Evan Kramer

The Port Orford CityCouncil met on Tues-day, February 22 andwas offered Coast GuardHill Road. Lee Sparksfrom the Oregon De-partment of Transpor-tation made the offer to

the council. He said Coast Guard Hillroad at .7 miles in length was the shorteststate highway in Oregon. He said theOregon Transportation Commission hadgiven ODOT the mandate to approachcities with roads that shouldn’t be statehighways and either pay the cities to takethem over or trade property to the citiesfor taking over the roads. The Port Or-ford public works department recom-mendation was don’t take the highwaybecause it doesn’t meet city standards.Sparks said ODOT would be willing toupgrade the road and pay the city for 20years worth of maintenance. MayorAuborn said the city would want the roadbrought up to standards and include abike and pedestrian lane as well as beingcompensated for future maintenance. Thecity staff and council streets liaison CarlEskelson will work on this issue. Sparksindicated these things take time.

Under council liaison reports Carl Es-kelson said he had attended a recyclingmeeting and that Curry Transfer andRecycle reported they are breaking evenon recyclables but don’t have much usefor glass (they still accept it).

The council discussed the recent vandal-ism to Buffington Park. Seven trees weresawed down and others damaged in theattack. Councilor Steve Abbott made amotion that the city put $250 in a fund forthe arrest and conviction of the perpetra-tors of the tree cutting in the park. Themotion carried 5-0. Citizens can also putmoney into the reward fund and if noculprits are found the money will go theParks budget.

Councilor Ed Beck said the final com-pletion date for the sewer treatment plantupgrade is March 9. The City has re-quested 30 more hookups from DEQ.(The city received a letter from DEQdated Feb. 25 approving the 30 addition-al hookups.) He said there would be a“substantial completion” walk throughat the plant on Thursday, February 24.Beck is on the ordinance committee,which is working on an animal controlordinance. He said people should tell thecouncil what they want in the ordinance.

Mayor Auborn spoke about a UnitedStates Department of Agriculture com-

munity assistance grant for further reno-vation of the American Legion Hall andCommunity Building. The city will needa local matching grant but may be able toget that in the form of donated engineer-ing and other professional services. Themoney would go for the roof, ceilingsand lights in the American Legion Halland painting for the Community Build-ing.

Steve Donovan, SHN project engineerfor the sewer treatment plant upgradesaid the contract is in the liquidated dam-age phase with the city owed $750 a daybecause the project was not completedon time. The total damages could amountto $20,000-$25,000 which would bewithheld from the contractor Laskey Clif-ton. The substantial completion date forthe project was to have been February 4.The city can charge more than $750 a dayif their damages are more than that dur-ing this penalty phase as long as theaverage per day doesn’t come out tomore than $750.

The council discussed the new councilrules. Councilor Jim Campbell said hewanted citizens’ concerns at the front ofthe agenda and that he could accept theother changes in council rules. Council-or Abbott made a motion that the newcouncil rules be adopted except moving

2 Rewards for Tree Chopper

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Tide Predictions For Port Orford - 42° 44.735 N 124° 30.832 WProduced by “Tides & Currents for Windows” version 2.0 by Nautical Software (503) 579-1414

Sun MoonDate Time Tide Time Tide Time Tide Time Tide Rise Set Rise Set Phase

Thu Mar 3, 2005 3:59a 7.4 11:34a 0.6 6:29p 4.7 10:29p 4.0 6:48a 6:11p 2:37a 10:50a 3QFri Mar 4, 2005 5:02a 7.3 12:51p 0.2 8:05p 5.0 11:59p 4.3 6:46a 6:12p 3:42a 11:44aSat Mar 5, 2005 6:18a 7.4 2:02p -0.2 9:10p 5.4 6:44a 6:13p 4:37a 12:50pSun Mar 6, 2005 1:33a 4.1 7:35a 7.6 3:02p -0.7 9:56p 5.9 6:42a 6:15p 5:23a 2:04pMon Mar 7, 2005 2:48a 3.6 8:44a 7.9 3:53p -1.0 10:35p 6.4 6:41a 6:16p 5:59a 3:22pTue Mar 8, 2005 3:49a 2.9 9:46a 8.1 4:38p -1.1 11:11p 6.9 6:39a 6:17p 6:28a 4:42pWed Mar 9, 2005 4:42a 2.1 10:41a 8.2 5:20p -0.9 11:45p 7.3 6:37a 6:18p 6:52a 5:57pThu Mar 10, 2005 5:32a 1.3 11:33a 8.0 5:58p -0.5 6:36a 6:19p 7:14a 7:09p NM

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Police Chief InterviewsContinued from Front Cover

the citizens concerns to the end of themeeting. It passed 5-0.

The council had reviewed the police chiefapplications at an executive session pri-or to the regular council meetings. Theydiscussed the process at the public meet-ing with councilor Milton Finch makinga motion to invite candidates number 2,8, 3 and 7 to be interviewed and thatnumber 5 would be the alternate if one offirst four didn’t accept the invitation.The motion passed 5-0.

Councilor Jim Campbell made a motionthat the city administrator not be in-volved with the interviews and that thetwo panels reports be directed to the citycouncil. The motion passed 5-0. A lawenforcement panel and a citizen’s panelwill interview the four police chief can-didates on March 7. The people on thecitizen’s panel are Nancy Fraser, Deloris

Finch, Jim Billings and Robert Mielenz.The law enforcement panel consists ofSheriff Mark Metcalf, Fire Chief GayleWilcox, Gold Beach Police Chief RussMerkley, and retired law enforcementofficer Jim Rhoades. The meetings willbe conducted in executive session andare not open to the public.

The council adopted a series of Resolu-tions including a supplemental budgetfor the police computer system; adoptinga right of way license, annexing a pieceof property and home on King Street intothe city and public contracting rules. Aresolution to increase the budget for traveland training died for lack of a motion.

The consent calendar was approved on amotion by councilor Campbell. It in-cludes renewal of the Port Orford Cham-ber of Commerce/Visitor Center leasefor 12 months; Mayor Auborn’s reap-pointment of John Lincoln and JimRhoades to the budget committee andViola Cuatt, Dave Holman and Joyce

Spicer Kinney to the planning commit-tee; appointments of Michelle Duarte tothe planning commission and Gary Do-ran and Joanne Ruoff to the budget com-mittee; and approval of minutes of theJanuary 18 council meeting (which youcan read at the City’s web site).

Public Works Director Dave Pace toldthe council he had been researching pric-es for diesel generators for the watertreatment plant and the Hubbard Creekreservoir and so far had come up withestimated costs of $70,000-$75,000.

