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Politics & International Relations

New Titles - January 2016




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What roles can women from marginalised communities play in conflict, peace-making anddemocratisation? Which factors lie behind their involvement in armed conflict? What are theconsequences of women’s inclusion and exclusion from peace-building activities? These aresome of the questions explored in Women in Conflict and Peace.

Drawing on case studies from Afghanistan, Myanmar, the Philippines and Rwanda, thispublication analyses the impact of women on intrastate conflict and peace-building, concludingwith recommendations that international and local actors can implement to enhance theparticipation of marginalised women in future peace- and democracy-building initiatives.

PB 9789176710142 £9.95 October 2015 International Idea 168 pages

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THE DARK SIDE OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONSocial Foundations and Cultural Determinants of the Rise of Radical RightMovements in Contemporary EuropeAlina Polyakova Series edited by Anton Shekhovtsov

Across Europe, radical right-wing parties are winning increasing electoral support. The Dark Sideof European Integration argues that this rising nationalism and the mobilization of the radicalright are the consequences of European economic integration. The European economic projecthas produced a cultural backlash in the form of nationalist radical right ideologies. Thisassessment relies on a detailed analysis of the electoral rise of radical right parties in Westernand Eastern Europe. Contrary to popular belief, economic performance and immigration ratesare not the only factors that determine the far right´s success. There are other political and socialfactors that explain why in post-socialist Eastern European countries such parties had historicallybeen weaker than their potential, which they have now started to fulfill increasingly. Using in-depth interviews with radical right activists in Ukraine, Alina Polyakova also explores how radicalright mobilization works on the ground through social networks, allowing new insights into howsocial movements and political parties interact.

REVIEWS: "Polyakova´s sophisticated exploration of why and how ultra-nationalists succeed

challenges widely held assumptions about the determinants of right-wing electoral support andindividual radicalization. Her study is unusual in comparing the European far right beyond theborders of the EU and in including field research results from Western Ukrainian provinces. Thissuccinct investigation should find wide attention among researchers of political extremism andwill help us better understand the reasons for the current surge of xenophobia across Europe." -Dr. Andreas Umland, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

HB 9783838208169 £35.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 180 pagesPB 9783838207667 £22.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 180 pages

LESSONS FROM WORLD WAR I FOR THE RISE OF ASIAAn Interdisciplinary Series of the Centre for Intercultural and EuropeanStudies CINTEUSAndrey Gubin, Christopher Coker, Namrata Goswami, Astyom Lukin, Harald Maller, CarstenRauch, Pang Zhongying Edited by Andreas Herberg-Rothe Series edited by VolkerHinnenkamp, Anne Honer, Gudrun Hentges, Hans Wolfgang Platzer

This groundbreaking volume offers a historical comparison between the events leading up toWorld War I and current global tensions related to the economical and political rise of Asia. Whatare the risks that the desire of the new super power China and great powers like India to berecognized by the West could set off a chain of events resulting in the nightmare of a great powerwar?

Assessing the similarities as well as differences between the build-up of World War I and today,it is argued that we need to understand the driving forces behind the scene of global politics: Theconflict between rising, established, and disintegrating powers and the desire of recognition onall sides. Carefully dissecting the current power dynamics in play, the authors hope to contributeto a better understanding of world events in order to ensure that history will not repeat itself.

REVIEWS: "These lively essays, reflecting a wide range of perspectives and approaches, offer

both deep insights into the forces and factors that led to war in Europe a century ago, andimportant lessons for the future of Asia. They draw on extensive historical knowledge and realexpertise in contemporary Asian affairs, and engage directly in key policy debates. A majorcontribution to a vital subject. Strongly recommended!Hugh White, author of "The China Choice: Why America Should Share Power" and Professor ofStrategic Studies at the Australian National University

PB 9783838207919 £22.90 September 2015 Ibidem Press 180 pages

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ART AND CONSCIENTIZATIONForum Theatre in Uganda, Rwanda, DR Congo, and South SudanClaus Schrowange Series edited by Harald Hahn

How can the performing arts add value to peacebuilding programs? Is it possible to useparticipatory theatre to reconnect and reconcile enemies? What is the trauma-healing effect forthose acting in a theatre troupe?

