Download - POPULATION GENETICS OF INVASIVE CRAYFISH … Major Qualifying Project Report submitted to the Faculty ... Figure 3: Photograph of O. virilis (from Adams and Balisle, 2007) 9 1.2 Phylogeny





A Major Qualifying Project Report

submitted to the Faculty

of the


in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science


Tahiyyah Muhammad

Date: April 24, 2008


Professor Lauren Mathews, Major Advisor

Professor Michael Buckholt, Co- Advisor

Professor Jill Rulfs, Co-Advisor



North American freshwater crayfish are known to exhibit great biodiversity; however, the

interrelationships between populations are still being examined. One of its most prominent North

American genera, Orconectes, is dispersed throughout northeastern United States and Canada.

This study targets the invasive crayfish species Orconectes virilis. I investigated O. virilis from

three sites in close geographical proximity using four microsatellite loci. It was hypothesized that

due to the high amount of isolation among crayfish populations and limited dispersal abilities,

there would significant genetic differentiation between the target populations. The data suggest

that some of the loci were subject to heterozygote deficiency, and that there may be some

migration between populations and significant genetic differentiation among populations. The

results from this study support the hypothesis, but should take into consideration a number of

factors including the small sample size, high failure rate for amplification, possible

contamination, and misinterpretation in allelic scoring of the microsatellites. Further

investigation to analyze the population structure of crayfish is recommended, particularly using

microsatellite loci.

Keywords: crayfish, freshwater, Orconectes, microsatellite loci



The author would like to gladly thank my advisors Professor Lauren Mathews and Professor

Michael Buckholt for their time, dedication, and patience. In addition, I would like to thank

Professor Jill Rulfs for overseeing this project and the past MQP project students for donating

their crayfish DNA extractions.


Table of Contents

Abstract 2

Acknowledgements 3

Table of Contents 4

Figures 5

Tables 5

1.Introduction 6

1.1Crayfish: Orconectes virilis 6

1.2Phylogeny and Evolution 9

1.3 Population Genetics 10

1.4 Microsatellite Loci 15

1.5 Phylogeography 16

1.5.1 Phylogeography: Empirical Examples 17

1.6 Experimental Rationale & Hypotheses 19

2. Materials and Methods 20

2.1 Population samples: field collection and identification 20

2.2 DNA extraction 23

2.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 24

2.4 Fragment Analysis 25

2.5 Data Analysis 25

3. Results 26

4. Discussion 29

References 32



Figure 1: Natural Range of O. virilis in North America 7

Figure 2: Dorsal and ventral views of General Male Crayfish 8

Figure 3: Photograph of O. virilis 8

Figure 4: Major Family Distribution of Freshwater Crayfish 9

Figure 5: Diagram of the Stepwise Mutation Model 10

Figure 6: Unequal Crossing Over during Meiosis 11

Figure 7: Strand-Slippage Replication 11

Figure 8: Map of collection sites in Massachusetts 21

Figure 9: M4 Site: Institute Pond, Worcester, MA 22

Figure 10: M9 Site: Blackstone River, Worcester, MA 22

Figure 11: M8 Site: Hodges Village Dam –French River, Oxford, MA 23

Figure 12: Distribution of alleles by locus 27


Table 1: Location of collection sites for O. virilis and sample sizes 20

Table 2: List of loci and corresponding primers used 24

Table 3: Summary of information for the microsatellite loci from three sites 25

Table 4: Scoring Criteria for Fragment analysis 26

Table 5: Estimated number of migrants (Nm) per generation between populations 27

Table 6: AMOVA results using FST and RST analysis 28

Table 7: Estimates of pairwise FST for all population comparisons 28

Table 8: Estimates of pairwise RST for all population comparisons 28


1. Introduction

Many studies have been done to describe the genetic variation within and among populations of

freshwater crayfish using various markers, which is the basic goal of population genetics (Buhay

and Crandall, 2005; Trontelj et al, 2005; Fetzner and Crandall, 2003).The field of population

genetics infers how evolutionary forces, e.g. gene flow, would affect population structure. This

project investigated O. virilis from three sites within Massachusetts using microsatellite loci. I

hypothesized that there would be significant genetic differentiation between populations due to

the high amount of isolation among crayfish populations and its limited dispersal abilities.

1.1 Crayfish: Orconectes virilis

There are over 540 species of freshwater crayfish (decapod crustaceans) in the world; of which,

70% of the freshwater crayfish diversity is prevalent in North America (Halliburton 2004). There

are nine genera of freshwater crayfish in North America; all of them are within the same family

of Cambaridae (Carnegie Museum, 2006). Of which, three of the most prominent genera are

Procamburus, Cambarus, and Orconectes (Carnegie Museum, 2006). The genus Orconectes is

comprised of 11 subgenera, 81 species, and 11 subspecies (Halliburton 2004).

Orconectes virilis, also commonly called the northern crayfish or the virile crayfish, has a

widespread natural range. As seen in Figure 1, they are dispersed from Alberta to Quebec,

Canada; throughout more than half of the United States from Texas to Maine; and Chihuahua,

Mexico (Harm, 2002). O. virilis is an invasive species in New England, including Massachusetts

(The Global Invasive Species Database, 2005). Its habitat includes rivers, streams, lakes, ponds,

and marshes (Harm, 2002; The Global Invasive Species Database, 2005). These crayfish prefer

to live under rocks, logs, and thick vegetation where many construct burrows for shelter and

protection from predators (Harm, 2002). Crayfish have limited dispersal abilities due to their

requirement for freshwater bodies and their direct larval development, which limits them to

geographical isolation (Bruyn and Mather, 2007; Dobkin, 1968).


Figure 1: Natural Range of O. virilis in North America (Harm, 2002).

O. virilis are most active from May to September; and are omnivorous, feeding on vegetation,

small fish, snails, tadpoles, and insects. The mating season is in autumn. Sperm is stored in the

annulus ventralis, the sperm receptacle in the female crayfish (Harm, 2002). On average,

females can lay between 20 to 320 eggs during late May to early June (Harm, 2002). The

blackish-colored eggs attach to the females’ abdomen. In July, the egg hatches called juveniles

resemble miniature crayfish (Harm, 2002).

Crayfish grow during a process called molting, in which their exoskeleton sheds to allow

expansion. The young crayfish molt at least eleven times before maturity (Davis, 2008). Mature

males molt in mid-June from Form I (breeding stage) back to Form II (non-breeding stage) in

August, exhibiting cyclic dimorphism (Harm, 2002). Mature females also molt several times,

alternating between a sexually active state (Form I) and a non-active state (Form II) (Wetzel,

2002). The average life span is 3 years (Harm, 2002).

O. virilis is a decapod crustacean that grows to a length of 10 to12 cm, excluding its antennae

and large chelipeds (Global Invasive Species Database, 2005). See Figure 1 for General

Crayfish Anatomy. The color of the body and abdomen are brownish-red dappled with dark

brown spots. The chelae, or the major component of the large chelipeds, are wide and flattened

(Harm, 2002). The chelae and legs have a bluish tint with yellow tubercles shown in the

photograph in Figure 3 (Harm, 2002).