Sunset Garden ClubSunset Garden Club will meet at 1:00pmFriday, March 4 in the Port Orford SeniorCenter. Members will share their picksfor “most successful” plants for this area.Following this, the Club will visit God’sGreen Nursery. Visitors are welcomed toour meetings.

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Helping Businesses ProsperThe Gold Beach Chamber of Commerceis sponsoring the third annual “HelpingSmall Businesses Prosper on America’sWild River’s Coast” conference at theEvent Center in Gold Beach on Thurs-day, March 10. The purpose of the con-ference is to bring business owners in-formation, skills and resources pertain-ing to doing business on America’s WildRivers Coast. The conference starts at9:00am and concludes at 4:00pm.

Pre-registration to attend the conferenceis $20, which includes all workshops,lunch and speakers. Cost at the door is$25.00. To get a registration form inadvance call the Gold Beach Chamber ofCommerce at 541-247-0923.

The conference features two keynotespeakers – Craig Bradford speaking on“Organizing Your Business” and MarkDennett speaking on “Care and Feedingof Great Customers”. There will be nineworkshops on a variety of topics from“Financing Your Business” to Web SiteDevelopment 101. There will also beover a dozen resource exhibits and busi-ness service vendors at the conference.

PROmoting Port OrfordPRO – Preservation, Restoration andOrganization – is a new group formed bythe Port Orford Chamber of Commerce.Our purpose is to consider ways to en-sure future development is in keepingwith the character and spirit of our spe-cial city. And, to develop programs pro-moting the kind of tourism that supportour business community and respect ourhome.

We meet once a month and will be writ-ing a column to discuss the issues cov-ered during the meeting that we think thecommunity might be interested in. If youhave any comments or suggestions,please contact Jay Stoler([email protected] or332-8055). We appreciate your inputand will address it in meetings and inthis column when appropriate.

People in Port Orford want to protectwhat makes living here unique comparedto big city life. We pride ourselves onlack of traffic, safer streets and no stripmalls. We like our independence and,mainly, we want to protect the sense thatwe live in an unspoiled area and havestrong feelings about development. We

don’t want to become Lincoln City, oreven Bandon.

The PRO committee agrees with all ofthis and will be looking at any develop-ment issues that affect the quality of ourlife here as well as our ability to be anattractive destination spot for tourist ac-tivity that benefits our community. Pleasewatch this column for opportunities toprovide valuable comments and sugges-tions.

One of the first things we have discussedis the historical aspects of Port Orford.This gives us a sense of continuity as acommunity, and our historical attrac-tions are a valuable resource in encour-aging visitors in this area.

There are quite a few buildings that arefavorites of ours, but that are not protect-ed by being registered as an historicalsite. This includes our beloved jail, whichis currently for sale. If we want to preventany of these from being torn down bynew development, we need to decidewhich qualify as historical structures,and then begin the process to ensure theyremain intact. There are legal and finan-cial issues that will affect this process, aswell as the new Measure 37.

This is certainly one of the areas wewould like your input on. Please let usknow which sites and structures you con-sider historical and why, and what yousuggest would be a good purpose forthem today.

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an attached single car garage and a larger detached 2 cargarage and shop. $460,000 cash/submit offers. #123-05-314

CCEC Meetingsby Kathy Schneberk-King

Dear Owner-Members of the Coos-Cur-ry Electric Coop. I have been attendingthe monthly meetings of CCEC for twoyears now. I was recently appointed tothe Owner Member Advisory Commit-tee (OMAC) charged with reviewingBoard composition and compensation.The OMAC met for a day with 8 of the 9CCEC geographic zones represented. Werecommended that the board be reducedfrom 9 members to 5 and that zones bereconfigured to better reflect the numberof members in a given area. The Boardapproved our plan in December and de-cided to send the By-law changes thatwould be necessary to effect the changeto the membership at the June 2005 an-nual meeting in Port Orford. If the Bylawchange is approved by owner-members,the CCEC Board will be 5 members by2007. I applaud this change, it will savethe CCEC money. The OMAC did notrecommend changing Board compensa-

Committee VacanciesThere are still two vacancies on the Bud-get Committee and a vacancy on theParks Commission. Applicants may sub-mit a letter or e-mail to City Hall express-ing interest. Letters should be mailed toCity Hall, PO Box 310, Port Orford, OR97465, ATTN: Mayor Aiborn, or e-mailto [email protected] take this opportunity to volunteerto be of assistance to your community.

tion but there is some discussion of aplan to decrease the amount of moneyspent on Board insurance.

The CCEC broke even over the last cou-ple of months, the first time in over twoyears. It may be due to the furlough ofemployees, the raise in fees, or the sus-pension of tree trimming, or a combina-tion of all three. It is still unclear whetheror not CCEC will be required to pay a$1,000,000.00 loan to NOAA Net thatthe Board guaranteed. I asked about thestatus of the loan at the last two Boardmeetings, and was told this topic wouldbe discussed in closed session. Owner-members are not allowed in closed ses-sion.

And finally, the CCEC has instituted anew program to help low income mem-bers of the co-op. The program suggeststhat owner-members pay our bills in evendollars and the extra pennies we pay areput into a fund that less fortunate mem-bers may access to help pay their electric

bill. CCEC calls this program “Round itUp.” As a second generation Oregonian,when you say “round it up,” it means oneof two things, either a great day in Pendle-ton at the rodeo or an activity with wildhorses. I don’t know what else the termmeans. So I propose that we gunny sackthe “round it up” name and help our lessfortunate neighbors by telling the CCECto “Keep The Change” when we pay ourbills. That’s my two bits.

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Letter to the Editor,Our State Park beaches from Port OrfordHeads to Cape Blanco are being overrunby ATV’s and bikes that are illegal ac-cording to the State Parks Beach Billenacted in 1967.

Many of us who enjoy these beaches forsolitude and quiet lose that to these noisyand emissions polluting vehicles. Oursare serene and naturally beautiful beach-es until these machines quickly come atyou to ruin the experience. They areillegal, destructive and dangerous.

Enjoy our beach and help in getting StateParks and law enforcement (State Policeand Curry County Sheriff) to enforce thislaw. A call, e-mail or letter will help inbeing heard. The law needs to be respect-ed.

Last week’s accident on the beach is anexample of the cost to taxpayers for emer-gency services for violators. Warningswill not work unless there is a follow-up.Citations will give us back our beachesas intended.

