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PMR Reconciliation Guide

October 2005

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PMR Reconciliation Guide


VERSION CONTROL .................................................................................................................................. III DOCUMENT PURPOSE............................................................................................................................... 4 PMR INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................. 4 BASIC STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS.......................................................................................................... 4

ADMISSION INFORMATION............................................................................................................................. 5 ADMISSION/WITHDRAW HISTORY ........................................................................................................... 6 REGISTRATION MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 7 WITHDRAWAL AND NO SHOW RULES .................................................................................................... 9

WITHDRAWALS ............................................................................................................................................ 9 NO SHOWS................................................................................................................................................ 10

HOME ROOM HISTORY ............................................................................................................................ 11 CROSS-ENROLLMENT HISTORY ............................................................................................................ 12 NCWISE PMR RECONCILIATION FORM................................................................................................. 13 PMR EXCEPTION REPORTS.................................................................................................................... 20

EXCEPTION REPORT 1 ............................................................................................................................... 20 EXCEPTION REPORT 2 ............................................................................................................................... 21 EXCEPTION REPORT 3 ............................................................................................................................... 21 EXCEPTION REPORT 4 ............................................................................................................................... 21 EXCEPTION REPORT 5 ............................................................................................................................... 22 EXCEPTION REPORT 6 ............................................................................................................................... 22 EXCEPTION REPORT 7 ............................................................................................................................... 22 EXCEPTION REPORT 8 ............................................................................................................................... 22 EXCEPTION REPORT 9 ............................................................................................................................... 23 EXCEPTION REPORT 10 ............................................................................................................................. 23

COMMON ERRORS RESULTING IN PMR DISCREPANCIES................................................................. 24 ESIS FUNCTIONALITY IMPACTING THE PMR ....................................................................................... 24 VERIFYING MEMBERSHIP TOTALS........................................................................................................ 25 APPENDIX A: GRADE/RACE/SEX (GRS) REPORT ............................................................................... 27

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 27 REQUIRED ESIS DATA ENTRY .................................................................................................................... 27 REPORT .................................................................................................................................................... 28

Access ................................................................................................................................................ 28 Review and Approve .......................................................................................................................... 29

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PMR Reconciliation Guide


Date Changes Author

09/05/2003 Formatting Changes Dawn Bouse 06/16/2004 Updates to 6.3 and Editing Beth Purdy 07/28/2004 Updates to 7.0 and Edits Beth Purdy 08/18/2004 Additional Edits Beth Purdy 08/24/2004 Additional Edits and Formatting Changes Rhonda Jernigan

Jessica Exline 10/06/2004 Updates and Edits to eSIS Version 7.0 and Webapps Site V2 Brandi Sanders 02/14/2005 Updated screen shot; Replaced old Exception Report text Joe Furbee 08/08/2005 Updated screen shots to eSIS v8.0 Jessica Exline 09/28/2005 Addition of appendix Kris Tarbert

Document Approval

Reviewed By

Name Position

Brandi Sanders, Kris Tarbert, Cindy Sharp, Randy Jurasek

IBM NC WISE Training Team

Phyllis Woods, Patricia Medlin

IBM NC WISE Web-based Training Team

Jacob A Rigoli IBM NC WISE Advisory PM Angela Pope-Lett, Christina Huss NC WISE Professional Development


Approved By

Name Title Signature Date

Rhonda Jernigan NC WISE Professional Development Consultant

Rhonda Jernigan 08/25/2004

Jessica Exline NC WISE Professional Development Consultant

Jessica Exline 08/25/2004

Jessica Exline NC WISE Professional Development Consultant

Jessica Exline 10/11/2005

In compliance with federal laws, N C Public Schools administers all state-operated educational programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to:

Dr. Elsie C. Leak, Associate Superintendent Office of Curriculum and School Reform Services

6307 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6307

Telephone (919) 807-3761; Fax (919) 807-3767

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

DOCUMENT PURPOSE The purpose of this guide is to provide instructions on the use of the Principal’s Monthly Report Reconciliation form (NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form) in order to help resolve data errors in eSIS. This guide explains pertinent student information that must be recorded in eSIS to correctly produce the PMR. The guide also discusses definitions of PMR Exception Reports and explains why students may appear in these reports. It also demonstrates how to verify and correct student data. This document has been created for use by the school data manager, LEA coordinator, or designated personnel as a reference guide for PMR Reconciliation. An appendix has been added to discuss the Grade/Race/Sex report that is generated in conjunction with the PMR.