Figure 2: Dorsal and Ventral Views of General Male Crayfish (Hobbs, 1972)

Figure 3: Photograph of O. virilis (from Adams and Balisle, 2007)


1.2 Phylogeny and Evolution

Phylogeny is the study of evolutionary relatedness of organisms through the construction of

trees, a representation of evolutionary relationships among operational taxonomic units (OTUs)

(Halliburton, 2004). Two main methods of constructing trees are distance methods, which use

pairwise estimates of evolutionary distance to produce one best possible tree; and character state

methods, which use sequence information to produce many equally likely trees (Opperdoes,


Freshwater crayfish are taxonomically distributed among three families—Astacidae and

Cambaridae in the Northern Hemisphere, and Parastacidae in the Southern Hemisphere (Harm,

2002). As seen Figure 2, the main distributions of Astacidae are located in Europe and western

U.S.; Cambaridae in most of North America; and Parastacidae in Australia, Madagascar and

parts of South America (Harm, 2002). The genus Orconectes is in the family Cambaridae. There

is no occurrence of freshwater crayfish in the African continent and India, which is thought to be

due to lack of colonization in those areas (Harm, 2002).

Figure 4: Major Family Distribution of Freshwater Crayfish (Carnegie Museum, 2006)


1.3 Population Genetics

Population genetics is a biological study of factors that affect the evolution and genetic

composition of populations (Halliburton, 2004). A population is a interbreeding group of

individuals from the same species localized in the same geographical area (Wolf, 2008). Thus,

population genetics measure genetic variation and its influencing factors called evolutionary

forces, e.g. mutation, derivations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, genetic drift, population

subdivision and gene flow (Halliburton, 2004; Sia et al, 2000; Estoup et al, 2002; Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006; Levinson and Gutman, 1987; Oliveira et al, 2006; Strange and Burr, 1997;

Koskinen et al, 2002; Balloux and Moulin, 2002; Fetzner Jr and Crandall, 2003; and Kimball,



Mutation is an inheritable change in genetic material, which provides a source for genetic

variation (Halliburton, 2004). One example of mutational process is exhibited in the stepwise

mutation model (SMM) in microsatellites, which are DNA segments consisting of varying

tandem repeats. Microsatellites exhibit a high mutation rate of 10-2

to 10-6

nucleotides per locus

per generation (Sia et al, 2000). The SMM describes how microsatellites have the equal

probability of losing or gaining a tandem repeat seen in Figure 5 (Estoup et al, 2002; Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006; Kimura and Ohta, 1978).

Figure 5: Diagram of the Stepwise Mutation Model (Kimura and Ohta, 1978) The allelic states are expressed in whole integers as A-2, A-1, etc. When the allele changes its state due to mutation, it

moves one step in the positive (towards x2) or negative (towards x-2) direction within allele space in equal

probability. The mutation rate per locus per generation is expressed as v.

Although the model is poorly understood, there are two types of mutation known—unequal

crossing over in meiosis, and strand-slippage replication (Levinson and Gutman, 1987; Oliveira

et al, 2006). Figure 6 shows the occurrence of unequal crossing over, where a hairpin can be

formed during synapsis, causing chromosome parts of unequal lengths to exchange (Oliveira et

al, 2006). The result is one chromosome gains a larger fragment with more microsatellite repeats,

and the homologues chromosome receives a smaller fragment (Oliveira et al, 2006). In turn, a

large number of repeats are gained or lost (Oliveira et al, 2006). During strand-slippage

replication, it occurs when one DNA strand temporarily dissociates and rebinds to another

region, causing base-mispairing and lengthening of the new strand seen in Figure 7. There are

two possible outcomes for strand-slippage replication—(1) additions in the number of repeats, if

the slippage error occurs on the complementary strand or (2) deletions in the number of repeats if

the slippage error occurs in the parent strand (Oliveira et al, 2006). Slippage causes microsatellite

instability, because microsatellites do not have a DNA proofreading system to repair any errors.


Figure 6: Unequal Crossing Over during Meiosis (Oliveira et al, 2006) The black and gray regions correspond to the microsatellite repetitive sequences. The black bulge represents a

hairpin formed during synapsis.

Figure 7: Strand-Slippage Replication (Oliveira et al, 2006) In the top line, the original DNA molecule has five microsatellite repeats. During slippage, one DNA strand

dissociates and binds elsewhere. If the slippage error occurs in the complementary strand, the result will be six

repeats; and if in parent strand, there will be four repeats.


One complication that occurs under the stepwise mutation model is homoplasy, which is

exhibited as two types, e.g. detectable and undetectable homoplasy (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006;

Estoup et al, 2002). Detectable homoplasy is revealed during allele sequencing, where a new

allele is produced of the same size as an existing allele due to point mutations (Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006). Undetectable homoplasy, the more prevalent type, occurs when different copies

of a locus are identical in state, not by identical by descent called electromorphs (Estoup et al,

2002). Meaning, the locus copies only appear similar, but do not share a common ancestor

(Selkoe and Toonen, 2006; Estoup et al, 2002). Therefore homoplasy affects the allele size of

microsatellites. Microsatellite analyses assume that each allele has a distinct length; however

homoplasy disguises the number of alleles available of the same size, meaning a portion of the

alleles would be unaccountable. This results in potential difficulties in population genetics

studies, but in most cases, homoplasy is compensated by the large amount of variability in

microsatellites and usually causes minimal bias (Estoup et al, 2002).

However, homoplasy cause major problems for population genetics studies involving high

mutation rates and large population sizes combined with strong constraints in allele size (Estoup

et al, 2002). For one example, homoplasy can reduce the observed number of alleles per

population, heterozygosity, and gene diversity (Estoup et al, 2002; Angers and Bernatchez,

1997). Due to the high polymorphism, this results in higher power of exact tests for Hardy-

Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) (Raymond and Rousset, 1995). For another example, homoplasy

can weakly affect the values for F- and R- statistics, which are measures of genetic

differentiation in terms of allele frequency and allele size, respectively. F-and R-statistics are

linked to the value of Nm, number of migrants per generation, which is used as estimate of the

level of gene flow. Mutation processes like strong allele size constraints cause an increase in

homoplasy and leads to serious overestimation of gene flow within subpopulations. (Estoup et al,


Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE)

The Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium states that allele frequencies and genotype frequencies will

remain at fixed values in ideal populations only if the populations abide by several assumptions,

in which the population is infinite in size, sexually reproducing, randomly mating, and consists

of diploid individuals carrying 2N copies of each locus (Halliburton, 2004). HWE proposes that

the population is in genetic equilibrium. If one or all of these assumptions are met, the population

will not evolve. The frequencies will remain fixed until evolutionary forces, e.g. mutation,

natural selection, and gene flow (migration), disrupt this idealized state and cause derivations.

These derivations can sway the allele and genotype frequencies within the populations.

HWE is a method of determining expected allele and genotype frequencies. Genotype frequency

is a calculated probability of particular genes within the population or a sample of the population.

