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Polymer nanocapsules

Wolfgang Meier

Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Universität Basel, Klingelbergstr. 80, CH-4056 Basel,Switzerland

Received 28th April 2000Published on the Web 31st July 2000

Hollow polymer particles with dimensions in the sub-micrometer region possess great potential for encapsulationof large quantities of and large sized guest molecules intotheir empty core domains. Conventional molecular chem-istry requires costly synthetic procedures and only in specialcases allows such particles to be prepared with exact controlover their size and morphology. Therefore various self-assembly and templating approaches have been developedwhich will be briefly introduced in this article.

1 Introduction

In recent years materials with well-defined structures in thesubmicrometer region have attracted increasing interest. Theidea is to tailor the composition, structure and function ofmaterials with control at the nanometer level which may lead tonew properties for well-known standard materials and hence tonew applications. This concept has been to a large extentinspired by biomineralization, where a few inorganic mineralsmolded into an appropriate shape lead to a large variety ofdifferent materials properties.1 As in Nature, one has to developpreparative procedures which allow precise control over theformation of structure and morphology. In this context overself-assembled superstructures of surfactants and/or polymershave proven to be valuable tools. They provide a com-partmentalization on the nanometer scale which can be used asa structural template for the newly formed materials.2

In the following we will focus on hollow sphere structureswith dimensions in the submicrometer region as a typical andsynthetically especially demanding example. Such nanocap-sules are of particular interest due to their potential forencapsulation of large quantities of guest molecules or large-sized guests within their empty core domain. These materials

could be useful in applications in areas as diverse as biologicalchemistry, synthesis and catalysis. In fact, for polymericnanocapsules a multitude of different applications have alreadybeen proposed, such as confined reaction vessels, drug carriers,protective shells for cells or enzymes, transfection vectors ingene therapy, carrier systems in heterogeneous catalysis, dyedispersants or as materials for removal of contaminatedwaste.

Similar and very effective nanometer sized containers, viz.,micelles and vesicular structures, are used by Nature inbiological systems. However, due to the non-covalent inter-actions responsible for their formation these objects have only alimited stability and may undergo structural changes.3,4 Thisleads, for example, to a rapid clearance of conventional lipidvesicles from the blood after their intravasal administration.Many applications (e.g., in drug delivery) require, however,more stable particles.

Size- and shape-persistent nanocapsules can be preparedusing a variety of different techniques, each of them having itsspecial advantages (and of course also disadvantages).

The aim of this article is to give an overview of the currentstate of the art in the field of hollow polymer particlespreparation. Both strengths and frailties of the respectivepreparative methods will be elucidated critically. For clarity thearticle is divided into four subsections according to the differentapproaches that are commonly used to attain the desired particlemorphology. This division is clearly somewhat arbitrary,especially since there exists a certain overlap between thedifferent methods: for example, the emulsion or suspensionpolymerization approach could be regarded as a special case ofthe self-assembly or the templating technique, depending on therespective point of view.

While in the first three basic approaches described, ex-clusively non-covalent interactions (e.g., van der Waals,electrostatic or hydrophobic interactions) are used to imprint thecharacteristic shape on the resulting particles, the last sectiondeals with single polymers that have by design an intrinsichollow sphere morphology in the nanometer range. Althoughthis approach via dendrimers is quite elegant, due to the tediousand costly preparation procedures it is mainly of academicinterest.

2 The self-assembly approach

Owing to their amphiphilic nature and molecular geometry,lipid molecules can aggregate in dilute aqueous solution intospherically closed bilayer structures, so-called vesicles orliposomes. It is quite reasonable that the hollow spheremorphology of these aggregates should render them suitable asprecursors for the preparation of more stable nanocapsules. Thiscan be realized using different concepts. Fig. 14 gives anoverview of various methods. For example, lipids that are

Wolfgang Meier studied chem-istry in Freiburg (Germany). In1992 he received his PhD fromthe University of Freiburg,working in Heino Finkelmann’sgroup. From 1993 to 1996 hewas a postdoctoral coworker inH.-F. Eicke’s group at the Uni-versity of Basel (Switzerland).Since 1996, he has worked as alecturer in physical chemistryand leader of an independentgroup at the Institute of Phys-ical Chemistry. In 1998, hecompleted his habilitation.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2000