PMR INTRODUCTION The Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR), generated every 20 school days (monthly) from the school schedule, extracts data from eSIS and reports student membership (admissions and withdrawals) and attendance. The PMR process in NC WISE is fully automated and has three levels of approval: school, LEA (district), and state. The PMR is generated from data extracted from eSIS. To be counted on the PMR, a student MUST have certain data fields populated correctly in eSIS. These fields and the populated data are discussed below.

BASIC STUDENT DEMOGRAPHICS PATH: eSIS MAIN START SCREEN > BASIC QUICK ACCESS BUTTON > Basic Student Demographics screen The Basic Student Demographics screen contains essential student information such as Legal Last Name, Legal First Name, Birth Date, Ethnicity/Race, SSN, and address information.

Basic Student Demographics screen

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This screen also contains Admission Information. Note the information in the boxed area above. The following table defines admission codes.

Admission Codes

Admission Reason Description E1 Initial enroll this year E2 Initial enrollment from non North Carolina School NA (should NOT be used) R1 Re-entry (Previous Initial W1) R2 Transfer within same LEA R3 Transfer from another LEA R5 Re-enroll (Previous W1) R6 Re-enroll (Previous W2)

Admission Information Reason (also known as admission reason or admission code)

• Reason represents a student’s most recent admission reason to the school and may be from a prior year. Valid Reasons are E1, E2, R2, R3, R5, and R6.

• NA-R1 should never be chosen as a Reason. This code is used in the eSIS background tables to signify a student’s grade level change. The student’s grade level change is recorded on the student’s Home Room History screen and is subsequently recorded on the school’s PMR.

• If a student was admitted to a school in a prior year and has not withdrawn from the school, the Admission Reason should correspond to that admission. The PMR automatically counts continuing students as E1s in subsequent years at the same school.

• Students with invalid Admission Reasons (initial enrollee with an R5 or R6) will be handled in one of two ways. First, a student will be listed on the PMR with a code of R1, if the student has a current year UERS Student History record (refer to the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation screen

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section of the document below for more information on UERS Student History). Otherwise, a student will not be listed on the PMR if the UERS Student History record is from a previous year. A student in the latter scenario will be listed on a PMR Exception report for appearing in eSIS, but not on the PMR (refer to the PMR Exception Reports section of this document below for more information).


• Date represents a student’s most recent admission date to this particular school. This date may be from a prior year. The date should be on or before the student’s registration date.

• Any change to the current admission date should be made on the Basic Student Demographics screen. This will trigger updates to the student’s Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen and any related reports.


• Grade represents the current grade level of the selected student. • Pre-kindergarten (PK) students are NOT counted in a school’s membership totals although they

will display in a separate section on the PMR if they have been given “Member” rather than “Visitor” status.

• Grade level changes are made on the Basic Student Demographics screen and are then written to the Home Room History screen. An additional screen opens when a grade level is changed asking the user to supply the effective date and reason for the grade change.

Status (also known as Admission Status)

• Status represents a student’s funding category. • Valid Status codes are Member-Standard Program, Member-Extended Day, Visitor-Standard

Program, and Visitor-Extended Day. • Students assigned Visitor status will not display on the PMR. • Changes to the membership Status prompts a screen to open which asks the user to enter an

effective date.


Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

The Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen provides a log of student movement from school to school during attendance in NC WISE schools. The PMR verifies the student has valid admission and/or withdrawal records. The creation of the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form removed write access from the Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen. Any current year changes required should be made on the Basic Student Demographics screen. Changes made on the Basic Student Demographics screen will be reflected on the Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen. Any historical changes should be made on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form (blue Navigate button > NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form). School users have view only access to the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form and must request student data changes be made at the LEA level.



Registration Maintenance screen

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

The Registration Maintenance screen includes registration and withdrawal information for the current school year. The creation of the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form removed write access from the Registration Maintenance screen. Any necessary changes must be made on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form. Data Managers: Data managers may update registered students through the Registration/Reverse Registration process, but changes cannot be made directly on the Registration Maintenance screen. Data managers may modify registration dates by reverse registering and re-registering students on the correct day. (See the Attendance Process Instructor Guide on for more information.) LEA Users: LEA users may update the registration date and withdraw date using the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form.

Registration Maintenance Fields

Field Name Description Registration Date The date the student was verified as being in attendance. Registration

Date must be equal to or greater than the student’s admission date. Reg? R displays if the student is registered.