Whereas, allele frequency is probability of the prevalence of alleles; this is more complicated

calculation due to the nature of diploid individual carrying 2N copies of each locus (Halliburton,

2004). The equations read for allele frequency (1) and genotype of frequency (2) as an

expression of p and q for frequencies:

(1) p + q = 1,

where p = q for the two alleles A and a.


(2) (p + q) 2

= p2 + 2pq + q

2 = 1,

where p2 =

AA homozygote, 2pq = Aa heterozygote, and q2 =

aa homozygote

Possible applications of the HWE are for identifying evolutionary forces causing the derivation

and estimating heterozygosity (Halliburton, 2004). In testing for heterozygosity, HWE can reveal

the presence of heterozygote excess (homozygote deficient) which occurs when there are fewer

homozygotes than expected under HWE. This is the more common derivation of HWE.

Heterozygote excess is caused from strong inbreeding or selection for or against particular

alleles. On the other hand, the tests can also reveal the presence of heterozygote deficient

(homozygote excess), which occurs when there are more homozygotes than expected under

HWE (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). One cause of heterozygote deficiency is the co-existence of

genetically distinct groups that rarely interbreed, unbeknownst to the experimenter. A second

cause is the Wahlund effect, which suggests that the spatial scale of the population sample was

larger than the true scale. Additionally, another cause of heterozygote deficiency is from failed

amplification of certain alleles at a single locus called null alleles (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006).

Null alleles do not amplify from either un-ideal PCR conditions or an inhibitory mutation within

the primer-binding region. These null alleles usually occur in one or few populations, and may

not be detectable across all populations in the study. One method of detecting the occurrence of

null alleles is identifying whether individual samples repeatedly fail at one locus versus the

others. Null alleles affect the scoring process of microsatellites, because heterozygotes can be

wrongly interpreted as homozygotes (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006).

Genetic Drift

Genetic drift is the variation of allele frequencies due to random sampling of gametes and other

spontaneous events, e.g. fragmentation, vicariance events (Halliburton, 2004; Strange and Burr,

1997). The magnitude of genetic drift is inversely proportional to population size; therefore a

small effective population size would be more susceptible to genetic drift (Halliburton, 2004).

The long-term effect of genetic drift decreases heterozygosity within a population and causes

populations to diverge or separate.

There are two processes that are influenced by genetic drift called population bottleneck and

founder effect. A population bottleneck is a suddenly reduced population to a smaller size,

whereas founder effect is the emergence of a new population which was established by a few

individuals from an original population. Both examples create a narrowed sample of allele

frequencies, causing a decrease in genetic variation (Halliburton, 2004).

Population Subdivision

Population subdivision is the division of a larger population into smaller subpopulations due to

partial geographical isolation. The result is individuals within the same subpopulation are more

likely to mate with each other than with the individuals from the total population (Halliburton,

2004). The degree of subdivision is often quantified by Wright F-statistic, FST, where S =

subpopulation and T = total population (Balloux and Moulin, 2002). FST calculates the difference

in allele frequency. It is used to measure the heterozygosity among the subpopulation and total

population, thus assessing the level of inbreeding between the population divisions, seen in

equation (3) (Balloux and Moulin, 2002). Additionally, there is another value called the Slatkin’s


R-statistic, RST, which calculates the variations in allele size within subpopulation shown in

equation (4) (Balloux and Moulin, 2002). Both values for FST and RST range between 0

indicating no differentiation and 1 indicating highly differentiated within each subpopulation, a

theoretical absolute quantity (Nguyen et al, 2006).

(3) FST = (HT – HS) / HT,

where HT = the heterozygosity in the total population,

HS = heterozygosity in the subpopulation,

and HT = HS, thus quantities vary between

(4) RST = (S - Sw) / S,

where S = average squared difference in allele size between all pairs of alleles,

and Sw = average sum of squares of the differences in allele size within each


Besides the relationship of alleles in subpopulations, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)

can estimate subdivisions by measuring the genetic (Euclidean) distances between haplotypes

(Excoffier et al., 1992; Fetzner Jr and Crandall, 2003). AMOVA treats the haplotype data based

on allele frequency as a Boolean vector pjk. The Euclidean distances between the pairs of vectors

are calculated from the equation:

(5) (pj – pk),

where pj = vector of haplotype 1, and pk = vector of haplotype 2

For all pairwise arrangements of the Boolean vectors, squared Euclidean distances are calculated.

The Euclidean distances are inputted into a 1 x n matrix, which 1 indicates the presence of a

marker and 0 indicates its absence. The marker could be a nucleotide base, mutational event, or

base sequence (Excoffier et al., 1992). Submatrices are also composited based on the

subdivisions of the given population. The submatrices are then arranged on the larger matrix

along its diagonal, indicating the pairs of individuals within the same population; whereas off-

diagonal indicates pairs of individuals from different populations (Excoffier et al., 1992). The

combination of the submatrices and sum of the diagonals yields the sum of squares, which is

then analyzed in a nested analysis of variance (ANOVA) framework (Excoffier et al., 1992).

Based on this framework, it allows AMOVA to measure the variation in distance by degrees of

freedom, sum of squares, percentage of variation, and fixation indices for both within and among

populations (Fetzner Jr and Crandall, 2003).

Gene Flow

Gene flow is the introduction of new genes into the population due to migration of the

individuals. In some causes, individuals from one population may occasionally mate with

immigrants from adjacent populations of the same species (Kimball, 2005). In some animals, the

phenomenon called hybridization occurs when gene flow occurs between different but related

species, rather than between subpopulations (Kimball, 2005). Another phenomenon related to

hybridization occurs when the hybrids mate with parental types, resulting in new genes being

introduced into the gene pool of the parental population; this process is called introgression

(Kimball, 2005). Introgression promotes gene flow between similar species.


There is a statistical method called Nm, which calculates the introduction of migrants into a

population, thus estimating gene flow through markers, e.g. microsatellite loci (Balloux and

Moulin, 2002). The effective number of migrants Nm, where N = the census size and m =

migration rate, is linked to F- and R-statistics under the assumption of the island model of

migration, where mutation is not a factor (Balloux and Moulin, 2002). However, Nm is not

always an accurate measure, and can also suffer from deviations depending on factors, e.g.

reproductive rates of the immigrants (Balloux and Moulin, 2002). Also, it is difficult to extract

census size and migration rate from the population size without additional information and tools,

e.g. demographic models and sex-specific markers (Balloux and Moulin, 2002).

1.4 Microsatellite Loci

Microsatellites, or variable number of tandem repeats (VNTRs) are a class of nuclear DNA with

repeating units of 1-6 nucleotides, usually formed in a cluster called a locus (Selkoe and Toonen,

2006). Microsatellites are scattered throughout eukaryotic genomes and are considered neutral

variations due to their position in generally non-coding regions (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). A

microsatellite locus typically varies between 5 and 40 repeats; the most common forms of repeats

are dinucleotide, trinucleotide, and tetranucleotide repeats. Surrounding the microsatellite loci

are conserved DNA sequences called flanking regions.

