Download - Poprawione institutional role of the inspection and its authorities with particular emphasis on waste managment and water resources

Page 1: Poprawione institutional role of the inspection and its authorities with particular emphasis on waste managment and water resources

Institutional role of the Inspection and its authorities with Institutional role of the Inspection and its authorities with an emphasis on waste management and water resourcesan emphasis on waste management and water resources

Miłosz JarzyńskiMiłosz JarzyńskiIst Deputy Regional Inspector for Environmental ProtectionIst Deputy Regional Inspector for Environmental Protection

Page 2: Poprawione institutional role of the inspection and its authorities with particular emphasis on waste managment and water resources

The The structurestructure

The Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection comes under:•the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection – mainly within determining the tasks to be performed;•the Masovian Voivode - mainly in securing funds for the implementation of tasks.

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Environmental Protection AuthoritiesEnvironmental Protection Authorities

The Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection is one of several environmental protection authorities, these include also:-administrative officer of the commune, mayor of town or president of a city,-starost of the poviat,-voivodship marshal,-Minister of the Environment,-the General Director for Environmental Protection,-regional directors for environmental protection.

Page 4: Poprawione institutional role of the inspection and its authorities with particular emphasis on waste managment and water resources

Our missionOur mission

We strive to continuously improve the state of the environment throug:

-the control activity,

-environmental monitoring.

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Our organization has three main divisions:

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EnvironmentalEnvironmental Monitoring Division Monitoring Division

The main task of the Environmental Monitoring Division is to continuously check the quality of:- ambient air,- surface water.

We also monitor the levels of:- outdoor noise,- electromagnetic fields.

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The main task of the Inspection Division is to control and supervise whether the facilities follow the environmental rules.

We have about 16.000 facilities in our register.

We have two different inspection procedures:

InspectionInspection DivisionDivision

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Many companies have an obligation to provide us with the results of their emissions measurements made by accredited laboratories.

We’re checking compliance to the permit and legal conditions on document – based inspections.

If we have objections to the obtained results we can conduct a field inspection.

Inspection Division – document-based inspectionsInspection Division – document-based inspections

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We can divide inspections into:

Inspection Division – field inspectionsInspection Division – field inspections

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The main goal of our inspections is to check on-site the compliance to the permit and legal conditions.

Generally we’re taking samples and making measurements.

Inspection Division – field inspectionsInspection Division – field inspections

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After founding violation, VIEP:-- initiates penalty proceedings,-- issues post-inspection orders,-- orders the suspension of installation activity-- directs the request to another administration authorities or law enforcement agencies,-- imposes a fine or submits an application for punishment to court of justice.

Follow-up activitiesFollow-up activities

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Financial penalty is administered for violation of:

- conditions related to quantity, condition and composition of sewage, minimal percent reduction of the concentration of substances in wastewater and the mass of substances in discharged wastewater,

- the quantity of water used.

Financial PenaltiesFinancial Penalties

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Water Law Act allows the use of any kind of water in any quantity and in any time that comes from the necessity of:

- working against major-accident, natural disasters, fire or other local dangers,

- prevent serious danger to human life, health or property of significant value which cannot be avoided in any other way.

Water Water LLaw Actaw Act

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Financial penalties are administered for, inter alia:

- infringements of the decision approving the instruction of running landfills, as to the type and method of waste storage,

- infringements of the decision determining place and manner of waste storage,

- waste collecting or processing without the required permit or in violation of conditions,

- reclassification of hazardous waste to non-hazardous waste.

Financial penaltiesFinancial penalties

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The management of municipal waste is regulated by law on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities.

According to this Law, tasks related to management of waste are realized by municipality.

The Act introduces multi-level supervision over municipal waste management.

Municipal wasteMunicipal waste

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Entrepreneur collecting municipal waste from property owners is controlled by municipal authorities.

Municipalities are controlled by inspectors from Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection.

Voivodship Inspector for Environmental Protection also controls regional installations for municipal waste processing where entrepreneurs have to transfer municipal waste from property owners.

Municipal Waste Management Municipal Waste Management

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We have our own accredited laboratory at our headqarters and our branches in Ciechanów and Radom.

Our internal customers are:Environmental Monitoring Division;Inspection Division.


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Performing research and analyses related to internal customers is the main task of the laboratory.

If the laboratory has spare capacity, it may take samples and perform analyses for external entities and municipalities (e.g. wastewater treatment plants, power plants).

Laboratory – for Internal ClientsLaboratory – for Internal Clients

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