Download - Planning a Tree Comeback WELCOME!. Overview of Today’s Meeting Learn from other communities Learn about the City’s tree programs Hear your concerns around.


Planning a Tree Comeback


Overview of Today’s Meeting

Learn from other communities Learn about the City’s tree programs Hear your concerns around the ash tree

devastation in Blackburn Explore your suggestions and ideas about

Blackburn’s future canopy Come up with a plan to work together

Keynote Address

Morgan’s Grant Community Tree Planting


By: Sarah Dehler

City’s Tree Services Emerald Ash Borer

Trees in Trust

trees-trust  Schoolyard Tree Planting Grant


Parks and Streetscape Planting


Commemorative Tree Program


What have you observed?

The Future Canopy: What are your ideas?

What areas are priorities for you? What would you like these areas to look like

and be used for in the future?

Proposed Approach for Blackburn

Phase 1: Naturalization Projects (Spring) In zones not affected by stumps Create “No Mow” zones Small trees and shrubs to be planted by citizens

Phase 2: Larger “Caliper” Trees (Fall) Fill in gaps in our canopy (planned in the summer) Shared planting and maintenance with City

Joshua Bradley Park (Centre Park)

Isaiah Scharfe Park (Bush)

The Future Canopy: What are your ideas?

What concerns and/or suggestions would you like us to keep in mind when planning for more trees?

How can we work together?

How might you like to be involved Participating in tree planting? Helping to maintain the trees? Organizing events? Helping to communicate with neighbours in the


Watch the Banar and the BCA Website and Facebook pages for more details!

More information: Barb Sweazey ([email protected]) or Laura Dudas ([email protected])

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Blackburn Hamlet’s

Spring Tree Planting Day:

MAY 24, 2014 (9:00 am)

Thank you!!