Application and Advantages

Microsatellites are used as molecular markers in addition to several other types of markers

available, e.g. random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length

polymorphism (AFLP) (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). Molecular markers have distinguishable

features that make them ideal for population genetics studies. Markers must be selectively

neutral, follow Mendelian mode of inheritance, and be able to be screened. Two desirable

features of microsatellites are its easy sample preparation and high information content (Selkoe

and Toonen, 2006). In terms of preparation, microsatellite studies use small tissue samples that

can be preserved for later use, e.g. freshwater crayfish samples in 95% ethanol, due to the

stability of the DNA as compared to enzymes that degrade over time (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006).

This also allows the microsatellites to still be amplified during the process of the polymerase

chain reaction (PCR). Because small samples are used, microsatellites are optimal for their use of

fast and cheap DNA extractions (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). In addition, since microsatellites

are species-specific markers, there is less likelihood that cross-contamination by non-target

organisms is a problem (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). In terms of high information content,

microsatellites as single-locus, co-dominant markers can efficiently be combined in the

genotyping process, which allows for fast and inexpensive replication (Selkoe and Toonen,

2006). Also, microsatellites have high allelic diversity due to its high mutation rate of 10-2



nucleotides per locus per generation as exhibited in the stepwise mutation model (Sia et al,


Microsatellite markers are utilized in population genetics studies interested in population

structure and the relatedness of individuals, migration (gene flow) rates, changes in the past ten

to one hundred generations, and present-day demography or connectivity patterns (Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006). Due to the relatively high mutation rate, microsatellites are useful for their large


amount of genetic variability and rapid evolution rate for detecting more recent changes in

population structure.


There are also several drawbacks of microsatellites. First, microsatellites require species-specific

isolation (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). Because the DNA sequences of the primers are highly

conserved within a particular species, one has to make new primers for each experiment when

working with different species. In some species, e.g. marine invertebrates (Cruz et al. 2005) and

birds (Primmer et al. 1997), it is difficult to isolate new primers and the failure rate is high.

However, there are companies that will make the primers within three to six months, and this

process is becoming faster and cheaper.

The complex mutational process of microsatellites is poorly understood but there are two known

mechanisms of mutation, e.g. unequal crossing over and strand-slippage replication (Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006; Oliveira et al, 2006). Microsatellites undergo the stepwise mutational model

(SMM), which adds or removes a tandem repeat mimicking the process of errors in DNA

replication (Ellegren, 2004). This results in a change in allele distribution in a Gaussian-shape

(Ellegren, 2004). Statistical measures, e.g. FST (indicating allele frequency) and RST (indicating

allele size), which rely on this mutational process can be slightly skewed; because mutations in

microsatellites can affect allele lengths and frequencies.

Microsatellites exhibit hidden allelic diversity due to homoplasy (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006).

For example, undetectable homoplasy occurs when different copies of a locus are identical in

state, not by identical by descent called electromorphs (Estoup et al, 2002). Meaning, locus

copies are the same size, but have different ancestors. Because microsatellite analyses utilized

gel electrophoresis that relies on allele size-based identification, it is assumed that alleles have

distinct lengths. However, the phenomenon of homoplasy disguises the level of visible allele

diversity through the electromorphs.

Some researchers have encountered amplification problems with microsatellites (Selkoe and

Toonen, 2006). When a mutation occurs in the primer region of the microsatellites, this can

result in failed or imperfect amplification. In addition, there can be inconsistent amplification

when different people and laboratories duplicate the procedures. Therefore, the primers must be

able to bind under repeatable PCR conditions, which can be accomplished from a trial and error


In addition, there are several sources of errors in allelic scoring within the mathematical

programs available. Some possible sources of error are poor amplification caused from poor

sample preservation or mutations in the primer regions, misinterpretation of an artifact peak and

stutter bands as true microsatellite alleles, sample contamination, mislabeling, and inaccurate

data entry (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006).

1.5 Phylogeography

Avise et al. (1987) introduced the term phylogeography as a combination of multiple disciplines,

e.g. population genetics, phylogenetic systematics, and molecular evolution. Almost two decades

later, Hare (2001) defined phylogeography as ―the field of study concerned with the principles


and processes governing the geographical distribution of genealogical lineages, especially those

at the intraspecific level.‖ Phylogeographic analyses attempts to explain how animals and plants

are impacted from major geological events, resulting in effects of microevolutionary processes,

e.g. mutation, genetic drift, natural selection (Avise et al, 1987). Those processes are considered

by the coalescence theory, which is a retrospective model tracing common ancestry among

organisms (Halliburton, 2004).The data sources utilized for phylogeographic analyses are plant

chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and nuclear DNA.

Mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA have several features in common: (1) exist as one

circular chromosome in multiple copies, (2) are uniparentally inherited, (3) usually exhibit no

recombination, and (4) have a haploid genome, therefore heavily influenced by evolutionary

forces due to their smaller effective population size (Weising, 2005). Mitochondrial DNA has a

high rate of synonymous substitutions and a rapid evolution rate (Strange and Burr, 1997);

whereas, chloroplast DNA has a slower and more conservative evolution rate. CpDNA also has a

more stable genome and exhibits low levels of variation (Okaura and Harada, 2002). More recent

technology utilizes nuclear DNA in phylogeographical analyses. In contrast, nuclear DNA has

several unique features: (1) exists as several linear chromosomes, (2) is biparentally inherited,

which allows for a broader scope in organismal pedigrees, (3) exhibits recombination, and (4)

has a base substitution repair system that reduces its accumulated mutation rate (Weising, 2005).

Additionally, microsatellite markers can be used in phylogeography studies involving taxonomy,

conservation management, more recent changes in generations, and present-day demography or

connectivity patterns (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006; Beheregaray et al, 2006). Similar to mtDNA,

microsatellites have a rapid evolution rate and do not possess a DNA repair system. Because of

their high mutation rate, microsatellites are less useful for phlyogenetic constructions in

calculating genetic divergence over longer generations.

There are multiple mathematically-complex analyses available for use in phylogeography such

as maximum-likelihood analysis, Bayesian approaches, and nested clade analysis. Maximum-

likelihood analysis estimates diversity within populations through evolution models (Buhay and

Crandall, 2005). Bayesian approaches estimates divergence times by producing poster

probabilities (PP) and constructing trees (Buhay and Crandall, 2005). Nested clade analysis

(NCA) tests for the association between geography and haplotype distribution, and identifies the

causal processes (Templeton et al, 1997). NCA also constructs haplotype networks using

statistical parsimony, the number of mutational steps presumed without substitutions (Templeton

et al, 1997). After constructing the network, NCA identifies the inter-grouping of haplotypes

called nested clades (Templeton, A.R., 2004).

