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Page 1: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

Plastid gene expression during chloroplast differentiationand dedifferentiation into non-photosynthetic plastids duringseed formation

Guillaume Allorent • Florence Courtois •

Fabien Chevalier • Silva Lerbs-Mache

Received: 22 January 2013 / Accepted: 28 February 2013 / Published online: 15 March 2013

� Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Arabidopsis seed formation is coupled with two

plastid differentiation processes. Chloroplast formation

starts during embryogenesis and ends with the maturation

phase. It is followed by chloroplast dedifferentiation/

degeneration that starts at the end of the maturation phase

and leads to the presence of small non-photosynthetic

plastids in dry seeds. We have analysed mRNA and protein

levels of nucleus- and plastid-encoded (NEP and PEP)

components of the plastid transcriptional machinery,

mRNA and protein levels of some plastid RNA polymerase

target genes, changes in plastid transcriptome profiles and

mRNA and protein levels of some selected nucleus-enco-

ded plastid-related genes in developing seeds during

embryogenesis, maturation and desiccation. As expected,

most of the mRNAs and proteins increase in abundance

during maturation and decrease during desiccation, when

plastids dedifferentiate/degenerate. In contrast, mRNAs

and proteins of components of the plastid transcriptional

apparatus do not decrease or even still increase during the

period of plastid dedifferentiation. Results suggest that

proteins of the plastid transcriptional machinery are spe-

cifically protected from degradation during the desiccation

period and conserved in dry seeds to allow immediate

regain of plastid transcriptional activity during stratifica-

tion/germination. In addition, results reveal accumulation

and storage of mRNAs coding for RNA polymerase

components and sigma factors in dry seeds. They should

provide immediately-to-use templates for translation on

cytoplasmic ribosomes in order to enhance RNA poly-

merase protein levels and to provide regulatory proteins for

stored PEP to guaranty efficient plastid genome transcrip-

tion during germination.

Keywords Arabidopsis � Plastids � Dedifferentiation �Transcriptome profiling � RNA polymerase


Plant cells contain plastids that differentiate into func-

tionally distinct forms (e.g. amyloplasts, chromoplasts,

leucoplasts, chloroplasts ect.) depending on the cellular and

developmental context of the plant. Plastid differentiation

is accompanied by changes in morphology, structure and

plastid gene expression. The most studied plastid type is

the chloroplast that is active in photosynthesis, and plastid

gene expression is well characterized in chloroplasts. Much

less is known concerning gene expression in non-green

plastids and changes in gene expression during plastid

differentiation. Rather nothing is known concerning plastid

dedifferentiation. Actually, in-depth plastid transcriptome

profiling has been performed to monitor tomato fruit

plastid differentiation (i.e. chloroplast to chromoplast

transformation, Kahlau and Bock 2008), to characterize

potato tuber amyloplasts (Valkov et al. 2009) and to follow

the differentiation of seed eoplasts into amyloplastst and

chloroplasts during Arabidopsis germination and early

plant development (Demarsy et al. 2012).

In order to get also knowledge on plastid dedifferenti-

ation, in the present article we have chosen Arabidopsis

seed formation as biological system. Seed formation of

Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s11103-013-0037-0) contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

G. Allorent � F. Courtois � F. Chevalier � S. Lerbs-Mache (&)

Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire Vegetale, iRTSV, UMR

5168, CNRS/UJF/CEA/INRA, CEA-Grenoble, 17 rue des

Martyrs, 38054 Grenoble cedex, France

e-mail: [email protected]


Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70

DOI 10.1007/s11103-013-0037-0

Page 2: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

higher plants begins with a double fertilization process and

ends with the establishment of a mature dry seed by

passing through three well-defined developmental stages,

i.e. embryogenesis, maturation and desiccation (for sche-

matic presentations see Debeaujon et al. 2007 and Le et al.

2010). In Arabidopsis, this process occurs over a period of

18–21 days, depending on growth conditions. The different

developmental periods during seed formation are assigned

as days after fertilization (DAF). As in many oilseed crops,

plastids undergo two differentiation processes during seed

formation, i.e. chloroplast formation and dedifferentiation.

Seeds become green at the beginning of maturation and it

has been proposed that photoheterotrophic plastids con-

tribute to seed filling and seed quality by providing oxygen

and ATP that are used for respiration and biosynthesis (rev.

in Weber et al. 2005). Afterwards, chloroplasts dediffer-

entiate into non-photosynthetic plastids present in dry


A detailed morphological analysis of plastid differenti-

ation and dedifferentiation in developing embryos during

seed formation has been performed by Mansfield and

Briarty (1991, 1992). They show that plastids remain

undifferentiated up to the late globular stage. In the torpedo

stage, many plastids contain already a well-developed

granal system and greening starts. However, at the end of

the maturation phase chloroplasts degenerate into reduced

non-photosynthetic plastids, called eoplasts. The matura-

tion phase is further characterized by a reduction of plastid

number in the developing embryo that should be due to

plastid destruction. This suggests that plastids should not

be important in dry seeds and during germination, a con-

clusion that contradicts results showing that plastid gene

expression is important for efficient germination (Bud-

ziszewski et al. 2001; Demarsy et al. 2006). This raises the

question of how an obvious dedifferentiation/destruction of

plastids during the post-maturation period copes with a

remarkable activation of plastid genome transcription

already during stratification (Demarsy et al. 2006).