Don Walz

Senior NewsThe Port Orford Senior Center held theirmembership meeting on Tuesday morn-ing, February 22. Treasure Bill Nelsonreported that the Center had a total of$11,162.88 in their CDs, savings andchecking accounts with no outstandingbills. He mentioned the higher than nor-mal electric bill for January. Nelsonthanked Al Granados for his efforts at therecent Senior Center dinner.

Vice president Beverly Dunlap said therecent trip to see a play in Brookings wasvery successful and the bus was full. Thenext trip is on March 17 to the MillCasino. The bus leaves at 10:30am andwhen people get to the casino they willbe given free fun packets with discounts.Dunlap described this upcoming trip as a“reward trip”. For people who have beenon a Center trip before this one will befree or for those first timers the cost is$5.00 for the bus ride.

President Owen Miller said the Centerhas applied for a $1,000 grant to theCoquille Indian Tribe for replacing thelighting and making sound improvementsin the dining room. Miller said the lum-ber would be delivered that day to the

Center for the new fence. Western Build-ers Supply donated the wood, McNairTrue Value donated the hardware for thefence and Coos-Curry Electric donatedthe poles and manpower to place them.Miller anticipated volunteers would workon the fence on Wednesday. Miller saidthat Norm Leeling had helped replacethe fluorescent light fixtures in anotherpart of the Center.

Miller said the Senior Center has beendesignated Port Orford’s emergency cen-ter by the Red Cross. The Red Cross willbe giving the Center a 27 foot long sealedcontainer filled with emergency suppliesincluding blankets, generators, and flash-lights. Brian Newton from the Red Crosswill work with the Center on the set upand delivery of the container. The Centerwill have to decide on where to place thecontainer.

Lou Mincer spoke about an insert in theMarch newsletter to get members to writeto their Congress people that they do notwant Social Security privatized. The pe-tition includes the addresses of SenatorsWyden and Smith and CongressmanDeFazio. Mincer told people they didn’twant to see Social Security go the way ofMedicare. He said that the members need

to put pressure on Congress about notwanting Social Security privatized.

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Port OrfordGarage

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PUBLIC LEGAL NOTICECity Of Port Orford Planning Commission

Notice is hereby given that the City of Port Orford Planning Commission will holda public meeting on Tuesday March 8, 2005 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambersat the Port Orford City Hall at 20th and Idaho Streets, Port Orford, Oregon for thepurpose of considering a building permit to demolish a building listed in thehistoric structures inventory of the city’s comprehensive plan under the provisionsof the City of Port Orford Zoning Ordinance #278 adopted September 13, 1977 forthe following request:

A proposal to demolish a structure known as “old city jail” as requested byKathleen Hagberg and Jann Carson owners of the subject property. Thestructure is proposed to be demolished because it is uninhabitable, hasdeteriorated to the point that it is a hazard and the structure is an attractivenuisance to children living in the area who attempt to play in it. The subjectproperty is located at the northeast corner of 7th Street and Jefferson Street inthe City of Port Orford. The subject property is identified in the records of theCurry County Assessor as Tax Lot 3200 on Map 33-15-05DA.

All are welcome to be heard. For further information call (541) 332-3681, or mailto City of Port Orford, P.O. Box 310, Port Orford, OR 97465.

Chautauqua Program

Coyote Talesfrom the Pacific Northwest

Curt Yehnert, Chair, Humanities Dept.Western Oregon University

Saturday, March 5, 2:30pmLanglois Library


Curry Family Medical NewsBy Evan Kramer

I recently spoke to Curry Health DistrictBoard member Gary Anderson askinghim for more information about the new,but not yet open, pharmacy at CurryFamily Medical Center. He forwardedmy request for information to the CEO ofthe Health District, Ginny Hochberg.The following is her response.

“The plans for the medical dispensingmachine for pharmaceuticals at CurryFamily Medical took many turns alongthe way. There were delays at the Statelevel for certification and by the Pharma-cy Board, as there were no others in thestate like ours.

But after much work, we are lookingforward to this dispensing machine to bein place in Port Orford the week of March22. The construction is almost complete,including the electrical wiring and phonelines that connect the machine to Shin-dler’s Pharmacy in Bandon.

Pharmacist Steve Wilson will be over-seeing the project and will be connectedby telephone wiring and computer wir-ing to our new machine. He said that the“Formulary” (which is a list of common-

Environmental MilestonesMarine biologist Rachel Carson pub-lished Silent Spring in June 1962 callingattention to the threat of toxic chemicalsto the people and the environment.

ly used medications put together by Dr.Pitchford and Carol Milne, NP, is inplace. So residents in Port Orford withprescriptions that can be filled from thislist will be able to get them at the CurryFamily Medical Clinic, even if you arenot a patient of that clinic. If someone,who is not a patient there, shows up witha prescription that cannot be filled fromthe Formulary, he/she will have to useanother pharmacy for filling theirs.

We at Curry General hope that new peo-ple will go their for obtaining their medsand find out what a treasure we havethere in Port Orford.”

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Tuesday, March 8 6:00p.m.playing

Pacific High School Senior Boys & StaffTickets $6 advance and $7 at the door. Under age 6 is free

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Langlois Market

Langlois Library NewsThe Langlois Public Library is pleased tosponsor an Oregon Chautauqua programby Curt Yehnert, Chair of the Humani-ties department at Western Oregon Uni-versity, entitled Coyote Tales from theNorthwest. This free, public programwill take place on Saturday, March 5,2:30pm at the Langlois Library.

Coyote tales are told from the Atlantic tothe Pacific, and from the Artic down toMexico. These myths impart basic val-ues and beliefs while providing moralinstruction. Trickster, transformer, andcultural hero, Coyote combines in hisnature all the elements that form thehuman character. He is sacred and sinful,majestic and petty, joyful and miserable,heroic and cowardly. The many cycles ofCoyote tales reflect the cycle of life it-self.

Curt Yehnert brings together aspects offolklore, mythology, and anthropologyas he retells and creates a cultural context

Lost and FoundBy Dolores Care

I recently took time to look at our mem-bership list. Would you believe we have209 members? I think that is great but Iwas helping in the kitchen for our month-ly dinner Saturday night. We only hadabout 25 people show up!

for Coyote stories told by Native Amer-icans in the Pacific Northwest. In partic-ular, he addresses Coyote’s role as aboundary crosser - as one whose exist-ence embodies that portion of our ownexperience where good and evil are hope-lessly intertwined. Through consideringCoyote in all of his guises, Mr. Yehnerthelps us come to understand our ownhumanity more clearly.