1.5.1 Phylogeography: Empirical Examples

Phylogeographical studies attempt to infer how historical or contemporary geographic and

ecological processes impact current population structures and distributions of organisms (Fetzner

and Crandall, 2003). Particularly important in shaping the current structure of freshwater

populations was the period of the Pleistocene in North America. The Pleistocene occurred ~ 2

million years (Myr) – 18,000 years ago, when climate cycles resulted in large sheets of ice

(glaciers) that advanced and retreated (Strange and Burr, 1997; Bruyn and Mather, 2007) across

land masses in the northern hemisphere. This caused cyclic ecological conditions and major

changes in the distribution of freshwater habitats. As a result, freshwater populations were


periodically subdivided into large isolated areas of habitat (refugia). The division of refugia was

important because it provided havens for organisms were able to retreat from the glacial cycles,

which drove evolutionary forces, e.g. genetic drift, gene flow, and isolation, for speciation and


The Pleistocene glaciations greatly impacted the biota of North America and Europe (Nesbo et

al, 1999; Perdices et al, 2002; Strange and Burr, 1997; Koskinen et al, 2002; Kozak et al, 2006;

Bruyn and Maher, 2007; Fetzner Jr and Crandall, 2003; and Buhay and Crandall, 2005). Below, I

review empirical examples of phylogeographical examples in several taxa that are ecologically

similar to crayfish, including freshwater fish, salamanders, and salmonids. In addition, studies

about shrimp are considered because of their nature as close evolutionary relatives to crayfish.

Last, I discuss empirical investigations of crayfish to present similar known studies.

Freshwater fish, salamander, and salmonid

Freshwater fish faunas were greatly affected by the Pleistocene Age. Perch were among the

earliest colonizers throughout the Pleistocene interglacials (Nesbo et al, 1999). Nesbo et al

(1999) found that the Pleistocene Age lead to genetic divergence in the European perch (Perch

fluviatilis) populations. They discovered that the northern and western European present

populations of perch colonized three main refugia—northeastern, western, and southeastern

Europe, which was the most ancient and possible founder of all present perch lineages (Nesbo et

al, 1999). The glaciers were responsible for the historical range expansion, which explains the

wide geographical distribution of mtDNA haplotypes (Nesbo et al, 1999).

In addition, in a study about European golden loaches of the genus Sabanejewia, Perdices et al

(2002) suggested that the cyclicPleistocene glaciations altered their European freshwater

habitats, in addition to promoting periodic rapid population expansion and genetic

homogenization during the cold periods (Perdices et al, 2002). In another study, Strange and

Burr (1997) indicated that the advance and retreat of the Pleistocene glaciations fragmented the

ranges and distributions of five clades (Erimystax dissimilis, Odontopholis, Litocara, Cottus

carolinae, and Fundulus catenatus) of North American highland fishes through a combination of

dispersal, vicariance, and peripheral isolation events.

Salamanders were also affected by the Pleistocene Epoch. Kozak et al (2006) explain how

Pleistocene glacial advances favored speciation in the stream-associated salamanders of the

Eurycea bislineata species complex in North America. The glacial advances resulted in shifts in

the major drainage patterns—reversing river flow patterns to the south and consequently fusing

formerly isolated drainages, creating the Ohio River basin (Kozak et al, 2006). These factors

promoted lineage diversification (Kozak et al, 2006).

The postglacial-colonization patterns from the Pleistocene Age have affected the contemporary

distribution of salmonid populations. Koskinen et al (2002) studied phlyogenetic relationships in

the endangered salmonid populations, European grayling (Thyllamus thyllamus). Their study

suggests that Northern Europe was colonized by two Pleistocene refugia (Koskinen et al, 2002).

Their study revealed a substantial level of divergence in European grayling, partly caused post-

colonization routes, which in turn shaped contemporary barriers of gene flow and distribution of

genetic variation (Koskinen et al, 2002).


Freshwater shrimp and crayfish

Freshwater-dependent shrimp were affected by the change in water levels during the Pleistocene

Age. In a study on giant freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii, Bruyn and Maher

(2007) infer that the climatic oscillations during the Pleistocene facilitated long-distance marine

dispersal (gene flow) in the Indo-Australian Archipelango, IAA. (Although M. rosenbergii is

considered a freshwater species, the larval stage depends on brackish water. Once the shrimp

becomes a juvenile, it depends on freshwater entirely (Bruyn and Maher, 2007)). This dispersal

was caused by the lowered sea levels and greatly reduced geographical distances between

freshwater basins (Bruyn and Maher, 2007).

Crayfish were also affected by Pleistocene climate change due to changes in water flow patterns.

In a study on the golden crayfish, Orconectes luteus, Fetzner Jr and Crandall (2003) explain how

the population structure was impacted by the Pleistocene period from the altered stream drainage

patterns due to the reduction in available water in the Ozarks region, which mainly covers

Mississippi, Missouri, and Arkansas. There were periodic fragmentation events, creating a high

level of divergence among the regional samples; they suggest this was due to the presence of

multiple refugia (Fetzner Jr and Crandall, 2003).

Trontelj et al (2005) studied the phylogenetic and phylogeographic relationships in European

freshwater crayfish genus Austropotamobius, particularly among the stone crayfish

Austropotamobius torrentium and the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. Their

study suggests these populations retreated in southern glacial refugia during the Pleistocene and

exhibited extensive post-colonization in northern areas (Trontelj et al, 2005). The Pleistocene

caused the divergence within populations south from Alp promoted genetically diverse

populations (Trontelj et al, 2005). Glacial periods greatly reduced the population sizes of the

stone and white-clawed crayfish, forcing populations into nearby microrefugia to survive the

Pleistocene cycles (Trontelj et al, 2005). The post-Pleistocene expansion in the north and west

from Alps resulted in extremely low nucleotide diversity (Trontelj et al, 2005).

In another phylogeographic study, Buhay and Crandall (2005) studied the effects of post-

colonization in cave-dwelling crayfish from the genus Orconectes collected from southeastern

United States. Crayfish generally do not have a high dispersal rate (Buhay and Crandall, 2005).

However, during glacial retreat where the ice melted and the water levels rose, cave-dwelling

crayfish were able to disperse into different streams and nearby underground systems (Buhay

and Crandall, 2005). This colonization pattern led to contiguous range expansion and extensive

gene flow, thus causing different populations to interact, which increased genetic variation

within subpopulations, and produced a large population size (Buhay and Crandall, 2005).

1.6 Experimental Rationale and Hypotheses

This project investigated three populations of O. virilis from Massachusetts using four

microsatellite markers. These markers are useful for their high genetic variability, which enabled

me to compare the diversity within and among populations. North American freshwater crayfish

are known to exhibit great biodiversity; however, the interrelationships between populations are


still being examined. I hypothesized that there would genetic differentiation among the

populations due to the high amount of isolation among crayfish populations and its low dispersal


2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Population samples: field collection and identification

I analyzed a total of 89 individuals from three sites within Massachusetts between March and

November of 2005-2007 (See Table 1 for location of collection sites; Figure 8 for a map

distribution of the sites). These three sites were Institute Pond in Worcester, MA (Site code: M4;

Figure 9); the Blackstone River in Worcester, MA (Site code: M9; Figure 10); and the French

River in Oxford, MA (Site code: M8; Figure 11). The samples of O. virilis were collected live

either by hand, dip net, seine, or crayfish traps baited with sardines or broccoli. Crayfish were

returned live in ~20 L buckets containing water to a laboratory at WPI, where the samples were

euthanized and kept frozen at -80°C until needed for analysis. Most crayfish were collected for

earlier investigations, but additional specimens were collected for this study by trapping from

site M4 to supplement sample sizes.

