Download - Pollution and Its Effect


7/27/2019 Pollution and Its Effect 1/16

Grade: 5 Johnson

Due: March 2nd, 2007

7/27/2019 Pollution and Its Effect 2/16

7/27/2019 Pollution and Its Effect 3/16


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In my project we will look at what pollution is, and how it affects us. There are manytypes of pollution and the things it causes to people and animals. We will talk about how

we contribute to pollution in some way or another. Whether it is with a large amount or 

small amount we can still cause major damage to our health and the environment.

We will also look at ways that people can help stop pollution. Also how the government

can help with this problem. In the Bahamas we must all do our part and in the worldeveryone can help to save their own country and the whole earth.

Chapter 1


Pollution is when water, air or land becomes very dirty. It is when we damage these

resources with harmful waste. There are three main types of pollution. They affect

different areas or parts of the world. Air pollution affects the air, water pollution affects

the water and marine life, land pollution affects the land destroying life and theenvironment.

Very little people realize that pollution is very harmful because they don't think of the

enviroment, themselves and other people and what it can do. Pollution affects the person,our society and all other animals. Pollution is gradually destroying our planet and is

gradually killing us too. Like air pollution, smog and acid rain is a killer to all of us. It

destroys marine life, our own health and destroys historical monuments and statues. 


Chapter 2

Land Pollution

Land pollution is the when harmful waste or dirt is left about on the land and the

earth's surface.

Types of land pollution includes misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices. Soil pollution is mainly due to chemicals in weed killers and poisons which kill insects and

other pests. Another way to harm the land is taking all the minerals out of the earth.

Waste build up come from big industries and poor disposal of garbage made from day

to day. Industrial waste such as chemical, paints from big plants and construction.

Sewage-treatment solids and mining are also big waste producers.Litter is waste material dumped in public places such as streets, parks, picnic areas, at

 bus stops and near shops. The build up of waste threatens the health of people in

residential areas. Waste encourages household pests and turns urban areas into unsightly,dirty and unhealthy places to live in.

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 All that plastic and dirt that you throw on the ground dirties the land and when you don’t maintainthe hygiene, then disease prevails.

Chapter 3


Air pollution is dirtying of the air caused by toxic chemicals or other materials. Therelease of harmful gases and tiny particles like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide andsulphur dioxide, cause this pollution. The major sources of these harmful substancescome from waste incinerators, factories, and some electric power plants, especiallythose that burn fossil fuels, such as coal. Gas pollutants also come from automobilessuch as cars, trucks and buses.

When these chemicals mix with moisture and other particles, they create sulfuric acidand nitric acid. Winds often carry these acids many miles before they drop down in rain,snow, and fog, or even as dry particles. This is called acid rain and is very bad for theenvironment.

Air pollution is one of the major causes of that funny cough, cold, asthma, allergiesand burning eyes that you develop. Smoking tobacco can lead to lung disease like bronchitis

and cancer. It also can cause the unborn babies of mothers who smoke to be harmed. Air pollution can injure health, the enjoyment of life and the working of ecosystems.

Chapter 4Water Pollution

Water is one of our most precious natural resource. It is needed for everything to grow. Pollutingthe water involves getting harmful substance into it and causing damage to all that has to use it.

This includes the marine life and people as well. These waste drain off or wash off into

the seas, rivers and oceans from land and soil. Then the harmful chemical s such as

acids oils and poisons damage the water and are passed on to the life in it.

Pollution in the form of organic material enters waterways in many different forms as sewage, as

leaves and grass clippings, or as runoff from livestock feedlots and pastures. When natural

 bacteria and protozoan in the water break down these materials, they begin to use up the oxygen

dissolved in the water.

When all of these happens, the fish will gradually die and the food chain will get disruptedmeaning the marine life will gradually disappear. Along with innocent organisms dying off, our 

drinking water has become greatly affected. Finally the food chain damage affects animal and us

as humans.

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Chapter 5

What can we do to limit pollution?

To help limit and stop pollution as a country we must work together. Each person must be

responsible to keep their homes and surroundings clean. Neighbours must care about how things

look and smell. This will help us live better and also help with our tourism industry in theBahamas.

1. To help limit Land Pollution

• Teach the people about pollution and against littering

• laws against littering and fines for people who break the rules.

• organic waste can be dumped in places far from residential areas;

Recycling inorganic materials such as metals, glass and plastic, and also paper,

• Recycling is an important part of keeping our country clean and

green.In our yards, we must determine whether additional nutrients are needed beforefertilizers are applied, and look for alternatives where fertilizers might run off into

surface waters. We have to preserve existing trees and plant new trees and shrubs to

help prevent soil erosion and promote infiltration of water into the soil. Around our houses, we must keep litter, pet waste, leaves, and grass clippings out of gutters and

storm drains.

2. To help limit Air Pollution

• Although individual people can help to combat air pollution in their own

immediate environment

• the best control can be best achieved by legislation. Some commonly enforced

control measures include

the establishment of more smokeless zones;• control over the kinds of fuel used in cars, aeroplanes, power stations, etc.

3. To help limit Water Pollution

• Keep our beaches and lakes clean; do not throw bottles, plastic bags and other 

trash in the water.

• Clean up after beach parties.

• Protect sea and marine life with laws to prevent persons trying to destroy them.

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Chapter 6

What has the Government done to educate about pollution?

A variety of approaches have been developed to manage existing pollution.

These include punishment of polluters through regulation, taxation, fines, encouragementof nonpolluting approaches through tax and other incentives; and education of the public.

The increased awareness of the potential harmful effects of pollution has had a major impact on industries and on individuals, particularly the young, who have led the way in

activities such as recycling.

Ani-littering campaign. Importance of keeping the environment

Risk assessment has developed as a useful technique to estimate the risks of environmental pollutants and to establish priorities for environmental control and

remediation efforts.

Campaign “clean , green ,pristine. Poster boards up around the Islands

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Polluted River in the United KingdomThe pollution of rivers and streams with chemical contaminants has become one of the

most crutial environmental problems within the 20th century. Waterborne chemical pollution entering rivers and streams cause tramendous amounts of destruction.

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Pollution is an important factor to our lives. It is a very big problem and all forms of  pollution causes negative conditions. It affects all living things on the planet. We must all

 be careful in what we do and remember we must care for the air, land and sea to help

save our country and the earth. We must be concern about each other and the other animals that live with us.

The government has given lots of education on TV and posters to remind us to keepour surroundings clean. This awareness and education will most assuredly continue to be

the two most important ways to prevent further pollution. We can all also help to stop the

increase of pollution. Each person must be responsible to do their part.

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