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RTE Home School Hub RTÉ 2: 11.00-12:00 Monday to Friday. Cúla 4 ar Scoil TG4: Starting April 20th 10.00-10.30 Monday to Friday (mainly catering for children attending Gaelscoileanna but may be worth having a look)

MONDAY 20th April 2020 GAEILGE

Éadaí: Ceacht 1

Briathar: (Verb) Ghleás (dressed) Learn to say: Ghléas mé (I dressed) Ghléas mé i mo éide scoile inniu. (I dressed in my school uniform today)

Foclóir: éide scoile, (school uniform) léine bhán, (white shirt) léine ghorm, (blue shirt), carbhat dearg, (red tie), geansaí dúghorm, (navy jumper), geansaí liath, (grey jumper), geansaí glas, (green jumper), bróga dubha, (black shoes), bríste dubh, (black trousers) sciorta bán, (white skirt), stocaí bána, (white socks), hata (hat), scairf (scarf), cóta (coat), gúna (dress)

Comhrá: Éadaí: Ceacht 1: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) An bhfuil _____ ort? Tá / Níl _____ orm. (Do you have a ___ on? I have a _____ on or I don’t have a ___ on.) e.g. An bhfuil éide scoile ort? Níl éide scoile orm. An bhfuil stocaí bána ort? Tá stocaí bána orm. (Practise orally using the foclóir above. Base your answers on what you are wearing )

Scríbhneoireacht: Write the answers to the following questions about what you are wearing into your Gaeilge Copy. (e.g. An bhfuil bríste ort? Tá bríste orm or Níl bríste orm.)

1. An bhfuil gúna ort? 2. An bhfuil bróga ort? 3. An bhfuil léine ort? 4. An bhfuil cóta ort? 5. An bhfuil stocaí ort? 6. An bhfuil geansaí ort? 7. An bhfuil carbhat ort? 8. An bhfuil scairf ort?

Léitheoireacht: Read the sentences you have written above.

Dán: Éadaí (Lines 1-4) Poem is attached at the end of these pages.

Litriúcháin: Fuaimeanna agus Focail 2 Aonad 28 p. 58 (mo bhó my cow), (mo bhád my boat) Question A & B p.58

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ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and spelling errors) (English Copy) i would like to travel to other countries i want to go to france spain germany and england have you evr been to any of those places

Vocabulary Words: deep, interested, unique, rank, reverse. Fill word, definition and sentence into Vocabulary Folder

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 14 p.56 (you’ll, they’d, they’re, Wales) Question 5 & 6 p.56

Guided Reading: Step 1: Log onto Step 2: Click Start reading button Step 3: Click search and type in the name of book I want you to read. (see below for the title of the book for your group) Step 4: Scroll down through the list of books to find your book Step 5: Click on book Step 6: Click the green “Read” button Step 7: Click the blue “Start the Book” button Before reading I want you to look at the cover, predict what you think the story is about and then write your prediction into your Guided Reading Copy (e.g. I think this book will be about ...., I think the main character will ....) Important: If there is a word you cannot read or you don’t know what it means click on the word and it will read or explain it for you. Our Reading Strategy this month is Determining Importance. That is asking ourselves what is the most important information in this phrase, sentence, paragraph, chapter or text. For example as we read we think:

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Groups: (If your child can’t remember their group colour email [email protected] and I will let you know) Blue Group: Superhero Harry “The Wild School Trip” p.7-19 (you need to scroll down a good bit to find it) Orange Group: “I Only Surf Online”p.4-17 Green Group: “Zeek Meeks vs the Horrifying TV Turn Off Week”p.7-39 Red Group: “Mountain Bike Hero” p.5-25

Oral Language Beginning with the letter A: What is it? Answer orally.

1. A round fruit with red, yellow or green skin and white flesh. 2. A large reptile that has a long body, thick skin and sharp teeth which is related to crocodiles. 3. A person who travels in a spacecraft into outer space. 4. A poisonous snake. 5. A vehicle used for taking sick people to the hospital especially in emergencies. 6. A device that makes a loud sound as a warning signal. 7. A kind of small insect. 8. A continent southeast of Asia. 9. A sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and causes damage. 10. A tool that has a heavy metal blade and a long handle and that is used for chopping wood.