This program is made possible by fund-ing from the Oregon Council for theHumanities, and independent, nonprofitaffiliate of the National Endowment forthe Humanities.

The dinner was wonderful. There is a lotof work put into our monthly dinner andthey are community dinners for our mem-bers and our friends here in Port Orford.

We here at the Senior Center would liketo see and meet more of our membershipand also our friends in Port Orford, so ifthere is something we are not doing, orsomething we could improve for you toattend our events please call me at theSenior Center office, 332-5117, with anysuggestions you might have. You aremissing wonderful events and meals withyour friends.

We are open to suggestions to help youcome out for our wonderful dinners. Itwould be so nice to see our dining roomreally crowded.

I’m looking forward to meeting more ofyou. Please feel free to stop in for cook-ies and coffee/tea Monday-Friday from9:30am to 3:30pm. Have a wonderfulmonth of March and happy St. Pat’s Day.

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2CJ School BoardThe 2CJ School Board met in regularsession on Monday, February 14, in thePacific High School (PHS) Library. Allboard members were in attendance: Vir-ginia Hughes (Chair), Liz Brady, AlanBrown, Joseph Brown, Nancy Dowdy,Gail Rathbun, and Shirley Van Loo.Among the public in attendance withtheir families were the students fromDriftwood and Blanco Elementary andMiddle Schools and PHS who were rec-ognized with Leadership Awards for thesecond quarter of the academic year. Thestudents were Tara Mitchell from Drift-wood Elementary, Anne Maddi fromBlanco Elementary, River Harlan fromBlanco Middle, Michael Bennett fromDriftwood Middle, and Warren manningfrom PHS. The board presented the stu-dents with certificates and congratulatedthem for their accomplishments.

The Board reviewed the progress on ac-tions called for in the Strategic Plan.Among actions completed on scheduleare establishing goals for the district, theboard, the superintendent, and each em-ployee of the district and developingwritten job descriptions for all employ-ees. Evaluations will be, or where re-quired have been, carried out based ofperformance against these goals and thejob descriptions. The board agreed thatthe district would provide first aid train-ing for teachers as required in their jobdescriptions.

Scheduled improvements have been im-plemented on communications within thedistrict and between the district and thecommunity. Improvements have beenmade in communications and computa-tion technology and technical support.

Catch-up facility maintenance has beenscheduled and is underway. Incentiveand recognition programs have been es-tablished for students and employees.Art classes are available in the highschool. Middle school students now havea counselor. Social occasions are en-couraging new collaborations. In gener-al, the atmosphere at the schools hasimproved noticeably.

Review of previous paperwork on plansand cost estimates for a single-site schoolfor the district was rescheduled to Aprilfrom January. This is the first step indeveloping preliminary plans and costfigures that will be needed before thetask of locating possible sources of fund-ing can be undertaken. A written chargewas adopted for the committee advisingthe board on possible uses for the Lan-glois red brick school building property.Only the gym at that site is still beingused for school-related activities.

Teri Pointer of the South Coast Educa-tional Service District (SCESD), whichis under contract to provide businessmanagement services to the district, re-viewed the financial status to date andsaid the district is doing well keepingspending under control. She said the

consolidation of ESDs being discussedat the state level would create great hard-ship for our area because of the distancesthat would be spanned and the differenc-es between the services offered by differ-ent ESDs.

Bob Lemerande was awarded a contractto oversee district participation in theKnowledge Bowl. Cancellation of theMexican trip was triggered by difficultyin getting insurance coverage. Moneythat had been raised for the trip will besaved for the trip next year. It is hopedthat the insurance problem can be solvedby then.

The budget schedule was approved withthe first Budget Committee meeting onApril 18. All positions are filled on theBudget Committee. Members are EdDowdy, Robert Ewalt, Judy Fladger, BillHawkins, Steve Kalina, Scott McKen-zie, and Martin Myhre in addition to theboard members.

Transportation Supervisor Tony LaPlantereported that he had found a used 2002pickup with 23,000 miles for less thanthe budgeted amount of $18,000. Thetruck will be used to transport meals tothe other schools from the Driftwoodkitchen. It replaces an older vehicle thatwas nearing the end of its usefulness.

Superintendent Marvin Ott reported on atechnology plan developed by AdamHouse and Mick Lane to upgrade andmaintain the quality of district computa-tion and communication equipment. Anin-service day is planned for teachers toinclude instruction in use of video stream-ing and digital curriculum. PHS receivedaccreditation from the Northwest Ac-creditation Association.

The board met in Executive Session un-der ORS 192.660 (2)(i) Evaluating TopExecutive.

The next regular Board meeting is sched-uled for Monday, March 14, at 7:00pm inthe PHS library. Further info is availablefrom the district office at 348-2337.

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God’s Green EarthNursery and Things

Spring is in the air. Planting season is upon us. We have trees,bulbs, ground cover, hanging plants, shrubs, etc. We havemulch, fertilizer, vermiculite, perilite, otting soil (delivery avail-able.) We have a custom line of plantation grown, “Grade ATeak” outdoor furniture. It is imported directly from Indonesia.This extremely well made, solid teak wood, with a beautifulgrain should give a lifetime of enjoyment.

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(541) 332-1130

Going The DistanceThe journey of 1800 miles begins with asingle pedal stroke . . . A team of passion-ate individuals committed to making ear-ly cancer detection a reality will carry abaseball from Seattle to Peoria AZ be-ginning March 3 to raise money andawareness for early cancer-detection re-search at The Hutch . . .By bicycle.

Their first stop is in Port Orford onMarch 4, where they will be staying thenight at WildSpring Guest Habitat andFloras Lake House B&B.

Just Imagine . . .Getting a routine, annual blood testto detect cancers before they can bedetected by a clinical examDiagnosing and treating cancer ear-ly, when chances of survival aregreatestPredicting with a simple test wheth-er an early stage cancer will spread,thus avoiding unnecessary surgeryor toxic therapy

The Gregory Fund was created to helpmake such possibilities a reality. Thepurpose of the Fund is to generate moneyfor research on new ways to diagnosecancer at its earliest — most treatable —

stage. The Fund was named after Grego-ry Chaya, a young cancer survivor whowas treated by the Fred Hutchinson Can-cer Research Center in Seattle.

Team Early Detection consists of peoplewho have joined together to do some-thing extraordinary to help focus atten-tion on the fight against cancer. KellyWhite, the organizer, was inspired by herfirst husband’s courageous fight againstHodgkin’s Lymphoma. Our riders in-clude a cancer survivor, surviving familymembers, and friends of people withcancer.