N displays if the student is not registered.

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F/H Full Day, Half Day indicator reflecting the current status of student. In NC, all students are full day.

AM/PM AM or PM indicator for students attending half day (Not used in NC). Effective Date The date the transaction was effective. NOTE: For course changes

and internal transactions the effective date is the next school day. School The LEA/school number of the school where the student is registered. P/F Reflects the Part-time / Full-time status of the student at the time of the

transaction. In NC, all students are full time. P = Part-time student. F = Full-time student. H = Half-time student.

Trans Code Internal transaction codes generated based on choice of Admission/ Withdrawal reason or changes in student course minutes. The Trans Code indicates student registrations or withdrawals. Valid codes for registrations are E-ADM and I-ADM. (Both indicate the student was admitted... E-ADM is the code used in the registration process meaning the student was admitted. I-ADM is the code used in the registration process when a student is registered by the conversion process or a student has a grade change during the school year. An I-TRN record indicates a grade level change has been made for the student and is always followed by an I-ADM record. This is only recorded for elementary school students and is ignored by the PMR. The valid code for withdrawals is RET (indicates the student has been withdrawn/retired). A CHG record indicates a change has been made in the student’s schedule; this is ignored by the PMR.

Grade Grade level populates from Basic Student Demographics screen. Resident Identifies whether a student is a resident or a non-resident of the

school district (Not used in NC). Current The current number of course minutes calculated from the number of

courses this student is taking and the number of minutes for a period Course minutes can change if courses are added or dropped.

Old The number of course minutes before the change was made. Sal… Indicates whether the student is involved in a Student Alternative

Learning Education Program (Not used in NC). Homeroom (Hrm) The homeroom the student is assigned. Populates from Homeroom

and Staff Assignments screen. Created/ Create User The date the record was originally entered and the username of the

person who created the entry. Time The time the record was originally entered. Modified/Modified User The date the record was modified and the name of the person who

modified the record. Time The time the record was modified. Adm/Wdr button Returns user to the Admission/Withdraw Maintenance screen. Attendance button Not currently used in NC.

WITHDRAWAL AND NO SHOW RULES Withdrawals There are 6 withdrawal codes defined by the State. A code may have more than one valid reason attached to it.

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

Code Reason W1 Transfer public school same LEA Transfer within NC public school Transfer to nonpublic school in NC Transfer out of state W2 Withdrawal prior to compulsory age Move- status unknown Runaway Academic problems Attendance problems (in general) Attendance problems- family Attendance problems- personal Attendance problems- school Attendance problems- work Care of children Discipline problem Health problems Substance abuse Unstable home Marriage Pregnancy Work necessary Work by choice No return after long term suspension Community College enrollment Jailed in an adult facility Permanent expulsion W3 Deceased W4 Midyear/early graduate W6 High school graduate W7 Transfer to another school after year end

Students meeting the following criteria should be withdrawn from NC WISE: • A student who has attended class and is transferring to another school or is dropping out of school. • A student whose last school of record is your school (ended last year with your school), is enrolled for

this year, but has never attended class this year. If the school mass registered all students at the beginning of the school year, this student must be reverse registered before being withdrawn. After the student is reverse registered, the student must be withdrawn on a date after Year End Transition (YET) and prior to the first instructional day.

When a student withdraws after the school year has ended, the withdrawal date must be after YET and before the first day of the next school year. This applies to all school types (traditional and track). When a student is withdrawn, an entry is made in the Admission/Withdrawal Maintenance screen and the Registration screen. The withdrawal is also posted to the State data repository.

No Shows Students meeting the following criteria should be withdrawn as No Shows in NC WISE: • Students enrolled at your school for the new school year and your school is NOT the last school of

record (in other words, students did not finish the last year at your school), and they do not attend

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class this year. Students with prior records at your school may be withdrawn as No Shows as long as your school is NOT the last school of record.

If the school mass registers all students at the beginning of the year, the student must be reverse registered before being withdrawn as a No Show. Reverse Registration takes the student out of membership. (See the Daily or Period Attendance – First 10 Days documents on for additional information.) A student cross-enrolled to another NC WISE school cannot be withdrawn as a No Show until the cross-enrollment record is removed. The results of withdrawing a student as a No Show are:

• If the student was previously in any NC WISE school, the student’s NC WISE record returns to the last school of record on the Admission/Withdrawal Maintenance screen.