Poem: Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard Lines 1-4 (Poem attached at the end of these pages. Doing 12 lines this week and will finish it next week.)


Definition far down from the top

Sentence I dug a deep hole at the beach.

Synonyms way down great depth huge

Antonyms Shallow



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Definition wanting to know about something

Sentence She is interested in learning about polar bears.

Synonyms curious excited

Antonyms uncaring uninterested

Definition not like anything else

Sentence Everyone loved the artist’s unique paintings.

Synonyms different rare

Antonyms common ordinary

Definition to give something an order

Sentence I will rank my favourite cars in 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.

Synonyms classify categorize

Antonyms disorder

Definition move backward

Sentence The truck will reverse out of the parking spot.

Synonyms back up

Antonyms move forward









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MATHS Tables: Skip count 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 Multiply x4 (0x4=0, 1x4=4, 2x4=8, 3x4=12)

Number of the day 39 (answer into Maths Copy)

1. Is it odd or even? 2. What is one number before it? 3. What is one number after it? 4. Jump back 10. 5. Jump forwards 10. 6. What is the value of the 3? 7. Jan had 95c. She bought sweets for 36c and an ice cream for 48c. What change did she get? 8. How many half apples in 4 whole apples? 9. How many faces has a cuboid? 10. Lauren has 74 sweets. She gave 39 of them to her friend Maria. Her sister then ate 6 of her sweets. How many sweets did she have left?

Action Maths: p.95 Counting Skip count in 10’s (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120) Question A: Draw a ring around each group of 10 flags. How many groups of 10 flags have you made? Question B: Draw a ring around each group of 10 cars. How many groups of 10 cars have you made? How many cars left over? Question C: Empty some counters onto the table. Estimate the number of counters. Count them by putting them into groups of 10. (If you don’t have counters use coins)

MUSIC Parents can now download Dabbledoomusic for free.

Go to

Enrol in Parents’ Subscription. Need name, email address and password.

To help you navigate the website and select age appropriate content they will send you suggested activities each week.

Suggested work this week is looking at Stevie Wonder. However, we have already studied him this year so I suggest that you look at the Beatles lesson instead.

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GEOGRAPHY The Water Cycle: Watch this clip explaining the water cycle: Draw this picture of the Water Cycle into your SESE copy and write the correct sentence for each part of the water cycle.

RELIGION Mass Responses: Use the word bank, to help you fill in the speech bubbles. Memorise these words. Write the words in the speech bubbles into your Religion Copy.


Amen, Son, name, Father

Practise Confession Prayers.(Confiteor, Prayer for Forgiveness and Bless me Father ---) Revise “The Lord, He is my Shepherd” Song (Lyrics attached at the end of these pages ) Song can be found on:

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TUESDAY 21st April 2020

GAEILGE Éadaí: Ceacht 2

Briathar: Ghleás (dressed) Learn to say Ghléas tú (You dressed) Ghléas tú mar foghlaí mara. (You dressed as a pirate.)

Foclóir: éide scoile, (school uniform) léine bhán, (white shirt) léine ghorm, (blue shirt), carbhat dearg, (red tie), geansaí dúghorm, (navy jumper), sciorta dúghorm, (navy skirt) bríste dúghorm, (navy trousers) stocaí bána,(white socks) bróga dubha (black shoes) t-léine (t shirt) foghlaí mara (pirate)

Comhrá: Éadaí Ceacht 2: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Conas atá tú gléasta? (How are you dressed?) Tá _____ orm. (cóta, hata, sciorta, bríste, carbhat, léine, bróga, stocaí, scairf) e.g. Conas atá tú gléasta? Tá bríste, geansaí, stocaí agus bróga dubha orm. (practise orally using the foclóir above)

Scríbhneoireacht: Write a sentence about what you are wearing into your Gaeilge Copy e.g. Tá ________, ___________, _______, ________ agus _____ orm.

Léitheoireacht: Read these sentences: Tá éide scoile orm. Tá léine orm. Tá carbhat orm. Tá geansaí orm. Tá sciorta orm. Tá bróga orm. Tá stocaí orm.