Using the identification key of Hobbs (1972), I identified the samples of Form I males based on

their general morphology, e.g. coloration, sperm transfer organ, chelae (Hobbs, 1972). Due to the

difficulties in keying females and Form II males using Hobb’s identification browser, specimens

that could not be keyed to a particular species were classified on the following criteria: (1) they

matched the general morphology of that species, e.g. same chelae, coloration, pereiopods and

personal observations, and (2) they were caught from a population, where previous investigations

had indicated a ―pure‖ population of O. virilis (Mathews et al. 2008). Each sample was labeled

on its back with a marker for identification containing the species and site code.

Table 1: Location of collection sites for O. virilis and sample sizes

Sample site Site Location Location


Latitude (N) Longitude (W) Sample


Institute Pond Worcester,


M4 +42°16'38.47" -71°48'19.60" 29

French River Oxford, MA M8 +42° 6'54.62" -71°54'31.35" 30

Blackstone River Worcester,


M9 +42°12'58.23" -71° 47' 6.78" 30


Figure 8: Map of the collection sites (Mathews et. al, 2008). This map should be used for only three site codes of M4, M8, and M9.


Figure 9: M4 Site: Institute Pond, Worcester, MA (from Adams and Balisle, 2007).

Figure 10: M9 Site: Blackstone River, Worcester, MA (from Adams and Balisle, 2007).


Figure 11: M8 Site: Hodges Village Dam –French River, Oxford, MA (from Adams and Balisle,


2.2 DNA extraction

I followed the Solid Tissue Protocol in Gentra’s Puregene: Genomic DNA Purification

Kit (Qiagen, 2007). After detaching a pereiopod or chelae, ~ 5-10mg of tissue was placed in

300µL of Cell Lysis Solution along with 1.5µL of Puregene Proteinase K. The samples were

mixed by inverting and incubated at 55°C overnight. The Cell Lysis Solution disrupts the cell

membranes, causing the cellular components to be released. The Puregene Proteinase K solution

digests proteins, and removes inhibitors and contaminates that would otherwise affect the purity

and quality of the DNA. Then 100µL of Protein Precipitation Solution was added and vortexed

at high speed for ~20 seconds. The sample was then placed on ice for ~1 minute and centrifuged

at 13,000 x g for 3 minutes in order to precipitate and form a pellet. If the pellet was not tightly

bound together, the sample was placed back on ice and re-centrifuged. Next, the supernatant was

slowly added to 300µL of isopropanol and mixed by inverting gently ~50 times to cause the

DNA to precipitate. The samples were then centrifuged at 13,000 x g for 1 minute to form a

pellet. The supernatant was then discarded carefully to avoid removing the pellet. The pellet was

gently washed with 300µL of 70% ethanol and centrifuged again for 1 minute at 13,000 x g to

form another pellet. The supernatant was discarded and the pellet was allowed to dry for ~15

minutes. The pellet was resuspended in 50µL of DNA Hydration Solution by vortexing. The

solution was incubated at 65°C for ~1 hour, then placed at room temperature to dissolve the

DNA, and later stored at -20°C until needed.

The quantity of the DNA was then checked using a 1% agarose gel electrophoresis, and

dilutions were made to ~10ng/µL for use in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When the

DNA concentrations were too low or not present, I performed a second extraction for those

samples and followed this protocol again. The quantity of DNA was estimated by running a

comparison to 100ng/µL of lambda bacterial DNA on the same gel.


2.3 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a common biological technique used to amplify the amount

of DNA Stratagene’s PicoMaxx was used as the DNA polymerase and is preferred due to its 5’

to 3’ proofreading activity. This mixture yields a higher replication rate compared to the

previously used polymerases (Stratagene, 2007b). PicoMaxx is a mixture of cloned Taq

polymerase, Pfu DNA polymerases isolated from Pyrococcus furiosus, and some polymerase

enhancing factors. However, Pfu polymerase does increase the elongation time during PCR

(Stratagene, 2007a).

Four microsatellite loci were amplified for each sample. Each reaction, totaling 20 µL,

contained the following components: 2X PicoMaxx Reaction Buffer (StrataGene), 0.5mM

dNTPs (New England BioLabs), 0.1 mM of the fluorescently labeled forward primer and the

reverse primer, 0.04 U/µL PicoMaxx Enzyme (StrataGene), 0.01 U/µL Taq Extender

(StrataGene), ~10ng/µL DNA, and distilled water. Table 2 shows the DNA sequences of primers

used, the expected DNA fragment size, the fluorescent label, and the microsatellite sequence for

each locus. Each pair of primers was run in separate PCRs.

Table 2: List of loci and corresponding primers used


names Sequence (5’ to 3’)


names Sequence (5’ to 3’)



size (bp)




Msat seq.








CAGC 203 6-FAM CT12






TA Ov86R



The PCR amplifications were performed in a MJ Research PTC-225 Peltier Thermal Cycler. The

PCR cycling conditions included an initial denaturation step of 95°C for 2mins followed by 40

cycles of 95°C for 30sec, 56°C for 30sec, 72°C for 1min. A final extension step of 72°C for

10mins was then conducted, followed by a soak at 4°C. The PCR amplifications of all four

microsatellite loci were run at 56°C due to the annealing temperature insensitivity of the primers.

(Tested in another experiment that is not published here, a PCR run on the primers across a ten-

degree gradient was used to check for optimal annealing temperatures.)

The PCR cycling consists of denaturing, annealing, and extending the DNA sequence. The initial

denaturation step at 95°C breaks the double bonds between the both strands of DNA, releasing

two single strands. Next, primers anneal to the single-stranded DNA in desired flank regions at

56°C. From there, the PicoMaxx catalyzes the addition of deoxynucleotides (dNTPs) and the

elongation of new complementary DNA strands at ~72oC. The product is a doubled number of

DNA copies of the targeted locus. This process is repeated for about 40 cycles, causing the DNA

to be exponentially amplified (Boyer, 2006).


I froze the remaining DNA at -20oC, in case another PCR run was needed. I ran a 2.0% agarose

gel for the samples and negative controls to verify the presence of ample DNA in each reaction

alongside a 100bp hyperladder as the molecular weight standard.

After amplification, the samples sent for automated DNA fragment size determination on an

Applied BioSystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer, a fluorescence-based detection system, at Cornell

University Life Sciences Core Laboratories Center. Each reaction contained: 1.0µL of each of

the loci, 0.5µL of Gene Scan 600LIZ size standard (Applied Biosystems), and 9.0µL of

formamide to one well on a 96-well plate.

2.4 Fragment Analysis

For fragment analysis, the data was input in the Applied Biosystems GeneMapper Software v4.0.