• If the student has NO previous school of record within NC WISE, the user must choose to either

delete or transfer the student’s records. NOTE: Any transfers must be done at the LEA level.

Delete Student: If no other NC WISE school has requested the student’s records. NOTE: The State assigns each LEA to a data center where all student information is stored. There may be more than one LEA assigned to a data center. The State also maintains a repository housing the information for all current and previous NC WISE students across North Carolina. When a student is deleted, all records for the student are deleted from the data center as well as the repository.

Transfer Student: If another NC WISE school has requested the student’s records. Any transfers MUST be requested through the LEA. The LEA transfers all student data (excluding the schedule) to the receiving school.


Home Room History screen

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

The Home Room History screen tracks student grade level changes. The PMR tracks promotions, retentions, and grade level changes. The PMR also creates appropriate W1/R1 codes internally for reporting when a grade level change occurs at an elementary school. NOTE: Grade level changes are made on the Basic Student Demographics screen. Do not withdraw and readmit students when they change grade levels. Homeroom changes are logged on the Home Room History screen, but not reflected on the PMR.

Home Room History Fields

Field Name Description Hrm The homeroom the student is assigned. Gra…(Grade Level) The student’s previous grade level in a Promotion or Retention record.

The student’s current grade level in a change of homeroom or Withdrawal record.

Prmd. Gr. (Promoted Grade) The grade to which student was promoted or retained. Indica… (Indicator) P=promoted, R=retained, D=homeroom change, W=withdrawn Prmd. Date (Promoted Date) The date of the student’s promotion, retention, homeroom change, or

withdrawal. Retention Reason The selected reason if student was retained. Room The physical location of the student’s homeroom. Teacher The name of the student’s homeroom teacher. Principal The school principal’s name. School The LEA & school number / school number. Year The school year the record was written. In eSIS the school year 2004-

2005 is designated as 2004.



Cross-Enrollment History screen

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

The Cross-Enrollment History screen is used for PMR reporting in track schools. The information on this screen is based on the information on the Cross Enroll Student screen. It is used much like the Registration Maintenance screen in traditional schools. Data from the Admission/Withdraw Maintenance, Registration, and Cross-Enrollment History screens are used to generate the PMR for multi-track schools. (See the Admission and Withdrawal of Students Instructor Guide on for information on creating/updating cross enrolled students.)

Cross-Enrollment History Fields

Field Name Description Home School Name of the school where the student is enrolled full time. Cross School Name of the school where the student is cross enrolled. Effective Date The date the cross enrollment was effective. Admit/Wdr Admission code (A) or Withdrawal code (W). Reason The reason for the admission or withdrawal.

1 – E1 (Track school use only) 5 – R3 (Track school use only) 2 – E2 (Track school use only) 6 – R5 (Track school use only) 3 – R1 (Track school use only) 7 – R6 (Track school use only) 4 – R2 (Track school use only) 0 – Courses offered at another school

Reason Description The description of the reason code. Never Attn. Checked if the student did not attend crossed enrolled school. Member. Share A value denoting the cross enrolled school’s share of funding (Not used in NC).

NCWISE PMR RECONCILIATION FORM The NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form provides the ability to make all necessary changes to data in eSIS that is used in the production of a school’s PMR. This form is used to make data corrections to produce an accurate PMR. Only LEA WISE Coordinators or designated LEA staff have update access and can make changes to data on this form. School data managers have read-only access to the form and cannot make changes.

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

To access the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form, select the blue Navigate button from any eSIS screen where it is displayed. The “Navigate To” window displays the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form at the top of the selections.

NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form

Updates can be made by data managers in eSIS on the Basic Student Demographics screen. Other changes on the Admission/Withdrawal History, Registration Maintenance, and UERS Student History screens will need to be made on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form by the LEA coordinator. The NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form is entirely updateable with the exception of the student’s demographic information listed at the top. The top portion of the screen contains the student’s admission, withdrawal, and registration information. Making changes to this information requires a subsequent change in the appropriate tab(s). For example, changing the Withdraw Date in the upper section would require the same change to be made to the corresponding Effective Date on the Admission Withdraw, Registrations, and Homeroom History tabs. The five tabs are used to add, change, or delete data in the following tables: Admission Withdraw, Registrations, Homeroom History, UERS Student History, and Cross Enrollment History. Any changes made on these sections also change the corresponding fields on the original eSIS screens.