Claus Schrowange has explored these questions and the opportunities of using forum theatre inpeace work in Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, and DR Congo. His conclusion is that forum theatreis more than mere entertainment. It is an aesthetic tool for social change. But the value of theatreis not generated automatically, the way it is done matters. If it is done in a participatory mannerwith an authentic, believable acting style, involving both the audience and stage actor in a vividand touching experience, the impact is immediately felt. This book presents the approachSchrowange developed together with a team of African theatre practitioners in a variety ofcircumstances and environments. It is illustrated with case studies taken from the author s directexperience of using the approach he describes in Eastern DR Congo and Rwanda.

REVIEWS: "Long-term peace work is based on the assumption that "peace grows from within".

This means consequently that the main task of a peace worker is to reinforce local capacities forpeace in order to obtain sustainable civil solutions. The rich experience with forum theatre indifferent African countries (DR Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan) that ClausSchrowange has made and been able to summarize in this book is a remarkable contribution inthis regard."Christiane Kayser, Coordinator, Civil Peace Service Network, Bread for the World

PB 9783838207971 £14.90 September 2015 Ibidem Press 138 pages


NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACKTHE CRESCENT REMEMBEREDIslam & Nationalism on the Iberian PeninsulaPatricia Hertel

Contemporary Spain and Portugal share a historical experience as Iberian states which emergedwithin the context of al-Andalus. These centuries of Muslim presence in the Middle Ages becamea contested heritage during the process of modern nation-building with its varied concepts andconstructs of national identities. Politicians, historians and intellectuals debated vigorously thequestion how the Muslim past could be reconciled with the idea of the Catholic nation.

The Crescent Remembered investigates the processes of exclusion and integration of the Islamicpast within the national narratives. It analyzes discourses of historiography, Arabic studies,mythology, popular culture and colonial policies towards Muslim populations from the 19thcentury to the dictatorships of Franco and Salazar in the 20th century. In particular, it exploreswhy, despite apparent historical similarities, in Spain and Portugal entirely different strategiesand discourses concerning the Islamic past emerged. In the process, it seeks to shed light on therole of the Iberian Peninsula as a crucial European historical “contact zone” with Islam.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Patricia Hertel teaches European history of the 19th and 20th

century at the University of Basel. Her research focuses on cultural, political and religious historyin Western and Southern Europe. She holds a PhD of the University of Fribourg and a master’sdegree of the University of Munich.

PB 9781845197933 £25.00 February 2016 Sussex Academic 224 pages

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CHANGING IMAGES OF THE LEFT IN BULGARIAThe Challenge of Post-Communism in the Early 21st CenturyBoris Popivanov Series edited by Andreas Umland

The violent protests that shook Bulgaria in recent years were fueled by a widespread belief that,after 25 years of transition, a new base for the political process is required. In this important newstudy, Popivanov provides a critical re-assessment of the role of the Bulgarian Socialist Party -arguably, the single most important political entity in Bulgaria's post-communist history.Assessing its internal problems and the challenges it faces from a new and radical grassroots Left,Popivanov asks why and how Bulgaria's Socialist Party was the only one in the Eastern bloc toremain an important political organization, after the end of communism. This timely bookskillfully analyzes the current societal and political situation in Bulgaria that threatens theSocialists and argues for a complete reformulation of the concept of the 'Bulgarian Left'.

REVIEWS: "Boris Popivanov`s new book is an insightful and knowledgable analysis of the

Bulgarian left; it is mandatory reading for those who seek primary information on the recenthistory of political transformations in the third wave democracies, especially as it also offers aninternational comparative perspective. Highly recommended."Peter Bajomi-Lazar, Budapest Business School

PB 9783838206677 £23.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 134 pages

NAZARBAYEVOUR FRIEND THE DICTATORViktor Khrapunov Translated by Nicki Challinger

"Like David, I am battling against a Goliath that has almost immeasurable means and powerfulallies. I don´t think I can win, I just want to be heard. No dictatorship lasts forever, and if mycontribution can sooner or later bring about its downfall, then I will have achieved what I set outto do."

