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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.

Costs: I will be drawing all my pages and scanning them into a computer. College already has scanners, computers that I can use and I will provide anything so there are no costs with my project.

I have a fine liner pen but if it runs out of ink I will need to buy a new one, which would cost 79p - Available resources:ScannerComputerPhotoshopPencil + pen – fine linerPaper RubberQuantity:10 pages – 10 pieces of paper. This will include all book pages. 1 piece of paper – I am going to need an additional piece of paper for a background to go with my text. I am

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going to draw a background and alter the opacity when I scan it in so the text doesn’t look as dull.5 additional pieces – Because I am drawing my pages it is easy to make mistakes and I need spare paper in case a make a mistake that I can’t undo. I am drawing my images in pencil first and going over in pen to help prevent this.

1 pencil1 pen – fine liner

Audience and Target Market:The primary audience for my book is children aged 5+.

I am targeting my book towards children who are not advance readers or are just learning to read. One way I am appealing to them is by separating my text and images on the pages. This helps make the book more legible because the pages will not be cluttered and I can space the words out. This is beneficial to people learning to read because lots of children learn to read by spelling the words out.

My book is aimed towards both males and females.

The secondary audience for my book is adults with children. I have chosen a popular fairy tale because parents are familiar with it so they are more likely to purchase it for their children.

My book is mainly targeted towards the ABC1 demographic. This is because members of this category have a higher income so they are more likely to spend money on books.

I will be targeted an urban readership. One reason I am doing this is that urban areas are more densly populated and have better links to citys where there will be book shops where I will be selling my book. In contrast with more remote locations, they will have less city links and or there might not be a book shop where they live.

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Quality Factors:To ensure quality I have picked the book little red riding hood, which I am familiar with and like, which will ensure I keep up the quality of my work because I like the story I am making.

I will have breaks during the day. One way this will help assure quality is because I will be drawing my images and after a long time my hand might start getting tired, which means I will not be able to draw to the same standard as before.

Distractions in the classroom could affect the quality of my work. I have more seats in the room so I have fewer distractions.

The stress and frustrations of the project could mean that my work quality will suffer. I will move on to one of the other mac computers because they are faster than the one I am currently on, which will help get rid of the frustrations of a slow computer and hopefully I will be able keep up the quality of work. We also have breaks during the day so I will not be sat at the computer too long and I will be able to rest. Hopefully, this will keep my stress of the project down.

Another issue that could affect the quality of my work is missing lessons and not being in college because that will mean I will need to rush the work to finish. I have my college time table and know when my lessons start so I will be punctual and not waste any time. If I were to miss college if I was ill, I own all the resources at home so I will be able to work on my project at home to catch up.Codes of Practice:A publisher must not suddenly cancel a contract unless a good reason is presented. A publisher must agree on a time scale for the project that I would need to stick to. If I were not to complete my book on time the publisher would be entitled to a take any advancements and cancel the contract. However, a notice is usually given the writer of the book and is usually given a time notice. There are some situation where a delay is acceptable such as; getting permission for things in the book, for any legal issues and if in the contract does not clearly state a time scale in a contract. I have 2 weeks to produce my book and I have made a plan for each day so I should be able to follow this and complete my work on time.

If an author produces low quality work the publisher also has a right to cancel the contract. For example if an author was to show a publisher test pages of their book and the publisher really likes them and when they

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deliver the final book it was different or a lower quality to what they promised the publisher could cancel the contract. I have my pages planed out so I know what I am doing, I have limited distractions and I am going to take breaks from the computer to avoid any strain, which will help me keep on track and not get bored, keeping the quality of my work up.

A publisher can also cancel a contract if the work is defamation, illegal or any copyright issues. Little red riding hood is in the public domain so there are no issue with copyright or illegality. I have planned all the pages out in my book so there will be no issue of defamation because I am going to be making exactly what I have planned to do. I have also made a step by step plan that ensures I only make what I have said I am going to do.Regulation:Toy Saftey Directive 2009/48/EC – My book does not classify as a toy so this does not apply to my book. Obscene Publications Act 1959 – My product does not feature any obscene material so it does not apply. The book is very popular and there were not issues with that one so there should be no issues with mine because the story is very similar.

The original book that my book is based on did featured content that would conflict with the Obscene Publications Act. When reading through the original script of the book I made sure that I did not feature any content that was in the original book in mine.

The Copyright:Little Riding Hood is a Brothers Grimm fairly tale, which is in public domain so there are not issues with copyright.

Ethical Issues:In the original script the wolf ate the grandmother. I have changed wolf to a hunter and the grandmother is a wolf and I have decided because I did not think the wolf eating the grandmother was appropriate for my age

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The hunter in my book is a male. This could be an issue with some people as from all of the retold stories I have read of Little Red Riding Hood the antagonist is always played by a male when there is no reason it could not be played by a female. The reason I decided to use a male character is because when you think of a hunter you stereotypically think of a male character.

Resources:A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

 Scanner  yes College have scanner printers all round college that are free to use. There is also a scanner in my classroom.

 Paper  yesI have my own paper. There is also paper in my classroom that I can use.