Transcription of the higher plant plastome is performed

by two principally different transcription systems that

originate from a cyanobacteria- and proteobacteria-like

endosymbiote. The cyanobacteria-like ancestor of chloro-

plasts has provided a eubacteria-type RNA polymerase

(PEP) whose subunits are plastid-encoded. The proteo-

bacteria-like ancestor of mitochondria contributed with a

phage-type RNA polymerase (NEP) to the plastid tran-

scriptional apparatus of higher plants (Filee and Forterre

2006; Liere et al. 2011). The gene has been transferred to

the nucleus during evolution and gene duplication has

probably given rise to the two nowadays existing plastid

NEPs, named RPOTp and RPOTmp, with RPOTmp being

targeted to and being active also in mitochondria (Hedtke

et al. 2000; Kuhn et al. 2009). NEPs are mainly active in

the expression of housekeeping genes (Allison et al. 1996),

and they play an important role in the building-up of the

plastid transcriptional and translational apparatus during

stratification, germination and early seedling outgrowth

(Courtois et al. 2007; Demarsy et al. 2012). RPOTmp/

RPOTp double mutants are growth arrested early after

germination thus confirming the importance of basic plas-

tid function during seed formation or early plant develop-

ment (Hricova et al. 2006).

PEP plays a predominant role in the expression of

photosynthesis related genes in leaves. However, also PEP

is already present in dry seeds and active during germi-

nation (Demarsy et al. 2006). The PEP core enzyme is

composed of four different subunits, a, b, b0 and b00, which

are encoded on the plastid genome. The activity/specificity

of the PEP core enzyme is regulated by sigma-like tran-

scription factors (SLFs) that are nucleus-encoded. Six dif-

ferent sigma factors, SIG1 to SIG6, have been described

for Arabidopsis thaliana and some of them (SIG2, SIG3

and SIG5) might play a role in embryonic photosynthesis

and very early plant development. SIG2-PEP holoenzyme

transcribes specifically the tRNA-Glu gene (Kanamaru

et al. 2001) and the psaJ gene (Nagashima et al. 2004), e.g.

it might be implicated in plastid-nucleus feedback regula-

tion via intermediates of chlorophyll biosynthesis and in

the construction of photosystem I. SIG3 is already present

in dry seeds (Privat et al. 2003; Demarsy et al. 2006)

suggesting a specific function during seed maturation or

during germination. SIG5 might have specific functions

during embryogenesis since a knock-out mutant has been

described as embryo-lethal (Yao et al. 2003) and SIG6

seems to play a more general role in early plant develop-

ment (Ishizaki et al. 2005; Loschelder et al. 2006; Lerbs-

Mache 2011).

In the present article, we have analysed changes in

plastid transcriptome patterns and changes in components

of the plastid transcriptional machinery in entire seeds on

the mRNA and on the protein level all over the three

periods of seeds formation. Results provide an explanation

to understand how degenerated non-photosynthetic plastid

can efficiently regain their transcriptional activity during

germination, even already during stratification.


Plastid mRNA profiles change from embryogenesis

to maturation and from maturation to post-maturation/


Growing seeds from 1 up to 16 days after fertilization are

represented in Fig. 1. Compared to the schematic repre-

sentation of changes in internal seed structure during seed

60 Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70


Page 3: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

formation (Le et al. 2010), the development is somewhat

accelerated under our growth conditions. Chlorophyll

degradation, i.e. post-maturation, starts already at DAF13.

This difference might rely on the usage of different eco-

types (Col in our studies against WS in Le et al. 2010) and/

or on different growth conditions (16/8 h light/dark cycle

in our studies against continuous light in Le et al. 2010). As

it is technically not feasible to analyse the RNA profiles for

each DAF separately, we decided to combine DAF2 to 4

seeds (embryogenesis), DAF6 to 11 (photosynthesis/

maturation) and DAF13 to 15 seeds (post-maturation/

desiccation) for our investigations. The intermediary stage

seeds, i.e. DAF5 and DAF12 seeds, were eliminated in

order to get homogeneous material. At DAF5 greening

starts and at DAF12 seeds are not yet brown.

Total RNA prepared from these three stages has been

analysed by macroarray hybridisation using a plastid spe-

cific macroarray that allows analysing all plastid mRNAs

in a relative quantitative manner (Demarsy et al. 2012).

Mean values and standard deviations for each individual

mRNA are reported in Supplemental Table 1. Figure 2

shows the changes of plastid mRNA levels over the three

developmental stages. As the diagrams are drawn to the

same scale, values are directly comparable. We note that

all photosynthesis-related mRNAs belonging to the func-

tional groups of Photosystem I (PSI), PSII, ATPsynthase

(ATP) and electron transport (ETR) are significantly up-

regulated in DAF6/11 where seeds are green and photo-

synthetically active. However, not all mRNAs, even within

the same functional group, accumulate to equal levels. The

most abundant mRNAs at DAF6/11 are psaJ, the psbE

operon (psbE, psbF, psbL, psbJ), psbA and atpH. These

mRNAs represent already abundant mRNAs in the DAF2/4

profile. Especially to notice is the extremely high amount

of psbA mRNA in the post-maturation period. While all

other photosynthesis-related mRNAs are strongly reduced

when compared to the DAF6/11 profile, the psbA mRNA

level remains constant.

