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Plants with unique properties—subsample of candidates for transcriptome sequencing Diesel tree Copaifera officianalis Sequiterpene production in oleoresin—potential for biofuel. Demonstrates antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus 27708.

Gas plant Dictamnus albus

Produces a flammable essential oil in the leaves, stems and flowers—interest for biofuel metabolomics.

Sensitive plant Mimosa pudica

Tactile stimulation causes rapid leaf movement.

Bladderwort Utricularia vulgaris aquatic carnivorous plant that has been observed to breakdown algae in its hollow bladders—possible cellulases for biofuels.

Eastern skunk cabbage Symplocarpus foetidus Maintains a spadix temperature of around 20 degrees C even when the ambient air temperature drops below freezing.

Resurrection fern Pleopeltis polypodioides Can lose almost all of its free water (97%) and still recover –most plants die if they lose 10-15% of their water.

False rose of Jericho Selaginella lepidophylla Noted for its ability to survive almost complete desiccation; during dry weather in its native habitat, its stems curl into a tight ball and uncurl when exposed to moisture

Petroleum nut Pittosporum resiniferum The fruits of the tree burn brightly when ignited, and can be used for illumination as torches or candles. The oil can also be distilled into a very pure form of n-heptane.

English ivy Hedera helix Produces nanoparticles in the aerial roots that enables it to bind tightly to horizontal surfaces.

Boston ivy Parthenocissus tricuspidata Produces nanoparticles that enables it to bind tightly to horizontal surfaces.

Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula Catches and digests insects by a trapping structure formed at the terminal portion of the leaves caused by rapid leaf movement—interest in comparing leaf transcriptome and trap transcriptome.

Chinese brake fern Pteris vittata Used in phytoremediation—hyperaccumulates arsenic.