Dán: Éadaí (Lines 5-8)

Litriúcháin: Fuaimeanna agus Focail 2 Aonad 28 p. 58 (mo bhéal my mouth), (mo bholg my stomach) Question C & D p.58

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas and spelling errors) (English Copy) when we were at the Farm on Wednesday we saw many animls we saw cows pigs horses and chickens we got to help milk a cow

Vocabulary Words: deep, interested, unique, rank, reverse (fill synonyms and antonyms into Vocabulary Folder)

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 14 p.56 (Scotland, bang, along) Question 7 & 8 p.56

Reading: Guided Reading: Log onto (follow instructions from Monday) Strategy: Determining Importance: Blue Group: Superhero Harry “The Wild School Trip” p.20-30 Orange Group: “I Only Surf Online”p.18-30 Green Group: “Zeek Meeks vs the Horrifying TV Turn Off Week”p.40-73 Red Group: “Mountain Bike Hero” p.26-44

Handwriting: letter p (Handwriting Copy 1 page)

Grammar: Nouns (A noun is the name for a person, place, thing or animal)

Write the nouns in each sentence into your (English Copy) e.g. Pat put his scissors away in his desk. Pat, scissors, desk

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1. I brought my bag to school. 2. Dad carefully packed the car. 3. Paul gave the apple to his teacher. 4. She bought a new t-shirt at the shop. 5. Pam kicked the ball into the net. 6. He sat in his chair and read the newspaper. 7. The garden is full of colourful roses. 8. The children played in the pool.

Poem: Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard (lines 5-8)

MATHS Tables: Skip count 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 Multiply x4 (4x4=16, 5x4=20, 6x4=24)

Maths Challenge: Test 31 As you don’t have any more Maths Challenge Sheets write the answers into your Maths Copy Problem Solving Folder: Number 33

Action Maths: p.96 Counting Skip count in 10’s (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120) Q. A Draw a ring around 10 bags of sweets in each row. Write in number. See example below.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Joe Wicks Daily Work Out on YouTube

Or Active Homework ( Click on the link in the Active Homework file on the blog)

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SCIENCE Create your own water cycle: It is best to do this outside in a sunny space.


A large plastic or metal bowl

Cling film

A mug

String or rubber band



Place the mug in the bottom of the bowl.

Add water around the mug so that it comes up to 2/3rd of the mug.

Cover the bowl tightly in cling film and fasten in place with a rubber band or string.

Leave for a few hours. Watch what happens!


You should find that you can see condensation drops of water on the top of the cling film and that the water level has lowered proving that evaporation has taken place. The condensation droplets are the clouds. They will be dripping back into the bowl but you should find that some of the water is now in the cup (your mountains) demonstrating precipitation.

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WEDNESDAY 22nd April 2020

GAEILGE Éadaí: Ceacht 3

Briathar: Ghleás (dressed) Learn to say Ghléas sé (He dressed) Ghléas sé a dheartháir i gculaith spóirt (He dressed his brother in a tracksuit)

Foclóir: culaith spóirt, (tracksuit), bróga spóirt (runners), t-léine (t-shirt), bríste gearr (shorts), stocaí bána (white socks), bróga dubha (black shoes), léine bhán (white shirt), bríste dúghorm (navy pants), geansaí dúghorm (navy jumper)

Comhrá: Éadaí: Ceacht 3: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Conas atá sé gléasta? (How is he dressed?) Tá _____ air. (bríste, carbhat, léine, bróga, stocaí)

(How is each person in the picture dressed? Practise orally using the foclóir above)

Scríbhneoireacht: Write sentences about what Ruairí is wearing in your Gaeilge Copy Seo é _____. Tá _____ air. Tá _____ ___. Tá _____ ___. Tá _____ ___.

Léitheoireacht: Read these sentences: Seo é Oisín. Tá bríste air. Tá geansaí air. Tá léine air. Tá carbhat air. Tá bróga air. Tá stocaí air.