DOI: 10.1039/a809106d Chem. Soc. Rev., 2000, 29, 295–303 295

functionalized with polymerizable groups can be polymerizedwithin such vesicular structures.4,5 As a result of the polymeri-zation reaction the individual lipid molecules are interconnectedvia covalent bonds which of course stabilize the shell-formingmembrane considerably. In some sense the polymerized lipidscan be regarded as mimicking the role of the cytoskeleton or ofthe murein network, i.e. the polymer structures which Natureuses to stabilize biological cell membranes. In contrast to thesenatural polymer scaffolds that are simply attached to the lipidmembrane via hydrophobic interactions, the polymerized lipidsare, however, all covalently attached to a polymer chain withinthe membrane. It is obvious that this considerably obstructstheir lateral mobility within the membrane.4,5

Interestingly, the polymerization of reactive lipids in bilayersformed from mixtures of different lipids may induce phase-separation phenomena within the membranes.4,5 This can beexploited to produce labile domains in a controlled manner inthe shell of the polymerized vesicles. These domains can beplugged or unplugged using external stimuli which renders suchparticles suitable for applications in the area of controlled ortriggered release. Since the pioneering studies on polymerizedvesicles derived from reactive lipids in the late 1970’s and early1980’s this area has developed into a broad and active field ofresearch. A detailed discussion of all its different aspects wouldbe too much here, all the more since several recommendablereviews have already appeared on this topic to which theinterested reader may refer (refs. 4 and 5 and references citedtherein).

In an analogous fashion to the lipids, amphiphilic blockcopolymers can also aggregate in aqueous solution to vesicularstructures.6–8 Block copolymer vesicles may be significantly

more stable than those formed from conventional lipids due tothe larger size and the lower dynamics of the underlyingpolymer molecules.8 Nevertheless, similarly to conventionallipids they are held together solely by non-covalent interactions.Hence they can disintegrate under certain conditions (e.g.,dilution or presence of surfactants) into individual blockcopolymer molecules. It is obvious that analogously to thereactive lipids block copolymer molecules could also bemodified with polymerizable groups. A subsequent polymeriza-tion of the resulting ‘macromonomers’ interconnects them viacovalent bonds which stabilize the whole particle. Such blockcopolymer based nanocapsules can be expected to possess greatpotential for encapsulation and controlled release from theirinterior. This is especially so, since the physical properties oftheir polymer shells can be controlled to a large extent by theblock lengths, the block length ratio or the chemical constitutionof the underlying polymer molecules.

Up to now, however, only two papers dealing with suchparticles have appeared9,10 In one of them the formation ofvesicles from a poly(isoprene)-block-poly(2-cinnamoyl metha-crylate) PI-PCEMA diblock copolymer in hexane–tetrahy-drofuran mixtures has been exploited as a starting point.9Converting these vesicles into stable, water-soluble polymernanocapsules required, however, a rather costly procedure. ThePCEMA blocks were photocrosslinked and then in a secondstep the PI blocks had to be hydroxylated to make these hollownanospheres water-soluble. The radii of the nanocapsules wereabout 50–60 nm and changed only very slightly during theseconversions.

In a similar approach a rather simple one-step procedure hasbeen used to prepare vesicular structures from poly(2-methyl-

Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the different possibilities for stabilizing lipid vesicles. (Reproduced with permission from Angew. Chem., 1988, 100,117.)

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oxazoline)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(2-methyl-oxazoline) PMOXA-PDMS-PMOXA triblock copolymers di-rectly in aqueous solution.10 The size of the resulting vesiclescould be controlled in the range from 50 to 500 nm. Theunderlying triblock copolymers were modified with polymer-izable methacrylate end-groups without changing their aggrega-tion behavior in water. These ‘macromonomers’ were polymer-ized within the vesicles using a UV-induced free radicalpolymerization. The polymerization did not lead to anymeasurable changes in size, size distribution or even molecularweight of the particles. Obviously the polymer chain reactionoccurs mainly intravesicularly. Intervesicle reactions likeintervesicular exchange of individual triblock copolymer mole-cules or a chain propagation reaction involving more than onevesicular aggregate play only a minor role in the time scale ofthe experiment.