Admission Withdraw tab

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

Historical admission and withdrawal changes need to be made on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form since the Admission/Withdrawal Maintenance screen is read-only. To make a change, the LEA coordinator clicks the field, enters the new information, and clicks the Save button. The LEA coordinator can also add and delete records on this screen by clicking the Add or Delete button. When Add is selected, a new line is inserted. A/W, Grade, and School fields are automatically populated but can be changed if needed. To delete a record, highlight the Effective Date line that should be deleted, and then click the Delete button. Click the Save button to finish the changes. Changes to the current admission information are made on the Basic Student Demographics screen by the school data manager. This triggers appropriate changes on other eSIS screens.

Registrations tab

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

Though registrations/reverse registrations should be completed through the normal process, students may be registered and reverse registered on this screen. Changes to registrations records can also be made by the LEA coordinator on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation as the Registration Maintenance screen is read-only. To register a student, add the correct registration date and click the Registered Indicator in the upper section. A record must also be added on the Registrations tab with all fields populated (except the Withdraw Code field). To reverse register a student, remove the registration date and deselect the Registered Indicator in the upper section. Delete the matching record on the Registrations tab. The LEA coordinator can also add and delete records as needed by clicking the Add or Delete button. When Add is selected, a new line is inserted. Enter the new information and save. To delete a record, highlight the record to be deleted, and then click the Delete button.

Homeroom History tab

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

Please note the school data manager can update the Homeroom History screen in eSIS. Changes should be made there when possible. (eSIS Main Start Screen> Change Student> Home Room History > Home Room History screen). The LEA coordinator can also add, delete, and change records on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form – Homeroom History tab. When Add is selected, a new line is inserted. Enter the new information and save. To delete a record, highlight the record to be deleted, click the Delete button, and save. To change a record, select the record to be modified, make the appropriate changes, and save the new information.

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UERS Student History tab

UERS Student History records are created when a student is registered for the first time in NC WISE or when a student’s Admission Status Code is changed. The UERS Student History record uses the effective date of the registration and the admission status at the time of the registration. The records exist in UERS, not eSIS, hence the data cannot be viewed anywhere except on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form. If the eSIS record and the UERS Student History record do not match, the PMR would pull the data from the UERS Student History record. The Effective Date of the student’s most recent UERS Student History record should always be on or before the most current Registration Date. If a student’s Admission Status Code is updated, a new record is created on the UERS Student History tab. Depending on the change (Member to Visitor, or vice versa) the student will be listed as an R1 (when moving to membership) or a W1 (when moving to visiting status) on the PMR based on the Effective Date of the change. Add and delete functionality do not exist on this tab. Additions are made by changing a student’s Admission Status Code. If a student’s Admission Status changes on the Basic Student Demographics screen, a new UERS Student History entry is added. If there are incorrect records present on this tab, select the Ignore Flag to disable the incorrect record.

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

Cross Enrollment History tab

Cross enrollment records are created by the data manager using the Cross Enrollment Student feature (eSIS Main Start screen > Main Menu > Cross Enrollment > Cross Enrollment Student). These records are displayed on this tab. The LEA coordinator can change cross enrollment records as needed on the NCWISE PMR Reconciliation Form by clicking the field to be changed and updating the information. Click the Save button to complete the updates and changes. The LEA coordinator can also add or delete records on this screen. When Add is clicked, a new line is inserted. Enter the new information and save. To delete a record, select the record to be deleted, and then click the Delete button. Click the Save button to save changes.

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PMR Reconciliation Guide

PMR EXCEPTION REPORTS The PMR Exception Reports are generated in conjunction with the PMR and indicate potential data errors. The first item to consider when verifying a PMR is a shaded number in the Total # column. This indicates a Fatal Error, meaning the PMR cannot be approved until the student data comprising that total is fixed. Each Exception Report is defined below. Please refer to the sample PMR report below.