Dán: Éadaí (lines 9-10)

Litriúcháin: Fuaimeanna agus Focail 2 Aonad 28 p. 58 (mo bhróga my shoes), (mo bhríste my trousers) Question E & F p.59

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ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors and apostrophes) (English Copy) An apostrophe is used to replace a missing letter / letters or to show that a noun owns something. Example: I couldn’t (could not) find my pencil. Example: This is Sarah’s work. have you meet kens sister her nam is anna she is nine years old anna plays soccer tennis and basketball

Vocabulary Words: WOW Word : incomplete (Fill WOW Word into Vocabulary Folder)

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 14 p.56 (belong, thing, being) Question 9 Word Search p.57

Reading: Guided Reading: Log onto (follow instructions from Monday) Strategy: Determining Importance: Groups: Blue Group: Superhero Harry “The Wild School Trip” p.31-40 Orange Group: “I Only Surf Online”p.31-49 Green Group: “Zeek Meeks vs the Horrifying TV Turn Off Week”p.74-120 Red Group: “Mountain Bike Hero” p.45-62

Writing: Summarising the Main Events of your book into your Guided Reading Copy Name of Book: It took place in: The characters in the story were: This is what happened: beginning / middle / end (First ...., Then....., Next..., Finally....) I give this book ? marks out of 10

Poem: Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard (lines 9-10)

WOW WORD: incomplete

Prefix: In

Root: Complete

Suffix: -------------------------

Prefix Meaning: Not

Root Meaning: finish making or doing

Suffix Meaning: ------------------------

Other Words with this Prefix: incapable inappropriate insincere

Other Words with this Suffix: ---------------------------------

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MATHS Tables: Skip count 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 Multiply x4 (7x4=28, 8x4=32, 9x4=36)

Write the answers in your Maths Copy

Action Maths: Skip count in 10’s (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120) Action Maths: p.97 Counting Q. A Draw a ring around 10 bags of sweets in each row. Write in number. See example below.

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Thursday April 23rd 2020

GAEILGE Éadaí: Bua na Cainte: Ceacht 4

Briathar: Ghleás (dressed) Learn to say Ghléas sí ( She dressed) Ghléas sí a deirfiúr (She dressed her sister)

Foclóir: feirmeoir (farmer), caipín (cap), léine (shirt), bríste (trousers), crios (belt), bróga (shoes), buataisí (boots), ciarsúr (handkerchief), forc (fork),

Comhrá: Éadaí: Ceachy 4: ( Click on the link in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Conas atá sé gléasta? (How is he dressed?) Tá _____ air. (bríste, carbhat, léine, bróga, stocaí)

(How is each person in the picture dressed? Practise orally using the foclóir above)

Léitheoireacht: Read these sentences about the farmer. Is feirmeoir é. Tá caipín glas air. Tá léine dearg air. Tá crios donn air. Tá bríste gorm air. Tá bróga donna air. Tá forc ina láimh. Tá ciarsúr ina phóca.

Scríbhneoireacht: Read and follow the directions to draw a farmer Tarraing feirmeoir. Cuir caipín buí air.

Cuir léine ghorm air. Cuir crios glas air.

Cuir bríste liath air. Cuir bróga dubha air.

Tarraing ciarsúr ina phóca. Tarraing forc ina láimh.

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Dán: Éadaí (lines 11-12)

Litriúcháin: Fuaimeanna agus Focail 2 Aonad 28 p. 58 (bhris sí she broke), (bhuail sé he hit) Question G p.59

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors and apostrophes) (English Copy) i am taking care of toms dog tom is on holiday in france the dogs name is bingo i have to feed him walk him and giv him watr

Vocabulary Words: deep, interested, unique, rank, reverse (draw picture for words into Vocabulary Folder)

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 14 p.56 (hung, old, has) Question 10 & 11 p.57

Poem: Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard (lines 11-12)

Oral Language: Become aware of the text structure and language features of Giving Instructions / Procedures

Title, Aim / Goal, equipment / materials needed, procedure / steps to follow. (identify these orally in the reading below)

Reading: Read the procedural text “Marvellous milkshake” below. Procedures tell us how to do something.