In both cases the polymerization process led to the formationof covalently crosslinked polymer network structures. As aresult the particles possess solid state properties like shapepersistence. This allows them to maintain their morphologicalintegrity even after their isolation from aqueous solution andredispersion in organic solvents like chloroform, tetrahy-drofuran or ethanol. This is documented in Fig. 2 which shows

a transmission electron micrograph of polymerized triblockcopolymer vesicles isolated from water and redispersed inethanol. Ethanol is a good solvent for the whole underlyingblock copolymer molecule. Hence, non-polymerized vesicleswould immediately disintegrate under such conditions intosingly dissolved polymer molecules. One major problem in thiscontext is, however, to isolate the nanocapsules quantitatively inan intact state. As reflected by the broad size distribution of theparticles observed in Fig. 2, mechanical shear forces occurring

during the isolation procedure may partially disrupt the particlesand hence have to be carefully avoided.10

In one case the hollow nanospheres were loaded withRhodamine B.9 Interestingly, the dye could be quantitativelyreleased in water and water–ethanol mixtures so that theRhodamine B release rate could be tuned by the composition ofthe water–ethanol mixtures. Ethanol seems to be a good solventfor the underlying block copolymers. Hence a higher ethanolcontent in the solvent mixture increases the solvent quality andthe crosslinked polymer shell of the particles swells increas-ingly. As a result shell permeability increases and the release ofthe dye becomes faster. This makes such systems attractive forapplications, since prefabricated particles can be loaded effec-tively in an organic solvent and subsequently the encapsulatedmaterial slowly released in water.

A similar concept uses just the geometry of the vesicularaggregates as a template.11–18 In this case it is not theamphiphilic molecules themselves that are polymerized tofreeze in the whole superstructure of the supramolecularaggregate, they just provide a geometrically restricted environ-ment for dissolving and polymerizing conventional mono-mers.

It is well-known that vesicles or liposomes are able tosolubilize hydrophobic substances to a certain degree. Suchcompounds are usually dissolved in the hydrophobic part of thelipid bilayer. If such substances also carry polymerizablegroups, their subsequent polymerization should lead to theformation of polymer chains entrapped in the interior of themembrane. In contrast to polymerizable lipids, the polymerchains are now simply dissolved within the alkane part of thebilayer forming lipids (see Fig. 3 for a schematic representa-tion). Hence, they are of minor influence on the overall physicalproperties of the membranes.

One special feature of vesicular polymerization of conven-tional hydrophilic or hydrophobic monomers is that thedifferent compartments provided by the self-assembly of thelipid molecules generally serve only as a template, whichdetermines size and shape of the resulting polymers. Thus, it ispossible to use nearly every natural or synthetic lipid, withoutany modification. Although in most reported studies onvesicular polymerization of conventional monomers, syntheticlipids like dioctadecyl dimethylammonium bromide (DODAB),chloride (DODAC), sodium di-2-ethylhexyl phosphate (SEHP)or even spontaneously formed vesicles prepared from mixturesof cationic and anionic surfactants,11–17 have usually been used(perhaps primarily because of budget reasons), but any naturallipid would provide a suitable matrix. Moreover, a combinationof polymerizable lipids and conventional monomers could beincorporated into the templating vesicles to yield hybrids withinteresting new polymer structures.

Of course the incorporation of hydrophobic substances intolipid bilayers should not exceed a certain saturation concentra-tion. Above this concentration the monomer is no longerhomogeneously distributed within the bilayers. This has

Fig. 2 Transmission electron micrograph of polymerized ABA-triblockcopolymer vesicles. The length of the bar corresponds to 1 mm. (Reproducedwith permission from Langmuir, 2000, 16, 1035.)

Fig. 3 Isolation of hydrophobic polymer hollow spheres formed by polymerization within monomer swollen lipid bilayers of vesicles. (Reproduced withpermission from Adv. Mater., 1998, 10, 1387.)