Sample PMR

School and Date Information

PMR Data

Access to Grade, Race, and Sex Report

Exception Data

Exception Report 1 Student Withdrawals Appearing on the PMR that do not Exist in eSIS (not valid for track schools), Fatal Exception

Cause: Students in this report have missing withdrawal records or have multiple UERS Student History (Admission Status) records on the same day. 1) Students do not have withdrawal records on the Admission/Withdrawal History screen, but DO have withdrawal records on the Registration Maintenance screen. User Action: Use the PMR Reconciliation screen to verify dates on the Admission/Withdraw and Registrations tabs. Once the missing data element has been identified, contact the LEA Coordinator to make the necessary changes. 2) A student has records indicating multiple UERS Student History (Admission Status) changes on the same day. For example, Student went from Member Standard Program to Visitor Standard Program and back to Member Standard Program on the same day. The UERS Student History

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Date data is located on the PMR Reconciliation under a tab of the same name. Records are created on a student’s initial registration into NC WISE. The table tracks a student's Admission Status at the time of registration and changes to the Admission Status over time. User Action: Look at the student record on the UERS Student History tab of the PMR Reconciliation Form. Use the Ignore Flag check box for the invalid Admission Status code changes. The PMR will ignore any flagged records when calculating students for the report. Note: Due to how records from eSIS are used to create the PMR, this exception report will not report on students in Admin/Track schools.

Exception Report 2 NC WISE Admission Reasons & Withdrawals, Fatal Exception

Cause: The student has errors in his/her admission/withdrawal records that cause the PMR admissions minus the PMR withdrawals not to equal the total PMR membership. Reasons for the exception include invalid admission codes, multiple admissions with no corresponding withdrawal records, or a withdrawal record without an admission record. User Action: Looking at the exception report drill-down screen, consider one of the following: 1) If the student has a value of 1 in the NVIO column, the student has an issue with his/her admission reason or record. Check the admission reason on the Basic Demographic screen or on the top section of the PMR Reconciliation screen. After evaluating this information, corrections to admission information can be made at the school level to the Basic Demographics screen. If further action is required, contact the LEA Coordinator. 2) If student has a value of 0 in the NVIO column, the student has an issue with his/her withdrawal code or record. Check the Admission/Withdrawal and Registrations tab and the top section on the PMR Reconciliation screen. After evaluating this information, and locating the error, contact the LEA Coordinator to make the corrections.

Exception Report 3 PMR Daily Membership Attendance Validation, Fatal Exception

Cause: Students will appear on this report if, on the PMR, the sum of Non-violation Daily + Sum Violation Daily does not equal Sum Pupils Present Daily + (Sum non1H Pupils Absent Daily) + (Sum 1H Pupils Absent Daily). Reasons for the exception are due to Invalid Absences, usually resulting from converted data. User Action: Look at the Student Absences screen in eSIS, for the student, and compare the attendance with the information reported on the PMR. Make the necessary changes in eSIS to correct the student’s attendance records.

Exception Report 4 Students with Registrations that Predate Admissions, Fatal Exception

Cause: Students will appear on this report if their registration date at the school is earlier than their admission date. The most common cause for this error is a student that withdrew earlier in the school year and was readmitted under the wrong admission reason. User Action: Check the Admission/Withdrawal and Registrations tab and the top section on the PMR Reconciliation screen. Verify that previous W1s have been readmitted with an Admission Reason of R5 and W2s have an R6 reason. After evaluating this information, corrections to admission reason information can be made at the school level to the Basic Demographics screen. If further action is required, contact the LEA Coordinator.

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Exception Report 5 PMR R1 Entries Due to Grade Changes – Informational only, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: Students listed under this heading have a valid grade level change. Students with grade level changes will be included on the PMR as W1 for original grade level and R1 in the new grade level. User Action: Grade level changes can be verified on the Homeroom History screen in eSIS. No further action is required.

Exception Report 6 Students on the PMR, but not Current in eSIS, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: Students listed under this heading appear on the PMR, but are not currently reported on the eSIS Enrolled/Registered Report. The two possible reasons for the exceptions are listed below: 1) Student has been withdrawn from eSIS. If the information is correct, no further action is needed. User Action: No action is required. 2) Records on the eSIS Admission/Withdrawal History screen do not match those on the Registration Maintenance screen. Whereas withdrawal dates on the two screens should always be the same, this particular exception is a timing issue, and will only occur in certain instances when the dates don't match. User Action: Use the PMR Reconciliation screen to verify dates on the Admission/Withdraw and Registrations tabs. If the effective dates on transactions in these two screens do not match, the PMR may count the student where the eSIS report will not. NOTE: Registration dates must NOT precede admission dates for a student at the school. The withdrawal date for a student at the school on these two screens MUST match. Make the necessary changes based on the dates, or contact the LEA Coordinator to make these changes.

