Download - Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


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    Platinum GazettePlatinum GazetteTel 0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements)Fax 0865549031/013-231 7147

    Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Jane Furse

    5 November 2010

    Burgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreShop whereSouth Africa shops! TTTTTel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3el: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3



    SUPERSPAR Burgersfort, Twin City Centre. Tel: (013) 231 7337.* E & OE * We reserve the right to limit quantities. No hawkers and traders.

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    T hi s g roup o f Gra d e R le a r ne r s from L a e r sk oo l Ohr i gs t a d g ra d ua t e d du r i n g t he s c hoo l s p r i z e g i v ing c e re m ony on

    We d n e s d a y ( a v e r y b i g d a y f o r t h e m ). Gr a d u a t i o n a n d p r i z e gi v in g c e r e m o n i e s li k e t h e s e a r e n o w t h e o r d e r o f t h e d a y ,

    s ig n a l li n g t h a t y e a r -e n d i s fa s t a p p r o a c h i n g a n d t h a t t h e t i m e f or i m p l e m e n t i n g t h i s y e a r s n e w y e a r r e s o lu t i o n s i s

    ru nn i ng ou t fa s t e r t ha n your e l e c t r i ci t y supp l y o r c e ll phone s i gna l . Re a d wh a t our r e a de r s t h i nk o f t h i s la t t e r m e nt i one d

    ha rd sh i p on pa ge s 10 a nd 11 ...

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    2 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    P l a t i n u m G a z e t t e c o n t a c t d e t a i l s :

    Editorial: William Zwart

    Tel: 083 271 9151

    E-mail: editorial@platinum

    Advertising:Bennla Celliers

    Tel: 083 543 1676

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

    Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150



    Print ed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City

    Deep Production Park, City Deep.

    Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or

    other material contained in th e Platinum Gazette are

    expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright

    Act (98 of 1978).


    Call THAPELO @074 382 0211 for a FREE


    If you need assistance in debtgarnishing you or you dont earn

    enough to pay your monthlyinstallment, please do not

    hesitate to call us for assistance.We will help you by putting youunder administration where you

    only pay one installment permonth and no more threats from

    creditors. All we need is your id,3 payslips and all debt


    Platinum GazetteAdvertising deadline:

    Tuesdays at 17:00MBBCh (WITS); Practice No: 0247308

    Diploma in Mental Health; Diploma in OccupationalHealth & Medicine; HIV Management; Independant

    examiner for RAF & Insurances (ABIME)

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    Limosa Limosa, Shop 9, Opposite Greater TubatseTraffic Department * Tel: 013 231 7307/8

    E-mail: [email protected]

    All medical aids, including Platinum Health are welcomed.

    Iterele Primary School in Praktiseer received the prize money cheque

    for their first prize achievement in this years Batswa Le Meetse

    competion. The school got the first prize in the Poetry Section. In

    the photograph learners, and teachers rejoice with officials of the

    department of Water Affairs. In the other photograph the extent of

    the prizes are axplained.

    Only two leftOnly two automa tic teller machines is leftin Steelpoort as as just after 20:00 on

    Wednesday, ATM bombers again poun ced

    on the town and blew up all the Standar d

    bank ATMs next to the P ost Office.

    According t o near by living res idents,

    they h eard t he explosion of the bombings in

    their houses and rushed outside, thinking

    that something went wrong at the nearby

    chrome smelter . It wa s st ill early, oneresident said we did not think it could be


    As far as Platinum Gazette could

    determ ine, shots were fired. According to

    Warra nt Officer Godffrey Mohale of the

    Police in Bu rgersfort, th e Police were

    quickly on th e scene after the bombing, but

    the th ieves got away. Nobody was injured.

    Iterele Primay School receivescompetition prize money

    The contractor constructing the road between Steelpoort and the R37 between

    Burgersfort and Mashishing (Lydenburg) is moving fast with the next section of the

    road after the first couple of kilometres were completed. Farmers in the area say the

    already completed section is full of defects (see letter on page 12).


    frequentNo significant rain fell in the

    area since the beginning of

    spring. Short, but violent

    storms are more the order of

    the day. This hailstorm was

    photographed about ten

    kilometres from Burgersfort

    towards Lydenburg last week.

    The photograph was e-mailed

    by a reader.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    3NUUS5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Burgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreBurgersfort, Morone CentreTTTTTel: (013) 231 8090 orel: (013) 231 8090 orel: (013) 231 8090 orel: (013) 231 8090 orel: (013) 231 8090 or

    087 808 4022/3087 808 4022/3087 808 4022/3087 808 4022/3087 808 4022/3

    Valid until 7 November 2010. Terms & Conditions apply. Excluding errors & omissions (EE&O).