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recently been shown for toluene in phospholipid vesicles atconcentrations above the saturation value.19 Moreover, exceed-ing this saturation concentration may also disrupt the wholebilayer structure, thus converting the system into a conventionalemulsion or even leading to the formation of a separatemonomer phase in the presence of intact vesicles.

It is obvious that the overall thickness of the lipid membraneshas to increase upon the solubilization of hydrophobic sub-stances. The maximum swelling of the membrane leadstypically to an increase from about 3 to about 5 nm.20 This is,however, a negligible effect compared to the overall diameter oftypical small unilamellar vesicles, which is about 100 nm.Therefore no dimensional changes of the underlying vesiclescan usually be detected upon swelling the lipid bilayers of thevesicles11–17 as long as the monomer concentration stays belowthe saturation value in the membranes.

It has been shown that the hydrophobic portion of lipidbilayers can be selectively swollen by a variety of hydrophobicmonomers, like styrene,11,12,14,15 alkyl (meth)acrylates13,16,17 oreven lipofullerenes carrying polymerizable octadecadiine sidechains.18 A crosslinking polymerization of such monomersleads to the formation of two-dimensional polymer networks inthe interior of the membranes. Such networks can act as apolymeric scaffold that increases the mechanical stability oflipid membranes considerably without impeding the mobility ofthe lipid molecules within the aggregates (see Fig. 3).

The free radical polymerization of the hydrophobic mono-mers incorporated into the lipid membranes of vesicles can beinitiated, similarly to the polymerization of reactive lipids, byUV irradiation or by thermal or redox chemical radicalgeneration.

The polymerization process itself seems, however, to berather sensitive towards the composition of the system, i.e., thechemical constitution of the monomer and the lipid and theconcentration of the monomers in the bilayers which, of course,limits its possible applications. While polymerization of alkylmethacrylates in dimethyldioctadecylammonium chloride vesi-cles16,17 or the polymerization of reactive lipofullerenes indipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles18 clearly leads to theformation of polymer hollow spheres, in the case of styrene/divinylbenzene in dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide anintravesicular phase separation occurs during polymerization,thus leading to the formation of so-called parachute-likestructures.15

An interesting aspect of the formation of crosslinked polymerparticles in vesicular dispersions arises from the fact that, incontrast to linear polymers, they should be able to retain theirstructure even after their isolation from the lipid matrix. Thishas recently been shown for crosslinked poly(alkyl methacry-lates) by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), scanningelectron microscopy and light scattering investigations.19 Fig. 4shows a typical CLSM micrograph of a hollow polymer particleisolated from a giant lipid vesicle. Note that despite the diameterof more than 150 mm the thickness of the polymer shell of thisparticle is below 1 mm. Although the particles contractconsiderably after their isolation from the lipid membrane theypreserve their spherical shape. Their dimensions always remain,however, directly proportional to those of the underlyingvesicles. This is not surprising since the polymer chains can beexpected to be forced into a nearly two-dimensional conforma-tion in the interior of the lipid membrane. After their liberationfrom the membrane the polymer chains can gain entropy byadopting a three-dimensional conformation. To do this, suchspherically closed polymer shells have to shrink and thethickness of their shells increases. Up to now it has, however,not been fully clarified why the polymers retain their sphericalshape (without collapsing) even in the dry state.

The extent of the observed contraction of the particlesdepends sensitively on the crosslinking density of the polymernetwork structure. The contraction increases with increasing

crosslinking density, thereby showing the same scaling be-havior as branched polymers upon variation of their number ofbranches. For the highest crosslinking densities the particlescontract to about 1/10 of the original size of the templatingvesicles.

In the context of possible applications it would be of greatinterest to have detailed information about the permeability ofthese polymer hollow spheres. It has to be expected that besidesthe chemical constitution of the polymer backbone, the mesh-size, i.e., the crosslinking density of the polymer networkstructure, also plays an important role. Only molecules that aresmaller than this mesh-size should be able to diffuse across thepolymer shell. Molecules which are larger cannot pass thepolymer membrane of the hollow spheres for geometricalreasons.