To better evaluate the mRNAs of the lowly expressed

genes, mRNAs of the same functional groups are repre-

sented on individual scales in supplemental Figure 1. This

shows that also most of the lowly produced mRNAs

increase during maturation and decrease during desicca-

tion. However, there are some exceptions that should merit

attention. Some r-protein mRNAs (rps11, rps12, rps14,

rps19 and rpl20), the psaB, ndhK petN and accD mRNAs

as well as all three rpo mRNAs do not decrease during

desiccation, some of these mRNAs even increase. These

differences in the accumulation kinetics of individual

mRNAs during seed formation are responsible for con-

siderable differences between plastid transcriptome pat-

terns of the not yet (DAF2/4) and no more (DAF13/15)

photosynthetic plastids. The comparison of all three stages

of seed development shows that the strongest quantitative

changes in mRNA levels concern photosynthesis-related

genes. Quantitative changes of mRNAs coding for house-

keeping functions like transcription and translation are

much less pronounced. Although very lowly expressed, the

continuous increase of all three mRNAs coding RPO pro-

teins was intriguing and prompted us to investigate spe-

cifically on the activity and quantity of plastid RNA

polymerases in the following.

Fig. 1 Developmental stages of Arabidopsis seeds (ecotype Columbia). DAF Days After Fertilization, stage 0 = dry seeds

Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70 61


Page 4: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

PEP and RPOTp generated transcripts follow the same

kinetics during seed formation, but RPOTmp generated

transcripts accumulate differently

In order to investigate on promoter usage and to verify

whether the activity of all three plastid RNA polymerases,

PEP, RPOTp and RPOTmp, change in the same way during

seed formation, next we analysed some selected plastid

precursor RNAs by primer extension (Fig. 3). As remi-

niscent for PEP transcription we have analysed the rbcL

and psbE precursor RNAs. RPOTp transcription has been

followed by revealing clpP mRNA precursor molecules. As

example for RPOTmp made transcripts we have analysed

the PC promoter initiated rRNA precursor molecules

(Courtois et al. 2007).

The two rbcL precursor RNAs correspond to the -182

primary transcript and the -59 processing product (Mullet

et al. 1985; Fig. 3, lanes 1–3). Both transcripts increase

strongly from DAF2/4 to DAF6/11 (lanes 1 and 2) and

decrease to a not detectable RNA level during desiccation

(lane 3), that is transcription and processing decrease

concomitantly. The psbE and clpP precursor RNAs, cor-

responding to positions -127 and -53 from the ATG

codon, respectively (Fig. 3, lanes 4–9; Hajdukiewicz et al.

1997; Demarsy et al. 2012), follow the same kinetic. No

supplementary transcript is detectable for neither of these

Fig. 2 Changes in plastid

transcriptome profiles of DAF2/

4, DAF6/11 and DAF13/15

seeds. Mean values of plastid

mRNA from the three seed

developmental stages are

presented at the same scale.

Values have been calculated

from three independent

macroarray experiments

(biological replicates) and only

mRNAs for which standard

deviations have been lower than

50 % are presented. The

mRNAs that belong to the same

protein complex are grouped

together. RPO RNA polymerase

PEP, RP ribosomal proteins,

NDH NDH complex, ATP ATP

synthase, ETR electron transport

chain, PSI photosystem I, PSIIphotosystem II, DIV other

plastid encoded proteins. Mean

values and standard deviations

for each plastid mRNA are

reported in Supplemental

Table 1

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RNAs indicating that there is no activation of alternative

promoters during seed formation. Concerning the ribo-

somal precursor RNAs, RPOTmp specific PC-initiated

transcripts (Courtois et al. 2007) are of very low abun-

dance. However, they do not change remarkably during

seed formation. In contrast, PEP initiated P2 transcripts are

already present in considerable amount at DAF2/4. They

increase still during DAF6/11 and decrease tremendously

during desiccation (lanes 10–12).

Most of the mRNAs encoding the plastid transcriptional

machinery augment during the post-maturation period

or do not change in abundance during seed formation

After having shown that most of the plastid-encoded

mRNAs diminish strongly during post-maturation, we

wanted to answer the question of whether the expression of

components of the plastid transcriptional machinery

reflects the expression of their target genes. The array

analyses already indicated that PEP subunits encoding

transcripts accumulate differently than most of the other

plastid mRNAs during seed formation (see supplemental

Table 1 and RPO in supplemental Figure 1), but these

values are among the lowest of the array and should be

confirmed with another method.

In the following, we have used relative quantitative

RT-PCR with the 18S rRNA as internal standard (Quant-

umRNATM 18S Internal Standard Kit, Ambion) and

qRT-PCR with the ASAR1 coding mRNA (at4g0208) as

reference (Dekkers et al. 2012; Fig. 4) to investigate on

changes of mRNA levels coding for components of the

plastid transcriptional apparatus. For comparison, we have

also analysed some other nucleus encoded plastid related

mRNAs and some other plastid encoded mRNAs. The

analyses were done with three independently made RNA

preparations. In two of the experiments RNA levels have

been analysed by relative quantitative RT-PCR and in the

third experiment by qRT-PCR. Results are reproducible in

all three experiments and mean values could be calculated

by combining all three experiments (Fig. 4). Transcripts of

other plastid target genes and of nucleus-encoded plastid-

related mRNAs are already expressed at DAF2/4. They

increase considerably during maturation (DAF6/11) and

decrease strongly during desiccation (Fig. 4c, d). On the

other hand, mRNAs encoding PEP subunits do not change

considerably during seeds formation or increase during

desiccation. NEP encoding mRNAs (RpoTmp and RpoTp)

increase tremendously during post-maturation and in dry

seeds (Fig. 4a). Transcripts encoding sigma factors, nec-

essary for PEP activity and specificity, increase during seed

formation with the exception of the sig1 mRNA that

decreases (Fig. 4b).