The man waging this unequal war is Viktor Khrapunov. He used to be mayor of Almaty,Kazakhstan´s largest city, and the country´s Energy Minister before he was forced into exile. FromSwitzerland, where he now lives with his family, he brings charges against the rule of NursultanNazarbayev, which will soon reach its twenty-fifth year. Nazarbayev, initially welcomed as ayoung, dynamic president, has become a reckless and unpredictable dictator over the years.From the abusive privatization of the country´s mineral resources and thriving corruption topersonal intrigues and the stone-cold elimination of political opponents - Khrapunov´s accountof the criminal wheeling and dealing of this self-styled ´ruler of the nation´ tells it how it is.

Based on Khrapunov´s insider knowledge from the hallways of global power, his story is also arevelation of Western apathy towards a brutal dictatorial regime. This gripping autobiographicalnarrative helps the reader understand how Kazakhstan has developed politically from thecollapse of the Soviet Union to the modern day, and how it can blossom into a democratic state.

PB 9783838207674 £14.90 October 2015 Ibidem Press 178 pages

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A HISTORY OF THE CZECHOSLOVAK OCEAN SHIPPING COMPANY, 1948-1989:How a Small, Landlocked Country Ran Maritime Business During the Cold WarLenka Kratka Series edited by Andreas Umland

This book offers a comprehensive history of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Company (C. O. S.)from its beginning in the late 1940s until the fall of communism. Owned by the Czechoslovakstate, C. O. S.'s activities were shaped by Soviet standards. This unique study is structuredaccording to the different phases of the Cold War and highlights the political aspects thatdetermined C. O. S.'s fate.

Lenka Kratka focuses on two contradictory economic dimensions that C. O. S. had to engage with.Being part of the planned economy of a socialist state, it also dealt with companies in thecapitalist West. Another paradoxical aspect of C. O. S. emerges from the memories of formerCzechoslovak seamen, who experienced relative freedom when being aboard and strictcommunist regime control while at home with their families. Kratka's book offers fascinatinginsights into a neglected topic, using thus far untapped sources and building on primary researchin oral history and personal memory.

REVIEWS: Lenka Kratka offers a remarkable, comprehensive piece of work on the history of

the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping (C.O.S.) company. She writes with talent and erudition.Prof. Miroslav Vank, head of the Oral History Centre, Czech Academy of Science

PB 9783838206660 £23.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 296 pages


DEMOCRACY BY DECREEProspects and Limits of Imposed Consociational Democracy in Bosnia andHerzegovinaAdis Merdzanovic

The introduction of consociational power sharing as a post-war political system has become oneof the international community's preferred post-conflict devices. In situations where warringpolities are internally divided by ethnic, religious, linguistic, or national identity,consociationalism guarantees the inclusion of all groups in the political process and prevents a'tyranny' of the majority over one or more minorities. However, if international actors keepintervening in the political process, the advantages of consociationalism are turned upside down.

In this exceptional book, Adis Merdzanovic develops a theoretical and empirical approach tounderstanding consociational democracies that include external intervention. Using the case ofBosnia and Herzegovina, where the consociational Dayton Peace Agreement ended the three-year war between Serbs, Croats, and Bosniaks twenty years ago, it elaborates on the differentapproaches used in the past and gives practical recommendations for future state-buildingexercises by the international community.

REVIEWS: "Merdzanovic´s study presents a most welcome new assessment: He is the first

scholar to scrutinize how the system of imposed consociationalism worked, or rather, didn´twork, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a must-read for anybody interested in the history of theBalkans in general and current Bosnian politics in particular."Prof. Dr. Josette Baer, University of Zurich

HB 9783838208121 £50.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 436 pagesPB 9783838207728 £30.90 August 2015 Ibidem Press 436 pages

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GRANT NOTLEYThe Social Conscience of Alberta (Second Edition)Howard Leeson, Rachel Notley

This book is a biography of my dad's political life. However, it is also a primer for would-bepoliticians. Its most salient message? Political victory worth having rarely comes easy.