Whereas the size and shape of the resulting polymer particlesare directly determined by the templating vesicles, the polymerscaffold can be modified rather easily using conventionalchemical reactions. This allows, for example, the conversion ofpoly(tert-butyl acrylate) hollow spheres into poly(acrylic acid)hollow spheres. The resulting polyelectrolyte nanocapsules canswell as a response to changes in the pH of their environment.This pH-dependent transition influences considerably thepermeability of such polyelectrolyte shells and can be used toselectively entrap and release water-soluble polymers.

Although such a vesicular polymerization represents a ratherelegant approach to producing polymeric nanocapsules itstechnical application is expected to be rather limited. The reasonfor this lies in the low economical efficiency of this method.Apart from the often energy consuming vesicle preparationprocedure, the synthesis of one gram of pure polymernanocapsules already requires approximately 1.5–2 times theirweight of lipid, a reaction volume of about 300–400 millilitersof water and additionally several liters of organic solvents (forpurification).

Not only vesicular aggregates but also micelles can be usedfor the controlled formation of nanocapsules; this again,however, requires a rather costly synthetic procedure.

It is, for example, well-known that block copolymers mayassemble to polymeric micelles with diameters in the 10 to 100nm range. These block copolymers can be modified so thateither the interior or the exterior blocks within the micellescontain polymerizable groups. For example poly(isoprene)-

Fig. 4 Confocal laser scanning micrograph of a giant crosslinked poly(butylmethacrylate) hollow sphere prepared by vesicular polymerization. Thescale bar corresponds to 50 mm. (Reproduced with permission fromLangmuir, 1998, 14, 1031.)

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block-poly(acrylic acid) (PI-PAA) diblock copolymers formmicelles in aqueous solution with a PI core and a PAA shell. Ithas been shown that the PAA shell can be crosslinked with a,w-diamino-poly(ethylene glycol)21 (see Fig. 5). Similarly, apoly(isoprene)-block-poly(2-cinnamoylethyl methacrylate)-block-poly(tert-butyl acrylate) (PI-PCEMA-PTBA) triblockcopolymer forms micelles with a PTBA corona, PCEMA shelland a PI core in THF–methanol mixtures.22 In this case themicellar structure could be locked in by UV-crosslinking of thePCEMA within the micelles. Subsequently the PI cores of boththe crosslinked PI-PAA and the PI-PCEMA-PTBA micellescould be degraded by ozonolysis into small fragments that coulddiffuse into solution and leave nanospheres with a centralcavity. A schematic representation of the whole process is givenin Fig. 5.21

The potential of such systems for encapsulation of smallermolecules has been demonstrated by loading the crosslinkedPCEMA-PTBA capsules with Rhodamine B.22 The incorpora-tion of the dye into the central cavity of the particles coulddirectly be visualized by TEM.

The degradation of the shell crosslinked PI-PAA micellesleads to water-soluble crosslinked poly(acrylamide) hollowspheres which considerably increase the hydrodynamic diame-ter of their shells after removal of the core.21 The increase of Dh

from 27 to 133 nm has been explained by the fact that thecrosslinked poly(acrylamide) shells can be regarded as ahydrogel that swells when the core domain fills with water afterremoval of the poly(isoprene). The diameter of the hollow-sphere products depends sensitively on both the degree ofpolymerization of the block copolymers originally used to formthe micelle and the nature of the crosslinking diamine used toprepare the shell crosslinked micelles.

3 The template approach

Another possibility for generating polymer hollow spheres is toform a polymer shell around a preformed template particle thatcan subsequently be removed, thus leaving an empty polymericshell. There are several methods of realizing such a templatesynthesis of hollow polymer particles.

A convenient way is to exploit the well-known poly-electrolyte self-assembly at charged surfaces. This chemistryuses a series of layer-by-layer deposition steps of oppositelycharged polyelectrolytes.23 One starts with colloidal particlescarrying surface charges (e.g., a negative surface charge).Polyelectrolyte molecules having the opposite charge (i.e.,polycations) are readily adsorbed to such a surface due toelectrostatic interactions. Not all of the ionic groups of theadsorbed polyelectrolyte are consumed by the electrostaticinteractions with the surface. As a result the original surfacecharge is usually overcompensated by the adsorbed polymer.Hence, the surface charge of the coated particle changes its signand is now available for the adsorption of a polyelectrolyte ofagain opposite charge (i.e., a polyanion). As sketched in Fig. 6such sequential deposition produces ordered polyelectrolytemultilayers, the thickness of which can be exactly controlled bythe number of deposition steps.23 To avoid, however, apolyelectrolyte-induced particle flocculation one has to work atrather low particle concentrations and excess polyelectrolytenot adsorbed to the surface has to be removed carefully aftereach step.