If we compare the results obtained for mRNAs of the

plastid transcriptional machinery (Fig. 4a, b) with the

expression patterns of the majority of the plastid transcripts

(Fig. 2, supplemental Table 1 and supplemental Figure 1)

and with the expression of some selected plastid transcripts

(Fig. 4c) it becomes evident that mRNAs encoding the

plastid RNA polymerases increase lightly (PEP) or aug-

ment considerably (NEP) between DAF6/11 and DAF13/

15 and in dry seeds when mRNAs made by this tran-

scriptional machinery diminish. Other nucleus-encoded

Fig. 3 Analysis of plastid precursor RNAs by primer extension

10 lg (lanes 1–9) or 2 lg (lanes 10–12) of total RNA have been used

for primer extension analysis using rbcL (lanes 1–3), psbE (lanes

4–6), clpP (lanes 7–9) and 16S rRNA (lanes 10–12) specific primers.

RNA was isolated from DAF2/4 (lanes 1, 4, 7 and 10), DAF6/11

(lanes 2, 5, 8 and 11) and DAF13/15 (lanes 3, 6, 9 and 12) seeds, and

the synthesized cDNAs were analysed by separation on 6 % (w/v)

denaturing polyacrylamide gels. M molecular size standards in bp.

cDNAs are marked by arrows. The number of bases indicates the

distance of the 50-end of the corresponding mRNA’s from the ATG

translation codon. The loading control (Lo) corresponds to a 32P-

labelled PCR product that is added to the primer extension mixture

before cDNA purification in order to standardize an eventual loss of

cDNA during chloroform/phenol treatment

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Page 6: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

mRNAs of plastid localized proteins like RbcS, HemA and

LhcA1 (Fig. 4d) behave like most of the plastid encoded

mRNAs i.e. they diminish strongly between the maturation

and the post-maturation phases. Altogether, we conclude

from these experiments that mRNAs encoding the plastid

transcriptional machinery show principally different

expression patterns than mRNAs made by the plastid

transcriptional apparatus. In addition, the nucleus-encoded

transcripts of the plastid transcriptional machinery (RpoTp

and RpoTmp) are much differently expressed than nucleus-

encoded transcripts of other plastid-localized proteins.

Protein components of the plastid transcriptional

machinery augment during maturation and are

preserved during desiccation

The next question to answer was of whether proteins of

components of the plastid transcriptional apparatus and

other plastid-localized proteins accumulate in the same

manner as their corresponding mRNAs. We analysed some

of the proteins by immuno-detection. An important prob-

lem concerning the Western analyses refers to the lack of

an internal protein standard. The overall protein pattern

changes tremendously during seed formation, due to the

accumulation of high amounts of storage proteins, visible

in the low molecular weight region in the electrophoresis

pattern. Therefore, the amounts of other proteins are rela-

tively diminished if the same quantity of total proteins of

the different extracts is analysed (supplemental Figure 2a).

To approach this problem, Western analyses have been

performed by loading protein quantities corresponding

always to an equal number of seeds (Fig. 5). In this way

high molecular weight proteins are present in comparable

amounts in the DAF6/11, 13/15 and dry seeds (see sup-

plemental Figure 2b). Also, in the immuno-detection

analyses two additional protein concentrations of the 6/11

extract have been run on the same gel and have been

revealed concomitantly in the antibody reactions in order to

verify that the antibodies are in excess and that the reaction

is still in the linear range (Fig. 5a, b, left-hand side, lanes 5

and 6). The schematic presentation on the right hand side

shows the results after quantification of the signals using

ImageJ software.

In all cases, the immuno-detection analyses show a raise

of protein levels between DAF2/4 and DAF6/11. After-

wards we observe a difference for components of the

plastid transcriptional apparatus and proteins that originate

from plastid target genes. Protein levels of plastid target

genes decrease strongly during post-maturation/desiccation

and do not change any more up to dry seeds. In contrast,

the protein levels of the two phage-type plastid RNA

polymerases, RPOTp and RPOTmp, and the PEP subunit

Fig. 4 Differential changes in transcript abundance during seed

formation. Total RNAs have been purified from stage 2/4 (bluecolumns), stage 6/11 (red columns), stage 13/15 (green columns) and

dry seeds (violet columns) from three biological replicates. RNAs

were analysed by relative quantitative RT-PCR using 18S RNA as

internal standard (2 biological replicates) and by qRT-PCR using

at4g02080 mRNA as internal standard (three technical replicates for

the third biological replicate). Relative quantitative RT-PCR signals

have been quantified after agarose gel separation using ImageJ

software. For each experiment, values of each mRNA have been

summed up from all four seed developmental stages, set to 100 and

RNA levels present in each developmental stage are expressed in

percentage. a Abundance of mRNAs encoding components of the

three different plastid RNA polymerases. b Analysis of mRNAs

encoding sigma-like transcription factors of PEP. c Analysis of

plastid-encoded mRNAs that are transcribed preferentially by PEP

(rbcL and psbB) or by NEP (accD). d Abundance of nucleus-encoded

mRNAs corresponding to plastid-localized photosynthesis-related


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RPOB do not change, i.e. the protein levels that are

achieved during the maturation period do not decrease but

are preserved up to the dry seed. An exception represents

the transcription initiation factor SIG2 which is known to

be important during early plant development. The SIG2

protein level decreases during post-maturation. It seems

that mainly the PEP core enzyme is preserved up to dry

seeds, but the transcription factor might need de-novo

synthesis for germination.