We Pledge to ride relay style from Seat-tle to Peoria in 8-9 days beginning March3, raising money and awareness all theway down the West Coast. Each riderexpects to ride between 40 – 100 milesper day. We have already been busysoliciting corporate and private dona-tions and selling “tribute miles.” We arevery honored to have been asked to throwout the first pitch, using the ball we relaydown, at the March 12 game between theSeattle Mariners and the Texas Rangers.In addition, we will ask the Mariners toautograph the baseball we carry down, tobe auctioned to benefit The Gregory Fund.

Our Goal this first year is to raise at least$30,000 for early cancer-detection re-search. 100% of the money we raise willgo directly to The Gregory Fund. If thisis a success, it may become an annual –and much bigger – event.

Tribute miles are a way for people tohonor a loved one or friend who hasbattled cancer, whether that battle is won,lost, or ongoing. The strength and cour-age of those people empowers us to suc-ceed in completing the event and in meet-ing our fundraising efforts.

Early Detection provides one of the mostpromising opportunities to reduce can-cer deaths. Early detection is key in co-lon, cervical, breast, prostate and othercancers. For example, five-year survivalfor breast and prostate cancer patientswith early stage disease is 85 percent to95 percent, and survival rates remainhigh at 10 years.

To Donate, Ride with Us, or SimplyLearn More, Please Contact Kelly Whiteat (206) 910-1098 or visit our web site or contact WildSpring at 541-332-0977 to arrange for a donation for themwhen they arrive in Port Orford.

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Port Orford InnCoffee House

1035 Oregon St. (between Coos Curry Supply & Chevron)332-1009 or 332-1034

Breakfast Daily 6-10am Sunday 7-10amCall us & we’ll make your breakfast to go!

Biscuits and Gravy, Breakfast Sandwichor anything from our Full Breakfast Menu.

Salad Bar Daily 11 - 2:30 Soup 11 - 2:30Soup, Salad & Sandwich Specials Always

Bus. Hrs. 6am - 3pm, Sun. 7am - 3pm

Phone & Fax 541-347-4482 email: [email protected]

175 2nd St., Bandon, OR 97411

Art Supplies Custom and precut framesPaintings, Prints, Sculpture & GiftsCalligraphy Sumi StampingSpecialty paper Books

J. Daniel Castaldi: ProprietorSusan C. D’Amico: Artist in Residence

Kalmiopsis PresentationOn Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00pm theKalmiopsis Audubon Society will host apresentation by Vicki Kaplan of Defend-ers of Wildlife about the EndangeredSpecies Act. The presentation will beheld at the Community Building. Forover 30 years, the Endangered SpeciesAct has been a safety net for America’swild plants and animals on the verge ofextinction and has successfully contrib-uted to the recover of the Bald Eagle,Peregrine Falcon and the Brown Pelican.Kaplan will speak about the history ofthe law, its record of success and currentattempts by powerful special interestsand their allies in Congress to weaken it.She will also discuss the importance ofthe law to recovery of coastal coho salm-on. Defenders of Wildlife is a non-profitgroup dedicated to wilderness preserva-tion.

This presentation will be the third in aseries of speakers that the KalmiopsisAudubon Society is hosting in Port Or-ford this year. At the final presentationon April 13, Lisa Shelton of the SiskiyouProject will speak about what has beenhappening in the Biscuit Fire burn area.Everyone in the community is invited toattend these interesting talks. Homemadegoodies will be served.

Letter to the Editor,On February 13, which was a Sunday, Iwas forced to call 911 for an ambulance

Reward!On the night of February 10-11, Buffin-gton Park was attacked. Seven beautiful30 year old trees were cut down by van-dals. This is a crime against all citizens ofPort Orford and the surrounding area.

We need your help! Two substantial re-wards are being offered for informationregarding the perpetrators. Crime Stop-pers is offering $1000 reward for infor-mation leading to the arrest of the perpe-trator. Also, the City of Port Orford Re-ward Fund now has over $500 in it, andwe are asking for donations to increasethat amount. If the reward is not claimedthe fund will revert to Parks BuffingtonPark Fund in one year.

If you have information please call oneof the following numbers: 541-412-0989or toll free 888-974-0000 or call ourlocal Police Dept. at 332-9013 or CityHall at 541-332-3681.

If you have proper information it is pos-sible to collect both rewards.

for my wife Rita, who had a temperatureof 103.3. It seemed like I had just hungup the phone and they were at my door,driver Bob Hergert, EMT’s Gayle Wil-cox and Katrina Montgomery. The pro-fessional and expert care she received assoon as they arrived and on the way to thehospital was fantastic and fast.

God bless the beautiful people of PortOrford.

Rita is now home and doing as well ascould be expected. Thank you for thecards and phone calls.

George Armstrong

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Jarboe’sTractor ServiceCAT 216 Skid Steer

CCB # 151608 Bonded & Insured

Brush Hog “Mower”4x1 Bucket Root GrapplerBackhoe Tracks Grading

(541) 297-6525



New climate controlled unitsAll sizes 24 hr/7 day access

601 13th Street(Located just 1 block west ofHwy 101 in Port Orford, OR)

Resident ManagerPaved Secured

Call for reservation or info(541) 991-2363

Fax: (541) 332-0858email [email protected]

Sea BreezeFlorist

World Wide Wire Service(541) 332-0445 Shop 311 6th St.888-484-2234 (toll free) Port Orford

Eye Centerof Port Orford

Professional & ComprehensiveVision Care

Eye Disease and Surgical Management

929 Oregon Street(541) 332-0899

Accepting New PatientsOHP Patients Welcome

“One touch of naturemakes the whole worldKin” – Shakespeare

High on Health DinnerThe Curry Health Foundation and GoldBeach Rotary are pleased to announceApril 9 as the date of our annual “High onHealth” dinner. The Foundation will useproceeds from the dinner and silentauction primarily toward supporting thefight against cancer in Curry County. Weare seeking silent auction items; pleaseconsider donating a service, item or basket

Scouting Open HouseBoys in the Port Orford and Langloiscommunity are invited to a ScoutingOpen House on Friday, March 4 at6:30pm at the American Legion Hall.Leaders of the Cub Scouts and Boy Scoutswill be on hand to answer any questionsyou may have and enroll new members.If you are unable to attend the meetingyou can call Esther Donaldson at 348-2242 for Cub Scout information or JohnFink at 332-0542 for Boy Scout info.

Volunteer Service AwardAshley Moore of Sixes has been honoredfor her exemplary volunteer service witha President’s Volunteer Service Award.