As template particles, weakly crosslinked melamine–formal-dehyde particles have been used. Exposure of the coatedparticles to an acidic solution of pH < 1.6 dissolves themelamine–formaldehyde core without affecting the layeredpolyelectrolyte shells. As can be seen in the transmissionelectron micrograph of Fig. 7, the resulting polyelectrolyteshells are shape persistent and clearly preserve their hollowsphere morphology after removal of the template. Neverthelessit has to be expected that their long-term stability dependssensitively on the surrounding environment of the particles.Especially in biological fluids (e.g., in blood plasma), or inmedia of high ionic strength which may screen the ionicinteractions responsible for maintaining their integrity, thelong-term stability of such polyelectrolyte shells may be ratherlimited.

It has been shown that small dye molecules can readilypermeate such layered polyelectrolyte shells while larger sizedpolymers with molecular weight larger than 4000 Da obviouslydo not.24 For these investigations, however, a polyelectrolyte(i.e., poly(allylamine hydrochloride)) has been used as a

Fig. 5 Procedure for the preparation of nanocapsules from amphiphilic diblock copolymers. The shell of the final nanocapsules consists of crosslinkedpoly(acrylamide). (Reproduced with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1999, 121, 3805.)

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molecular probe. Therefore, it is unfortunately not possible todiscern whether this screening effect is due solely to theincreased size of the polymer probe or if electrostatic inter-actions between the layered polyelectrolyte shell of the capsulesand the positively charged polymer also play a role. Eventually

the situation may be different for neutral polymer probemolecules of similar size which cannot undergo such inter-actions.

Interestingly, the capsules could be filled with oils bysequential exchange of the solvent.24 These oil-filled capsulescould be dispersed in water due to their amphiphilic nature, thusleading to a stable, surfactant-free oil-in-water emulsion.

Functionalized polystyrene latex particles carrying surfacecharges are also suitable substrates for the polyelectrolyte self-assembly technique. In one case inorganic particles wereincorporated into the adsorbed shells by a sequential adsorptionof nanometer-sized SiO2 particles with negative surface chargeand cationic poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDAD-MAC).25 Layers with a thickness ranging from tens to hundredsof nanometers could be prepared by this procedure. Removingthe polystyrene core leaves SiO2/PDADMAC nanocompositeshells and after calcinating even pure SiO2 hollow spheres.25

Both the composite and the purely inorganic capsules can beexpected to show interesting physical properties such asenhanced mechanical stability or exceptional permeabilitybehavior.

Similarly poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone)-stabilized polystyrenelatex particles were coated with thin overlayers of poly(aniline)to produce electrically conductive core–shell particles.26 Incontrast to the layer-by-layer deposition method where pre-formed polymers are adsorbed to a surface, here the polymer isformed in situ by oxidative coupling of monomers at the particlesurface. The poly(aniline) layer in the reported case had,however, a rather non-uniform and inhomogeneous morphol-ogy. Therefore extraction of the polystyrene core left poly(ani-line) shells that displayed a so-called ‘broken egg-shellmorphology’, i.e., they were largely disrupted.

Also gold nanoparticles have successfully been used astemplates for nucleation and growth of surrounding poly-(pyrrole) and poly(N-methylpyrrole) shells.27 Etching the goldwith, for example, KCN–K3[Fe(CN)6] solution leaves structur-ally intact hollow polymer nanocapsules with a shell thicknessgoverned by the polymerization time. Their shell thicknesscould be controlled in the range from 5 to more than 100 nm.The gold particles are not only useful as template material butcan also be used to deliver guest molecules into the capsulecore. For example, ligands attached to the gold surface prior topolymerization remained trapped inside the hollow capsuleafter gold etching which demonstrates their potential asprotective shells for sensitive compounds like enzymes.