In the present article, we have analysed the expression of

the plastid genome and the expression of components of

the plastid transcriptional machinery during seed forma-

tion. This work was initiated to investigate on two different

problems. (1) Seed development proceeds via three well-

defined phases, i.e. embryogenesis, maturation and desic-

cation. Arabidopsis seeds develop photosynthetically

active chloroplasts and become green during the matura-

tion phase. At the end of the maturation phase, these

chloroplasts dedifferentiate into reduced non-photosyn-

thetic plastids. Thus, seed formation represents an inter-

esting experimental system to investigate on changes in

plastid gene expression connected to chloroplast dediffer-

entiation. (2) RNAs coding for plastid transcriptional

components as well as proteins of the three plastid core

RNA polymerases are already present in dry seeds

(Demarsy et al. 2006) raising the question of how they

come into the seeds. A priori, one would expect that these

components diminish during plastids dedifferentiation that

occurs in the desiccation period. To investigate on these

two problems we have analysed the expression of the

plastid genome and the expression of the plastid tran-

scriptional machinery during seed formation on the RNA

and on the protein level.

Changes of plastid gene expression profiles during seed


As expected, results reveal a general increase of all plastid

mRNAs between DAF2/4 and DAF6/11 (Fig. 2, supple-

mental Figure 1). Photosynthesis related genes represent

Fig. 5 Changes in protein levels for components of the plastid

transcriptional machinery and some other plastid proteins during seed

formation. Total proteins corresponding to an equal number of seeds

of DAF2/4 (lanes 1), DAF6/11 (lanes 2), DAF13/15 (lanes 3) and dry

seeds (0, lanes 4) were analysed after separation on 7 % denaturing

polyacrylamide gels and transfer to Nitrocellulose membranes.

Protein profiles are revealed by antibody decoration (left hand side)

and signals were quantified using ImageJ software (right hand side).

Protein loading corresponds to seeds of 10 siliques for RPOTp and

RPOTmp, to 9 siliques for RPOB, to 1.5 siliques for RBCL and to 3

siliques for all other proteins. Seeds of three siliques correspond to a

protein quantity of 1, 10, 13 and 26 lg for DAF2/4, DAF6/11,

DAF13/15 and dry seeds, respectively. Control reactions were

performed with the 6/11 protein extract by loading either 1/3 (lane

5) or threefold (lane 6) the protein concentration used in lane 2.

Except for SIG2, the Western blot experiments have been repeated

once or twice and mean values and standard deviation have been

calculated after signal quantification (right hand side). Values for

RPOB and ATPH have been calculated from three replicates and all

other proteins have been calculated from two replicates. a Proteins of

components of the plastid transcriptional apparatus. b Other proteins

made from plastid encoded genes. The star in b marks an artefactual

band that appears also with other antibodies and in the preimmune


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Page 8: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

already the most expressed genes during embryogenesis

(Fig. 2, DAF2/4) and their mRNA levels increase specifi-

cally with the onset of the greening period. Having ana-

lysed entire seeds, we cannot conclude on the question of

whether the expression of photosynthesis-related genes

occurs preferentially in one of the seed organs or tissues.

However, genome-wide gene expression profiling in the

different seed organs/tissues using laser-capture micro-

dissection reveals that plastid genes are expressed in all

seed tissues, from the preglobular up to the mature green

seed stage (Belmonte et al. 2013). Our 2/4 stage comprises

the preglobular, globular and heart stage. The 6/11 stage

corresponds to the linear cotyledon up to the mature green

seed stage. In order to compare our results to those

obtained for each tissue separately, we have extracted all

plastid mRNA values from Dataset S2 of Belmonte et al.

(2013). With the exception of preglobular, globular and

heart stage embryos, plastid gene expression profiles are

very similar in all seed tissues/organs. They are also very

similar to our DAF2/4 and DAF6/11 profiles and photo-

synthesis related mRNAs are everywhere present at the

highest levels (supplemental Figure 3).

From the mature green seed stage up to the dry seed the

embryo occupies the largest part of the seed and our

analyses of the desiccation period and of dry seeds should

mainly reveal embryo specific mRNAs. During the phase

of plastid dedifferentiation/destruction, i.e. during desic-

cation, photosynthesis-related mRNAs decrease strongly,

even to lower levels than present in non-photosynthetic

DAF2/4 seeds (Fig. 2, DAF13/15). A remarkable exception

from this rule represents the tremendously high psbA

mRNA level that persists during the desiccation period

(Fig. 2). No such accumulation of psbA in non-photosyn-

thetic plastids has been described so far, neither for chro-

moplasts (Valkov et al. 2009) nor for amyloplasts (Kahlau

and Bock 2008). Why psbA mRNA molecules do not

diminish in the same way as do all other PSII mRNAs

during seed desiccation? We can exclude a specific pro-

tection mechanisms of the psbA mRNA from degradation

by RNA double-strand formation (Zghidi-Abouzid et al.