Writing: Answer the questions on the sheet “Looking at procedure” into your English Copy (See below)

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MATHS Tables: Skip count 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 Multiply x4 (10x4=40, 11x4=44, 12x4=48)

Maths Challenge: Test 32 (Write answers into Maths Copy) Problem Solving Folder: Number 34

Action Maths: p.98 Place Value Skip count in 10’s (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120) Q. A How many units can be swapped for one hundred? Q. B Write the number shown by the Base Ten Blocks. See example below.

RELIGION Mass Responses: Use the word bank, to help you fill in the speech bubbles. Memorise these words. Write the words in the speech bubbles into your Religion Copy.


Spirit, with, Lord

Practise Confession Prayers.( Act of Sorrow, Prayer after Forgiveness and Our Father) Revise “The Lord, He is my Shepherd” Song (Lyrics attached at the end of these pages ) Song can be found on:

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HISTORY Read and answer questions below: Titanic

The Titanic was the largest ship of her time. It was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast in Northern Ireland for the White Star Line. It took three years to build. The Titanic was as long as three football pitches and as high as a building with 17 storeys. Titanic had 4 funnels. Only 3 of these funnels worked; the other was to make the ship look more powerful. Not all cabins on the Titanic were the same. People with lots of money travelled first class. This meant their rooms were very posh. Sometimes, meals in the first class restaurants had ten different parts! Second class passengers had a library and their own walking areas on the ship called promenades. The cabins were quite nice. People who travelled in third class usually didn’t have much money. The cabins were near the ship’s engines so could be noisy. There were only two baths between 700 people! Third class passengers weren’t allowed to go in the first or second class areas. People said the Titanic was so amazing it would never sink and was nicknamed “The Unsinkable Ship”. Captain Edward Smith was the ship’s captain. On April 10, 1912 Titanic set out from Southampton, England on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic Ocean to New York. She first of all went to Cherbourg, in France before travelling to Ireland to pick up passengers in Queenstown (Cobh). She had over 2,000 passengers and crew on board. At that time of the year icebergs were floating around the North Atlantic. There had been warnings about icebergs but the ship didn’t reduce its speed. Just before midnight on April 14th the lookout spotted an iceberg. Despite efforts to turn Titanic off course it collided with the iceberg. Distress calls were sent out. Unfortunately there were not enough lifeboats on board for all the passengers. Women and children were allowed on the lifeboats first. This is a tradition at sea. However, not all the lifeboats were full when launched. As Titanic sank she split in two. The nearby ship the Carpathia picked up the ship's distress call. By the time the Carpathia arrived, all that remained of the Titanic was a handful of lifeboats filled with shocked survivors. In the end only 705 people survived. 1,523 lives were lost. The wreck was discovered on September 1st 1985. Many trips have been made to the wreck and many artefacts have been found. A museum was opened in Belfast which is dedicated to the Titanic.

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Titanic Questions: 1. In what city was Titanic built? 2. Who owned Titanic? 3. What was Titanic’s nickname? 4. Where was the ship sailing from? 5. What was the ship sailing to? 6. How long ago did this disaster happen? 7. What was the captain’s name? 8. What did the ship hit? 9. What was the problem with the lifeboats? 10. What ship arrived to rescue people? Watch the following video:

MUSIC “The Water Cycle” Song: Lyrics attached at the end of these pages. Watch this clip:

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FRIDAY 24th April 2020

GAEILGE Éadaí: Revise Ceacht 3 and Ceacht 4

Briathar: Ghleás (dressed) Revise saying Ghléas mé (I dressed) Ghléas tú (You dressed) Ghléas sé (He dressed) Ghléas sí (she dressed)

Foclóir: dochtúir (doctor), cóta (coat), léine (shirt), bríste (trousers), bróga (shoes), leabhar (book), steiteascóp (stethoscope), pitseámaí (pyjamas)

Comhrá: Revise Éadaí Ceacht 3 and Ceacht 4 ( Click on the links in the Bua na Cainte file on the blog) Conas atá sé gléasta? (How is he dressed?) Tá _____ air. (bríste, carbhat, léine, bróga, stocaí)

(How is each person in the picture dressed? Practise orally using the foclóir above)

Léitheoireacht: Read these sentences about the doctor. Is dochtúir é. Tá cóta bán air. Tá léine ghorm air. Tá carbhat dearg air. Tá bríste dúghorm air. Tá bróga donna air. Tá leabhar ina láimh. Tá steiteascóp aige.