    1299OK Mayonnaise750g

    599Sunshine D LiteMedium Fat

    Spread 500g Brick

    Ola Rich & Creamy IceCream Assorted 2Litre

    Ricoffy 250g

    Sprite, Fantaor Coka ColaAssorted 2Litre






    Nothing seems t o be going on at the

    Tswelopele Irrigation Scheme next t o the

    Steelpoort/Tubatse river at Praktiseer.

    The sheds on t he piece of land wh ere

    agricultural equipment usually stood, was

    empty on Wednesday with n obody in sight.

    Nearer to the river it seemed that t he

    sprinkler system installed for irrigation

    was damaged an d sprinkler pipes was

    hanging untidily from the overhead


    Ususally this time of the year, the site

    is a h ive of activity to get th e potato crop

    in the ground. Across the road, a number

    of cattle was grazing on the plants that

    just came u p randomly on the field. A

    quick visit to the Department of

    Agricultur es offices in P rakt iseer did not

    leave the reporter any wiser.

    The local office says it is not allowed

    to speak to the media and Polokwane

    should be conta cted. Which the

    newspaper tried its best to do with

    meagre communication mean s at its

    disposal (see the cellphone signal debacle

    elesewhere in this issu e).

    Before going to press facts were not

    yet available, apart form the fact that

    nothing is happening at this m odelproject with r umours doing the r ounds of

    terr ible infighting between


    Sylvania Resources has achieved record platinum-

    group metals (PGMs) production of 8 621 oz in

    the third quarter of the year.

    Production for the three months ended

    September 30, 2010, exceeded the 8 000 oz

    targeted by management and supports the groups

    aspirations to produce 40 000 oz/y of PGMs in the

    2011 calendar year.

    Sylvania holds a 74% interest in Sylvania

    Dump Operations, which treats chrome tailings to

    recover PGMs from Samancor Chromes mines on

    the eastern and western limbs of the Bushveld

    Igneous Complex.

    It commissioned the R97-million Doornbosch

    recovery plant, its fifth PGMs and chrome

    recovery plant, in July.

    Sylvania moves

    Photograph: Johnson Matthey

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    4 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Prysuitdeling by Laerskool Burgersfort

    Top: Success Mokgetloane was the Duxlearner at the school for 2010. Sheobtained an average of 81.5% with more

    than 80% average in all her subjects. Theschools principal, Mr Koert Erasmuspresented the trophy to her.

    Regs: Dr. James Lidderd het die Ware

    Burger trofee aan Ruan Ludickoorhandig. Die kriteria vir hierdie trofee isvriendelikheid, betroubaarheid,

    bereidwilligheid om te help, lojaliteitteenoor die skool en netheid. Die leerlingis n ambassadeur vir die skool.

    Success Mokgetloane alsoreceived prizes for the bestachievement in natural science,social science and EMS.

    Mr. Bob van Rhyn, ERM Leader at

    Modikwa Platinum Mine and his wifeAlta presented the farewell gifts tothe grade 7 learners. Modikwa wasone of the sponsors for the evening.

    Regs: Vernon Coetzer het die Quinton vanDyk Trofee van Dr James Lidderdontvang.

    Laersk ool Burgersfort h et die a fgelope

    week hul jaar likse prysuitdeling gehou. By

    die geleenth eid is die top aka demiese

    presteer ders vereer en die nu we hoofleiers

    is aangekondig.

    Spesiale trofees wat oorhandig is: Dux

    leerling vir beste akademiese prestasie in

    die skool. Die Ware Burger Trofee vir n

    kind wat n ware a mbassa deur vir die skoolis en die Quint on van Dyk Trofee. Di

    trofee word gegee aan iema nd wat

    gewoonlik nie op a kademiese of sportgebied

    uitblink nie, maar altyd behulpsaam was

    selfs wanneer hy nie by die aktiwiteite

    betrokke was nie.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    5NUUS5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Beste presteerders

    by Laerskool

    Burgersfort vereerLinks: Charlene vanHeerden, LelainePitzer en Jean-PierreMatthysen is diegraad 5 akademiesespan.

    Nadine Labuschagne wasdie beste akademiese

    presteerder van graad 4 tot6. Sy het n wisseltrofeeontvang.

    Khaya Mokoena receiveda gold certificate

    and one for the best progress and best

    achievement in grade 4E.

    Jean-Pierre Matthysen was die bestepresteerder in graad 5A.

    Die nuwe hoofleiers

    vir 2011 is: WilmarieSmith (Onder-hoofmeisie), JamesLidderd (Hoofseun),Nadine Labuscahgne(Hoofmeisie) en Erik

    Erasmus (Onder-


    Onder: Die ouleerlingraad hetgegroet en die nuwes

    se kerse aangesteek.

    Left: In grade 5 EKhalalelo Lesiamade the bestprogress,

    ItumelengThobakgalereceived a silvercertificate and

    Patience Kobo abronze.

    Khaya Mokoena, Rynhard Mostert, AJ Engelbrecht, ThatoThobakgale and Christiaan Roos are the academic team forgrade 4.