Rachel Notley, from the Foreword

Grant Notley, leader of Alberta's New Democratic Party from 1968 to 1984, stood out in Albertapolitics. His goals, his personal integrity, his obvious dedication to social change, and his"practical idealism" made him the social conscience of Alberta. He bridged the old and the new;he provided the necessary hard work to ensure the continuation of a social democratic party inAlberta. Albertans felt intuitively that he represented a part of their collective being, and hisuntimely death in 1984 touched them deeply. Leeson's new introduction recognizes GrantNotley's significant contribution to the continuity and health of his party while acknowledgingthe important work of his daughter, Rachel Notley, who led the Alberta NDP to electoral victoryin 2015. Readers of politics, biography, and social history will appreciate this new edition of animportant book.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Howard Leeson's biography of Grant Notley is based on his years

of association with the NDP. He was Mr. Notley's first executive assistant in 1971. He is ProfessorEmeritus of Political Science at the University of Regina. He and his wife Ede live on a small farmjust outside of Regina.

PB 9781772121254 £21.50 October 2015 University of Alberta Press 392 pages



T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia) described his war-time chief as “the perfect leader”, a manwho “worked by influence rather than by loud direction. … He was like water, or permeating oil,creeping silently and insistently through everything. It was not possible to say where Clayton wasand was not, and how much really belonged to him.”

This is the first biography of General Sir Gilbert Clayton (1875–1929), Britain’s pre-eminent “man-on-the-spot” during the formative years of the modern Middle East. Serving as a soldier,administrator and diplomat in ten different Middle Eastern countries during a 33-year MiddleEastern career, Clayton is best known as the Director of British Intelligence in Cairo during theGreat War (1914–16), and as the instigator and sponsor of the Arab Revolt against the Turks.

Dedicated to the preservation of Britain’s Middle Eastern empire, Clayton came to realize that inthe transformed post-war world Britain could ill afford to control all aspects of the emergingnation-states in the region. In his work as adviser to the Egyptian government (1919–22), headvocated internal autonomy for the Egyptians, while asserting Britain’s vital imperial interestsin the country. As chief administrator in Palestine (1923–5), he sought to reconcile the Arabs toBritain’s national home policy for the Jews, and, at the same time, to solidify Britain’s position asMandatory power. In Arabia, Clayton negotiated the first post-war treaties with the emergingpower of Ibn Saud, (1925, 1927), but curtailed his designs on the British Mandates in Iraq andTransjordan. And, in Iraq, where Clayton served as High Commissioner (1929), he backed Iraq’sindependence within the framework of the British Empire.

HB 9781845197582 £95.00 October 2015 Sussex Academic 536 pages

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A SPECTRE IS HAUNTING ARABIAHow the Germans Brought Their Communism to YemenMiriam M. Müller

Radical ideologies may manifest differently at first, but they do follow a similar logic: truth claims,promises of salvation and a unifying common enemy. In Yemen's transition process today, thesecessionist movement Al-Hirak has summoned the spirit of South Yemen, the only Marxist statein Arabia. This book meticulously describes how East Germany supported the implantation ofthis alien ideology in Yemen through its policy of »Socialist state- and nation-building«. In thesame breath, the analysis captures the GDR's activities in the Middle East and their vital role inMoscow's Cold War strategy. Last but least, the study provides one of the few compact overviewsof East German foreign policy in the English language of today.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Miriam M. Müller (Joint PhD) received her doctorate jointly from

the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and the University of Victoria, Canada, in Political Scienceand International Relations. As an expert on the politics of the Middle East she focuses herresearch and teaching on religious and political ideologies, development, and foreign andsecurity policy.

