Download - Podcasting NSU 8010

  • 1. Podcasting

2. Jen Awe
Crystal Ellsworth
3. Podcasting Table of Contents
The What of Podcasting
The When of Podcasting
Back to the Basics
Tools of the Trade
Putting the Pieces together
Uses in Education
The Quick & The Dirty
4. The What of Podcasting
Personal On Demand Broadcasting
Podcasts can be MP3 audio files or digital video files that can be automatically or manually downloaded to your personal computer, and then transferred to an MP3 player using a podcasting application (, 2005)
5. The When of Podcasting
September 2000, an early version of MP3 players were launched known as I2Go
January 2001, RSS (Really Simple Syndication)a web feed format is demonstrated for the first time
June 2003, RSS feed was fed into an MP3 file
October 2003, RSS transferred to ITunes which alloweddownload capabilities for IPods
February 2004, the term podcasting was first used by Ben Hammersley in his audioblog
December 2005, Podcast became the word of the year by the New Oxford American Dictionary
By September 2009, 220,000,000 IPods have been sold world wide
6. Tools of the Trade
To download & listen to a podcast, youll need:
MP3 player (most common is Apples IPod)
Access to a computer and account with a web syndication (ITunes, Zune, Juice, Winamp)
Wi-Fi or
internet connection
7. Back to the Basics
To make your very own Podcast, you will need:
A microphone
A sound or audio card
Recording software (Audacity or GarageBand) to create your RSS feed
A personal website, free at
A group of friends to tell about your Podcast
(((Hey EDD 8010 classmates, click here to listen)))
8. Uses in Education
Podcasting is cheap
Podcasting invites a global audience
Audio podcasting encourages no-frills communication
Podcasting is digital storytelling
Podcasting provides a window into the classroom
Podcasting involves few privacy concerns
Podcasting can educate about copyright
Podcasting can be interactive
Podcasting can be creative
Podcasting can be fun!
Robinson & Ritzko, 2009
9. The Quick & The Dirty
10. References (2005). What is podcasting? Retrieved November 2, 2009 from
Fryer, W. (n.d.). Classroom audio podcasting. Retrieved November 7, 2009 from
LeFever, L., & LeFever, S. (Producer). (2009). Podcasting [Common Craft Online Video]. Available from
Podcast. (n.d.). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 24, 2009 from
Robinson, S. & Ritzko, J. (2009). Podcasts in education: what, why, and how? Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Educational Leadership, Proceedings, 14(1), 38-43. Retrieved November 12, 2009 from ABI/INFORM Global.
Smith, C. & Awe, J. (Producer). (2009, November 12). The ellsworth/awe show [Audio podcast].Retrieved from