Scríbhneoireacht: Read and follow the directions to draw a doctor. Tarraing dochtúir. Cuir cóta bán air.

Cuir léine ghorm air. Cuir carbhat glas air. Cuir bríste liath air.

Cuir bróga dubha air. Tarraing leabhar ina láimh.

Tarraing steiteascóp timpeall a mhuinéal.

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Dán: Éadaí (Revise all the poem)

Litriúcháin: Fuaimeanna agus Focail 2 Aonad 28 lch. 58 Revise all spellings

ENGLISH Daily Edit: Rewrite the paragraph correctly (capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas, spelling errors and apostrophes) (English Copy) jennifers bedroom has yelow walls gray carpet and white curtains she has a bed a desk and a wardrobe in her room too

Vocabulary Words: Vocabulary Assessment (Assessment is attached at the end of these pages) Print and do on sheet or write answers into English

Spellings: My Spelling Workbook C Unit 14 p.56 Revise all words

Reading: Grumpy Teaspoon Unit 11 p.44-46 “How my Day Flies” (Interview with a pilot)

Writing: Grumpy Teaspoon p.47 Activity A Find the answers

Free Writing: Design and write an invitation to your friend inviting them to your birthday party. (Free writing copy)

Poem: Peanut Butter by Jaymie Gerard (Revise lines 1-12)

ART Draw and colour picture of the Titanic. Use markers, crayons or paint. Look at yesterdays picture from History for inspiration or follow the drawing on the following link:

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Tables: Skip count 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48 Revise all Multiply x4 tables

Write the answers in your Maths Copy

Action Maths: p.99 Place Value Skip count in 10’s (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120) Q. A Write the number shown by the Base Ten blocks. See example below.

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Friday Vocabulary Assessment:

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Peanut Butter By Jaymie Gerard Just the other morning, My mother asked me, “Dear,

What would you like to eat for lunch?” And I smiled ear to ear. For when she asks me what I want To eat, I always say The same delicious, nutty thing, The same delicious way – “Mother, I’d like peanut butter With a drop of jam. Or maybe on an apple, sliced, Or diced up with some ham. I’ll take it smeared on crackers Or mixed in with some cheese, Or baked warm in the oven Or frozen in the freeze’ On sandwiches, in root beer floats, On pizza! On the floor! Or smooshed between my fingers! Or painted on the door! Please, put some in the blender And make it smooth as silk.

I don’t care how you serve it, Mom – Just don’t forget the milk!”


Féach ar mo stocaí. Féach ar mo bhróga.

Féach ar mo hata. Agus féach ar mo chóta.

Ach cá bhfuil mo bhríste, Mo veist agus mo léine? Ní féidir liom dul ar scoil

Gan éadaí, gan éadaí.

Tá Mamaí crosta agus níl mise sásta. Tá mé ag dul ar scoil go gasta, go gasta.

Fuair mé mo bhríste, mo veist agus mo léine. Ach beidh mé saor arís Dé hAoine, Dé hAoine.

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Water Cycle Song

The water cycle Takes the water and moves it Up and down and all around the Earth The water cycle Takes the water and moves it Up and down and all around the Earth The water cycle Takes the water and moves it Up and down and all around the Earth The water cycle Takes the water and moves it Up and down and all around the Earth Evaporation comes When the heat from the Sun Warms up all the groundwater Then it turns to water vapor Condensation takes over It goes up to the clouds Water vapor cools down And it changes to a liquid, now Precipitation happens When the drops get big It falls like rain, snow, sleet, and hail upon my head I know it's the water cycle happening again Evaporation, condensation, precipitation The water cycle Takes the water and moves it Up and down…

The Lord, He is my Shepherd

The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need. The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need. The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need. He leads me to walk in green pastures. He restores, restores my soul. The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need. He keeps me on the right path True to his name. He walks with me When I’m in darkness And protects me from all harm. The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need. His goodness and his kindness Always follow me. And in my God’s house I will live For endless, endless days. The Lord, He is my Shepherd Nothing shall I need.