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Page 1: Planning.

Research & Planning: Concise Overview.

David Miles

Page 2: Planning.

Archetypal magazine.My ideas stem from my research into “Mojo Magazine” which I have taken to be the main model product of what my magazine mimic's. Designs and layouts of my magazine will be briefly explained in the next slides. Print Screened evidence of Masthead planning and evaluatory decisions into the final choosing of my masthead will be displayed on my blog entries underneath the “planning” section.

As my product is modelled after the famous “mojo” culture, inclusive elements such as...”Layout, Colours, Typography” has been finely tuned to that of the aspects of “mojo magazine” but still keeping in mind that it is a new day and age of music, where all types of music intercourse with one another breeding new types of genre’s, so my product supports the new breeds of these genre’s and so I maintain a stable position in production considering sales and the audience I'd be aiming it at.

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Legibility of typography.

In my ,media product, I have taken into account that Legibility of readership also affects audience response . If letters are to closely cluttered in the page due to font style – it could quickly put off the reader and furthermore attract less attention to the front cover and other written articles. It is vital that every single font character is distinguishable from the next as seen on the image adjacent which is why large counters are important. Large counters are the white spaces in-between the letters which help us distinguish what type of letter we are viewing, whether it be an ‘g’ or an ‘8’. Space between letters and standardised “easy-to-read” fonts chosen such as “san serif” are easy to understand and create the most aesthetic impact in terms of front cover and articles image. Upon understanding all this information, I plan to make my magazine simply comprehensible but still maintain the attractive aesthetic of a popular selling magazine.

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Layout & Colour Schemes.

Layout colour and schemes along side typography plays a very important part in the whole production of my media product also. As some colours carry some connotative meanings with them, I have to carefully structure my magazine in such away that it gives off sharp but warmish colours so readers feel as if it is easily understood and approachable.

I plan on using a full scale page image, of a close up medium shot of the two artist Intend to interview on. Knowing the symbiotic meaning and connotations of a full pages image, can help me structure the aesthetics of the front cover, contents and double page spread. As well as my own ideas, I underwent surveying of which colour schemes and pictures would prove most affective in attracting an audience. So the use of colours will be very few and will all compliment each other, and create very few clashes so that I can maintain the aesthetics of a conventional magazine.