Exception Report 7 Candidate Double Registered Student Report, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: This report shows students who have registration records at multiple schools (not necessarily at the same time). User Action: The two possible reasons for the exception are listed below: 1) Check Admission/Withdrawal and Registrations tabs on the PMR Reconciliation screen. Verify that the withdrawal dates from the first school precedes the admission date to the second school. If the records are correct no further action is needed. 2) If the withdrawal from the first school is dated after the admission to the second school, contact the LEA Coordinator with the proper dates from both schools to update the records in error.

Exception Report 8 Candidate Double Cross Enrolled Student Report, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: Students will appear in this report if they have overlapping membership days in two different Track schools within the same Admin school. User Action: Refer to the Cross Enrollment History screen to verify and/or correct these dates.

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Exception Report 9 Students With Suspect Admission Status, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: Students appear on this report if they are a Visitor to the school, are missing an Admission Status Code, have an invalid UERS Student History date, or have an invalid Admission Code. Follow the steps below to verify student inclusion on the report. 1) Visiting Student- If a student is in Visiting status, they will not be counted on the PMR. User Action: If the Admission Status Code is valid, no further action is required. If the code needs to be changed, do so on the student’s Basic Demographic screen. 2) Student is missing Admission Status User Action: If the Admission Status Code is null on the Student Basic Demographic screen, fill in the appropriate status and date. Also verify the student’s UERS Student History tab on the PMR Reconciliation form. If updates are needed, contact the LEA Coordinator. 3) Invalid UERS Student History Date- The UERS Student History Date data is located on the PMR Reconciliation under a tab of the same name. Records are created on a student’s initial registration into NC WISE. The table tracks a student's Admission Status at the time of registration and changes to the Admission Status over time. Initial records must be dated on or prior to, the student’s first registration record for the current year. School and LEA changes are not tracked by this table. User Action: If a student's UERS Student History Date is after the PMR End Date, then the date must be changed. The date must be changed to reflect the first date of registration for the current year, or the first day of membership. 4) Student has an initial enrollment of an R5 or an R6 AND has a UERS Student History (Admission Status Code) date of prior to the first day of school in the current year. R5 and R6 Admission codes should only be used when a student is re-entering the school during the same school year. User Action: Change the student's Admission Code to a valid code on the Basic Demographic screen. Note: Due to how records from eSIS are used to create the PMR, this exception report will pull all students in Admin/Track schools, sometimes multiple times.

Exception Report 10 Students With Withdrawal Record Errors, Non Fatal Exception

Cause: Students in this report exist and have withdrawal records in eSIS, but are not counted on the PMR. Students in the exception report are missing records or have stray records on Admission/Withdraw Maintenance and/or Registrations. Two possibilities for the exception follow: 1) Missing Admission/Registration Record User Action: Verify on the Admission/Withdrawal and Registration Maintenance tabs on the PMR Reconciliation screen that for each withdrawal record, a prior admission/registration record exists. If changes need to be made, contact the LEA Coordinator. 2) Stray Withdrawal Record User Action: Look in the top section, the Admission/Withdraw, and the Registration Maintenance tabs on the PMR Reconciliation screen for a withdrawal record. If the withdrawal record exists, then determine how the record should appear (current or withdrawn), on all tabs, and contact the LEA Coordinator to correct.

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COMMON ERRORS RESULTING IN PMR DISCREPANCIES The most common user errors that result in PMR discrepancies are: • Students improperly withdrawn • Grade levels entered incorrectly • Incorrect manipulation of Admission/Withdrawal and Registration records • Incorrect Admission Status • Incorrect procedures used for attendance data entry for withdrawn students

eSIS FUNCTIONALITY IMPACTING THE PMR • Current Registration Record – The school data manager may update the current registration record

by reverse registering and re-registering students on the correct day. • Attendance – If the registration date is modified and absences occur prior to the new registration

date, absence and/or late records must be removed manually. Attendance records are not removed when a student is reverse registered.

• The school’s schedule must be set up correctly for the PMR to reflect correct date ranges for the

PMR month. Errors in the schedule will cause errors in the PMR attendance numbers and may cause errors in the numbers of enrollments, withdrawals, and membership days.

• Track schools will have PMRs for each track, in addition to a cumulative PMR for the Admin school.

Only the Admin-level PMR is evaluated and approved and then advanced to the central office and the DPI levels. Track-level PMRs are used at the school level to assist data managers in the reconciliation process.