2011) because the psbA anti-sense RNA level is very low

(not shown). On the other hand, we have recently shown

that stored psbA mRNA is degraded during germination

(Demarsy et al. 2012) suggesting that this mRNA consti-

tutes a reserve of nucleotides used during germination.

From these results we suggest that the observed psbA

mRNA accumulation during seed formation might be

related to a function as nucleotide reserve for germination.

The question of whether the general diminution of most

of the plastid mRNAs between DAF6/11 and desiccation is

linked to further diminution of plastid numbers per cell

cannot be answered at present because data concerning

exact plastid numbers per cell during DAF13/15 are not

available. The analyses of Mansfield and Briarty cover the

period up to 216 HAF (hours after flowering), corre-

sponding to DAF9. In later developmental stages, for

example at DAF15, plastids are no more identifiable due to

the abundance of lipid and protein storage bodies (Ruppel

et al. 2011). It would be surely interesting in the future to

determine plastid numbers per cell also during later stages

of seed formation, for instance by using fluorescence

labelling of plastids for better visualisation (Law et al.

2012). However, the conclusion that the psbA mRNA and

mRNAs encoding components of the plastid transcriptional

machinery are specifically conserved or enriched during

desiccation and stored in dry seeds will not change if the

plastid number/cell further diminishes during desiccation.

Expression of mRNAs coding for components

of the plastid transcriptional apparatus during seeds


What may we conclude now concerning the expression of

components of the plastid transcription system during seed

formation? We observe increasing levels of RPOTmp and

RPOTp mRNAs as well as of mRNAs encoding some of

the different sigma factors during desiccation (Fig. 4a, b).

This increase could be related to specific stabilization of

these mRNAs and/or to their de novo synthesis. Only sta-

bilization could maximally lead to equal RPOTmp and

RPOTp mRNA levels. An increase should also rely on de

novo synthesis. Gene expression even in the dry seed stage

has been described (Leubner-Metzger 2005), and it might

also occur during desiccation. However, degradation/pre-

servation/or synthesis of nucleus-encoded plastid-related

mRNAs is mRNA-specific. For example, photosynthesis

related mRNAs are strongly down regulated during desic-

cation (Fig. 4d) while mRNAs coding for plastid tran-

scriptional components are up regulated (Fig. 4a, b). The

same holds true for plastid-encoded mRNAs. While PEP

subunits encoding mRNAs and PC-initiated ribosomal

precursor RNAs (i.e. NEP transcripts) remain stable,

mRNAs encoding photosynthesis related proteins and P2-

initiated ribosomal precursor RNA (i.e. PEP transcripts) are

down regulated (Figs. 3, 4a, c). The difference in expres-

sion of NEP and PEP transcripts might be related to their

different turnover rates as described by Cahoon et al.

(2004) for developing maize plastids. Whatever the reason,

our results show that mRNAs encoding components of the

plastid transcriptional machinery are specifically preserved

or even newly synthesized during desiccation and that they

are stored in dry seeds.

It is known since long time that dry seeds contain a large

amount of stored, translatable nucleo/cytoplasmic mRNA

(Dure and Waters 1965). Between 12,000 and 17,000

transcripts are present in dry seeds of different plant

66 Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70


Page 9: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

species (Nakabayashi et al. 2005; Sreenivasulu et al. 2004;

Howell et al. 2009) and the quality of stored mRNAs is

probably important for efficient germination (Rajjou et al.

2012). Experiments using inhibitors of nuclear transcrip-

tion (a-amanitin) and cytoplasmic translation (cyclohexi-

mide) have shown that, although retarded, germination still

occurs in the presence of a-amanitin, but it is abolished in

the presence of cycloheximide (Rajjou et al. 2004). This

shows the extreme importance of long-lived mRNA to

assure immediate translation and production of proteins

during germination. Regarding the plastidial transcription

system, we assume that the corresponding stored nucleus-

encoded mRNAs, that is RpoTp, RpoTmp and mRNAs

encoding sigma-like transcription factors, are among these

immediately translated stored mRNAs.

We suggest that the remarkable enhancement of RpoTp

and RpoTmp mRNA levels during desiccation and in dry

seeds serves providing ready to use translationally com-

petent mRNA for cytoplasmic ribosomes in order to aug-

ment NEP protein levels immediately during germination.

The same should hold true for sigma factor encoding

mRNAs. PEP activity is regulated by sigma factor supply

and rapid de novo synthesis of sigma factor(s) from stored

mRNAs would activate stored PEP core RNA polymerase

for rRNA transcription during imbibition/stratification and

prepare PEP for transcription of photosynthesis related

genes that is considerably induced after cold release, yet

before germination is accomplished (Demarsy et al. 2012).