    Erik Erasmus en Nadine Labuschagne is dieakademiese span vir graad 6.

    P r y s e u i t g ed ee l,

    a f s k e id g en eem en

    n u w e l in g e v e r w e l k o m

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    6 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    (Reg No: NCRDC 487)



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    Laerskool Ohrigstad spog met uitblinkers

    Ronel Jacobs het n trofee, boekpryse engoue sertifikaat vir beste prestasie in

    graad 1 ontvang. Sy het ook n silwersertifikaat vir algemene netheid ontvang.

    Lily-Marie Naude het n sertifikaat, trofeeen boekprys ontvang vir beste prestasie

    in graad 5.

    Regs: Sim Jacquet het n prys ontvangas die leerling in graad ses met n 70%gemiddeld of meer.

    Jurie Adendorff is as die skool se Duxleerling aangewys. Hy kry n gouesertifikaat en wisseltrofee vir besteprestasie in NW, Afrikaans, Engels, EBW,Wiskunde, Sosiale Wetenskappe enTegnologie. As Dux leerling het hy ook ntrofee, sertifikaat en n kontantprysontvang. Sy gemiddeld was 84% vir diejaar.

    Lily-Marie Naude het n goue sertifikaat en n trofee ontvangvan Me. Christine Grove vir beste prestasie in SosialeWetenskappe.

    Japie Visser en Jaundre Jacquet het die prys gedeel vir besteprestasie in graad 2.

    Marisca Visser, Neo Ndlovu, en Zjazon Cloete met hul pryse.Hulle het die beste presteer in graad 3. Neo het uitgeblink inEngels en Zjazon in Wiskunde.

    Links: Jean-Marie Brand was die bestepresteerder in graad 4.

    Nthabeleng Marobane het n boekprys ontvang vir die leerder watdie beste presteer het wie se huistaal nie Afrikaans isnie.

    Woensdagaand was dit prysuitdeling aand op Ohrigstad. Hier is

    van die presteerders.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    7NUUS5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Read PlatinumGazette online!


    Or become an e-mail subscriber - it is free!

    Simply e-mail your subscription request to

    [email protected] and receive the

    electronic version of the newspaper in your inbox

    every week!














    Joshua Generationathletes do well

    Duncan va n der Walt (far left) was chosen for th e South African u /

    11 table tennis team.

    Nicole Wentworth (just left) and Gala letsan g Nokwane (middle)

    participated in t he Prisma Comms atheltics th at took place last

    week Saturday in Pr etoria.

    Nicole acieved a fifth position in the sh otput a nd Galalets ang a

    sixth in the 80m sprint and a ninth in t he 100m sprint.

    Clubs, schools an d individuals from all over South Africapart icipated in this a thletics meetin g. In Nicoles event, th e world

    champion took the first place.

    Pryse en

    prestasies op


    Links: Roelof Oelofse was die beste

    rugbyspeler. Hy is by n rugbykliniek uitmeer as n 1000 kinders gekies as diebeste speler. Die nuwe leiers is JC Beetge, Melissa Coetzee, Cornu Cross, Sime Jacquet, Austin

    Klackers, Amanda Mkhonto en Gerard Naude.

    Die nuwe medialeiers is Louis Adendorff, Lindiwe Mnisi, Lily-Marie Naude, Roelof

    Oelofse, Elisma Riekert en Nariske Scholtz.

    Harmony Masuku was die vriendeliksteleerling in die skool gedurende 2010. Sykry n goue sertifikaat, n boekprys en ntrofee.

    Links: Derek Reiners het die VasbytToekenning ontvang.

    Laerskool Ohrigstad het Woensdagaand

    hul prysuitdeling gehou. Die akademiese,sport en kultuurpr esteerders hier vereer.

    Die skool se nuwe leiers en media leiers is

    ook tydens die geleentheid aa ngekondig.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    8 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Loeloer aaiLoeloer aaiLoeloeraai sal deel wees van Platinum Gazette aan die beginvan die nuwe skoolkwartaal. Loeloeraai will form part ofPlatinum Gazette in the new school term.

    Steelpoort Akademie se skoolkoerantSteelpoort Academy school newspaper

    Deur nadvertensievirjoubesigheidofdiens

    teplaaskanjynie netjoubesigheid

    bevoordeel nie,maar ook dieskoolhelp.Hoe




    orserviceyouwill notonly giveyour business

    exposure,but alsoassisttheschool. The


    willbe availablefortheschool.






