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The DNA containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms. DNA has two processes

•DNA replication is a biological process that occurs in all living organisms and copies their DNA.

•DNA repair refers to a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encode. its genome.

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Esophageal cancer is usually begins in the cells that line the inside of the esophagus. Esophageal cancer can occur anywhere along the esophagus, but it occurs most often in the lower portion of the esophagus. More men than women get esophageal cancer.

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Dysphagia and odynophagia are the most common symptoms of esophageal cancer. Dysphagia is the first symptom in most patients. Odynophagia may also be present. Fluids and soft foods are usually tolerated, while hard or bulky substances (such as bread or meat) cause much more difficulty.

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p73 is a protein related to the p53 tumor protein, it has been considered a tumor suppressor, also this gen It is involved in cell cycle regulation, and induction of apoptosis.

The p73 gene encodes a protein with a significant sequence homology and a functional similarity with the tumor suppressor p53. The over-expression of p73 in cultured cells promotes a growth arrest and/or apoptosis similarly to p53.

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I consider that the development of this techniques (use of the p73) are a good advance for the medicine and a new opportunity for cure the cancer, because this diseases it´s one of the conditions that every day kills millions of people across all the world so, try to improve the life of this persons it´s one of the most important achievements of our society and the reason by every day be better in all the things that we do, we said, we think. Taken from:

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• The menopause is formally medically defined as the time of the last menstrual period (or menstrual flow of any amount, however small).

• The transition from reproductive to non-reproductive is the result of a reduction in female hormonal production by the ovaries.

• The menopause transition, and postmenopause itself, is a natural life change, not a disease state or a disorder.

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The new loci contained candidate genes involved in DNA repair and immune function. Pathway analyses indicated that biological processes associated with these loci were exodeoxyribonuclease, NFκB signaling, and mitochondrial dysfunction.

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Menopause is based on the natural or surgical cessation of estradiol and progesterone production by the ovaries, which are a part of the body's endocrine system of hormone production, in this case the hormones which make reproduction possible and influence sexual behavior.

Common symptoms are: Hot Flashes

Night Sweats Irregular Periods

Loss of LibidoVaginal Dryness

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After reading this new, I recognize the importance of the menopause phenomenon like a biological change in the woman that can open the door to a body´s health decrease, accelerating the aging of the senses. In that way, a closer study of loci focused in age of menopause, will bring welfare for the woman all over the world, because this loci it´s related to multiple diseases that are very common and significant in the females population and their family.

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The study of DAN repair mechanisms is very promising to reduce the incidence of cancer and in the menopause process.

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The use of p73 protein regulates the expression of multiple DNA repair genes.

p73 may play a tumor suppressor role in the esophagus and could represent a target for therapies to combat esophageal cancer.Taken from:


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The loci with application in the menopause, contained candidate genes involved in DNA repair and immune function.

The repair search reduce the effects of menopause and the connections between this hormonal change and cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis

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L Stolk, J Perry, A Murra,J Murabito,J Visser ,K Lunetta. Thirteen New Loci Linked to Age of Menopause Onset. DOCTORSLOUNGE [INTERNET MAGAZINE] January 26, 2012 [ Consult date 01 February, 2012] Available on:

Marino M. Protein repairs esophageal DNA damage. Vanderbilt University Medical Center [INTERNET MAGAZINE] 25 Jan 2012 [Consult date 01 february, 2012]. Available on:

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