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Page 1: Political Parties / Myth of / Divide and control

“ m y t h m a k i n g ”

Political Parties&

Synergy of the Good /Bad

Republic to Mobocracy

Page 2: Political Parties / Myth of / Divide and control

The “myth making” of party loyalty

( Emotional deception )by

Creating the Good/Bad Deception Defined; The act of misleading. All deception is a misapplication of established words or signs used to communicate thought. For example: the wordCommunism is a bastardizing of Commune, community and the addition of “ism”.Nudging Defined; Movement over time; gently prod; modern, shift slowlyDeflecting Defined; The turning aside; as in criticism of policies

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1783 -1856+- RepublicRepublic Defined; Properly defined a republic is a commonwealth, or a free state of men (women ); The word signifies strictly the common good or happiness. Constitutional protections provided to individuals, private property, and actions.

1856-1938 +- DemocracyDemocracy defined: A form of government where the power is held in the hands of the people collectively; Such was the Government of Athens. Weakening of Constitutional protections and beginning of oblique special interests against citizen interest.

1938 -2008 MobocracyMobocracy defined: Political rule or domination by a mob; where groups of common people vie against each other for political control. “Rule of the masses eventually replaces the rule of law”. Special interest intrusion begins overtaking citizenprotections, one example, 17th amendment, Senators free from state/citizen control.

coming-TBDTyrannyTyranny defined: Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power. Tyranny is synonymous with cruelty and oppression: Unresisted & cruel Governmental power: Absolute Monarchy violently administrated. Obama administration moving to this end with United Nations.

1783 Myth Creat ion 2013

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Consider the following excerpt from Quigley’s book “Tragedy and Hope”:

“The National parties and their presidential candidates, with the Eastern Establishment assiduously fostering the process behind the scenes, moved closer together and nearly met in the center with almost identical candidates and platforms, although the process was concealed as much as possible, by the revival of obsolescent or meaningless war cries and slogans (often going back to the Civil War)…. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy…. Either party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic

Quigley in this excerpt is describing the process defined as the

“Hegelian Formula”The Good/Bad

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Consider the Panama Canal. Neither most Republicans or some Democrats were in favor of giving up the Panama Canal, due to its strategic importance to the United States. The American people certainly were not in favor of giving up the Panama Canal. Yet both some Republicans and the majority of Democrats united and gave away the Panama Canal. That was the goal of the Council of Foreign Relations, and leftist Democrats, American people. Communists propagate primarily in the Democatric party, called the DSA. See; Trevor Loudon: “Enemies Within”We hear the Republicans clamor for military action in the Middle East, often times with no clear strategy for victory, yet advocate for more power to be given to the United Nations. The Democrats, on the other hand, call for peace in the Middle East by advocating for more power to be given to the UN. But now that the Democrats are in power, not only have they continued the war in Afghanistan, Barack Obama engaged in hostilities in Libya, which was in direct violation of the War Powers Act. President Obama et al. even tried to pull the U.S. into Syria, all based on flimsy anecdotal evidence of a chemical attack by the Bashar al-Assad regime in Eastern Damascus.

thanks to “The Right Planet” / Brent ParrishSubscribe To The Right Planet for more excellent information

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Obama and the birth of Mobocracy in America2008

What happens when people constantly get involved in the process of the government? Then we don’t have democracy, the rule of representative government, but ochlocracy, the rule of the ‘mob,’ the mobile vulgus. In ochlocracy, “Might is right,”, and bullies rule the political process.

Remember that narcissistic dictators rise to power because the populace initially supports them. Their strength is in demagoguery. It’s always the impressionable, easily moved masses of people that bring dictators to power.

Obama is not interested in being subject to U.S. law. He did not come to power by being law-abiding. He came to power by side-stepping the law, and by mobilizing the emotionally-charged, intellectually-disengaged masses, the mobile vulgus. But this is just for starters. Obama does not intend to govern by the rule of the law either. He has a different plan for America. He wants to replace democracy with an ochlocracy, or mobocracy, as some people call it. He wants to use the mobs that brought him to power to undo the democratic process and establish his power permanently.

This is not how democracy works. This is the tyranny of majority. This is the definition of mobocracy. It is the recipe for dictatorship.

What we are witnessing is the death of democracy in America and the birth of ochlocracy, the end of America’s representative government and the beginning of mob rule. Mobs under the sway of charismatic leaders lead to de facto dictatorships and one man rule.

Who is to blame for America’s current predicament?Certainly the masses of people, but we cannot expect much from the masses. By their very nature, masses are ignorant.

It is the media that is mainly culpable. The media has failed/is failing failing in its duty to report truthfully. Reporters have ignored the truth and have not asked serious questions

The politicians are also to be blamed. They have not had the courage to stand up to the rising Fuehrer for the fear of losing popularity amongst their own constituencies.

Certainly the judges must be blamed. They are failing in their duty to uphold the law and the Constitution.

America has no greater enemy than Barak Hussein Obama. He is especially dangerous because he disguises himself as a savior to the gullible masses. In reality, he is only a smooth talker who knows what people want to hear.

Obama’s actions speak louder than his empty words. Obama is on his way to permanent rule, even dictatorship. This is what narcissists do if given the opportunity to do so by their masses of admiring followers.

This page contains excerpts from “Canada Free Press” Article by; Ali Sina; 1 Feb 2009 This article should be read in entirety on Canada Free Press, as a warning to the adoring masses

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“Conclusions with understanding” Action by the young in America is the only peaceful

s o l u t i o n 1. We are being manipulated by a small group of people. Their goal is to manufacture and orchestrate events that

will cause untold levels of pain and suffering for all of us. Finally we will eagerly and willingly trade our freedoms and liberty by agreeing to systemic changes designed to enslave humanity. Via the corrupt United Nations.

2. Step One - Define the Goal, and Set the Stage. PRIVATE BEHIND THE SCENES hidden preparation.

3. Step Two - Manufacture Crisis, get Everyone's Attention, Frame " the National / Global Conversation

4. Step Three - Bring in the People Who Engineered the Crisis to "Solve it". Incur Unsustainable Debt Obligations and Empty Treasuries of Every Country Trying to do it.

5. Step Four - Collapse the Global Economy. Make it as Bad as Long as it has to be to Gain Compliance.

6. Step Five - Welcome to the New World Order. UNTIL REVOLUTION OCCURS

What is being described here is a process of management by the term Hegelian Formula. This process has been advanced as well by the use of an old technique entitled “Change within the form”. The books I am listing below, will benefit in gaining the experience necessary to counteract the damage that is being done to us all.The first is: The peoples Pottage, by Garet Garrett--Second is; The enemy Within, by Trevor Loudon. Third is; The Federalist Papers, Primary Documents of American History; Fourth is; 5000 Year Leap, by W. Cleon Skousen. My Personal fifth would be; American Betrayal, by Diana West, including rebuttal papers as her book was savagely attacked. Not on subject, a typical mis-information operation.After you finish this powerpoint, please forward it to a friend, wherever they may reside. for as

the “Canada Free Press” noted:

“Without America, there will be no free world.”