    Kenneth Mashabavisits Tubatse

    Seputla Sebogodi, the actor who plays the character ofKenneth Mashaba in the

    television soapie Generations visited Tubatse over the weekend. During his visit

    he also featured on Tubatse FMs programmes, talking to learners who are now

    writing their m atric exams. Sebogodi told them to work ha rd to succeed and wished

    them good luck for th e rest of their rema ining subjects to be written . He also took

    some time to pose with Tubat se FM personnel for a photograph or two. In the

    photograph on the left he is posing (in the middle with white shirt) with present ers

    and reporters of the radio station outside the broadcast building, while in the

    photograph below he is on air with hea dphones on. Sebogodi is also a successful

    gospel singer. Since his ear ly childhood developed a passion for mu sic. His pass ion

    for m usic developed ear ly as h e was involved in high s chool choir. Not only was he

    part of the choir, his leadership qualities helped him initiate music groups such

    as Atteridgeville Happy boys lead by non other than Oleseng Shuping He latertravelled and performed with a group used to be known as "Thetha". His debut

    album r eleased 2010 titled "Re Tshwarele Melato" is a gospel album ins pired by

    the Zion Christian Church hymns.

    Ph o t o g ra p h s o n t h i s

    page by Tsh epo

    Ma ro b a n e

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    9NUUS5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Boogskiet vir

    plaaslike skoleDie National Archery in Schools Program(NASP) het hierdie week by La erskool

    Burgersfort n opleidingsprogram


    NASP beywer hulle om internasionale

    teikensk ietstyl boogskiet in skole te vestig.

    Alle boogskietinstr ukt eurs m oet n str eng

    opleidingsessie voltooi wat verseker dat

    alle veiligheidsmaa trels na gekom word,

    die instrukteur die sna arboog ken en kan

    han teer en weet hoe om op n

    konstruktiewe manier deur positiewe

    taa lgebruik, kinders op te lei om die sport

    te beoefen.

    NASP is n inter nasionale organisa sie en

    word in 8 lande vert eenwoordig. Dit sluit46 state in Amerika in.

    Die program word gesien as die ideale

    manier om kinders akt ief te kry, kinders

    met m inder selfvertroue te help opbou en

    di met houdingsprobleme deur positiewe

    sportmanskap te bereik.

    Kinders en die instrukt eurs het n ie

    noodwendig vorige ervarin g in die s port

    nodig om daaraa n te kan deelneem nie.

    Die kursu s leer die individu alles van

    begin tot einde.

    Die program word deur die Departement

    van Onder wys onderskryf en geniet ook die

    steun van die Departement van Sport en

    Rekreas ie. Skole word a angemoedig om die

    geleentheid te gebru ik om boogskiet by

    hulle te implementeer. NASP verskaf

    gratis opleiding en ondersteuning aan die

    skole wat lid word. Hulle h elp ook sk ole omteen n billike ta rrief die nodige toerusting

    aan te koop.

    Lede van die plaaslike Ja gtervereniging

    het h ierdie week opleiding ontvang om

    persone in skole te kan oplei as

    instrukteurs. Hulle het n omvattende

    praktiese en teoretiese sessie ondergaan

    en sal plaaslik beskikbaar wees om skole

    te ondersteun.

    Woensdag is onderwysers van

    verskillende sk ole in die omgewing opgelei

    oor hoe hu lle die program in hul sk ole kan

    vestig en laat groei.

    Mnr. Wilhelm Greeff, president van NASP

    in Suid Afrika wa s deel van die span wa t

    opleiding gegee het .

    Hy vertel da t boogskiet reeds eeue n sport

    is. Wanneer seuns en dogters eers die

    sukses van boogskiet ervaar het, kom baieagter dat h ulle veel meer kan vermag deur

    goeie opleiding, oefening en n positiewe


    Boogskiet se veiligheidsrekord is

    uitmuntend. Dit is amper ongehoord dat

    iemand hulself beseer of iemand anders

    beseer ter wyl hulle die sport beoefen, s

    hy. Stren g veiligheidsbeheer word

    toegepas deur n pa ar een voudige rels en

    die gebruik van n fluitjie as teken van

    gevaar of veiligheid.

    Ons wil gra ag soveel as moontlik skole

    betrek. Skole wat lid word van NASP se

    kinders kan deelneem aan die NASP

    nasionale kompetisies. Deur NASP se

    affiliasie met Boogskiet SA word deure vir

    uitblinkers oopgemaak om ook

    internasionaal te gaan deelneem.

    Navra e : Wi lhe lm Gr eef f

    Mob ile: 082 607 0202

    Fa x: 086 607 0202

    Hom e: 012 653 2066

    wilh elm@zingela ni . co .za

    Streng veiligheid is n nommer een prioriteit. Praktiese en

    teoretiese opleiding is met skole-instrukteurs gedoen.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    10 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Frustrations and suggestionsThe first week of November became a week full

    of frustrations for many residents of the area.

    In Burgersfort the electricity was on and off. In

    some areas such as Motaganeng and Mooikloof

    residents went without power for days.

    The cell phone signal for all networks was alsointermittent with no signal for most of Monday

    and Wednesday.

    The combination of no cell phone network

    coverage and electricity interruptions led to

    various other problems in turn.