Expression of proteins of the plastid transcriptional

apparatus during seeds formation

Besides mRNAs, also proteins of the plastid transcriptional

apparatus are preserved during desiccation and stored in

dry seeds. RPOTp, RPOTmp and the b-subunit of PEP

(rpoB), reminiscent of the PEP core enzyme, increase

during maturation. Afterwards their protein levels do not

change any more up to dry seeds (Fig. 5a). In contrast, all

other analysed plastid proteins that are not PEP compo-

nents diminish during post-maturation (Fig. 5b). An

exception represents the early sigma factor SIG2 that is

necessary for PEP activity. The SIG2 protein diminishes

during desiccation (Fig. 5a) as do all other analysed plastid

proteins that are not PEP components (Fig. 5b). Being a

regulatory protein, SIG2 has probably a higher turnover

rate than RNA polymerase core subunits. Altogether, we

interpret our results in that the two NEPs, the PEP core

enzyme and probably traces of sigma factors are preserved

during seeds formation and are stored in dry seeds. They

are still transcriptional active and their activity is necessary

for efficient germination. This can be concluded from the

facts that all three plastid RNA polymerases are already

active during stratification and germination tests in the

presence of Tagetin, a specific inhibitor of PEP transcrip-

tional activity, show the importance of stored PEP for

efficient germination (Demarsy et al. 2006, 2012; Courtois

et al. 2007). Storage of RNA polymerases in active form in

dry seeds has recently also been shown for nuclear RNA

polymerases (Kimura and Nambara 2010).

Altogether, the kinetics of mRNA and protein accumu-

lation during seed formation indicates that most of the here

analysed plastid proteins and plastid related mRNAs that are

present in dry seeds are probably remnants of the interme-

diary metabolically active photosynthetic period, that is

maturation. However, components of the plastid transcrip-

tional apparatus are specifically preserved from degradation

during the phase of plastid degeneration/degradation (i.e.

desiccation) or even increased by de novo synthesis. The

expression patterns of these components are schematically

demonstrated in Fig. 6. These expression patterns provides

an answer to the question of how degenerated non-photo-

synthetic plastids in dry seeds can immediately and effi-

ciently regain their transcriptional activity during

germination, even already during stratification.


Plant material

Arabidopsis plants have been grown on soil/vermiculite

(4/1) in 16 h light/8 h dark cycle at 80 lE/m2/s and 23 �C.

Individual flowers have been labelled at opening (DAF0)

by knotting with differently coloured threads where each

colour corresponds to a given day of opening. Siliques of

the desired stages were harvested and developing seeds

were obtained from peeled siliques as described (Allorent

et al. 2010). After harvesting the developing seeds were

immediately frozen in liquid N2 and stored at -80 �C.

Mature, dry seeds were stored at 16 �C.

RNA isolation, relative quantitative RT-PCR

and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR)

The protocol of RNA isolation was adapted from Suzuki

et al. (2004) by introducing several modifications. Absence

of plastidial DNA contamination was regularly checked by

PCR. The procedure is described in all details by Allorent

et al. (2010).

Synthesis of cDNAs was performed in 55 ll reaction

volumes using 1 lg of total RNA, 0.5 mM dATP, dGTP,

dCTP and dTTP, 1 lg of random primers (Invitrogen), 3.7

U of RNAse inhibitor (Euromedex) and 200 U of reverse

transcriptase (Superscript II, Invitrogen) at 42 �C for

50 min. The reactions were stopped by heating at 70 �C for

10 min and the solutions were kept frozen at -20 �C until

Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70 67


Page 10: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

further usage. PCR reactions are made by using aliquots of

these cDNA solutions corresponding to the same amount of

18S rRNA.

The question of whether 18S rRNA can be used as refer-

ence mRNA also for studying seed development was

answered by comparing results obtained with the Quan-

tumTMRNA Universal 18S kit (Ambion) with results obtained

by real-time PCR using the at4g02080 mRNA as reference.

This mRNA has recently been identified as one of the most

stable seed reference mRNA (Dekkers et al. 2012). In addi-

tion, agarose gel electrophoresis of the same quantities of total

RNA from each developmental stage shows that nucleo-

cytoplasmic rRNA levels remain constant (not shown).

RNA quantities of different samples were adjusted to

equal amounts by using the QuantumTMRNA Universal

18S kit (Ambion). PCR reactions were performed as fol-

lows: denaturation for 5 min at 95 �C, amplification (30 s

at 95�, 30 s 55 �C, 45 s 72 �C) and termination at 72 �C

for 5 min. The number of amplification cycles was deter-

mined for each of the RNA samples in pre-assays in order

to assure that the reaction is still in the exponential phase.

PCR products are finally analysed by electrophoresis in

2 % (w/v) Agarose gels in 0.59 TBE and stained with

ethidium bromide.

Real-time PCR was performed in a Rotor-Gene RG-

3000 thermocycler (Corbett Research, UK) using SYBR-

Green for fluorescence product detection and the primers

designed for each gene (see Supplemental Table 2). No-

template controls were joined to every PCR reaction and

melting curve analyses were carried out to prove the

specificity of the reaction using supplier’s software. Gene-

specific mRNAs were normalized to the amount of

at4g02080 mRNA as described in Dekkers et al. (2012).

RNA analysis by primer extension

Primer extension experiments have been performed using

2 lg (16S rRNA) or 10 lg (all other mRNAs) of total

RNA. Primers have been 50-labelled using c[32P]dATP (10

lC/ll; 3,000 Ci/mmol, Perkin Elmer, France) and T4

polynucleotide kinase (Invitrogen) according to the sup-

pliers’ protocol. The reaction is stopped by denaturation of

the enzyme at 65 �C for 10 min and the labelled oligonu-

cleotide is separated from unincorporated dATP by gel

filtration through Sephadex G50 (GE Healthcare). The

labelled primer is annealed with the corresponding RNA

after previous denaturation at 65 �C for 10 min by incu-

bating at 1 �C below the TM of the primer for 20 min.