PB 9783837632255 £36.99 November 2015 Transcript Verlag 340 pages


A THEOLOGY OF POLITICAL VOCATIONChristian Life and Public OfficeJohn E. Senior

Power, money, endless competition. A zero-sum game. Politics as usual. Only the hearty orcraven need apply. The political actors have lost sight of the politics of a common good.

A Theology of Political Vocation takes up the question of public life precisely where mostdiscussions end. Proving that moral ambiguity does not exclude moral possibility, author JohnSenior crafts a theology of political vocation not satisfied simply by theologies of sin and graceand philosophical theories of power. For Senior, political theology moves beyond merely stakinga claim within a public conversation, a move that prizes discursive skills and aims at consensusconcerning shared norms and values. Political theology must offer an account of a politicalvocation.

Senior connects political deliberation to moral judgment, explores use and consequence ofpower, analyzes political conflict and competition, and limns the ethics of negotiation andcompromise. In light of this richer understanding of political vocation, Senior developstheological resources appropriate to a variety of ecologies--ordinary citizens, political activists,and elected officials. A Theology of Political Vocation shows how Christian politicians can workfaithfully within the moral ambiguity of political life to orient their work--and indeed, their veryselves--toward the common good.

REVIEWS: “During a time when the doctrine of vocation is looked upon with suspicion and

politics with cynicism, John Senior has crafted a wonderful book that is a thoughtful explorationof vocation and a compelling view of politics. In a lucid and disciplined way, he brings vocationand politics together, not by elevating them beyond belief, but by crafting a theological defenseof the unavoidable moral ambiguity of both. He thereby shapes an argument for the operationalbenefits and moral significance of treating politics as vocation.”Mark Douglas, Professor of Christian Ethics, Columbia Theological Seminary

HB 9781481300353 £41.99 September 2015 Baylor University Press 229

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REVOLUTIONARY IDEOLOGY & POLITICAL DESTINY IN MEXICO, 1928–1934Lázaro Cárdenas & Adalberto TejedaEitan Ginzberg

Lázaro Cárdenas and Adalberto Tejeda, veterans of the Revolution and prominent governors ofMichoacán and Veracruz from 1928 to 1932, strived to make Mexico a modern and just state onthe basis of the revolutionary Constitution. Three key obstacles confronted them: theconservative approach of the political Center; the political weakness of their own power base;and the great opposing power of the farmers and their supporting elements, especially theChurch and the army.

This book discusses the different avenues to reform these leaders took and their short- and long-term implications. Cárdenas sought to strengthen his position through the ruling party (PNR),while reinforcing local agrarian forces and opening channels of direct empathetic communicationwith the Church and the army. Tejeda attempted to strengthen his position in the federativearena, bypassing the political Center via the National Peasant League (LNC -- Liga NacionalCampesina), whose establishment he was deeply involved in, making a sweeping radical reformwhile attacking uncompromisingly all the traditional elements of Veracruzan society.

Both political projects had unprecedented success but totally different implications. TheCardenista power base led its author to the next Presidency, during which he implemented aremarkable agrarian project. Tejeda’s power base, however, led to the utter annihilation of hispolitical power structure and many of his agrarian achievements, as well as to his failure in thestruggle for presidency. From that point of view, only a heavy bureaucratic, centre-based reforminitiative could succeed, while a local, radical, adventurous transformation was doomed tofailure. The fate of the two governors corresponded to the fate of national revolutionaryreformism and thus to the destiny of Mexico.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Eitan Ginzberg is the author of Lázaro Cárdenas, gobernador de

Michoacán, 1928-1932 (1999), and Genocide. Encounter and clash: The destruction of the Indiannations in Latin America (2009). His research focuses on questions of infra-political resistance,history and culture of Latin America, and the study of genocide. Dr. Ginzberg serves as aresearcher at the Sverdlin Institute of Latin American History and Culture at the University of TelAviv.

