Download - Plant Biology - Water Transport


29.3 Water transport

CQ1: _______ is the process that drives water transport, in which water moves towards parts of the plant with _______ water potential.

Transpiration; more positiveTranspiration; more negativeRespiration; more positiveRespiration; more negative1

CQ2: Water transport is an active process.

TrueFalseHW review: You place a plant cell in an open beaker of 0.3 M sucrose. The solution has a s of -1.5 MPa. The plant cell has a s of -3.0 MPa and a p of +1.0. Immediately after placing the cell in the sucrose solution, what will happen?

The cell will burst.Water will flow into the cell.Water will flow out of the cell.No water movement, w is the same.

CQ3: You place a plant cell in an open beaker of 0.3 M sucrose. The solution has a Ys of -1.5 MPa. The plant cell has a Ys of -3.0 MPa and a Yp of +1.0. You allow the cell to come to equilibrium in the sucrose solution. What will the pressure potential (Yp) of the cell be after equilibrium?

-1.5 MPa-1 MPa+1 MPa+1.5 MPa

CQ4: Solute potentialA. is one of the factors determining how water moves between cellsB. is always negative (except for in pure water)C. becomes more negative as the solute concentration increasesD. A and BE. All of the above