Obviously the ions of the gold etchant were able to diffusethrough the polymer shell, the permeability of which could evenbe tuned by the oxidation state of the polymer. However, evenrather small organic guest molecules like Rhodamine B werenot released again from the interior of the particles, even over aperiod of three weeks.27 That means that there is only veryrestricted access to enclosed substances in the interior of theshells, which limits their applications.

4 The emulsion/suspension polymerizationapproach

Hollow polymer particles can also be prepared applyingsuspension and emulsion polymerization techniques.28–31 Al-though in most cases these methods have been shown to lead toparticles with diameters of several micrometers, nanometer-sized polymer hollow spheres are also accessible.

For example the polymerization of divinylbenzene in tolu-ene/divinylbenzene swollen polystyrene latex particles or inpolystyrene containing toluene droplets leads to the formationof hollow PDVB particles.28 This is the result of a microphaseseparation limited compatibility of the chemically differentpolymers in solution, which leads to the formation of a PDVB

Fig. 6 Illustration of the procedure for preparing hollow spheres using layer-by-layer deposition of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes on colloidalparticles (Reproduced with permission from Chem. Mater., 1999, 11,1048.)

Fig. 7 Transmission electron micrograph of polyelectrolyte hollow spheres.The shell of the particles consists of 9 layers ((poly(styrene sulfonate)poly-(allylamine hydrochloride))4/poly(styrene sulfonate)). (Reproduced withpermission from Chem. Mater., 1999, 11, 1048.)

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shell around a toluene–poly(styrene) core. After evaporation ofthe toluene a cavity remains in the center of the particles.

Another rather convenient method leading to hollow polymerparticles proceeds via emulsion polymerization.29–31 Usually atwo-stage process via seeded latexes with physical or timeseparation between the two steps is applied. In a first step thecore particles are synthesized via conventional emulsionpolymerization. Then in a second step a different monomer isadded and a crosslinked shell is polymerized around the coreparticle. The synthesis of such core–shell latexes is quite simplein concept but rather difficult in practice. This holds particularlyif one is interested in well-defined and homogeneous particlemorphologies which are a basic requirement for the preparationof hollow polymer particles. It has been demonstrated that boththermodynamic and kinetic factors are of crucial importancehere. Additionally, to end up with a hollow polymer sphere onehas finally to remove the core of the particles. Since core andshell are, however, frequently chemically rather similar this isanother critical step of the preparation procedure. Usually ratheraggressive reaction conditions, like a prolonged alkali and acidtreatment at high temperature, are required to degrade theparticle core.29,30 Although clearly hollow polymer particles areformed using such methods, the question remains to what extentthe polymer shells survive intact under these conditions.

A rather elegant approach to remove the core under very mildconditions has recently been demonstrated.31 The authors reportthe synthesis and characterization of nanometer sized holloworganosilicon particles. The synthesis followed a two-stepprocedure similar to that described above. The core of theparticles was formed by a rather low molecular weightpoly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) around which a crosslinkedorganosilicon shell was formed in a second step. The PDMSfrom the interior of the particles could be removed quantita-tively by ultrafiltration. The preparation procedure is summa-rized in Fig. 8. The remaining organosilicon nanoboxes were

characterized by gel permeation chromatography, dynamic lightscattering, X-ray scattering and atomic force microscopy. Thenanocapsules had typical diameters of 50 nm and a shellthickness of about 6 nm. Interestingly, they could be refilledwith poly(dimethylsiloxane) chains with a molecular weight ofabout 6000 Da, i.e., rather large molecules, which reflects an

obviously rather high porosity of the polymer shells. Hence,typical low molecular weight substances are expected to bereleased very fast from such particles. Nevertheless, theseorganosilicon capsules represent a very promising system forapplications in various areas.