This software was used to assess the number of alleles (an indicator of fragment size) and

fragment sizes to indicate homozygosity or heterozygosity at each microsatellite loci. Table 3

shows the scoring criteria that were applied to each locus. In determining an appropriate base

pair range to score, I used the fragment size based on the original clone as a guide. In

determining the level of fluorescence to use as a benchmark, I scored above the amplification

observed in the negative controls, which might indicate potential contaminants. In scoring, I

observed the presence of stutter bands, duplicate peaks of alleles that were often only slighting

smaller than the original pair of peaks. Samples that did not fall within the criteria outlined in

Table 3 were rejected. For example, the entire Ov62 locus for the M4 site was rejected due to

strong evidence of a contaminant in the negative controls. In addition, individual DNAs that that

failed to amplify for more than 2 loci were rejected.

Table 3: Scoring Criteria for Fragment Analysis

Microsatellite loci Base pair range (x-axis) Fluorescence intensity (y-axis)

Ov50 250-300 >200

Ov62 200-250 >800

Ov82 215-300 >300

Ov86 135-280 >120

2.5 Data Analysis

The program Cervus 2.0 was used for calculating the observed (Ho) and expected (He)

heterozygosities (Marshall et al, 1998). GENEPOP 3.3 (Raymond and Rousset, 1995) was used

to estimate the derivations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium by the Markov chain method, as

well as the effective number of migrants (Nm) by the private allele method. The analysis of

molecular variance method (AMOVA) was applied in Arlequin 3.01 (Excoffier et al, 2005) to

estimate FST and RST values, and the population pairwise FST and RST values based on 10,000



3. Results

Genetic differentiation of the invasive crayfish species O. virilis was investigated using four

microsatellite markers. There was the exception of the M4 population, which used only three loci

due to possible sample contamination displayed in the allelic scoring by the strong amplification

of the negative controls. Table 4 shows the amplification failure rate of all four loci ranging

between 39.3% and 57.3%. Table 4 shows also shows the observed heterozygosity (Ho ranged

between 0.214 and 1.000) and the expected heterozygosity (He ranged between 0.611 and 0.915).

There were significant heterozygote deficiencies (p< 0.05) for all three populations of two loci,

Ov82 and Ov86. Figure 12 shows the distribution of alleles for each locus in the populations in a

bell-shaped curve for three loci, Ov50, Ov62, and Ov82. The distribution of alleles for loci Ov86

is heavily left. Table 5 suggested some gene flow among populations, using calculations for the

effective number of migrants per generation (Nm) between all the populations by the private

allele method. The Nm ranged between 1.2 – 2.3 migrants.

There was a wide discrepancy in the AMOVA results for the FST and RST values. To interpret the

FST and RST, the following guidelines were used to estimate the level of genetic differentiation:

0.00-0.05 = little, 0.05-0.15 = moderate, 0.15-0.25 = very large, and >0.25 = extensive (Nguyen

et al, 2006). The AMOVA results for the FST analysis indicated that there is no differentiation

(FST = -0.021, P = 0.99376) among the populations, seen in Table 6. The AMOVA results for the

RST analysis supported larger genetic differentiation (RST = 0.168, P = 0.00010) among the

populations (See Table 6). In addition, the pairwise FST values between all the population

combinations also did not yield any significant pairwise differentiation, shown in Table 7.

However, the pairwise RST values between the M4:M8 (0.30689) and M4:M9 populations

(0.26059) did show very significant genetic differentiation between them, however M8:M9

populations (-0.00742) did not. Refer to Table 8.

Table 4: Summary of basic information for the microsatellite loci from three sites

Locus % Failed Collection site

M4 M8 M9

Ov50 44.9 Ho 0.857 1.000 0.815

He 0.611 0.767 0.664

Na 4 5 6

Ov62 57.3 Ho - 0.846 0.800

He - 0.760 0.773

Na - 5 5

Ov82 44.9 Ho 0.214* 0.571* 0.238*

He 0.685 0.839 0.722

Na 6 9 9

Ov86 39.3 Ho 0.286* 0.333* 0.360*

He 0.833 0.915 0.829

Na 8 12 12 Table 4 shows the observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity by the Markov chain method, in addition to the

number of allele (Na) by locus and collection site. The asterisks (*) indicate significant heterozygote deficiencies

(p<0.05). Table 4 also shows the percentage of samples that failed (based on the scoring criteria described in Table

3) by locus.


Figure 12: Distribution of alleles by locus Figure 12 shows a comparison of the number of alleles based by population and locus. The figure reads left to right

from smallest to largest within each loci. At the M4 site, locus Ov62 was rejected for scoring, and therefore is not

shown in Section (b).

Table 5: Estimated number of migrants (Nm) per generation between populations

Populations Mean sample size Mean frequency of

private alleles

Nm (after correction for


M4 and M8 13.167 0.0727976 1.8310391

M4 and M9 19.167 0.0805430 1.2233963

M8 and M9 18.500 0.0560991 2.3748546 Table 5 presents the estimated number of migrants (Nm) per generation between all pairwise combinations of the

populations by the private allele method (alleles found in only a single population). It displays the mean sample size,

mean frequency of private alleles, and Nm.





1 2 3 4 5 6 7

% o

f sp





a (Ov50) M4









1 2 3 4 5 6

% o

f sp





b (Ov62)M8


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

% o

f sp





c (Ov82)



M9 0





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

% o

f sp





d (Ov86)





Table 6: AMOVA results using FST and RST analysis

Analysis Source of variation Degrees of


Sum of


Percentage of


Fixation Index


FST Among populations 2 0.586 -2.09 -0.021

(0.99376) Within populations 111 127.1 102.09

RST Among populations 2 1148.2 16.79 0.168

(0.00010) Within populations 111 7656.7 83.21

Table 6 presents the results from AMOVA using FST and RST analysis. For each analysis, the table displays the

degrees of freedom, sum of squares, percentage of variation, and fixation index for both among and within

populations. There were strong discrepancies between FST and RST for the sum of squares, percentage of variation,

and fixation index.

Table 7: Estimates of pairwise FST for all population comparisons

M4 M8 M9

M4 0.99752±0.0004 0.99891±0.0003

M8 -0.07143 0.13830±0.0034

M9 -0.03941 0.01648 Table 7 shows the estimate of pairwise FST for all population comparisons based on 10,000 permutations. Values

displayed below the diagonal are pairwise FST values; and the values shown above the diagonal are the P values. To

interpret the FST, the following guidelines were used to estimate the level of genetic differentiation: 0.00-0.05 =

little, 0.05-0.15 = moderate, 0.15-0.25 = very large, and >0.25 = extensive (Nguyen et al, 2006).