• If records show properly in the application, but not on the PMR:

Verify the date and time the PMR ran. Changes after this time will not be reflected. Verify the student’s admission status on the Basic Student Demographics screen. Visiting

students will not appear on the PMR. School support staff – Verify the Effective Date on the UERS Student History tab on the NCWISE

PMR Reconciliation Form. If a change is needed, notify the LEA support staff. • Data managers should verify “membership” numbers (Enrollments, Withdrawals, and Membership

Days) before verifying attendance. Membership errors can contribute to errors in the attendance numbers; therefore, attendance should be verified last.

• The numbers for each admission code are cumulative. If a student has been enrolled or withdrawn

anytime within the beginning of the school year and the end of date range for the PMR month, that student will show up in the appropriate category(-ies).

• Do not start reconciliation of enrollment numbers by drilling down on the large E1 number.

Discrepancies in the E1 number are sometimes reflected in other enrollment codes which will be much smaller numbers thus making it easier to find students in error.

• If the enrollment number for one grade is higher than expected and lower than expected for an

adjacent grade, look for students who had a grade level change. The effective date for a grade change can be seen on the Home Room History screen. Data managers can modify the records on this screen.

• Track-level PMRs use enrollment and withdrawal records from the Cross-Enrollment History

screen. Cross enrollment withdrawals are created using the withdrawal button on the Cross- Enrollment History screen (for example, track changes). This date can be updated if necessary by

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the LEA support staff on the Cross-Enrollment History tab of the NC WISE PMR Reconciliation Form.

• Violation days (VIO) indicate the number of days within the PMR’s date range that were part of a

string of 10 or more consecutive unexcused absences. The string of days may overlap with the previous or the subsequent PMR month. If these numbers are incorrect, look at attendance records to verify the consecutive absences are coded as unexcused.

• A student’s membership days indicate the number of days the student was registered at the school

during the PMR’s date range. If the non-violation (NVIO) days are incorrect, the dates on the student’s records on the Registration Maintenance screen may also be incorrect.

• Absences are not counted on non-membership days. • Non-1H: Sum of absences during the PMR month with reason code other than 1H (the Student

Absences screen will display the absence history for a student during the current school year).



Users may wish to employ one of the following methods to verify enrollment totals for a school: • Current year enrollment by Admission Status Totals screen.

Admission Status Totals screen

A line appears for each Admission Status. If a line exists with a number other than 0 for Total Enrolled and Total Registered, but Admission Status or Funding Category is blank, then that number of students has blank admission status fields on the Basic Student Demographics screen. Use the Basic

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Student Demographics screen to query the student population and view the admission status student by student. NOTE: The numbers shown on this screen are a reflection of the day on which the screen is viewed. While this information can be helpful, remember it changes with each admission, registration, withdrawal, and cross enrollment. • An extract can be run under Reports to verify the grade level, admission type, and status of groups of

pupils. The Misc 2 tab on the Demographic Extract screen allows you to enter date ranges for admission date, registration date, and withdrawal date. Multiple criteria can be included. After you run the extract, you can view students matching the criteria by clicking the See Extract button. This list cannot be printed. For a printed list, a demographic report such as the Birthday List may be generated using this extract (eSIS Main Start screen > Reports button > Demographic Report Group > Birthday List).

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Introduction The purpose of the Grade/Race/Sex (GRS) Report is to provide information on ethnicity and gender distribution by grade. This report is generated with the PMR for each school month. Month one data is collected by the State with reports for months two through nine available for LEA/School use.

Required eSIS Data Entry All students who are in membership during the designated UERS month are included in the GRS Report. A student must be admitted, registered, and in attendance a minimum of one day to be considered “in membership.” Basic Student Demographics – Data fields complete and accurate The following basic student demographic information aligned to GRS Reporting includes: • Gender • Ethnicity/Race • Grade • Admission Information

o Reason o Date o Status

• Registration

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Report The information on the GRS Report includes: ethnicity by grade and sex, total male and female students by grade, and total students by grade. Access The Grade/Race/Sex Report is accessed at on the Search Reports sub-tab as one of the “Reports Waiting For Your Review/Approval” or as a link on the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR).

UERS / Search Reports Sample

PMR Sample

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Review and Approve Each value displayed in the Grade/Race/Sex Report has drill-down capability allowing the user to see which students are included in report totals. Any data entry or edits needed to ensure accuracy is completed in eSIS as part of a school’s standard student records maintenance routines. No further preparation is required to generate this report.

The GRS Report approval is completed automatically as a part the Principal’s Monthly Report (PMR) approval.

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