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Tools for participative development &

evaluation as support for workplace learning

Pekka Kämäräinen & Ludger Deitmer Institut Technik & Bildung (ITB)

University of BremenPresentation at the Conference

„Crossing the Boundaries“Kostelec, 14-15 October 2010

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1. Background and working issues (2)2. Tools for participative development of

workplace training (2)3. Working and learning tasks (WLT) (2)4. Exemplary case: WLT at the Steelworks (3)5. Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:

an exemplary tool SEVALAG (5)6. Concluding reflections & questions (4)

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Background and working issues 1(2)

Milestones for the development of workplace learning within the German dual system

1. 1997-2003: The BLK innovation programmes (New learning concepts, Kolibri, Innovelle-BS) & pilot projects with focus on integrative learning arenas

2. Since 2004 more emphasis on regional initiatives (e.g. IBB 2010 in Bremen) and on national agreements to open more workplace training opportunities (Ausbildungspakt 2004-2007, 2007-2010)

3. After 2005 sharper dividing lines between Bund (workplace training) and Länder (school-based education), closure of the BLK and its programmes.

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Background and working issues 2(2)

Current working issues for the development of workplace learning in the German dual system:

• Heritage of innovation programmes: Local adaptation of new curriculum concepts – not always a success story!

• Cooperation between learning venues: Curriculum reforms with reduced school budgets and parallel cost-cutting within in-company training?

• Implications for workplace training: Cost-cutting in training centres and shift to training in real work situations (large companies; contrastive tendencies with small companies)!

• The role of final examinations: Open issue, whether to use simulation-based learning systems or real working tasks?

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Tools for participative development of workplace training 1(2)

Outline of tools to support participative development and evaluation of workplace learning

• (Self-)assessment of competences: Insights into apprentices' prior learning achievements;

• => In-company training plan: based on characteristic working and learning tasks (WLT);

• Apprentices’ personal learning plans: cover personal interests (the learner’s perspective) and organisational requirements (the company perspective): the synthesis is a company-specific professional development plan

• => Formative evaluation and empowerment tools (e.g. the SEVALAG Tool)

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Learning in a company and with the help of working and learning tasks (WLT)?

Learning in a company:• Combination of working

and learning in real life• Specific links between

business processes, normal work flow and learning opportunities

• Core tasks to be learned for a specific occupational training profile

Learning via WLTs:• Meaningful and result-

oriented tasks• Contributing to perfor-

mance of production or service teams,

• Mastering new work activities and responding to quality requirements.

Tools for participative development of workplace training 2(2)

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Specifying working & learning tasks 1(2)Preliminary analyses …

Checklist for trainers:• What industry/ trade/ service is to be analysed? (e.g. hotel,

travel agency, event management service etc.).• What can be considered as central corporate work tasks in

the light of the business plan of the company or organisation?• What are typical work processes or business processes (e.g.

reception, catering, caretaking…)• What are more specific work processes and typical work

methods to be applied (e.g. telephoning, advising, explaining, consulting, cleaning, preparing etc.)

• Requirements for employees (telephonist; receptionists; room service; technical house care)

• Applied equipment (e.g. event technology aids, computer systems, machinery etc).

• Focal points during work tasks and work processes.

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Company (Business processes, key competencies

work orders)

Corporate work tasks/ work orders

Corporate work tasks/ work orders suitable for training courses

Work and learning tasks



Implementation (Selection ,organisation, preparation, formulation)

Specifying working & learning tasks 2(2)… and systemic development

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Exemplary case: WLT at the Steelworks 1(3)

Ensuring and improving safety at a metal cutter

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Exemplary case: WLT at the Steelworks 2(3)Ensuring and improving safety at a metal cutter

From the initial problem to workable solutions:• Accident at metal cutter in one company; security

problem identified by trainer• Accident analysis to improve safety: cutter should not

work when someone enters the safety zone• Apprentices develop technical solutions Create ideas, test ideas and ask experts teams of 3 to 4 apprentices work together cost benefit calculation, implementation plan• Apprentice teams finalise and present their proposals

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Exemplary case: WLT at the Steelworks 3(3)Ensuring and improving safety at a metal cutter

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Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:an exemplary tool SEVALAG 1(5)

The role of the SEVALAG tool as a exemplary instrument for teams of teachers and trainers:

• Focus on usability of Working and Learning Task regarding the learning of apprentices and the attainment of qualification goals;

• Taking into account the potential of WLT and the implementation of the WLT within the curricula for VET school and for workplace learning;

• Drawing immediate conclusions for improving the currently implemented WLT;

• Drawing further conclusions for improving the design of future WLTs.

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Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:an exemplary tool SEVALAG 2(5)

1. Learning potential

of the WLT

1.1 Development of professional knowledge

1.2 Development of adequate working methods

1.3 Balance between learners’ autonomy and instruction

1.4 Addressing general educational goals

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Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:an exemplary tool SEVALAG 3(5)

2. Competences addressed by the WLT: Insights into the implementation

2.1 Professional competences

2.2 Adequate working methods

2.3 Working independently

2.4 General educational goals

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Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:an exemplary tool SEVALAG 4(5)

3. The shaping potential of the WLT (Social shaping of work, technology and organisation)

3.1 Typical vocational task

3.2 Work and business process orientation

3.3 Addressing the social shaping skills

3.4 Deepening co-operation between school and enterprise

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Evaluation of Working and Learning Tasks:an exemplary tool SEVALAG 5(5)

4. Shaping competences developed by the WLT (Social shaping of work, technology and organisation)

4.1 Developing professional self-awareness

4.2 Enabling development from novice to expert

4.3 Learning to shape work and technology

4.4 Relating theoretical and practical knowledge

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Concluding reflections & questions 1(4)

The role of developmental tools

Based on „easy to handle“, but efficient tools, trainers can develop company-specific training plans.

Such tools can give insights into apprentices’ prior learning, optimisation of working & learning tasks and give shape for apprentices’ personal learning plans.

Use of joint tools facilitates the in-house cooperation between trainers & learners and gives structures for the external cooperation between trainers & teachers.

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Concluding reflections & questions 2(4)

The use of different tools and facilities should help the trainers and teachers to make better use of identified learning opportunities.

The evaluation tools (such as the SEVALAG tool) should help to specify problems and pitfalls that are related to the implementation of WLTs.

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Concluding reflections & questions 3(4)

Statements & questions for the learning café?

a) The approach to working & learning tasks (WLT) seeks to develop awareness of holistic learning at workplace!

What are the possibilities and the pitfalls?

b) The outlined set of tools links self-assessment, WLTs and personal learning plans to each other!

Could this work in your training contexts?

c) Tools like SEVALAG seeks to promote continuing quality development among teachers & trainers.

Could this work in your training contexts?

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Concluding reflections & questions 4(4)


Thank you for your attention & participation!

Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit & Beteiligung!