5 The dendrimer approach

Dendrimers are highly branched cascade molecules thatemanate from a central core through a step-wise repetitivereaction sequence. By design such a molecule consists of threetopologically different regions: a small initiator core of lowdensity and multiple branching units, the density of whichincreases with increasing separation from the core, thuseventually leading to a rather densely packed shell. Hence, atsome stage in the synthesis of such a dendrimer the spaceavailable for construction of the next generation is not sufficientto accommodate all of the atoms required for completeconversion. Extending this principle in a more general fashion,dendrimers that have internal ‘cavities’ with a dense outer shellmay be synthesized by controlling the chemistry of the last step.This has been demonstrated by the preparation of the fifthgeneration poly(propylene imine) dendrimer32 shown in Fig. 9.

Due to their dense outer shell these molecules can be regardedas dendritic boxes that are capable of retaining guest moleculestrapped during synthesis. Subsequent guest diffusion out of thebox was slow since the dendrimer shell is close packed due tothe bulky H-bonded surface groups. If the tertiary butyl groupswere removed guest molecules could diffuse out of the boxes,but only if they were sufficiently small. Thus Rose Bengalremained in the containers while p-nitrobenzoic acid leakedout.32

Closely related to such dendritic boxes are amphiphilicdendrimers33 or hyperbranched polymers34 consisting of ahydrophobic (hydrophilic) core and a hydrophilic (hydro-phobic) shell. Due to their amphiphilic nature these systems are

Fig. 8 Preparation of organosilicon nanocapsules. M1: MeSi(OMe)3, M2:Me2Si(OMe)2, M3: Me3SiOMe, HMN: hexamethyldisilazane. (Repro-duced with permission from Adv. Mater., 1999, 11, 1299.)

Fig. 9 A dendritic box capable of encapsulating small guest moleculesduring construction. (Reproduced with permission from J. Am. Chem. Soc.,1995, 117, 4417.)

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also selectively able selectively to solubilize guest moleculeswithin their core domain.

This permeability of the outer shell for small molecules andions could, for example, be exploited for a controlled synthesisof inorganic nanoparticles in the core region of a poly-(amidoamine) starburst dendrimer.35 While small Cu2+ ions

could diffuse into the interior of the dendritic boxes the ca. 2 nmdiameter Cu-nanoparticles formed upon reduction were toobulky to leak out again.

Dendrimers are, however, generally not real hollow polymerparticle systems due to their core that covalently links the‘dendritic wedges’ of the molecule. It is obvious that this corepart is of crucial importance for the integrity of the wholemolecule. Hence, removing the core requires another connec-tion between the outer zones of the molecule. Indeed, applyingsimilar concepts as shown in the approaches of Wooley21 andLiu,22 it is also possible to produce real hollow structures fromdendrimers. This has recently been demonstrated using apolyether dendrimer with a trimesic acid ester core.36 Thispolymer contains three cleavable ester bonds at its core androbust ether bonds throughout the rest of the molecule. Asshown schematically in Fig. 10 the hollow particles wereformed by selective crosslinking of homoallyl ether groups attheir periphery and subsequent degradation of the core regionby hydrolysis. An interesting possibility offered by this methodis that the remaining functional groups in the interior of thecontainer system could serve as ‘endo-receptors’ available formolecular recognition. This approach allows a high control overthe size and geometry of the formed nanocapsules. However,the preparation of the particles requires a rather costly andtedious procedure which clearly presents a limiting factor forpossible applications.

6 Conclusions

In recent years several promising approaches for the preparationof hollow polymer particles have been developed. The requiredexact control over the particle morphology on a nanometer scalecan often be achieved using self-assembly and templatingtechniques. This has been accomplished for several modelsystems, although it is usually quite difficult and requires rathersophisticated analytical methods to decide whether a certainprocedure leads in fact to well-defined and homogeneousnanocapsules. The current state of the art therefore provides areasonable basis for developing such systems further towardsapplications. However, although various applications of thesenew materials, e.g., for encapsulation of drugs, enzymes orfragrances, are currently discussed they are yet to be realized.Since the majority of the proposed applications are located inthe life science area most of the model polymers described up tonow are not well-suited and nanocapsules composed ofbiocompatible materials are required. Generally, many of thedescribed approaches are rather ineffective (e.g., they requirevery low concentrations) and hence a further challenge will beto scale up the production of the nanocapsules.

7 Acknowledgements

Financial support from the Swiss National Science Foundationis gratefully acknowledged.

8 References

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