Retro-transcription was performed using 100 U of Super-

script II (Invitrogen) at 42 �C for 50 min. The reaction was

stopped by heating at 70 �C for 15 min and remaining

RNA was digested by treatment with RNaseA (Fermentas).

Before cDNAs were purified by phenol/chloroform treat-

ment and ethanol precipitation, a 32P-labelled PCR product

was added to the reaction as loading control. The cDNAs

were separated on a 6 % polyacrylamide denaturing gel

together with a molecular size standard (1 kb ladder,


The following primers have been used for primer

extension: 50-CCCAACACTTGCTTTAG-30 (rbcL), 50-GA




CDNA synthesis and array hybridization

CDNA synthesis

cDNAs have been synthesized as previously described

(Zghidi et al. 2007; Demarsy et al. 2012). Total RNA

preparations were carefully verified for the absence of

plastid DNA. 4 lg of each RNA preparation have been

labelled for macroarray hybridisation. RNA was reverse

transcribed using a primer mix that contains specific primers

corresponding to the 80 protein coding genes and their anti-

sense RNAs that can be analysed on the macroarray

Fig. 6 Schematic presentation

of expression profiles of

transcripts and proteins of

components of the plastid

transcriptional apparatus and of

other plastid-encoded target

genes during seed development

68 Plant Mol Biol (2013) 82:59–70


Page 11: Plastid Gene Expression During Chloroplast Differentiation and Dedifferentiation Into Non-photosynthetic Plastids During Seed Formation

(Uniplastomic). Sense-primers are localized as near as

possible to the 30-end of the 60-mer oligonucleotides that

have been spotted on the macroarray. Anti-sense primers

have been chosen in the 50-UTR or at the 50-end of the

mRNA. All primers have very close TMs. The primer con-

centration is in excess over the concentration of the specific

mRNAs as tested by comparing array hybridisation patterns

made with cDNAs of two different RNA concentrations (e.g.

2 and 4 lg of RNA used for reverse transcription). Reactions

were performed in the presence of 100 lCi of a32P dATP

(Perkin Elmer, France) using Superscript II Reverse Trans-

criptase (Invitrogen). Samples were treated with RNase H

(Fermentas, France) at 37 �C for 15 min and non-incorpo-

rated deoxyribonucleotides were removed by passage

through Sephadex G50. An aliquot of each of the synthe-

sized cDNAs is always analysed on a 6 % denaturing

polyacrylamide gel in order to verify the quality of the

synthesized cDNA.

Array hybridization

Prehybridisation (1 h at 65 �C) and hybridisation (3 days at

65 �C) were performed in 0.5 M NaHPO4, pH 7.2; 1 mM

EDTA; 7 % SDS and 1 % BSA as previously described

(Zghidi et al. 2007; Demarsy et al. 2012). After hybrid-

isation, macroarrays were washed in 40 mM NaHPO4, pH

7. 2.1 mM EDTA and 7 % SDS at room temperature for

10 min followed by 65 �C washing for 5 min. After

1–2 weeks of exposure to Fujifilm Imaging Plates, the

plates were analysed using a Phosphoimager (Fujifilm

FLA-8000) and the accompanying software (ArrayGauge).

Protein analyses

Total protein was extracted from developing seeds in ep-

pendorf tubes by 3 cycles of freezing/thawing in liquid

nitrogen and grounding during thawing after addition of

100 ll of extraction buffer (62.5 mM Tris/HCl pH 6.8,

2.5 % (w/v) SDS, 2 % (w/v) DTT, 10 % (v/v) Glycerol).

After centrifugation at 160009g for 15 min the supernatant

was recovered and the pellet was again grounded with

50 ll extraction buffer. After centrifugation of the second

extraction the supernatants were combined and cleaned by

re-centrifugation at 160009g for 25 min. Proteins were

precipitated from the final supernatant by adding 5 volumes

of acetone.

Protein concentrations have been determined using the

protocol of Esen (1978) and equal quantities of protein have

been used for immunoblot analyses of specific proteins. Gel

blot analyses of proteins were performed after separation on

12.5 % denaturing polyacrylamide gels (Laemmli 1970).

After transfer onto Nitrocellulose (0.45 lm, Whatman),

proteins were revealed after immunodecoration using the

ECL? detection kit (GE Healthcare) using Typhoon 9400

(GE Healthcare). Antibodies were obtained from Agrisera

(anti-RBCL, anti-PSBB, anti-ATPB and anti-ATPH) and

from Uniplastomic (anti-ACCD, anti-RPS7 and anti-

RPOB). SIG2, RPOTmp and RPOTP antibodies have been

purified on the corresponding peptides before usage as pre-

viously described (Azevedo et al. 2006). The secondary

antibody was obtained from Interchim (Peroxydase goat

anti-rabbit IgG, H ? L).

Acknowledgments Financial support was obtained from the French

agency of research (GENOPLANTE project ANR-07-GPLA-013-

001), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and the

Ministere de l’Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche. The

authors declare that they have no conflict of interest and they thank D.

Job for critical reading of the manuscript.


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