    Bank machines in shops and express ATM

    machines could not link to the banks and no card

    transactions could be done on those machines.

    The traffic lights did not work and this caused

    heavy traffic congestion through Burgersfort.

    We asked readers what they found the most

    frustrating this week and what they suggest can

    be done in future to help ease such frustrations.

    Mr Albert Semenya said: It is a problemwith no cell phones and no power. Crimebecomes a problem then. Ive heard thatpeople dressed as the police has now forthe third time in Burgersfort robbed people.They say the man they stop is drunk butinstead of taking him to the station theytake his money and cell phone.

    Mr Nico Thantsha said: The electricity.When there is no electricity the traffic isterrible. Especially from Shoprite toToyota. The traffic cops must help. Atwork we cannot assist when there is nopower.

    Ms Gloria Mashego said: This week feltbad. With no electricity I could not cook. Iam a mother and weve been eating breadall week as I cannot cook porridge. I amalso studying and my exams are near. Iam struggling with the candles. With nocell phone signal I felt cut off and couldnot communicate.

    Me. Charmaine Maree s: Nee, hier wordnie genoeg vir klintediens gedoen nie.Die elektrisiteit is die grootste probleem.As die krag af is kan jy nie met nbankkaart by winkels betaal nie en jy kanook nie kontant trek nie. Eskom moet hulbeloftes beter nakom.

    Mr Jeffrey Mohubedu said: The cellphones was the worst. There was nocommunication with the family. Therobots that are not working is anotherproblem. The traffic controllers must bethere to help, but there was nobody. Theymust do something.

    Mr Zafar Cheema and Mr Yassir Cheema are from Pakistan. Their biggest frustrationwas the lack of cell phone network coverage. The cell phones was a big problem. Allthe networks, MTN, Vodacom and Cell C. We call to Pakistan every Saturday from aCell C phone to the Hello Goodbye Network. This last Saturday we could not phonebecause there was no cell phone signal. This Saturday there was too much problems.

    Mr Frank Nkoana said: Communicationis key. If you cannot communicate you

    are taken out of this world, so the cellphones was a big frustration this week.The power is also important. Businessesdid not do well because of theseproblems. There must be forums wherelocal government and the communitycomes together and talk to ensure thatthis does not happen again. All thestakeholders must communicate.

    Ms Dina Thobakgale said: It was bad.When you get at Shoprite and you cantbuy with a card. They must put a sign upsaying it does not work. We stood therefor two hours with a trolley full of fruitsand things and then you cant buy with acard. They must inform people.

    Mnr Whity Ludick s: Dieverkeersdepartement moet op die regtetye op die regte plekke wees. Hulle kanmeer by die robot na Ohrigstad help metverkeer en minder by die brug lisensieskyk. Hulle staan net en eet en kyklisensies.

    Mnr Ronnie Walster s: Die polisie. Onshet Saterdag toe die krag af was diepolisie twee keer gebel omdat iemand bydie garagesin ons area in Elephants Hillprobeer inbreek het. Die polisie het nounog nie opgedaag nie.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    11NUUS5 NOVEMBER 2010

    for better service in Bfort

    Mr Christo Steenkamp s: Die trafficwasdie ergste. Dis sal werk as die traffic copsminder sit en slaap onder die bome. Byhom is JP Nortj.

    Mr Daniel and Mr Tshepiso Nimro said: Taking a bath with coldwater was the worst of the week without power. There must be aback-up plan with the municipality to implement when there isno electricity for so long.

    Mnr. Bennie Wheeler s: Dis n frustrasieom met n trollie vol goed voor in nwinkel te kom en dan te hoor jy kan niemet jou kaart betaal nie. Hulle moet by dieingang al s jammer kaartmasjiene werknie. Dan weet jy om kontant te kry.

    Mnr. David Basjan en Mnr. Boetie Mosoma s: Dieverkeersbeamptes. Hulle wil die kaartjies betaal h maar hullewil nie werk by die robotte as die krag af is nie. Hulle moet bietjieernstig raak. Daar by Motaganeng waar ek (David) bly gaan diekrag sommer af as die wind waai. As die ren kom, dan loop diekrag weg. As dit af is werk hulle ook nie by die kliniek nie. Onshet Boetie se broer daarheen geneem want hy het in die rengegly en ek het hom toe met die bakkie getrap. Hulle kon ons niehelp nie want hulle het nie krag nie en ook nie n generator nie.Die lugtyd was n ander probleem. Alles was baie sleg hierdieweek. Eintlik wil ons net hierdie dorpie ontwikkel envooruitgang h in di mooi plek.

    Left below: Mr ACNuvunga said: Therobots. There is alot of accidentswhen they dontwork. People donteven use it as a 4-way stop. Theremust be better carefrom themunicipalityregardingelectricity.Mooikloof has beenwithout electricityfrom Sunday untilnow, Wednesday.