The award, which recognized Ameri-cans of all ages who have volunteeredsignificant amounts of their time to servetheir communities and their country, waspresented by the Prudential Spirit ofCommunity Awards program on behalfof the President’s Council on Serviceand Civic Participation. Moore partici-pated in the Spirit of Community pro-gram this year as a representative ofPacific High School where she is a stu-dent.

Moore earned here award by volunteer-ing over 400 hours of community serviceto such projects as Sixes River Rural FireDepartment, North Curry Families’ andChildren’s Services, and blood dona-tions to the American Red Cross.

of goodies as your special contributionto a wonderful cause. This year we arepleased to raffle a lovely dollhouse, builtand donated by Ted and Betty Lonien.

Local keyboardist Darren Kuykendallwill provide musical entertainmentthroughout the evening. In addition theGold Beach Rotary live auction promisesto be as animated as always, benefitingworthwhile Rotary-sponsored projects.Don’t miss out on one of the county-wide fundraising highlights of the year!Table reservations are being accepted atthis time. For information on auctiondonations, raffle tickets or reservationsplease contact a co-chair or the CurryHealth Foundation at 247-3189.

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M.O.L., INC.Mary O. Loan Bookkeeping

and Tax Service

Complete Servicesfor Business and Personal

Free E-File if we do your taxes

Mary O. Loan, L.T.C. / Notary526 W. 9th St., Port Orford, OR 97465

Voice: (541) 332-5085Fax: (541) 332-3028

B C ConstructionResidential & CommercialRoofing & Construction

Gutter CleaningFree Estimates

Bubby Caluya, Contractor541-332-ROOF (7663)OR CCB# 155726 General ContractorCA LIC# 783191-Roofing & Welding Contractor

Wedding AnnouncementTo the Friends we may have missed:

The wedding ceremony ofMichael C. Christoffersen and Kyi A. Mohney

will take place at Humbug State Park(right side of Hwy 101)

around noon on Thursday, March 10, 2005.

Potluck and reception immediately following the ceremony.

LEWIS EXCAVATIONAll phases of site development

Underground Utilities Lot ClearingSeptic Systems Home Sites

Neil Lewis, Owner/OperatorCC# 161644

(541) 991-0032P.O. Box 908

Port Orford, Oregon 97465

What Are You?“You have as much power as anyone thatever has been on this planet or ever willbe. Face life and its situations withcourage. You can unform and reform;you can bring new shapes of good fromthe treasury of your mind. The world isyours. Heaven is yours. All power isyours.”

These thoughts, as expressed by ImeldaShanklin in her classic work from 1929,What Are You?, will be examined in aten-week class offered at Unity ofBandon, beginning March 6, from 9:30–10:30am. The practice of contemplationwill be a central focus of the class and avariety of experiential activities, such ascreating a personal mandala, will beoffered. Participants will be encouragedto examine their own personal beliefsystem as it relates to concepts presented

Women’s Time Out“Wearin’ O’ The Green” is this month’stheme for the Women’s Time-Out Brunchin Bandon. Ladies of all ages are invitedto join us on Wednesday, March 9, 10a.m. at The Dunes, meeting in the St.Andrews Room. This month wear allyour green—prizes for creativity. Ourfeatured speaker is Donna Roselius ofRoaring Seas Arts Studio & Gallery inPort Orford. Donna will be exhibitingand speaking about the fused glass &metal jewelry which she and her husband“Rosy” create. Our inspirational speakeris Donna Paris from Portland. A mara-thon walker, bowler, and former fitnessinstructor who also likes to slow downand knit, Donna says that, “Fears ruledher life until she learned the secret ofcontaining them.” For reservations, callAnna 347-4024, Patti 332-2703 or emailMaybelle at maysway Thisprogram is sponsored by Stonecroft Min-istries and Bandon/Port Orford CWC.

in the text. Those interested areencouraged to attend just one session oras many sessions as possible. This seriesis being offered on a weekly donationbasis.

The concepts presented by Shanklin hada tremendous effect on Robin Harunaover ten years ago. Haruna is the classfacilitator, local task force coordinatorfor the Season of Nonviolence and Unityminister. She says that these conceptscontinue to shape her relationship toothers and to life today. Haruna says,“Get this book, if for no other reason thanto read the chapter on nonresistance.Chew it, eat it, digest it, sleep with it,look at it. See if it doesn’t change yourlife.”

The class location is Unity of Bandon,one mile south of 11th Street on Highway101. Please call (541) 347-4696 for moreinformation.

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Havenhill LavenderHavenhill LavenderHavenhill LavenderHavenhill LavenderHavenhill LavenderProductsProductsProductsProductsProducts

now at

God’s Green Earth& Things

551 19th Street

Mon-Sat8:30am - 5:00pm

Feed FencingPet Supplies

Carhart Work ClothesSheepskin Specialties

Culverts & Gates

Just South of Bandon(541) 347-4356

‘Neath The Wind Realty, Inc.along with our team of real estateprofessionals is ready to service

all of your real estate needs.Contact us at (541) 332-9463

McNair True Value HardwareHelp is just around the corner

1935 N. Oregon St., Port Orford(541) 332-3371

Campbell RealtyP.O. Box 1469324 6th Street

Port Orford, Oregon 97465541-332-9109 1-800-808-4663

Fax: 541-332-9309E-mail: [email protected]

After Hours Please Call:Esther Winters ................................... 541-332-2021Toby Dillingham ................................. 541-332-6661Pat Campbell ..................................... 541-332-2745Betsy Bures ....................................... 541-332-7815Jim Campbell, Principal Broker .......... 541-332-2745



Lb. ProSelect Plant FoodGive your flowers, trees, vegeta-bles and more the attention theycrave! Provides a balanced feed-ing. While supplies last.

WELDING AND FABRICATION ar-chitectural, industrial and marine. Weldingaluminum, steel, cast iron, stainless. CADdesigns. Get it done right the first time.Call Tom, 332-2300.

Classified AdsConcluded from Back Cover ANY INFORMATION about the theft

of tools out of a gray Ford F350 at the endof 20th St. on Monday night the 28th ofFeb. would be appreciated 332-0880. Sto-len items: Large Craftsman ratchet set inblack plastic carrier, yellow and blackCraftsman tool box with hand tools, sawblades, drill bits, level, etc., Blaupunktcar CD stereo.

SOFA, MULTI-COLORED Floral pat-tern 65” long, excellent condition! $100.332-8911.

FOR SALE: REFRIGERATOR; likenew; excellent condition. Admiral De-signer Series, white. 21 cu.ft. $385 QueenAnne coffee table. Cherry finish. $55.(541) 332-0688.