 Computer  yes

 I have a computer at home so I can work on my project in my own time. I am also in a computer room at college so I will have access to a computer every lesson.

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 Photoshop  yes I own Photoshop so I can work in my own time and all the computers in my classroom have Photoshop.

 Pen + Pencil  yes  I own both a pen and pencil so its not an issue.

 Rubber  Yes

I own a rubber that I can bring in to college. Alternatively I could borrow one of someone in my class or see if college has one I could use.


Production Schedule:Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

Session 1:

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 Draw the Little Red Riding Hood and Background of Little Red Riding Hoods house. This background will be used for pages 1 and 2

 Go around the background and Little Red Riding Hood in a black fine liner

 Scan in computer

 Use the paint bucket tool to block colour in all the different segments of the background and Little Red Riding Hood character Session 2:

Drawn the Little Red Riding Hoods mum

 Go around image with a line liner

 Scan in computer and colour in the character with a paint bucket tool. Draw page 4. Page 4 will also be used for page 3 and 6 but I will be zoomed in on the image.

Draw second version of Little Red Riding Hood with back towards page. I will also Draw the hunter character.

Session 3:

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 Drawn page 6. This includes the background of Grandma Wolfs den. I will also be drawing the top half of the hunter character and I will also be drawing the grandma character

 Go around images with a line liner

 Scan in computer

 Fill in the background with block colour using the paint bucket tool and also fill in the characters will block colour.Session 4:Draw page 7. This will be a picture of the cave and a background of hills and trees. I will also be drawing another arm to attached on to the second version of Little Red Riding Hood. This arm will be her holding a torch and will replace her right arm.

I will also be drawing the eye, ear and teeth of the hunter and an a image of the top half of the hunter wearing a wolf skin over his head for page 8

 Go around images with a line liner

 Scan in computer Fill in all sections with block colour using the paint bucket tool and assemble page 7

Reuse page 6 for page 8 and crop the image to fit on the top half of the page. Place the eye, ear and teeth image of the hunter and place on the bottom.

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Session 5:

Draw another version of the hunter who will be laying on the floor for page 9. I will also be drawing 2 more arms to attach onto the second version of Little Red Riding Hood.

 Go around images with a line liner Scan in computer

Assemble page 9. Place version 2 of Little Red Riding Hood in image with replacement arms and place the other version of the hunter on the floor.

 Session 6:

Draw image of bear for page 10.

Scan into computer

 Use block colour to colour the bear in using the paint bucket toolPut bear character onto a copy of page 7 in front of the cave. Cut diagonally across the page to create a blank space in the top left corner

Make a copy of page 7 and reposition the bear so he is next to the tress and looks like he is in a different

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location and put image behind the other copy.

Session 7:

For page 11 I will be reusing page 6. I will also be drawing an image of the bear put from the back

 Go over the bear with a fine liner and scan into the computer

 Colour the character in with block colour using the paint bucket tool.

 Assemble page 11. Reuse images of Little Red Riding Hood, The Hunter and Grandma Wolf and scan image of bear to page 11.Session 8:

Draw background of page 12. This will be of the cave but so you can see the exit.

 Draw new versions of the wolf and grandma wolf both holding hands. I will also be drawing images of the bear and hunter in running movements.

 Go over the pictures with a fine liner and scan in images.

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 Use the paint colour tool to colour in the images with block colour and position the characters on the background.

Session 9:

Make a new background of hills and trees. Scan into computer and fill in using block colour using the paint bucket tool.

 Copy pages text page 1 to 12 on separate Photoshop documents and put in background of trees and hills. Put the background on 60% opacity and place text above the background layer for all pages.


 Session 10:

 For this session I will go back and revisit areas that I think need more work

 Contingency time if I don’t get anything done in time


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Health and safety:Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

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Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from happening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

Eye and eyesight effects

you may suffer from impaired visual performance, red or sore eyes and headaches are caused If you stay in the same place working for long periods of time, need to deal with poorly positions equipment such as display screens, have difficultly reading the screen, are positioned where lighting is poor which causes glare or reflections or and have a flickering image on your display screen. This could affect me because some of the computer screen at college do flicker, there can be glare on the screen in some of the computer screens. To avoid these problems I could change computer to avoid glare and flickering or close the blinds. I could also adjust the brightness on the computer and make sure that all cables are properly connected. I will also be taking breaks. This falls under the screen regulations act 1992 and health and safety at work act 1992

 Upper limb pains and discomfort

This is caused when you need to sit for a long period of time and repeating movements of the head, body or arms which both cause discomfort. This will effect me because I will be sitting at computers for a very long period of time. To avoid this I will be taking breaks throughout the day to

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break up the work and this will relive and strain or discomfort I am feeling.

College follows the display screen regulations act 1992. This means the chair I will use will have adjustable height, seat and good support.

Health and safety at work act 1974. I am not at work but I am at a place at work so it falls under the same act.


 Tripping over chairs + cables wires

 I will make sure I look where I am walking so I will not trip over anything. The health and safety at work act 1974 ensures that are teacher will look after the health and safety of others and provide a safe working environment. I will tell the teacher of anything I think it’s a risk.