    That is why I amnow buying food.When there is noelectricity theshops also getrobbed.

    Left: Mr Hendrik Nkosisaid: The electricitywas a problem. I am asupervisor and we aregoing back and forth toswitch the generator onand off. They did notinform us. They mustlet us know in timewhen there will be noelectricity. The cellphones was off. I amVodacom. It wasterrible.

    Me LeonieWinterbach s: Ekkom nie baie aandaardie kant vandie dorp nie, maarkan dink wat nfrustrasie dit is bydie robotte as diekrag af is. Diegrootste probleemis by die winkels.Jy het alles, maardan kan jy niebetaal nie omdatdie selfoonsein

    maak dat diebankmasjiene niewerk nie. Jy iseintlik half in nverleentheid. Hullemoet n mens inkennis stel dat diemasjiene nie werknie.

    Mnr. Roelf Burger s: Ons in Mooikloofhet al van Sondagaand af nie krag nie.Dis nou Woensdagaand. Dit was warm endie mense se vleis en goed het vrotgeword. Mense het kos weggegee. Daarword nie genoeg gedoen om dit reg temaak nie. Hulle moet kennisgewings

    opsit by plekke soos die OK as hullebankmasjiene nie werk nie. Ek betaalaltyd met n kaart.

    Regs: Mnr. Riaan Vorster en me. AlidaVorster s: Die verkeer was die ergste.Die speed cops moet meer in dorp weesas buite. By hulle is Brandon.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    12 NEWS 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may

    be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.

    Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum

    Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se


    Letters / Briewe

    Thought for the week

    Kitsgids na jou SAPD/

    Important numbers:Burgersfort (013) 231 7231

    Ohrigstad (013) 238 0128

    Roossenekal (013) 273 0075

    Mecklenburg (015) 615 0204

    Eerstegeluk (013) 237 0011

    Tubatse (013) 216 8500

    Sekhukhune (013) 260 1007

    Leboeng (013) 769 9099

    Maartinshoop (013) 235 4041

    Ander nood/Other emergencies:Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265

    Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204

    Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843

    Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449

    Disaster Management -

    (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022

    Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566

    Dagboek / DiaryChrome Golf Club Wednesday Competitions

    Time: 15:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833.

    Chrome Golf Club Friday Sundowner Competitions (twice a month)

    Time: 13:00. Nine holes. Entry fee R60. Enquiries: Martin van Rooyen, 082 816 4833.

    Burgersfort United Soccer

    Burgersfort United Football Club plays soccer every Wednesday and Friday evening. They invite

    all social players of all ages to come and join them at the Laerskool Burgersfort sportsgrounds.

    Enquiries: Faizal, 082 922 3909 or Riaz, 072 471 7545.

    Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes

    Op Ohrigstad verkoop die Op-en-Wakker Groep vir bejaardes hou elke laaste Vrydag van die

    maand pannekoek- en vetkoekverkope by die Pure Plaas stalletjie. Al die geld wat hulle in die

    eerste deel van die jaar ingesamel het, het gegaan vir liefdadigheid. Nou werk die bejaardes

    om geld in te samel vir hul toer na die Kaap.

    Letabo Perr Training Show

    Letabo Perr is hosting a Training sho on 6 November 2010. Bring your chairs and umbrellas

    and watch the kids show you their skill in show jumping. Refreshments will be on sale and

    stalls to browse and buy goodies from will be on the premises. No cooler boxes please. For

    further information contact June 078 600 7802. The show takes place at Letabo Perr on the

    Steelpoort/Lydenburg road outside Burgersfort.

    Laerskool Burgersfort Kerssangdiens

    Laerskool Burgersfort bied op 11 November 2010 hul jaarlikse kerssangdiens aan. Almal

    word genooi om die liedere en tablos saam te kom geniet. Die aand begin om 18:30 en daarsal vooraf n snoepie beskikbaar wees.

    To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail)

    [email protected]. This is a free service.

    When you were born, you cried and the

    world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you

    die, the world cries and you rejoice.

    - American Indian proverb (Cherokee)

    Pad tussen R37 (Lydenburg-Burgersfort)

    en R555 (Steelpoort) is van toepassing.

    Beter bekend as die gatpad, waarmee

    herstelwerk tan s besig is. Is ons as

    belastingbetalers al so gekondisioneer dat

    ons tog te dankbaar is dat daa r darem van

    ons geldjies konstruktief gespandeer word

    dat ons sekere beginsels miskyk? Is ons

    dalk bang hulle onttrek die effe poging, uit

    die oog dat n h alwe eier is beter as n le

    dop, dat ons verby die duidelike

    gebrekkige vakmanska p sal kyk?

    Die van jul wat onlangs die amper 4km

    wat herst el is al gebruik het, moet met my

    saamst em, dit is nie op standa ard herst el


    Wat my meer bekommer as die swak

    vakmansk ap wat getoon word deur die

    ongelyke oppervlak en strepe wat lyk of

    dit deur ons skool se grondslagfase

    kinders gedoen is, is die duidelike gebrek

    aan die opvolgwerk van die inspekt eurs.