Table 8: Estimates of pairwise RST for all population comparisons

M4 M8 M9

M4 0.00089±0.0003 0.00010±0.0001

M8 0.30689 0.59786±0.0044

M9 0.26059 -0.00742 Table 8 shows the estimate of pairwise RST for all population comparisons based on 10,000 permutations. Values

displayed below the diagonal are pairwise RST values; and the values shown above the diagonal are the P values. To

interpret the RST, the following guidelines were used to estimate the level of genetic differentiation: 0.00-0.05 =

little, 0.05-0.15 = moderate, 0.15-0.25 = very large, and >0.25 = extensive (Nguyen et al, 2006).


4. Discussion

Experimental hypotheses and controls

North American exhibits 70% of the world’s freshwater crayfish biodiversity, and many studies

have been done to describe the genetic variation within and among populations of freshwater

crayfish using various markers. Utilizing population genetics analyses to infer the effects of

evolutionary forces, e.g. gene flow, on population structure, I investigated three populations of

O. virilis from Massachusetts using four microsatellite loci. I hypothesized that there would be

genetic differentiation between the populations due to the high geographical isolation among

crayfish populations and limited dispersal abilities.


The data supports the hypothesis; however, inadequate sample size and complications with the

microsatellite markers should be taken into consideration. In addition, there was a wide

discrepancy in results depending on the mutation model for the AMOVA analysis for the FST and

RST values. The AMOVA results for the FST analysis indicate that there is no differentiation

among the populations, whereas the AMOVA results for the RST analysis support a much larger

genetic differentiation among the populations. The Nm per generation between populations

ranged between 1.2 – 2.3 immigrants.

I tested for derivations from HWE. There was a significant heterozygote deficiency in two loci,

Ov82 and Ov86, for all three crayfish populations (Table 3). My data suggest a strong bias

towards homozygosity for those microsatellite markers. One possible cause is the Wahlund

effect, which suggests that the spatial scale of the population sample was larger than the true

scale. Another cause of heterozygote deficiency is from failed amplification of certain alleles at a

single locus called null alleles (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). The latter reason is more plausible in

this study due to the fact that almost half of the loci failed to amplify. Null alleles can also

present difficulty in scoring, because heterozygotes can be wrongly interpreted as homozygotes

(Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). Another less likely cause that could have played a role in the

heterozygote deficiency is the founder effect, which is the emergence of a new population

established by a few individuals from a large population. This is another possibility because O.

virilis is an invasive species, meaning a small starter population could have been introduced in

Massachusetts. Genetic drift results in a narrowed sample of allele frequencies causing a

decrease in variation (Halliburton, 2004; Wolf, 2008). Founder’s effect results in a smaller gene

pool and decreased gene flow, because there are fewer specimens to contribute to the allelic

diversity within the population.

In considering the small sample size of ~15 crayfish per site for the final analyses, there was

suggestion of some gene flow among the populations based on the number of migrants in Table

8. Based on the geographical proximity of the three populations, this data seems contrary to the

expectations; because both the two closest populations located in Worcester, MA (M4 and M9)

had the least number of migrants. Refer to Table 1 for Longitude and Latitude; Figure 4 for Map

of collection sites. A couple of population genetic studies suggest that because crayfish have

direct development, this limits them to geographical isolation (Dobkin, 1968; Trontelj et al,


2005). The result is decreased gene flow between geographically close groups (Trontelj et al.,


Derived from differences in allele frequencies, FST assesses the level of inbreeding within the

subpopulations, by measuring the heterozygote deficiency among the subpopulation compared to

the total population. The AMOVA results for the FST analysis indicated that there is no

differentiation (FST = -0.021, P = 0.99376) among the populations, seen in Table 4.The AMOVA

results for the FST analysis indicated that there is no differentiation among the populations, seen

in Table 4. Balloux and Moulin (2002) state when the index = 0, there is no differentiation

among the subpopulations. Not surprisingly, the pairwise FST values between all the population

combinations also did not yield any significant pairwise differentiation, shown in Table 5.

Another value, RST, calculates differences in allele size within subpopulation. The AMOVA

results for the RST analysis supported larger genetic differentiation among the populations, seen

in Table 4. In addition, the pairwise RST values between the M4:M8 and M4:M9 populations did

show very significant genetic differentiation between them, however M8:M9 populations did

not. Refer to Table 6.

In response to the huge discrepancy in FST values (difference in allele frequency) and the RST

values (difference in allele size), the RST values were determined to be a more accurate measure;

even though both statistics have their limitations and drawbacks when working with

microsatellites. The stepwise mutational model (SMM) assumes that allelic states can vary one

step in the positive or negative direction; in addition strand-slippage replication can cause

temporary microsatellite instability (Estoup et al, 2002; Selkoe and Toonen, 2006; Kimura and

Ohta, 1978; Levinson and Gutman, 1987). This makes it more difficult to calculate allele

frequency (measured by FST) at a given moment, because allele states are fluctuating. On the

other side, a better indicator of genetic differentiation is RST. This is because the allele lengths

(measured by RST) are more stable in the SMM. While homoplasy can minimize the visibility of

allelic size distribution, this phenomenon is often compensated by the large amount of variability

in microsatellites and usually causes minimal bias in population genetics studies (Estoup et al,

2002). Based on the assumptions of the SMM, RST is a more reliable measure.

Possible errors

I experienced some difficulty in the allelic scoring. As noted by Selkoe and Toonen (2006), there

are several possible sources of error in scoring microsatellites including poor amplification,

misinterpretation of peaks and stutter bands as true microsatellite alleles, and sample

contamination (Selkoe and Toonen, 2006). However, I do note the high failure rates (on average

~45%) for all four loci. I attempted to account for the small quantity available data in the

findings. This failure rate coupled with the original small population size may have strongly

biased the results. From the early phrases of the experiment, I uncovered contamination in the

controls through bright bands in the gel pictures. In attempt to reduce or remove this

contamination, the experiment was performed multiple times in trial and error; in addition new

sets of reagents and water were completely replaced. Since these efforts were mostly

unsuccessful, I proceeded with the fragment and data analysis. The contamination problem may

have influenced misinterpretation of peaks and stutter bands. To compensate for the ―noise‖

created by the batched controls, I screened data peaks only above the noise threshold and range


in Applied Biosystems GeneMapper Software v4.0. However, in light of the methodological

problems I encountered, I was score about half of all three populations and produce this

microsatellite analysis.


The data suggest that some of the loci were subject to heterozygote deficiency, and that there

may be some migration between populations and significant genetic differentiation among

populations. The results from this study support the hypothesis, but should take into

consideration the small sample size, high failure rate for amplification, possible contamination,

and misinterpretation in allelic scoring of the microsatellites. However, the data indicate that

additional investigations may reveal further support for genetic differentiation between crayfish

populations. Similar studies give insight on the effect of direct development and low dispersal

abilities on the low gene flow among crayfish, however using other type of markers (e.g., nuclear

and mitochondrial) (Buhay and Crandall, 2005; Trontelj et al, 2005; Fetzner and Crandall, 2003).

Further investigation to analyze the population structure of crayfish using microsatellite loci is

recommended. Microsatellites are valuable tools for their easy sample preparation and high

information content; however, they possess many drawbacks which hinder the reliability of

analyses (Balloux and Moulin, 2006; Estoup et al, 2002).



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