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All Jams, Jellies, Syrups, Honey,Chutney, and BBQ Sauce


The Cat’s MeowVacation Cottage

Quaint, comfortable, affordable503 Jackson St. (866) 503-5003

80’ to beach accessAll reservations made in advance.

Continued on next page

Dock Tackle & SeafoodLocal catch Fish-n-Chips, Clam Chowder,

Gifts, Fishing Gear, Bait andFresh local fish fillets when available.

(541) 332-8985


The Crazy Norwegians11:30am-7:00pm DailyBarbecued Beef



(541) 332-52011205 Oregon St.

Port Orford, OR 97465website:

God’s Green Earth & ThingsNew flowers in this week:

Viola’s/Petunia’sPansy’sRanunculusLavender (4 different varieties)


CLASSIFIED ADS are $3.00 for thefirst 25 words or less, and 10¢ each addi-tional word (if any.) Our normal deadlinefor submission is 3:00pm Tuesday to bein that Thursday’s paper. Downtown FunZone, Inc., 832 Hwy 101, Box 49, PortOrford, OR 97465 (541) 332-6565.


SISKIYOU COAST REALTY - Freebroker price opinion on your home orproperty. We sold many properties thispast year and need more property to sell.Call Sandra or Jodi at (541) 332-7777.

PROFESSIONAL property managementservices now available at ‘Neath the WindRealty, Inc. Call on us to manage yourrental or vacation properties in the PortOrford area. Ask for Sara at (541) 332-9463 or toll free 1-800-896-9869.

WANTED: Retired school teacher needsto rent 2 or 3 bedroom house with largerooms plus garage or other storage build-ing for the long term in Port Orford area.Current landlord/lady have decided theycan’t afford needed repairs to my presenthome, so they have decided to leave itvacant. That means I need to find anotherplace. I prefer city sewer and water ser-vices. I have excellent rental referencesand good credit. Please call (541) 332-0544.

SPACES AVAILABLE in newly reno-vated Silver Springs Park. Single wide$200.00, double wide $250.00. (541) 991-2363, (541) 261-7917.

NEWLY RENOVATED One BR Cabin$400.00 month + deposit. (541) 991-2363, (541) 261-7917.

PROPERTY WANTED! Our 2004 saleshave depleted our inventory! If you areinterested in selling your home, land, orbusiness, contact us at C.A. Smith RealEstate. Located on Hwy. 101 and JeffersonSt or call 332-4132.

COMMERCIAL / RETAIL SPACEFor Rent! 400 sq ft on Hwy 101, nearBattle Rock - 332.0989.

SPACE AVAILABLE at Port OrfordRV Village. Permanent rental sites foryour RV or park model. Quiet adult park,on site laundry and propane. Storage forboats and RV’s also available. New Own-ers. 332-1041.

SEEKING MODESTLY PRICEDrental for June 20th to July 23rd profes-sionals, local references, skilled laborers,perhaps trade labor for rent? Virginia(520) 290-6599 or (520) 545-5362 (day).

RENTAL/LEASE HOUSE Wanted.Dependable, responsible, with local ref-erences. Able to maintain and repair. Mycurrent lease is up June. Call 332-1819.

RV SPACE FOR RENT. Water, sewer,& elec. Included. $250. North of PortOrford. 332-7695.

SHOREPINE SENIORS ONLY Mo-bile Home Park, 925 Arizona St. $230.00month. Close to all. 1-858-229-5670.

FOR LEASE: 1500 SQ FT SHOP /storage building with restroom, workbenches, 3 phase power, security fence.Downtown Port Orford. 332-2014.


INTERNET FOR LESS!! Briskweb,Inc. Serving Port Orford Northward.Unlimited usage, nationwide dialup. Greatfor traveling. $16.00/Monthly. 332-1337.

KEY’Z LOCKSMITH SERVICE –keys, installations, repairs, locks opened.Auto, home, business. Bonded 332-7404.

THE GURU IS IN! Here’s a computertechnology expert who can deliver whatyou need. Set-up to overhaul, desktop tonetwork, web page to database, tutoringto training, friendly ‘techie’ at your ser-vice. Scotty 332-0530.

JT DATAWORKS. Website and printdesign small business databases digitalphoto enhancement and more! Call Judyfor a free consultation at 541-332-0850.

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Classified AdsContinued from previous page

Curry Public TransitRemember: We are

here for you332-5771

Seaweed NaturalGrocery & Café

Store Hours: Mon-Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-5Café Hours: Mon-Fri. 10-3832 Hwy 101, Port Orford 332-3640

Continued on back cover

RRRRRoaring Sea Artsoaring Sea Artsoaring Sea Artsoaring Sea Artsoaring Sea ArtsStudio Gallery


VISITORS WELCOMECALL 332-4444 DONNA ROSELIUS41687 Hwy. 101 S. Port Orford, Oregon

Pampered PoochesSelling County Dog Licenses

& Solid Gold Dog FoodsMon.-Fri. 9:00-3:00

545 W. Tenth St. 332-0520

That Bird StoreBirding Gifts & Such

264D Sixth St. (Hwy 101)10:00 to 5:00pm Tue-Sat.

Creighton Plantsand Supplies

Open Thurs-Mon 10:00-5:00325 16th Street, Port Orford

(541) 332-0149

LOCAL COMPUTER TECH! Friendlyand knowledgeable with good reputation.Tutoring, computer repair, networking(Cisco trained), house calls, will travel.Reasonable rates. Call James 332-1337.

LAWN AND GARDEN SERVICE –Mowing, hedging, edging, planting, andmore. Professional service. Reasonablerates. Free estimates. References avail-able. Call 332-1819, ask for Arthur.

WE DO MOWING, Weed Eating, andchainsaw work. We also do dump andfree burn runs. Call Kevin and Anne forestimates. 332-0129. References.


SRFPD BOARD POSITIONS Open.The Sixes Rural Fire Protection Districthas 3 board positions opening up forelection in May. Candidates must residein the District and file for election with thecounty no later than March 17th. All threedirector positions are four year terms andbegin July 2005. For more informationcall Board Chairman Ken Brewer at 332-8911.


WANTED EXPERIENCED LandscapeMaintenance employee. Must be depend-able and have current ODL. Part time tostart. 332-1503.