    Die mense wat die kontrak t oegestaan

    het, is mos veronderstel om op te volg

    alvorens volle prestasie geskied. En moet

    my nie vertel die waarde van die kontrak

    is teen ha lfprys toegestaan n ie. Nou

    hoekom moet ons t evrede wees om n

    halfprys poging te aanvaa r?

    Waar l die fout? By die insta nsie wat

    swak werk lewer of by die instansie wat

    dit toelaat dat swak werk gedoen word?

    Ek lees in 28 Oktober se P anorama oor die

    AA se reaksie teenoor die minister van

    Vervoer. Alvorens die regering begin paaie

    oudit moet hulle dalk eers die interne

    stelsels oudit.

    L o d ew y k d e J a g e r

    Agr i Wate r va l s r i v i e r

    Bennla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum

    Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and

    reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising

    space today.

    Nuwe pad laat

    veel te wense oor

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    Klein Advertensies SmallsPlaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone

    Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre

    or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676

    or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 086 554 9031

    5 NOVEMBER 2010 13

    1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs



    4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight


    5. Troeteldiere/Pets

    6. Persoonlik/Personal

    7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous

    8. Gesoek/Wanted

    9. Te Huur/To Let

    10. Te Koop/For sale

    Elshamah MotorsYour Mechanic on

    Duty. We specializein all minor and majorrepairs and services

    on ALL types ofvehicles. Engine,gearboxes and


    We specialize inMahindra vehicles.Lebowa BusinessPark, Burgersfort.

    Contact:Willie, 076 158 9192.

    1. Sport Klubs/

    Sport Clubs

    GSKA KarateDinsdae & Donderdaevan 17h30 19h00 by

    Calvin Collage. Almalwelkom van 6 jaar enouer.

    Skakel JolandaHietbrink by

    082 859 9681.

    Vision Meat SlaghuisVir al jou vleis enbiltong behoeftes.

    Ure: Ma. - Vr: 08:00 -17:30. Sa: 08:00 -


    Tel: 013 231 7094

    Fax: 086 623 7124Leand: 083 637

    8749. E-mail:[email protected]


    Accommodation inBurgersfort. R380 per

    person per day.Includes Bed &

    Breakfasts, Lunch/Supper & Laundry

    service.Contact: Judy, 082

    308 9221/7

    7. Allerlei/


    9. Te Huur/

    To Let

    3. Dienste/



    BURGERSFORT2x 1 Bedroom flats.

    Available immediately.Contact:

    076 666 11004. Oornag




    The following opportunity has become available atNBC. We looking for a dynamic

    person to manage the tyres of our fleet which consist of 223 extra

    heavy vehicle combinations.

    The candidate must have Grade 12 or N3 qualification with advancedcomputer literacy, be bilingual and must have at least 5 yearsexperience as a tyre department supervisor or in the truck tyre industry.

    The successful candidate must have training and experience to be fullyconversant with all expects of tyre management.

    Salary shall be structure according to qualifications and experience.

    Candidates who wish to apply must submit a comprehensive CV withID, drivers license stating their relevant experience and educationalqualifications to Ngululu Bulk Carrierse-mail:[email protected]: 086 271 5254

    Applications received without having met this requirement will not beconsidered.

    Closing date: 15 November 2010

    If you have not received a response within 15 days of the closing date, please assumeyour application was not successful.

    Ngululu Bulk CarriersSteelpoort

    BOOKKEEPERAll accounting duties up until TB

    Pastel AccountingVIP Payroll

    MS OfficeFully Computer Literate

    Good Communication SkillsDrivers License

    Fax CV(s) to 086-550 0819

    Email address:[email protected]

    Application closes 19 November 2010


    An English Medium IndependentSchool requires the service of

    Teachers with the followingqualifications:

    Qualified Foundation PhaseQualified Intermediate PhaseQualified FET PhaseRegistration at the SACE is a


    Fax concise CV to 086 508 0530Closing date: 22 November 2010

    If you are not notified within 21 days,please accept that your application

    was unsuccessful.


    Betrekkings/VacanciesDoing business

    without advertising is

    like winking at a girl in

    the dark. You know

    what you are doing, but

    nobody else does-

    Stuart Henderson


    Bachelor flat in securecomplex. R2750 permonth, water andlights included.

    Contact:082 922 3909


    Electrical, Auto

    Electrical & Mechanical

    Repairs, Material &

    Technical services


    Contact: Herman

    0792405442 or Corrie

    0848189245If you can dream it we

    can DO IT!

    9. Te Huur/

    To Let To advertise contact Bennla Celliers on083 543 1676.

