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Plate Tectonics Map Project

Create a fictional world complete with continents, oceans, tectonic plates, mountains, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other evidence of a dynamic earth.

Your world will have its own fictional history that explains the locations of these detailed features. You will create a Map that illustrates all of the features of your world. You will be graded highly on creativity and effort.

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Day One – 2 CheckpointsCheckpoint:_____ 10 tectonic plates_____ Convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries are present_____ Arrows to show movement_____ Movement is logical_________________________Teacher Signature


_____ Pangaea has been created and cut into 7 continents

_____ Continents named

_____ Oceans named

_____ Plates named

_________________________Teacher Signature

So how to start??

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Start with a piece of copy paper and pencil (MUST BE A PENCIL!!)

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Draw the shape of your supercontinent

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Begin adding shapes of continents

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Must have at least 7 continents

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Begin adding arrows showing the motion of each continent

Remember you must create all three types of boundaries and the crustal features they create.

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Finish showing the motion of each continent with arrows on each

Movement must make sense. Must create; faults, rift valleys, volcanic mountains, island arcs, mid-ocean ridges, trenches, & folded mountains.

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Take a moment to make a quick copy of your supercontinent as you will need to turn in a sketch

of it.

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Now you are ready to cut out your continents (keep track of them!)

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Re-assemble your continents – then begin to push your continents in the

direction of your arrows.

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As you move your continents, make sure you are creating all three plate


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Glue continents down, make sure you will have at least four oceans.

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Adding names of continents and oceans of my world – PIXAR.

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Now add plate boundaries (some should be on land and others under the ocean

(must have 10 plate boundaries)

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Don’t forget to fill our your worksheets as you are creating your world.

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By end of Day 2 you should have your rough draft map and worksheets


Remember: you will turn in your rough draft map, worksheeets, and project packet along with you final map.

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Due on Friday (2/21)• Rough draft map• Sketch of your supercontinent• 2 project worksheets• Project packet• Final map of your world (poster size)