OPRD IS LOOKING FOR Someonewith excellent customer service & cleri-cal skills for a full time Office/VolunteerCoordinator position for Cape BlancoManagement Unit located at HumbugMountain State Park. To qualify: Twoyears of general clerical experience, oneof which included coordinating clericaloffice procedures; OR an Associate’sdegree in Office Occupations or OfficeTechnology. College courses in OfficeOccupations or Office Technology willsubstitute for the required experience ona year-for-year basis. Please submit Stateof Oregon application (PD100) to Or-egon Parks & Recreation Department,725 Summer St. NE, Suite C, Salem, OR97301. Applications & job descriptionsmay be obtained a the Employment De-partment or online at recruitment closes March 18th. Forinquiries, contact CoCo Sutton at SunsetBay State Park at (541) 888-4902 ext. 26.


SPRING CLEANING Garage Sale:Books, videos, audio tapes, seasonaldécor, knick-knacks, bric-a-brac, col-lectibles, antiques, and much more. Followthe orange and black signs from Madronaand U.S. 101 to 142 23rd Street. Satur-day, March 5, from 9 to 4. Rain or shine.


FOR SALE: 2003 Ford Ranger XLT,26,450 miles. $9,500.00 firm. 332-0473.

NEW FLOWERING PLANTS, andsome new trees, shrubs, and organic soilamendments at Creighton Plants and Sup-plies 325 16th Street 332-0149.

GIFTS with a great message. New line ofChristian jewelry and gifts at great prices,at the Shell Shack at BattleRock Park.

BANDON YOUTH CENTERS newbusiness The Copy Shop & ShippingStore is now open Mon-Fri, 9-4. We areauthorized shipping for FedEx and UPS.For all your color copies, brochures, rackcards, business cards see us for the bestprice. Bring in your design or talk to Robabout designing one for you. Located atthe Youth Center, 101 SW 11th St inBandon, call 347-8336. All proceeds goto the Youth Center.

FREE CLEAN FILL DIRT wanted.Port Orford. 9th & Arizona. 1-858-229-5670.

CARPETS DIRTY? Call Sunrise Car-pet Cleaning! Licensed & insured.347-3164.

GREEK FISHERMEN’S HATS, ex-cellent selection of sizes and colors, andthe best price around! At the 1atBattleRock Park.

PREPAID PHONE CARDS $7.00 – 2-hour cards – no minimum usage! TheDowntown Fun Zone.

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Classified AdsContinued from previous page

Featuring Daily Lunch and Dinner Specials and

Nightly Specials Thursday: All you can eat Spaghetti with our gourmet salad and garlic bread Friday: Seasoned and Slow Roasted

Prime Rib out at 5:30pm

Scrumptious Seafood Specials Daily Famous Fresh Willapa Bay Oysters

Scallops, Shrimp and Fish Fresh Halibut, Salmon, Snapper, Lingcod Our “Fresh, Renowned Gourmet Salads” Clam Chowder-Soups-Sauces-Pies-Bread All In House Made Fresh Daily


Restaurant Hours: Mon.—Sun. 7:00 am to 9:00 pm Lounge Hours: 7:00 am to 2:00

ORDERS TO GO Phone: 332-4515 We offer fresh quality entrees, outstanding, friendly service and the “Best prices in Town” Come in and enjoy what we have to offer! Let us serve YOU!

Port & Starboard Restaurant and Lounge

Fresh Fish from OUR Local Fishermen

NEW MOVIES THIS WEEK: “Exor-cist – The Beginning”, “Easy”, “Flight ofthe Phoenix”, “Bambi”, “The SpongeBobSquarepants Movie” and “Virginia’sRun”. New movies being released nextTuesday include “Ladder 49”. Please re-member items are due back by 3:30pm thenext business day. Reservations must beprepaid so cannot be taken over the phone.Downtown Fun Zone, Inc. Open 9:30-6Mon-Thurs and 9:30-7 Friday and Satur-day. Closed Sundays.

SHOREPINE SELF STORAGE 9th &Arizona. 12x20 $70.00; 12x10 $50.00;8x15 $50.00 332-2046.

TRADITIONAL CHINESE Medicineformulas available for cold, lung support,sleep, allergies, hepatitis C, chemo sup-port, glucose balance. Sea Breeze332-0445.

MINI STORAGE/U-HAUL. 200+ stor-age units, 150+ climate controlled.Airport-U-Stor, across from Ocean Spray347-4356.

NEED A GIFT? The Shell Shack atBattleRock Park has something for ev-eryone, any age.

MIRACLE FROM PARADISE - Tahi-tian “NONI” Juice [Health & Wellness].The Good Life, Disease Prevention, En-ergy/Physical Performance. Anyoneyoung or old can benefit from drinkingthis Nutritional Supplement, 100% Natu-ral. Call 332-1280.

TALKING TOAD STOOLS, gardenart, Japanese maples, and flowering treesnow at Creighton Plants and Supplies 32516th Street 332-0149.

NEW TIME! “New Light on AncientTruth” class with healing meditation con-tinues Thursday 6:30pm at 349 W. 6thStreet. All welcome. For more informa-tion Reverend Grace Bonnell 332-0516.

MAGIC CARD CLEARANCE! AllMagic, Pokemon, and other ccg cards33% off! While they last at the DowntownFun Zone, Inc.

BANDON CLEANERS offering laun-dry pressing and alteration services. Nolonger accepting dry cleaning. Tuesdaythru Friday, 10am – 2pm. 347-9493.

IT’S BEACH TIME! The Shell Shack atBattleRock Park has a great variety ofsand toys, kites and other “fun” things forplaytime at the beach.

WHERE ARE YOUR PHOTOS? CallJulie Ells 332-0327 to start preservingyour past, enriching the present and pro-viding hope for the future. Everyone hasa story to tell.

MISTY MEADOWS JAMS and syr-ups. New gift packs! At the Shell Shack atBattle Rock Park, a locally made Oregonproduct! New sugar free varieties now instock!

ADULT CAT NEEDS HOME. Spayedblack & white healthy loving. Call Susan,332-1111.

1978 35-FT. TRAVEL-EASE trailerwith slide out. Good condition. Furnishedand set up in local RV Park. $6000.00(541) 679-9346.

ETOUFFEE WILL BE PLAYING atLloyds of Bandon on March 4 and 5.Tickets $10 at the door, $8 in advance.Call 347-4090. Must be 21. Bring yourID.

MAKE THE SWITCH & SAVE! NoContract. No Commitment! Get unlim-ited Internet access. Only $9.95 month.Sign up today. 1-888-769-7003, or coastspecial.

HOMESCHOOLING FAMILY wantsto meet other homeschoolers for daytimeactivities (beach, hiking, park days.)Please call Amy 332-0957.

Continued inside