    Advertising deadline:

    Tuesdays 17:00

    To let us

    know about

    your news

    and events


    083 2719151.The editorial

    deadline is on


    at 17:00.



    A flat rate of R40 per classified consisting of up to 20

    words is charged. Should the advertisement have

    more words, an additional R1-00 per word is charged.

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    legible as the newspaper will not accept any

    responsibility for mistakes due to illegible handwrit-

    ing. Please keep your receipt or deposit slip as proof

    of payment and placement of the advertisement.

    Platinum Gazette reserves the right to judge

    whether to publish an advertisement or not.

    Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151.

    Klein Advertensies SmallsOm n klein advertensie te plaas kan u die

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    Navrae: 083 543 1676 of 083 271 9151.

    Swimming poolsNew swimming pools,pool maintenance andpaving professionally

    done.Contact: Johannes,

    072 266 1686

    Should you use this form or e-mail us, please confirm whether weve received your advert by

    calling 083 543 1676.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    14 SPORT 5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Tall, taller, tallest

    Letabo Perr

    riders ready

    to entertain

    Maatlopo United FC

    at provincial


    Tubatse F M recently touched th e topic

    of tall people in th e Sekhukhun e area.

    Listeners phoned

    in and voted that

    they think the

    tallest ma n

    around is


    District Executive

    Mayor, Cllr.

    Mogobo David

    Magabe (right).

    The stat ion

    however found

    tha t Mr. Willem

    Montgomery (left)

    of Modikwa

    Platinum Mine

    towers over t he

    already tall

    Mayor. The

    stat ion t old Plat inum Gazette, our

    listen ers n eed to see it to believe it.

    Photographed at the Mayors Marathon: Mr Montgomery and Cllr.Magabe. (Photograph: Tshepo Marobane.)

    Riders from Leta bo Perr Riding School

    will be hosting a tra ining show on

    Saturday, 6 November 2010.

    The riders are tra ining to do show

    jumping in various degr ee of difficulty.

    The pr evious locally held show was a

    huge su ccess an d this one promises to be

    just a s enterta ining.

    There will be food and var ious stalls to

    keep everyone busy.

    The school invites everyone to join them

    for th e day.

    The event will take place at Letabo Perr

    on the R555 between the Lydenburg and

    Steelpoort r oad. Visitors a re welcome t o

    bring their chairs and umbrellas and

    came watch the children perform. No

    cooler boxes will be a llowed.

    For further informat ion contact Ju ne

    078 600 7802.

    Riding and jumping for fun

    Jessemay Moore in practice. (Photograph: Letabo Perr)

    Maatlopo United FC played in the

    provincial SAFA SAB Nedbank Cu p

    play-offs on Sat urda y last week. The

    games t ook place in Polokwane. They

    represented the Sekhukh une region.

    Maatlopo United beat Mopani district in

    their first gam e. The score was 4-3.

    This took them to the final. They faced

    Capricorn district who capitalised on the

    Maatlopo errors.

    Maat lopo failed to narrow score gap by

    missing a penalty in the 62th minute.

    The score then st ood at 3-1.

    Capricorn scored again, but Maat lopo did

    not take the beating lying down. They

    fought back with t wo quick goals. The

    final score was 4-3.

    We wish Ca pricorn good luck a gainst

    Baroka F C on 14 November, said Mr

    Jimmy Makola, th e team s spokesman.

    The winners of the game between

    Baroka FC and Capricorn will advance

    to represent the province in the last 32

    teams of the Nedbank Cup.

    Billy Mpakesane and Thapelo Moropane

    was the two goal scorers in the team last


    Thanks to all our supporters, the

    municipality, and the district of

    Sekhukhunefor their loyal support.

    This week Maa tlopo United will not be


    Enqu iries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226

    or Sydney Makoka , 072 869 4418.

  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    15SPORT5 NOVEMBER 2010

    Duncia gholfdagDie Duncia Safe Haven gholfdag het verlede week

    Sater dag plaas gevind. Lees meer op bl. 16.

    Sommige spanne hetgewen en sommige

    verloor. Rugbywedywering was netso ernstig as die


  • 8/8/2019 Platinum Gazette 05 November 2010


    16 5 NOVEMBER 2010


    Platinum Gazette

    n Kaphou vir liefdadigheidVerlede week Sater dag is n gholfdag ten

    bate van Dun cia Safe Haven by Tubatse

    Chroom Klub gehou.

    n Totaa l van 72 spelers h et die dag die

    baan aangedurf. Daar is 18 putjies gespeel

    en die spanne het in vierbalpare


    Die organ iseerders van d ie dag het al die

    deelnemers, borge en spesiaa l vir Power

    Force (hoofborg) bedank.

    Al die fondse wat met die da g ingesamel is

    gaan aa n die Duncia Safe Havendeurgangshuis op Lydenburg. Daar word

    kinders versorg tot n h ulle in pleegsorg of

    by hul familie geplaas ka n word.