HB 9781845196943 £60.00 July 2015 Sussex Academic 320 pages

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SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS IN SCANDINAVIAN CITIESNordic Perspectives on Urban Marginalisation & Social SustainabilityEdited by Erica Righard, Magnus Johansson, Tapio Salonen

Scandinavian countries are generally associated with extensive public services and low levels ofpoverty. However, reality has changed dramatically over the last three decades, andScandinavia’s cities now share many of the problems and challenges familiar from other Westerncities. How do the welfare states handle these global societal transformations?

In Social Transformations in Scandinavian Cities, researchers highlight the changing face of socialsustainability and social disintegration in Scandinavian cities. They offer theoretical and empiricalanalyses of how migration, inequality, and residential segregation intersect with shifting nationaland local policies, charting their impact on urban landscapes in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

The authors challenge the standard view of Scandinavia as a haven of equality and peace.Unemployment, criminality, and poor school performance in ethnically and socio-economicallysegregated residential areas have finally been recognized and tackled through urban policiessince the 1990s. In this book we learn why and in which ways progress is being made.

HB 9789187675737 £31.95 November 2015 Nordic Academic 296 pages


MEDIA EVENTS IN WEB 2.0 CHINAInterventions of Online ActivismJian Xu

This book is among the first to use a "media events" framework to examine China’s Internetactivism and politics, and the first study of the transformation of China’s media events throughthe parameter of online activism. The author locates the practices of major modes of onlineactivism in China (shanzhai [culture jamming]; citizen journalism; and weiguan [mediatedmobilisation]) into different types of Chinese media events (ritual celebration, natural disaster,political scandal). The contextualised analysis of online activism thus enables exploration of thespatial, temporal and relational dimensions of Chinese online activism with other social agents -- such as the Party-state, mainstream media and civil society. Analysis reveals Internet politics inChina on three interrelated levels: the individual, the discursive and the institutional.

Contemporary cases, rich in empirical research data and interdisciplinary theory, demonstratethat the alternative and activist use of the Internet has intervened into and transformedconventional Chinese media events in various types of agents, their agendas and performances,and the subsequent and corresponding political impact. The Party-market controlled Chinesemedia events have become more open, contentious and deliberative in the Web 2.0 era due tothe active participation of ordinary Chinese people aided by the Internet.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Dr. Jian Xu received his PhD in Media and Communication in the

Journalism and Media Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, Australia. Heresearches Chinese media and culture with a particular interest in the sociology, culture andpolitics of new media. He is currently teaching at the University of New South Wales.

HB 9781845196356 £39.95 December 2015 Sussex Academic 224 pages

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Commentary on Filangieri's addresses the principal political and social questions that BenjaminConstant, one of the most important liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century, ever discussed.This translation will help give the work its deserved importance in political theory.

Commentary is founded on the view that government should maintain a strictly limited role insociety; "The functions of government are purely negative. It should repress disorder, eliminateobstacles, in a word, prevent evil from arising. Thereafter one can leave it to individuals to findthe good."

HB 9780865978829 £19.95 July 2015 Liberty Fund 496 pagesPB 9780865978836 £10.95 July 2015 Liberty Fund 496 pages


Politics and Literature shows how important insights about genocide, poverty, state violence,world terrorism, the clash of civilizations, and other phenomena haunting the world at the turnof the millennium can be derived from contemporary novels. Keren demonstrates ways in whichfictional literature can provide new perspectives on the complexities and contingencies ofcontemporary politics. His fresh readings of well-known novels will be valuable not only forpolitical scientists but also for anyone interested in current affairs who reads fiction but is notalways aware of its power to provide enlightenment on world issues. Works by José Saramago,Cormac McCarthy, Anosh Irani, John Le Carré, and Yann Martel, among others, are studied.

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Michael Keren is a professor in the Departments of Political

Science and Communication, Media, and Film at the University of Calgary. He has lectured inmany universities and other institutions worldwide and frequently comments on Israeli andglobal affairs in the media. He has authored numerous books including Blogosphere: The NewPolitical Arena.

PB 9781552387993 £24.99 August 2015 University of Calgary 272 pages

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Politics & International Relations

New Titles - January 2016

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Eastern Europe

The Balkans

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